
Author Topic: Yggdra Union: We'll Never Be Alone (GBA)  (Read 3416 times)


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Yggdra Union: We'll Never Be Alone (GBA)
« on: June 30, 2010, 07:18:37 AM »
Welcome to the Yggdra Union stat topic of madness.

For anyone who has played YU, you already know that this game is not stat topic-friendly. For those that haven't, know that I'm trying to make this as easy to understand as possible, but YU's got a lot of interacting systems and non-traditional mechanics.

To make this topic work, I've essentially had to rely on a lot of averages to make the DL version of a YU PC look anything like their in-game performance. So take everything with a grain of salt.

First of all, you have to understand YU's Union system, which essentially makes YU's battle system dual-layered. The overworld map is essentially a basic SRPG system. PCs move around the map-squares and have HP called Morale, that when reduced to 0, that PC is removed from play. If all of these PCs are removed, you get a game over.

The second part of the Union system are called Clashes, which occur when a PC moves next to an enemy unit and initiates an attack. In a Clash, PCs' and enemy units' stats get extrapolated into a miniature battle between armies (of 3 to 6 units on each side, depending on the PC's stats). These mini-armies trade blows automatically until one side 'wins' by destroying all the opposing side's units. Death in this manner is not permanent and cannot cause a game-over, and is essentially just a graphical representation of a basic attack. In fact, any units that 'died' during a Clash are immediately respawned for the next Clash, even during the same turn. (In-game, a PC can attack multiple times in a turn through the Union system, but this doesn't apply to a Duel format, and probably wouldn't even apply in a DL Team setting either due to its reliance on positioning to use.)

Whichever side had the better stats (or if equal, whichever launched the attack and/or used the best Card/Skill/Element) gets to deal damage to the opposing PC's actual HP. The other side, regardless of how close they came to winning, gets to do no damage.

Clash damage is based entirely on how many of the winning side's units survived the Clash, ranging from 1 to 6. Each Surviving Unit is worth 10% of the possible damage a PC can deal in that round. This means in the DL that the entire point of Clashes is squabbling over how much of that 60% damage is going to be dealt.

However, Clash Outcome also determines who gets to deal damage during an attack. This means that if YU PCs can boost their stats favorably, they can null basic physical attacks (and even counter-attack during the opponent's turn!). This makes Elemental- and Weapon-typing incredibly important for YU PCs and their opponents. If a YU PC has the weapon advantage, they will basically ignore all physical attacks (skills and spells ignore this, more later in the skills section). If they have a weapon weakness, they aren't dealing damage with their basic physical ever, and in fact give their opponent free counters. The only way they can deal damage in this situation is to use skills/elements/criticals if they can.


The most stand-out feature of the game is the Card system. Don't be fooled by the name, the Cards are basically just temporary skillsets that increase in power over time. By 'temporary', I mean that every Card's skillset only lasts from the beginning of a YU PC's turn until the beginning of their next turn, where they choose a different Card to 'equip'.

Each Card has a base Power level, an innate Skill, and a Requirement for using that skill. Anyone can use Any Card's base Power to initiate a basic physical attack. I have taken an average of every Card's base Power + the total amount of Power increases available in the game to represent a PC's 'basic physical'.

In-game, there would likely be a much higher variance level depending on which Cards a player used the most (and thus received the most experience in terms of Power increases), but this topic assumes that everything is used equally once it became available.

Card Skills are more interesting. Each Card has an 'Ace-type' that determines what kind of unit can use its Skill. For example, the Ace-type of the Blizzard card is Spears, so only the Spear-users can activate this skill. Some cards have other Requirements, such as the Revolution card, which has a Sword Ace-type, but also requires that the user be Yggdra.

Additionally, Yggdra is an overpowered whore whose innate Ace-Type is ALL, so she can use basically any card that doesn't specifically list another PC's name/class.

I have only allowed PCs to use Unique Skills or Unique Ace Skills. There are some Card Skills with an Ace-type of ALL, meaning that anyone in the cast can use them. Since they are not unique in any way, I threw them out. Unique Ace Skills means that their weapon-type matches the Ace-type, like Durant's Spear and the Blizzard Card's Spear Ace-type, even though there are two Spear-users in the game. Note that due to YU's system, both Spear-users can use Blizzard on the same turn, so there's no conflict. There are two PCs of each Ace-type in the game, except Axes and Scythes, which are unique.

