Author Topic: List Topic Round 1 Week 5- Ultimate Superheroes and Sages unite to smash Heavy.  (Read 2128 times)


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1. Izanami: 15.2
2. Kefka: 13.11
3. Yuna: 12.97
4. Empyrea: 12.46


5. Terra: 10.82
6. Sora: 9.89
7. Rubicant: 9.72
8. Shu: 8.28


9. Deamoned: 7.56
10. Citan: 6.84
11. Magus: 6.25
12. Gilgamesh: 4.53
13. Tibarn: 4.25
14. Kartikeya: 4.25
15. Ultimecia: 3.33
16. Lucia: 2.33



1.Ness: 14.6
2. Levin: 13.88
3.Geno: 12.30
4. Jowy: 12.17


5. Hilda: 11.45
6. Kary: 9.77
7. Carlie: 9.5
8. Kharg: 9.33


9. Hiro: 8.61
10. Parry: 7
11. Ryu1: 6.58
12. Dycedarg: 5.79
13. Ephraim: 5
14. Zed: 4.18
15. Anastasia: 4.72
16. Grahf: 2.75



1. Beatrice: 14.75
2. Moltres: 12.08
3. Lani: 10.17
4. Mathias: 9.91


5. Wiegraf: 9.8
6t. Colm: 9.7
6t. Raven: 9.7
8. Jochaim: 9.2


9. Jr: 9.11
10. Eiko: 7.67
11. Cielo: 7
12. Alice: 6.11
13. Meru: 5.71
14. Sceptile: 4.13
15. Albert: 3.25
16. Junpei: 3.22



1. Thomas: 13.91
2. Zhuzhen: 13.18
3. Nei: 12
4. Vinsfeld: 10.88


5. Meg: 10.58
6. Ernest: 9.7
7. Chuck: 9.67
8. Elazul: 9.13


9. Relm: 8.69
10. Orcha: 7.85
11. Bazba: 7.73
12. Seth: 6.54
13. Jin: 5.08
14. Natan: 4.91
15. Viktor: 4.75
16. Miluda: 3.77


Piastol (SoA)
Xorn (G3)
Ryu (BoF4)
Lavos (CT)
Seymour (FFX)
Shania (SH3)
Ted (S4)
Gilbert (SH3)
Luther Lansfeld (SO3)
Beatrix (FF9)
Miguel (CC)
Claude Kenni (SO2)
Jessica (DQ8)
Arecus (PKMN)
Black Frost (SMT:N)
Id (XG)


Tosh (AtLC)
Nina Wyndia (BoF1)
Sage (DQ3)
Knight (FF1)
Rydia (FF4)
Rufus (VP2)
Neclord (Suikos)
Dehuai (SH1)
Tidus (FFX)
Rita (ToV)
Red (SaGa)
Lenus (LoD)
Alena (DQ4)
Tana (FE8)
Jeremy Non (WA4)
Amon (Lufias)


Lyon (FE8)
Ulf (G3)
Blaziken (PKMN)
Nina (BoF2)
Valeria (Suikos)
Jude Maverick (WA4)
Bowie (SF2)
Ayne (LoL2)
Vormav Tingel (FFT)
Guy (Lufia 2)
Harle (CC)
Alexia Lynn Elesius (XF)
Domingo (SF1)
Peter (SF2)
Roxis Rosencrantz (MK)
Laharl (Disgaea)


Blastoise (PKMN)
Alonso (G3)
Galleon (S5)
Serph (DDS)
Zoah (CC)
Bernadette  Egan(S5)
Kongol (LoD)
Zappa (CC)
Emma Hetfield (WA:ACF)
Mullen (G1)
Lowen (FE7)
Onix (PKMN)
Brey/Borya (DQ4)
Logg (S5)
Kain Highwind (FF4)
Sencea (Suiko Tactics)
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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1. Xorn- Effective limit boss.
2. Piastol- Hurt some by her physicals being elemental, but still good enough.
3. Lavos- Headache, but a good one.
4. Shania- I think?
5. Gilbert- NE smash works.
6. Ryu- Sure.
7. Ted- Brutal overkill but his physical durability isn't good. Elemental walling happens too.
8. Luther- Think so.
9. Claude- Think so. Walls enough elements and slugs well enough to end up this high.
10. Beatrix- Reflect gets her this high.
11.  Jessica- Underwhelmed by her in practice. Healing's useless, her 2HKO isn't fast or good enough to be scary and magic burst is easy to resist.
12. Seymour- HP is just bad, and so is his speed.
13. Miguel- Too easy to wall.
14. Id- More of a Heavy.

*Heavy champions*

1. Red- Smashes shit, tanks, immunes status. Hard to argue with this.
2. Sage- Or this. Nasty 2HKO damage and the skillset from HELL. Gets almost all DQ magic, only really held back by lack of super accurate status.
3. Tidus- Only held back by terrible magic defense.
4. Dehuai- He thinks your average Heavy's damage is bullshit. It isn't, but he is tanky enough to make it look that way.
5. Alena- Will tear you a new asshole in two turns flat, and stopping those two turns from occuring isn't easy.
6. Knight- 3x against physicals, excellent elemental resistances, solid magic durability and solid damage to fall back on. That's without magic.
7. Amon- Ugh. Fast 2HKO physical, but not a lot else. Boss immunities make him competent in the division.
8. Tosh- Nasty 2HKO physical, but not a lot else.
9.  Rufus- Feels fairly competent.
10. Rydia- OHKO or die! This is considerably easier to have happen to her than say the twins or Tellah in Light.
11.  Neclord- Speed and durability aren't great, but the rest is okay.
12. Tana- Solid heavy. Hard to knock evasion+damage.
13. Nina- Needs more offense, but the healing package is damn good.
14. Jeremy- Weird spoiler.
15. Lenus- Lenus 2.

