Author Topic: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2  (Read 2829 times)


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Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
« on: November 19, 2010, 05:42:17 AM »
Hurray, its finally here! I've worked on this for around a week or so. Game is fast enough that I managed to go through both routes in that time span.

So a brief overview: MUA2 is an ARPG style type of game. There are stats and abilities but for the most part, the game is more Action and less RPG although there are still decisions that you get to make. There's also obviously a slew of interp issues amongst other things which we'll get into, but we'll move into it.

Create a team of 4 Marvel superheroes in the game and run around completing the objectives, most of which are beat this enemy or destroy these objects or reach this location. Pretty simple. You have a variety of heroes to choose from (24 is the default roster IIRC, but DLC adds 6 additional characters for a total of 30) ranging from icons such as Spider-Man to villains like Green Goblin and each one brings their own powers and abilities into the game.

Each hero has a set of 4 attacks, which they can distribute level points to. Although some characters may want to distribute more points into one attack, the game's system makes it such that until you reach certain levels, you cannot advance an attack anymore. Your main team of heroes also benefits since there are occassional stat power ups that give you extra level points to put into abilities. Aside from the 4 abilities, each hero also has a set of 6 passives. For the purposes of this topic, I have unlocked all 6. Normally, in one playthrough, only 2 of them can be unlocked depending on which side of the alliance you join. This applies to most characters except for the DLC characters as well as the 3 heroes that do not join your corresponding side when you align yourself. Needless to say, if you decide to only allow 2 passives, you have 6 characters who range from sucking really bad to maybe sucking not as bad. So yeah, all passives were unlocked which means 2 playthroughs were done.

Although each hero has 4 attacks, most of the attacks have similar effects although their animations may be different. There's some key differences as a result. In general, each character can be classified into several groups: Hyrbids, Melee, Tanks, Long range. Forming certain groups of specific characters can also generate team bonuses. Of course, for the purposes of this topic, this is largely irrelevant.

There are 4 core stats:

Strike - The amount of damage dealt by physical attacks. Base physicals deal roughly 30 damage. Each point of strike adds one damage to that value
Teamwork - The amount of damage dealt by fusion attacks (requires a team member therefore DL useless) and the amount healed from revival (also useless)
Body - Governs HP. One point of body = 4.5 HP
Focus - Governs Energy/Stamina/FP. One point of Focus = 1.18 Stamina. Also effects regeneration of stamina, although for the most part, 3-4 seconds is enough for every character to recharge their stamina gauge.
HP - The amount of damage a hero can take before getting knocked out
Stamina/Energy/FP - Controls how often a hero can use their powers. More expensive powers obviously cannot be used as frequently. Recharges in battle when special attacks are not used.

Universal Attacks:
Each hero also has universal attack commands. Like MUA1, some of these do different things to enemies

Light Attack - Fast attacks that allow combos. Deals the default damage (~30 at 0 Strike)
Heavy Attack - A stronger attack that can be charged to increase damage. Deals double that of a light attack. Cannot start combos
Combo - A basic barrage of three light attacks. Fastest animation time of all combo attacks.
Trip combo - Knocks enemies to the ground. Damage is roughly 3 light attacks combined together
Launch combo - Launches enemies into the air before the fall to the floor. Better than a trip combo as a result. Also roughly 3 light attacks combined together for damage.
Stun combo - If successful, stuns the enemy where they will be immobilized for 2-3 seconds. Stunning does not take place until the enemy's current action is completed. A stun combo deals the same damage as other combos and the stun rate on regular grunts is very high (at least 80%). Doesn't work on bosses.
Grab - Enemies and items can be carried. Characters with Might can lift heavier items. Characters with Super Might can lift everything. If an enemy is grabbed, you can punch the enemy a few times before the fly back, or throw them for roughly 2.5x the damage (although the throw animation is slow)
Guard - Defends against most attacks. Does not stop attacks that crush (like a giant car landing on you) or charging attacks or throws.
Guard Cancelling - Cancels the animation of a move to enter guard stance. More on this later.
Flight - Not shared by everyone. There are two types: Continuous and Non-continuous. Continuous means that once its activated, it will remain active until the player commands the PC to land. Non-continuous means that the button must be held down to continue flight. Non-continuous flyers are generally faster in the air for movement but cannot perform any other action other than fly. You cannot restore Stamina while flying. You also cannot Guard Cancel while flying.

