Author Topic: Ge.Ne.Sis (theoretical)  (Read 7005 times)


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Ge.Ne.Sis (theoretical)
« on: March 07, 2010, 02:28:13 AM »
- Flash RPG for play. Playable here This is only a half-complete game, though.

- Assuming endgame level is 20, because this is a preliminary topic for the finale of the game that doesn't exist yet. Why am I doing this you ask? One part crazy, one part retarded.

- Standard phase-based SRPG gameplay. Much like Fire Emblem it features counterattacks if you atttack something and are not outside of it's attack range. Unlike Fire Emblem such counterattacks are at 66% of the normal power. Note that energy is not restored before counters.

- Ge.Ne.Sis has several stats that I will now describe.
*HP: Standard issue
*Energy: A kind of collective party resource pool. Battles start with 4 initial Energy. At the start of   human PC's turns this is incremented by the PC's Magic stat. Abilities consume this resource.  The max resource one can have at one time is 50.
*Power: Physical damage stat. Physical attacks get stronger proportional to the square of this stat.
*Endurance: Determines HP, Regen rate, and Defense. Each Endurance point is worth 15 Defense and .5% Regen, in addition to 225 HP.
*Magic: Determines magical damage. Most magic damage is directly proportional to this value, while some moves are proportional to the square of the value. The Party's Energy is incremented by this stat at the start of a PC's turn. Each point of Magic is also worth 15 Resist.
*Agility: Agility determines how many actions a character gets per attack round. 5 and less get 1 action/round, 6 means you get 2, 14 means you get 3, 18 means you get 4, and 20 means you get 5 actions. Every point of Agility is also worth 20 Dodge.

*Defense: Reduces damage taken. Defense is out of 1000, so 500 Defense reduces damage by half compared to 0 Defense, while 900 tenth's damage compared to 0 Defense.
*Resist: Reduces magic damage. This is also out of 1000.
*Dodge: Chance to evade attacks. This is also out of 1000. This is modified subtractively by the target's hit rate.

-The four 'core' stats (Power/Endurance/Magic/Agility) have caps. 40 is the cap for Power/Endurance/Magic while 20 is the cap for Agility. Not even buffing can put you above this.

- The game features 5 elements, which are as follows. Black is the element for physical damage, Red for Fire, Blue for Ice, Yellow for Thunder/Lightning, and White for 'non-elemental'. White is treated as an ordinary element as far as resisting/being weak to it go. Every element that is not Black is magical.

- Gelyan, Nera, and Sisily have Tarots, which are summonable spirits that behave as independent PC's in most ways. The exceptions are that they do not generate Energy and they can not fight wihtout a normal PC, as if all normal PC's are killed and only Tarots remain it is a game over. The Tarots remain until they are killed, dismissed by the summoner, or the summoner uses a special 'Soulburst' command which consumes energy and has various effects. Tarots also have a passive field ability such as adding to the party's regen, granting everyone parasitic healing, or reducing all enemy Resist scores. I'll add these in... later, when I am less lazy. Due to taking a turn to summon they don't change much.

-With the exception of Emi, all PC's can build their stats from the base stats to final stats selectively. What builds they want are heavily influenced by Perk requirements. Perks are passive abilities ranging from simple stat ups to ignoring enemy defenses to damage reflection. There are 3 tiers of perks and 3 Perks in each Tier. Only one perk from each tier can be used. Detailed descriptions of these are in the mechanics guide.

- I included Physical/Magical durability ratings, higher is better. I included Black Resist in Pdur.

- I listed 3 builds for each PC and averaged them for that PC's entry in the averages. I was tempted to just use one for Gelyan, but I ultimately went with 3. If you disagree vehemenently enough I can go back and redo stuff.

- Enemy defense/Resist taken as 250 (before Perks that cut this)

- Stats in parenthesis are AFTER all perk bonuses/penalties are applied. Numbers by moves are their Energy cost.

- I will only list move details once.

- Averages up top:
HP: 7328
Defense: 184
Resist: 324 (magic is a big focus in dueling due to Energy, hence more magic, hence more Resist)
Damage: 31716.33 (79291 kill point)


Build 1: Dodge Tanking/damage.
HP: 6050
Power: 7 (10)
Endurance: 6
Magic: 26
Agility: 20
Defense: 90
Resist: 390
Dodge: 760
Regen: 8%

Pdur: 87%
Mdur: 91%
Resist Blue by 25%. Resist Red by 50%. 75% weakness to Yellow. 15% Black Resist.

Power Overwhelming: Power +3
Flash Steps: Range+1, Dodge + 100
God's Steps: Dodge + 100, Reduce target Def by 100, Add Power = 1/2 Enemy Agility (5+ power on average)

First Dance (0): 1778 Black Damage, 100 Accuracy. (10544 after Moon Waltz)
Frozen Steps (2): 1669 Blue Magic damage. Perfect accuracy.
Crystal Ballad (5): 2780 Black + 1992 Blue. 4772 Total. (16804 Black + 1992 Blue, 18797 total). Black is 150 Accuracy, Blue is perfect.
Moon Waltz (6): Heals Magic*50 HP (1300) and increases Power by Magic. Power caps at 40.

Best Attack Sequence: Moon Waltz -> Crystal Ballad*4 for 67218 Black + 7970 Blue damage (75187 total) and 1300 healing.

Comments: The Moon Waltz build for Neraine focuses on damage output and evasion. The end result is quite sexy, as 76% evasion that works on magic combined with brutal damage is hard to argue with, especially since she can heal away any damage that DOES get through with Moon Waltz.

Build 2: Magic Tanking
HP: 5750
Power: 5
Endurance: 8
Magic: 38
Agility: 14
Defense: 120
Resist: 820
Dodge: 440
Regen: 7%

Pdur: 86%
Mdur: 294%
Resist Blue by 25%. Resist Red by 50%. 75% weakness to Yellow. 15% Black Resist.

Enchanting Rhyme: Ignore 25% of target defense
Battle Rhyme: Do full damage on counters instead of 2/3rds
Celestial Rhyme: Target defense taken at -100 Penalty, target Res taken as -400 Penalty, Enemy magic lowered by 4.

Best attack Sequence: Moon Waltz -> Crystal Ballad*2 for 35092 Black/8085 Blue damage (43177 total) and 2000 healing.

Comments: This build takes down mages nastily. Overkill mages are nothing to this build unless they are of Zophar's quality. Melee physicals that serve as backup run into counters where Nera can fully heal or heal + deal damage. Very nice. And still better Dodge than anyone else could ever hope for!

Build 3: ITD Damage and HP
HP: 9350
Power: 13 (35)
Endurance: 4
Magic: 22
Agility: 20
Defense: 0
Resist: 0
Dodge: 0
Regen: 7%

Pdur: 122%
Mdur: 86%
Resist Blue by 25%. Resist Red by 50%. 75% weakness to Yellow. 15% Black Resist.

Power Overwhelming: +3 Power
Absolute Authority: +2 Power, 25% Defense ignoring
Divine Supremacy: Ignore 25% target evade, ignore 50% target defense, Lower enemy Power by 4.
(Rave Dancer): Power set to 35. Defense, Resist, and Dodge set to 0. Ignore enemy Defense.

Best Attack sequence:
Moon Waltz -> Crystal Ballad*4 for 79080 Black/6782 Blue damage (85862 total). 1100 healing as well. Usable turn 1, 4, and so on.
Ice Ballad *4 + First Dance for 70673 Black/6782 Blue damage (77454 total). Repeat for two turns, then go back to Moon Waltz->Crystal Ballad*4
(First Dance*5 is 47963 damage)

Comments: For when Nera needs ITD damage or raw durability. The healing doesn't exist on this one, but the damage is hot and the raw durability is also hot. Note that due to the Squaring of Power in damage calcs that -4 Power is quite effective.

Overall Comments: Options for screwing over the evade-subject, mages, and the frail/defense-reliant. With effective healing thrown in that she can use along with her damage. Probably swings Low Godlike. The evade saving her from status whores helps a lot.


Build 1: Balanced.
HP: 9138
Power: 23 (25)
Endurance: 18 (16)
Magic: 14
Agility: 9
Defense: 340
Resist: 210
Dodge: 180
Regen: 28%

Pdur: 206%
Mdur: 107%
25% Black resist, 40% White weakness.