1. Domingo- Need to wall ice and ID to generally stop him in Middle.
2. Lyon- Yep.
3. Jude- Speed kills.
4. Ayne- 2HKO damage with some LoL2 equips to help out.
5. Blaziken- Very solid Middle.
6. Nina2- We know what she does. Whore ID and win more fights than she should that way.
7. Valeria- Solid.
8. Guy- Very good spoiler. IPs let him give middles trouble.
9. Bowie- Massively unimpressed with him if he is as slow as the topic says. Too easy to wall thunder.
10. Vormav- Spoils physicals.
11. Alexia- Spoils status.
12. Harle- Helps that her L7 does damage, but she's definitely curisng having a useless L5.
13.  Peter- At least he resists fire.
14. Roxis- Strictly in Middle to maul healers.
15. Laharl- Blah.
16. Ulf- No SP.

This entire field is insanely close.

1. Blastoise- Low MIddle.
2. Zoah- 2HKO. It's a slow 2HKO, but... still. Good durability too.
3. Galleon- Tanky slugger.
4. Kongol- TANKY slugger, hates magic.
5. Logg- Has healing! Hates his magic score and damage.
6. Alonso- Solid enough.  
7. Lowen- Speed is a problem, but Light is largely a physically aligned division and he has Defense.
8. Serph- Has damage! Loses to Roog.
9. Onix- Really good at spoiling physicals. Could probably go up a few spaces, which is sad.
10. Bernadette- Loses to Cyan. Hates her nerfed SL too.
11. Zappa- Average durability, still slow, not accurate, and probably 3HKOs. He's not terrible, but he could be so much better. his techs are easy to resist as well.
12. Kain- Elemental spoiler.
13.  Brey- Confuse is useless against fighters and he is appallingly bad at taking hits.  He's at least fast!
14. Mullen- Grandia boss.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 09:29:16 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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1. Arceus (PKMN) - Gurk. Too much form-choice options to be any lower. Has Refresh for non-fatal status, Pokemon buffs and one of the strongest (on average) moves around - which is changed to whatever type he wants to be, and this can grant him some amazing resistances/immunities. Throw in good base stats and it leaves him here. He's like Souji Mk.II.
2. Ryu (BoF4) - Seriously, those OPB moves are evil enough. Can always transform to deal with status, but below average speed lets him down a little.
3. Lavos (CT) - Speeeeeed. Also, removing status immunity. Seriously, those two alone make him pretty damn evil. Throw in Time Warp's options for massive damage/status (at least 3/5 versions of the follow-up)
4. Seymour (FFX) - Ggh. Low respect for his durability, but... at least he's got a good amount of choice? Yeah, he could be worse.
5. Ted (S4) - NUKE. ahahaha frail as hell. Shame, I like Ted. He's good, but very easily beaten by anything in Godlike with solid durability.
6. Beatrix (FF9) - Hm.. Not bad, solid healing with some good damage, but... nothing special. The stuff I can vote on here makes this a pretty solid field, so she's just unlucky really.
7. Black Frost (SMT:N) - Amazing resistances a Godlike do not make. Practically reliant on Ice, and low damage regardless, low durability outside of resistances, and there's way too much NE magic flying around Godlike to rate him highly.


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1. Xorn (G3)
2. Piastol (SoA)- I tihnk my view of her speed has downshifted alittle, (hence Xorn > Her) but still.
3. Lavos (CT)- the shift in favor of in-game views favors him.  Still, spoiled by MT somewhat, being fast enough to keep up somewhat more, and requiring him to spend a turn summoning bits more.
4. Arecus (PKMN)- badass spoiler.  The rest of the field is a step down too, but yeah.
5. Ryu (BoF4)
6. Seymour (FFX)
7. Luther Lansfeld (SO3)
8. Shania (SH3)
9. Id (XG)
10. Miguel (CC)
11. Gilbert (SH3)- Id, Miguel, and Gilbert feel like variations on theme, guessing their order really.
12. Jessica (DQ8)
13. Ted (S4)
14. Beatrix (FF9)- Her and Claude feel borderline, she has more variety.
15. Claude Kenni (SO2)


1. Lenus (LoD)
2. Dehuai (SH1)
3. Red (SaGa)
4. Tidus (FFX)
5. Rita (ToV)- Put the spoilers high this week.  Really unsure on Rita and Tidus overall.
6. Knight (FF1)
7. Alena (DQ4)
8. Rufus (VP2)
9. Jeremy Non (WA4)
10. Tana (FE8)
11. Nina Wyndia (BoF1)
12. Amon (Lufias)
13. Neclord (Suikos)
14. Rydia (FF4)


1. Jude Maverick (WA4)
2. Valeria (Suikos)
3. Roxis Rosencrantz (MK)
4. Ulf (G3)
5. Lyon (FE8)
6. Alexia Lynn Elesius (XF)- from here down, pretty tight.
7. Bowie (SF2)
8. Ayne (LoL2)
9. Blaziken (PKMN)
10. Harle (CC)
11. Nina (BoF2)
12. Peter (SF2)
13. Vormav Tingel (FFT)
14. Guy (Lufia 2)
15. Laharl (Disgaea)- 'cept poor Laharl.