Skill points:
Passive abilities are expensive. In fact, they get really expensive after a few upgrades and while normally its typical to see abilities max'd, MUA2 has cost as a forbidding factor. After 2 playthroughs, my characters have roughly 670293 skill points. This is not enough to even max a single passive ability. You are free to re-adjust passives however, so I will be listing how I distributed my skill points. For those of you who are more lenient, I will also list the maximum capability of that passive. For the most part they move in the same increments, so its fairly easy to figure out. Passive abilities do not increase by levelling up The cost of abilities each level is as follows:

Level 1 - 150
Level 2 - 500
Level 3 - 1200
Level 4 - 2350
Level 5 - 4000
Level 6 - 6200
Level 7 - 9700
Level 8 - 16700
Level 9 - 29200
Level 10 - 49250
Level 11 - 74300
Level 12 - 104350
Level 13 - 139400
Level 14 - 179450
Level 15 - 224500

Guard Cancelling
This is a technique done by pressing the guard button when an attack is performed. What happens is that the animation automatically cuts back to guarding and the ending lag of the move is removed. Needless to say, this is VERY powerful on some characters (Ice Man, Gambit, Thor to name a few) and adds to how effective they are as PCs. For the most part, most PCs would want to guard cancel if possible, although they may not benefit of it as much however. This is because an additional factor of guard cancelling is that Focus restores quicker when Guard cancelling, allow powers to be used almost all the time. Normally, there is a delay of around 3 seconds before Focus begins restoring (assuming you stop using it). With Shield cancelling, this delay cuts back down to around 1 (when you let go of the shield). I will be considering Shield Cancelling for a few attacks, which will of course effect the average. I will note their effects so if you don't want to consider them, you don't have to. For the most part, its biggest boost is when it cuts down lag to allow the attack to be used at normal efficiency but twice as quickly - you can reduce the rate of fire of the attack if you don't want to consider Guard Cancelling. Since there are so many characters and so many moves, I will be using this GameFAQs topic to help me out ( All credit goes to PunkNeverDies.

Damage Types
All damage in the game falls under 2 general categories. Inside each category are more specific classes:

Melee - All close range combat (universal attack commands) fall into this category as does throws and some special attacks
Impact - Comes from largely "focused" damage types. Akin to Strikes in Persona 3
Wounding - Caused by slashing attacks. Akin to Slash in Persona 3 >_>. Wounding attacks also have a light HP drain effect similar to seizure in FF6 after being inflicted
Crushing - Attacks that use massive force such as dropping a car on someone. No similar parallel that I can think of.

Fire - Duh. Can Immolate, causing light HP drain
Ice - Duh Mk.2. Can Freeze, rendering enemies incapacitated until hit or they break free
Thunder - Duh Mk.3. Can often Flinch targets. Not the same as Stun
Energy - Actually classed as "special" but for DL purposes, it works as a element type. Comes from lasers, plasmas and can slow targets down
Mental - Psychic Attacks. Omg Alakazam spoilars?
« Last Edit: November 19, 2010, 06:29:27 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
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<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2010, 06:23:56 AM »
Roster -
The following 6 characters are DLC. Therefore, you may not consider them in the average:
Black Panther

(Nanite) Nick Fury is also special in that he cannot be unlocked until the game is at least finished. He is still relevant to our averages here though. Also of note, Jean Grey, Hulk and Thor do not join your team at any point in the story until you collect 5 of each of their respective items. Anyway, on with the show:

Spider-Man - "Hey, I'm Spider-Man. I always win."
HP: 440
Stamina: 152
Strike: 47
Teamwork: 33
Body: 52
Focus: 43

Light - 85 Melee damage, Average 92.65 after crit
Heavy - 162 Melee damage, Average 176.58 after crit

Web Barrage: 12 Stamina. Fires 2 web bullets per use. On smaller foes this attack binds enemies, preventing the from moving or attacking for a fairly long duration (around 10 seconds). 46.33 Impact damage.
Web Mace: 32 Stamina. Knocks down foes. Has a chance to overcome Impact resistance. Area of effect. 349.89 Impact damage spread over two hits.
Web Dive: 15 Stamina. Can cause foes to flinch. Has a chance to overcome Impact resistance. Spider-Man jumps and dives foot-first into the targetted area. 109 Impact damage.
Web Yank: 27 Stamina. Greatly increases chance of a critical hit (+10% crit). Fires a string of webbing that pulls the targets towards Spider-Man on hit. 239.79 Impact damage.
Spider-Sense: (Level 12) Adds 2% evade for every level. 24% evade to all damage
Perseverance: (Level 10) Adds 1 Focus for every level. 10 Focus. Already factored.
Web Mastery: (Level 10) Adds 1% damage to all power. 10% more damage when using powers. Already factored.
Lively Fighter: (Level 8) Adds 1 extra damage to Melee. 8 more melee damage. Already factored
Hard to Squash: (Level 7) Adds 1/2 point of Body for every level. 3 Body. Already factored.
Spider Reflex: (Level 9) Adds 1% crit. 9% default chance.