Unshaken Heart: +800 HP
Rejuvenating Heart: +100 Defense, +15% HP Regen.
Devil's Hunt: Heals HP = 30% damage done, +2 Power, -2 Endurance.

Jelly Shot (1): 752 White damage. Perfect Accuracy. Reduce target Dodge by 200.
Trigger Happy (5): 6146 Black damage. (18 hits at 75% accuracy).
Armor Crusher (7):  8531 Black damage at 130 Accuracy. This move *reverses* defense in the calculation.
Soul Pact (8): 9138 ITD White damage. Hurts Gelyan for 15% Max HP. Can be fatal. 150 Accuracy (division based acc move instead of subtractive)

Best attack sequence: Armor Crusher*2 for 17062 Black damage and 5119 healing.

Comments: Durability with near-full healing thrown in for good measure. The damage isn't too hot but it has a cool niche in reversing defense and can kill things, albeit slowly.

Build 2: Blitzing build.
HP: 4675
Power: 33 (37)
Endurance: 8 (1)
Magic: 14
Agility: 9
Defense: 15
Resist: 210
Dodge: 180
Regen: 5%

Pdur: 70%
Mdur: 55%
25% Black resist, 40% White weakness.

Perks: Marksmanship: +1 Range, -2 Endurance.
Sniper Sense: +1 Range, +2 Power, -3 Endurance.
Devil's Hunt: Damage Heals HP = 30% damage done, +2 Power, -2 Endurance.
(Sharpshooter: Damage heals HP = 60% damage done, stacks with Devil's Hunt, +3 Range, Endurance->1)

Best attack sequence: Armor Crusher*2 for 33802 damage and way way way overkill healing.

Comments: For when Gelyan needs to kill something, especially with high defense. The draining is cool but kind of pointless compared to his other two builds.

Build 3: Ultimate tank
HP: 14875
Power: 5 (10)
Endurance: 40
Magic: 10 (15)
Agility: 9
Defense: 700
Resist: 225
Dodge: 180
Regen: 25 (55)%

Pdur: 736% (...)
Mdur: 177%
25% Black Resist, (35% Red/Blue/Yellow Resist), (15% White Resist).

Unshaken Heart: +800 HP
Rejuvenating Heart: +15% HP Regen, +100 Defense
Nature Heart: +20% Red/Blue/Yellow/White resistance.
(Nature Warden: Range set to 3, +15% Red/Blue/Yellow Resist, +35% White Resist, +15% HP Regen, +5 Power/Magic.

Best attack sequence: Armor Crusher*2 (5250 Black damage)
(Soul Pact*2 for 29452 damage, takes 30% Max HP damage in self-damage.)

Comments: Bring status or go home. Note that 3 range and being unable to move+attack means Gelyan is a sitting duck for truly long-ranged foes.

Overall comments.
Gelyan is a guy you take down in one of your turns (or on a doubleturn) or with status. Otherwise he just keeps on going and going like the freaking energizer bunny. If not for the glaring status weakness I'd call him a fairly terrifying Godlike, but due to that and the lack of damage he is a Low Godlike at best.


Build 1: Magical Girl
HP: 4775
Power: 6
Endurance: 5
Magic: 31 (36)
Agility: 16
Defense: 75
Resist: 540
Dodge: 320
Regen: 6%

Pdur: 61%
Mdur: 122%
25% Red Res, 50% (25%) Blue weakness, 25% Yellow Res, 5% Black Res.

Frost Guard: +100 Resist, +25% Blue Res
Shining Soul: +3 Magic, Ignore 25% of target Resist
Rainbow Blood: Ignore 150 of target's Def/Res, Absorb 33% of target's Power stat and add it to her own. (+~7 Power, enemy phys damage reduced to ~50%), -3 Magic

Warp Assault (0): 1118 Black damage. 140 Accuracy. (this move's accuracy is division-based, not subtractive)
Fiery Flowers (3): 3208 Red damage. Perfect accuracy.
Electrify Kisses (7): 7126 Yellow damage. 100 Accuracy.
Warp Tornado (8): 3557 Black [140 Accuracy] + 8061 Red [perfect acc] damage. 11619 total.

