Author Topic: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (equal exp)  (Read 2510 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (equal exp)
« on: March 02, 2010, 09:46:48 PM »
Yes, another FE9 stat topic. Basically, this one is focussed on equal experience, rather than equal levels. What does this mean? Well, for instance, Tormod and Muarim join at the same time, but Muarim joins 21 levels higher. Giving equal levels is pretty unfair to Muarim. Instead, in this topic, I give them equal Exp and see what happens. Note that due to the way both combat and bonus experience work, lower-level characters level up faster, so yeah, the gap between Tormod and Muarim does close... but to 5, rather than 0.

Characters still average around 20/15, it was the old endgame level for a reason. But now, specifically:
-I assume that 10 combat PCs are used (once that many are available) and that 11 PCs compete for Bonus Exp. This well reflects, say, a party of 10 fighters, 1 healer, 1 heron, which I'd say is pretty typical.
-I assume each enemy is killed in 1.5 hits on average. i.e. many are one-rounded, but not all.
-I assume that Bonus Exp is used when it becomes available. If you horde it up, then later joiners benefit more, but when I fielded opinions this was shot down, and in hindsight I agree with the consensus too, so yeah.
-Ike and Mist are given one bonus level compared to what they otherwise get because of the Black Knight fight (impossible to get specifics there because of the variable length of the fight and whether or not the BK is actually killed).
-Endgame level is at the start of the final chapter, rather than the end, because there is nothing left to fight at the end.

Rest of this is largely cribbed from Meeple's work, which in turn was cribbed from work by Eph and myself. The old topic is here (though it lacks pretty pictures) and of particular note is the bosses here.

Weapon Info
-Weapon Triangle time! Same as always: Sword > Axe > Lance > Sword, winning the triangle gives +1 Might and +10 Hit, losing gives you equivalent penalties. Bows, Knives, Laguz Weapons and Magic are considered neutral in this triangle. Weapon triangle bonuses can be argued as purely offensive using mechanics from FEDS.
-There's a Magic Triangle too.  This one goes Wind > Thunder > Fire > Wind.  It works the same way as the physical one.  Light Magic is considered neutral to this triangle, as are all physical weapons.
-Ike and Elincia are using Ragnell and Amiti respectively. Elincia might prefer forged Silver if you allow it, but I probably don't. (See note under Elincia below.)
-Laguz use their own set weapons; its not like they have a choice.
-Sothe and Volke were assumed Stillettos; these are the strongest Knives in the game and they're store bought, no problems there.
-Rhys is allowed all Light Magic with the exception of Rexaura given how painful it is to get; he was assumed with Nosferatu, regardless, since that's overall his best for a number of reasons, even if not his strongest.
-Everyone else was assumed to be using Forged Silver Weapons if they're Fighters, OR Forged Thunder if they're Mages.  You might argue Forging is too restrictive in this game (once per chapter, compared to FE10 where you could do it as often as you wanted, providing the option was available), but personally, I feel it best reflects in game worth better. Only Might has been raised by forging, if you raise Hit too then thieves/Rhys/laguz/Ike/Elincia all get less accurate and other PCs get more accurate. Hit can be raised up to +25. Also, Crit (lulz) can be raised by up to +9, if you care, but this ups cost a lot.
-Each character can hold up to 4 weapons at once.  The usual Fire Emblem rules apply where they can change weapons on the fly each turn to attack, and they can break, etc.  Naturally, they'll counter attack (if countering said attack is valid) with the weapon they have equipped.  Do note that unlike previous games, you CAN have equippable weapons in your inventory and *NOT* be forced to equip them (This actually has uses in game, but is pretty much worthless in this setting granted.)
-If a characters starts with that weapon class, they'll have an A assumed in it.  Magic is a bit harder to justify, but the best legal weapons are low ranked ANYWAY (be it forged or otherwise), so doesn't matter.  Characters who gain weapons upon promotion are hard to say.  Paladins are listed with their starting weapons; Geoffrey and Titania are prepromos and thus predetermined weapons, so they get access to both.  Paladins can use any one of the other 3 weapons upon Promotion, *HOWEVER*, they start with an E in it.  Its worth noting, though, that an E in Axes allows for use of the Steel Axe, which is much stronger than other E Weapons, and gives 2 WEXP, so having an A in Axes endgame as a secondary weapon is much easier than other weapons.
-It's also worth noting the difference between Axes and Lances isn't really big, so either way, people like Jill or Oscar won't care much about the loss of Axes; it mostly matters for Astrid and Makalov (do note, though, that Oscar, Kieran and Makalov may care about the loss of Silver Bows, though.)  Generals and Falcon Knights get Swords upon promotion, but typically aren't worth much either way, so the loss isn't major one way or another.
-Mist is an exception; unlike others, she gains a D in Swords upon promotion, instead of an E; this not only is a whole level less to use, BUT allows Steel Swords, at very least, to be used, which means 2 WEXP weapon out of the box, so getting her to A is a bit easier (also it's a bit of pity too.)
-I'm assuming Initial Weapons are not standard, since FEs are a unique case with them, and this is no exception; I *AM* listing them, however, just to get them out of the way.
-Also, note that if I don't list a weapon's weight, it's because all PCs who can use said weapon use it without penalty (which is to say, Strength = Weapon's weight)

Anyway, here are the weapons and such! Bolded are units that will be using these weapons, and the bolded weapon is what's assumed as default.  Note that if a person's is singled out among classes in parentheses, it means they specifically are using this weapon class (either its their default for being best overall, or for some in game restriction like "They join with this weapon!" ala Bastian w/ Knives, for example), if they are bolded, it means they were using this weapon as their default.