Flight: Yes. Non-continuous. Spider-Man's flight is unique in that if he swings into someone during his ascent, he can attack enemies dealing one light attack's worth of damage.

Definite downgrade from his MUA1 form based on Bloodly's notes. Loss of time slow-down Spider sense and 70% evade Web Shield does that. Spidey also has no good moves to Guard Cancel (Web Mace *is* an option, but he has to cancel before the second hit, which halves the damage). Still even that, he may still make Low Heavy. Why? Well for starters, his flight. It's the fastest mobility wise in-game. It makes him very hard to hit. And his evasion is still active in the air. This means, if you don't have some sort of ranged attack, you are in deep trouble from the start. Next, do you block one of Don't Move/Don't Act? If not, Web Barrage will tie you up, and give Spidey a breather to restore stamina at the end of his turns OR he can just continuously lock you with the attack. If you allow Stun combos, that's another thing you have to guard against or get shut down. Surprisingly compentent as a DL dueller, even if not dominating in-game

Captain America - "Do yourself a favour and stay down"                  
HP: 449
Stamina: 147               
Strike: 42               
Teamwork: 32               
Body: 54               
Focus: 39               
Light - 72 Melee damage, Average 87.84 after crit      
Heavy - 144 Melee damage, Average 175.68 after crit      
Shield Throw: 21 Stamina, 88.7 Impact damage on average. Throws shield out at enemies. After the throw, Cap can't use any other powers until the shield returns. Can shield cancel to remove this property, but shorter throw duration
Shield Swipe: 21 Stamina, 143.55 Impact damage. Area of effect, knocks down. Swings shield across.
Captain's Dash: 27 Stamina, 215.99 Impact damage. Increased chance of a critical hit (+5%). Cap will stagger if he hits something he cannot damage, taking longer to recover. Can be shield cancelled to improve rate of use.
Heroic Defense: 15 Stamina. Defensive Buff, Reduces all incoming damage by 15%, affects all other teammates, adds chance to overcome Impact resistance on all attacks
Field Commander: (Level 0) Adds 1% more XP, 1% more teamwork every level. DL useless      
Shield Mastery: (Level 11) Adds 1% more damage from powers every level. 11% more damage total. Already factored
Precise Aim: (Level 11) Adds 2% crit every level. 22% crit total to all attacks. Already factored
Conditioning: (Level 9) Adds 1 Focus every level. 9 Focus total. Already factored
Tough as Nails: (Level 9) Adds    1 Body every level. 9 Body total. Already factored
Duralumin Armor: (Level 10) Adds 1% resistance to Melee damage. 10% Melee damage resist total.

Flight: No

Cap's more physically durable than most, but he only resists one type of physicals, which is kind of a let down. His damage also isn't terribly impressive, although Shield Cancelling Captain's Dash is does improve it's rate of fire. He's probably some form of Middle, although it'll be difficult to tell. The defensive buff is cute, but even cutting down 25% melee damage probably won't help him up the ladder much.

Daredevil - "Next time, don't even bother"
HP: 409               
Stamina: 139               
Strike: 42               
Teamwork: 32               
Body: 45               
Focus: 32               
Light - 82 damage, Average 102 after crits
Heavy - 164 damage. Average 205 damage after crits
Baton Whip: 18 Stamina, 65.45 Impact damage. Daredevil swings his batons like a whip. Extended range, chance to overcome Impact resistance. Shield cancellable and improves rate of fire.
Radial Lash: 27 Stamina, 88.40 Impact damage. Daredevil whips his batons around himself. Large Area of Effect
Fearless Dive: 27 Stamina, 213.23 Impact damage. Adds evasion (~20%) and slow immunity buff.
Binding Bola: 9 Stamina, 68.15 Impact damage. Fires 4 Bolas. Damage listed is per Bola. Can hit more than once. Shield cancellable to double rate of fire.
Precise Strikes: (Level 12) Adds 2% crit every level. 24% chance to crit total on all attacks. Already factored.
Radar Sense: (Level 11) Adds   2% evade every level. 22% chance to evade total      
Weapon Mastery: (Level 8) Adds 1% more damage to powers. 8% more damage total to powers. Already factored
Conditioning: (Level 5) Adds 1/2 Focus.   3 Focus total. Already factored
Martial Artist: (Level 10) Adds 1 more damage to basic physicals. 10 more damage total. Already factored   
Street Justice: (Level 4) Adds 1% more damage on crit. 4% more damage on crit total. Already factored
Flight: No

Often considered a weak hero in-game, Daredevil is...not much better in the DL. Binding Bola is potentially his best move, but this completely depends on how many you see hitting on average (its not as good as Gambit's Explosive Hand). Otherwise, he rides on some evade for close range combat goodness. Too bad the evade is a little too low to rely on, even with the buff. Low Middle or possibly even Light, depending on how the rest of the cast pans out.

