
Author Topic: DL Con 3: Aftermath  (Read 12322 times)


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #50 on: July 31, 2008, 08:26:35 PM »

 though yeah, don't take it personally when people tell you to quiet down.

Why would I, I know I get a little to excitable and loud in person >_> And given the circumstances, I understood completely.

<@SageAcrin> Where you realize that, when you think about everything that's said about this person...
<@SageAcrin> It adds up to one thing.
<+Ranmilia> MEGA MAN PLOT


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #51 on: July 31, 2008, 10:13:09 PM »
Okay, so I'm alive now! Woo. Here goes a longer post. Day-by-day breakdown seems like more fun than person-by-person.

Thursday: Arrived in SFO at 3:30 Pacific, and promptly (i.e. before the plane finished taxiing) got a call from Yakko asking where the hell I was. It's nice to feel wanted! Met him, QR and Niu at the baggage claim, beheld QR's awesome sign, and went back to Gate and her's place to hang out while she get the house taken care of. Got reacquainted with the various DL types who were already there, including Elfboy, Meeple, Grefter, Tai, OK &c. Mild panic over the 25-and-up-only rule ensued before Jenna got that settled with mad skillz, and after dinner of Whatever We Could Find In The Local Strip-Mall (mmm, Chinese buffet), we slowly migrated to DLCon Ground Zero. Spent more time than I expected hanging out with OK, and enjoyed it - we've got very similar senses of humor in person.

Rest of the day was spent meeting people, playing video games and staking out sleeping space. Super arrived very late and very fried. Surprisingly, he refrained from killing anyone.

Friday: Food! MC and I collaborated on French toast for 20 people or so. Good fun. No challah in the Safeway, though, so we coped with white bread. There was also a wealth of Uno (and a related game whose name I can't recall) in the morning, instigated by QR and Hal, and lots of DMC - the DMC3 succession run with Xer, Meeple and me, and DMC4 on OK's laptop, generously donated to the cause (thanks!). Afternoon had awesome games of A2A and Betrayal At The House On The Hill (culminating in my character, a big jock whose likes include football and "shiny objects," soloing a houseful of vampires). Lunch was had at a pretty awesome fish-and-chips place around the corner from the house, then more gaming ensued, followed by noshing on Tai’s meat-stuffed croissants and Gate's excellent Portuguese chicken - yeah, he claims it was substandard, whatever. I'll believe that when I taste it.

At sundown, Super somehow badgered OK and me into re-enacting the opening of Castlevania: SotN, with OK as Richter Belmont. We went through a good 10-plus tries before he could remember all his lines, followed by me chucking a can of Mountain Dew at him to begin the epic battle. Then we both chased down Super AND MURDERED HIM DEAD ahem.

Xer showed off various games all day, including SRW OGs, Sengoku Basara (four thousand hit combo what the hell), and more. Around midnight, Ciato arrived and promptly terrorized us poor law-abiding folk, scarring me for life.

Saturday: Started with a Safeway run with Ciato, which was the first chance I had to talk to her one-on-one for a decent length of time...ever, I think. Yay. Proceeded to make scrambled eggs for 15, including the largest single batch of food I've ever made. I was pleasantly shocked when it came off as well as it did. Laggy ran I Wanna Be The Guy, because he's fucking insane, and it was hilarious. Especially when The Kid played Richter Belmont in the SotN opening, humiliating OK's puny drama skills. There was more DMC4 including the Legendary Dark Knight difficulty, AKA "DMC: Musou Edition," another epic A2A game, culminating in Monkey’s choice of a winner for “Sexy” (“My Hair”), followed by Meeple's music quiz, all of which were far too entertaining. Elfboy and I made a hardware store run (long story), which was an odd time to get some conversation in, but hey, whatever works.

The obligatory DL bowling trip went great - Ego Interlude: I got the top score in my lane for the first time - although Granny-Bowling no longer reigns supreme in the standings. That was followed by a fruitful trip to Game Crazy, including a movie sale where I grabbed a copy of Children of Men to give away (Ciato got it, I think?). Things wound down with Niu flaunting KH2 Final Mix + at CK and Xer showing off the Tales of Destiny remake, and the group's third and final game of Arkham Horror, involving some seriously epic dice-rolling by Alex.

