Author Topic: Defense of the Ancients Allstars as of v6.60 Leak [under construction]  (Read 2943 times)


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I am high on stress. This will take ages for completion, this nearly has the same amount of PC Suikoden characters (70+).

HP: When this hits 0 you get pwned.
Mana: When this hits 0 you can't set up your killing skills.
Damage: Min/max damage dealt.
Armor: Determines damage reduction from everything. This armor type in Warcraft 3 is set to Hero for all people in this topic, so they gain innate 25% spell resistance.
Move Speed: How fast you move, duh.
Strength: Determines HP, HP regen/sec
Agility: Determines Armor, Attack Speed
Intelligence: Determines Mana, Mana regen/sec
Each hero here has a primary attribute, this primary attribute is either Strength, Agility, or Intelligence. The Primary attribute determines damage dealt. The primary attribute will be BOLDED.

Each Hero is taken at end-game levels of 25. During this time they have all their skills learnt, including Attribute Bonus Lv10, which is +20 to all stats. This will already be factored in.

Item interps are a headache and I won't do this just yet.

6.60 Changes
1. Aghanim's Scepter, an item that originally only was any good for a handful of heroes is now applicable to almost all of them. The Scepter itself grants a +250 HP boost, +200 Mana boost, and +10 to all stats. It boosts the Ultimate skill of heroes. I will factor these in.
2. Some heroes have new skillsets.
3. New Heroes -
6.56 --> Windrunner, Admiral
6.60 --> Batrider, Tauren Chieftain

Vengeful Spirit
HP: 1651
Mana: 1001
Damage: 130 ~ 144 177 ~ 196 w/ Command Aura
Armor: 13.8 (45% damage reduction)
Move Speed: 295
Strength: 79
Agility: 98
Intelligence: 77

Magic Missile - Deals 325 damage, stuns for 1.75 secs. 10 second cooldown, 140 Manacost
Terror - Reduces base armor and damage of nearby units by 5 and 20% respectively, 15 second cooldown, 40 mana
Command Aura - Increases nearby units damage by 36%, also applies to Shendelzare
Nether Swap - USELESS IN A DUEL (swaps positions with the target)

Lord of Olympus
HP: 1708
Mana: 1352
Damage: 125 ~ 133
Armor: 9.8 (38% damage reduction)
Move Speed: 295
Strength: 82
Agility: 75
Intelligence: 104

Arc Lightning - Laces 15 times through many nearby units, deals 130 damage. 86 manacost, 2 sec cooldown.
Lightning Bolt - Deals 350 damage, 135 manacost, 7 sec cooldown.
Static Field - Every time Zeus casts a spell, he shocks nearby units for 11% of their cHP
Thundergod's Wrath - Strikes down all enemy heroes (PCs, bosses, etc, but not randoms) for 460 damage, 450 mana, 120 sec cooldown

HP: 1746
Mana: 1339
Damage: 124 ~ 134
Armor: 9.8 (38% damage reduction)
Move Speed: 295
Strength: 84
Agility: 82
Intelligence: 103

Enchant - Slows the enemy (40%) if they cannot be converted (which applies to everyone in the DL), 65 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
Nature's Attendants - Summons 9 wisps to heal. Each wisp lasts for 10 seconds and heals 10hp/sec, for a total of 900 HP healed. 170 mana, 45 sec cooldown
Untouchable - Whenever Aiushtha is attacked, she slows the enemy's attack speed by 85%.
Impetus (ULTIMATE) - Deals additional 25% damage of the distance to the enemy. 55 mana, 0 sec cooldown

HP: 1803 base
Mana: 949
Damage: 130 ~ 139
Armor: 18.3 (52% damage reduction)
Move Speed: 285
Strength: 87
Agility: 111
Intelligence: 73

Waveform - Deals 325 damage to everyone in his path. Usually ST. 165 mana, 11 sec cooldown.
Adaptive Strike - Deals 120 + 2.6x Agility iff Agility is the higher attribute, or stuns for 2.6 sec iff Strength is the higher attribute. 100 mana, 20 sec cooldown. Tests in a moment.
Morph - Morphling can edit his stats. He can either drop some Strength to gain Agility or vice versa. This greatly changes his HP, and affects Adaptive Strike's damage. 8 points are used per second/use. Tests in a moment.
Replicate - Creates a replica of any target friendly or enemy hero (everyone in the DL). It only deals 50% damage, but Morphling can morph into his replication. Lasts 60 seconds, 1500 cast range. 25 mana, 80 sec cooldown.

Morph Tests:
When Strength = 1, Agility = 197, HP = 169, Armor = 27.6 (62%)
When Agility = 1, Strength = 197, HP = 3893, Armor = 0.1 (0.8%)
When Strength = 47 (87 - [8 * 5]), Agility = 151, HP = 1043, Armor = 21.1 (55%)
When Agility = 71 (111 - [8 * 5]), Strength = 117, HP = 2373, Armor = 9.9 (37%)
When Strength = 31 (87 - [8 * 6]), Agility = 167, HP = 739, Armor = 23.4 (58%)
When Agility = 55 (111 - [8 * 6]), Strength = 143, HP = 2867, Armor = 7.7 (31%)
When Strength = 55 (87 - [8 * 4]), Agility = 142, HP = 1195, Armor = 19.9 (54%)
When Agility = 79 (111 - [8 * 4]), Strength = 119, HP = 2411, Armor = 11.1 (40%)

Adaptive Strike Tests:
197 Agility: 632
167 Agility: 554
151 Agility: 512
142 Agility: 489
Optimum Agility: 167
Greater Agility Balance for Agility>Strength: 142 Agility/55 Strength
Greater Agility Balance for Strength>Agility: 79 Agility/119 Strength

Crystal Maiden
HP: 1594
Mana: 1430
Damage: 127 ~ 133
Armor: 9.5 (36% damage reduction)
Move Speed: 280
Strength: 76
Agility: 74
Intelligence: 110

Frost Nova - Deals 175 target damage and 125 nova/splash damage for a total of 300 target damage, slows movement and attack speed for 4 secs. 185 Mana, 11 sec cooldown
Frostbite - Freezes a target, prohibiting movement and attacking. Deals 70 damage per second, lasts for 3 seconds. 150 mana, 10 sec cooldown.
Brilliance Aura - Adds 2.4 mana regeneration.
Freezing Field - Causes a crapload of random icy explosions in the area surrounding Rylai. Each explosion deals 250 damage and lasts for 4 seconds. 600 mana, 90 sec cooldown

Rogue Knight
HP: 2183
Mana: 845
Damage: 138 ~ 140
Armor: 9.5 (36% damage reduction) 13.5 (44.8% damage reduction) with Toughness Aura
Move Speed: 295
Strength: 107
Agility: 74
Intelligence: 65

Storm Bolt - 375 AoE damage, causes stun for 2 seconds. 140 mana, 14 sec cooldown
Great Cleave - 40% damage is dealt as splash damage.
Warcry - Increases movespeed of Sven and nearby allies by 10~%. Increases Sven's Armor by 8, for a total final armor of 21.5
God's Strength - Selectable buff. Adds 150% damage for 25 seconds. 200 mana, 120 sec coooldown.

Naga Siren
HP: 1974
Mana: 1001
Damage: 137 ~ 139
Armor: 18.2 (52% damage reduction)
Strength: 96
Move Speed: 320
Agility: 107
Intelligence: 77

Mirror Image - Creates 3 illusions that deal 45% original damage. Each illusion lasts 30 seconds. 150 mana, 50 sec cooldown
Ensnare - Stops an enemy target from moving for 5 seconds. 115 mana, 14 sec cooldown.
Critical Strike - 45% chance to deal 1.5 times damage on an attack
Song of the Siren - 100% Sleep affecting a huge area around Slithice. It lasts 8 seconds. 200 mana, 120 sec cooldown.

HP: 2088
Mana: 1027
Damage: 126 ~ 136
Armor: 10.2 (37% damage reduction)
Move speed: 300
Strength: 102
Agility: 65
Intelligence: 79

Fissure - 275 damage, 1.75 second stun, causes a giant impassable crevasse where Fissure was cast, 170 mana, 15 sec cooldown
Enchant Totem - The next attack deals 200% increased damage. 50 mana, 7 sec cooldown.
Aftershock - Every time Raigor casts a spell the earth shakes dealing 115 damage and causing 1.5 second stun.
Echo Slam - 350 initial damage, 65 echo damage. 265 mana, 110 sec cooldown. Echo damage is... when the shockwaves from Echo Slam hit more than a single target, the waves ricochet from the targets dealing additional 65 damage per extra target.

Stealth Assassin
HP: 1765
Mana: 845
Damage: 137 ~ 141
Armor: 19 (53% damage reduction)
Move Speed: 300
Strength: 85
Agility: 113
Intelligence: 65

Smoke Screen - 325 unit AoE, causes Silence to every opponent underneath the smoke, slows them by 25%, and causes 70% of their attacks to miss. 90 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
Blink Strike - Deals 120 extra damage to an enemy target by teleporting to them and striking. 50 mana, 5 sec cooldown.
Backstab - Deals 1x the Agility of Rikimaru to the target if attacking them from behind.
Permanent Invisibility - Rikimaru is invisible WHEN HE IS NOT ATTACKING. Oh god Rikimaru for godlike. 1.5 second fade time.

SYLLABEAR feat. Spirit Bear
Lone Druid
HP: 1803 (2403)
Mana: 858
Damage: 130 ~ 134
Armor: 15.3 (47% damage reduction) (21.3 Armor, 56% damage reduction)
Move Speed: 305
Strength: 87
Agility: 108
Intelligence: 66

Summon Spirit Bear - Summons a Spirit Bear with 2700 HP. It Entangles enemies 16% of the time, has Return, Demolish, 33% spell damage reduction, and can carry items. Return is useless in a duel, Demolish just does extra damage to building armor if I remember right. 75 mana, 120 sec cooldown
Rabid - Increases either Syllabear's OR Spirit Bear's Attack Speed by 40% and movement speed by 20%. 50 mana, 30 sec cooldown.
Synergy - Gives Spirit Bear 30 damage and 30 movement speed, increases the duration of Rabid by 30 seconds, adds extra HP to True Form.
True Form - Syllabear becomes... guess what? A BEAR. He can freely morph between the two forms. The true form has 600 extra health, 6 bonus armor, 25 mana, 0 sec cooldown.

