
Author Topic: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 1  (Read 2581 times)


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Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 1
« on: March 07, 2008, 04:45:46 AM »
Results from the finals of Plot Power Tourney 2:


Belial (WA4) vs. Myria (BoFs) (6-3)


Serge (CC) vs. Rose (LoD) (11-0)


Luna (Lunar1) vs. Belselk (WA) (5-4)


Hrist (VP1) vs. Jin Uzuki (XS2) (5-4)

So congratulations to Myria, Rose, Belselk, and Hrist.  For what it's worth, the winners of the previous plot power tourney were Milia, Lyon, KOS-MOS, and Loki. 

For those just tuning in, this is a plot power tourney; it's still a duel, but plot powers, amazing FMV scenes, and trickery are all legitimate factors to take into account now.  This tourney will be attempting a slightly different style: rather than rerun a normal DL season, Djinn and I cooked up a list of amusing characters and gave them rough plot-power rankings.  Then they were tossed into the amazing randomizer for match pairings; no seeds or anything.  However, champions of the previous tournies have been assumed to automatically upgrade; some of them jumped several divisions.  The only exception is Milia, whose powers are unusually vague even for a plot power tourney.

Hrist (VPs) vs. Luc (S3)
Kuja (FF9) vs. Will (Illusion of Gaia)
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Millenia (Grandia2)
Nicolai / Astaroth (SH2) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias)

Belselk (WA) vs. Arngrim (VPs)
Rubicant (FF4) vs. Bastila Shan (KOTOR)
Lynx (CC) vs. Citan (XG)
Nina (BoF2) vs. Galuf (FF5)


Dahna (G3) vs. Cherenkov (XS)
Joshua (FE8) vs. Demi (PS4)
Kresnik Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Drachma (SoA)
Rena (SO2) vs. Tidus (FFX)

Pikachu (Poke) vs. Lucia (Lunar2) **
Snowe (S4) vs. Gobi (BoF)
Hammer (XG) vs. Allen (XS)
Seifer (FF8) vs. Tia (Lufia2)

**Notes: This is specifically Lucia after the Blue Spire, but pre- Disc 3.


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 1
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2008, 06:23:30 AM »
Hrist (VPs) vs. Luc (S3)- My head hurts.
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Millenia (Grandia2)- Millenia. This could be a strong reaction of Vormav going off by himself after every single one of his fellows had been picked off at that point.

Belselk (WA) vs. Arngrim (VPs)- Belselk. Arngrim is a good warrior. But...not good enough for Heavy.
Rubicant (FF4) vs. Bastila Shan (KOTOR)
Lynx (CC) vs. Citan (XG)- You saw the fun of Serge last season...and therefor introduced a CC character with even more confusing plot powers.
Nina (BoF2) vs. Galuf (FF5)- My head hurts.


Dahna (G3) vs. Cherenkov (XS)- Well, Cherenkov himself was pretty low on plot power...but so was Dahna...My head hurts.
Joshua (FE8) vs. Demi (PS4)- Demi.
Kresnik Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Drachma (SoA)- Drachma. Kresnik has some plot issues.
Rena (SO2) vs. Tidus (FFX)- Rena. Nedian powers>Blitzball abilities plotwise.

Pikachu (Poke) vs. Lucia (Lunar2) **- My poor head.
Snowe (S4) vs. Gobi (BoF)- Stop this now!
Hammer (XG) vs. Allen (XS)- Hammer.
Seifer (FF8) vs. Tia (Lufia2)- What the fuck is Seifer doing in Light? Yeah, his personality is shit, but he's also essentially a highly trained mercenary who killed a GF in one strike. Yes, that's a Seifer vote.
...into the nightfall.

