Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34  (Read 3248 times)


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Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« on: April 14, 2010, 03:39:39 PM »

"So... I must enter the fray myself this week. Very well then!"

Team Nephrite vs. Floor 9
Team Super and CT vs. Floor 5
Team Jo'ou vs. Floor 4

Floor 10: It's over 9... THOUSAND!

"Well. This is quite surprising. I did not expect to see you here myself, Mister President. Very well. I shall return unto you that which has irritated you and caused you so much strife over these weeks and years! You shall suffer just as those who have fallen have! Now be destroyed at my feet!"

Team Super and Tranquil's Matches

Floor 6a: Those that fight underlings (Before Endgame)

Battle #26: Reno, Rude, Elena, Fujin, Raijin and Seifer

Reno: The Turks will show you no mercy.
Seifer: What, chicken butt.

Battle #27: Rofel, Adramelk, Kletian and Zalera

Rofel: The power of the Zodiacs shall stop you.
Adramelk: Hahaha... Fools.
Kletian: I shall show you true magic!

Battle #28: Xenobia and Royce

Xenobia: Master Ghaleon may not be here... but I will destroy you anyway.
Royce: Yes, sister. We shall show them what it means to face the Vile Tribe.

Battle #29: Zog, Melfice and Zio

Zog: I, the ruler of the Dark Dragons, shall end your lives here.
Melfice: Heh heh heh. You think this horn is just for show?
Zio: My master will destroy you if I do not.

Boss Battle #6: Rubicant (FF4o), Valvalis (FF4o), Scarmiglione (FF4 DS) and Cagnazzo (FF4 DS)

Scarmiglione: Zombie, Zombie, teshita no minna wo doro doro!
Cagnazzo: Tsunami, Tsunami... I forgot the rest.
Valvalis: Let's go~! <3
Rubicant: LEG

Team Jo'ou's Matches

Floor 5c: Fly Me to the Moon

"So, you've found your way here. Very well, I think I'll make you fight some interesting people from beyond this terrestial plane."

Battle #21: Luna, Alex, Lucia and Ghaleon (EB/EBC Boss)

Luna: Alex...!
Alex: I will protect you, Luna!
Lucia: Ghaleon, I expect of you...
Ghaleon: Yes, yes... I'm aware.

Battle #22: Zeromus, Fusoya and Golbez

Fusoya: Lunarians...
Golbez: I will defeat you.

Battle #23: Albedo and Virgil

Albedo: Let's go, ma peche.
Virgil: If you call me that one more time I'm going to kill you.

Battle #24: Nyx Avatar: Hermit and Justice

Nyx: I am... death. Let us see what you can do...

Boss Battle #5: Orgulla and Margulis

Orgulla: Sir, that wasn't a moon, that was a planet!
Margulis: We'll destroy them all with our DS system.

Team Nephrite | Yuri1, Yuri2, Arnaud, Ricardo (Life), Ditto (Quick Powder)
[Floor 10: It's over 9...THOUSAND!!!]
*Arnaud has been granted a Tiny Flower
*Ditto's HP is now scaled as if he were Level 100 vs. a Level 50 Average
*Ricardo's songs now affect him as well
*Yuri2 has been granted a Crucifix and his moves are now Technical Ring and should be scaled against Normal Ring averages.
*Ricardo has been granted a Crucifix
*Arnaud has been granted a Goat Doll
Team Nephrite vs. Team Taishyr (Kyogre (MT), Maya, Garnet, Kyra, FFT Priest)
Team Nephrite vs. Team Gatewalker (Fogel, Aeonless Yuna, Eileen, Tia, Ditto(Quick Powder)(MT))
Team Nephrite vs. Team Snowfire (Purim, Jessica, Garnet, Lyn (Firefly), Rena)
Team Nephrite vs. Team Consonant (Celes, Alys, Lucian, Shiho, Ayla(Life))
Team Nephrite vs. Team Unoriginal (Bartz, Fogel, Peppita, Aeris, Ditto (Quick Powder)(MT))
**Full Heal
Team Nephrite vs. Team Nyarlathotep (Metagod, Masaji Kato and Lady)
Team Nephrite vs. Nyarlathotep (P2)

