1. What was the last song to get stuck in your head?The Doom Song from Invader Zim.
2. Fall is here! Do you like this time of year? Some years, yes. This year is one of those years. Love being able to use words like "crisp" to describe the air, love the changing leaves, love the incoming slew of holidays, love the low tempo at work, love the traditions. What I don't love is the cold and the wind and the rain, but you can't have everything.
3. (US residents) Are you voting in the house elections this year? Are you decided on how you're voting?I am voting. Most of the shit I'm concerned with is the slew of props California has on its ballot this season. And the terrible, terrible advertisements that come in the mail or are on the TV.
4. If you could have one possession right now, what would it be? Assume that it is something you could reasonably afford, not like a new BMW.Not sure I care. Most of my money desires are experiences, not things. Wouldn't mind a decent dSLR, though.
5. Does your neighborhood still do Trick or treating?Never has, really. Hooray city living.
6. Are you doing anything special for Thanksgiving, or just staying at home?Home, I think. Is okay. Going to visit the parents for Christmas.
7. Are you planning on living in the same town in a year? Working the same job, if you have one?NO. GOD NO. I wouldn't mind living in the Bay Area, but I don't want to be in Oakland anymore. And I swear to god if I'm still working this job on October 4, 2011, I'm quitting when someone reminds me I said this.
8. How concerned are you about your budget/debt? Is it going to be a long term problem?Very, and not really. Just annoying right now. BA in English, etc., etc.
9. What is your ideal day off?Me in a good mood, Andy off and awake and in a good mood, and getting to go out and do normal people things because I feel like it.
10. What is the last new game you played? Did you finish it?Um... uh... y'all won't like this answer, so I'm gonna skip it.
11. When was the last time you dressed up for halloween? What did you dress as?Last year, as some zombie thing or another.
12. What is your favorite piece of halloween candy?I love candy corn to a certain level of tolerance. Otherwise, I'm good with most things. I like candy. I think you can tell.
13. What was your favorite moment/event this summer? You don't have to rub it in. My summer was horrendously boring. DLC, I guess -- and the time immediately before it and after it, hanging out with DJ and Chiaki and then Tom. Not that we did much, but that's cool.