Deadpool - "I was told this game was going to be called 'Deadpool and his inferior friends'!""
HP: 422
Stamina: 148
Strike: 45
Teamwork: 35
Body: 48
Focus: 40
Light - 85 damage
Heavy - 170 damage

Bullet Barrage: 9 Stamina, 52.46 Wounding damage. Fires two bullets. Bullets explode and have larger area of effect, piercing
Bouncy Slash: 18 Stamina, 92.87 Wounding damage. Adds Wounding, 5% critical. Already factored
Tele-splode: 18 Stamina, 111.63 Energy damage. Can Slow targets. Chance to overcome Energy resistance. Deadpool disappears for this attack and is invincible during this period. Shield cancellable
Safety Dash: 27 Stamina, 79.91 Wounding damage. Increased duration, Deadpool is invincible during the entire attack, can be shield cancelled and used again
Healing Factor! (Level 11) Regens 1 HP every level, 4 HP at Level 1. Regens 15 HP total every 4.5 seconds.
Best One Ever! (Level 6) Add +1/2 to all stats. +4 to all stats total. At maximum level, grant +30 to all stats. Already factored
Ultimate Power! (Level 11) Powers do 2% more damage. 22% more damage total. Already factored
Just Won't Quit! (Level 7) Adds1 Focus every level. 7 Focus total. Already factored      
Punchy Punchy! (Level 10) Adds 1 melee damage every level. 10 Extra melee damage total. Already factored      
Hard to Hit! (Level 10) Adds 1% evade every level.    10% Evade total.
Flight: No, but teleports rendering him invulernable

What a weird dueller. Certainly fitting at least. Anyway, Deadpool lacks damage (as you can see). But that's not his game plan. His game involves him abusing his variety of invincibility moves (regular teleport or his powers) and shield cancelling, thus making him nigh impossible to hit. Oh and while he's doing this, he very slowly regains HP. So he can't do much damage (his best is his standard combo with light attacks at 85*3), but he's also probably impossible to kill if given a turn. Heck if I know where to rank him as this depends on entirely on where the HP average sits and how likely he'll be OHKO'd before teleporting like a spaz. Tentatively Heavy

Ice Man - "The Ice Man cometh, and kicketh your butt"
HP: 368
Stamina: 174
Strike: 30
Teamwork: 43
Body: 45
Focus: 61
Light - 65 damage (5 is Ice), Average 71.5 after crit
Heavy - 130 damage (10 is Ice), Average 143 after crit

Ice Barrage: 9 Stamina, 35.11   Ice damage. Fires two ice spears per use. May freeze enemies
Frost Pillar: 27 Stamina, 112.73 Ice damage. Area of effect, launches enemies. Can slow down foes's movement
Freeze Beam: 18 Stamina, 226.07 Ice damage. Can Freeze targets. Chance to overcome cold resistance. Shield Cancel can double rate of fire
Spiked Punch: 18 Stamina, 378.67 Ice damage. Knocks down, 5% crit. Chance to overcome Ice Resistance. Some start up, Shield cancellable but doesn't double attack speed

Precise Aim: (Leve 10) Adds 1% crit. 10% critical total. Already factored.
Concentration: (Level 11) Adds 1 Focus.   11 Focus total
Ice Mastery: (Level 12) Ice attacks receive 1% more damage every level, 12% more damage total. Already factored
Ice Armor: (Level 8) Adds 1/2 Defense every level. 4 Defense total, effectively reducing incoming damage by 4 everytime.
Uncanny X-Man: (Level 0) Adds 1 Teamwork. DL useless
Fist of Frost: (Level 5) Adds 1 Extra Ice damage on basic physicals, 5 extra ice damage total. Already factored.

Flight: Yes, non-continuous. Unlike Spidey, Ice Man cannot damage anyone while flying

Spiked Punch, Spiked Punch and more Spiked Punch. Ice Man is quite better than the last three with more damage even at melee than all of them. Outside of that, Freeze Beam can freeze targets, which is probably what he wants to do first before unloading Spiked Punches on frozen targets. Some form of Low Heavy I assume. Has Flight, but can't attack with it. If you let him stall out matches, that can be some form of melee invulnerability I guess.

Gambit - "You just went down like a house of cards!"