Team Super | Fogel, Jerin, Hellion (Speed?), FF1 Knight, Tia, Nall
[Floor 6a: Those who fight Underlings]
Team Super vs. Reno, Rude, Elena, Fujin, Raijin and Seifer
Team Super vs. Rofel, Adramelk, Zalera and Kletian
Team Super vs. Xenobia and Royce
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Zog, Melfice and Zio
Team Super vs. Rubicant (FF4o) Valvalis (FF4o), Scarmiglione (FF4 DS) and Cagnazzo (FF4 DS)

Team Tranquil | Dart, Albert, Meru, Sharanda, Rose (Synergy Bonus)
[Floor 6a: Those who fight Underlings]
Team Tranquil vs. Reno, Rude, Elena, Fujin, Raijin and Seifer
Team Tranquil vs. Rofel, Adramelk, Zalera and Kletian
Team Tranquil vs. Xenobia and Royce
*Full Heal
Team Tranquil vs. Zog, Melfice and Zio
Team Tranquil vs. Rubicant (FF4o) Valvalis (FF4o), Scarmiglione (FF4 DS) and Cagnazzo (FF4 DS)

Team Jo'ou | Deis1, Geno, Ryu3, Raja (Speed?), FFT Priest

Floor 5c: Fly me to the Moon
[Ryu3: Bunyan 1, Mygas, D'lonzo1, Deis 1]
Team Jo'ou vs. Luna, Alex, Lucia, Ghaleon (EB/EBC)
Team Jo'ou vs. Zeromus (FF4), FuSoYa and Golbez (FF4DS, No plot paralysis)
**Full Heal
Team Jo'ou vs. XS1 Albedo and XS1 Virgil
Team Jo'ou vs. Nyx Avatar: Hermit and Justice
Team Jo'ou vs. Orgulla and Margulis (XS2)

Multitarget (Enemy version) - Reduces the effectiveness of all attacks or spells by 50% but causes them to be MT.

Life - One character's healing effects now also allows for revival, but reduces the final effect of any healing by 50%. (This means full healing is always 50%) The healing also only revives characters with 1 HP.

Speed? - The effective speed of one character is reversed (60% becomes 140%), but after the first round of combat, their speed returns to default and can not be increased in any way.

Synergy Bonus - In the case of the Legend of Dragoon Team, they have access to items and accessories. The items are limited, however.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2010, 05:04:34 PM by Nephrite »

Random Consonant

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2010, 07:08:26 PM »
Can't vote on Team MICHAEL, sadly.

Team Super | Fogel, Jerin, Hellion (Speed?), FF1 Knight, Tia, Nall
[Floor 6a: Those who fight Underlings]
Team Super vs. Reno, Rude, Elena, Fujin, Raijin and Seifer - Scrub parade.
Team Super vs. Rofel, Adramelk, Zalera and Kletian - Magic blitz + Fogel pounding on someone should work.
Team Super vs. Xenobia and Royce - Think the team can handle this.
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Zog, Melfice and Zio - Think Jerin/Tia are faster than Melfice here, so a magic blitz may work.  If not, Copper Flesh should tilt things in super's favor anyways, though I'm not sure.
Team Super vs. Rubicant (FF4o) Valvalis (FF4o), Scarmiglione (FF4 DS) and Cagnazzo (FF4 DS) - Think I'll wait for arguments here, kneejerking a fail though.

Team Tranquil | Dart, Albert, Meru, Sharanda, Rose (Synergy Bonus)
[Floor 6a: Those who fight Underlings]
Team Tranquil vs. Reno, Rude, Elena, Fujin, Raijin and Seifer - Scrub parade.  Team builds up SP.
Team Tranquil vs. Rofel, Adramelk, Zalera and Kletian - Don't think this poses much of a problem.
Team Tranquil vs. Xenobia and Royce - Lunar1 bosses and their godly speed.  Fairly sure one gets handled before she gets a turn and neither can really handle a team alone.
*Full Heal
Team Tranquil vs. Zog, Melfice and Zio - Okay, thinking item blitz from Miranda/Meru should take the frailish Melfice out of the fight before he sees a turn (team has two Dancer's Shoes and a Dancer's Ring by this point, so Melfice outspeeding the former is doubtful), leaving Zog and Zio.  Past that... hmmm, well the combined MT from Zog and Zio is still scary, though Rose Storm saves the day even if Zog lives to see a turn.
Team Tranquil vs. Rubicant (FF4o) Valvalis (FF4o), Scarmiglione (FF4 DS) and Cagnazzo (FF4 DS) - If all goes well, Albert/Miranda/Meru should have enough SP/MP remaining to do their things.  Blue Sea Dragon on Rubicant should hurt like hell and Rose Storm takes the sting out of the enemy's offense (along with, y'know, dragoon form).  Dart/maybe Rose use items as needed and think the team makes it out here with little trouble.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2010, 06:35:35 PM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2010, 07:26:49 PM »
All I'll say on the President is that while I would have probably put the MT on Maya/Priest, personally, Arnaud -needs- to disable Kyogre this way or eat a Speed debuff to the entire team. ...also my team was Garnet/Kyra, not Raja/Kyra, if that's relevant. Which it kinda is, kill Garnet or eat a first turn boomstick, kill Maya (physically! Granted, Yurisquad) or have that go to waste. You have the firepower, but you have to blitz my team while disabling the whale before it can get an action - and if you can't stop it + my healers, you're going to be in a fair world of hurt.