Best attack sequence is Warp Tornado*3 for 10672 Black + 24185 Red damage ( 34857 total)

Comments: Frail, but then she steals most of her foe's physical damage so she is effectively pretty durable. Damage is good and she has range 2 counters to use against things.

Build 2: Balanced defensive
HP: 6125
Power: 9
Endurance: 10
Magic: 23 (25)
Agility: 16
Defense: 150
Resist: 575
Dodge: 320
Regen: 10%

Pdur: 84%
Mdur. 133%
(50% Red Res), (25% Blue Weakness), (50% Yellow Res), 5% Black Res

Frost Guard: +100 Resist, +25% Blue Res
Flame Guard: +100 Resist, +25% Red/Yellow Res
Rainbow Blood: Ignore 150 of target's Def/Res, Absorb 33% of target's Power stat and add it to her own. (+~7 Power, enemy phys damage reduced to ~50%), -3 Magic

Best attack sequence is Warp Tornado*3 for 14195 Black/11452 Red (25468 total) damage.
(Warp Assault*3 does 4527 Black)

Comments: Actually a tank. The damage isn't impressive but it isn't exactly laughable. Quite good.

Build 3: Physical beats
HP: 6125
Power: 26 (30)
Endurance: 3
Magic: 9 (4)
Agility: 18
Defense: 45
Resist: 60
Dodge: 360
Regen: 6%

Pdur: 75%  
Mdur: 60%
25% Red Res, 50% Blue weakness, 25% Yellow Res, 5% Black Res

Basilisk blood: -2 enemy speed
Gorgon Blood: -2 enemy speed, -150 Enemy Resistance
Rainbow Blood: Ignore 150 of target's Def/Res, Absorb 33% of target's Power stat and add it to her own. (+~7 Power, enemy phys damage reduced to ~50%), -3 Magic
(Petrifying Glare: +4 Power, Reduce enemy speed by 33%, -2 Magic)

Optimal Damage:
Warp Tornado -> Warp Assault*3 for 39312 Black/182 Red damage (39494 total) first turn.
Warp Assault*4 for 26073 black damage turn 2, then go bak to turn 1 and repeat the cycle.

Sacrificing every scrap of magic durability she in exchange for physical durability and physical beatdowns. Also note that here she is reducing speed quite gratuitously. (spd-4)*2/3rds means 2 actions becomes 1 while 3, 4, and 5 actions becomes 2. Quite effective, if you see it as applicable in the DL.

Overall Comments: Sisily doesn't have anything that really stands out about her. Her bad physicl durability would be a major issue if she didn't cheat like a whore and double her physical durability through Rainbow Blood. If not for that she would push Light, but as is she makes a decent Middle through tankishness (cheater) and ranged counters.


HP: 7025
Power: 6
Endurance: 15
Magic: 17
Agility: 20
Defense: 225
Resist: 255
Dodge: 400
Regen: 7%

Pdur: 101%
Mdur: 87%
20% Red weakness, 20% Blue resist, Yellow immunity.

Thunder Child: Immunity to Yellow damage.
Energy Linked: +1 Magic for every 5 Energy.

Spark (1): 1212 Yellow damage, 100 Accuracy. (Spark goes up with Magic^2)
Energy Sphere (6): 1873 Yellow Damage. Perfect accuracy.

Field Skill:
Illumination: Horrid Yellow damage to surrounding units (~2500) and 1550 healing.

Optimal damage:
Spark*5: 9101 Yellow damage. (10861 turn 2, 13801 turn 3, 14861 turn 4, then turn 4 repeats)

Comments: Uh. Yeah. Light. She at least isn't frail. And immunity to Thunder could always come in handy somewhere. Maybe her healing/regen can outpace what Light has to offer.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 05:29:32 AM by Pyro »


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Re: Ge.Ne.Sis (theoretical)
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2010, 05:59:36 AM »

Minor gripe: Gelyan's Sharpshooter build has 4600 health, not 4675. (Check my post here to see how his HP formula changes under the Sharpshooter perk; it goes from Pow*37.5 + End*262.5 + Lvl*160 to Pow*75 + End*225 + Lvl*80, a strictly worse version of Sisily's.) You should probably also mention in the stat list that Power plays a role in HP calculations; if it didn't Gelyan would be fucked with Sharpshooter dropping Endurance to 1.

