Author Topic: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.  (Read 5377 times)

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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #25 on: February 24, 2010, 09:10:20 AM »
I'll agree that Gala's also slow, but he also doesn't have the likes of Sharon and Maya to compete with.  This isn't going into the fact that Gala can get MT Attack magic to help deal with randoms, while Ayne gets...  A few self buffs.


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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #26 on: February 24, 2010, 11:57:53 AM »
Gala has uses in theory. I can't ever imagine using Ayne.
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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #27 on: February 24, 2010, 01:38:17 PM »

Yuna (FFX) vs Maya Amano (Pers2) - With Aeons, Yuna.  Without Aeons, Maya.  Don't think Maya's a Godlike personally.  The customizable stat effects and the awesome earliness of Maia Custom are great...and make the Aeon comparison closer...but Yuna edges her out with Aeons.  Without, though...yeah, the stat customizability puts her ahead - FFX healing is best in item form (Rikku), and Lulu does magic damage better. 
Rena Lanford (SO2) vs Lenneth Valkyrie (VP1) - Rena.  Lenneth isn't a Godlike, I think, in this.
Hero (DQ5) vs Tir McDohl (S1) - Hero.  TcDohl is not that great, overall - yeah, his spells are good, but other mages can smash randoms, and do other stuff as well...and locked rune means you can't use him for anything else (not like there's much you'd replace it with, but...)
Rika (PS4) vs Alicia (VC) - ...huh.  Both play different roles...this is relatively close, really.  Rika gets my vote, I think - she can do a lot of everything, whereas you need Raja for healing, Kyra for defense boosting, and no one replaces Saner.


Claude Kenni (SO2) vs Millenia (G2) - Claude.  Ripper Blast by far., not around enough, and you want to throw coins on her...which you also want to save for the other, relatively more permanent characters.
Kevin (SD3) vs Sharon (LoL2) - Sharon.  HAH, Kevin.  SD3 is balanced - I never found Kevin so awesome he'd fit Heavy...probably Middle at best?  Sharon stands out way, way too much, and is a clearly ideal option for the main party.
Kika (S4) vs Maria Traydor (SO3) - Maria.  Speed isn't a problem - her sidestep is faster than everyone else, so it ends up balancing out - just sidestep everywhere.  Her skills build up quick and easy, too.  Kika is replaceable.  Like a lot of Suikoden people.
Yosuke Hanamura (Pers4) vs Nina (BoF1) - Eh...I don't know.  Yosuke is very good, Nina is very good, but the reasons vary a bit.  Yosuke is very balanced (towards the higher end) with lots of variety.  Nina is purely focused on supportive abilities, and some aren't very intuitive (Idle is weird).  In addition, her MT healing is relatively late, and by that point, not helpful.  Whereas Yosuke's the main healer for a while, and has strong support spells, solid damage, great speed, etc.  Going with Yosuke in the end.


Alice Elliot (SH1) vs Fayt Leingod (SO3) - Alice.  Both are replaceable >_>
Crono (CT) vs Hahn Mahlay (PS4) - Eh...Hahn as a heal battery is more useful than Crono, especially during his early temp stint. 
Angelo (DQ8) vs Jude Maverick (WA4) - Angelo.
Ulf (G3) vs Anna Lemori (MK1) - Ulf.


Valygar (BG2) vs Melville (S3) - ...Valygar.  Suikoden genericness again >_>
Roger S. Huxley (SO3) vs Natan (SH3) - Natan...
Fei-On (SaGa) vs Jet Enduro (WA3) - ...fuck this
Gala (LoL1) vs Ayne (LoL2) - Gala.  Low speed is good - you know he's last, so he can heal protectively for the party instead of randomly going early or late in correlation to the opponent.  Since he's required in the 3 person party and fills a specific role (highest durability, highest magic power...hell, he's last on speed and that's the only stat he doesn't win in), he's beneficial.

Onix- For this division, please vote for the worst of the two given PC's.