HP: 1556 (2006)
Mana: 1495 (1895)
Damage: 133 ~ 151 (143 ~ 151)
Armor: 9.2 (35% damage reduction)
Move Speed: 295
Strength: 74 (84)
Agility: 72 (82)
Intelligence: 115 (125)

Dragon Slave - Deals 280 /non-elemental/ damage in a line. 140 mana, 8.5 sec cooldown.
Light Strike Array - Deals 280 /non-elemental/ damage in a small area. It stuns for 1.6 seconds. 125 mana, 10 sec cooldown.
Ultimate - Selectable buff. Increases Lina's attack speed by 50% for 30 seconds. 60 mana, 30 sec cooldown.
Laguna Blade - Deals 950 instant damage. 680 mana, 55 sec cooldown Aghanim's Laguna Blade does 1150 instant damage but costs around 920 mana

HP: 1765 (2215)
Mana: 871 (1271)
Damage: 132 ~ 136 (142 ~ 146)
Armor: 16.3 (49% damage reduction)
Move Speed: 305
Strength: 85 (95)
Agility: 108 (118)
Intelligence: 67 (77)

Blade Fury - Renders Yurnero immune to magic as he causes a bladestorm. Deals 140 per second to nearby units, lasts for 5 seconds. 110 mana, 30 sec cooldown.
Healing Ward - Summons a healing ward that heals all nearby allied units and Yurnero's life. heals 4% HP per second, lasts for 25 seconds for 100% HP healing if uninterrupted
Blade Dance - 36% chance to deal 2x damage on every attack.
Omnislash - Yurnero becomes invulnerable and slashes a crapload of targets 8 times. Is more potent if used against single targets. 350 mana, 110 sec cooldown. Aghanim's Omnislash does 12 slashes

HP: 1613
Mana: 1313
Damage: 119 ~ 141
Armor: 11.2 (40%)
Move Speed: 290
Strength: 77
Agility: 86
Intelligence: 101

Curse of the Silent - Afflicts a target with the Curse of the Silent. It causes the target to lose 40 hp and 20 mana per second until it casts a spell. Screws over physical-reliant characters, tinks magic-reliants. 135 mana, 25 sec cooldown
Glaives of Wisdom - Deals 60% of Nortrom's intelligence (60) in additional PURE damage (this does not get reduced by armor), 15 mana, 0 sec cooldown]
Last Word - Anyone who gets close to Nortrom by a 700 unit radius gets silenced for 4 seconds after casting a spell.
Global Silence - Stops all ENEMIES on the map from casting spells. It lasts 5 seconds. Basically a Silent Lake that only hits the enemy. Broken. 450 mana, 160 sec cooldown

Treant Protector
HP: 2582
Mana: 1040
Damage: 160 ~ 168
Armor: 12.8 (43%)
Move Speed: 300 ( is he faster than INT-based heroes O__O)
Strength: 128 (!!)
Agility: 83
Intelligence: 80

Nature's Guise - If Rooftrellen is near a tree, he can blend in and look like a tree, being untargettable for as long as he is near a tree. It lasts 60 seconds.  60 mana, 3 sec cooldown
Eyes in the Forest - Useless in a duel.
Living Armor - Adds 12 armor and regenerates 4 HP/sec, 40 mana, 7 sec cooldown
Overgrowth - Prevents all nearby enemies from moving OR attacking and deals 85 damage/sec for 5 seconds. 200 mana, 160 sec cooldown.

HP: 1803
Mana: 1573
Damage: 143 ~ 149
Armor: 10.2 (37%)
Move Speed: 300
Strength: 87
Agility: 58
Intelligence: 121

Malefice: Repeatedly stuns an enemy and deals 80 damage to it every 2 seconds, lasting for 6 seconds. 160 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
Conversion: Useless in a duel, unfortunately (it splits an allied creep/random into 3 Dire Eidoolons which are pretty strong)
Midnight Pulse: Creates an area of dark magic where enemies who are in it lose 6% mHP per second, lasting 8 seconds for a total of 48% mHP lost, 180 mana, 25 sec cooldown. Synergizes EXTREMELY well with Malefice, take this as you will
Black Hole - Creates a black hole, causing enemies to get sucked into it. Channeling, deals 70 damage at range, deals 140 close up, lasts for 4 seconds. 400 mana, 180 sec cooldown.

Keeper of the Light
HP: 1651
Mana: 1417
Damage: 125 ~ 141
Armor: 9.3 (35%)
Move Speed: 315 (he is on a horse, so)
Strength: 79
Agility: 73
Intelligence: 109

Illuminate - Channels a ball of energy, for every second channeled, it accumulates 100 damage. The distance is also increased. It can be channeled for 5 seconds dealing 500 damage at a max range of 800. 150 mana, 10 sec cooldown
Mana Leak - Target keeps losing mana as they run around and take actions based on the distance travelled. When the target completely loses their mana, they get stunned. 50 mana, 15 sec cooldown
Chakra Magic - Channels chakra through a friendly unit, restoring 300 mana, regeneration 0.6 HP/sec, and increasing damage by 28%. 120 mana, 19 sec cooldown.
Spirit Form - Ezalor turns into Spirit Form, changing his skillset:
-- Illuminate is the same as it was before, except Ezalor can move and leaves a spirit to cast.
-- Recall - Useless in a duel, calls all allies to his position
-- When he turns into Spirit Form, he makes a shockwave inducing knockback but dealing no damage.

Ursa Warrior
HP: 2278
Mana: 936
Damage: 115 ~ 119
Armor: 14.5 (46%)
Move Speed: 310
Strength: 112
Agility: 88
Intelligence: 72

Earthshock - Slams the ground, dealing 220 damage, and inflicting 55% slow. 75 mana, 7 sec cooldown.
Overpower - Increases Ulfsaar's attack speed by 400% (4x), lasting for 15 seconds or 5 attacks, 75 mana, 10 sec cooldown.
Fury Swipes: Each attack Ulfsaar does increases the next one's damage by 24
Enrage: When activated, Ulfsaar deals 6% cHP in damage. 0 mana, 25 sec cooldown.

AGGRON STONEBREAKER (rank DotA Aggron!!!!)
Ogre Magi
HP: 2411 (2861)
Mana: 1066 (1466)
Damage: 123 ~ 129 (133 ~ 139)
Armor: 13 (43%)
Move Speed: 295
Strength: 119 (129)
Agility: 71 (81)
Intelligence: 82 (92) (that is not a typo, Aggron has higher STR)

Fireblast - Deals 275 damage and stuns for 1.5 seconds. 105 mana, 15 sec cooldown
Ignite - Causes a target to start burning, taking 40 damage/sec, and 25% slow. Lasts 7.5 seconds. 125 mana, 15 sec cooldown
Bloodlust - Increases attack speed by 50% and move speed by 15%, lasts 30 seconds. 75 mana, 20 sec cooldown
Multicast - Gives a 20% chance to cast Fireblast 4 times (this deals a total of 1100 damage, but actually deals 825), THIS IS PASSIVE (oh also it gives a 20% chance to cast Bloodlust on 3 targets) Aghanim's Multi-cast gives a 20% chance to cast Fireblast 5 times (deals a total of 1375 raw damage, actual damage 1031 damage)

HP: 1765
Mana: 1287
Damage: 121 ~ 127
Armor: 9.6 (36%)
Move Speed: 305
Strength: 85
Agility: 61
Intelligence: 99

Laser - Deals 320 damage, causes the target and those around it to miss 25% of the time. 170 mana, 14 sec cooldown.
Heat Seeking Missile - Fires a rocket at the two nearest visible enemy heroes. Range is 2500. Deals 325 damage. 180 mana, 25 sec cooldown
March of the Machines - Calls in a horde of robot goblins to kill your enemies! Each tiny goblin does 40 damage. And by a horde I mean A HORDE. 190 mana, 35 sec cooldown. (There are well over 50 goblins in the animation so it could potentially deal more than 200 damage)
Rearm - Instantly reloads the Tinker's weapons. Basically it spends 1 second to make all of Boush's skills usable again. 350 mana, 0 sec cooldown

HP: 1670
Mana: 1430
Damage: 128 ~ 142
Armor: 11 (39%)
Move Speed: 300
Strength: 80
Agility: 71
Intelligence: 110

Sprout - Causes a ring of trees to surround an enemy unit, trapping him and blocking his visibility. Basically he can't do shit for 5.25 seconds. 205 mana, 11 sec cooldown
Teleportation - Useless in a duel (teleports to any explored part of the map)
Force of Nature - Raises 5 treants from a bunch of trees for 60 seconds. 160 mana, 37 sec cooldown. Might be useless in a duel.
Wrath of Nature - Causes damaging energy to swath the area. It deals 225 base damage, each target hit causes the next one to be hit by 7% more damage. 16 targets max. 610 mana, 60 sec cooldown.

AZWRAITH (aka Kimahri. His character model is Kimahri)
Phantom Lancer
HP: 1784
Mana: 1157
Damage: 132 ~ 154
Armor: 15.6 (48%)
Move Speed: 290
Strength: 86
Agility: 110
Intelligence: 89

Spirit Lance - Deals 250 damage and slows it by 40%. It creates an illusion that lasts for 8 seconds. 140 mana, 7 sec cooldown.
Doppelwalk - Azwraith turns invisible, leaving an illusion to confuse his enemies. 10% movespeed bonus. 60 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
Juxtapose - 12% chance (18% with Phantom Edge) to create an image with every attack, maximum of 5 images. The image last 15 seconds.
Phantom Edge - 20% magic resistance, 7% chance ILLUSIONS will create illusions of themselves, increases Juxtapose's effect by extra 8%

Stone Giant (haha cute)
HP: 2354
Mana: 936
Damage: 153 ~ 159
Armor: 6 (26%)
Move Speed: 285
Strength: 116
Agility: 50 (his level 25 Agility without Attribute Boost is 30!)
Intelligence: 72

Avalanche: Deals 300 damage, stuns for about 2~3 seconds. 120 mana, 20 sec cooldown. A unit tossed into the air gets hit by more rocks.
Toss: Tiny grabs the nearest unit, ALLY OR ENEMY, and launches them at a target area. Upon landing, the unit deals 300 damage to that area, but the unit also takes 20% of that damage to themselves. This damage increases with each level of Grow.
Craggy Exterior - Whenever a melee unit attacks Tiny, there is a 24% chance the unit attacking Tiny takes 55 damage and gets stunned for 1.2 seconds.
Grow - Increases damage by 120 damage, 50% reduced attack speed, slightly increases move speed and increases Toss damage. Tiny also looks really really big.

Goblin Techies
HP: 1765
Mana: 1443
Damage: 113 ~ 115
Armor: 8.2 (32%)
Move Speed: 270 (......)
Strength: 85
Agility: 65
Intelligence: 111

Land Mines - Lays down invisible mines that ASPLODE when a target is nearby. The explosion deals 600 damage. You can lay down a max of 15 mines. 205 mana, 12 sec cooldown
Stasis Trap - Lays down an invisible Stasis TARP that stuns nearby units when detonated. Stuns for 6 seconds!! 160 mana, 10 sec cooldown
Suicide Squad, Attack! - Sacrifices Squee and Spleen but deals 1550 damage to a massive area. 175 mana, 75 cooldown. Not that this matters in a duel anyway.
Remote Mines - Creates an invisible mine that will only activate when Detonate is used. 600 damage when they blow up. 300 mana, 10 sec cooldown.
SUBSKILL - Detonate - Detonates all remote mines.

Holy Knight
HP: 1594
Mana: 1404
Damage: 130 ~ 140
Armor: 11 (39%)
Move Speed: 300
Strength: 76
Agility: 85
Intelligence: 108

Penitence: Reduces an enemy's move speed by 32%, and makes them take 28% more damage. 100 mana, 14 sec cooldown.
Test of Faith - Deals 200 ~ 400 damage to foes based on FAITH (kills low Faith guys in FFT??). If cast on allies it teleports them away to a safe spot. 175 mana, 30 sec cooldown.
Holy Persuasion - Useless in a duel.
Hand of God - Heals every allied unit by 400 HP. 400 mana, 120 sec cooldown

HP: 1995
Mana: 1053
Damage: 128 ~ 132
Armor: 12.8 (43%)
Move Speed: 310
Strength: 95
Agility: 76
Intelligence: 81

Wild Axes - Throws two axes outwards, intersecting and then return to Rexxar. Each axe can only hurt a target once. Each axe deals 180 damage. 120 mana, 13 sec cooldown.
Call of the Wild - Summons a Greater Hawk and a Greater Quilbeast. 25 mana, 60 sec cooldown. The Greater Quilbeast is worthy of mention because he has a POIZN slowing attack. 25 mana, 60 sec cooldown
Beast Rage - Every continuous attack gives Rexxar 20% bonus attack speed.
Primal Roar - 300 primary damage, 4 second stun, 300 side damage, 4 second slow. 200 mana, 70 sec cooldown. Intensely broken.

Twin Head Dragon
HP: 2031
Mana: 1495
Damage: 129 ~ 141
Armor: 7.2 (30%)
Move Speed: 290
Strength: 99
Agility: 58
Intelligence: 115

Dual Breath - Breathes out an icy blast, then a wave of fire. Each breath does 140 damage, slowing the enemy and dealing 20 fire damage/second. 170 mana, 10 sec cooldown.
Ice Path - Creates a path of ice in front of Jakiro. After 0.5 secs, it asplodes, freezing nearby enemies for 2 seconds. 75 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
Auto Fire - While attacking, there is a 40% chance Jakiro's other head spits out a fireball that does 40 damage per second for 8 seconds (total of 320). Triggers a maximum of once every 1 second.
Macropyre - Creates a line of pulsing flame strikes in front of Jakiro. Each strike deals 175 damage per second for 5 seconds, and has a 200 AoE radius. There are about 5 strikes. 440 mana, 60 sec cooldown.

HP: 1803
Mana: 1144
Damage: 111 ~ 120
Armor: 7.3 (30%)
Move Speed: 300
Strength: 87
Agility: 59
Intelligence: 86

Acid Spray - Sprays high-pressure acid across a target area. Any enemy inside it causes them to take 32 damage per second and reduces their armor by 6. Lasts for 16 seconds. 160 mana, 22 sec cooldown.
Unstable Concotion - Razzil shakes up some chemical shit, then throws it at a target. It damages and stuns it based on how long he shook it up. He can shake it up to 5 seconds dealing a total of 300 damage and stunning for 5 seconds. 75 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
Goblin's Greed - Useless in a duel.
Chemical Rage - 1.2 base attack speed, 1050 bonus HP, and increased HP regen. It lasts for 25 secs. 150 mana, 45 sec cooldown.

Priestess of the Moon
HP: 1689
Mana: 988
Damage: 124 ~ 135
Armor: 14 (45%)
Move Speed: 300
Strength: 81
Agility: 106
Intelligence: 76

Starfall - Calls meteors to hit nearby enemies. Enemies further than 600 AoE range have a 60% chance to still get hit. A random enemy will get hit again for half the damage. 300 damage per wave. CHANNELLING. 160 mana, 12 sec cooldown
Elune's Arrow - Deals 360 damage and stuns anywhere between 0.5 to 5 seconds depending on how far the target is. 100 mana, 25 sec cooldown. VERY BROKEN!
Leap - Useless in a duel.
Moonlight Shadow - Makes Mirana and all allied heroes invisible. If it's broken, it gets restored after the fade time during the shadow's duration. Lasts for 11 seconds, 1.5 sec fade time. 300 mana, 160 sec cooldown.

Storm Spirit
HP: 1157
Mana: 1105
Damage: 107 - 117
Armor: 11.2 (40%)
Move Speed: 295
Strength: 53
Agility: 65
Intelligence: 85

Electric Remnant - Creates an electric spirit of Raijin that explodes when an enemy is nearby, dealing 260 AoE damage. 100 mana, 4 sec cooldown
Electric Vortex - Freezes an enemy and gets dragged closer to Raijin 250 units over 2.5 seconds. Note that during the animation Raijin attacks at least once, auto-triggering his next skill... (100 mana, 20 sec cooldown)
Overload - After Raijin casts a spell, his next attack deals 75 bonus AoE damage and slows the target for 2 seconds.
Ball Lightning - Raijin travels as ball lightning for as long as his mana can take him. He deals damage to those he passes through based on how far he travelled. He CAN attack the enemy during Ball Lightning's animation. No cooldown, mana based on distance

Sacred Warrior
HP: 1955 (2405)
Mana: 962 (1392)
Damage: 116 ~ 125 (126 ~ 135)
Armor: 12.8 (43%)
Move Speed: 300
Strength: 95 (105)
Agility: 97 (107)
Intelligence: 74 (84)

Inner Vitality - Heals a target for 20% of the main attribute (60% if the target has less than 40% mHP) + 8 hp regen per sec. 170 mana, 25 sec cooldown.
Burning Spear - Ignites Huskar's spears, causing them to burn the enemy, causing them to take 12 damage/sec for 6 seconds. This stacks up to 5 times. Costs 15 HP, cannot cast if Huskar has less than 100 HP 0 sec cooldown
Berserker's Blood - Increases attack speed by 8% and damage by 8 for every 7% of mHP lost. Maximum of 7 bonuses, for 56% increased attack speed and 56 damage for 49% mHP lost.
Life Break - Causes the target to lose 40% cHP, slows it by 50% for 5 seconds. Costs 25% of Huskar's own cHP. 45 sec cooldown Aghanim's Life Break causes the target to lose 60% of the cHP instead of 40, 20 sec cooldown

Templar Assassin (in other words a huge homage to Starcraft)
HP: 1632
Mana: 1144
Damage: 129 ~ 139
Armor: 16.2 (49%)
Move Speed: 305
Strength: 78
Agility: 107
Intelligence: 88

Refraction - Creates a refraction that protects Lanaya from external harm and gives her bonus damage for 5 instances. Lasts 20 seconds, gives 80 bonus damage. 75 mana, 23 sec cooldown.
Meld - Turns Lanaya invisible. When Lanaya attacks, she deals 200 extra damage and reduces the target's armor by 8 for 10 seconds. 50 mana cost, 7 sec cooldown.
Psi Blades - Only thing relevant to the DL of this skill is that nearby units (320 range) also take the same damage as the target.
Psionic Trap - Creates a TARP on the ground. When triggered, it slows units within a 400 radius by 50%. Max of 11 traps. 15 mana, 14 sec cooldown.

Faerie Dragon
HP: 1575
Mana: 1326
Damage: 115 ~ 126
Armor: 10.6
Strength: 75
Agility: 82
Intelligence: 102

Illusory Orb - Creates a magic orb flying down a straight path damaging everything in its way. It deals 280 damage. Puck can teleport to where the orb is. 125 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
Waning Rift - Deals 240 damage and silences for 3 seconds, 400 AoE. 130 mana, 20 sec cooldown
Phase Shift - Shifts Puck out of existence for 3 seconds, avoiding any damage. 20 mana, 6 sec cooldown, spammable.
Dream Coil - Initially, it deals 200 damage and 0.5 seconds stun. Enemies that travel too far from it and make the coil snap get damaged for 200 damage and stunned for 3 seconds. 200 mana, 85 sec cooldown.

Clockwerk Goblin (the newest addition to DotA!)
HP: 2069
Mana: 1001
Damage: 132 ~ 134
Armor: 9.6 (36%)
Move Speed: 310
Strength: 101
Agility: 61
Intelligence: 77

Battery Assault - Nearby targets get ministunned and get hit for 80 damage every 0.75 seconds, lasting for 15 seconds. 75 mana cost, 20 sec cooldown. BROKEN as all hell.
Power Cog - Traps units with him within a circular barrier of cogs. Anything except Rattletrap needs to hit the cogs thrice to break it. Anything with Mana or MP gets shocked for 100 HP and Mana and is knocked back. A cog powers down after it shocks. 80 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
Rocket Flare - Deals 200 damage in a 600 AoE area.
Hookshot - Pulls Rattletrap to an enemy target, anything he collides with takes 300 damage and is stunned for 2 sec. 125 mana, 30 sec cooldown.