Somewhat more important: The strategy guide lies about Spell Bond. Its Magic bonus is not (lvl/4) but rather 1 + (lvl/6), which adds up to 4 extra Magic at level 20, not 5. Your first two Sisily builds have 1 less Magic than they claim to have.

Opinion: Gelyan's Sharpshooter perk gives him stupidly overwhelming range. He's like an FE ballista, considering the size of Ge.Ne.Sis maps. I think this would pretty much have to translate into him getting the first turn against any opponent without a comparable threat range. That makes his Tarots viable. Sisily can't afford to give up her first turn, and Neraine would generally prefer not to do so, but if a Sharpshooter Gelyan comes up against a foe with incredible physical immunity (not by Defense of course due to Armor Crusher), he'll likely wanna summon the Fool for electric damage or the Hanged Man for ice damage. Similarly, a Green-perk Gelyan would probably go second automatically due to his crappy threat range (only Neraine and the High Priestess have lower attack ranges, and neither of them are unable to attack after moving). So he won't have any Energy to spend on his first counterattack. I do think Neraine's tankish builds might wanna try summoning Death in some cases; she could lose a turn to gain two turns later (paralysis status effect) and Death's passive aura drains 7% of the opponent's HP each turn before that paralysis, in addition to Death's own damage output being decent and uncounterable with Soul Eater.

Alternate build: Sisily's Divine Retribution perk needs to be mentioned. 200% Magical damage reflection is beastly against other PCs, who may do more damage than their HP totals in many cases. At Power 15 / Magic 9 / Endurance 10 / Agility 20, she's got 5 mediocre-damage Warp Assaults a turn plus 200% damage-reflection against magical opponents, which basically means any magic-user who isn't a health-whore (the reflected damage is irresistible) is raped. Such a build also enables her to switch to Petrifying Glare against enemies with high Power: she'll steal 33% of the enemy's Power and use it to pump her own damage output as she attacks five times a turn and they attack very, very little due to her speed-rape. Agility 20 also gives her a respectable dodge rate in either case. The versatility of that build can't be understated, even if its raw power with either perk tree isn't exceptional.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2010, 08:24:28 PM by EternalLurker »


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Re: Ge.Ne.Sis (theoretical)
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2010, 12:18:58 PM »
Not gonna list the Tarots? I'd think that extra-set-of-hands summons would make this cast even more fun.


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Re: Ge.Ne.Sis (theoretical)
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2010, 02:26:58 PM »
- Gelyan, Nera, and Sisily have Tarots, which are summonable spirits that behave as independent PC's in most ways. The exceptions are that they do not generate Energy and they can not fight wihtout a normal PC, as if all normal PC's are killed and only Tarots remain it is a game over. The Tarots remain until they are killed, dismissed by the summoner, or the summoner uses a special 'Soulburst' command which consumes energy and has various effects. Tarots also have a passive field ability such as adding to the party's regen, granting everyone parasitic healing, or reducing all enemy Resist scores. I'll add these in... later, when I am less lazy. Due to taking a turn to summon they don't change much.
Opinion: Gelyan's Sharpshooter perk gives him stupidly overwhelming range. He's like an FE ballista, considering the size of Ge.Ne.Sis maps. I think this would pretty much have to translate into him getting the first turn against any opponent without a comparable threat range. That makes his Tarots viable. Sisily can't afford to give up her first turn, and Neraine would generally prefer not to do so, but if a Sharpshooter Gelyan comes up against a foe with incredible physical immunity (not by Defense of course due to Armor Crusher), he'll likely wanna summon the Fool for electric damage or the Hanged Man for ice damage. Similarly, a Green-perk Gelyan would probably go second automatically due to his crappy threat range (only Neraine and the High Priestess have lower attack ranges, and neither of them are unable to attack after moving). So he won't have any Energy to spend on his first counterattack. I do think Neraine's tankish builds might wanna try summoning Death in some cases; she could lose a turn to gain two turns later (paralysis status effect) and Death's passive aura drains 7% of the opponent's HP each turn before that paralysis, in addition to Death's own damage output being decent and uncounterable with Soul Eater.