Astrid (FE10) vs Luvdisc (RSE) - ...Luvdisc.  Astrid brings along a Paragon you can give to someone else.
Genshu (S2) vs Cathe (FE6) - Genshu.  STEALING IS FUN
Goof Off (DQ3) vs Red Turnip (SaGa) - Turnip.  Goof Off does turn into something more awesome than the best monsters. 
Luke (SF2) vs Sergei (S1) - Sergei!  ELEVATORS!
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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #28 on: February 24, 2010, 08:14:59 PM »
Maya isn't competition anyways until Gospel. LoL 2 has fantastic, relatively cheap storebought healing items. Far easier use than LoL painful to learn, needs to be levelled magic spells.
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Bobbin Cranbud

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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #29 on: February 25, 2010, 03:37:37 AM »

Rena Lanford (SO2) vs Lenneth Valkyrie (VP1): If VP let me, I would much rather use Lucian and a magegirl harem rather than Lenneth.  Not using Rena in the hardest of all console RPGs is man, what?  I guess there are setups where she's replaceable?  But not any setups I knew about.

Rika (PS4) vs Alicia (VC): I have virtually no memory of PS4 so I'm not going to vote, but where Alicia is concerned, her utility is HEAVILY based off of two factors: whether you're going for rank, and whether you're counting :ahem: *certain events* late in the game.  She's the best scout in a game that strongly rewards soloing every map with a scout by giving you a better rating than if you play it straight.  However, she's very much replaceable if you don't care about maxing out your rating (except in a certain instance), and Aika can fill Alicia's role for much of the game.  Alicia is not at all a utility godlike to me.


Claude Kenni (SO2) vs Millenia (G2): Kneejerk Claude because, hey, he survived the hardest goddamn boss ever (Indalecio).  On the flip side, is Indy so goddamn hard because the PC cast sucks?  Maybe a little?  Meh, I guess you could dump Claude if you wanted to and still beat the game.  SO2 needs strong fighters but gives you plenty of them.  Eh.  Not sure on this one because I didn't use Millenia a whole lot, but at the same time I think she's probably more useful/unique?


Alice Elliot (SH1) vs Fayt Leingod (SO3): Even though I didn't use Alice for much of the game, she's very, very good.  (I mainly used a Yuri-Zhuzhen-Keith party, but I know that's far from optimal.)

Angelo (DQ8) vs Jude Maverick (WA4): Best healer vs. least useful character (though not by much), but I find it very hard to judge usefulness in games where you don't pick party members.


Gala (LoL1) vs Ayne (LoL2): By default because, hey, nobody else is filling that party slot!  Ayne has much, much better competition even though I'm sure he's better.

EDIT TO ADD COMMENTARY ON RANKING/LAST ROUND: How the hell are PETER and IKE in Heavy rather than Godlike?  Ike I guess is only good rather than OMGWTFPWN solos most maps for half of the game, and Peter doesn't actually solo most maps?  But Peter until late-lategame and Ike from midgame on are by a huge margin the best PCs, and when Peter does cease to be the clear leader he still has a huge edge.  Compared to people like Alicia (easily replaceable), Yuna (not even game-best to me; Auron's easy access to his ultimate weapon > her, and maybe Rikku items and Tidus speedgame) or Lenneth (forced so she breaks up the ideal team, not game best at anything except for a tiny window at the very end of a splitpath)?

what is this i don't even
« Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 03:54:50 AM by Bobbin Cranbud »
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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #30 on: February 25, 2010, 03:52:20 AM »

Rena Lanford (SO2) vs Lenneth Valkyrie (VP1)- Crushes the shit out of stuff.

I fail

Angelo (DQ8) vs Jude Maverick (WA4)- Just a way better skillset.  Jude also has the disadvantage of being with 3 people with pretty badass skillsets.  (Well in Raquels place she just destroys shit.)

Valygar (BG2) vs Melville (S3)- Never found Valygar to be useful.  At all.

Onix- For this division, please vote for the worst of the two given PC's.

Genshu (S2) vs Cathe (FE6)- I do not even remember Cathe.  At all.  That to me tells me that he wasn't worth a damn.


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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #31 on: February 25, 2010, 03:56:19 AM »
Cranbud: Most of these rankings are based on the old rate your character thread the DL had a few years back with me filling in some holes.
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Bobbin Cranbud

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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #32 on: February 25, 2010, 04:01:21 AM »
Cranbud: Most of these rankings are based on the old rate your character thread the DL had a few years back with me filling in some holes.

O_o  Wow.  Absolutely mindblowing to me that somebody could consider Peter anything less than a Godlike for in-game utility.  Ike at least has the "you lose if he dies" and "only good rather than great in the beginning" factors, but Peter?  (And yet I can see voting Ike overPeter because endgame Ike has such a massive advantage over the rest of the cast and literally can solo large Tactics/RPG battles, which is just insane.)
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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #33 on: February 25, 2010, 04:29:27 AM »
No, that just means FE9 is easy, and FEs are pretty soloable because of resources being piled into one character in general. The freaking jeigan solos the game with ease (she's a good jeigan, but yeah). The FE9 community debates character use to death and Ike generally has a few people above him (because Paladins in that game are so broken, Oscar in particular has Ike's stats + a horse and isn't losing to him until Chapter 28). Now, I agree that Peter is probably the best character in SF2, but I don't think he dominates to the degree of other cast-bests. Peter has other awesome fighters who at least compare with him (as does Ike) but many Godlikes are just a tier above their competition.

Also I thought Yuna's ultimate was easier to get than Auron's, not that it matters! Auron of the game-worst speed and situational skillset (breaks are cool, but run into immunities) doesn't have much on Yuna's deathly powerful aeons (you can at worst take out almost any boss by unleashing their overdrives one after another), white magic, high stats in general. As for Lenneth, did you use her with a bow? She tends to have the best damage of anyone except perhaps the spear users, does loads of hits, creates loads of gems (which is what makes mages usable beyond turn 1), auto-breaks enemies, and has a soul crush that can be used at any spot of the order. With a sword I agree she's not a Godlike, but bow is sick. She's like Lucian with Lawfer's damage.

Not just me of course, both characters were around 9 in the in-game use topic (actually I think Yuna was 9.3~ and would have been higher if one poster hadn't trolled her with a 2/10).

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Bobbin Cranbud

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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #34 on: February 25, 2010, 06:30:24 AM »
I probably underused Yuna; Auron was my clear MVP in FFX.  Years of physicals > magic in FF games probably conditioned me to assume the strongest physical fighter would be the most useful, and I've only played it through once.

In VP it was the opposite.  Mages were far better than anyone else to me, and anyone who enabled them to act more often was thus absolutely vital.  Lenneth can't quite do that alone, Lucian seems like he could; it's possible this isn't true and I actually needed both to enable magespam and just didn't realize because Lenneth was forced?  I used Lenneth with a sword twice I think, or maybe three times.  Bow once, and yeah, it was definitely better.  I can even see considering her the MVP when she's a bow user... just, not "MVP by a landslide where at most one character is even in the conversation."

Like Peter, for instance.

Peter seems pretty clearly game-best out of a large cast.  Splitpath, requires a one-off item MMNK Karna is better because of stupid Aura leveling tricks, if you choose to use her that way (or at all); Bowie is in the conversation at the *very* end of the game, and is comparatively limited because he can't be sacrificed and doesn't fly.

(Endgame) Ike is a tier above even Peter, though, in that there was NO other PC who was even close enough to be considered a runner-up or situationally better.

My FE9 Ike's stats were much better than anyone else's, and Ragnell's ability to heal him was unbelievably powerful.  I guess that could be because of RNG screw for people who were supposed to be equal or better, but if so it was consistent across three playthroughs, one on normal and two on hard.  Ike wasn't even remotely in the same league as the rest of the party, a (high, for a PC) Godlike among Middles and a couple of low Heavies.  I don't think I had any two other PCs who could have fought him together and lived; offhand Hyuga/Citan is the only other PC I can think of to whom that applies.  Ryu3, maybe?  He's that much better than the rest of his cast but I'm pretty sure Rei's damage is high enough that him + another PC could kill Ryu.  For that matter, Hyuga would probably die to Fei and Emeralda since (the good) Xenogears characters are so much heavier on offense to defense.
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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #35 on: February 25, 2010, 06:55:40 AM »
Heh, go figure, I thought FF had conditioned me for years of magic > physicals. The first FF I played extensively was FF6, and...

Quote from: FF6 stat topic
[Cyan]Fight: 1615, physical
[Celes]Ice 3: 4042

... yeah. Never mind that you can MT the latter and it hits weakness as often as not. Granted, other FFs aren't always this unbalanced but that's generally the direction I feel the games trend, aside from FF8 which is just completely screwed up.