1. Blastoise (PKMN)
2. Alonso (G3)
3. Serph (DDS)
4. Bernadette  Egan(S5)
5. Zoah (CC)
6. Sencea (Suiko Tactics)- It's a good Light field that shoves Seneca down this far.
7. Kongol (LoD)
8. Zappa (CC)
9. Kain Highwind (FF4)
10. Lowen (FE7)
11. Galleon (S5)
12. Emma Hetfield (WA:ACF)
13. Logg (S5)
14. Brey/Borya (DQ4)- normally the decent speed and salvagable damage keeps him good in Lightg.  'tis a good field.
15. Mullen (G1)
16. Onix (PKMN)
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Multi-champ power:
1) Piastol (SoA)

Champ power:
2) Xorn (G3)
3) Arecus (PKMN)
4) Ryu (BoF4)

Pretty good:
5) Shania (SH3)
6) Seymour (FFX)

7) Miguel (CC)
8) Lavos (CT)
9) Gilbert (SH3)

10) Jessica (DQ8)
11) Black Frost (SMT:N)
12) Claude Kenni (SO2)
13) Luther Lansfeld (SO3)

Belongs in heavy:
14) Beatrix (FF9)
15) Id (XG)


Belongs in godlike:
1) Dehuai (SH1)

Very good:
2) Amon (Lufias)
3) Tidus (FFX)
4) Red (SaGa)

Pretty good:
5) Alena (DQ4)
6) Nina Wyndia (BoF1)
7) Neclord (Suikos)
8) Tana (FE8)

9) Tosh (AtLC)

10) Rufus (VP2)
11) Knight (FF1)
12) Jeremy Non (WA4)
13) Rydia (FF4)


Belongs in heavy:
1) Ulf (G3)
2) Lyon (FE8)

Very good:
3) Nina (BoF2)
4) Domingo (SF1)
5) Valeria (Suikos)

Pretty good:
6) Ayne (LoL2)
7) Blaziken (PKMN)
8) Jude Maverick (WA4)
9) Roxis Rosencrantz (MK)

10) Laharl (Disgaea)
11) Harle (CC)

12) Vormav Tingel (FFT)
13) Guy (Lufia 2)


Belongs in middle:
1) Alonso (G3)
2) Logg (S5)

Very good:
3) Blastoise (PKMN)
4) Serph (DDS)
5) Galleon (S5)
6) Kain Highwind (FF4)
7) Zoah (CC)

Pretty good:
8) Bernadette  Egan(S5)
9) Lowen (FE7)

10) Onix (PKMN)
11) Brey/Borya (DQ4)
12) Zappa (CC)

13) Mullen (G1)
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 02:13:48 AM by Monkeyfinger »


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1: Ryu (BoF4) - ...I can be argued here, but Dragons are still, to me, pretty fucking brutal.
2: Lavos (CT) - After a replay of CT, the respect's gone up substantially (though this, too, is a somewhat odd pool). Damage is weak but the speed is great and the durability is pretty nice, which lets Lavos put his entire skillset to work to bring you down.
3: Luther Lansfeld (SO3) - Pretty decent on durability, but dealing damage to him is a very dangerous proposition. Give him a turn below 50% mHP and he wrecks your face, too, and... he's durable enough to make getting around that challenging. Mid-Godlike, champ-bait given the right field.
4: Arecus (PKMN) - Lots and lots of options, with great damage! Relatively straightforward, but lacking status immunity before (a fast) turn 1, needing a turn for it, and not being able to consistently block -everything- is kinda dicey. Still gets spoiler wins alone, which is nice.
5: Ted (S4) - Spoiled by Dark walling and faster people! ...but, uh, my boss HP respect? He can down a -lot- of Godlikes with that burst of damage. Frailty and not really excellent speed hold him back.
6: Shania (SH3) - Dangerous Godlike slugger, takes a turn to get going which can be dangerous, but it's also decently hard to stop her from grabbing it.
7: Seymour (FFX) - Elemental walling gives him -fits-. Lacks much beyond it.
8: Gilbert (SH3)
9: Miguel (CC)
10: Jessica (DQ8) - OHKO one-shot of fire-elemental magic! Also, however, can whip you to death and has some nasty buffs, including Bounce. Ah, immunity to enemy magical offense. This works.
11: Black Frost (SMT:N) - Spoiler Godlike. Walls the likes of Orlandu without a hitch, has a hard fight against heavy-level mages that can get around ice/fire immunity. Low Godlike, but...
12: Claude Kenni (SO2) - Borderline. Good damage! Nice elemental walling! I give him some speed/first hit respect (though he doesn't do much with that first hit). Regardless... Status and physical walling kinda ruin his day.
13: Beatrix (FF9) - Nnnnyyyyiiiiuuuuhhhh fuck. Also borderline, kneejerking under Claude.


1: Jeremy Non (WA4) - I allow the earlier forms - which means you need a way to stave off a massive amount of damage, or you fall over before average speed gets a turn. Fast people will likely get a turn, though, as will the evasive (I'm not quite as respectful of WA4 speed, but he's still brutal) and anyone that can counter him, as the durability, to me... uh. Crap. Survive and win game, but he's damn brutal at it.
2: Dehuai (SH1) - Boss status whore. This works.
3: Sage (DQ3) - Completely different flavor of "kill me or die painfully"! Probably... around average speed (I think I took levels too high in my DW3r topic. Need to look into that). Decent defense, HP. And a rather sickening skillset. SpeedUp->HealAll, Upper, Bounce, status, damage of various flavors... yeaaaaah. Have fun facing him down if you can't kill or disable turn 1.
4: Alena (DQ4) - Brutal physical game! Fastish! That's it! That's -enough- to scare even some Godlike bosses.
5: Tidus (FFX) - Nasty speed game. Allergic to status and physical walls, but odds of killing before that are decent. Also likes people who rely on basic physicals.
6: Red (SaGa) - Gutcheck?
7: Nina Wyndia (BoF1) - Not someone that most duelers like to face, but beatable if you can cope with her tricks.
8: Knight (FF1) - Hard as hell to kill. Allergic to status and lacks anything potent himself, though.
9: Amon (Lufias) - Slugfesting boss. Unsure how much respect to give the focusing, and his durability doesn't impress. Better than S1 Neclord, at least.
10: Neclord (Suikos) - S1 Neclord. Competent, but hardly impressive.
11: Tana (FE8) - Eh. Gutcheck.
12: Tosh (AtLC) - AtL1. Slightly above average speed paralysis means he can hang in Heavy, he just doesn't win too often.
13: Rydia (FF4) - Slow, crap durability, but kills you if she gets a turn - which is far less likely than Jeremy/Sage getting one.