Moon Rider
HP: 1613
Mana: 1040
Damage: 130 ~ 136 165 ~ 173 with Lunar Blessing
Armor: 15.5 (48%)
Move Speed: 320
Strength: 77
Agility: 109
Intelligence: 80

Lucent Beam - Deals 300 damage to a target, 0.6 ministun. 120 mana, 6 sec cooldown.
Moon Glaive - Hits 5 enemies with each attack, each enemy struck beyond the first incurs a 35% damage loss per unit.
Lunar Blessing - Increases base ranged damage by 27%
Eclipse - It summons 10 Lucent Beams to attack targets around Luna. 250 mana, 140 sec cooldown.

Dwarven Sniper
HP: 1594
Mana: 1261
Damage: 125 ~ 131
Armor: 14.6 (46%)
Move speed: 290
Strength: 76
Agility: 110
Intelligence: 97

Scattershot - Showers a target area with 20 explosive pellets, each pellet does 20~35 physical damage in a 200 AoE. 120 mana, 13 sec cooldown.
Headshot - 40% to deal extra 50 damage and stun for 0.5~ secs with every attack.
Take Aim - Pretty useless in a duel. Well unless you take into account range. Then it adds 220 range to Kardel's base 550.
Assassinate - Deals 655 damage. 375 mana, 10 sec cooldown.

Troll Warlord
HP: 1841
Mana: 741
Damage: 124 ~ 142
Armor: 14.2 (46%)
Move Speed: 300
Strength: 89
Agility: 107
Intelligence: 57

Berserker Rage - Makes Jah'rakal melee, gains extra damage, movespeed, attackspeed, HP, armor and the Bash ability. Bash has 10% chance to deal 50 bonus damage and stun for 2 seconds.
Blind - Causes the target to miss on 42% of attacks. 20 mana, 8 sec cooldown, spammable.
Fervor - Increases nearby allies' attack speed by 30%. Applies to Jah'rakal.
Rampage - Increases Jah'rakal's attack speed by 120% and movespeed by 9%. Lasts 30 seconds, 205 mana, 55 sec cooldown.

Shadow Shaman
HP: 1556
Mana: 1469
Damage: 134 ~ 141
Armor: 9.5 (36%)
Move Speed: 275
Strength: 74
Agility: 74
Intelligence: 113

Forked Lightning - 300 damage to 7 targets. 160 mana, 10 sec cooldown.
Voodoo - Turns a random enemy into a harmless animal. Lasts 4 seconds. 200 mana, 13 sec cooldown.
Shackles - Binds an enemy so it cannot move or attack. It deals 40 damage per second, and lasts for 4.75 seconds. 185 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
Mass Serpent Ward - Summons 8 magic immune immobile serpent wards to attack enemies. Each ward does 73 max damage. 610 mana, 120 sec cooldown.

HP: 1936
Mana: 1118
Damage: 124 ~ 134
Armor: 12.3 (42%)
Move Speed: 295
Strength: 94
Agility: 80
Intelligence: 86

Viscous Nasal Goo - Covers a target in snot. It reduces their armor by 2, and initial casting gives 20% slow. If you keep stacking this, it adds extra -2 armor and 12% slow. Each goo casting lasts 5 seconds. 30 mana, 1.5 sec cooldown.
Quill Spray - Sprays enemy units with quills. Deals 80 direct damage in a 650 AoE. Deals 30 extra damage everytime a unit is struck by a quill in the last 10 seconds. PHYSICAL PHYSICAL PHYSICAL. 45 mana, 3 sec cooldown.
Bristleback - Whenever Rigwarl's rear receives 300 damage, it releases a quill spray. His back also takes 40% less damage and his sides take 20% less.
Warpath - Every time Rigwarl casts a spell he initially gains 50% increased attack speed and 10% move speed, every casta fter that increases AS by 15% and MS by 3%.

Pandaren Brewmaster
HP: 2278
Mana: 832
Damage: 141 ~ 148
Armor: 12.6 (43%)
Move Speed: 300
Strength: 112
Agility: 82
Intelligence: 64

Thunder Clap - Stomps the ground. Deals 300 damage to targets nearby Mangix and reduces their move speed and attack speed by 55%. 150 mana, 12 sec cooldown.
Drunken Haze - MAKES PEOPLE GO DRUNK. ST. 22% move speed reduction, 75% chance to miss. Lasts 7 seconds. 50 mana, 12 sec cooldown.
Drunken Brawler - 24% to evade attacks, 20% chance to deal 1.8 times normal damage.
Primal Split - Splits the Pandaren Brewmaster into three REALLY FREAKING MIGHTY PANDAS for 19 seconds. You have to kill all of them for Mangix to die.
Fire one is offensive, his skills are pretty useless apart from BREATHING FIRE to deal minimal AoE damage. The blue one can make a tornado that renders enemies immobile for around 3 seconds. The Earth one can taunt enemies to make them only attack him, also he is immune to magic.

Centaur Warchief
HP: 2145 (2829 with Great Fortitude)
Mana: 949
Damage: 137 ~ 139 (173 ~ 175 with Great Fortitude)
Armor: 12.8 (43%)
Move Speed: 300
Strength: 105 141 with Great Fortitude
Agility: 83
Intelligence: 73

Hoof Stomp - 250 damage, 2.75 second stun. Targets enemies nearby Bradwarden. 130 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
Double Edge - Deals 400 damage but deals around 20% of that back to Bradwarden. The recoil CAN kill Bradwarden. 120 mana, 25 sec cooldown
Return - Counters EVERY attack (even ranged attacks) for 50 damage.
Great Fortitude - Adds +36 strength.

Bounty Hunter
HP: 1670
Mana: 897
Damage: 137 ~ 151
Armor: 17 (50%)
Move Speed: 315
Strength: 80
Agility: 113
Intelligence: 69

Shuriken Toss - Deals 325 damage to a single unit. 155 mana, 10 sec cooldown.
Jinada - 20% chance to evade, 15% chance to deal x2 damage.
Wind Walk - Turns Gondar invisible, he deals extra 120 damage and lasts 30 seconds. 50 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
Track - Tracks an enemy hero for 30 seconds. Reduces the target's armor by 4. 50 mana, 5 sec cooldown.

KNIGHT DAVION (he becomes Arc Honist. or Archonist)
Dragon Knight, aka Ryulite
HP: 1784
Mana: 975
Damage: 133 ~ 139
Armor: 14.9 (47%) 22.9 (58%) with Dragon Blood
Move Speed: 290
Strength: 106
Agility: 91
Intelligence: 75

Breathe Fire - Breathes fire at enemy units dealing 300 damage. 130 mana, 12 sec cooldown.
Dragon Tail - Deals 100 damage to a melee-range target. Stuns them for 3.25 secs. 100 mana, 9 sec cooldown.
Dragon Blood - Increases armor by 8 and HP regen by 4/sec
Elder Dragon Form - Transforms Davion into a powerful Blue Elder Dragon with a powerful Frost attack. It slows down enemies a lot. It gives him bonus 25 move speed. 50 mana, 115 sec cooldown.

HP: 1689
Mana: 923
Damage: 133 ~ 137
Armor: 15.5 (48%)
Move Speed: 320
Strength: 81
Agility: 109
Intelligence: 71

Mana Break - Each attack burns 64 mana.
Blink - Useless in a duel.
Spell Shield - Reduces magic damage by 40%.
Mana Void - For each mana point lost, the unit takes 1.1 damage. 275 mana, 80 sec cooldown.

Drow Ranger
HP: 1708
Mana: 884
Damage: 105 ~ 116 111 ~ 122 with Marksmanship 142 ~ 156 with Marksmanship and Trueshot Aura
Armor: 11.3 (40%) 25.7 (60%) with Marksmanship
Move Speed: 300
Strength: 82
Agility: 87 (123 with Marksmanship)
Intelligence: 68

Frost Arrows - Slows attack rate by 20% and movespeed by 40%. 12 mana, 0 sec cooldown.
Silence - Stops all enemies in a target area from casting spells for 6 seconds. 90 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
Trueshot Aura - Increases base ranged damage by 28%
Marksmanship - Gives +36 agility.

HP: 2107
Mana: 1040
Damage: 134 ~ 144
Armor: 12.9 (43%)
Move Speed: 300
Strength: 103
Agility: 77
Intelligence: 80

Purification - Heals a friendly unit for 360 HP and damages all nearby enemies. Can't be targetted on self. 160 mana, 12 sec cooldown.
Repel - Creates a barrier that makes a target IMMUNE to magic. CAN be targetted on self. Lasts 20 seconds. 90 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Degen Aura - Nearby units get move speed reduced by 28%.
Guardian Angel - Grants everyone near Purist including Purist himself PHYSICAL IMMUNITY and increases HP regen greatly. Lasts 9 seconds. 250 mana, 150 sec cooldown.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 03:21:20 PM by TranceHime »
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Defense of the Ancients as of v6.54b [WIP]
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2008, 02:16:54 PM »
Soul Keeper
HP: 1670 (1820 in Demon form)
Mana: 1001
Damage: 144 ~ 150
Armor: 18.8 (53%)
Move Speed: 300
Strength: 80
Agility: 118
Intelligence: 77

Soul Steal - Absorbs a target's life. 80 hp/sec, lasting 8 seconds for a total of 640 hp absorbed. 45 mana, 12 sec cooldown. Channelling!
Conjure Image - Creates a single copy of Terrorblade that deals 55% damage. Copies last 30 seconds. 115 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
Metamorphosis - Turns Terrorblade into a powerful Demon with a ranged attack and 150 bonus HP. Lasts 60 seconds. 100 mana, 110 sec cooldown.
Sunder - Swaps Terrorblade's cHP with the target's cHP. 0 mana, 60 sec cooldown.

Tormented Soul
HP: 1518
Mana: 1534
Damage: 137 ~ 141
Armor: 11.8 (41%)
Move Speed: 300
Strength: 72
Agility: 83
Intelligence: 118

Split Earth - Deals 290 damage and stuns targets in an area for 2 seconds. 160 mana, 9 sec cooldown.
Diabolic Edict - Creates very strong explosions around Leshrac, hitting random targets. Lasts for 8 seconds. 155 mana, 24 sec cooldown.
Lightning Storm - 265 damage initially, jumps 8 times to nearby targets. 145 mana, 7 sec cooldown.
Pulse Nova - Creates a Pulse Nova every second to hit nearby enemies. 144 damage per nova. 110 mana, 0 sec cooldown. YOU MUST SPAM THIS FOR IT TO BE EFFECTIVE.

HP: 1575
Mana: 1508
Damage: 135 ~ 154
Armor: 10.8 (39%)
Move Speed: 295
Strength: 75
Agility: 83
Intelligence: 116

Frost Nova - 175 target damage, 150 nova/splash damage. Slows movement and attack rate for 4 seconds. 190 mana, 9.25 sec cooldown.
Frost Armor - Adds 12 armor to a friendly unit (can also be self-cast) and slows attacking melee units for 2 seconds. Armor lasts 40 seconds. 25 mana, 5 sec cooldown.
Dark Ritual - Shame that this is useless in a duel, this is what makes Lich awesome (converts target friendly unit's HP into Mana for the Lich)
Chain Frost - Releases a breath of frost that jumps 7 times. Deals 460 damage per hit. Deals most damage between two targets. 500 mana, 60 sec cooldown.

Death Prophet
HP: 1670
Mana: 1456
Damage: 131 ~ 143
Armor: 8.5 (33%)
Move Speed: 280 302 with Witchcraft
Strength: 80
Agility: 67
Intelligence: 112

Carrion Swarm - Damages enemies in a cone. 300 damage per unit. 145 mana, 4 sec cooldown
Silence - Silences enemies in a target area for 6 seconds. 50 mana, 14 sec cooldown
Witchcraft - Decreases cooldown and mana cost for Carrion Swarm, decreases cooldown for Silence, adds spirits to Exorcism, adds move speed. BONUSES ARE ALREADY FACTORED
Exorcism - Summons 20 spirits to kill things. 400 mana, 100 sec cooldown. Note that Krobelus can still do things as the spirits are wreaking havoc.

Demon Witch
HP: 1594
Mana: 1482
Damage: 134 ~ 140
Armor: 9 (35%)
Strength: 76
Agility: 71
Intelligence: 114

Impale - 260 damage, 2 second stun to enemies in a line. 170 mana, 12 sec cooldown.
Voodoo - Turns an enemy into a harmless critter for 4 seconds. 200 mana, 13 sec cooldown.
Mana Drain - Drains 100 mana from a target per second, lasting for 4 seconds. 10 mana, 10 sec cooldown
Finger of Death - Instant 850 damage to a target. 650 mana, 55 sec cooldown

HP: 1708
Mana: 1001
Damage: 128 ~ 130
Armor: 14.8 (47%)
Move Speed: 295
Strength: 82
Agility: 104
Intelligence: 77

Shadow Strike - 100 strike damage to a target, 50 duration damage, lasts for 10 seconds. 135 mana, 22 sec cooldown
Poison Sting - Adds POIZN to the basic attack, slowing enemies down by 10%. The poison does 20 damage per second.
Plague Ward - Places a magic immune serpent ward to deal damage. The ward has 450 hitpoints and 42 max damage, lasts for 40 seconds. 20 mana, 5 sec cooldown. Spammable.
POIZN NOVA (Poison Nova) - Creates a deadly ring of poison. It deals 81 damage per second to all units hit by it for 12 seconds for a total of 962 damage. 400 mana, 100 sec cooldown

HP: 2183
Mana: 988
Damage: 135 ~ 147
Armor: 13 (43%)
Move Speed: 315
Strength: 107
Agility: 78
Intelligence: 76

Shockwave - Deals 300 damage to targets in a line. 90 mana, 8 sec cooldown, spammable
Empower - Increases a friendly unit's attack damage by 60%. Can be self-cast. 30 mana, 12 sec cooldown.
Mighty Swing - 50% of Magnus' damage is splashed.
Reverse Polarity - Sucks in all nearby enemies to Magnus' area and stuns all of them for 4 seconds, also dealing 300 damage. 300 mana, 120 sec cooldown.

HP: 1651
Mana: 1261
Damage: 111 ~ 121
Armor: 11 (39%)
Move Speed: 285
Strength: 79
Agility: 85
Intelligence: 97

Grave Chill - Drains away 32% attack and move speed from a single target. Lasts 10 seconds. 140 mana, 18 sec cooldown
Soul Assumption - Units that die near Visage give him 16 HP and 6 extra damage.
Gravekeeper's Cloak - Reflects 25% of damage back to the enemies and heals allies for 25% of the damage.
Raise Revenants - Useless in a duel.

Chaos Knight
HP: 2240
Mana: 832
Damage: 135 ~ 165
Armor: 13.9 (45%)
Move speed: 325 (!)
Strength: 110
Agility: 84
Intelligence: 64

Chaos Bolt - Deals random damage between 1~200, randomly stuns a target for anywhere between 2~4 seconds. 140 mana, 10 sec cooldown
Blink Strike - Teleports to a foe and deals 120 extra damage. 50 mana, 5 sec cooldown
Critical Strike - 11% chance to deal 3x normal damage
Phantasm - Summons 3 images that deal full damage, but take 200% normal damage. Lasts 20 seconds, 275 mana, 180 sec cooldown

HP: 2202
Mana: 936
Damage: 139 ~ 143
Armor: 12.5 (42%)
Move Speed: 305 522 in Wolf Form (522 is the maximum move speed)
Strength: 108
Agility: 81
Intelligence: 72

Summon Wolves - Summons 2 very strong wolves with Critical Strike (chance to deal 1.5x damage) and Permanent Invisibility (invisible until attacking). 125 mana, 30 sec cooldown.
Howl - Adds 44 damage to heroes' damage. 16 damage to units' damage. Lasts 16 seconds. 30 mana, 35 sec cooldown
Feral Heart - Increases damage and attack speed by a bonus 25%
Shapeshift - Morphs into a Wolf with 300 bonus HP, 522 movespeed, Critical Strike and increased attack speed. Banehallow as a wolf CANNOT be slowed. Lasts 16 seconds. 100 mana, 40 sec cooldown

BLACK ARACHNIA (Any Beast Wars fans around here? ^_~)
HP: 1993
Mana: 1118
Damage: 116 ~ 122
Armor: 14.8 (47%)
Move Speed: 315
Strength: 97
Agility: 90 (why her AGL is lower than her STR is beyond me)
Intelligence: 86

Spawn Spiderlings - Deals 300 damage. The side-effect is useless in a duel. 120 mana, 10 sec cooldown
Spin Web - Spins a web. The Broodmother can stay in the web to become invisible, as well as increase her movement speed and her HP regeneration. 8 allowed webs. 140 mana, 45 sec cooldown
Incapacitating Bite - Adds 8 damage, inflicts 25% Blind, slows movement speed by 40% to a target. This is on a basic attack.
Insatiable Hunger - Increases damage by 90, gives 80% lifesteal. Lasts 20 seconds. 100 mana, 45 sec cooldown

Phantom Assassin
HP: 1784
Mana: 741
Damage: 141 ~ 143
Armor: 17.8 (51%)
Move speed: 310
Strength: 86
Agility: 118
Intelligence: 57

Stifling Dagger - 160 damage, inflicts 50% slow for 4 seconds. 15 mana, 10 sec cooldown
Blink Strike - Teleports to a foe and strikes it for 120 damage. 50 mana, 5 sec cooldown
Blur - 28% chance to dodge an attack.
Coup de GrĂ¢ce - 15% chance to do 4x damage

HP: 1632
Mana: 1209
Damage: 124 ~ 130
Armor: 13.2 (44%)
Move Speed: 300
Strength: 78
Agility: 100
Intelligence: 93

Split Shot - Splits Medusa's shot into three arrows, targetting three individual targets, but each arrow does 75% damage
Chain Lightning - 300 damage, jumps 9 times, each jump deals less damage. Maximum of 9 targets. 145 mana, 11 sec cooldown
Mana Shield - Absorbs 50% of the incoming damage. Each point of mana used corresponds to 2 damage. 0 mana, 10 sec cooldown
Purge - Slows speed by a factor of 5, deals 1000 damage to summoned units. 60 mana, 10 sec cooldown.