FE9, well, the RNG is the RNG. Not much to say except you got lucky on Ike (3 times apparently! It can happen). I agree he's good when he gets Ragnell but in-game use also factors in the 30 maps in the game before that. He's still a good PC until then (hence Heavy) but his stats are good but matched by quite a few others, and they do non-stat things better than him (which is to say: extra move, move after attacking, and have range 2 weaponry).

I think Bowie gives Peter a bit more competition than you're giving him credit for, his Def was (for me at least, FE RNG comments also apply here and while my knowledge of FE9 is extensive, my knowledge of SF2 is anything but) quite a bit better, although Peter's flight + can die means he's better overall. And the mages have more raw offence if you have MP to burn (Kazan's Desoul made him the MVP of a few midgame maps for me, for instance). Definitely think Peter is more of a Heavy too.

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Bobbin Cranbud

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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #36 on: February 25, 2010, 07:42:46 AM »
Heh, go figure, I thought FF had conditioned me for years of magic > physicals. The first FF I played extensively was FF6, and...

Quote from: FF6 stat topic
[Cyan]Fight: 1615, physical
[Celes]Ice 3: 4042

... yeah. Never mind that you can MT the latter and it hits weakness as often as not. Granted, other FFs aren't always this unbalanced but that's generally the direction I feel the games trend, aside from FF8 which is just completely screwed up.

Ice3, sure.  Celes learns that in, what, the early '40s?  For the entire World of Balance, physicals are better (or at least have always been so for me).  Edgar tools, Sabin blitzes, Cyan swordtechs and, of course, any basic attack from Returner's Hideout on I tend to assume is made with either the Gauntlet or the Genji Glove, the latter flat doubling damage in many cases.  None taking the MP that actually mattered until endgame in FF6.  Endgame FF6, meanwhile, was just EASY because to do the optional content characters ended up leveling past the level they needed to be for the final dungeon to be fair, so I don't tend to consider who was "better" then.

I also found physicals more useful in (maingame) FF7, aside from summons.  Also in FFT, aside from calculator cheese, I always found PC mages nearly useless while fighters casually owned the game without even trying; even for healing I used items.

Part of it may be that I'm extremely cautious about using MP, and was much moreso when I played FF6, FF4 and FF7.

FE9, well, the RNG is the RNG. Not much to say except you got lucky on Ike (3 times apparently! It can happen). I agree he's good when he gets Ragnell but in-game use also factors in the 30 maps in the game before that. He's still a good PC until then (hence Heavy) but his stats are good but matched by quite a few others, and they do non-stat things better than him (which is to say: extra move, move after attacking, and have range 2 weaponry).

Not only did Ike get lucky three times, Oscar, at least, never did. :\  He was OK once and useless twice (like, gained one stat or NONE for 5+ levels in a row).  Kieran did do well for me, or at least I thought so at the time, but maybe he got hosed by the RNG, too; on two playthroughs he was better than Titania at the tail end (last 4-5 maps) and not until that point, while in the third Oscar was the best of that set.

I think Bowie gives Peter a bit more competition than you're giving him credit for, his Def was (for me at least, FE RNG comments also apply here and while my knowledge of FE9 is extensive, my knowledge of SF2 is anything but) quite a bit better, although Peter's flight + can die means he's better overall. And the mages have more raw offence if you have MP to burn (Kazan's Desoul made him the MVP of a few midgame maps for me, for instance). Definitely think Peter is more of a Heavy too.

I mostly used Blaze with Kazin, not trusting Desoul to work (and still consider him a worthwhile character throughout).

Ultimately I can - or at least choose to - only go by my experience of the games, and a lot of the people who are considered "dominant" characters here are very much not in my experience.  Playstyle difference (not using much MP except for healing), sucking at the game (any game with an action component), RNG,etc.  And then be weirded out when characters I see as average get hyped as game-best, or even standing out from the pack of game-best characters. O_o
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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #37 on: February 25, 2010, 02:46:36 PM »
Heh, go figure, I thought FF had conditioned me for years of magic > physicals. The first FF I played extensively was FF6, and...

Quote from: FF6 stat topic
[Cyan]Fight: 1615, physical
[Celes]Ice 3: 4042

... yeah. Never mind that you can MT the latter and it hits weakness as often as not. Granted, other FFs aren't always this unbalanced but that's generally the direction I feel the games trend, aside from FF8 which is just completely screwed up.

