
Author Topic: In game use: Because I need something to do while list is down.  (Read 3314 times)


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Re: In game use: Because I need something to do while list is down.
« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2010, 12:33:00 AM »
Abstaining on all FE characters. You can't accurately judge them unless you like those games way too much and pore over average growths.


Souji Seta (P4) vs Ramza Beoulve (FFT): Kicks more ass early, and in FFT's system that snowballs, getting him more experience and keeping him dominant late over people who could theoretically compete based off lategame stats alone. Plus, he can die and be revived.
Medic (EO1) vs Cecilia Lyne Adelhyde (WA1PSX): If I haul ass I'll be able to vote on this.
Zemeckis (Brig) Vs KOS-MOS (XS1): Borderline G/H vs. H.


Cecil Harvey (FF4) vs Georg Prime (S5): Georg would win if he were always there.
Alena (DQ4) vs Cloud Strife (FF7): All of FF7 for middle. I played DQ4 with AI on, so Alena was a beast. Most lopsided match here.


Lexis Shaia (Lufia 2) vs Roan (G2): Had L2 magic. Roan was... meh.


Guy (Lufia 2) vs Jean (BoF2): Took more thought than any higher division match! Didn't use Jean much, but I feel I'd rather be forced with someone like him than with Guy.
Kain Highwind (FF4) vs Mithra (VP2): Back to the slaughterhouse...

Onix: -For this division, vote for the worst of the two given PC's.

Roog (S5) vs Guido (G1): Roog is so bad that parts of the game can become a bit challenging if you saddle your party with him. Guido's pretty deserving of this division, but... wow, he's better than that.

Too much XF.


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Re: In game use: Because I need something to do while list is down.
« Reply #26 on: February 22, 2010, 07:26:14 PM »

Knight (FF1NES) vs Sage (DQ3)


Cecil Harvey (FF4) vs Georg Prime (S5)- LOL Georg magic def vs final boss
Alena (DQ4) vs Cloud Strife (FF7)
Ike (FE9) vs Peter (SF2)


Zidane Tribal (FF9) vs Kent (FE7)
Lexis Shaia (Lufia 2) vs Roan (G2)


Tim Rhymeless (WA2) vs Nina (BoF3)- Skill dummy.
Guy (Lufia 2) vs Jean (BoF2)- Guy is SO not a light. Niether is Jean really.
Kain Highwind (FF4) vs Mithra (VP2)- I didnt play much VP2, but I had Mithra and he sucked.

Onix: -For this division, vote for the worst of the two given PC's.

Roog (S5) vs Guido (G1)- Guido is forced, and thus has more useage than Roog will ever have
Onix (RBY) vs Samson (BtB)- again Samson is forced and he is actually pretty good once the gets rid of his curse
Karla vs Mogu- does Karla have any theoretical use?


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Re: In game use: Because I need something to do while list is down.
« Reply #27 on: February 22, 2010, 08:59:33 PM »
Curse you Super for making me want to vote on this :|

Souji Seta (P4) vs Ramza Beoulve (FFT) - Reverse landslide for me. Doesn't take that much effort for Ramza to singlehandedly own the crap out of everything in FFT. He's twinkable as hell and as Monkey pointed out, you can use Kamikaze tactics with him to boot. Souji doesn't quite get his broken as early (he needs to wait a bit before Fusion Forecast morphing Brave Blade on to low level Personae) and even when he does get his broken, he doesn't over shadow the rest of his team mates by miles (ie: They still do something relevant). The fact that Ramza is one of the earliest PCs that you get to wtf status clinches it for me since even the generics you start with, you may consider dumping for other better generics/zodiac. Ramza's right where you want him 99.99% of the time.

Cecil Harvey (FF4) vs Georg Prime (S5) - Also not close. Cecil is a durable PC amongst a pack of other PCs who are not durable and can protect them with Cover. Georg is in a game where there is ridiculous broken twink crap and as already noted, the times when you DO get him and would like to use him permanently, he's never quite that destructful at wrecking the game.