HP: 2240
Mana: 858
Damage: 134 ~ 138
Armor: 16 (48%)
Move Speed: 295
Strength: 110
Agility: 92
Intelligence: 66

Void - Deals 335 damage. If cast at night, slows the target for 4 seconds. 145 mana, 8 sec cooldown.
Crippling Fear - During night-time, enemies miss 40% of attacks and become silenced. It lasts 8 seconds and refreshes its effect after 12 second cooldown.
Hunter in the Night - During night-time, Balanar's movement speed is increased by 35% and gets 75% increased attack speed
Darkness - Turns day into night-time for 80 seconds. 0 mana, 125 sec cooldown

Skeleton King
HP: 2259
Mana: 923
Damage: 143 ~ 145
Armor: 12 (41%)
Move Speed: 300
Strength: 111
Agility: 78
Intelligence: 71

Hellfire Blast - Deals 250 damage and stuns for 2 seconds. 140 mana, 8 sec cooldown.
Vampiric Aura - Restores 20% of Leoric's attack damage in HP.
Critical Strike - 15% chance to do 2.75x normal damage.
Reincarnation - When killed, he will come back to life after 1.25 seconds. The cooldown is 140 seconds and costs 200 mana. If Leoric does not have enough mana, Reincarnation WILL NOT BE USED

Doom Bringer
HP: 2468
Mana: 1118
Damage: 149 ~ 165
Armor: 9.3 (35%)
Move Speed: 300
Strength: 122 (...)
Agility: 52
Intelligence: 86

Devour - useless in a duel
Scorched Earth - Creates flames everywhere, damaging enemies for 4 dmg/sec and healing Lucy for 4 hp/sec, and increases his attack and move speed by 30%. 60 mana, 10 sec cooldown. Flames lasts 20 seconds.
LVL? Death - Deals 250 damage, but deals an additional 250 damage if the target's level is a multiple of 3, or if the target is level 25. 145 mana, 8 sec cooldown
Doom - Inflicts a unit with Doom. THIS IS NOT FF DOOM. Instead, the target gets silenced and takes 80 damage per second, lasting 16 seconds. Great for killing off healers. 250 mana, 120 sec cooldown

Nerubian Assassin
HP: 1784
Mana: 1144
Damage: 121 ~ 125
Armor: 13.9 (45%)
Move speed: 300
Strength: 86
Agility: 91
Intelligence: 88

Impale - Deals 300 damage and stuns enemies for 2.25 seconds in a line. 155 mana, 11 sec cooldown.
Mana burn - Burns up to 260 mana, also dealing 260 damage maximum (damage dealt = mana burned). 115 mana, 7 sec cooldown
Spiked Carapace - Returns 40% of melee damage back to melee attackers, gives 8 bonus armor
Vendetta - Anub'arak turns invisible. He gets 20% move speed increase and his next attack deals 525 backstab damage. 260 mana, 60 sec cooldown

Slithereen Guard
HP: 2202
Mana: 923
Damage: 128 ~ 146
Armor: 13.6 (44%)
Move speed: 300
Strength: 108
Agility: 82
Intelligence: 71

Sprint - Increases movement speed by 40%, but takes 10% more damage. Lasts 25 seconds. 50 mana, 45 sec cooldown.
Slithereen Crush - Slams the ground, dealing 200 damage to nearby units and stuns them for 2.5 seconds, other units will also be slowed by 20% for 2 seconds after. 115 mana, 8 sec cooldown
Bash - 25% chance to stun an opponent for 1 second every attack.
Amplify Damage - Reduces a target's armor by 15. 25 mana, 10 sec cooldown

Queen of Pain
HP: 1594
Mana: 1287
Damage: 120 ~ 128
Armor: 11.2 (40%)
Move speed: 300
Strength: 76
Agility: 86
Intelligence: 99

Shadow Strike - 100 strike damage, 50 duration damage and also slow. 140 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
Blink - useless in a duel
Scream of Pain - Deals 300 damage to units in a wave. 140 mana, 10 sec cooldown
Sonic Wave - 600 damage to units in a line. 500 mana, 135 sec cooldown

CLINKZ (Clinkz Eastwood~?)
Bone Fletcher
HP: 1537
Mana: 949
Damage: 129 ~ 135
Armor: 15.2 (47%)
Move speed: 300
Strength: 73
Agility: 114
Intelligence: 73

Strafe - Increases attack speed by 80%. Lasts 10 seconds. 90 mana, 30 sec cooldown.
Searing Arrows - Adds fire to Clinkz's attack. Adds 40 bonus damage. 8 mana, 0 sec cooldown
Wind Walk - Turns invisible, increasing move speed by 30% and lasting 30 seconds.
Death Pact - SADLY, useless in a duel (kills a target friendly unit, healing Clinkz by 135% of the target's HP)

Faceless Void
HP: 1480
Mana: 923
Damage: 141 ~ 147
Armor: 15.8 (48%)
Move speed: 300
Strength: 70
Agility: 104
Intelligence: 71

Time Walk - Quickly moves to a locale, slowing the movement and attack speed of anyone at the end of the path by 40% for 3 sec. 120 mana, 13 sec cooldown.
Backtrack - 25% to dodge any magic or physical attack.
Time Lock - 25% to do bonus damage and to freeze a target in time for 1 sec for every attack.
Chronosphere - Causes a rip in spacetime, freezing everyone in an area except Darkterror for 5 seconds. 200 mana, 165 sec cooldown

HP: 1708
Mana: 1014
Damage: 124 ~ 126
Armor: 13.3 (44%)
Move speed: 300
Strength: 82
Agility: 102
Intelligence: 78

Frenzy - Increases attack speed by 100%, but takes 20% more damage. 130 mana, 40 sec cooldown
Poison Attack - Slows speed by 40%, deals 24 POIZN damage per second for 2 seconds. 20 mana, 0 sec cooldown.
Corrosive Skin - Anyone who attacks it gets infected by POIZN, being slowed and taking 20 damage/sec for 3 seconds. Reduces attacks and magic damage by 20%.
Viper Strike - Bites a target, slowing them by 80% and causing them to take 145 damage/sec for 5 seconds. 250 mana, 80 sec cooldown

RAZOR (this dude is my favourite hero)
Lightning Revenant
HP: 1708
Mana: 1001
Damage: 125 ~ 127
Armor: 13.5 (44%)
Move speed: 295
Strength: 82
Agility: 102
Intelligence: 77

Frenzy - Increases attack speed by 100%, but takes 20% more damage. 130 mana, 40 sec cooldown
Chain Lightning - Deals 300 damage to a target, jumping 9 times to other targets dealing less damage with each jump. 145 mana, 11 sec cooldown
Unholy Fervor - Increases move speed by 10%, gives 2 hp/sec regen bonus
Storm Seeker - Every few seconds, it strikes enemies for 120 damage

HP: 2088
Mana: 1001
Damage: 129 ~ 139
Armor: 10.8 (39%)
Move speed: 300
Strength: 102
Agility: 83
Intelligence: 77

RAGE - 80% increased attack speed, grants MAGIC IMMUNITY. Lasts for 4.75 secs. 75 mana, 15 sec cooldown
Feast - Regenerates 7% of the enemy's cHP and deals the same as bonus damage.
Open Wounds - Causes a target to become extremely slowed, and allows N'aix AND his allies to regenerate 25% of their damage dealt to the target. Victim's speed is restored over 8 secs. 100 mana, 15 sec cooldown
Infest - useless in a duel

HP: 1499
Mana: 1846
Damage: 161 ~ 169
Armor: 7.5 (31%)
Move speed: 315
Strength: 71
Agility: 60
Intelligence: 142 (!!!!!)

Nether Blast - Deals 325 damage to units in an area. 145 mana, 5.5 sec cooldown
Decrepify - Banishes a unit to the ethereal plane, reducing its movement speed by 50% and giving it physical immunity. However, it takes 44% more damage from spells. 100 mana, 7 sec cooldown. It lasts 3.5 secs.
Nether Ward - Creates a Nether Ward that stops enemies from regenerating Mana. Every time nearby enemies cast spells, the Ward casts Mana Flare, which does around ~200 damage on average. The Area of Effect of Mana Flare is really really far. Lasts 25 seconds. 80 mana, 35 sec cooldown
Life Drain - Drains 185 hp/sec for 9 seconds, for a maximum of 1665 HP. 225 mana, 22 sec cooldown

HP: 2316
Mana: 988
Damage: 139 ~ 145
Armor: 11 (39%)
Move speed: 310
Strength: 114
Agility: 71
Intelligence: 76

Gush - Reduces the target's armor by 5 and their movement speed by 40%. Also deals 260 damage. 120 mana, 12 sec cooldown
Kraken Shell - Reduces all damge by 28. Removes a debuff every 8 seconds.
Anchor Smash - 20% to deal 200 damage in a small radius every attack
Ravage - A huge area of effect stun that deals 450 damage and stuns for 2.25 seconds. 325 mana, 150 sec cooldown.

Bane Elemental
HP: 1822
Mana: 1144
Damage: 121 ~ 127
Armor: 13.5 (44%)
Move speed: 305
Strength: 88
Agility: 88
Intelligence: 88

Enfeeble - Reduces target's attack damage by 120% and their HP regen by 4 hp/sec. 125 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
Brain Sap - Drains exactly 300 HP from the enemy. 200 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Nightmare - Forces a unit asleep, causing them to take 20 damage per second for 7 seconds while they sleep. THEY WAKE UP IF ATTACKED. 165 mana, 15 sec cooldown
Fiend's Grip - Grips a target unit, rendering them immobile for 5 seconds. During this time they take 215 damage per second for a total of 1075 damage at the cost of 400 mana and HP. 250 mana activation cost, 120 sec cooldown

HP: 1746
Mana: 1326
Damage: 124 ~ 128
Armor: 9.6 (36%)
Move speed: 290
Strength: 84
Agility: 75
Intelligence: 102

Death Pulse - Releases a wave, damaging enemies for 275 and healing allies for 130. 185 mana, 5 sec cooldown
Diffusion Aura - Enemies have 36% damage reduction
Sadist - Useless in a duel, sadly.
Reaper's Scythe - Deals .9 damage per HP missing, stuns for 1.5 seconds. 500 mana, 70 sec cooldown

HP: 2449
Mana: 910
Damage: 148 ~ 154
Armor: 9.9 (37%)
Move speed: 285
Strength: 121
Agility: 70
Intelligence: 70

Meathook - 1000 range, if it catches someone, it deals 400 damage and drags them to Pudge. 140 mana, 14 sec cooldown.
Rot - 100 damage/sec to enemies around Pudge, but it also hurts him slightly
Flesh Heap - 16% magic reduction (also grants a heavy Str bonus per kill)
Dismember - Freezes a target in place while Pudge consumes them. 175 damage/sec for 3 seconds, dealing 525 total damage. 170 mana, 30 sec cooldown

HP: 2107
Mana: 1001
Damage: 125 ~ 135
Armor: 13.9 (45%)
Move speed: 295
Strength: 103
Agility: 77
Intelligence: 77

Charge of Darkness - Accelerates very fast to a target, then attacks the enemy, stunning them for 2.5 secs from the shock. 120 mana, 40 sec cooldown.
Empowering Haste - Increases Bara's and allies movement speed by 8%, it also increases Bara's damage by 16% of his movement speed.
Greater Bash - 17% to bash enemies for 100 bonus damage, causing them to be knocked back 260 units. 1.1 sec stun.
Nether Strike - 300 bonus damage on hit, performs a Greater Bash on the target, moves Barathrum next to the target. 300 mana, 75 sec cooldown

Nerubian Weaver
HP: 1499
Mana: 1014
Damage: 121 ~ 131
Armor: 13.3 (44%)
Move speed: 290
Strength: 71
Agility: 94
Intelligence: 78

Watcher - Useless in a duel
Shukuchi - Makes Anub'seran invisible and gives him 522 move speed. He can walk through enemies to deal 120 damage to them. Lasts 4 seconds. 60 mana, 7 sec cooldown
Geminate Attack - Sometimes Anub'seran will attack twice in one moment. 2.5 sec cooldown per twin attack.
Time Lapse - Anub'seran transports himself 5 seconds back into the past, giving him any HP he would have had 5 seconds into the past and his location 5 seconds ago. 0 mana, 40 sec cooldown

Shadow Fiend
HP: 1727
Mana: 1118
Damage: 112 ~ 118
Armor: 12.8 (43%)
Move speed: 300
Strength: 83
Agility: 97
Intelligence: 86

Shadowraze - Deals 300 damage to targets. You can target it at varying distances: melee range, Nevermore's normal range, and farther away. 75 mana, 10 sec cooldown. Spammable.
Necromastery - Useless in a duel
Presence of the Dark Lord - Reduces nearby enemies' armor by 4.
Requiem of Souls - Useless because it requires Necromastery to DO any damage.