HP: 383
Stamina: 183
Strike: 37
Teamwork: 44
Body: 38
Focus: 73
Light - 97 damage (20 is Energy), Average 108.64 after crit
Heavy - 194 damage (40 is Energy), Average 217.28 after crit
Card Barrage: 9 Stamina, 52.08 Energy damage. Throws cards, which explodes, flinching foes at greater rate. Can be fired very quickly
Radial Staff: 18 Stamina, 147.84 Impact damage. Area of effect, launches s enemies
Explosive Hand: 18 Stamina, 102.48 Energy damage. Damage listed is per card. Shield Cancellable. Throws 7 cards on use, average of 3 hits. Shield Cancel can double the rate of fire
52 Card Pick Up: 27 Stamina, 329.28 Energy damage. Knocks down, Area of effect. Chance to overcome Energy Resistance. Significant start up, Shield cancellable

Charged Staff: (Level 10) Adds 1 Melee damage. 10 more melee damage total. Already factored
Object Charging: (Level 0) Adds ~40 damage when Gambit throws environmental weapons such as crates and chairs. DL Useless
Energy Mastery: (Level 10) Adds 2 Energy damage to basic physicals. 20 energy damage total. Already factored
Concentration: (Level 10) Adds 2 Focus. 20 Extra Focus total. Already factored
Cajun Luck: (Level 0) Adds a percent chance to increase the number of skill points/health orbs drop. SPOILS KH BOSSES. YESZ.
Precise Aim: (Level 12) Adds 1% crit. 12% critical total. Already factored
Flight: No               

Explosive Hand is one of those abilities that get greatly improved with shield cancelling. With it, Gambit's damage rises up much higher than what is listed. Otherwise, his best damage source is usually his physical since 52 Card Pick Up is just too laggy and a smart enemy can easily evade it. Probably a Middle of some sort with shield cancelling. Light otherwise most likely.

Thor - "The son of Odin triumphs!"

HP: 537
Stamina: 156
Strike: 51
Teamwork: 29
Body: 71
Focus: 48
Light - 99 damage (8 is crushing)
Heavy - 198 damage (16 is crushing)

Mjolnir Strike: 27 Stamina, 145.79 Impact damage.    Moves Thor forward, 5% crit
Mighty Swipe: 18 Stamina, 436.39 Crushing damage. Knocks enemies down, huge swing area despite being melee. Shield cancellable as hell, greatly improving its speed (at least 2x)
Thunder Smash: 12 Stamina, 107.60 Lightning damage. Adds Strength buff (unknown effect), has a chance to overcome crushing resist
Lightning Rod: 24 Stamina, 256.26 Lightning damage. Can hit multiple times, 10% crit, high rate of flinching.

Asgardian Might: (Level 8) Adds 1 Crushing damage to basic physicals. 8 crushing total. Already factored. Also greatly reduces knockback effects and lets Thor carry heavy things (like cars)
Godly Endurance: (Level 10) Adds 2 Body per level. Total 20 Body. Already factored.   
Belt of Strength: (Level 10) Adds 1 damage to all attacks. Total +10 damage. Already factored   
Divine Vigor: (Level 9) Adds 2 Focus per level. Total 18 Focus. Already factored
Thunder Mastery: (Level 11) Adds 2% more damage on all powers. 22% more damage total. Already factored   
Impervious Body: (Level 10) Adds 1% resistance to all damage. 10% Resist all damage total
Flight: Yes, continuous. Thor can attack while airborne

You know, I'm not even halfway done the topic, but there's a very good chance Thor is at least hitting Low Godlike. Attacking with Flight is pretty much melee immunity. Then of course, look at his damage. Assuming you don't allow Shield cancelling, a multi-hitting Lightning Rod is still devastating, since doing more than one hit is already around ~500 damage. If you do allow Shield Cancelling, Thor now has access to a spammable Mighty Swing, dealing 400+ damage each time with good recovery too. And if that wasn't enough, he has lots of HP and 10% reduction to all damage to prolong his life. Oh and breaking crushing resistance too if you do resist it so he can go to town afterwards. Yeah, he's silly good in-game, and he's quite probably silly good here.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2010, 11:11:57 PM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2010, 10:01:09 PM »
A 6 character update, including 1 DLC, for a total of 7! On a side note, checking the number, Body is kinda weird. The 1 Body = ~4.5 HP rule tends to be true in general, but there are some cases that don't make much sense (Iron Man having 4HP lower than Ice Man despite the same Body score, Thor having more HP than Hulk despite have 1 more Body). Might have something to do with bases of the characters.

