Wow this is a hilarious pool of Middles / Heavies / Low Godlikes / Belial. For me of the "Charlton has .5 PCHP" views at least.
Asgard vs. Belial:
Asgard vs. Ultimecia: Yeah not much respect for the slugging ability of either side here.
Asgard vs. Rosa:
Asgard vs. Charlton: ... Charlton gets a win? Asgard can't OHKO, this is sad and means he eats 2 Charlton shots, which he has an argument for tanking but probably not.
Belial vs. Ultimecia: .... why is Ultimecia getting wins. I had to check the stat topic but aside from Shockwave Pulsar, both Ultimecia w/ Griever and final Ultimecia have MT and enough HP to probably resolve some despite the constant doubles.
Belial vs. Rosa:
Belial vs. Charlton:
Ultimecia vs. Rosa: Uhhh. This is an Ultimecia interp question. What the hell does Destroy Spell do? If Ultimecia can pick which spell and nails White/Holy she wins vs. Rosa's failtastic backup damage, but I'd probably call it a random hit, so going Rosa. Think she has the resources.
Ultimecia vs. Charlton: Ultimecia is immune to draining and outtanks with her later forms.
Rosa vs. Charlton: White OHKOs.
Why is Ultimecia 3-1 in a godlike pool when I hold a decent amount of limit twinking against her. WHY