Author Topic: [Game Over] Worms Armageddon Mafia  (Read 57320 times)


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Re: [Game Over] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« Reply #525 on: August 30, 2009, 01:36:04 AM »
Yeah, just really good town all around this game.  Laggy and I were discussing who was town MVP but really everyone was wrong a couple of times and right other times, and pulled together when it counted.

Yea, I forgot to mention Tom who at least pressed Alice into the forefront on Day 3. His complete case didn't work, but it gave us that 3rd angle to think about and Yoshi and Smodge tunneled out of each other due to it. Sopko had a good defense and Kilga brought forth the winning case. And I probably would have ignored Bard for awhile, but Alex and Sopko got the early pressure on him and it looked good. I was impressed with how the Scum lynches came forward so yea, refreshing to see a total effort in this game.

Nilla Townie is the most powerful role, by the way.

Absolutely. My play level goes down dramatically if I have a power role (or if I'm scum) because I have more to worry about. I'm happiest as Vanilla. And I'll definitely be around for future games. I hear Alex and a few others make great Scum and likewise I need to improve my own Scum play where my few Scum victories aren't due to careless Town or a gimmicky setup in Scum's favor.

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Re: [Game Over] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« Reply #526 on: August 30, 2009, 02:10:06 AM »
Tom's case on Alice was kinda funny from my perspective. I'm glad he ended up being right, albeit for the wrong reasons. I just wish I was able to stick to my own guns as closely as he did for that part of the game instead of waffling. Being able to take what I was able to gather on Alice and more importantly, really stick with it, was exactly what town needed that day.


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Re: [Game Over] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« Reply #527 on: August 30, 2009, 02:35:42 AM »
Definite awesome job By Tom, Kiro and Kilga.

Scum played a good game as well, despite the circumstances

Question why is it no matter how scummy i look town always take a couple of days to get around to lynching me?


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Re: [Game Over] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« Reply #528 on: August 30, 2009, 03:44:23 AM »
Thanks gais, kudos all round :)

Kilga - it was a toss-up between defending you or Kiro, and I figured you were the better choice. Scum thought so too, but used smodge-logic to get the kill anyway.

So annoying that the only DOC choice I get correct is Alex, who gets Hitman'd.

Smodge - work on your grammer and punctiation. when you have long rambly sentences like this that leave out capital letters and spelling i dont know what your talking about and we cant understand you and if we cant understand you then we dont see your point of view and then your scum.

Ugh, that was so very painful to type. YOU'RE*

GW to Xanth, who seems to have been forgotten here. Backed me up re Tonfa and put out some really good stuff before kicking the bucket.

My Apologies to Soppy - wishywashyness got you coupled with Alice which worked out for the best, but I didn't place enough thought on your anti-Bard stuff I guess.

That was strange for me, despite being Doc I played Aggro the whole game. And was declared towny for doing so; and was not targetted by scum (should have tipped me off that I was on the wrong track).

GG thanks mods.

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Re: [Game Over] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« Reply #529 on: August 30, 2009, 05:04:08 AM »
Finally, I have absolutely no idea why people cleared Yoshi on D4 all of a sudden. As far as I was concerned, his defence was absolutely terrible and as a Townie I would have certainly continued pressing for his lynch.

Because I was killed Night 3. =P


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Re: [Game Over] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« Reply #530 on: August 30, 2009, 05:39:49 AM »
Clearly Alice was too awed by the epicness of the Airdrill to care about who was on the receiving end of it.



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Re: [Game Over] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« Reply #531 on: August 30, 2009, 08:25:50 AM »
I am saddened that I was removed on Day 1 for, as far as I could tell, it being Day 1 and the stars aligned poorly for me (ie, the only person who had a case so far as I could tell was Smodge), however, there are two nifty rays of light.  First, I was right about Glen being town, booya!  The other being watching scum pay for lynching me when Tonfa bailed almost immeadiately after Alice ties himself to the guy by voting me.  Granted, I felt really bad for Alice and Rat when that happened, but I figured that'd come up whenever Tonfa bit the bullet.

Aside from that, it was a neat game to watch.  Hopefully in the future I will even be able to participate in Day 2.


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Re: [Game Over] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« Reply #532 on: August 30, 2009, 09:52:23 AM »
We sort of joked in scumchat about keeping you alive through N1 and then lynching you on suspicion of being scum for living through.

Granted, we joked about a lot of things.

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Re: [Game Over] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« Reply #533 on: August 30, 2009, 10:03:35 AM »
If people were stuck up on metagaming enough and knew there were no roles ever, that might -actually- work, which is eerie.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: [Game Over] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« Reply #534 on: August 30, 2009, 10:05:41 AM »
Apologies to the scumteam and entire game really for quitting, I was reminded that slogging through walls of text is Not Fun. I liked the concise posting of the previous game and was trying to exercise it here, couldn't be bothered to spend hours reading the topic.

So in summary, my bad, won't join another game unless it enforces Succinct rule.
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Buckwheat Isotope Trinket
« Reply #535 on: August 30, 2009, 11:18:48 AM »
Hell yeah, NK1. First time for me, where do I collect the badge from?

Xanth - Was looking towny to a degree but didn't seem to have a serious case day 1.

Smodge, it's one thing to not have understood my case, but I take mild offence to that ignorance reflecting on my day one performance when I had, in fact, caught scum red-handed for precisely the rationale I was presenting (as much as it was then smokescreened by game theory discussion). The only reason I didn't push it more aggressively towards the end of the day was because I was sufficiently demoralised by the fact that none of the really experienced players liked it at all (until Excal voted for it late on) far beyond the point that it could have solely been scum deception.

If I'd been around for long enough, I would have fallen for the Mage mislynch as well, primarily because of just how much the guy lurked around deadlines/hammers without posting.

Tonfa: mostly agreed, as hypocritical as it sounds coming from me. There was way too much text in day one, at the very least.

Excal: </3 Oh man, I keep on failing to save you. My intent to swap to Glen was outpaced by the people moving to you in the last minute rush/confusion.

And yeah, a general high five to the super townie team. I was sure that there was going to be so much noise that the distraction would mess with town far more than it did (and I'm all but certain I'd have fallen for more), but you guys stuck like pros. I really don't want to pick an MVP out of the bunch, even.


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Re: [Game Over] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« Reply #536 on: August 30, 2009, 07:29:27 PM »
Uhm, I wasn't lurking around hammers/deadlines, Xanth. I was actually just plain not around.

Besides. I imploded well enough, anyways.
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
* +superaway shakes head.