All Swords are 1 Range unless specified otherwise
Used by: Lord, Paladin (Makalov), Valkyrie, General, Princess Crimea, Swordmaster, Falcon Knight

Forged Silver Sword: 18 Might, 80 hit, 25 uses
Silver Sword: 13 Might, 80 Hit, 25 uses
Silver Blade: 15 Might, 60 Hit, 15 uses, 14 Weight
Ragnell: 18 Might, 80 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Range, unbreakable, +5 Def, Grants Immunity to Critical Hits, Ike only
Amiti: 9 Might, 75 Hit, unbreakable, +3 Def, +3 Res, hits twice, Elincia only
Regal Sword: 7 Might, 95 Hit, 40 uses, 10 Crit, doubles Might against Armored and Mounted units, Ike only
*Vague Katti: 12 Might, 80 Hit, 35 Crit, 25 uses, +3 Def, Stefan only
Armor Slayer: 8 Might, 80 Hit, 17 weight, 18 uses, doubles Might against Armored units
Long Sword: 6 Might, 85 hit, 15 Weight, 18 uses, doubles Might against Mounted units
**Killing Edge: 9 Might, 75 Hit, 30 Crit, 20 uses, Zihark only
***Sonic Sword: 10 Might, 70 Hit, 1-2 Range, 25 uses, Magical, Wind elemental, Tanith only
Forged Slim Sword: 8 Might, 100 Hit, 5 Crit, 35 uses
Slim Sword: 3 Might, 100 Hit, 5 Crit, 35 uses
Forged Iron Sword: 11 Might, 90 Hit, 46 uses
Iron Sword: 6 Might, 90 Hit, 46 uses
Iron Blade: 9 Might, 70 hit, 35 uses, 15 weight
Forged Steel Sword: 13 Might, 75 hit, 35 uses
Steel Sword: 8 Might, 75 hit, 35 uses
Steel Blade: 11 Might, 75 hit, 35 uses, 17 weight

*Stefan starts with this weapon, and is the only person who can use it for quite a while (nobody else has better than B swords at this point, it's S rank).
**Zihark starts with this weapon.
***Tanith joins with this weapon.

Note: All Lances are 1 Range unless specified otherwise
Used by: General, Falcon Knight, Wyvern Lord (Jill), Paladin (Oscar, Titania, Geoffrey), Halberdier

Forged Silver Lance: 20 Might, 75 Hit, 25 uses
Silver Lance: 15 Might, 75 Hit, 25 uses
Forged Javelin: 11 Might, 60 Hit, 1-2 Range, 35 uses
Javelin: 6 Might, 60 Hit, 1-2 Range, 35 uses
*Short Spear: 9 Might, 70 Hit, 1-2 Range, 15 uses, Tanithonly
**Spear: 12 Might, 70 Hit, 1-2 Range, 15 uses, Tauroneo only
***Heavy Lance: 8 Might, 80 Hit, 18 uses, doubles Might against Armored units, Devdan only
****Brave Lance: 11 Might, 70 Hit, 30 uses, hits twice, Geoffrey only
Forged Steel Lance: 15 Might, 75 Hit, 35 uses
Steel Lance: 10 Might, 75 Hit, 35 uses
Forged Iron Lance: 12 Might, 80 Hit, 45 uses
Iron Lance: 7 Might, 80 Hit, 45 uses
Forged Slim Lance: 9 Might, 85 Hit, 5 Crit, 35 uses
Slim Lance: 4 Might, 85 hit, 5 Crit, 35 uses

*Tanith comes with this weapon in her inventory.  Should you allow forging, it doesn't really matter a whole lot, I'm listing it for those who don't.
**Tauroneo comes with this weapon in his inventory.
***Devdan comes with this weapon in his inventory
****Geoffrey comes initially equipped with this. Should be his default if you allow it.

Note: All Axes are 1 Range unless specified otherwise
Used by: Wyvern Lord (Haar), Warrior, Paladin (Titania, Kieran), Berserker

Forged Silver Axe: 21 Might, 70 Hit, 25 uses
Silver Axe: 16 Might, 70 Hit, 25 uses
Forged Hand Axe: 12 Might, 55 Hit, 1-2 Range, 25 uses
Hand Axe: 7 Might, 55 Hit, 1-2 Range, 25 uses
*Brave Axe: 10 Might, 65 Hit, 30 uses, hits twice, Haar only
**Short Axe: 10 Might, 65 hit, 1-2 Range, 15 uses, Largo only
Hammer: 10 Might, 55 hit, 20 uses, doubles Might vs. Armored units
Pole Axe: 10 Might, 65 Hit, 18 uses, doubles Might vs. Mounted units
Forged Steel Axe: 16 Might, 65 hit, 35 uses
Steel Axe: 11 Might, 65 hit, 35 uses
Forged Iron Axe: 13 Might, 75 Hit, 45 uses
Iron Axe: 8 Might, 75 hit, 45 uses

*Haar comes with this initially in his inventory.  If you allow it, this should be his default.
**Largo comes with this initially in his inventory

Note: All Bows are 2 Range unless specified otherwise
Used by: Sniper, Paladin (Astrid, Geoffrey), and Warrior

Forged Silver Bow: 18 Might, 75 Hit, 25 uses
Silver Bow: 13 Might, 75 Hit, 25 uses
Long Bow: 5 Might, 65 Hit, 2-3 Range, 20 uses
Rolf's Bow: 8 Might, 100 Hit, 5 Crit, 45 Uses, Rolf Only
Forged Steel Bow: 14 Might, 70 Hit, 35 uses
Steel Bow: 9 Might, 70 Hit, 35 uses
Forged Iron Bow: 11 Might, 85 Hit, 45 uses
Iron Bow: 6 Might, 85 hit, 45 uses

Anima Tomes:
Note: All Tomes use Magic instead of Strength, and are 1-2 Range unless specified otherwise
Used by: Sage

Forged Thunder: 9 Might, 85 Hit, 5 Crit, 40 uses, Thunder Elemental
Thunder: 4 Might, 85 Hit, 5 Crit, 40 uses, Thunder Elemental
Forged Fire: 8 Might, 95 Hit, 40 uses, Fire Elemental
Fire: 3 Might, 95 Hit, 40 uses, Fire Elemental
Forged Wind: 7 Might, 100 Hit, 40 Uses, Wind elemental
Wind: 2 Might, 100 Hit, 40 uses, Wind Elemental
Elthunder: 7 Might, 75 Hit, 10 Crit, 6 Weight, 30 uses, Thunder Elemental
Elfire: 5 Might, 85 hit, 5 weight, 30 uses, Fire Elemental
Elwind: 4 Might, 90 hit, 2 weight, 30 uses, Wind elemental
*Meteor: 11 Might, 70 Hit, 3-10 Range, 11 Weight, 5 uses, Fire Elemental, Calill only

*Calill joins with this in her inventory

Light Tomes:
Note: All Light Tomes are Light elemental
Used by: Bishop

Forged Light: 7 Might, 80 Hit, 4 Weight, 40 uses
Light: 2 Might, 80 Hit, 4 Weight, 40 uses
Shine: 4 Might, 75 hit, 6 weight, 30 uses
Purge: 10 Might, 70 hit, 3-10 Range, 8 weight, 5 uses
Nosferatu: 7 Might, 70 hit, 12 Weight, 20 uses, heals user equal to damage done
*Rexaura: 12 Might, 85 Hit, 5 Crit, 10 Weight, 20 uses, +3 Defense

Note: Rhys is the only PC Bishop in the game, so due to a technicality, he has claim to the entire Light Magic set. Rexaura is pain incarnate to get and only available in the last map so probably should not be considered.

Note: All Knives are 1 Range
Used by: Assassin, Thief, Sage (Calill, Bastian)

Stiletto: 8 Might, 95 Hit, 10 Crit, 20 uses, doubles Might vs. Armored units
Dagger: 4 Might, 90 hit, 30 uses
Knife: 2 Might, 100 hit, 30 uses

Laguz Weapons:
Note: All Laguz weapons are unbreakable, and are permanently equipped to the PC.  They can only be used when the PC is transformed.  Note that I'm adding the race's name in front of the weapon just to make things look a tad bit more interesting (and helps remind you who is what race.)

Cat Claw (Ranulf, Lethe): 8 Might, 90 Hit
Tiger Claw (Muarim, Mordecai): 9 Might, 90 Hit
Lion Claw (Giffca): 10 Might, 95 Hit
Hawk's Beak (Janaff, Ulki): 7 Might, 90 Hit
Great Hawk's Beak (Tibarn): 8 Might, 95 Hit
Great Raven's Beak (Naesala): 8 Might, 95 Hit
White Dragon Breath (Nasir): 10 Might, 75 Hit
Red Dragon Breath (Ena): 10 Might, 90 Hit

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Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (equal exp)
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2010, 09:47:16 PM »
Laguz Info
-Laguz have two types of stats; the first stats are them in their Human form, the second ones (which are in parantheses) are them when they are transformed, which are flat out superior.  If there is no second stat listed, then the stat has no change.
-Laguz can ONLY attack when they are transformed; yes, they are total dead weights in their human forms.
-Laguz transformations are interesting.  Each Laguz has their own independent starting value on the Transformation Gauge.  At the beginning of each turn (INCLUDING the first), they get +4 to their gauge.  If they are attacked while out of transformed state, they gain an additional +2. When this gauge hits 20, they transform immediately.  Each turn when they are transformed, they lose 3 points every turn and 1 point every battle.  What you take exactly as a "Battle" to lower is up to you (technically, it'd be -5 if you want to go strictly off in game, since it'd be 3 for the turn, 1 for the Laguz's attack, and 1 for being on the receiving end of an attack.)
-Due to the nature of transformations, Laguz are factored into the averages as though they are all using Demi Bands.  The Demi Band allows a Laguz to be transformed, but the stat bonuses are halved, so this is a fair middle ground, which neither inflates Laguz, or undersells them, I feel.
-Note that the above does *NOT* mean I allow Demi Bands for all Laguz, barring Muarim, who gets it since its an initial equip (you could try and argue Ena too if you really wanted given her boss form, but that's pretty shaky <_<)
-Due to the initial equip thing with Muarim, his stats are listed as they are under Demi Band, since there is absolutely no reason he would not want it (the stat loss is minor and so worth being able to attack 100% of the time, rather than dicking around the first few turns.  As far as I'm concerned, if you can't kill Muarim before he transforms, you deserve to lose anyway <_<)
-Tibarn, Naesala and Giffca all come equipped with Laguz Bands, which works like the Demi Band, except without any penalties (Translation: The thing freaking rocks.)  Because of this, they are factored into the stats at their full transformed selves, and their stats are listed as such; not only is this cause they have literally no reason to not use it, but its also a perfect representation of their in game selves.
-Mordecai comes with a Laguz Stone, an item that has 2 charges, and when used, immediately raises his Gauge to 20, thus allowing for transformation.  I personally do not allow this, but figured it couldn't hurt to mention.

-Reyson isn't listed, and wasn't factored into averages, being a PC who can't attack and doesn't act normally, etc.
-Skills nonsense!  Simply put, the only legal skills are default ones.  They even have an additionally strong case here since if you remove a skill from a PC in game, that skill is gone for good, so that Wrath that Nephenee has is indeed unique to her, for example.
-Occults. As it is common to at least think of Ike with Aether, it makes sense to allow them, and they are semi-unique, even though there are only 4 in the game. This isn't quite as big a deal as it sounds because the vast majority of occults are pretty much useless. And even out of those characters who get useful occults, some (such as Nephenee and Tauroneo) have better skills already. Anyway, occult skills that require a scroll will be starred, so if you want to ban them, go nuts. Note that, with the exception of Janaff and Ulki (whose innate skills are free), if a character wants to set an occult skill he or she will have to remove any other skills, since they eat so much capacity.
-Initial occult skills (Stefan, the dragons, the laguz royals) are not starred because they're pretty much inarguably legal.
-If a stat is listed in parentheses for Beorc, it means they are getting some boost somewhere, either from an equip (Ragnell, Amiti, Knight Ward), or an AS penalty from their default weapon (Rhys, Elincia). Additionally, since I now know exactly how much of a character's Exp from Bonus Exp, all BExp given to a paladin, soldier, or knight after Chapter 13 is assumed to be with the Knight Ward, which has a +30% effect on speed growth, and this effect is also shown in parentheses. All parenthesised modifications are the ones considered in the stat averages.
-NG+ accessories were not considered. Their effects are fairly minor anyway, a few characters pick up an extra 1-2 points in 2 stats if you allow them.
-There are 2 Split Path PC sets in this game.  The first is between Ena and Nasir, and the second is between Naesala, Tibarn and Giffca.  All are fully factored into the average, since you are forced to use said dragon and royal, so really, they actually would make up a higher part of your in-game average, rather than lower (the player has 11 spots to use on each of 39 random PCs, so each has a 28% chance to be played, while there is a 33% chance of playing any given royal, and a 50% chance of playing a given dragon). Saying they should count for less thus makes little sense.
-Some PCs have innate weaknesses (2x Might).  Wyvern Lords, Falcon Knights, and Bird Laguz are all weak to Bows and Wind damage, Dragon Laguz are weak to Thunder magic, and Beast Laguz are weak to Fire.
-For "species" hitting weapons, for whatever its worth, Armored Units refer primarily to Generals, and Mounted units refer primarily to Paladins (this also includes their previous class stages.)
-Biorhythm! FE9 has a special aspect that a character's Avoid and Hit are raised/lowered depending on their biorhythm, which changes as they fight.  Given how fights last too short for this to play an impact, and its generally a headache to work with, I just assumed everyone is going always be fighting in "Normal" state, which yields no impact on either stat.
-Damages were taken against 17 Def, and 11 Res.  Average Hit from enemies was assumed to be 140.

FE9 has accessories and such that characters can equip for various effects.  None are store-bought, so only initials are to be assumed.  Here is a list of ones that actually matter in the DL (note that the Growth Boosting Bands are replays only, so don't count.)

Beorc Guard (Lethe): Nulls innate weakness of Laguz when equipped (in Lethe's case, that's Fire)
Laguz Guard (Jill and Lucia): Halves damage done by Laguz
Knight Ward (Astrid): Gives +2 Def and Res, and +30% Speed
Demi Band (Muarim): Lets Laguz start battle transformed, and maintain transformed state permanently, but stat bonuses are halved (rounded up, so if bonus was +5, they'd get +3)
Laguz Band (Tibarn, Naesala and Giffca): Lets Laguz start battle transformed, and maintain transformed state permanently

Format for character stats
Character's Name (Character's Class):
Stats nonsense here
Demi Band Losses: What gets subtracted from their bonuses when transformed if using a Demi Band (Laguz Only)
Initial Gauge: The gauge the Laguz starts with at the beginning of the fight.  Note that this DOES factor in the initial +4 gained on turn 1, hence why these might seem a tad higher than what FAQs and such may list them (Laguz Only)
Skill Name - Skill Effect

What stats do
HP: Lose this, die.
Str: Strength.  Every point of this increases physical damage by 1.  This has a second effect of every point that weight exceeds this, your speed drops by an amount equal to that.
Mag: Magic. Every point of this increases magical damage by 1.
Skl: Skill.  Every point of this increases Hit by 2, and Crit by 0.5 (IOWs, 2 points of Skill = 1 point of Crit)
Spd: Speed. Every point of this increases Avoid by 2.  If there is a difference of 4 points in this stat, then the faster person gets to double, both on attacks and counters (though the attacks are broken up by counters, mind.)
Def: Defense. Every point of this lowers physical damage received by 1.  Physical damage refers to anything that uses Strength for damage.
Res: Resist. Every point of this lowers magical damage received by 1, in addition to lowering magical status hit by 5.  Magical damage refers to anything that uses Magic for damage.
Luck: Every point of this increases Hit and Avoid by 1, and lowers the enemies Critical Hit rate by 1 (this stat is refered to as "Dodge" in game, if you're curious.)
Avoid: Spd*2 + Luck.  The higher this is, the better you are at dodging attacks.
Eva%: Avoid turned into a Percentage.  Basically, Avoid stats can be misleading given how Hit values exceed 100 and this is a subtraction based accuracy system, so this value is to help give an idea of just how good they are at evading.
Attack: Weapon's Might + respective attack stat (Strength for Physicals, Magic for Magical Attacks)
Damage: Attack - respective defensive stat (Defense for Physicals, Resistance for Magical Attacks), self explanatory otherwise.
Hit: Weapon Hit + Luck + Skill*2, if you want an exact equation.  This stat refers to the characters accuracy.  Do NOT take this stat literally, as pretty much everyone breaks 100 Hit easily (even with some of the less accurate weapons.)
Crit: Critical Hit rate.  This does NOT factor in Enemy luck, so take it with a grain of salt for now.  Anyway, Critical Hits in this game, like all modern FEs, is 3x damage. 

Anyway, boring mumbo jumbo is done, now for...THE ACTUAL STATS!!! the next post.

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Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (equal exp)
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2010, 09:49:06 PM »
NOTE: Derived stats like Avoid were rounded to the nearest whole number for the sake of removing decimals.

Ike (Lv 15 Lord):
47.8 HP, 24 Str, 9.6 Mag, 24.2 Skl, 26.4 Spd, 21 (26) Def, 15 Res, 17.5 Luck
70 Avoid, 18 Eva%, 42 Attack, 25 Damage, 146 Hit, 17 Crit
1.69 pdur, 1.04 mdur
*Aether - 24% chance of Normal Parasitic Healing, then a second hit that does damage based off Def/2 in place of a normal physical, 59 damage total, 25 Healing, melee only.

Titania (Lv 18 Axe/Lance Paladin):
46.6 HP, 19.6 Str, 8.2 Mag, 23.1 Skl, 22.5 (23.4) Spd, 17.8 Def, 14.7 Res, 18.7 Luck
64 (66) Avoid, 12 (14) Eva%, 41 Attack, 24 Damage, 133 Hit, 11 Crit
0.97 pdur, 1.00 mdur
Counter - 11% chance of dealing damage back to enemy equal to half damage received
*Sol - 23% chance of regaining HP equal to damage dealt
Oscar (Lv 16 Lance Paladin):
46.6 HP, 22.3 Str, 9.4 Mag, 23.6 Skl, 23.3 (24.5) Spd, 21.2 Def, 12.6 Res, 14.6 Luck
61 (64) Avoid, 9 (12) Eva%, 42 Attack, 25 Damage, 137 Hit, 12 Crit
1.17 pdur, 0.97 mdur
*Sol - 24% chance of regaining HP equal to damage dealt

Boyd (Lv 15 Warrior):
56.5 HP, 27.8 Str, 2.6 Mag, 22 Skl, 21.4 Spd, 15 Def, 10 Res, 15.2 Luck
58 Avoid, 6 Eva%, 49 Attack, 32 Damage, 129 Hit, 11 Crit
1.03 pdur, 0.97 mdur
Tempest - Doubles the effect of Biorhythm (given I think most people treat Biorhythm as "Normal" for sanity sake, this is useless in the DL)
*Colossus: 22% chance of doing 1.25x (40) damage if the target has a body smaller than Boyd's. (This is about two thirds of the cast, if you want to scale this in some hilarious fashion.)

Rhys (Lv 20 Bishop):
37 HP, 2.7 Str, 28.8 Mag, 21.9 Skl, 19.9 (10.6) Spd, 10.7 Def, 29.9 Res, 23.5 Luck
45 Avoid, 1 Eva%, 36 Attack, 25 Damage, 137 Hit, 11 Crit
0.56 pdur, 3.85 mdur
Nosferatu: Rhys' attacks with this drain HP.
Serenity - Halves the effects of Biorhythm (given I think most people treat Biorhythm as "Normal" for sanity sake, this is useless in the DL)
*Flare - 22% chance of halving target's Res for the current attack. 31 damage.

Shinon (Lv 14 Sniper):
41.8 HP, 17.4 Str, 8.6 Mag, 24.1 Skl, 21.4 Spd, 15.5 Def, 11.2 Res, 13.5 Luck
56 Avoid, 5 Eva%, 35 Attack, 18 Damage, 137 Hit, 27 Crit
0.78 pdur, 0.76 mdur
Provoke - Makes enemies more likely to attack user instead of other units…IN A DUEL!!!
*Deadeye - 12% chance of doubling accuracy for one attack, and inflicting Sleep on a hit.

Gatrie (Lv 15 General):
53.6 HP, 27.9 Str, 3.2 Mag, 21.7 Skl, 13.2 (14.3) Spd, 28.6 Def, 10.5 Res, 11.3 Luck
38 (40) Avoid, 0 Eva%, 48 Attack, 31 Damage, 130 Hit, 11 Crit
2.45 pdur, 0.94 mdur
*Luna - 22% chance of halving target's Def for the current attack. 40 damage.

Soren (Lv 15 Sage):
36.9 HP, 3.6 Str, 26.6 Mag, 26.9 Skl, 23.1 Spd, 8.9 Def, 26.4 Res, 14.9 Luck
61 Avoid, 9 Eva%, 36 Attack, 25 Damage, 154 Hit, 18 Crit
0.53 pdur, 2.03 mdur
Adept - 27% Chance of attacking twice in a row. 50 damage.
*Flare - 27% chance of halving target's Res for the current attack. 31 damage.

Mia (Lv 15 Swordmaster):
39 HP, 19 Str, 10.4 Mag, 24.5 Skl, 29.3 Spd, 14.6 Def, 11 Res, 18.6 Luck
77 Avoid, 28 Eva%, 37 Attack, 20 Damage, 148 Hit, 28 Crit
0.7 pdur, 0.7 mdur
Vantage - Attack resolves BEFORE the enemy attacks, assuming the attack is within range of a counter.  Note that this only kicks in for the first hit, if the use is doubling.
*Astra - 12% chance of attacking five times, each at half damage. 50 damage.

Ilyana (Lv 14 Sage):
36.2 HP, 9.7 Str, 22.5 Mag, 24.1 Skl, 19.1 Spd, 9.0 Def, 25.3 Res, 18.2 Luck
56 Avoid, 6 Eva%, 32 Attack, 21 Damage, 151 Hit, 17 Crit
0.52 pdur, 1.74 mdur
Shade - Might not actually do anything! DL useless if it does!
*Flare - 24% chance of halving target's Res for the current attack. 27 damage.

Marcia (Lv 14 Falcon Knight):
39.4 HP, 20.8 Str, 7.6 Mag, 22.8 Skl, 26.5 Spd, 17.0 Def, 17.4 Res, 15.2 Luck
68 Avoid, 16 Eva%, 41 Attack, 24 Damage, 136 Hit, 11 Crit
0.79 pdur, 0.98 mdur
*Stun - 11% chance of making target unable to move for one turn, on a hit

Mist (Lv 14 Valkyrie):
35 HP, 14.2 Str, 23.6 Mag, 13 Skl, 22.6 Spd, 9.8 Def, 21.8 Res, 25.2 Luck
70 Avoid, 18 Eva%, 32 Attack, 15 Damage, 131 Hit, 6 Crit
0.52 pdur, 1.19 mdur
Miracle - 25% chance of halving damage dealt by an attack that would be fatal.
*Sol - 13% chance of regaining HP equal to damage dealt

Rolf (Lv 13 Sniper):
39.6 HP, 20.3 Str, 8.2 Mag, 23.9 Skl, 23.4 Spd, 17.3 Def, 11.7 Res, 16.4 Luck
63 Avoid, 11 Eva%, 38 Attack, 21 Damage, 139 Hit, 27 Crit
0.8 pdur, 0.73 mdur
*Deadeye - 12% chance of doubling accuracy for one attack, and inflicting Sleep on a hit.

Lethe (Lv 17 Cat):
52.2 HP, 19 (25) Str, 4.7 Mag, 19.1 (23.1) Skl, 21.8 (24.8) Spd, 14.6 (19.6) Def, 10.5 (13.5) Res, 22 Luck
66 (72) Avoid, 14 (20) Eva%, 27 (33) Attack, 10 (16) Damage, 150 (158) Hit, 9 (11) Crit
1.07 pdur, 1.00 mdur
Demi Band Losses: 3 Str, 2 Skl, 1 Spd, 2 Def, 1 Res
Initial Gauge: 20
*Roar - Command skill, inflicts Don't Move for one turn. From range 1. And takes a turn.