1: Laharl (Disgaea) - It's me.
2: Nina (BoF2) - What NEB said.
3: Jude Maverick (WA4) - Fast spoilishy tank sorta can 2HKO potentially eh sure.
4: Ayne (LoL2) - LoL2 equips, IIRC pulls 2HKO. works.
5: Blaziken (PKMN) - Whack. Under the slower Ayne thanks to Ayne's options (halving a common element with his durability's pretty nice). Could be argued easily.
6: Valeria (Suikos) - S1. Sluggish 2HKO.
7: Bowie (SF2) - Sluggish 2HKO. ...but the double attack rate for him's that low? He was one of the more reliable people for it for me... huh.
8: Roxis Rosencrantz (MK) - Damage adds up, but needs more durability.
9: Guy (Lufia 2) - IPs.
10: Vormav Tingel (FFT) - See NEB.
11: Harle (CC) - Less CC respect these days.
12: Peter (SF2) - Probably.
13: Lyon (FE8) - Respect not found. At all. Yeah, I'm alone on this, but.


1: Blastoise (PKMN) - Tanky, solid damage, fears lightning.
2: Serph (DDS) - Custom stat build. Tanky slugfester, but fears fire magic.
3: Sencea (Suiko Tactics) - Evasive 3HKOer, but fears fire magic.
4: Brey/Borya (DQ4) - Status! Damage! Speed! What the hell is this thing you call durability?
5: Zoah (CC) - Uh... sure. Iunno.
6: Kongol (LoD) - Works.
7: Zappa (CC)
8: Lowen (FE7)
9: Kain Highwind (FF4)
10: Onix (PKMN)
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 04:59:16 PM by Taitoro »

Dark Holy Elf

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1. Xorn (G3): No Piastol, so this is pretty easy I think.
2. Lavos (CT): Okay, Lavos is pretty badass to me these days. While I throw out his defence gimmick, the "moves of all parts" interp helps him quite a bit (though still not as good as true to in-game would be, I imagine). Nearly 3PCHP, loads of offence/speed, owns stallers with Protective Seal -> Time Warp -> Invading Light (or Spell if he reaaally has too much time). Kneejerking Xorn as better though.
3. Ryu (BoF4): He translates damn well. Not much else to say, a weaker version of the Ryu3/Yuna mold.
4. Arecus (PKMN): Just scary stats overall. Cosmic Power/Recover off that speed, and then the ridiculous element/physical spoiling via type changing. But where's the Safeguard, man? Statusblocking berries kick out plates, to boot.
5. Shania (SH3): Not as nasty as Ryu when she gets a turn, but still pretty nasty and gets turns more easily (SH blockers are sexy).
6. Seymour (FFX): He's good, but durability could be a little better. Element walling also sucks.
7. Gilbert (SH3): Hmm, is not being spoiled by fire res good enough to make up for not spoiling physicals? I'll say... not quite.
8. Ted (S4): I might be underrating him, as he really hurts... but frail/no status res/could be faster. The status thing is why he's below Seymour/Gilbert who also have overkill.
9. Luther Lansfeld (SO3): Still plenty of respect, but being not far above PCHP hurts his game to me, since he's a limit boss and all.
10. Miguel (CC): Good slugger, but dislikes holy walling. And he's not a -great- slugger.
11. Jessica (DQ8): Into the Low Godlikes now.
12. Beatrix (FF9): Pretty rockin', but FF9 status defence doesn't exist, and that's a big hole. Still, great damage to both defences/buffs and status/healing/element blocking, nice package. H/G area now.
13. Claude Kenni (SO2): High Heavy. Better than Id, though? Yeah, between all the equips, probably.
14. Id (XG): High Heavy. He'd be better if his first turn initiative was as good as his long-term speed.


Whoa, killer pool.

1. Tidus (FFX): Awesome blitzing with spoiling to go with it. Yeah.
2. Dehuai (SH1): Could be Godlike too!
3. Alena (DQ4): Yeah I'm not sure if DQ4r may change this but anyway... respect for that speed/offence.
4. Knight (FF1): Tank.
5. Amon (Lufias): Heh, he's an awful lot like Knight, faster but no element spoiling or accuracy. Losing trade I suppose.
6. Tana (FE8): Liking the evasion.
7. Jeremy Non (WA4): Or so. Not really buying early form hype.
8. Rufus (VP2): No evasion and less offence, but status/ITE/blockers.
9. Rydia (FF4): Frail, but...
10. Nina Wyndia (BoF1): Isn't really much more durable than Rydia outside elements.
11. Neclord (Suikos): He's fairly tanky at least.


1. Nina (BoF2): I am utterly shocked how much you goobers underrate accurate instant death off of respectable speed. Damage may handle a few Middle spoilers.
2. Lyon (FE8): Pretty solid, OHKOs some and tanks enough others to do well.
3. Ulf (G3): Not much respect for Dynamite Rush, but he's killer otherwise. Shadow Warrior gives him the kick he needs.
4. Jude Maverick (WA4): Fast kinda-2HKO-kinda.
5. Valeria (Suikos): Fast 2HKO, but no statusblockers.
6. Blaziken (PKMN): 2HKOs average off above average speed, barely.
7. Harle (CC): See Blaziken! Worse because of fewer options.
8. Alexia Lynn Elesius (XF): And YET ANOTHER person who 2HKOS off good speed! Well, something that works as good speed. Haaates long fights more than the above.
9. Bowie (SF2): Finally we're out of the people who have good speed, but still tanky 2HKO.
10. Roxis Rosencrantz (MK): Damage blitz (something like a 2HKO?...). Could be more durable or faster.
11. Ayne (LoL2): I think?
12. Vormav Tingel (FFT): Does some spoiling, but mdur sucks.
13. Peter (SF2): See below.
14. Guy (Lufia 2): Bad speed is bad.
15. Domingo (SF1): SF1o. Can we boot him?
15. Laharl (Disgaea): Just bad.