Ice3, sure.  Celes learns that in, what, the early '40s?  For the entire World of Balance, physicals are better (or at least have always been so for me).  Edgar tools, Sabin blitzes, Cyan swordtechs and, of course, any basic attack from Returner's Hideout on I tend to assume is made with either the Gauntlet or the Genji Glove, the latter flat doubling damage in many cases.  None taking the MP that actually mattered until endgame in FF6.  Endgame FF6, meanwhile, was just EASY because to do the optional content characters ended up leveling past the level they needed to be for the final dungeon to be fair, so I don't tend to consider who was "better" then.

Ice 2 is learned in the early midgame and that deals not much less damage midgame than Cyan's Retort -endgame-.  Espers also give you tons more available magic - and unless you're talking a No-Esper game (in which case, you're probably going to rely on your naturally learned magic even more >_>), you're going to get those mage skillsets on everyone worth using and have those mages crush physicallers in the damage curve. Also, Edgar's damage is non-typed (ITD, even) and Sabin's a -mage-. Almost every skill of Sabin's runs off magic, and his magic stat is honestly a bit underwhelming. Being extremely cautious in using MP doesn't make magic worse, either - just means a playstyle difference, one that, in most cases and particularly FF6's, honestly ends up quite sub-optimal. FF6 gives you insanely broken MP healing with Osmose by the midgame, and that's ignoring how easily available Tents are throughout - running out of MP is almost never a problem.
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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #38 on: February 25, 2010, 10:18:06 PM »
MP draining is seriously godly in FF6. I once ran a Celes who was doublecasting Ice 3 constantly (which is actually a noticable drain on MP!) endgame with Soul Sabre as her only source of MP replenishment and never felt remotely stressed, and backrow Soul Sabre is a lot less effective than Osmose.

Almost everyone relies heavily on magic damage in the WoB, even people whom you don't think of as mages. Sabin (Aura Bolt/Fire Dance/Air Blade/Bum Rush) is one for basically the entire game, of course, but then you have Setzer (7-Flush), Shadow (skeans), and even Edgar (Flash) rely on magic for MT damage. Only Locke, Cyan, and Umaro really are pure physical types - i.e. the worst characters in the game.

Bobbin Cranbud

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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #39 on: February 26, 2010, 09:16:35 AM »
See, there's a vicious circle in only using spells for healing until the lategame: I'm pretty sure I have never, in all the times I've played FF6, cast Osmose.  Since I never ran out of MP due to cautious casting (because that might make me spend an ether!), I never drained MP, so I never knew Osmose if was powerful/useful. >_<

I also never knew Edgar's Flash and Sabin's techs were based on their magic power, for that matter.  I always figured they were physical or non-typed.

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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #40 on: February 26, 2010, 03:20:44 PM »

Claude Kenni (SO2) vs Millenia (G2) - For the supers.
Kika (S4) vs Maria Traydor (SO3)- For the OKs. Damage cannon, durability (convert damage), range flexibility, MP damage/chaos, support symbology ... the list goes on. Honestly I love Kika as a character over Maria who is not my favourite SO3 character (though she grew on me!) but I just feel Maria covers usefulness in a wide variety of areas =-)


Alice Elliot (SH1) vs Fayt Leingod (SO3) - Alice can be replaced by someone who gets the job done but isn't quite as good (Halley), Fayt can be replaced by better. Everyone can solo SO3 with ease though except Adray and Sophia (though it's not impossible with those two either, especially if they've been your PC before) Unless you're using a Gutsy Bunny or something >.>
Angelo (DQ8) vs Jude Maverick (WA4) - For the Ciatos *^_^*

Roger S. Huxley (SO3) vs Natan (SH3) - Abstain. Roger has the highest base ATK/ATK growth irrc and that combined with the damage modifiers on his physicals enables him to do decent to good damage depending, his Charge combos with Berserk are broken (and he gets Charge early) and one of the best sources of DPS. He's also a bit of HP/DEF tank and appears to have the best AI of the optionals. However I've yet to give Natan an extensive enough run to judge.
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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #41 on: February 26, 2010, 04:21:26 PM »

Yuna (FFX) vs Maya Amano (Pers2): Maya does not belong in this division; in practice, she's not much better than Serph, who certainly wasn't that overpowered.
Rena Lanford (SO2) vs Lenneth Valkyrie (VP1): In the end, Rena's your only adequate Healer; Lenneth may be one of the best at what she does, but if the option existed, I could probably sub her out for someone else, and have the team suffer less than with Rena.
Hero (DQ5) vs Tir McDohl (S1): DQ5 Hero is hardly remotely overpowered in any sense; he's your typical "Above average at everything" character.  Tir, meanwhile, has only one real weakness is some shaky boss fighting for the first half.
Rika (PS4) vs Alicia (VC): Can't vote.


