Author Topic: Brahms (vs. Empyrea)  (Read 598 times)


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Brahms (vs. Empyrea)
« on: October 23, 2009, 09:32:05 AM »
As a ruler of undead creatures, Brahms has seen all the tricks that Harpies might try to throw out. Sure, Empyrea may be a slight upgrade over harpies, but the Vampire Lord surely has her number here. While her decent physical resistance should ensure that Empyrea will survive for a few turns, Brahms’ near physical immunity will mean that Empyrea’s only hope of damaging him is a puny once-per-round Zap. Anything else will be like a pigeon clawing at a wall. And once Brahms’ Bloody Curse finally activates, no amount of physical resistance is saving Empyrea from becoming another notch on Brahms’ belt. Bye bye birdy!
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Brahms (vs. Empyrea)
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2009, 03:17:44 AM »
As a ruler of undead creatures, Brahms has seen all the tricks that Harpies might try to throw out. Sure, Empyrea may be a slight upgrade over harpies, but the Vampire Lord surely has her number here. While her decent physical resistance should ensure that Empyrea will survive for a few turns, Brahms’ near physical immunity will mean that Empyrea’s only hope of damaging him is a puny once-per-round Zap. Anything else will be like a pigeon clawing at a wall. And once Brahms’ Bloody Curse finally activates, no amount of physical resistance is going to save Empyrea from becoming another notch on Brahms’ belt. Bye bye birdy!
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