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Re: Ge.Ne.Sis (theoretical)
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2010, 02:37:35 PM »
It's an SRPG. I could easily argue that since summoning doesn't require the enemy to be in 'range' that it's an initiative action. The Tarots can have their uses depending on different interpretations.


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Re: Ge.Ne.Sis (theoretical)
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2010, 03:44:23 PM »
You could, but since you didn't, your post implied that you hadn't read our comments on the Tarots, so I was just pointing 'em out for you.


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Re: Ge.Ne.Sis (theoretical)
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2010, 11:20:16 PM »
Right. Once Lurker gets me the formulas for the Tarots I'll give them an entry.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2010, 12:16:58 AM by Pyro »


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Re: Ge.Ne.Sis (theoretical)
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2010, 12:11:47 AM »
I...see. All right, then. Gimme about fifteen hours.


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Re: Ge.Ne.Sis (theoretical)
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2010, 08:45:13 PM »
A'right then. Any references to Level in the Tarot formulas are of course for that Tarot, not for the affected characters. (example: Essence of Life caps at +15% Health regen when the HP is level 20) And as usual I won't mention the final multiplier, which is counter*damagereduction*berserk, where Berserk applies only for the Hanged Man (see Pain Eater).

High Priestess:
Blessed: Health regen formula is 20 + End/2 instead of 5 + End/2
Essence of Life: other allies get an extra 5 + (Level/2) % Health regen
Dual Blade: 80 + 10*rand + (Pow^2)/2, 2 hits IIRC
Azure Wings: .125 + .3*Mag, LOTS of hits in the form of vertical DoT
Grand Blessing: heals target by 400 + targetMaxHealth*(.25 + Level/200); example: level 20 HP heals targets for 400 + 35% of their max health
Blue Paradise: fully heals all allies and increases their Magic scores by 3

Vampirism: Health regen formula is a flat -7%, base physical HP leech rate is 15%
Essence of Sorrow: subtract 5+(Level/4) from enemy Health regen
Slice: 160 + 20*rand + 3*(Pow^2)
Iron Maiden: 80 + 10*rand + 68*(Pow^2)/9
Soul Eater: deals 2/3 Death's max HP in irreducible damage to target and heals Death for 1/3 max HP (even if field attack is somehow ineffective)
Soul Ritual: deals Death's max HP in irreducible damage and paralyzes target. All enemies gain +5% Health regen (in addition to Essence of Sorrow's effect ending).

Essence of Magic: reduces all enemies' Resists by 60 + (Level*7); example: level 20 Magician reduces all enemies' Resists by 200
Flame Rush: 7.5*rand + 3*Mag, horizontal DoT
Flame Fury: 70*rand + (Mag^2), easy to count hits (one per fireball) but I don't remember how many there are
Meteor Strike: (1 + .3*rand)*52*(Mag^2)/9
Solar Wrath: (1 + .3*rand)*65*(Mag^2)/9

Hanged Man:
Pain Eater: increases damage by (1 - HP/maxHP); example: at 10% HP the Hanged Man will deal 90% extra damage, ie berserk = 1.9
Essence of Winter: subtract 30% from enemy Blue resistances
Grand Cross: 250 + 30*rand + 50*(Pow^2)/9, also reduce enemy Resist by 300
Cold Torment: 400 + 70*rand + (Mag^2)/1.5625
Arctic Call: (.8 + .2*rand)*87.5*(Mag^2)/4
Last Exile: (1.4 + .2*rand)*Pow*Mag*60. Also subtracts 3% from target's HP regen rate and 4 from target's Power and Magic.

Essence of Slyness: increase ally (and self) HP physical leech rate by 5 + (Level/2)
Thunder Orb: 5*rand + Mag*4, decent vertical hits-over-time
Rod Twirl: 50 + 50*rand + 3.2*(Pow^2), countable hits (5 IIRC)
Thunder Rod: (1.2 + .2*rand)*45*(Mag^2)
Plasma Solstice: (1.5 + .2*rand)*100*(Mag^2)

Am I missing anything? Besides the Lovers, anyway; they're buried somewhere among the enemies in the code, for some reason, so it's hard to find 'em. I'll get to 'em tomorrow. (No, it's not because they're an enemy at one point; the Fool is too, and the enemy stats are different from the basic Tarot stats for both of those guys.)
« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 03:35:02 AM by EternalLurker »


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Re: Ge.Ne.Sis (theoretical)
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2010, 04:41:14 AM »
So yeah, Tarots. Neraine can summon the High Priestess and Death. Sisily can summon the Magician. Gelyan can summon the Fool and the Hanged Man. All of the Tarots are valid targets for enemies. If all human PCs are dead but Tarots remain it is still game over. Summoning calls a Tarot (they don't get an immediate turn) and takes the summoner's turn+energy cost of the Tarot. Once in play and the PC phase comes again a Tarot can 'wait' and opt to go either before or after the summoner.