(No, I don't actually consider you goobers. Whatever that means. Love and kisses for all!)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 10:16:19 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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1.) Piastol (SoA)
2.) Shania (SH3)
3.) Ryu (BoF4)
4.) Lavos (CT)
5.) Jessica (DQ8)
6.) Seymour (FFX)
7.) Luther Lansfeld (SO3)
8.) Beatrix (FF9)
9.) Ted (S4)
10.) Id (XG)
11.) Miguel (CC)
12.) Claude Kenni (SO2)
13.) Gilbert (SH3)

1.) Dehuai (SH1)
2.) Red (SaGa)
3.) Rufus (VP2)
4.) Amon (Lufias)
5.) Nina Wyndia (BoF1)
6.) Neclord (Suikos)
7.) Knight (FF1)
8.) Rydia (FF4)
9.) Tidus (FFX)
10.) Alena (DQ4)
11.) Jeremy Non (WA4)
12.) Tana (FE8)

1.) Laharl (Disgaea)
2.) Vormav Tingel (FFT)
3.) Lyon (FE8)
4.) Valeria (Suikos)
5.) Nina (BoF2)
6.) Peter (SF2)
7.) Guy (Lufia 2)
8.) Domingo (SF1)
9.) Bowie (SF2)
10.) Jude Maverick (WA4)
11.) Harle (CC)

1.) Blastoise (PKMN)
2.) Mullen (G1)
3.) Kain Highwind (FF4)
4.) Zoah (CC)
5.) Bernadette Egan (S5)
6.) Galleon (S5)
7.) Emma Hetfield (WA:ACF)
8.) Zappa (CC)
9.) Onix (PKMN)
10.) Lowen (FE7)
11.) Brey/Borya (DQ4)
12.) Logg (S5)


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1. Piastol (SoA)
2. Xorn (G3)
3. Lavos (CT)
4. Ryu (BoF4)
5. Shania (SH3)
6. Gilbert (SH3)
7. Luther Lansfeld (SO3)
8. Miguel (CC)
9. Seymour (FFX)
10. Ted (S4)
11. Beatrix (FF9)
12. Jessica (DQ8)
13. Id (XG)
14. Claude Kenni (SO2)

1. Amon (Lufias): Yeah L3 Amon.
2. Jeremy Non (WA4): Maybe Nama is getting to me, but I am starting to think about allowing the early forms, which... yeah.
3. Lenus (LoD)
4. Dehuai (SH1)
5. Red (SaGa)
6. Tidus (FFX)
7. Nina Wyndia (BoF1)
8. Alena (DQ4)
9. Rufus (VP2)
10. Tosh (AtLC)
11. Tana (FE8)
12. Rita (ToV): Heavy has lots of mages.
13. Knight (FF1)
14. Neclord (Suikos)
15. Rydia (FF4)


1. Ulf (G3)
2. Jude Maverick (WA4)
3. Lyon (FE8): Think he OHKOs, just very frail.
4. Valeria (Suikos)
5. Alexia Lynn Elesius (XF)
6. Bowie (SF2)
7. Ayne (LoL2)
8. Nina (BoF2)
9. Domingo (SF1)
9. Roxis Rosencrantz (MK)
10. Vormav Tingel (FFT)
11. Guy (Lufia 2)
12. Harle (CC)
13. Peter (SF2)
14. Laharl (Disgaea)


Blastoise (PKMN)
Alonso (G3)
Galleon (S5)
Serph (DDS)
Zoah (CC)
Bernadette  Egan(S5)
Kongol (LoD)
Zappa (CC)
Emma Hetfield (WA:ACF)
Mullen (G1)
Lowen (FE7)
Onix (PKMN)
Brey/Borya (DQ4)
Logg (S5)
Kain Highwind (FF4)
Sencea (Suiko Tactics)


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1   Ryu (BoF4)   
2   Xorn (G3)   
3   Luther Lansfeld (SO3)   
4   Lavos (CT)   
5   Gilbert (SH3)   
6   Miguel (CC)   
7   Shania (SH3)   
8   Ted (S4)   
9   Jessica (DQ8)   
10   Seymour (FFX)   
11   Beatrix (FF9)   
12   Claude Kenni (SO2)   
13   Arecus (PKMN)   
14   Id (XG)   

1   Nina Wyndia (BoF1)
2   Neclord (Suikos)
3   Red (SaGa)
4   Dehuai (SH1)
5   Tosh (AtLC)
6   Alena (DQ4)
7   Tana (FE8)
8   Jeremy Non (WA4)
9   Tidus (FFX)
10   Knight (FF1)
11   Rydia (FF4)
12   Rufus (VP2)
13   Amon (Lufias)


1   Domingo (SF1)
2   Lyon (FE8)
3   Valeria (Suikos)
4   Bowie (SF2)
5   Blaziken (PKMN)
6   Nina (BoF2)
7   Vormav Tingel (FFT)
8   Peter (SF2)
9   Jude Maverick (WA4)
10   Roxis Rosencrantz (MK)
11   Laharl (Disgaea)
12   Harle (CC)
13   Guy (Lufia 2)