Zidane Tribal (FF9) vs Kent (FE7) - Closer than the last two. Zidane has some good damage with proper stone twinks. Kent keeps it close with good speed, rescue and movement along with having some good supports there, but he's still never really close to being on the same tier as Raven and Oswin in FE7. Zidane is at least higher up in some ways since his good damage doesn't cost huge amount of resources, and he can be used to do other things such as stealing and Soul Blade even though they may be niche-ish

Kain Highwind (FF4) vs Mithra (VP2) - Kain is useful for the first 2 hours or so when you get him. Mithra is pretty damn useless the moment he joins as he exists to merely build metre. Yeah

Onix: -
Karla (FE7) vs Mogu (BoF1) - Antivoting Karla and her fail.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: In game use: Because I need something to do while list is down.
« Reply #28 on: February 22, 2010, 09:01:36 PM »
My voting here sucks but oh well.

I can vote on one for each match!

Alena (DQ4) vs Cloud Strife (FF7)- Cloud is the same as everyone else with better stats and limits... not quite heavy material past the early game


Zidane Tribal (FF9) vs Kent (FE7)- Kent is just a generic knight.  Zidane at least has steal, which is pretty damn awesome in FF9.


Guy (Lufia 2) vs Jean (BoF2)- Jean is as close to Onix as you can get without being there

Onix: -For this division, vote for the worst of the two given PC's.
Karla (FE7) vs Mogu (BoF1)- Karla is the far superior fighter, but Mogu is actually in the game... Karla is not 99% of the time.


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Re: In game use: Because I need something to do while list is down.
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2010, 11:29:13 PM »
I'm updating tomorrow. Get your votes in now!
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: In game use: Because I need something to do while list is down.
« Reply #30 on: February 23, 2010, 12:32:43 AM »

Levin Branton (XF) vs Wren (PS4) - Levin is a beast and has the ability to kill 75% of the units on the map while the rest of your team just kind of trails behind him doing whatever.  Cancel Strike Spam also makes bosses cry.  Wren doesn't really have anything going for him besides Barrier.  Sure he's tanky, but he can't be healed like the rest of the PC's so it kind of offsets that.


Meru (LoD) vs Alexia Lynn Elesius (XF) - Alexia is only good for killing Ragu, sure she can break the game when fully twinked, but any other setup and she basically ends up just lagging behind all the other pc's and twiddling her thumbs as she waits for her next turn in a futile attempt to try and catch up.  Whereas Meru is pretty much the game best PC.  Meru wins for being good throughout the whole game and not just being a project/twink character.


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Re: In game use: Because I need something to do while list is down.
« Reply #31 on: February 23, 2010, 12:54:37 AM »
Don't usually vote in these, but it's worth a go.


Souji Seta (P4) vs Ramza Beoulve (FFT): Souji starts slow but ends strong, and can get access to a lot of things the rest of the party can't get.  Ramza has a couple of nice but not particularly stellar unique abilities, but is otherwise a generic with better stats.

Zemeckis (Brig) Vs KOS-MOS (XS1): Good but replaceable vs. the only thing keeping his side afloat.


Cecil Harvey (FF4) vs Georg Prime (S5): Would probably be closer if S5 wasn't full of other broken things and Georg didn't take off every five minutes.


Zidane Tribal (FF9) vs Kent (FE7): Occasionally handy skillset > guy who gets benched the moment the good units start coming in.

Lexis Shaia (Lufia 2) vs Roan (G2): Lexis has his uses.  Roan...  Doesn't leave much of an impression early on, and when he comes back later on Tio's usually murdering everything with Lotus Flower off of 3~4x average speed.


Kain Highwind (FF4) vs Mithra (VP2): He can hurt stuff and take hits, which is more than a VP2 mage can hope for.

Onix: -For this division, vote for the worst of the two given PC's.

Tony (XF) vs Adam (SF1) :Haven't played XF, but however much Tony fails it can't be worse than Adam.


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Re: In game use: Because I need something to do while list is down.
« Reply #32 on: February 23, 2010, 06:05:48 AM »

Souji Seta (P4) vs Ramza Beoulve (FFT): Allows the player to hit on some cute people by proxy, instead of their sister.


Zidane Tribal (FF9) vs Kent (FE7): Better lover.
Chie Satonaka (Pers4) vs Lazlo (S4): More useful chest.

Onix: -For this division, vote for the worst of the two given PC's.

Karla (FE7) vs Mogu (BoF1): Ruined my garden.