Mordecai (Lv 17 Tiger):
63.5 HP, 24.7 (31.7) Str, 2 Mag, 16.3 (20.3) Skl, 15.5 (18.5) Spd, 19 (22) Def, 7 (10) Res, 16 Luck
47 (53) Avoid, 1 (3) Eva%, 34 (41) Attack, 17 (24) Damage, 139 (147) Hit, 8 (10) Crit
1.57 pdur, 1.05 mdur
Demi Band Losses: 2 Str, 2 Skl, 1 Spd, 1 Def, 1 Res
Initial Gauge: 4
Smite - Shoves a unit two panels…IN A DUEL!!!
*Roar - Command skill, inflicts Don't Move for one turn. From range 1. And takes a turn.

Volke (Lv 13 Assassin):
41.3 HP, 22.8 Str, 2.1 Mag, 27.8 Skl, 28.6 Spd, 13.4 Def, 7.2 Res, 14.7 Luck
72 Avoid, 20 Eva%, 31 Attack,   14 Damage, 165 Hit, 24 Crit
0.7 pdur, 0.64 mdur
Shade - Might not actually do anything! DL useless if it does!
*Lethality - 12% chance of inflicting instant death on a hit, independent from crit chance

Kieran (Lv 15 Axe Paladin):
46.2 HP, 23.8 Str, 6.3 Mag, 22.9 Skl, 22.8 (24) Spd, 20.8 Def, 10.6 Res, 13.5 Luck
59 (62) Avoid, 7 (10) Eva%, 45 Attack, 28 damage, 130 Hit, 11 Crit
1.13 pdur, 0.81 mdur
Gamble - Halves Accuracy, but doubles crit rate, these are applied after Avoid and Dodge respectively, Command Skill
*Sol - 23% chance of regaining HP equal to damage dealt

Brom (Lv 14 General):
49.8 HP, 24.2 Str, 5.5 Mag, 23.4 Skl, 15.2 (16.4) Spd, 27.7 Def, 11.5 Res, 9.2 Luck
40 (41) Avoid, 0 Eva%, 44 Attack, 27 Damage, 132 Hit, 12 Crit
2.07 pdur, 0.91 mdur
*Luna - 23% chance of halving target's Def for the current attack. 36 damage.

Nephenee (Lv 14 Halberdier):
40.3 HP, 20.4 Str, 8.2 Mag, 25.9 Skl, 25.5 (26) Spd, 20.1 Def, 11.5 Res, 12.5 Luck,
64 (65) Avoid, 11 (13) Eva%, 40 Attack, 23 Damage, 139 Hit, 13 Crit
0.95 pdur, 0.74 mdur
Wrath - When HP < 50%, crit rate rises by 50 (so if it was 5, it's now 55)
*Luna - 26% chance of halving target's Def for the current attack. 32 damage.

Zihark (Lv 14 Swordmaster):
41.6 HP, 21.2 Str, 6.4 Mag, 26.3 Skl, 29 Spd, 15.9 Def, 6.6 Res, 15.2 Luck
73 Avoid, 22 Eva%, 39 Attack, 22 Damage, 148 Hit, 28 Crit
0.79 pdur, 0.63 mdur
Adept - 26% Chance of attacking twice in a row. 44 damage.
*Astra - 13% chance of attacking five times, each at half damage. 55 damage.

Sothe (Lv 20 Thief):
32.7 HP, 16.6 Str, 3.1 Mag, 20 Skl, 20 Spd, 11.4 Def, 6.3 Res, 16.6 Luck
57 Avoid, 6 Eva%, 25 Attack, 8 Damage, 152 Hit, 20 Crit
0.51 pdur, 0.49 mdur
Blossom - EXP growth is lowered to 2/3rds of original, but growth rates are now taken over 90% instead of 100% (ie 60% growth is now 60/90, instead of 60/100). Factored in because Sothe hits L20 easily even with the penalty and the poor guy needs all the help he can get.

Jill (Lv 14 Wyvern Lord):
44 HP, 22.9 Str, 8.5 Mag, 23.1 Skl, 22.2 Spd, 21.7 Def, 10.5 Res, 12.3 Luck,
57 Avoid, 6 Eva%, 43 Attack, 26 Damage, 134 Hit, 11 Crit
1.14 pdur, 0.77 mdur
*Stun - 11% chance of making target unable to move for one turn, on a hit

Astrid (Lv 20 Bow Paladin):
42.1 HP, 22.7 Str, 11.6 Mag, 25.7 Skl, 25.8 (27) Spd, 19.4 (21.4) Def, 15.5 (17.5) Res, 18.2 Luck
70 (72) Avoid, 18 (21) Eva%, 41 Attack, 24 Damage, 147 Hit, 13 Crit
1.07 pdur, 1.06 mdur
Paragon - Doubles EXP growth. This is already factored in, though note that it can be removed at Endgame for Sol so no reason she can't benefit from both in the DL.
*Sol - 26% chance of regaining HP equal to damage dealt

(Since it is her initial equip, the Knight Ward's +2 defences are listed in parentheses for Astrid and assumed in the averages.)

Makalov (Lv 13 Sword Paladin):
46.2 HP, 23 Str, 5.1 Mag, 18.9 Skl, 23 (24.5) Spd, 21.9 Def, 9.4 Res, 13.5 Luck
60 (63) Avoid, 8 (11) Eva%, 41 Attack, 24 damage, 131 Hit, 9 Crit
1.21 pdur, 0.77 mdur
Tempest - Doubles the effect of Biorhythm (given I think most people treat Biorhythm as "Normal" for sanity sake, this is useless in the DL)
*Sol - 19% chance of regaining HP equal to damage dealt

Stefan (Lv 18 Swordmaster):
45 HP, 23.4 Str, 10 Mag, 28.9 Skl, 29.6 Spd, 15.5 Def, 12 Res, 7.5 Luck
67 Avoid, 15 Eva%, 41 Attack, 24 Damage, 145 Hit, 29 Crit
0.84 pdur, 0.84 mdur
Astra - 13% chance of attacking five times, each at half damage. 60 damage.