Mmm. This being said, Lady eats you for breakfast, I'm sure (too much buff reliance). You might get to her? Unsure. Regardless. I'm a blitz fight, Gate is an odd mix of blitz and endurance (disable Eileen or suffer), SnowFire... ...oof, that's actually dangerous, you need to stop anyone else with MT + Jessica from going without you healing in between or else the MT slam just kills, fire resist or no. Not sure what to suggest there. Didn't Random have Life on Ayla? If I'm right, that's... well, you need to kill Celes. Bad. Shiho/Alys/Ayla make that hard, but it's possible. Final fight, need to disable Bartz before Doublecast overkill damage ruins your day. He's fast (Thief) but it's doable.

Overall... kneejerk against getting to the fullheal, think SnowFire claims you but I could be argued.

Random Consonant

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2010, 07:43:03 PM »
I did indeed have the Life Sealstone on Ayla for my former team.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2010, 07:50:35 PM »
I'm absolutely positive I lose, though I'll say that at this point, Arnaud outspeeds absolutely anyone and probably gets a near instant double-turn or something. For the Children off Yuri1 should also pretty handily kill almost anything any of the other teams have.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2010, 08:14:56 PM »
It's magic, so you nuke yourself a touch trying that on my team, at least. Maya sez hi. Granted, killing everyone but Maya makes it easy to mop up, but. (This is why Maya wants the MT sealstone - MT buffing to counteract.)

Not sure how I see Arnaud speed working. Not sure I buy doubleturn hype off the bat, for that matter.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2010, 08:33:07 PM »
It's magic, so you nuke yourself a touch trying that on my team, at least. Maya sez hi. Granted, killing everyone but Maya makes it easy to mop up, but. (This is why Maya wants the MT sealstone - MT buffing to counteract.)

Not sure how I see Arnaud speed working. Not sure I buy doubleturn hype off the bat, for that matter.

Well, it doesn't really matter if Yuri blows himself up or not! It's also entirely feasible that the Yuris use MIND ABSORBER to nuke someone's MP!! Yeah it doesn't really matter either way what happens on this floor. >_>

As for Arnaud, I give him a bit of credit for being so far aftergame in regards to speed, even accounting for scaling.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2010, 11:42:31 PM »
Fun stuff.  Definitely think that if Neph can win a majority of the "vs. other teams" fights I'd be willing to let him get to the boss fights...  where he probably loses anyway.  But details!  I think the Shadow Hearts fight is *theoretically* winnable by Neph.  Maybe.

Team Nephrite | Yuri1, Yuri2, Arnaud, Ricardo (Life), Ditto (Quick Powder)
[Floor 10: It's over 9...THOUSAND!!!]
*Arnaud has been granted a Tiny Flower
*Ditto's HP is now scaled as if he were Level 100 vs. a Level 50 Average
*Ricardo's songs now affect him as well
*Yuri2 has been granted a Crucifix and his moves are now Technical Ring and should be scaled against Normal Ring averages.
*Ricardo has been granted a Crucifix
*Arnaud has been granted a Goat Doll
Team Nephrite vs. Team Taishyr (Kyogre (MT), Maya, Garnet, Kyra, FFT Priest)
Garnet is somewhat defanged due to so much of the team blocking ID, but her damage still isn't bad, and yeah, Kyogre needs to eat Slow Down -> damage.  Which means Maya can start doing evil stuff and Garnet summons a boosted Leviathan?  Possibly with Priest putting Kyogre back together?  This is tough, think that winning will require Ditto becoming Maya or something.  Unsure, don't know team Tai well enough.