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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 1
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2008, 06:50:44 AM »
Hrist (VPs) vs. Luc (S3): Goddess of fate > having a true rune.
Kuja (FF9) vs. Will (Illusion of Gaia)
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Millenia (Grandia2): Uh. Riovanes Castle is pretty impressive. Although Millenia by the end is also pretty potent... I dunno. Gets eaten by Valmar a bit too easily towards the end I guess.
Nicolai / Astaroth (SH2) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias): ..... oh what the fuck is this. Neither is Godlike at all. Astaroth is like, possibly weaker than Rasputin, definitely weaker than the Mutant Apes and Kato and Yuri and... I'll just stop. Dracula at least... uh... has quite a few minions he orders around, even if his power is very local overall.

Belselk (WA) vs. Arngrim (VPs): ACF Belselk smash. You'd need to be a full VP god before you can take him.
Rubicant (FF4) vs. Bastila Shan (KOTOR): ... Knights of the Old Republic?
Lynx (CC) vs. Citan (XG): Guardian Angel, master swordsman, etc. The reasons this guy was RPGP Godlike.
Nina (BoF2) vs. Galuf (FF5): Galuf's display in Moore is pretty damn impressive. Stands out more than Nina did.


Dahna (G3) vs. Cherenkov (XS): Hmmm. Cherenkov was able to kill... lots of people. His exact powers are never specified, but he's a bit of a freak killing machine. Inclined to respect that more than Dahna's vague abilities as a magic user.
Joshua (FE8) vs. Demi (PS4): Controlling the climate of a planet > being good with a sword.
Rena (SO2) vs. Tidus (FFX): Tidus... mm. He never wields a sword before Sin attacks DZ. He has no special powers whatsoever (a special nature, yes, but not one which gives him powers). His entire specialness comes from his being an outsider and his fresh views on Spira's traditions, not from... anything combat-related at all. Rena at least is a survivor of a super-race.

Pikachu (Poke) vs. Lucia (Lunar2): Not giving Pikachu any anime nonsense powers.
Snowe (S4) vs. Gobi (BoF): Gobi is mocked for gameplay. Snowe is actively pathetic. All Gobi has to do is wave his spear and it'll be all "MY ARM!" from there. Not to mention the power of bribery, if that fails.
Hammer (XG) vs. Allen (XS): Allen's special power is falling on his ass. Hammer actually gets shit done.
Seifer (FF8) vs. Tia (Lufia2): <_< Honestly, he's an accomplished gunblade user. Now, if this were DL-canon Seifer...

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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 1
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2008, 07:23:20 AM »
Hrist (VPs) vs. Luc (S3): Luc has a true rune, but he's not especially adept with it, despite what you'd think intuitively (proof? Geddoe vs. him was an even match, he needed to rely on a second True Rune to beat Geddoe.)  Hrist, meanwhile, is still a Goddess.
Kuja (FF9) vs. Will (Illusion of Gaia): What the hell is Will (whose not even in an RPG to begin with) doing in Godlike? The kids just one of these "Chosen Warriors!" who fights a comet and doesn't really do that damn much.  MEANWHILE, Kuja still blows up an entire planet.
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Millenia (Grandia2): Millenia didn't really feel THAT strong plotwise outside of her initial appearance.  At least, I wouldn't kneejerk her as being stronger than a Zodiac.
Nicolai / Astaroth (SH2) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias): Agreeing with Elfboy on this one, though I disagree about Astaroth not being that strong; he's suppose to be equal to Amon and Asmodeus, just Nicolai wasn't one who was well versed in fusions, so his manifestation of it wasn't nearly as strong as the others.  Not that it matters in this match, as its Nicolai.
In any event, Dracula really isn't that powerful either.  Yeah, Vampire Overlord and all that...but he still gets beat by an average human on a regular basis in one on one, and Belmonts aren't suppose to be THAT OMGWTF on power.