Tormod (Lv 12 Sage):
36 HP, 8.8 Str, 21.8 Mag, 20.6 Skl, 21.8 Spd, 12 Def, 21.8 Res, 16.4 Luck
60 Avoid, 8 Eva%, 31 Attack, 20 Damage, 143 Hit, 15 Crit
0.58 pdur, 1.23 mdur
Celerity - Increases uses Move by 2
*Flare - 21% chance of halving target's Res for the current attack. 26 damage.
Muarim (Lv 18 Tiger, Demi Band):
58 HP, 26.3 Str, 4.4 Mag, 21.3 Skl, 21.9 Spd, 19.4 Def, 11.1 Res, 14.1 Luck
58 Avoid, 6 Eva%, 35 Attack, 18 Damage, 147 Hit, 10 Crit
1.31 pdur, 1.05 mdur
*Roar - Command skill, inflicts Don't Move for one turn. From range 1. And takes a turn.

Devdan (Lv 17 Halberdier):
45.8 HP, 21.8 Str, 10.9 Mag, 20.2 Skl, 17.6 (18.2) Spd, 16.9 Def, 13.2 Res, 21.2 Luck
56 (58) Avoid, 5 (6) Eva%, 42 Attack, 25 Damage, 137 Hit, 10 Crit
0.91 pdur, 0.91 mdur
Serenity - Halves the effects of Biorhythm (given I think most people treat Biorhythm as "Normal" for sanity sake, this is useless in the DL)
*Luna - 20% chance of halving target's Def for the current attack. 34 damage.

Tanith (Lv 18 Falcon Knight):
36.8 HP, 19.2 Str, 12.8 Mag, 23.6 Skl, 27 Spd, 17 Def, 15.4 Res, 20.4 Luck
74 Avoid, 23 Eva%, 39 Attack, 22 Damage, 143 Hit, 12 Crit
0.73 pdur, 0.82 mdur
Reinforce - Summons 2 Pegasus Knights and one Falcon Knight as AI controlled allies.  This can only be done twice a fight.
*Stun - 12% chance of making target unable to move for one turn, on a hit

Ulki (Lv 17 Hawk):
55 HP, 21 (27) Str, 5 Mag, 20.5 (25.5) Skl, 18 (21) Spd, 17.5 (21.5) Def, 11.5 (13.5) Res, 13.5 Luck
70 (76) Avoid, 18 (26) Eva%, 28 (34) Attack, 11 (17) Damage, 145 (155) Hit, 10 (13) Crit
1.25 pdur, 1.06 mdur
Demi Band Losses: 3 Str, 2 Skl, 1 Spd, 2 Def, 1 Res
Initial Gauge: 9
Vigilance - Increases Avoid by 20, this is already factored into his stats, no capacity cost
*Cancel - 21% (26%) chance of dodging an attack that would otherwise hit

Janaff (Lv 17 Hawk):
50.7 HP, 17.9 (23.9) Str, 5.9 Mag, 21.3 (26.3) Skl, 22.8 (25.8) Spd, 13.7 (17.7) Def, 12.2 (14.2) Res, 19.6 Luck
65 (71) Avoid, 13 (19) Eva%, 25 (31) Attack, 8 (14) Damage, 172 (182) Hit, 10 (13) Crit
0.95 pdur, 1.01 mdur
Demi Band Losses: 3 Str, 2 Skl, 1 Spd, 2 Def, 1 Res
Initial Gauge: 20
Insight - Increases Hit by 20, this is already factored into his stats, no capacity cost
*Cancel - 21% (26%) chance of dodging an attack that would otherwise hit

Calill (Lv 16 Sage):
37 HP, 10.5 Str, 23.5 Mag, 22.5 Skl, 22.5 Spd, 12 Def, 20.5 Res, 19 Luck
64 Avoid, 12 Eva%, 33 Attack, 22 Damage, 149 Hit, 16 Crit
0.59 pdur, 1.14 mdur
Nihil - Negates the effects of skills from the opponent.
*Flare - 22% chance of halving target's Res for the current attack. 31 damage.

Tauroneno (Lv 19 General)
51 HP, 24.8 Str, 11.2 Mag, 20.5 Skl, 14.5 (14.8) Spd, 25 Def, 16 Res, 14.7 Luck
44 (58) Avoid, 0 (6) Eva%, 45 Attack, 28 Damage, 131 Hit, 10 Crit
1.66 pdur, 1.17 mdur
Resolve - if HP < 50%, then Strength, Speed and Skill all increase by 1.5x. This raises his damage by 12 (to 40), AS by 7 (to 22) Hit by 20 (to 151), Crit by 5 (to 15), and Avoid by 14 (to 58, 6% in practice)
*Luna - 22% chance of halving target's Def for the current attack. 37 damage.

Note: Knight Ward has no real effect on Tauroneo, the brackets for him indicate his Resolve stats instead.

Ranulf (Lv 15 Cat):
53.8 HP, 22 (28) Str, 4 Mag, 20.3 (24.3) Skl, 20.3 (23.3) Spd, 19.1 (24.1) Def, 7.2 (10.2) Res, 15.1 Luck
56 (62) Avoid, 5 (10) Eva%, 30 (36) Attack, 13 (19) damage, 146 (154) Hit, 10 (12) Crit
1.43 pdur, 0.89 mdur
Demi Band Losses: 3 Str, 2 Skl, 1 Spd, 2 Def, 1 Res
Initial Gauge: 14
*Roar - Command skill, inflicts Don't Move for one turn. From range 1. And takes a turn.

Haar (Lv 17 Wyvern Lord):
50.9 HP, 24.6 Str, 8.3 Mag, 22.6 Skl, 19.1 Spd, 22.7 Def, 11.2 Res, 12.9 Luck
51 Avoid, 2 Eva%, 46 Attack, 29 Damage, 128 Hit, 11 Crit
1.40 pdur, 0.92 mdur
Guard - 23% chance of stopping the enemy from countering on each attack
*Stun - 11% chance of making target unable to move for one turn, on a hit

Lucia (Lv 17 Swordmaster):
39.5 HP, 17.5 Str, 13.5 Mag, 24.5 Skl, 26.2 Spd, 12 Def, 10 Res, 18.5 Luck
71 Avoid, 19 Eva%, 36 Attack, 19 damage, 144 Hit, 26 Crit
0.63 pdur, 0.68 mdur
Parity - Negates the effects of terrain bonuses and battle skills of both sides, Command skill
*Astra - 12% chance of attacking five times, each at half damage. 45 damage.