1   Brey/Borya (DQ4)
2   Kain Highwind (FF4)
3   Galleon (S5)
4   Lowen (FE7)
5   Bernadette  Egan(S5)
6   Blastoise (PKMN)
7   Logg (S5)
8   Zoah (CC)
9   Zappa (CC)
10   Mullen (G1)
11   Onix (PKMN)


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1. Piastol (SoA)
2. Xorn (G3)
3. Ryu (BoF4)
4. Arceus (PKMN)
5. Seymour (FFX)
6. Lavos (CT)
7. Shania (SH3)
8. Gilbert (SH3)
9. Ted (S4)
10. Miguel (CC)
11. Beatrix (FF9)
12. Jessica (DQ8)
13. Id (XG)
14. Claude (SO2)


1. Lenus (LoD)
2. Red (SaGa)
3. Tidus (FFX)
4. Knight (FF1)
5. Jeremy Non (WA4)
6. Rydia (FF4)
7. Nina Wyndia (BoF1)
8. Tana (FE8)
9. Neclord (Suikos)


1. Jude Maverick (WA4)
2. Vormav Tingel (FFT)
3. Valeria (Suikos)
4. Lyon (FE8)
5. Ulf (G3)
6. Blaziken (PKMN)
7. Nina (BoF2)
8. Harle (CC)
9. Laharl (Disgaea)


1. Blastoise (PKMN)
2. Alonso (G3)
3. Logg (S5)
4. Galleon (S5)
5. Lowen (FE7)
6. Zoah (CC)
7. Serph (DDS)
8. Bernadette (S5)
9. Kongol (LoD)
10. Kain Highwind (FF4)
11. Zappa (CC)
12. Onix (PKMN)
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 01:44:20 AM by ThePiggyman »
Quote from: DjinnAndTonic
Quote from: OblivionKnight
if you believe in being a GOOD PERSON

If we believed in that, we wouldn't be forcing world-saving hero to fight eachother to the death for our amusement.


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1 Ryu4 - Does his thing well.
2 Xorn - zOMG Speed
3 Luther Lansford - Durability and damage are nice. Feeling the respect today.
4 Piastol - Might actually deserve to be above Luther. That speed~
5 Gilbert - Damage!
6 Black Frost - Even a low-end SMT boss is an SMT boss.
7 Ted (S4) - Damage. He has it.
8 Shania - Damage. She has it.
9 'Arecus' (PKMN) - A new undiscovered species of Pokemon!
10 Beatrix - More of that Damage thing.
11 Lavos - Durability gets him this high.
12 Jessica (DQ8) - Damage + some tricks! Durability is a problem though.
13 Seymour - Weird boss AI restrictions hold him back.
14 Claude C. Kenni - Damage! Nice speed to me.
15 Miguel (CC) - Kinda weird.
16 Id (XG) - Get out.


1 Tidus (FFX) - Low Godlike
2 Red (SaGaF) - Low Godlike
3 Dehuai (SH1) - Doesn't feel Godlike, but feels like he beats this pool. It's weird.
4 Rufus (VP2) - Lots of tricks, and nasty status + decent durability = DL-best Archer
5 Tosh (AtLC) - High Heavy
6 Rita Mordia (ToV) - Magic Immunity + Magic Burst-like OHKO damage + a few other passive  tricks. Could probably play in Low Godlike, too.
7 Alena (DQ4) - Loves my speed interps and insta-doubles near everything not named Citan.
8 Amon (Lufias) - Here
9 Lenus (LoD) - There
10 Neclord (Suikos) - Be
11 Jeremy Non (WA4) - Bosses.
12 Nina Wyndia (BoF1)
13 Tana (FE8) - Respect for her varies. Today, she's feeling sub-Nina1.
14 Knight (FF1)
15 Rydia (FF4) - Good damage, but that durability/speed combo belongs in Light.


1 Vormal Tingel (FFT) - Lucavi form-chains~
2 Alexia Lynn Elesius (WAXF) - Borderliner goes here.
3 Jude Maverick (WA4) - This field is pretty scrubby, Jude's speed and tricks are upper tier here.
4 Valeria (Suikos) - Damage + Speed
5 Ulf (G3) - Limited options, but speed and decent durability put him ahead of the curve here.
6 Nina2 (BoF2)
7 Laharl (Disgaea) - Damage + Counters, overall good stats, though no tricks hurts.
8 Peter (SF2) - Good stats. Really good stats.
9 Roxis (MK) - About here. Doesn't translate nearly as well.
10 Bowie (SF2) - Good damage, decent crit/counter rate. Plays well here.
11 Guy (Lufia2) - Wants more options.
12 Domingo (SF1) - Elementally reliant, but still good.
13 Lyon (FE8) - Elementally reliant, but really good damage. Shame about that speed.
14 Blaziken (PKMN) - Elementally reliant, and not as good.
15 Harle (CC) - Elementally reliant and fails at life. Storebought black elements don't really help much, but at least it gives her some options. She's still just a good Light.


