THE Emperor, Mateus Palamecia (Final Fantasy II) vs Ultimecia (Final Fantasy VIII): Bit of a fail-off. Not sure how I see Ulti. Immuning Drain makes Emperor damage emo, but Ulti's already is. Then again, she has the right damage type most of the time, so I'll vote her for that. I guess.
Levin Brenton (Wild ARMs XF) vs Exdeath (Final Fantasy V): Lower respect for Levin than some (I'm debating between +5 or +6 for DL weapons, rather than +8, so that hurts Levin's hit a bit). Still, uh, it's X-Death. He's kinda fragile, has no evade, and no counters. Levin can manage.
Dheginsea (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn) vs Kekfa Palazzo (Final Fantasy VI): Kefka really wants ITD... though lightning does become partially ITD against Dheggy? Double Bolt 3 does hurt a lot. Doubt I see Dheg surviving that.
Lieselotte (Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume) vs Gallows Caradine (Wild ARMs 3): Gallows can't heal his way out of this one and I can't see him winning a damage race. I may also vote on the boss form (every path), which... moves, so goes first and does overkill damage.
Sanaki (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn) vs Algus Sadalfas (Final Fantasy Tactics): Probably.