(Full explanation: Between Yakko and myself, we had the ability to re-order the next three "Mythos" cards - which determine the events in the game world over the next turn - and then discard the first one in the list without it taking effect. This was used throughout the game to hold off impending doom, but by the time we were actually in a position to win, we were also out of ways to manipulate it; we just knew because of the order we'd put the cards in that two turns from then all hell was going to break loose. To win the game, Alex had to roll a 5 or 6 on at least one die out of two. He didn't. So he spent four "clue tokens" to let him add extra dice to the roll. He still didn't. Then Sopko used his character's special ability to let Alex re-roll every failed attempt, which brought the roll to a total of 12 six-sided dice. NO SUCCESSES. On the next turn, in defiance of all precedent and every indication of the game’s hatred for us, he pulled it off on the first try and we won.)

Incidentally, the chance of rolling 12 six-sided dice in succession without a single 6 or 5 showing is 0.77%.

Spent the last hours of the night shooting the breeze with MC, Andrew, NEB, Ashley, and some other people I can’t remember at the moment because it was late. Lots of fun, and Andrew and MC had some interesting tidbits to share on the inner workings of the game industry. There wasn’t a person in the house I couldn’t have a great time just sitting down and talking with, which was great.

Sunday: We had to vacate the house by 10 AM, which was surprisingly easily accomplished given how many of us there were. We hung out at Gate's place for a while, and I got drawn into a game of Gloom, which Soppy brought. GLOOM. IS. AWESOME. And got me kicked in the head by Elfboy for sheer wrongness, which as far as I'm concerned only proves how awesome it was. Got in some SC3 afterward, but not nearly enough - next time, Gadget! - before heading off to the subway station to visit my family in Petaluma.

Overall? A very fun weekend, and almost everything went off without a hitch. Again, high praise to everyone involved in the planning, and in general you all rule.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #52 on: August 01, 2008, 02:59:46 AM »
Once the licensure exam (Law portion, ugh) is over tomorrow, I'll start the recap.  


Pictures!!!!!  They are largish, but also awesome.  Sadly, camera was not working until the end, so this is the last day, bowling and beyond, mostly.  Still, I did manage to get at least one shot of everyone, which was my desire.  Enjoy!
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 03:09:23 AM by metroid composite »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #53 on: August 03, 2008, 09:21:35 AM »
Hiho.  I am back.  Back and tired.

The con was absolutely amazing.  There are not enough good things I can say about it and the people there.  I could do a people list but it would boil down to "Everyone rocks hard."  Thank you all for an awesome time, thanks especially to Gate and QR and Laggy and Tai for services rendered, and hope to see everyone next year. 

Sorry to disappoint anyone who was expecting Team Aggro in person, as you now know I am not like that at all.  Also sorry to disappoint anyone who bet on me sitting in the Touhou corner the entire con.  Wait, I'm not sorry about that at all!  TABLETOP GAMING IS AWESOME, DO IT MORE.


« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 09:33:35 AM by Sir Alex »


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #54 on: August 03, 2008, 10:02:27 AM »
Yeah since everyone has dispersed now and I am in a room by myself I guess I can do this.

What Alex said, everyone and thing was great.  A huge thanks to QR, Gate and Laggy for going above and beyond at the Con and afterwards.  Huge thanks to the Elf for going above and beyond before the Con as well.

It was awesome to meet more of you in person again.  Also like Alex I hope people are suitabley happy with the reality of my personality that I am only rabidly loud and talkative on the topics I am passionate about (which is the ones I talk about online incidentally).

The con was awesome fun times, HOLY SHIT I GOT TO PLAY BOARD GAMES WITH OTHER NERDS!  I love doing this, it is one of the past times I can never do back home.  

So Andy and Lady Door, thanks endlessly, you guys rock hard and were lots of fun times.  A shame our interblag activities have no overlap these days.  It was great to meet Andy in person after all these years and hopefully Lady Door has better taste that can temper your horrible taste in plot.  I easilly spent the most time with these guys at the con and took part in far more than my fair share of the boardgames that took place, sucks to be everyone else for being deprived more time with these two and playing cool shit.

Ciato, sorry I couldn't chat with you more in person or push more better music onto the rest of these chumps.  Make Elfboy like Electric Six before you leave Canada.  Excal might be able to help.

Super, good to meet you in person.  Be less emo.

Xer, calm down.  As someone who has been there and done the pent of frustration, rage, anger and paranoia thing before, life is easier if you just flow with it.  Become more of an artful dodger instead of flailing at life to dodge all the shit it throws at you.  You are a good kid, just need to chill and flow with things better (and stay off any drugs that would "aid" this as they will fuel the paranoia the personality type we run on will thrive on).


mc is still intoxicating good fun and like my favourite person ever to watch just functioning.  Keeping up with her in full swing is fun times and I always enjoy a fresh take on topics I am passionate about myself.  Car trip with you guys was a lot of fun even though it was long and I kept falling asleep.