1 Blastoise
2 Bernadette
3 Serph
4 Seneca
5 Kain Highwind
6 Kongol
7 Alonso
8 Galleon
9 Zoah
10 Logg
11 Lowen
12 Onix
13 Zappa
14 Emma Hetfield
15 Mullen (G1)
16 Brey/Borya (DQ4)
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 05:35:13 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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1.Jeremy Non (WA4) - No damned luck, and low casual respect.  I give him the first two forms, which are above and beyond the second two.  Damage blitz from hell, HP's not too good, but deserves more respect than many are willing to give.
2.Dehuai (SH1) - WHY WON'T YOU DIE v3.  Dehuai's strengths are clearly in the fact that his durability is Godlike level, and he has status.  Hates his damage, and any healer with good enough resources and petrification blocking will destroy him.
3.Nina Wyndia (BoF1) - WHY WON'T YOU DIE.  Initiative healing does a lot of nasty things, as does Idle/Hold.  No damage, though, and most bosses with decent physical power eat her alive.
4.Knight (FF1) - WHY WON'T YOU DIE v2.  Knight, uh, doesn't die.  Period.  He also hacks people to pieces.  Doesn't like magic of elements outside the Big 3, though.  Or good status.  Or anyone who's antiphysical.
5.Amon (Lufias) - No L3 hype here.  Amon is surprisingly good for a heavy, though, with good 2HKO damage in both types and impressive durability if the stat topic's any indicator.  Hates the 3x Holy weakness, though.
6.Rufus (VP2) - Blue Gale whoring means that he mocks your pitiful, pathetic defense.  Having decent status to throw at people and Might Reinforce to make it hurt just makes matters worse.  Hates that he's average speed and doesn't really have an evade value worth noting.  Hates lightning resist, too.
7.Rydia (FF4) - Slow.  Frail.  Uses Flare.  Hates Reflect, and anyone even remotely faster than her with offense that is expected for Heavy.
8.Tana (FE8) - She has MDEF, evasion, and counters.  Honestly feels more like a Middle to me, though.


1.Ulf (G3) - He likes that I give half SP.  Dynamite Rush -HURTS-.  So does wrecking the cast's INI curve.  His alternate weapon options aren't worth mentioning, though.  Doesn't like status or magic, but he's got solid damage.
2.Domingo (SF1) - 2HKO ice, okayish ID.  Durability's nice as well.
3.Nina (BoF2) - Death.  That's all we really need to say about her.  She has other good magic, but usually, if she isn't hitting with Death, she's fucked.
4.Jude Maverick (WA4) - Fast.  Punishes slow and frail mages for existing with Assault Buster.  Kills everyone else with Silver Launcher once he gets a chance.  Fears good evasion and doesn't like the more competent physicals, though, and magic damage makes him cry.
5.Vormav Tingel (FFT) - Says a lot that he'd be up a rank if he had Hellcry Punch.  As it is, antiphysicality and perfect armor/helmet breaking will have to do.  Minor spoiler, I guess.
6.Guy (Lufia 2) - He's got a few options with IPs.  Too bad he's not getting out of the 3HKO territory.
7.Laharl (Disgaea) - On a glance at the stat topic: Unimpressive.  Misses a 2HKO with Nightsever, is generally averageish.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 12:50:27 AM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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1. Piastol (SoA) - Always goes first, insane magical defense, blue magic is rarely if ever resisted, plus has instant death.
2. Xorn (G3) - Lacks fatal status, which puts him a little bit below Piastol.  Still insanely awesome.
Ryu (BoF4)
3. Lavos (CT) - Probably may be better than this?  Anyway, form-chain from part 2 to part 3.  Pretty insane.
Seymour (FFX)
Shania (SH3)
Ted (S4)
Gilbert (SH3)
Luther Lansfeld (SO3)
Beatrix (FF9)
Miguel (CC)
Claude Kenni (SO2)
Jessica (DQ8)
Arecus (PKMN)
Black Frost (SMT:N)
Id (XG)


Tosh (AtLC)
Nina Wyndia (BoF1)
Sage (DQ3)
Knight (FF1)
Rydia (FF4)
Rufus (VP2)
Neclord (Suikos)
2. Dehuai (SH1) - RAR probably a Godlike.
Tidus (FFX)
Rita (ToV)
Red (SaGa)
Lenus (LoD)
Alena (DQ4)
Tana (FE8)
Jeremy Non (WA4)
1. Amon (Lufias) - INSANE.  NEEDS TO UPGRADE!!!!!


Lyon (FE8)
Ulf (G3)
Blaziken (PKMN)
Nina (BoF2)
Valeria (Suikos)
Jude Maverick (WA4)
Bowie (SF2)
Ayne (LoL2)
Vormav Tingel (FFT)
Guy (Lufia 2)
Harle (CC)
Alexia Lynn Elesius (XF)
Domingo (SF1)
Peter (SF2)
Roxis Rosencrantz (MK)
1. Laharl (Disgaea) - D2 form is insanely overpowered here.


Blastoise (PKMN)
Alonso (G3)
Galleon (S5)
Serph (DDS)
Zoah (CC)
Bernadette  Egan(S5)
Kongol (LoD)
Zappa (CC)
Emma Hetfield (WA:ACF)
Mullen (G1)
Lowen (FE7)
Onix (PKMN)
Brey/Borya (DQ4)
Logg (S5)
Kain Highwind (FF4)
Seneca (Suiko Tactics)
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

Clear Tranquil

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1. Lavos- Headache, but a good one.
2. Shania- I think?
3.. Gilbert- NE smash works.
4. Ted- Brutal overkill but his physical durability isn't good. Elemental walling happens too.
5. Luther- Think so.
6.Claude- Think so. Walls enough elements and slugs well enough to end up this high.
7.. Beatrix- Reflect gets her this high.
8.  Jessica- Underwhelmed by her in practice. Healing's useless, her 2HKO isn't fast or good enough to be scary and magic burst is easy to resist.
9.. Seymour- HP is just bad, and so is his speed.
10. Miguel- Too easy to wall.


1.Rufus (VP2)
2.Rita (ToV)
3.Tidus (FFX)
4.Lenus (LoD)
5.Knight (FF1)
6.Jeremy Non (WA4)
7.Rydia (FF4)
8.Dehuai (SH1)


1.Sencea (Suiko Tactics)
2.Bernadette  Egan(S5)
3.Kain Highwind (FF4)
4.Zoah (CC)
5.Logg (S5)
6.Kongol (LoD)
7.Blastoise (PKMN)
8.Onix (PKMN)
9.Zappa (CC)
10.Galleon (S5)
11.Mullen (G1)

« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 03:05:18 PM by Clear Tranquil »
"A Yeul that loved to sing. A Yeul who wished to travel. A Yeul that collected flowers.... Every one of them was unique"


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I need more votes! Finish up your pools too, please.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Standard bizzare Alanna interps apply.