Belselk (WA) vs. Arngrim (VPs): First off, Berserk being in Heavy while Dracula/Nicolai being in Godlike is offensive.  That said, while Arngrim may be one of the stronger Einherjar (keyword: May), Berserk is still the strongest of the Quarter Knights and it is shown on several occasions.
Rubicant (FF4) vs. Bastila Shan (KOTOR): Can't vote.
Lynx (CC) vs. Citan (XG): I refuse to vote on this match.  Lynx's plot powers are even *LESS* defined than Serge (and implied to be greater), so all you did was...argh.  Maybe I'll vote Citan just to get Lynx out of this tournament.
Case in point, for the love of god, if you ever use a CC Character, use someone who is easy to interpret like the Devas or Poshul or something (AND DEFINITELY NOT KID)
Nina (BoF2) vs. Galuf (FF5): Veteran Fighter backed up with the power of the crystals vs. standard Mage girl.  Nina doesn't really deserve to be in Heavy for plot power.


Dahna (G3) vs. Cherenkov (XS): Cherenkov killed a bunch of people, and he still has that Gnosis form, I guess.  Dhana...what the hell does she do again that's remotely plot relevant?
Joshua (FE8) vs. Demi (PS4): 300 year old Android > normal human.  Demi should probably be heavy.
Kresnik Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Drachma (SoA): clue.  Forget what Kresnik's got offhand.
Rena (SO2) vs. Tidus (FFX): Rena's not much of a fighter when it comes down to it.  Someone athletic and who wields a clearly stronger weapon should be able to take her.  No, I don't think I buy "nedian powers!" meaning anything, since in game, all it said was "she can heal you!" If being Nedian meant more than that, I'd consider it, and in game, she never shows her doing it on herself, and...blech, this fight doesn't deserve to be middle.

Pikachu (Poke) vs. Lucia (Lunar2): Lucia's still got a fair amount of power, Pikachu's pretty generic by Pokemon standards.
Snowe (S4) vs. Gobi (BoF): Snowe's pretty pathetic at combat; that was kind of the point of S4's beginning.  Gobi at least fights underwater sea monsters or something!
Hammer (XG) vs. Allen (XS): Allen can fight, Hammer cannot.
Seifer (FF8) vs. Tia (Lufia2): Um, wait, what's Seifer doing in Light while Tidus is in Middle?  Am I missing something here?  Seifer has ACTUAL TRAINING using a more sophisticated weapon, actual combat experience, can use GFs, and...yeah.  No freaking way he should be light.
THAT said, Tia's a pathetic shop keeper with no real combat experience, against someone who actually does.
EDIT: And Dhyer brings up the "Kills Odin in one strike!" thing.  Yeah, what the hell is Seifer doing in Light in a plot power tournament?
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 1
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2008, 08:16:46 AM »
Hrist (VPs) vs. Luc (S3)- I dunno, basically I get the impression that, without divine artifacts, the only really God-like Asgardians are Freya and possibly Odin.  Sure, they're badass, but still beings you can fight and beat if you're sufficently badass yourself.  It's still close really; True Runes are basically in the same sort of tier, I just think Luc's creative enough to squeak by here.
Kuja (FF9) vs. Will (Illusion of Gaia)- No vote.
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Millenia (Grandia2)- Millenia seemed weirdly... average for power.  Maybe emotion powered?  Eh, not enough for Hashy.
Nicolai / Astaroth (SH2) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias)- Actually, I think I just have a really strict definition of Plot Godlike.  I wouldn't put any of these in one!  Anyway, Drac's powers are as much as the sort of Lord of Darkness controllling his minions as his own personal power, but it seems like a bit more than a rank and file SH demon lord.

Belselk (WA) vs. Arngrim (VPs)
Rubicant (FF4) vs. Bastila Shan (KOTOR)- No vote.
Lynx (CC) vs. Citan (XG)- D'ya know, I'd probably vote Citan over Hrist?
Nina (BoF2) vs. Galuf (FF5)


Dahna (G3) vs. Cherenkov (XS)- Dahna's not a light?  Anyways, Cherenkov's some breed of super soldier, that's gotta be better than weird desert chick.
Joshua (FE8) vs. Demi (PS4)- Android > mundane skilled warrior.
Kresnik Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Drachma (SoA)- For whatever reason, even Kresnik's weaker ARM abuse was portrayed as in the league of superhumans.  Though Drachma's survivability borders on the unbelievable...
Rena (SO2) vs. Tidus (FFX)- Magical ancient race.

