Is it really too much for Relm to ask to get a decent model to paint? First, it was Rebecca, who had questionable clothing and even more questionable hair along with a nasty attitude. Now Colette, with her insane ditziness and even less fashionable attire. If little Relm's going to be painting other girls instead of fuzzy animals or cute boys, she'd at least like one with a bit of elegance. Oh well, she can live with it, especially since she gets to take out her frustrations on her woefully inadequate model with a knife. Despite the name, the Man Eater works just fine against girls too, and on everything from moogles to yetis as well, so Colette can't count on her weird angel plot powers to get her out of a well deserved beating at the hands of the most magical artist around. Maybe repeated pummelings will earn her an appropriate model this time!