Iron Man - "Stop me if you heard this before. I. AM. IRON MAN"

HP: 364
Stamina: 171
Strike: 32
Teamwork: 42
Body: 35
Focus: 59
Light - 68 damage (6 Crushing)
Heavy - 136 damage (12 Crushing)
Pulse Barrage: 12 Stamina, Average 43.68 Energy damage a hit. Fires 2 pulse bullets. Piercing and CAN BOUNCE OFF WALLS. YESZ
Radial Pulse: 27 Stamina, Average 73.36 Energy damage. Area of effect. Damage spread over 4 hits. Iron Man regains a bit of stamina when hitting enemies. Not a noticable effect if only one enemy
Rocket Punch: 29 Stamina, Average 215.80 Impact damage. Area of effect, 5% crit. Has a chance to overcome impact resistance
Unibeam: 27 Stamina, Average 102.48 Energy damage. Piercing, knocks down foes. Has a chance to overcome energy resistance. Can be charged to double the power, dealing double the damage. Long range
Chief Executive: (Level 0) 1 Teamwork + 1% exp a level. DL useless.   
Concentration: (Level 9) Adds 1 Focus a level. 9 Focus total. Already factored      
Overdrive: (Level 12) Adds 1% more damage on all powers. 12% total. Already factored      
Crushing Strikes: (Level 6) Adds 1 Crushing damage on basic physicals. Total 6 Extra crushing damage to basic physicals. Already factored
Armor Upgrade: (Level 11) Adds 1 Defense a level. Total 11 Defense.      
Adaptive Defense: (Level 9) Adds 1% resistance to the last type of damage received. 9% resistance total
Flight: Yes, Continuous               

For someone considered weak in-game, his DL performance...ew. That HP and damage don't fly well together. 11 Defense is pretty neat. Adaptive Defense though is nigh useless in-game and probably nigh useless DL wise unless fighting a one trick pony. Still Flight. So at least he has some degree of melee immunity. Until he needs to recharge his stamina anyway. Likely some flavour of High Middle

Jean Grey - "That's 10 seconds of my life I will never get back"
HP: 379
Stamina: 163
Strike: 30
Teamwork: 50
Body: 36
Focus: 52
Light - 68 damage (8 Fire)
Heavy - 136 damage (16 Fire)   
Telekinetic Grip: 18 Stamina, Average 202.24 Crushing damage. Holds enemies in place for effect of attack, knocks down at end. Can overcome Crushing resist
Restraining Wave: 27 Stamina, Average 68.48 Mental damage. Stuns enemies within range, large Area of effect
Pyrokinetic Blast: 18 Stamina, Average 273.92 Fire damage. Fires a wave covering 120 degrees in front of her, knocks down. Can overcome Fire resist
Phoenix Fury: 27 Stamina, Average 135.68 Fire damage. Holds enemies in place for effect of attack. Can immolate, causing enemies to take damage after

Resurrection: (Level 6) 2% chance to resurrect on death per level. 12% total
Uncanny X-Man: (Level 0) 2 Teamwork a level. 0 teamwork total. DL useless
Psionic Mastery: (Level 14) Adds 2% damage to all powers. +28% damage total. Already factored
Combat Rush: (Level 0) Adds 2 Stamina gain after KOing enemy. 0 Total. DL useless
Fiery Strikes: (Level 8) Adds 1 Fire damage to basic physical.   8 Extra Fire damage total. Already factored
No Mercy: (Level 0) Adds 1/2 HP gain after KOing enemy.  0 HP gain per KO, DL useless   

Flight: Yes, Continuous               

For someone often considered broken in-game, Jean doesn't translate as well. This is largely because Jean specializes in demolishing crowds. Pyrokinetic Blast is one of the best crowd controlling powers in the game - fast, large AoE, and knocks down. Its still her best damage, but loses something in the works. Her passives are also largely irrelevant outside of one. Resurrect would be nice if it grew at a faster clip (it does not). Caps out at 30%, which means most of the time DL wise, it's useless. Still likely within that High Middle/Low Heavy border though due to flight and stunning. If you're the type that factors in attack speed, she gets notably better as Pyrokinetic blast as noted, is a really fast attack.

Storm - "I am ready"
HP: 379
Stamina: 180
Strike: 31
Teamwork: 44
Body: 36
Focus: 66                  

Light - 64 damage (3 Electric)               
Heavy - 128 damage (6 Electric)               
Lightning Strike: 18 Stamina, Average 248.97 Lightning damage. Fires one lightning bolt on the enemy. If multiple enemies, lightning bounces off, producing a chain effect. High rate of stagger, chance to overcome Lightning resist
Gale Force: 27 Stamina, Average 65.80 Impact damage. Area of effect, knocks down and slows enemies
Funnel Cloud: 24 Stamina, Average 65.80 Impact damage. Lifts enemies up into the air, temporarily removing them from combat. Can overcome Impact resistance
Hail Storm: 27 Stamina, Average 290.36   Ice damage. Can freeze foes, overcomes ice resistance. Randomized hitting points (but still 1 max)

Electric Fists: (Level 6) Adds 1/2 Electic damage on basic physicals a level. 3 Electric damage total. Already factored   
Concentration: (Level 8) Adds 2 Focus a level. 16 Focus total. Already factored
Weather Mastery: (level 14) Adds 2% damage to powers. +28% damage total. Already factored      
Precise Aim: (level 6) Adds 1% crit a level. 6% crit total. Already factored
Team Leader: (Level 0) Adds 1 Teamwork + 1% exp a level. 0 team work + 0% extra EXP total. DL useless
Combat Rush: (Level 0) 1 Stamina gain after KOing enemy a level. 0 Stamina gain total. DL useless   

Flight: Yes, Continuous               

More of that flying thing. The weather goddess herself, like Jean, also loses something in translation since she too, is better at crowd control than single targetting. Not to matter much, having Flight + her powers having various status effects means she can land one before dropping back to the ground to restore stamina, and then continuing her assault. Likely some form of High Heavy as a result, but a below average on damage.