Pikachu (Poke) vs. Lucia (Lunar2)- Hum.  Lucia does seem to get knocked down to puny mortal levels... but is Pikachu particularly above that?  I dunno.  Coinflip... pika.
Snowe (S4) vs. Gobi (BoF)- ... naah, I don't think I put too much stock in INJURED ARM for one on one battles against a talking fish.  Trained warrior vs merchant.
Hammer (XG) vs. Allen (XS)- Allen's basically a mere mortal doing something stupidly heroic in the name of love.   Hammer is shown being willing to just shoot such people, and apparently is a good enough shot for a kill.
Seifer (FF8) vs. Tia (Lufia2)- whut
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 1
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2008, 08:44:52 AM »
Only doing this so Bastila burns.

Rubicant (FF4) vs. Bastila Shan (KOTOR): Her plot power aids ally troops.  Otherwise she's just a below average Jedi in her cast.


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 1
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2008, 09:05:41 AM »
Hrist (VPs) vs. Luc (S3) - Bwahahaha.
Kuja (FF9) vs. Will (Illusion of Gaia) - Blows up a planet.
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Millenia (Grandia2) - Uh, wow, Vormav kills a handful of scrubs. Your heroes do that on a regular basis. Vormav for middle. Millenia is part of a being that destroyed a god.
Nicolai / Astaroth (SH2) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias) - Can't vote, but people need to play more Lament of Innocence and beyond. Dracula's plot power is on crack (as is the Belmont clan's).

Belselk (WA) vs. Arngrim (VPs) - Arngrim in Heavy? What?
Rubicant (FF4) vs. Bastila Shan (KOTOR) - ...Bastila is horrible without allies.
Lynx (CC) vs. Citan (XG) - Mostly just a "fuck you" to Lynx. See Meeple for why.
Nina (BoF2) vs. Galuf (FF5) - Maybe if Mina didn't steal Big Bird Powers Nina would stand a chance in Heavy >.>


Dahna (G3) vs. Cherenkov (XS)
Joshua (FE8) vs. Demi (PS4) - Demi is a naive n00b.
Kresnik Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Drachma (SoA)
Rena (SO2) vs. Tidus (FFX) - Tidus loses to all the Lights here.

Pikachu (Poke) vs. Lucia (Lunar2) - Lucia gets downgraded to "hero level" power, which is still a cut above normal humans. Pokemon are subservient to humans, especially lowly Pikachu.
Snowe (S4) vs. Gobi (BoF)
Hammer (XG) vs. Allen (XS) - Actually kills someone!
Seifer (FF8) vs. Tia (Lufia2) - Cutting Odin half counts for something.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2008, 09:08:35 AM by InfinityDragon »


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 1
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2008, 01:20:26 PM »

Hrist (VPs) vs. Luc (S3) - Mmm...this is a lot closer than I thought it would be.  Hrist is a Goddess, but a beatable one (at least she's more in her league in Godlike than Light!).  Beatable by a mage.  Mmm...yeah, I think Luc's crafty enough for this.
Kuja (FF9) vs. Will (Illusion of Gaia) - Will' plot power.  A decent bit of it.  Maybe a weak Godlike, but it's feasible.  Still not as good as Kuja.
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Millenia (Grandia2) - Millenia.  Not even close. 
Nicolai / Astaroth (SH2) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias) - Eh...greater demon vs. Dracula.  Honestly, they're both good here - as ID said, later Castlevanias give Drac a lot of additional back-up.  Probably leaning Dracula here, since he's got that whole CANNOT DIE AS LONG AS THERE IS EVIL thing.  Also, "Die, monster!"


Belselk (WA) vs. Arngrim (VPs) - Belselk.
Rubicant (FF4) vs. Bastila Shan (KOTOR) - Rubicante.
Lynx (CC) vs. Citan (XG) - ...awesomeness.  Serge was fun, but Lynx makes this even more fun!  Lynx.
Nina (BoF2) vs. Galuf (FF5) - Galuf for Godlike.