Skills are activated during Clashes by charging a gauge. These skills generally can change the outcome of any Clash to a user's favor, even if they are at a disadvantage in the Weapon/Element triangles. For this reason, an opponent's special skills/spells can generally just ignore YU Clash mechanics and just compare stats. The only exceptions to this come from a few cards (and of course, if a YU PC is immune to an opponent's spell's Element or something).

Skills can be activated on either a YU PC's turn, or during an opponent's attack. Generally, it can only be one or the other to have an appreciable effect. Though you can activate a Skill multiple times in a turn, due to the charging time of the Skill gauge, too many Surviving Units would be lost during the second charge to make it worthwhile. Also, if a PC is saving the gauge to use the skill during their opponent's turn in an attempt to null their physical attack, be warned that a lucky Critical hit will silence a unit's ability to use Card Skills during that Clash.

YU PCs can only hold a maximum of 14 Cards of their choosing at any time. Each Card can only be used equipped once in a battle, and after all Cards are gone, the player gets a game-over. YU PCs hate anyone who can stall them for 14 turns.


Every PC and Enemy in the game have innate Resists and Weaknesses to numerous different weapon-types, elements, species, and even time- and terrain-based affinities. For example, Yggdra is innately immune to Holy damage. Elena is innately stronger at Night. Roswell innately deals more damage to Skeletons.

There's also a Weapon 'Triangle' that determines which weapon-types any given unit is weak/strong to. It's a little more complex than a triangle, and all of this is listed in a PC's individual section for quick reference.

Weapon advantage/disadvantage list:
Sword-users deal more damage to Axe-users, and less damage to Spear/Scythe-users
Spear-users deal more damage to Sword-users, and less damage to Axe/Scythe-users.
Axe-users deal more damage to Spear-users, and less to Sword/Scythe-users.
Bow-users deal more damage to Rod/Book-users, and less to Sword/Spear/Axe-users.
Rod-users deal more damage to Unarmed(monster)/Sword/Spear/Axe-users, and less damage to Bow/Book-users.
Unarmed (monster) units deal less damage to Rod/Book-users.
Scythe-users deal more damage to Sword/Spear/Axe-users.
Book-users deal more damage to Unarmed(monsters)/Rod-users and less damage to Bow-users.

Having a weapon advantage immediately increases a unit's Clash Damage rating to +2, which is more than enough to beat any basic physical attack, so an opponent must rely on Skills/Spells/Status/Criticals to overcome the YU PC's Surviving Units Count (which has essentially been boosted to +2).

Separate from weapon advantage is Elemental advantage, which will increase a unit's Clash Damage rating to +2, regardless of weapon advantage/weakness.

Several YU PCs have an innate Elemental physical, such as Yggdra's Holy physical. A PC can only turn their physical Elemental at the cost of their Skill gauge. This means that a YU PC's physical is non-elemental unless they sacrifice their capability to use their Card Skill during their turn.

Species weakness is also innate, like Weapon advantage, but will immediately increase Damage to +4, and overrides both Weapon and Elemental advantage/weakness. For example, the necromancer Roswell has an innate advantage against Skeleton-species opponents. Roswell just destroys Lich and Skelly without having to blink. Yay?

Time and Terrain effects are generally unimportant in the DL, but they work just like Weapon advantage (+2), and override Weapon advantage. Elemental and Species advantage override Time/Terrain effects.

The Time system is somewhat relevent for the Bow-users, who are innately stronger during Day and Night respectively. In-game, the first turn of battle is Day, followed by Dusk on the PCs' next turn, followed by Night, and then repeating to Day. Some maps are permanently Day or permanently Night, but this is the exception. This means that Cruz is slightly more powerful on turn 1 (and 4, 7, etc), and Elena is (ridiculously, balls-to-the-wall) powerful on turn 3 (and multiples of 3).