Sand King
HP: 1917
Mana: 1027
Damage: 118 ~ 134
Armor: 9.6 (36%)
Move speed: 300
Strength: 93
Agility: 89
Intelligence: 79

Burrowstrike - 280 damage, 700 max range. 140 mana, 11 sec cooldown
Sand Storm - CHANNELLING. Creates a Sand Storm that makes Crixalis invisible. Anyone in the Sand Storm takes 80 damage per second, 550 AoE, the invisibility lasting 80 seconds before Crixalis is revealed. 1.5 delay before reveal. 30 mana, 25 sec cooldown.
Caustic Finale - Useless, which is sad because this skill is AWESOME ingame.
Epicenter - 2.0 sec casting time, creates an earthquake that makes 10 pulses, each doing 110 damage for a maximum of 1100 damage. All enemies caught in it take damage and become slowed. 325 mana, 100 sec cooldown

HP: 2145
Mana: 936
Damage: 129
Armor: 13 (43%)
Move Speed: 290
Strength: 105
Agility: 92
Intelligence: 72

Berserker's Call - Causes all enemies near to Mogul Khan to attack him, giving him 20 bonus armor during the ordeal. It lasts 3 seconds. 110 mana, 14 sec cooldown
Battle Hunger - Afflicts target with a killing hunger. It deals 25 damage/sec until the target has killed something OR 25 seconds have elapsed for a total of 625 damage.
Counter Helix - 17% chance to counter physical attacks with 175 damage. Happens only once every second.
Culling Blade - Deals 300 damage, but if the target has less than 625 HP, it DEALS IMMUNITY IGNORING ID. 200 mana, 55 sec cooldown

HP: 1784
Mana: 1014
Damage: 135 ~ 141
Armor: 17 (50%)
Move speed: 305
Strength: 86
Agility: 106
Intelligence: 78

Bloodrage - Increases any target's damage by 80%, but causes them to lose 5 HP per second and stops them from casting spells. Lasts 15 seconds. 80 mana, 10 sec cooldown.
Blood Bath - If Strygwyr defeats an enemy target, he heals himself for 40% of the fallen target's HP. May apply only for team battles.
Strygwyr's Thirst - Useless in a duel.
Rupture - 350 damage, if the target moves, 60% of the distance moved is ALSO dealt in damage. Lasts 9 seconds. 250 mana, 100 sec cooldown

Lord of Avernus
HP: 2183
Mana: 1157
Damage: 139 ~ 149
Armor: 12.3 (42%)
Move speed: 300
Strength: 107
Agility: 73
Intelligence: 89

Death Coil - Heals an ally or damages an enemy for 250. Deals 125 HP damage to himself. 75 mana, 7 sec cooldown
Aphotic Shield - Creates a shield around an ally unit or himself, absorbing 175 damage maximum before blowing up, dealing the damage absorbed to enemies around Abaddon. 115 mana, 9 sec cooldown
Frostmourne - 10% increased move speed and 40% increased attack speed, slows enemy by 20% each attack.
Borrowed Time - Lasts 5 seconds. When activated, ANYTHING that deals damage to Abaddon now HEALS him. Automatically activates below 400 HP when not in cooldown. 60 sec cooldown.

HP: 1803
Mana: 1053
Damage: 118 ~ 122
Armor: 13.5 (44%)
Move speed: 295
Strength: 87
Agility: 95
Intelligence: 81

Spectral Dagger - Deals 200 damage to a target, the target loses 18% move speed and Mercurial gains 18% move speed. The dagger and the targets hit will trail a Shadow Path. Mercurial can walk through anything (!!!) while on the path. 160 mana, 25 sec cooldown
Desolate - 45 bonus damage to targets that have no allies nearby. In a duel setting, this always works
Dispersion - Mercurial reflects 20% of the damage done to her to nearby units in a 1000 unit radius
Haunt - Creates a haunting image beside each enemy hero/target. The images cannot be controlled, take 200% more damage, deal 50% damage and only attack its pair. Lasts 6 seconds. 150 mana, 90 sec cooldown

Witch Doctor
HP: 1651
Mana: 1404
Damage: 140 ~ 150
Armor: 8.3 (33%)
Move speed: 305
Strength: 79
Agility: 66
Intelligence: 108

Paralyzing Cask - 8 bounces, each bounce stuns target for 1 sec. 150 damage. 140 mana, 14 sec cooldown.
Voodoo Restoration - Heals nearby allied units for 30 hp/sec. 100 mana, 0 sec cooldown.
Maledict - Curses enemies. The target lose 20 hp/sec, extra 40 damage is dealt for every 100 hp lost during the curse. Lasts 12 seconds. Does a maximum of 640 damage. 120 mana, 35 sec cooldown
Death Ward - CHANNELLING. Summons a deadly ward which deals 120 Chaos damage each attack. Bounces once, the Death Ward's attack speed is insanely fast, doing 2 hits every second. 200 mana, 90 sec cooldown

Obsidian Destroyer
HP: 1727
Mana: 1469 (1769 with Essence Aura)
Damage: 136 ~ 151
Armor: 11.6 (41%)
Move speed: 300
Strength: 83
Agility: 68
Intelligence: 113

Arcane Orb - Deals additional 9% of remaining mana (132 or 159 on first hit). Deals 400 bonus damage to summoned units and illusions. 100 mana, 0 sec cooldown
Astral Imprisonment - Banishes units for 4 seconds and steals 8 of their intelligence. Intelligence is restored after 60 seconds. Harbinger can do this a maximum of 3 times for 24 Int stolen before the first Imprisonment wears off. 180 mana, 20 sec cooldown
Essence Aura - Whenever an ally casts a spell, it has 40% chance to restore 25% of mMana/mMP. It has a 20% chance to trigger off an Auto-casted Arcane Orb. Increases Harbinger's Mana by 300.
Sanity's Eclipse - 600 AoE. Deals 10x the difference between the target's Intelligence and Harbinger's Intelligence. If the target has only 5 ~ 10 less Int than Harbinger, 75% of their cMana/cMP is lost. Anyone higher than Harbinger on the Int scale is unaffected (Pugna). Additional damage can be done with use of Astral Imprisonment. 325 mana, 160 sec cooldown

HP: 2012
Mana: 1404
Damage: 130 ~ 140
Armor: 8.6 (34%)
Move speed: 295
Strength: 98
Intelligence: 54
Intelligence: 108

Fatal Bonds - Links 5 enemy units together, causing damage done to a target to be felt by others in the link. 15% damage is felt by linked units. 120 mana, 30 secs. Only applies in team battles.
Shadow Word - Heals allies or damages enemies for 40 hp/sec. Does NOT dispel on attack. Lasts 8 seconds. 150 mana, 24 sec cooldown
Upheaval - CHANNELLING. Creates a slowing force in an area that slows by 28% every second. It can be channelled for 10 seconds and for a maximum of 84% slow. 130 mana, 20 sec cooldown
Rain of Chaos - Suummons an Infernal with a devastating Pulverize (causes burst damage) and a deadly attack (high damage). It also has Immolation (nearby enemies will take damage over time). It lasts 60 seconds. 300 mana, 165 sec cooldown.

HP: 1556
Mana: 1014
Damage: 99 ~ 105
Armor: 14.5 (46%)
Move speed: 300
Strength: 74
Agility: 88
Intelligence: 78

Earthbind - 1250 casting range, lasts 2 seconds, pins down all enemies in a 225 AoE. 100 mana, 8 sec cooldown.
Poof - 160 damage in a 400 AoE upon disappearing and upon reappearing for a total of 320 damage. Teleports Meepo to the closest Geomancer. 80 mana, 14 sec cooldown
Geostrike - Slows target movespeed by 20% and causes them to take 15 HP/sec. STACKS WITH OTHER GEOMANCER'S GEOSTRIKE
Divided We Stand - Meepo summons 3 imperfect, semi-autonomous clones of himself. Each clone has all of Meepo's skills, and gain 25% of additional attributes the main one has. IF ONE CLONE DIES, ALL OF THEM DIE.

Shadow Priest
HP: 1670
Mana: 1664
Damage: 142 ~ 160
Armor: 10.5 (38%)
Move speed: 305
Strength: 80
Agility: 81
Intelligence: 128

Poison Touch - 28 damage. Takes 3 seconds to set in. After the poison sets in, the target becomes greatly slowed and takes damage/sec for 7 seconds. 145 mana, 9 sec cooldown
Shallow Grave - Prevents any damage from killing the Shallow Grave'd hero for 5 seconds. 30 sec cooldown, 1000 cast range. 110 mana
Shadow Wave - Heals several units. Healed units also damage a small area around them for 140 damage. This dissipated damage is PHYSICAL. 5 targets, 110 mana, 6 sec cooldown.
Weave - Increases allies and decreases enemies Armor over time. 1 Armor/sec. Lasts 24 seconds. 100 mana, 40 sec cooldown

Pit Lord
HP: 2183
Mana: 1287
Damage: 144 ~ 150
Armor: 11.9 (41%)
Move speed: 305
Strength: 107
Agility: 63
Intelligence: 99

Firestorm - Calls down 6 waves of flame. Each wave does 70 initial damage and burns enemies for 2 seconds. Each burned enemy takes 20 damage/sec. 130 mana, 14 sec cooldown
Pit of Malice - Useless in a duel.
Expulsion - Useless in a duel.
Dark Rift - Useless in a duel.
Man, Azgalor sucks in a duel.