Claude Kenni (SO2) vs Millenia (G2): Claude's around the entire game, Millenia is not.  Furthermore, Millenia doesn't really stand out against Random encounters, and against bosses, she's only overpowered once she gets Spell Binding Eye...which she gets after she's fought half the bosses she'll face (pity cause plotwise, she gets it 25% of the way into the game.)  Yeah, she's very much an On Paper thing, since in practice, she's either not much better than most characters, or just not around when the cruel stuff would be good.
Kevin (SD3) vs Sharon (LoL2): Sharon was good but Kevin is absurd and has unmatched offense, COMBINED with being a potential Healer and game best HP.
Kika (S4) vs Maria Traydor (SO3): Kneejerk.  Good fight, though.
Yosuke Hanamura (Pers4) vs Nina (BoF1): Playing BoF1 without Nina would be pain incarnate; she's one of the reasons the game is so easy, but without her, egads would beating some of those fights just not happen.  Yosuke, meanwhile, I dropped rather early, and honestly cannot say that a lone P4 PC that lacks MT Healing can come remotely close to Nina 1's worth.


Alice Elliot (SH1) vs Fayt Leingod (SO3): Alice is completely unnoteworthy for too long of the game, Fayt gets good much faster.
Crono (CT) vs Hahn Mahlay (PS4): Crono's around most of the game, Hahn is not.  Furthermore, Crono has stuff like Skill Advantages and level leads due to this constant existence as well as covers a crucial element before Magus (or Robo) can, like against Dinosaurs.  Hahn is...another Healer, when Chaz already exists, and Rika's just around the corner.  In the final team, Hahn's got really nothing over Kyra or Raja for worth, barring a little more damage than the former, which isn't significant enough to give him the edge.
Angelo (DQ8) vs Jude Maverick (WA4): Angelo is one of your main healers the entire game, and should be higher as a result.  Jude felt rather fillery a good part of the game.
Ulf (G3) vs Anna Lemori (MK1): When it comes down to it, I made more use of Anna's little Instant Death move, and cheap quick GT damage than I did of Ulf's GT Cancel move, which was all he really stood out at.


Valygar (BG2) vs Melville (S3): Can't vote.
Roger S. Huxley (SO3) vs Natan (SH3): Natan's from a game with transferable magic giving him some minimal worth, Roger is not.  Oh yeah, Natan's also around most of the game; Roger misses the entire early game stuff, and I think even after he's introduced, still misses a good deal of Elicoor until he finally joins for a significant amount of time (IIRC, he can be re-recruited close to instantly on Disc 2, much like Nel and Albel, if you really wanted, so I can't hold that against him.)
Fei-On (SaGa) vs Jet Enduro (WA3): Due to the nature of WA3, Jet's only as bad as you awnt him to be, and he's more "Fail" on an Abject level cause the other 3 are so much better; he's still a forced Warm Body whose got good speed to fill utility roles like Item Boy or "Cast Replay on Gallows/Clive, cause Virginia's doing other things", etc.  Fei-on is...a generic scrub in a game with a huge cast that you never have a reason to use.
Gala (LoL1) vs Ayne (LoL2):  I hate to say it, since while Ayne is probably overall better, the nature of LoL1's Magic system *AND* Gala being forced in a team of 3 where as Ayne can be subbed out for anyone else gives Gala a huge edge in use *shakes fist*

Onix- For this division, please vote for the worst of the two given PC's.