Dahna (G3) vs. Cherenkov (XS) - Dahna...has background as...a fortune-tellerish magic-using chieftain?  Cherenkov >_>
Joshua (FE8) vs. Demi (PS4) - Demi.
Kresnik Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Drachma (SoA) - Kresnik.  Drachma is hard to kill, but Kresnik's ARM is portrayed very, very powerfully.  Despite the drug addiction. 
Rena (SO2) vs. Tidus (FFX) - Mmm...Rena.  The last scene of SO2 has her magically floating through space, so she...can't be horrible!


Pikachu (Poke) vs. Lucia (Lunar2) - Lucia.  PIKACHU IS A FUCKING PET.
Snowe (S4) vs. Gobi (BoF)  - Snowe.  Gobi has no water for Snowe to break his arm.
Hammer (XG) vs. Allen (XS) - Hammer.
Seifer (FF8) vs. Tia (Lufia2) - Seifer.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 1
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2008, 02:55:59 PM »
Hrist (VPs) vs. Luc (S3)- Luc has the power of the gods by the end and can outmuscle Hrist, I'd think. I'm a bit underwhelmed with Hrist in Godlike.
Kuja (FF9) vs. Will (Illusion of Gaia)- Yeah no.
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Millenia (Grandia2)- Millenia's only one piece of Valmar. Dont' think she can swing this by herself.
Nicolai / Astaroth (SH2) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias)

Lynx (CC) vs. Citan (XG)- FATE I'd vote over Citan in and instant and he's a high Godlike. Lynx is simply the vessel of FATE, so he fries in spite of being fairly competent.
Nina (BoF2) vs. Galuf (FF5)


Dahna (G3) vs. Cherenkov (XS)- Serial killers trump skanky village girls.
Joshua (FE8) vs. Demi (PS4)
Kresnik Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Drachma (SoA)- Drachma is a badass who devotes most of his life to revenge and kicking the shit out of a giant fucking floating whale. Kresink PMSes.
Rena (SO2) vs. Tidus (FFX)- Rena's pretty strong plot power wise, even for a Nedian.

Pikachu (Poke) vs. Lucia (Lunar2) **
Snowe (S4) vs. Gobi (BoF)- Gobi does get shit done. Snowe just fails.
Hammer (XG) vs. Allen (XS)- Bit of a changeup here, but Allen was extremely effective in XS3 I found. Not only did he probably save the universe there and Shion, he does it through sheer force of will. hammer.. is a bit of a loser, sadly.
Seifer (FF8) vs. Tia (Lufia2)- Seifer may be an idiot, but.. .well, it's Tia.
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 1
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2008, 05:04:31 PM »
Hrist (VPs) vs. Luc (S3)-Gonna say True Rune > Lesser Goddess here.
Kuja (FF9) vs. Will (Illusion of Gaia)-Maybe Will's second transformation could do this...but no.
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Millenia (Grandia2)-Ehhhhh, sure.
Nicolai / Astaroth (SH2) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias)-Nicolai in godlike.

Belselk (WA) vs. Arngrim (VPs)-Yeah, right.
Rubicant (FF4) vs. Bastila Shan (KOTOR)-Bastila's a....heavy? Not on her own she's not.
Lynx (CC) vs. Citan (XG)-Sure
Nina (BoF2) vs. Galuf (FF5)-Sure


Dahna (G3) vs. Cherenkov (XS)-Not far enough in G3 I think
Joshua (FE8) vs. Demi (PS4)-I'd call it for Josh if Demi was some type of monster-esque thing at all. But not seeing his Sacred Twin as being an android slayer.
Kresnik Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Drachma (SoA)-WA4 ARMS hype > Tough old bastard. Pity.
Rena (SO2) vs. Tidus (FFX)-See Meeple and take this match to Light please.

Pikachu (Poke) vs. Lucia (Lunar2) **
Snowe (S4) vs. Gobi (BoF)-Snowe is the captain of a ship. This means the fight is on the water. And after Gobi gets to do a bit of work on the underside of the ship, the fight is IN the water. What's really sad is that Gobi could probably take Snowe on dry land anyway. 
Hammer (XG) vs. Allen (XS)-Only played XS1, but I can't see Allen getting good enough to do this. See the Elf.
Seifer (FF8) vs. Tia (Lufia2)-Were you intending this to be DL cannon Seifer, guys? FF8 Seifer pretty much rapes a Plot Power Light feild here. Afterall, he kills frikkin' ODIN. Sure, gets his ass kicked by Gilgamesh a moment later, but still.
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<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 1
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2008, 06:01:09 PM »
Notes!  Yes, some of the rankings my cause rolling of eyes, but I will freely admit I'm not perfect.  Re-running a normal season was having 3/4 of the matches be blowouts; if only half the matches are blowouts here, I'll call it an improvement, even so.  And if some people are under/overpowered, well, fine, they'll lose and/or clean up.  I will say that one of my biases is to strongly punish idiots in plot power tournies and reward smart types - hence Seifer and Lucia in Light, because despite theoretically being badasses, they fail it up repeatedly anyway.  Heck, I'd be tempted to place Rosa in Light despite being an awesome white mage who helps kill Zeromus, due to her habit of repeatedly getting captured/kidnapped.  Also, some of the characters from weird and/or obscure games are in precisely because they don't get into the DL normally often, so best to use 'em when there's a chance.


Hrist (VPs) vs. Luc (S3) - How much do I punish Hrist for her scene in VP2 Chapter 6 where the Valks stand around like idiots and let Lezard perform the Sovereign's Rite?  I don't think there's any indication that Lezard was specially powered up by his Sacred Artifacts in order to do that, and Luc has a comparable "suck the True Rune" off someone move he uses a lot.  Close, but leaning Luc.
Kuja (FF9) vs. Will (Illusion of Gaia) - Will gets some stupid plot hype which is a bit more than your average chosen warrior, but yeah, Trance Kuja is amazingly boomy, and Will needed what's-her-face annoying girl's help for the final battle.
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Millenia (Grandia2) - Defeating other demons is kind of Millenia's specialty.  Hash, while not a pushover, is clearly not at Altima's level.
Nicolai / Astaroth (SH2) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias) - Apparently I have more Nicolai respect than most...  like Yuri, he was able to keep his demon under control, at least for awhile.  Astaroth was also the somewhat holy-aligned demon, IIRC (With Asmodeus evil and Amon neutral), which would be useful against Drac, who while impossible to kill permanently, is still beatable in a duel.

Belselk (WA) vs. Arngrim (VPs) - Didn't play ACF, so if Belselk is powered up there, not familiar with it.  Arngrim is definitely one of the best einjergar, who are stronger than most mortals, so I think he can take this.
Rubicant (FF4) vs. Bastila Shan (KOTOR) - Bastila fries.  She only scrapes Heavy thanks to Jedi tricks and a lightsaber, and those I don't see really working on Rubicant.
Lynx (CC) vs. Citan (XG) - Lynx kind of sucks; not buying the "CC plot woo something might happen!" garbage (but it worked for Serge, hence Lynx in Heavy?).  The body-exchange thing doesn't seem to be repeatable and was probably Serge-only anyway.
Nina (BoF2) vs. Galuf (FF5) - Legendary ancient warriors and all.


Dahna (G3) vs. Cherenkov (XS) - Dahna can damage Cherenkov!  And it doesn't matter.
Kresnik Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Drachma (SoA) - Tricky.  Kresnik runs out of juice easily, and Drachma is legendarily durable...  but Kresnik's also capable of continuing on when by all rights he shouldn't?  Coin-flip...  congratulations, Kresnik.
Rena (SO2) vs. Tidus (FFX) - Rena has amazing healing powers from a super-alien race, and Tidus...  is good at blitzball.  Hastey time powers aren't enough here.