Niu is also fun to just watch in action.  Niu is vibrant and imbues a strong wish to match the lust for life he has at least for a short time while around him.

Dhyer still needs another dollar I am sure.  Awesome fun gaming with you and just shooting the shit.  One of the people I am glad to be able to have conversed as easilly in person with as I do online and on other topics for a change.  Crazy luck for becoming sexy female death machine in Arkham.

Hal and Laggy, great to meet you guys and thanks for being so accomodating this last week.  Never a dull moment to be had between you two and Alex there.  Touhou discussion is never a bad thing because I enjoy watching experts in motion and Touhou while weird deserves respect.  Also apologies for random bouts of music being listened to on headphones.  It is how I do the site seeing stuff.  I like conversation, but some scenes require dissonant music input to enhance the joy.  Double plus good for Rammstein being used for it when walking since it is great walking music.

Alex of course deserves a special nod for needing to be more confident, you have the skills and I would kill to be able to match your deadpan delivery.

OK, I thanked you in person but I will do it again here, thanks a bunch for being such a good sport with everything, you roll with all the abuse that goes your way and I hope in person meeting helps note how much joking there is behind it.  Your taste is still abyssmal though.

Shale and Yakko, I did fuck all with either of you guys this year, a bit more board game stuff with Yakko, but blah.  A shame, I was looking forward to catching up with both of you after DL Con 1.  Still awesome guys and put me to shame at bowling.

Tai, your rage and anger are weak, they need refinement and to be more directed.  Anger is for direct things.  Being more spiteful works better for more generalised negativity.

CK is still a tranny.

And yeah Sopko would be awesome if he would get some realist approaches to ways to treat humanity instead of treating them like a fossil fuel.  If it weren't for the capitalist propaganda and mind wipes we would totally be pals.

Gate and QR more generalised stuff rather than HOLY CRAP CON DOING STUFF AWESOME!!!!!!!!!  Didn't do enough with you guys at the con, but I don't think anyone did.  Sorry for keeping you up far to late at night along with Sopko QR, you totally should have taken a bed at some point though.  Gate, I am sure things will stop self destructing around you when you finally play some good games.  You guys are peas in a pod and all that stuffs, it does a cynic good to see that there is still some familly entities that function who are under the age of 50.  Keep doing what you do and I am sure der kinder will turn out fine regardless of how alien parenting might seem to you Gate.  Regardless of everything I have ever come accross in Developmental Psychology on varying methods of parenting, a positive loving environment is still head and shoulders above all other factors in importance for a happy healthy balanced human being as far as I can tell and it certainly looks like you are doing the right thing there.  Also Cat and Rosa Parks.

Apples to Apples rules, I only really played it after the Con was over of course, but I am totally buying it when I get back to Australia.  This is a game that must cycle into my own familly repetoire.

Anyway, I hope the terrors from accross the oceans did not disappoint and carried at least some small part of the minor vitriolic charisma I might have online with me in person and helped people understand exactly what my tone online means, just because I am insulting you and verbally savaging you in an argument doesn't mean you should take it personally, it is all just play and games.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 02:46:55 AM by metroid composite »
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.

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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #55 on: August 03, 2008, 10:11:10 AM »
You kept me up? Lies. I was still awake when you finally went to sleep. Every night. Pansy.


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #56 on: August 03, 2008, 10:28:41 AM »
I meant you and I possibly keeping QR up.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 03:09:42 AM by metroid composite »
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #57 on: August 03, 2008, 03:49:00 PM »
Hahahahah emo? You know more about being emo than I ever would minion. *Smack* When are you flying back to Brisbane?

Edit: Monday. Not bad.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 05:40:11 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #58 on: August 07, 2008, 07:28:43 AM »
QR: Honestly, if there's a "fund to pay for QR's airfare to the next con" then I'm totally contributing--she earned it after spending 90% of the con running around hosting with about 10% left for socialization.

Lack of SSBB: Surprising.  I played like, one match, and we never had a tournament.  Given the way things went at previous cons I would never have guessed.

Monkey: Is Excal.  Seriously.  (Is also apparently OK's roommate).  Also, MtG decks of his are tournament-level in construction, which puts him leagues above the decklists I saw at DLC1.