Wolverine - "I'll heal. You won't"

HP: 413
Stamina: 146
Strike: 42
Teamwork: 33
Body: 46
Focus: 38
Light - 98 damage (6 Wounding), Average 120.43 after crit. Can receive a 15 damage boost (see below)
Heavy - 196 damage (12 Wounding), Average 240.87 after crit. Can receive a 15 damage boost

Lunging Rage: 18 Stamina, Average 281.56 Wounding damage. Has a vaslty improved Crit rate (+15%)
Whirling Slash: 27 Stamina, Average 89.50 Wounding damage. Area of effect, knocks foes down. Does damage over 3 hits
Dashing Flurry: 18 Stamina, Average 60.12 Wounding damage. Long animation, Can shield cancel early to reduce
Claw Kebab: 27 Stamina, Average 401.72 Wounding damage. Damage spread over 3 hits. Adds a buff that adds 1 hit to a basic physical. These hits are not argumented by boosts and deal roughly 10-20 damage
Healing Factor: (Level 4) Heals 1.5 HP every 4.5 seconds for every level. 9 HP regen total. Wolverine has a default 10 HP regen, making this 19 HP regen every 4.5 seconds.
Wounding Strikes: (Level 6) Adds 1 Wounding damage on basic physicals per level. 6 Extra Wounding damage on melee
Feral Mastery: (Level 12) Adds 1% more damage to Wounding Attacks. Total +12% more damage. Already factored
Conditioning: (Level 8) Adds 1 Focus every level. 8 Focus total. Already factored
Savage Fighting: (Level 10) Adds 2 damage on basic physicals. 20 Extra Melee damage total. Already factored.
Precise Strikes: (Level 11) Adds 2% crit every level. Total 22% critical. Already factored

Flight: No

Logan's not that good of a tank past the early game compared to the other tanks. He has a healing factor, but the HP restored is a little too low, even with the 10 HP bonus. Past that, his HP isn't as high as the others either and he lacks AoE, which is a huge weakness in-game for a tank. DL wise? Unmatched melee attacker only behind Thor. To give you an idea, after his buff, his basic 3 hit combo is outracing some characters' for damage. Before the buff, it's probably outracing too. Claw Kebab's slow animation isn't a problem DL wise, and despite not really benefitting off Guard cancelling, he likely doesn't use his stamina much anyway. Pretty scary up close. Middle?

Hulk - "Hulk hug kitties. Kitties go squish. Hulk live in cruel world :("
HP: 530               
Stamina: 144
Strike: 49
Teamwork: 26
Body: 72
Focus: 36
Light - 105 damage (20 Crushing), 117.6 after power boost. See comments.
Heavy - 210 (40 Crushing), 235.2 after power boost
Raging Smash: 36 Stamina, Average 118.72 Crushing damage. Hulk slams the ground. Launches foes, Area of effect
Thunder Clap: 18 Stamina, Average 102.48 Impact damage. Massive clap, Area of effect, piercing. Knocks targets down
Dashing Tackle: 36 Stamina, Average 329.28 Crushing damage. A charging tackle. Damage is spread over 4 hits. Works better on large foes
Gamma Roar: 27 Stamina, Average 12.32 Mental damage. Stuns targets, Increases own strength (unknown effect), lets attacks overcome Crushing Resist

Unbridled Might (Level 10) Adds 2 Crushing damage to basic physicals per level. 20 crushing damage total to basic physical. Already factored. Also greatly reduces knockback effects and lets Hulk carry heavy things
Monstrous Form (Level 10) Adds 2 Body a level. 20 Body Total. Already factored
Rage Unleashed (Level 12) Adds 1% more damage on all attacks per level. +12% damage total. Already factored
Survival Instincts (Level 6) Adds 1 Focus a level. 6 Focus total. Already factored
Furious Fists (Level 3) Adds 2 Melee damage a level. 6 Extra Melee damage total. Already factored
Impervious Body (Level 10) Adds 1% resistance to all damage. 10% Resist total to all damage. Already factored

Flight: No               

I have no idea why despite having more Body, Hulk's HP is somehow lower than Thor's. Nonetheless, the HP is impressive and 10% resistance helps some. Hulk doesn't want to use his powers though because most of the time, his regular three hit combo (Light attack x3) ends up dealing more than his Dashing Tackle (352 damage to 329 damage and does so in 3 hits instead of 4). Just as well. It gives him more Stamina to use Gamma Roar to Stun before dropping the combo. Mmm...Middle most likely.