Geoffrey (Lv 19 Lance/Bow Paladin):
48.2 HP, 22 Str, 11 Mag, 21.4 Skl, 23.4 (23.7) Spd, 24.6 Def, 12.6 Res, 13.6 Luck
60 (61) Avoid, 8 (9) Eva%, 42 Attack, 25 Damage, 131 Hit, 10 Crit
1.52 pdur, 0.93 mdur
Paragon - Doubles EXP growth. This is already factored in, though note that it can be removed at Endgame for Sol so no reason he can't benefit from both in the DL.
*Sol - 21% chance of regaining HP equal to damage dealt

Largo (Lv 13 Berserker):
56.8 HP, 25.2 Str, 4.3 Mag, 23.4 Skl, 22.7 Spd, 11.5 Def, 4.2 Res, 13.8 Luck
59 Avoid, 7 Eva%, 46 Attack, 29 Damage, 131 Hit, 26 Crit
0.89 pdur, 0.79 mdur
*Colossus: 23% chance of doing 1.25x (36) damage if the target has a body smaller than Largo's. (Largo is the largest human in the game, but quite a few of the laguz are larger, scale as you will.)

Bastian (Lv 17 Sage):
37.2 HP, 13.6 Str, 21.6 Mag, 23.6 Skl, 18.2 Spd, 13.4 Def, 22 Res, 16.2 Luck
53 Avoid, 3 Eva%, 31 Attack, 20 Damage, 148 Hit, 17 Crit
0.63 pdur, 1.29 mdur
Corrode - 24% chance of lowering the amount of weapon uses the target has by 1.
*Flare - 24% chance of halving target's Res for the current attack. 26 damage.

Elincia (Lv 7 Princess Crimea):
30.6 HP, 10.8 Str, 16.8 Mag, 18.7 Skl, 20.4 (19.2) Spd, 12.5 (15.5) Def, 17.1 (20.1) Res, 18.6 Luck
57 Avoid, 6 Eva%, 20 Attack, 3x2 Damage, 131 Hit, 9 Crit
0.57 pdur, 0.91 mdur
Renewal - Recovers 10% of her HP (3) at the start of each turn
*Stun - 9% chance of making target unable to move for one turn, on a hit

Note: If you allow Elincia a forged Silver Sword, she can do 12 damage at 20.2 AS (loses the +3 Def/Res of Amiti though). However she only has 2 maps in which to gain 3 sword levels (never mind she tends to level by healing) so this may not be reasonable even with Arms Scrolls and I can't in any fairness assume it. God FE9 Elincia sucks.

Ena (Lv 11 Red Dragon):
53.5 HP, 20.4 (25.4) Str, 9 Mag, 17.5 (21.5) Skl, 15.6 (19.6) Spd, 23.4 (27.4) Def, 21.3 (26.3) Res, 14.4 Luck
46 (54) Avoid, 1 (4) Eva%, 30 (35) Attack, 13 (18) Damage, 139 (147) Hit, 9 (11) Crit
1.80 pdur, 2.30 mdur
Demi Band Losses: 2 Str, 2 Skl, 2 Spd, 2 Def, 2 Res
Initial Gauge: 9
Renewal - Recovers 10% of her HP (5) at the start of each turn
Miracle - 14% chance of halving damage dealt by an attack that would be fatal.
Boon - Recovers status of all units adjacent to the user at the beginning of each turn (this does NOT include the user herself)

Note: Has a boss form. Generally wants it.

Nasir (Lv 19 White Dragon):
57.5 HP, 20.5 (30.5) Str, 11.1 Mag, 23.6 (28.6) Skl, 22.5 (25.5) Spd, 24.6 (29.6) Def, 27.2 (32.2) Res, 17.4 Luck
62 (68) Avoid, 10 (16) Eva%, 31 (41) Attack, 14 (24) Damage, 140 (150) Hit, 12 (14) Crit
2.37 pdur, 6.48 mdur
Demi Band Losses: 5 Str, 2 Skl, 1 Spd, 2 Def, 2 Res
Initial Gauge: 9
Nihil - Negates the effects of skills from the opponent.
Boon - Recovers status of all units adjacent to the user at the beginning of each turn (this does NOT include the user himself)

Tibarn (Lv 18 Hawk):
63 HP, 37 Str, 12 Mag, 36 Skl, 27 Spd, 29 Def, 20 Res, 24 Luck
78 Avoid, 29 Eva%, 45 Attack, 28 Damage, 191 Hit, 18 Crit
3.02 pdur, 1.87 mdur
Cancel - 36% chance of dodging an attack that would otherwise hit
Saviour - Allows unit to rescue others without any penalties

Naesala (Lv 17 Raven):
57 HP, 31 Str, 17 Mag, 30 Skl, 34 Spd, 24 Def, 19 Res, 19 Luck
87 Avoid, 44 Eva%, 39 Attack, 22 Damage, 174 Hit, 15 Crit
1.72 pdur, 1.57 mdur
Vortex - 10 Wind damage, magical, command skill
Vantage - Attack resolves BEFORE the enemy attacks, assuming the attack is within range of a counter.  Note that this only kicks in for the first hit, if the use is doubling.

Note: Has a boss form, but it is optional (and it's strongly suggested you shouldn't fight it) so most vote on the PC form.

Giffca (Lv 20 Lion):
68 HP, 40 Str, 10 Mag, 32 Skl, 28 Spd, 30 Def, 19 Res, 22 Luck
78 Avoid, 29 Eva%, 50 Attack, 33 Damage, 181 Hit, 16 Crit            
3.69 pdur, 1.88 mdur
Roar - Command skill, makes enemy unable to move for one turn

46.4 HP
21.4 Str
10.6 Mag
23.5 Skl
22.8 Spd
18.6 Def
14.8 Res
16.4 Luck
62.1 Avoid
12 Eva%
22 Damage
144.5 Hit

-Stats I left out are things that don't really matter for averages (like Crit) or things which were listed for pure reference (like Attack.)
-Laguz were assumed with a Demi Band in these stats, since its easier and makes things saner.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 09:45:29 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.