Team Nephrite vs. Team Gatewalker (Fogel, Aeonless Yuna, Eileen, Tia, Ditto(Quick Powder)(MT))
This is probably somewhat more feasible just because Fogel and Yuna are basically ST threats.  Slow Down spam, GoodDitto becomes Yuna, and Yuri MT storm wipes out Eileen / Tia / Ditto?  I guess Yuna can toss Shell on Eileen, but then Ricardo uses his Third Key song and Eileen gets beaten down instead.  Ditto should still wipe to Yuri2 MT damage, and Tia gets worn down.  GoodDitto becoming Yuna probably helps pick up the pieces from Fogel damage.

Team Nephrite vs. Team Snowfire (Purim, Jessica, Garnet, Lyn (Firefly), Rena)
This would be a game of rocket tag normally, with just how fast Tiny Flower Arnaud is being very relevant for if a Slow Down'd Jessica or both Yuris go first.  Lyn having Firefly makes this kinda moot, though.  Turn order is Arnaud->Jessica, Arnaud can't Slow Down Jess, he can't even go for his rarely-hyped Sleep.  So um Team Neph eats Magic Burst which kills them all.  If Magic Block / Reflect kicks in, Jess dies as well, but Arnaud isn't winning a 4 on 1 fight.

For what it's worth, it's still an interesting match with no Firefly.  I think Slow Down'd Jess, prorated for having Arnaud act after she'd already accumulated a good deal of init, ends up at slightly slower than Yuri1 but faster than Yuri2.  This means that Garnet might be able to toss a Reflect on her, which would force a Third Key Song -> Yuri1 beatdown to kill Jess before she gets a turn...  but that leaves just Ditto and Yuri2 doing non-stop Jess things round 1.  Purim tosses Lunar Energy on Lyn, Lyn makes something explode (Yuri1?), Rena revives a now normal-speed Jessica, Arnaud is forced to spend another turn Slow Down'ing Jessica, Garnet may be able to status Ditto depending on what form he chose, Lyn is still killing a threat a round...  I'd still lean Team Neph in this case due to the sheer amount of broken but this is a pretty good match.

Team Nephrite vs. Team Consonant (Celes, Alys, Lucian, Shiho, Ayla(Life))
ID immuning means Alys is defanged, Lucian can only kill one person and slower than the two Yuris, so the Yuri MT storm of doom goes off?  The Seraphic Radiance is NE too so it gets past Celes.

Team Nephrite vs. Team Unoriginal (Bartz, Fogel, Peppita, Aeris, Ditto (Quick Powder)(MT))
Even with Bartz grabbing a Thief's Agility, thinking Arnaud outspeeds, Slow Downs him, then usual Yuri MT Magic damage storm of doom hits.  Though Aeris interrupting it with a Healing Wind IS a problem...  which would let EvilDitto survive?  Maybe?  Still lean Team Neph, GoodDitto if nothing else can help pick up the pieces here.

**Full Heal
Team Nephrite vs. Team Nyarlathotep (Metagod, Masaji Kato and Lady)
Do the SH bosses immune stat downs?  Lost Progress is irrelevant here, but everything depends on Slow Down spam once again to get this battle under control.  Would also want to check the exact status arsenal that Metagod and Kato have available, while most of the team is perfectly status immune, they can at least get Arnaud, maybe, which is a problem when the fight hinges around Arnaud.  Still...  Lady is only average speed or so?  Did Ricardo have something like Red Bounce in his starting crest set for blowing away stock?

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2010, 11:51:22 PM »
Do the SH bosses immune stat downs? 

I don't think SH1 has stat downs, but SH2 and SH3 do, and as far as I know Kato and Lady are immune to all of them (certain on Lady, somewhat confident on Kato).

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2010, 11:51:57 PM »
Kato is as well, yeah, pretty sure. His support might not be, he is.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2010, 02:07:13 AM »
Neph goes splat. I think Super dies as well. Abstain on CT.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2010, 07:57:34 AM »
Neph splats, but it's a beautiful splat indeed. He totally should have added -my- team~

Super falls to the 5th fight after the 4th softens him up.