The last Field Skill listed with a * is a Soulburst. Soulbursts are used on the summoner's turn and cost the amount of energy indicated. After A soulburst is used, the Tarot is reduced to 0 HP and can not be summoned again.

As a reminder Black Resist is already factored in for Fool and Death.

High Priestess (Costs 8 to Summon)

HP: 7400
Power: 14
Endurance: 14
Magic: 23
Agility: 18
Defense: 210
Resist: 345
Dodge: 360
Regen: 7% (37%)

Pdur: 104%
Mdur: 104%
Resist Blue by 25%. Resist Red by 50%. 75% weakness to Yellow.

Blessed: +15% Regen for the High Priestess
Essence of Life: All allies get +15% Regen.

Dual Blade (0): 618 Black Damage, 100 Accuracy.
Azure Wings (3): 1620 Blue Magic damage. Perfect accuracy.

Optimal Damage: Azure Wings*4 for 6480 Blue damage... 12 Energy.

Field Skills:
Analyze (4): See details on an enemy's stats/weaknesses/resists.
Grand Blessing (8): 400 + 35% MHP healing to one. +3 Power permanently.
*Blue Paradise (12): Full healing to all. +3 to Magic permanently to all.

Comments: Regen! Healing! Durability that doesn't suck! Damage that... oh. Right. That. She doesn't have any. Still beats Mint on account of regen. Not of much use to Nera, since she already has healing. Maybe her Rave Dancer build needs it.

Death (Costs 15 to Summon)

HP: 9200
Power: 26
Endurance: 18
Magic: 5
Agility: 20
Defense: 270
Resist: 75
Dodge: 400
Regen: -7%

Pdur: 200%
Mdur: 92%
-50% white Resist, 30% Black Resist

Vampirism: -7% HP 'regen' per turn. 15% damage done converted to HP.
Essence of Sorrow: All enemies get -10% HP 'regen' (lose 10% HP at start of turns) while Death is on the field.

Slice (0): 2473 Black Damage, 100 Accuracy. 371 healing to Death.
Iron Maiden (7): 7782 Black physical damage. Ignores defense. Perfect accuracy. 1168 healing to Death.

Optimal Damage: Iron Maiden*5 for 38910 black damage and 5837 healing. 35 Energy.

Field Skills:
Soul Bond(8): An allied target's stats change to match Death's and they get the Vampirism Perk. (They also get all bonuses from their own Perks, and they keep their skillsets)
Soul Eater (14): Deal 6133 nontyped ITD damage to target and heals Death for 1/3rd Max HP.
*Soul Ritual (16): deal 9200 nontyped ITD damage and paralyze target for 2 turns. Target gets +5% HP regen permanently. Paralyzed targets can still counter/evade.

Comments: Vampirism and the pdef/HP/Black Resist make her a physical tank. Just doesn't much like magic. And Iron Maiden is very expensive. Not of much use to Neraine unless she needs to OHKO a speedy healer or something.

Magician (Costs 10 to Summon)

HP: 6800
Power: 6
Endurance: 14
Magic: 35
Agility: 13
Defense: 210
Resist: 525
Dodge: 260
Regen: 7%

Pdur: 96%
Mdur: 132%
-60% Blue Weakness, 60% red Resist, 20% White Resist.

Spell Bloom: Ignore 50% of target Resist when attacking
Essence of Magic: All enemies Resist stats are reduced by 200. Always active.

Flame Rush (1): 1645 Red Magic Damage, perfect Accuracy.
Flame Fury (5): 11057 Red Magic damage over 6 hits. 85% Accuracy.

Optimal Damage: Flame Fury*2 for 22114  Red damage (18797 average). 10 Energy.

