Author Topic: Nina>Hojo  (Read 660 times)


  • DL
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« on: February 29, 2008, 06:39:29 AM »
A young, nubile girl wearing a scanty outfit.

A monstrous tendril-sporting mad scientist.

The usual results occured.


"No! You can't do that to her! You promised it'd just be our special thing!"

"...Your special thing? What about me!?"

"What? He promised that to you, too?"


"HOJO!" "HOJO!?" "L..ladies, calm...hey, stop! Stop that!"

"...I swear to god, Hojo fangirls are the most disturbing thing ever." Brey said with a shudder, as he watched the crowd of generic NPC women pack in around Hojo.

Cristo nodded solemnly, as the women descended upon Hojo.

Nina, on the other side of the arena, breathed a loud sigh of relief, and proceeded to BoltX both Hojo and NPCs repeatedly, getting her an easy win.

What's that you say?

Nina's one of the heroes?

You don't think that electrocuting Hojo fangirls is heroic?

What's wrong with you!?
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter