Dragon Quest 8:
Favorite dueller: Marcello. Love the character. He's also overall pretty good in all regards as a fighter (has magic and physical damage, HEALING HYPE!, speed, decent enough durability, etc.). Just overall tough, and really rides the border. Neat guy.
Least favorite dueller: Leopold. Just...horrible, horrible fight in-game. Was not threatening to me, and is generally not that interesting to me, overall. Just...bad respect for him compared to his in-game vs. DL worth.
Strongest dueller: Rhapthorne. Just overall has lots of damage, some support effects, good durability, not total fail speed, etc. Keeps running into some nasty fighters, but he's the toughest boss out of the group overall, I feel.
Weakest dueller: Yangus. And he's still not horrid.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Leopold getting raped. It's nice to see that, for once, I might actually have something in common with most people!
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Marcello getting raped. See above, but sadder ;_;
A character you'd like to see added to the game: Mmm...realistically, we have the most important ones. Seeing Khalamari and/or Geyzer and/or DON MOLE and/or Ruin and/or Captain Crow and/or etc. would be neat, but I'm in no hurry. I think we did good. Charmles would be awesome though.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: N/A.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game?
Overall good. I like the game a lot, as it brings lots to the League. Neat stuff, and I generally like everyone a lot. Just pretty awesome. 10/10
Digital Devil Saga:
Favorite dueller: Mmm...Heat. It's great to see him getting lots of boss respect, as well as being very versatile no matter the form. Pretty cool overall.
Least favorite dueller: Uh...Serph. Average stats all around makes him...bleh. Thankful I ignore the press turns in the DL, at least!
Strongest dueller: Heat and Jenna are really, really close. I'm not sure which I see as stronger. Probably Jenna, with better durability and a form-chain.
Weakest dueller: Serph. See above.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Godlike fun with Jenna and Heat. Just badass to see them get lots of respect and kick some ass.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Uh...none I can really think of.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: Sera and the other tribal leaders definitely. Seraph I could do without, but Sera...plot importance with a rankable form...just not something I can see skipping.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Eh...none, really.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game?
Another game I love. 9.5/10, loses half a point for Super.
I'd suggest we do...well, are we up for doing stuff that's been done already? If we are then I would suggest Xenosaga I/II and Fire Emblem 7.
I'd also think adding a bonus category, like "What WILL you think of this game in the DL?" More of a, "what do you think will happen when (if) the game gets ranked?" Kind of like a NR thing. Categories like strongest/weakest dueler, who would be ranked, etc. Most of the same stuff can work. Extra categories could be ranking thoughts, etc. Would be neat. I'd like to see WA5 in that case.