Damage Rating Summary:
Grey Cross (-4)   Unit Disadvantage
Grey Triangle (-3)   
Blue Triangle (-2)   Weapon Dis, Terrain Penalty
Blue Minus (-1)   
Green Minus (0)   True Neutral
Green Circle (+1)   
Yellow Circle (+2)   Weapon Adv, Terrain/Time bonus
Yellow Star (+3)   
Red Star (+4)    Unit Advantage, Dragon Killer

Damage Rating directly corresponds to Surviving Units Count at average stats.

Yggdra Union's non-HP stats are a little weird, too. Minimum stats are 1, maximum stats are 6. However, each major stat point (displayed as large stars) are composed of varying numbers of minor stat points (displayed as small stars).

Large Stars are the only stats that matter for most calculations. Small Stars only matter for determining a unit's Morale (HP) and for determining the increases of a unit's Equipment Item.

For example, it takes 8 small stars to reach 3 Large stars (18 small stars total), and only 6 more small stars to reach 4 Large stars (24 small stars total). If a PC has 22 small stars total, then they can equip an Item with a +2 to get to 4 Large stars in a given stat.

Star (stat point) conversion: Big Stars=(Small Stars equivalent total)

Yggdra Union level gains are blessedly fixed. (This is the only easy thing to interpret in the game.)

What Stats Do:

Morale: Fancy name for HP. Lose this and Game Over. I will probably call this HP throughout the topic.

Level: Endgame Level is about 18, so that's what I'm taking the PCs at. Level is a major determinant of Morale HP.

GEN: 'General Defense' perhaps? This is subtractive Physical Defense, Magical Defense, and Status Resistance. It's also a major determinant of Morale HP.

ATK: Determines physical damage. (ATK - GEN)*10%*Card Equpped = Damage

TEC: Determines the strength of magical Card skills. Determines status accuracy. If TEC is greater than or equal to GEN, a status hits.

LUK: Determines the chance of inflicting a Critical hit. Decreases the rate at which enemies can inflict Criticals. Attacker's LUK - Defender's LUK * 10% = chance of inflicting a Critical hit. Critical hits disable a defender's ability to use skills or spells for a turn and generally increase Damage Rating by +3.

SU: Not an actual stat, this is the Surviving Units Count, which determines whether or not a PC gets to deal damage on their turn (and how much). This is equivalent to Damage Rating at average stats (which is how this topic will be treating it). Every PC starts a Clash with 6 SUs. If they end a Clash with >0 SUs, then they will deal damage. Otherwise, they will receive damage. At perfectly average stats, with no modifications for advantages/weaknesses or skills/criticals; an attacking unit beats a defending unit with one SU remaining.

Morale Damage Formula = Add all percentages, multiply by Card POWER

Surviving Units *10% (Max 60%) +
ATK - GEN *10% (Max 50% in-game) +
GEO Defense (0% in DL)  +
Leader Survived (Always 40%) +
Critical (10%) +
Crusade-kill (50%, Yggdra's unique) +
Dragon-slay (80%, Milanor and Yggdra only, only vs Dragons skill) +
Item-Steal (30%, Milanor-only) +
Item-Break (20%, Russel-only) +

Status-Damage (10% if a status lands)

POW+25% / POW+50% (Applied after formula, only certain Equips give this)

Example time! Let's take a GEN5, ATK4 Yggdra with the Crusade Card (3570 POW) against an average enemy GEN3, ATK3 (and let's say it has a Blizzard Card at 2585 POW).

In a standard Clash (where Yggdra doesn't use the Card Skill), Yggdra launches the attack and succeeds with 1 SU.
This means that she gets 10% of the Surviving Unit damage. And (ATK4-GEN3=) 10% of the basic physical damage.
And 0% GEO damage (since we ignore this for DL purposes).
And 40% for the Leader Survives Bonus (The Leader is always the last SU to fall except during Criticals).

10%+10%+0%+40% = 60% of the Card POW 3570.
Total damage is 2142.

If Yggdra had used the Card Skill, she would have gotten the Crusade-Kill bonus (50%) added to all of that.

10%+10%+0%+40%+50% = 110% of Card POW 3570.
Total damage is 3927.

If Yggdra decided to use her basic attack first, then on her opponent's turn, she could activate Crusade's Card Skill (also called Crusade). This particular skill is literally an instant-win for Clashes, so Yggdra would null her opponent's attack (in this case, it includes opponent spells/skills, though normally it doesn't) and then counter with 3927 damage. (BTW, Crusade is basically hax.) Note that if the opponent were to Critical, Yggdra would lose her ability to cast Crusade, so she'd take damage as normal and not counter.