Weak godlike field here

1. Xorn
2. Ryu
3. Lavos (allow the bits, but not the first part of the fight where its the past bosses
4. Seymour
5. Ted
6. Luther
7. Miguel
8. Jessica
9. Claude
10. Id
11. Beatrix


1. Amon (Lufia 3 form)
2. Tidus
3. Red
4. Alena
5. Lenus
6. Nina 1
7. Knight
8. Sage
9. Tana
10. Rydia
11. Neclord
12. Tosh


1. Valeria (Shes in Middle? Falcon Rune is exellent)
2. Nina 2 (100% ID? Me no allow most accesoriess? yeah it inflates her)
3. Ulf
4. Blaziken
5. Peter
6. Vormav
7. Domingo
8. Lyon
9. Laharl
10. Guy (dont allow tough hide healing)
11. Bowie (one shot of Bolt 3/4)
12. Harle (one shot of level 7 tech)
13. Roxis (meh, not that great)


1. Blastoise (not a light)
2. Seneca
3. Alonso
4. Zoah
5. Bernadette
6. Kain
7. Logg
8. Galleon
9. Borya
10. Mullen (I dont think he is that bad)
11. Onix
12. Kongol
13. Lowen
14. Emma
15. Zappa (hes not horrible though, I respect all here, even Mullen)



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1 Xorn
2 Piastol. Defenses and support credit and speed!
3 Ryu
4 Luther. Uh…WTF at this field if I’m putting Luther at 4.
5 Gilbert. Decent durable makes him solid to me
6 Lavos? Doesn’t like giving up that first turn/hurts my head
7 Shania? Although hasn’t had a chance to really flex/test out the DL muscle
8 Ted
9 Miguel
10 Seymour
11 Id
12 Jessica
13 Beatrix?
14 Claude. Love Claude, but not a Godlike

Horrid, horrid field

1 Dehaui. Low Godlike
2 Lenus. Smashes things, but doesn’t like magical spoilers
3 Tidus. Gets a lot of physicals+damage is greatly speedy
4 Red. Saga’s lack of solid overall numbers makes this a ??? kind of.
5 Tana. Evade+Doubles
6 Alena. Fast, durable, smashing (Although, the smashing can be kind of overrated. It’s about 1.33 over two turns, and that’s what puts her at 6)
7 Amon. After the first 6, this Heavy nosedives.
8 Nina. Decent at least.
9 Rufus. And straight into low Heavy.
10 Tosh. Speed+Mdur is a big gap.
11 Neclord. Eh.
12 Jeremy. Respect here not found. Too easily foiled.
13 Rydia. Slow, undurable. Damage and status are great…well, damage is great without that slow, undurable part. Excluding Holy = she has a border OHKO, and with Holy, her damage is not enough to be relevant.


1 Ulf. Leaning more towards half SP…which still gives him Shadow Warrior, as well as a shot of 1.33 PC HP ITE damage. Yeah.
2 Ayne. Durable 2HKOer who may be partial ITE and blocks a horde of statuses. Has some backup status (Turn 3 maybe with Solid Blow, which is…Stun. Evil)
3 Nina. Accurate ID works! Flaws are speed and durability, but the awesomeness of that ID has shown its power
4 Domingo. Fast 2HKO with some ID and durability. More wallable/more status susceptible than Ayne
5 Blaziken. This field has a lot of 2HKOers, but Blaziken is the one who is fast and hits defense and mdef
6 Lyon. Hurts my head. Could be higher, but I don’t have a great hold on his numbers.
7 Alexia. Ugh…effectively fast 2HKO which laughs at evade
8 Valeria. Durable ITE 2HKO, but slower
9 Jude. 26K kill point.
10 Bowie. Magic backup, even if only OPB helps. Iguess.
11 Vormav. Anti physical is nice (Although…not greatly antiphysical against ITE).
12 Guy. Solid, but his tricks don’t work as well against physicallers.
13 Roxis. Slower than Laharl and may have a less sure 2HKO and less durable, but status protection+better against healers (Which eat Laharl)
14 Laharl.
15 Peter. Lots of single type 2HKOers in the field.
16 Harle. Her one trick is inflicting 2 Chrono Cross statuses. Poison. Dizzy. Curse. Fatigue. Afraid. Flu. She’s banking on Flu or Asleep, and it’s turn 2 anyways!

Really tight field

1 Alonso. Is fast and damaging and not at all Light
2 Blastoise
3 Logg- 1.5 PC HP+Full Healing+Averagish damage+S5 Equips+Not that slow. He may not have the defenses of Galleon, but that HP+Full healing and otherwise solid is a nasty combo.
4 Galleon. You know, his Pdur isn’t far off from Kongol’s, but he also takes care of a lot of mages.
5 Seneca. Has speed, rest of the package is solid. Doesn’t much like Fire, but compared to a field of slugs, that speed is too important.
6 Kongol. PDur is awesome in the division where Pdur shines. Not fond of some mages, or his speed.
7 Zoah. 2HKOs, albeit barely
8 Bernadette. Hmm, wants the healing to be better (It may indeed in fact be, but going with the 60% to average HP number for now)
9 Emma. Like I know at this point
10 Serph
11 Onix?
12 Lowen. Believe the killer average is a point higher, which he haaaaates.
13 Zappa. Averagish minus slow recharge
14 Kain
15 Mullen
16 Brey
...into the nightfall.


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Updating this wednesday, get your votes in now.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...