CT team passes, this is probably the point where the LoD team is somewhat overpowerful in-game.

Snow fails on principle for not choosing a floor yet! because I don't think Deis smash and Ryu3 healing will carry the team and Geno's ID is getting immuned all over the place.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2010, 04:27:53 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2010, 03:03:21 AM »
Jo'ou's stuff is up. He needs to tell me what his master choice was but I don't think that makes a huge difference here.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2010, 02:24:54 PM »
So ... are the other teams also in post game forms or just from the floors they made it to?
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2010, 03:22:42 PM »
Team Super | Fogel, Jerin, Hellion (Speed?), FF1 Knight, Tia, Nall
[Floor 6a: Those who fight Underlings]
Team Super vs. Reno, Rude, Elena, Fujin, Raijin and Seifer- Jerin+Hellion should handle this.
Team Super vs. Rofel, Adramelk, Zalera and Kletian- And this. Rofel+Kletian don't live to get a turn. Fogel and Tia chipping in should prevent Zalera from doing much, and the team should be able to handle things from there.
Team Super vs. Xenobia and Royce- Too much firepower and healing on my team. Should be enough.
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Zog, Melfice and Zio-

Good quesiton. I don't think I can blitz Zio without going all out on offense- If I do do this, I'm going to get everyone but Knight/Fogel killed when Zog's turn rolls around. Need to think out how this'll go.

Team Super vs. Rubicant (FF4o) Valvalis (FF4o), Scarmiglione (FF4 DS) and Cagnazzo (FF4 DS)
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2010, 04:31:57 PM »
So ... are the other teams also in post game forms or just from the floors they made it to?

Generally, speaking, Floor 7 for them.

Clear Tranquil

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2010, 02:33:57 AM »
Ok :) Team Nephrite vs dungeon~
"A Yeul that loved to sing. A Yeul who wished to travel. A Yeul that collected flowers.... Every one of them was unique"


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2010, 04:28:27 AM »
Voted properly, post edited.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2010, 08:27:32 AM »
Neph fails.

CT passes.
...into the nightfall.

Random Consonant

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2010, 06:46:35 PM »
Floor 5c: Fly me to the Moon
[Ryu3: Bunyan 1, Mygas, D'lonzo1, Deis 1]
Team Jo'ou vs. Luna, Alex, Lucia, Ghaleon (EB/EBC)
Team Jo'ou vs. Zeromus (FF4), FuSoYa and Golbez (FF4DS, No plot paralysis)
**Full Heal
Team Jo'ou vs. XS1 Albedo and XS1 Virgil
Team Jo'ou vs. Nyx Avatar: Hermit and Justice
Team Jo'ou vs. Orgulla and Margulis (XS2) - I'm not sold on a failure here since, if nothing else, the team does have Geno Boost and Blessing for defensive options here.  It's enough to make me unsure on how the floor will go, at any rate.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2010, 03:51:42 PM »
Orgulla damage utterly fails if she doesn't have a full boost gauge -and- Manes mode, and once she does, she can only kill one person and then have to build it all up over again. While the idea that she can build it up over and over is cute, she takes a turn to get into Manes mode, can't do it off the bat and is eating Fire weakness from Deis even before factoring in Geno Boost. Margulis, meanwhile, suffers from the same issues and doesn't have damage period (low 3HKO that only triggers in at 50% HP scares nothing without Boost, and scares no full team even -with-). I'd also like to note Deis has elemental resistances to Fire and Ice, IIRC, and Orgulla and Margulis rely on those elementals badly. Geno also hit the point where his damage is good -and- MT, not to mention Ryu -also- has ST smash of his own (Super Combo, anyone?). And, at floor 5, Deis has basically -all- of her highest damage stuff besides... the non-elemental MT damage, but that's fine, she has elemental MT backup that's nearly as good -and- BoltX for ST.


