Author Topic: Middles/Heavies! (Tourney idea, gauging interest)  (Read 2985 times)


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Re: Middles/Heavies! (Tourney idea, gauging interest)
« Reply #25 on: December 12, 2009, 02:18:03 AM »
Mm.  Timing was uncanny on this, had a team tournament based idea I was going to post on Monday too, but Tide beat me to it.  Ah well.

Team Mercenaries Who Don't Get Along
Amarant (FF9)
Raven (FE7)
Ryudo (G2)

Team "FF4 Imposters"

Cecile (S3)
Edge (S3)
Caina (WA2)

Team "Mana Warriors"

Lise (SD3)
Hawk (SD3)
Kevin (SD3)