The man, the myth, the chin. Kato's back in Godlike, ladies and gentlemen, and he's not going anywhere anytime soon! Violetta is fast, yes. Strong, yes. Durable? Not durable enough! Kato, meanwhile, has tons and tons of HP that Violetta has to hack through in order to win, which is not going to be easy thanks to his defensive stats backing him up. While Violetta is wasting her numerous turns hitting a brick wall, Kato can happily blow apart her own paltry HP reserve with scarcely a thought. Final Revelation hurts, and he can pile them on in short order. Violetta, having no way of healing, will fall shortly. It was a disgraceful fall to Heavy, but Kato is back where he belongs, and he's going to stay there come hell, high water, or scythe chicks.