Touhou: I'm into it now.  Only took a full year from the first attempted introduction.

Grefter: Had a lot more time to talk with you than I did at DLC1.  Enjoyable, for all that you talk less than I do and I'm normally quite introverted.

Ciato: Interacting with Ciato is starting to feel like an older-sister younger-sister relationship, which is neato.  (I usually feel like I'm the younger sister, unless we're talking about academics/grad school, in which case I switch gears into an old person "why back in my day" rant).

Laggy: Is awesome.  Seriously, I didn't have a strong impression at all of him based on forum posts, but he's awesome in person.

Xer: Stop second-guessing yourself--we like you, really.  You remind me of a friend of mine from Vancouver who would stress out during gatherings saying "is this okay?" "You're not bothered by this are you?"  "Are you sure this is okay?"  The proper answer is "we're not bothered by that at all......but those questions are driving us batty."  Just be yourself, play some games, and don't worry about what anybody thinks.  Seems to work for me >_>

LadyDoor: Surprisingly a lot of fun.  I went into DLC3 thinking "who is this LadyDoor and why would I care about meeting him/her?" but I have to say I found LD one of the most fun people to play tabletop games with (and...actually I'm not sure I ever saw her not playing tabletop games).

Meeple: The beard!  I barely recognized you!

Devil May Cry: Didn't expect so much of this.  I'm not sure I've ever seen DMC pulled out at a previous Con, yet the DMC series is vying for most played game series at DLC3 (granted, Touhou probably beats it).

Super: You seemed a lot better-off than last con.  Seemed healthier and in better spirits (probably the ankle, as you said).

OK: Do the Alma SCC, damnit!  Also, say hi to your roomate for me; tell Excal he can borrow my copy of Kartia any time he likes.

Everyone else: I see you a lot, and not too much has changed.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 03:09:58 AM by metroid composite »


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #59 on: August 07, 2008, 07:09:43 PM »
M:TG tournament prize pots were how I funded my M:TG addiction back during the height of my playership.

When I grew too sick of hanging around spikes (they tend to be cocks, even without the anonymity of the internet to hide behind) I stopped being able to pay for recent cards that way, hence why most of my decks are 4-year-old type 2/extended.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 07:19:05 PM by Monkeyfinger »


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #60 on: August 07, 2008, 11:20:27 PM »
I neglected the chance to say it was awesome to see some of that broken stuff in action in real life instead of in pure theory.  Some seriously crazy shit going on there.  Fun times.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.

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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #61 on: August 16, 2008, 07:54:24 AM »
Con post!

Drive down with Grefter and mc was pretty fun. Was not intending to do it in one day, but then we took all of 15 seconds to get through the border (someone wasn't doing his job probably, considering we are young and from three different countries? Not my problem~) and had zero trouble with Seattle rush hour (HOV lanes > you), hitting Oregon before noon. And we figured we could make it the rest of the way. 6 am to 11 pm is a long drive, but wasn't too bad. Kinda left me dead the next day, and to make matters worse I had bizarre insomnia that night sooo yeah. Was mostly better by the time Con started.

House shenanigans? Not fun. I was sooo happy QR worked in contracts, there, as it generally minimised my worry that we wouldn't be screwed over too badly.

Was surprised at the generally reduced amount of video gaming, but rather pleasantly. Not that I objected to what gaming there was. Highlights were God Hand, which is pretty damn awesome to watch (and DMC3 to a lesser extent, electric guitar hype), but most of all, I Want To Be The Guy. Laggy, you rule. And I'm that you had a room full of a dozen plus people you had never met before laughing at your expense. But it was fun!

Board gaming was also fun. I didn't participate in it tooo much because I generally prefer hovering and not being tied to one place (I am the worst gamer ever, I know) but what I did was a blast, Betrayal and Apples and some others. Gloom was also super entertaining.

Bowling was good, because I didn't completely suck this time!

I wanted to get out and see more stuff, but oh well, at least the ocean was sweet. Even if I'm sure Super and Ashley will disagree with me.

New people:

Andrew: Generally seemed way happier than I remember him being, a very upbeat and very funny guy in person. His constant involvement in games didn't give me too much chance to talk to him, which is a pity, since what I did was definitely fun. Oh well, liked watching him in Gloom, too.

Ashley: Everything I said for Andrew pretty much holds for her, too. You two are somewhat inseparable in my mind, which is probably a sign that you work well together. ^_^ Also wtf three women at a DLCon, there are no girls on the internet.