HP: 1955
Mana: 1482
Damage: 146 ~ 154
Armor: 11.9 (41%)
Move speed: 310
Strength: 95
Agility: 49
Intelligence: 114

Raise Dead - Calls 4 zombies to attack. Once a zombie attacks 6 times, another zombie comes up to fight. Once a zombie dies, its force heals Dirge for 50 HP. Zombies have 33% magic resistance and last for 30 secs. 160 mana, 30 sec cooldown
Soul Rip - Heals an ally or damages an enemy depending on how many units are near it. 20 maximum units, 25 HP for each unit. 125 mana, 10 sec cooldown
Heartstopper Aura - Causes enemies to lose 1% mHP over time in a 1000 AoE.
Plague - Infects target with a plague. It slows them by 25% and makes them take 30% extra damage. The infected unit infects other nearby units. 150 mana, 30 sec cooldown

Dark Seer
HP: 1993
Mana: 1469
Damage: 144 ~ 150
Armor: 12.5 (42%)
Move speed: 305
Strength: 97
Agility: 60
Intelligence: 113

Vacuum - Pulls in enemies into an area and deals 240 damage to them. 600 AoE. 190 mana, 16 sec cooldown
Ion Shell - Creates a shield around a target which deals 75 damage/sec to enemies who come in contact with it. Lasts 15 seconds. 120 mana, 15 sec cooldown
Surge - Gives a target 522 move speed for 6.5 seconds. 50 mana, 9 sec cooldown
Wall of Replica - Units who walk through the wall will have images of themselves come out of the wall who serve Ish'kafel for 45 seconds. Images take 250% damage and deal 35%. The wall lasts 45 seconds. 400 mana, 100 sec cooldown

HP: 1138
Mana: 1066
Damage: 104 ~ 110
Armor: 8.2 (32%)
Move speed: 280
Strength: 52
Agility: 65
Intelligence: 82

Note: Kael can only have 3 instances. It doesn't matter whether it's Quas, Wex, or Exort. Kael also has no Attribute Bonus ability.

Quas - 5.25 HP/sec regen per instance.
Wex - 14% increased Attack speed and 7% increased move speed per instance
Exort - 21 extra damage per instance.
INVOKE - 5 second cooldown, allows 2 Invokes
--> Invoke List
COLD SNAP (Quas/Quas/Quas) - 6 second duration. 20 sec cooldown, 100 mana cost. Targets affected by Cold Snap take additional 30 damage and gets stunned by 0.35 seconds every time they get hit.
EMP (Wex/Wex/Wex) - Creates some EM energy in an area which explodes after 2 seconds, draining up to 400 mana. Deals 0.5 damage for each point of mana drained. The damage is dealt BEFORE the mana is lost. 125 mana, 25 sec cooldown
SUN STRIKE (Exort/Exort/Exort) - After 1.7 sec delay time, a ray of fierce sun energy deals anywhere between 75~450 damage depending on how many units stand under the ray at a target location. 175 mana, 30 sec cooldown.
GHOST WALK (Quas/Quas/Wex) - Gains invisibility, nearby enemies will be slowed by 40%, Kael will not be slowed. Lasts 100 seconds. 300 mana cost, 60 sec cooldown
ICE WALL (Quas/Quas/Exort) - Creates a wall of solid ice in front of kael for 12 seconds. Nearby units will be chilled, slowing them for 80% and causing them to lose 42 hp/sec. 125 mana cost, 20 sec cooldown
TORNADO (Wex/Wex/Quas) - Knocks up enemies into the air for 2.2 secs, the tornado can move up to 3100, after enemies are in the air for 2.2 secs, they fall to the ground and take 375 damage. 150 mana cost, 25 sec cooldown
ALACRITY (Wex/Wex/Exort) - Increases an ally's attack speed by 90% and their damage by 80. Lasts 6 seconds. 50 mana cost, 15 sec cooldown
FORGE SPIRIT (Exort/Exort/Quas) - Summons 2 Forge Spirits. Each spirit lasts for 80 seconds. The Forge Spirit's attack can melt armor of enemies by 1 each hit to a maximum of melting 10 armor for 5 seconds. 75 mana cost, 30 sec cooldown. FURTHER USES OF FORGE SPIRIT WILL REMOVE THE PREVIOUS GROUP.
CHAOS METEOR (Exort/Exort/Wex) - Gets a flaming meteor to roll forward from space. It deals up to 260 damage per second for up to 1550 distance. Nearby units also get damaged by 26 residual damage per second for 3 seconds. Potential damage is 1820 ~ 2080. 200 mana cost, 70 sec cooldown
DEAFENING BLAST (Quas/Wex/Exort) - Deals 280 damage in a cone, enemies hit will be knocked back for 1.75 seconds, and they CANNOT use their Physical for 4 seconds. 200 mana cost, 40 sec cooldown.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 03:35:46 AM by TranceHime »
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Defense of the Ancients as of v6.54b [WIP]
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2008, 02:17:19 PM »
Roshan is the special uber-creep who drops an item called "Aegis of the Immortal" when killed. The Aegis allows automatic reincarnation upon death, but it is lost. Roshan used to be extremely pointless to kill pre 6.41, due to AotI being a recipe item back then and Roshan being far more stronger than he is now.

Unit type - Ancient
HP - 9000 (+2000 per respawn, caps at 29000)
Mana - 2000
Base Armor - 5 (+2 per respawn, caps at 25)
Damage - Melee - 101 ~ 108 Range - 190 ~ 198 (+25 per respawn, caps at Melee - 351 ~ 358 Range - 440 ~ 448)
HP Regen - 20 HP/sec (+20 per respawn, caps at 220 HP/sec)

Spell Block - Blocks incoming spells every 15 seconds.
Hurl Boulder - Throws a boulder at a unit, stunning them for 2 seconds and dealing 100 damage. 100 mana cost, 10 sec cooldown
Slam - Deals 70 damage to an area, and slows the hit units for 50% decreased attack speed and move speed. Lasts 2 seconds. Instantly destroys Illusions in the area of effect. 90 mana cost, 6 sec cooldown
Spell Damage Reduction - Reduces incoming spell damage by 25%.


Heroes (PCs) have a special armor type to themselves called the "Hero Armor." Their physical damage is also similarly the "Hero Type" of attack. Here are some facts that should be noted about Hero armor.

Initial Damage Reduction
-----------------> Hero Armor
Use Chaos -------> x1.00 dmg (Special units, summoned units, etc.)
Use Normal ------> x0.75 dmg (Melee creeps etc.)
Use Pierce ------> x0.50 dmg (People who use bows etc.)
Use Siege -------> x0.63 dmg (Siege machines etc.)
Use Hero --------> x1.00 dmg (Other PCs)
Use a Spell -----> x0.75 dmg (PCs, creeps, etc.)

Secondary Damage Reduction by Armor Value
Formula for Positive AV ->
[ dmg*(AV*0.06 / (1+0.06*AV))]
Formula for Negative AV ->
[ dmg*(2 - 0.94^(-AV))]

Attack Speed
Attack Speed is how fast a hero attacks per second. The common abbreviation is IAS or "Increased Attack Speed." IAS is usually measured in percentage rather than in raw numbers. Having attack speed increased by n% means your attack cooldown is REDUCED by n%. Each Point in Agility gives +1% IAS. IAS bonuses are linearly stacked, so having more of them means the boosts are less effective. IAS caps at 400% and -80%.

Calcuating AS -
[ (1+IAS) / (BAT) ]
BAT = base attack time

BAT - Base Attack Time
This is the time between a unit's attack before Attack Speed is increased/decreased. Most PCs have a BAT of 1.7, but there are exceptions listed below:
Alchemist in Chemical Rage (Lv3/DL) - 1.2
Magina - 1.45
True Form Syllabear - 1.6
Wolf Form Banehallow - 1.4
Huskar - 1.6
Terrorblade - 1.5
Metamorphosis Terrorblade - 1.6
Melee Jah'rakal - 1.55
Shendelzare Silkwood - 1.77

Stuns cause a victim to stop moving and stop them from doing actions. If they were doing a channelling skill or were in the middle of casting a spell, they will be interrupted. Stuns CAN BE STACKED. For example, if an enemy is hit by Shendelzare's Magic Missile (Lv4/DL), and one second later with 0.75 secs of stun remaining, the enemy is hit by Sven's Storm Bolt (Lv4/DL), then the unit will be stunned for 3 seconds and receive a total of 575 (325+250) magic damage.

A short-time stun that's usually 0.1 secs in duration, solely for the purpose of interrupting actions like Teleporting, Channelling, etc.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 03:28:16 PM by TranceHime »
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Defense of the Ancients Allstars as of v6.54b [WIP]
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2008, 01:36:19 PM »

What the hell is wrong with you?

(Now I'm tempted to stat-topic Tides of Blood >_>)
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Defense of the Ancients Allstars as of v6.54b [WIP]
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2008, 11:51:49 PM »
I kind of want to hop on one of the private servers people are running for WotLK and get numbers for all the city bosses in WoW now.  But Godlike would turn in to Bolvar vs. Saurfang every time they got nominated.


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Re: Defense of the Ancients Allstars as of v6.54b [WIP]
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2008, 04:38:57 AM »

What the hell is wrong with you?

(Now I'm tempted to stat-topic Tides of Blood >_>)

I hate myself, obviously, OK.
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Defense of the Ancients Allstars as of v6.54b [PCs Complete]
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2008, 03:31:01 PM »
Topic is practically finished now, polishing it with mechanics incase anyone's curious.
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.