Thing - "It's Clobberin' Time!"

HP: 436
Stamina: 142
Strike: 40
Teamwork: 32
Body: 51
Focus: 35   
Light - 87 damage (9 crushing)               
Heavy - 176 (18 Crushing)               
Jump N' Slam: 18 Stamina, Average 65.50 Crushing damage.   Same as Hulk's Raging Smash in animation. Area of Effect, Knocks foes down
Concussive Clap: 27 Stamina, Average 44.00 Mental damage. Stuns foes that it hits
Dash N'Bash: 18 Stamina, Average 308.70 Crushing damage. A charging shoulder tackle. Shield Cancellable. Can be held to extend dash distance
Clobberin' Time: 27 Stamina, Defensive Buff. Adds 20% resistance to all damage types. Let's attacks overcome Crushing and Impact Resist

Fantastic Might: (Level 9) Adds 1 Crushing damage to basic physicals. 9 crushing damage total. Already factored. Also greatly reduces knockback effects and lets Thing carry heavy objects
Rock-Like Skin: (Level 10) Adds 0.6 Defense a level. 6 Defense Total
Conditioning: (Level 4) Adds 1/2 Focus a level. 2 Focus Total. Already factored
Street Fighting: (Level 8) Adds 1 Melee damage a level. 8 Extra Melee damage total. Already factored
Hard as Stone: (Level 13) Adds 2% resistance to elemental and physical attacks. 26% Resistance total.
First Family: (Level 0) Adds 1/2 Teamwork a level. 0 Teamwork total. DL useless.

Flight: No   

Thing is probably the game's best tank character. His HP isn't as good as Hulk, but having 26% resistance to most damage AND a 20% defense buff means that most attacks are hitting him just slightly over 50%. He also has 6 Defense, which is nice as Defense is usually a rare passive and helps reduce damage. To round it out, he can shield cancel Dash'N Bash to nearly double his damage output from it and even without, the damage is still okay. Oh and he can Stun you with Concussive Clap. Do that then set up Clobberin Time for FRUE Clobberin Time. Heavy for a off hand guess.

Juggernaut - "Don't you know who I am?!"

HP: 412
Stamina: 135
Strike: 50
Teamwork: 25
Body: 47
Focus: 29

Light- 87 damage
Heavy - 176 damage
Ramming Dash: 27 Stamina, Average 80.85 Crushing damage. JUGGERNAUT HEADCRUSH. Can be held down to increase dash, consumes extra stamina/sec. Enemies hit go flying
Drop Smash: 27 Stamina, Average 80.85 Crushing damage. Drops on to foes, can Stun and overcome Crushing resistance
Cyttorak Spin: 27 Stamina, Average 210.65 Crushing damage. Zangief-like Lariat. Knocks back, Area of effect. Can overcome Crushing resistance. Damage spread over 2 hits
Earth Shake: 27 Stamina, Average 80.50 Mental damage. Stomps and creates massive quake. Can be used as projectile when Shield cancelled. Piercing, Area of effect

Supreme Might: (Level 10) Adds 1% extra damage on Crushing attacks. +10% extra damage total. Already factored
Destructive Glee: (Level 0) Adds 1/2 Stamina for every KO'd foe. 0 Stamina Gain total. DL useless
Mystic Mastery: (Level 8) Adds 1 Extra damage on powers. 8 extra damage total. Already factored
Impervious Body: (Level 13) Adds 2% resistance to all damage. 26% resistance total
Armored Fists: (Level 7) Adds 1 Extra Melee damage a level. 7 Extra Melee damage total. Already factored
Crimson Armor: (Level 10) Adds 1 point of defense every level. 10 Defense total

Flight: No

The last of our tank like characters. Juggs is the most disappointing damage wise (ew, equal to Iron Man?) but to make up for it, he's also fairly strong on survivability. 26% resist like Thing and then 10 Extra defense. He doesn't have much else to add to the defensive game though, so he's probably a worse version of Hulk, trading in damage for a bit more defense. Probably a losing trade. Middle
« Last Edit: November 22, 2010, 01:25:15 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2010, 05:47:36 PM »

No Iron Fist? 

The n-space versions might merit their own discussion (even the same character may have drastically different skills and such)


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Re: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2010, 04:16:19 AM »
Its not a finished topic; he hasn't gotten everyone up yet.  He's posting characters little by little, to show progress being done in the topic.  Not an unusual approach to games with large casts.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A