Grefter: My parents remain intensely amused with how little you left your room while you were staying. Regardless I do hope you enjoyed your stay, and getting that chance to talk to you about life, games, and everything else was a lot of fun. You also managed to not kill anyone during the chain playing of Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and Fire Emblem, even more impressive. And you helped make the car ride down rule. For obvious reasons I chose to spend more Con time around other people, but that certainly isn't a slight against the guy.

Laggy: Okay I'd met him before when he visited Vancouver, but I didn't make a Con post on him then, so here we go! Laggy's also generally a lot of fun, nice mature guy (you're -how- young again? God) with a good sense of humour. Spent a lot of time with Touhou it seems, which wasn't good for my spending time with him (Touhou is cool, I am just too ignorant of it to watch much), but yeah. As mentioned, I Want To Be The Guy was hilarity.

Monkey: Is Excal. Didn't talk too much in person, though the biting humour definitely showed at times. Not dead dead quiet or anything though. Wish I'd had a chance to catch some of the Magic games.

QR/Jenna: Have I mentioned lately you are awesome? Very funny, not to mention a kickass organiser for this whole damn monstrosity. Kept everything running smoothly, despite no shortage of craziness (house silliness, airport stuff, etc.). Massive respect. Gate too, you guys did a terrific job. Thanks again for letting me crash in your house that extra night and for generally making the stay in Pacifica a joy.

Sopko: Soppy's never really quite been one of my favourite people online despite having the good taste to be both a hockey fan and a Simpsons fan, but I totally dug him in person. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, great sense of humour, and also fun to watch playing the various board games and so on. Thanks for being one of the volunteers to go bedless, and for providing me with an awesome headless FFT figurine.

Xer: We like you, really! You don't need to apologise over minor things that odds are aren't even annoying us anyway, we're more thickskinned than that. Anyway, gets awesome points for showing me something like 3-4 different cool games. Generally fun.

Random others,

Shale: We needed to get in more Soul Calibur time, but so it goes with the whole less gaming thing. Anyway, you are still great fun in general, and you make a mean breakfast.

Meeple: Still Meeple. I am starting to understand him better in person. This frightens me. Showed me MMPU which was cool, and thanks to watching the Fiend fights and Golbez I feel like I've gotten the rewarding parts of FF4DS without having to replay FF4! Generally a lot of fun as always.

Niu: Insane. Tallification says it all. Oh well, had fun watching Kingdom Hearts 2. God that looks like it owns the hell out of Tales games.

OK: Awesome. Generally hilarious and a blast to be around, the swapping from OK mode to decent guy is pretty awesome and I don't know how you do it. Great to get that time to talk with, as well. DO NOT RANK SOTN, and damn, I'm sorry about Naesala. ;_;

Super: Happier this time despite universe being out to make him suffer at Con time. I still find his style of humour more jarring in person than online for whatever reason, but there's still a very decent guy underneath there. Talking with him and OK was definitely good.

Gate: Mentioned him before, but once again: You rule. Glad I got to talk to you more than just at the airport, this time.

Alex, CK, Dhyer, Hal, Ta, Yakkoi: You're all fun guys too. Yay for CK and Yakko talking more, also, though I guess Greyhound helps for the latter. In fact it seemed like most returning people talked more, which was great.

Ciato, MC: You don't count for this!

Short version: Everyone rules. Looking forward to the next one, and really hoping school doesn't decide to screw things up.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 02:47:44 AM by metroid composite »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #62 on: August 16, 2008, 04:41:37 PM »
The ocean was wonderful in spite of me making a complete putz out of myself. (Nice save on the jacket by the way). I really love the ocean/beach, but in spite of living in a resort city I almost never go down to the ocean. Too many tourists and not enough open space.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 03:10:25 AM by metroid composite »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #63 on: August 16, 2008, 06:45:54 PM »
It was pretty fantastic. Even though I live by the ocean, it's so sheltered by the chain of straits and inlets that it doesn't really compare. Looking out to the endless horizon with the large waves coming in is quite a sight.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #64 on: August 16, 2008, 09:29:08 PM »
You should see it when there's heavy rain and wind.


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #65 on: August 17, 2008, 02:05:18 AM »
Having done the slightly rough coastal thing, as awesome as walking around in just below gale force winds are, I would take the super neat calm flatness of the Vancouver area over rough.  It is just really nice and far more relaxing.  Relaxing is much better than the frantic tempestuous feelings that rough weather brings out.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.