Astrid (FE10) vs Luvdisc (RSE): I'm not giving points for Luvdiscs giving you heart scales since you can either use Thief to get it from them, Nor do you ever have to USE a Luvdisc in a way that contradicts with any other PC to get the Heartscale off them once recruited.  Meanwhile, Astrid is forced onto a map or two, and gives you a free Paragon, which is probably more useful ANYWAY (also she's the ONLY MOUNTED DOUBLE BOW USER!!!!! <_<; )
Genshu (S2) vs Cathe (FE6): Cathe's got utility uses as an FE Thief, even if better options exist, and stealing from her those early times where she's a "nuisance" gets you free Lock Picks.  Genshu is a late game recruit that requires recruiting DAMN NEVER EVERYONE ELSE with absolutely NOTHING going for him.
Goof Off (DQ3) vs Red Turnip (SaGa): I used a Goof-off most of DQ3, for the sake of Sage, and it was only generic fail.  Red Turnip is an underdeveloped MONSTER gotten late in Asellus' quest, as an excuse for replacing...White Rose...and a really damned sad one at that.
Luke (SF2) vs Sergei (S1): Luke at least flies as a semi unique gimmick, and somehow I got away with using his fail without noticing him being THAT bad in game, which makes me think he's only "Generic fail" rather than epic.  Sergei is near bottom of the barrel IN SUIKODEN 1.  There's just really no excuse for that.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #42 on: February 26, 2010, 09:02:21 PM »

Rika (PS4) vs Alicia (VC): Nicer buns. Honestly, Alicia's bread is a little lacking during game time, what with war and all.


Yosuke Hanamura (Pers4) vs Nina (BoF1): Does not get us arrested.


Valygar (BG2) vs Melville (S3): Reminds me less of Super.


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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #43 on: February 27, 2010, 02:24:12 AM »

Rena Lanford (SO2) vs Lenneth Valkyrie (VP1)


Claude Kenni (SO2) vs Millenia (G2): Millenia's not around nearly enough to put up much of a fight here.
Kevin (SD3) vs Sharon (LoL2)


Crono (CT) vs Hahn Mahlay (PS4)
Angelo (DQ8) vs Jude Maverick (WA4)


Gala (LoL1) vs Ayne (LoL2)


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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #44 on: February 27, 2010, 04:00:45 PM »

Yuna (FFX) vs Maya Amano (Pers2)
Rena Lanford (SO2) vs Lenneth Valkyrie (VP1): Lenneth is awesome but I never relied on her. Limited items in SO2 made me feel more dependent upon Rena.
Hero (DQ5) vs Tir McDohl (S1): I may be biased based upon item use but eh. He felt like a lynchpin of reliable healing in a sea of enemy damage. Tir was cool but there were lots of folks with damage and it was a 6 person party game.
Rika (PS4) vs Alicia (VC): Infinite movement and immunity to crossfire aren't things all scouts have, nor is Undodgeable Shot, which is a requisite for taking out The Bitch Herself the easy way.


Claude Kenni (SO2) vs Millenia (G2): Availability. Millenia's randomsmashing could be done by anyone (especially Tio), and Spellbinding Eye, while awesome, isn't an auto-win move or something.
Kevin (SD3) vs Sharon (LoL2): Neuters the scariest thing in the game, yeah.
Kika (S4) vs Maria Traydor (SO3)
Yosuke Hanamura (Pers4) vs Nina (BoF1): I don't want to think about playing BoF1 again without Nina.


Alice Elliot (SH1) vs Fayt Leingod (SO3)
Crono (CT) vs Hahn Mahlay (PS4)
Angelo (DQ8) vs Jude Maverick (WA4)
Ulf (G3) vs Anna Lemori (MK1): MK enemies had this annoying habit of taking a while to kill sometimes. Anna's ID was quite nice for that. G3 magic is your god.


Valygar (BG2) vs Melville (S3)
Roger S. Huxley (SO3) vs Natan (SH3)
Fei-On (SaGa) vs Jet Enduro (WA3)
Gala (LoL1) vs Ayne (LoL2): Good with magic, could be relied upon to go the same point in every round IF you wanted to do MT healing every round, lots of MP, lots of HP.

Onix- For this division, please vote for the worst of the two given PC's.

Astrid (FE10) vs Luvdisc (RSE)
Genshu (S2) vs Cathe (FE6)
Goof Off (DQ3) vs Red Turnip (SaGa)
Luke (SF2) vs Sergei (S1): Luke was the first PC I ever thought was pure shit. Sergei was just another suikoscrub.


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Re: In game use topic round 2- Tri ace staredown in Godlike.
« Reply #45 on: February 27, 2010, 04:18:04 PM »
I'm updating this tomorrow. Get your votes in now!
« Last Edit: February 27, 2010, 04:51:03 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...