Field Skills:
Meteor Strike (10): 7732 Red magic damage to one. Half damage to surrounding units. Ignores evade.
Energy Transfer (0): Increase Energy by the Magician's magic stat.
*Solar Wrath (16): 9666 Red magic damage to all enemies.

Comments: Fire damage mage who doesn't do much damage and isn't standout at anything. A potentially useful energy battery for Sisily in her physical offense build.

Fool (Costs 7 to Summon)

HP: 9875
Power: 14
Endurance: 25
Magic: 14
Agility: 14
Defense: 375
Resist: 210
Dodge: 280
Regen: 12%

Pdur: 293%
Mdur: 115%
Resist Black by 40%, 20% Weakness to Yellow/Red/Blue/White.

Ethreal: Perk responsible for the Black Resists/Magic Weaknesses.
Essence of Slyness: All allies drain HP = 15% damage done with physical attacks.

Thunder Orb (1): 1029 Yellow Damage, Perfect accuracy
Rod Twirl (3): 3160 Black damage over 4 hits. 100% accuracy. 474 healing to Fool.

Optimal Damage: Rod Twirl*3 for 9480 Black damage and 1422 healing.

Field Skills:
Castling (2): Trade positions with an ally. Can be used on move phase and action phase.
Thunder Rod (12): 8600 Yellow damage to one target. Ignores evade.
*Plasma Solstice (12): 23520 White magic damage to one.

Comments: Physical durability! Rather bad draining! Uh... Not much else. Can give Gelyan more HP draining... not that he would NEED IT ANYWAY.

Hanged Man (Costs 17 to Summon)

HP: 10100
Power: 17
Endurance: 25
Magic: 16
Agility: 13
Defense: 375
Resist: 240
Dodge: 260
Regen: 12%

Pdur: 180%
Mdur: 123%
-25% Blue weakness, 25% Yellow resistance, -50% White weakness.

Pain Eater: Increases damage proportional to HP Lost. So 50% HP lost = 50% Damage boost. 90% HP lost = 90% Damage boost. (not factored in)
Essence of Winter: All enemies have Blue resist reduced by 30% (neutral becomes 30% weak). Already factored into damages where appropriate.

Grand Cross (2): 2104 Black Damage, 100 Accuracy. Reduce target Resist by 300 (can be made negative)
Cold Torment (5): 3503 Blue Magic damage over 4 hits. 100 Accuracy. (4904 after Grand Cross)

Optimal Damage: Cold Torment*2 for 7006 Blue damage. 10 Energy.

Field Skills:
Dark Gravity (2): Pick an enemy (including bosses) and move them one square away from Hanged Man.
Arctic Call (15): 4914 Blue magic damage to all enemies in the vicinity.
*Last Exile (16): 18360 Black damage to one. Target permanently gets -5% HP 'regen' (stacks with other effects). Target loses 4 Power and Magic permanently.

Comments: Is durable! Is also bad at damage and.. yeah. Unimpressive to say the least. Helps Gelyan deal with durable things faster by giving them negative HP Regen? About his only real use.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 12:09:13 PM by Pyro »


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Re: Ge.Ne.Sis (theoretical)
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2010, 06:23:08 AM »
Oh, no, I think you misunderstand what I said about Soul Ritual. When Death enters the battlefield, enemy HP regens drop by 10%. When Death leaves the battlefield due to being defeated or being dismissed, enemy HP regens increase by 10% permanently (or until she's resummoned), which is equivalent to her Essence no longer having an effect on the battlefield. When she leaves the battlefield due to being Soulbursted, however, enemy HP regens increase by 15% permanently rather than 10%.

So no, it's not +5% enemy HP regen for those two turns. It's +5% enemy HP regen forevermore. It's like the opposite of Last Exile. This is why I don't use Soul Ritual on the Tale Memory. >_>

Anyway, 'tis only a minor issue. Death's not worth it for Neraine to summon in most cases. But speaking of Last Exile, you forgot its Power and Magic debuffing, which can be pretty damn useful against some opponents and might be worth the summon for G.Gelyan, who can survive a turn to do it.

EDIT: Fixed 'em I see. Coo'.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 09:00:54 PM by EternalLurker »