Pikachu (Poke) vs. Lucia (Lunar2) - Lucia has the intelligence and social skills of a four-year old, hence loses to anyone with half a brain...  which Pikachu can't really exploit, not being able to say much.
Snowe (S4) vs. Gobi (BoF) - Ack.  Snowe fails it up at every opportunity, but is implied to suck somewhat less at the very end...  while Gobi is a merchant along for the ride.  Eh, the sea is actually somewhat relevant here, so Gobi takes this one by capsizing Snowe's ship or something.
Hammer (XG) vs. Allen (XS) - Hammer is pathetic, but he pulls the trigger when the pressure is on.  Allen would dally around too long.
Seifer (FF8) vs. Tia (Lufia2) - Both fail, but Seifer fails against stiffer competition.


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 1
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2008, 07:56:01 PM »
Hrist (VPs) vs. Luc (S3)
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Millenia (Grandia2)
Nicolai / Astaroth (SH2) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias)

Belselk (WA) vs. Arngrim (VPs)
Lynx (CC) vs. Citan (XG)
Nina (BoF2) vs. Galuf (FF5)

Joshua (FE8) vs. Demi (PS4)
Kresnik Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Drachma (SoA)
Rena (SO2) vs. Tidus (FFX)

Pikachu (Poke) vs. Lucia (Lunar2)
Snowe (S4) vs. Gobi (BoF)
Hammer (XG) vs. Allen (XS)
Seifer (FF8) vs. Tia (Lufia2)

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 1
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2008, 05:18:20 AM »
Hrist (VPs) vs. Luc (S3)
Kuja (FF9) vs. Will (Illusion of Gaia)
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Millenia (Grandia2)
Nicolai / Astaroth (SH2) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias)

Belselk (WA) vs. Arngrim (VPs)
Rubicant (FF4) vs. Bastila Shan (KOTOR)
Lynx (CC) vs. Citan (XG)
Nina (BoF2) vs. Galuf (FF5)


Dahna (G3) vs. Cherenkov (XS)
Joshua (FE8) vs. Demi (PS4)
Kresnik Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Drachma (SoA)
Rena (SO2) vs. Tidus (FFX)

Pikachu (Poke) vs. Lucia (Lunar2)
Snowe (S4) vs. Gobi (BoF)- I... guess....
Hammer (XG) vs. Allen (XS)- mad skillz
Seifer (FF8) vs. Tia (Lufia2)
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 1
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2008, 06:01:46 AM »
Hrist (VPs) vs. Luc (S3): Generally seems more competent by herself.
Kuja (FF9) vs. Will (Illusion of Gaia): Will would win this if his fusion with Cara was legal!
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Millenia (Grandia2): I don't think Millenia would beat say Melfice 1v1.
Nicolai / Astaroth (SH2) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias): Astaroth may not be much before Yuri, but he's still pretty powerful plotwise.

Belselk (WA) vs. Arngrim (VPs):
Rubicant (FF4) vs. Bastila Shan (KOTOR): Bastila fries. I'm sad. No. Really.
Lynx (CC) vs. Citan (XG)
Nina (BoF2) vs. Galuf (FF5): UOM power. Also owned X-Death! I think Krile would win this <_<


Dahna (G3) vs. Cherenkov (XS): Killed people with his bare hands, no? Puts him above Dahna plotwise for me then.
Joshua (FE8) vs. Demi (PS4): Advanced android hype, sure.
Kresnik Ahtredie (WA4) vs. Drachma (SoA): Drachma doesn't die.
Rena (SO2) vs. Tidus (FFX): Tidus isn't anything particularly special.

Pikachu (Poke) vs. Lucia (Lunar2) **: She still had enough power to kill a rat.
Snowe (S4) vs. Gobi (BoF): Sure. Giant fish hype.
Hammer (XG) vs. Allen (XS): Can shoot a gun.
Seifer (FF8) vs. Tia (Lufia2): Gunblade user on par with Squall in a game where those weapons get hype. Cuts a powerful GF in half.