[Ryu3: Bunyan 1, Mygas, D'lonzo1, Deis 1]
Team Jo'ou vs. Luna, Alex, Lucia, Ghaleon (EB/EBC) - The ID's pretty irrelevant here. Geno+Deis MT rips everything apart, and the only person who -doesn't- immune Silence (oh ih i have Raja with speed and he has crazy accurate mt silence) here is Ghaleon, who can um what turn two ST ID someone? Yeah no.
Team Jo'ou vs. Zeromus (FF4), FuSoYa and Golbez (FF4DS, No plot paralysis) - Blitzing with Geno and Deis works wonders here too, MT is overpowered. FuSoYa has horrible durabillity and DS Golbez isn't crazy durable either. Zeromus himself is terrible at pressure, much like in-game, when you doesn't trigger his counters, and there's no Holy damage flying around here to cause that. 
**Full Heal
Team Jo'ou vs. XS1 Albedo and XS1 Virgil - Oh please. Geno+Deis MT 2HKO Albedo's sorry ass at worst, and Virgil doesn't fare much better. The status whoring -could- be problematic if Ryu didn't have status resistance and Virgil didn't suck at taking hits either.
Team Jo'ou vs. Nyx Avatar: Hermit and Justice - Single Nyx forms that aren't the Moonless Gown one are complete trash. Seriously, they have Chidori-level durability and go last.
Team Jo'ou vs. Orgulla and Margulis (XS2) - Yeah no, I don't see -where- is the threat here. Raja opens with Blessing: now Orgulla's damage sucks against everybody unless she hits Manes mode -and- spends a turn sacrificing some HP for Boost. Then, Geno stacks Geno Boost on Raja, himself and Deis. This takes four turns, but given how bad at applying pressure Orgulla and Margie are at full HP, nobody's worried. Ryu3 -also- has MT Protect, that's -also- stackable, and Orgulla's damage worth anything is all physical. Meanwhile, no damage of Margulis is ever worth anything. Plus, they just -can't- kill both revivers in a single turn: after even just Blessing, they'd need full Boost to kill even one of them, and they have no way to continuously keep up the boosting. And that's before considering the level of offense they're facing here: the match won't really take very long at all once the buffs are in place, and Raja has MT MP healing to keep the resources up to boot. I have no idea where Djinn found such a problem fight in this floor.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2010, 04:08:20 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2010, 04:05:33 PM »
All teams vs dungeon~
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2010, 04:23:02 PM »
Good enough for me.  Snow passes.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2010, 04:07:30 AM »
My knowledge of Jo'ou's team is considerably shakier now that Ryu3 is actually relevant, but as a few points... 

I'm also not sure BoltX is legal by now?  I'd kneejerk that as more Floor 6 myself, but it's been awhile.  Anyway, since Comet is definitely out, I don't think Deis has a NE magic spell for Albedo?  He resists all elements by 75%, so I think Deis fails it up at blitzing him.  That said I'm not sure blitzing him with Deis is necessary so I doubt that stops Team Jo'ou in that fight.

On the last fight, Orgulla can kill *two* people a round (Smash->Down + Smash is a OHKO if there isnt' good durability / ice resistance in the picture, follow it up with another Smash->Down + Smash except now with more elemental chaining boosts).  More relevantly, boost is shared in XS2, so it'll actually be Margulis killing two people a round off Orgulla spamming Pound of Flesh.  Might not matter since Deis is definitely a high target and Jo'ou claims she resists both fire and ice, which would help a lot...  is that inherent, or on equipment available by now, by the way?  And also, this comes off reasonably fast - sometime in early round 2.  Which is still too slow to stop great buffs, but hey.  Also, only Margulis is really gimped at full HP, and it's more gimped in the DL - he can't summon Shadows or use his best physical move at full HP (he MIGHT not be able to use his best magic move, Rakta, either, but the stat topic claims so though I've never seen it...).  Their average strategy is something like Quick Margulis, Manes Awakens, (Margulis taps with Rakta), Pound of Flesh, Margulis unleash 4x Rakta of doom.  Which is magical damage, so Ryu spamming Protect isn't really relevant. 

Mind, I suspect Team Jo'ou still wins, because IIRC Geno Boost gets magic too?  And that's just what the doctor ordered.  Geno Boost relevant targets, and even if Geno only gets off 2 before Margulis's damage is incoming, he can protect himself and a reviver, so he's probably safe off that buffing.  Not as easy as Jo'ou would think, but it sounds like a win to me regardless.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 34
« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2010, 04:21:32 AM »
Margulis definitely can not use Rakta at full HP. I tested him extensively recently, and am fairly certain it's a 50% unlock (certainly isn't full, I have something like 50 rounds of him at full and didn't see it). Was something I was meaning to add to the stat topic when I get around to adding some other things.

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