Same example, this time with Weapon advantages! Yggdra's using a Sword while her opponent is using a Spear! Yggdra's fucked! For her basic physical, where she would normally win by 1 SU, she's now losing by -2 SU. Thus, if she attacks physically, she's basically saying 'Here's a free counter!'.

However, if she uses Crusade's Card Skill, she can overcome this due to its instant-win effect. There are a few other cards that can do this, but Crusade is the best.

Conversely, if her opponent was using an Axe, Yggdra now wins by another +2 SU, adding 20% more damage to her regular attack. And if her opponent attacks physically, then she STILL wins on their turn by 1 SU, nulling their attack and dealing 2142 damage to them. However, a Critical attack will still overcome her SU, and special skills/spells basically ignore it, akin to Crusade. Still, being all-but-immune to basic physicals from weaker typings is still awesome.

Using the Yggdra/Spear-user example again. If the Spear-user happens to have a weakness to Holy, then Yggdra can bust out her Holy-physical typing (at the cost of being able to use Crusade's skill), which completely overwrites her disadvantage to Spears and allows her to win offensive physical Clashes.

If her opponent happened to be both a Spear-user AND immune to Holy AND happened to be a Dragon (or Dragon rider)... then Yggdra would opt for the Dragon Killer Card (which hits Species weakness obviously) and overwrites both her weapon and elemental disadvantage. (And gives her an additional +4 SU, which is nuts.)

So, basically, YU's Clashes are a tiered system of 'If X, then you get to deal damage. But if Y, then you get countered'.

Tiers of advantages/disadvantages:
Basic level: Are you the one who started the Clash?
Offensive (+1 SU) > Defensive (-1 SU)

Card Skills: Do you have a good Card Skill?
Card Skill (+variable amount) > No Card Skill (+0 SU)

Weapon Triangle: Are you stronger/weaker/neutral type to your opponent?
Advantage (+2 SUs) > Neutral (+0 SU) > Disadvantage (-2 SU)

Terrain/Time Advanages: Do you have a Terrain or Time bonus/penalty? (Generally unimportant in DL, but it overwrites Weapon stuff, so it goes here)
Terrain bonus (+2 SU) > Time bonus (+2 SU) > Neutral (+0) > Terrain penalty (-2 SU)

Elemental Weakness: Do you have an elemental weakness?
Neutral (+0) > Weakness (-2 SU)

Species Advantage/Disadvantage: Do you have an innate ability to deal more/less damage to a particular type of unit such as Dragons, Skeletons, Golems, Archers, Mounted-types, etc?
Advantage (+4 SU) > Neutral (+0) > Disadvantage (-4 SU)

Critical Attacks: Did you just luck out and get a Critical Attack? (Criticals cause the lead unit to die, taking away their ability to use card skills and elemental attacks, as well as instantly decreasing their SU by -2, which in essence grants the Criticaller +2 SUs.) YU PCs HATE being Criticalled.
Critical (+2 SUs and temporarily disabling skills) > Neutral (+0 SU)

Elemental Immunity: Are you immune to an element? (This overrides all of the other rock-paper-scissors system, so it's awesome.)
Immunity (automatically finishing with 6 SU) > Neutral (+0 SU)

Yggdra Union units can only equip one piece of equipment for a battle. Equips normally add small stars (stat points), but some can add Large stars (stat points actually used in the battle formulas). No piece of equipment can raise any stat more than One Large Star. So even if an Equip raises GEN +8 small stars (which would be more than enough to go from GEN4 to GEN6), the stat only increases to GEN5.

All Equipment in YU is one-of-a-kind, and all of it breaks after being used for a certain number of battles. Due to this, I'm only allowing Character-Unique equipment. Note that Milanor is the only one who can use Axes, so he gets a lot of options. Roswell and Rosary can both use Rods/Staffs, but you can only ever have one of them in a single playthrough, so it's technically unique. Cruz has -one- unique equip, let's all laugh at him.

Equipment effects can be, due to their rarity, pretty damn powerful. I'll try to make a note of their general effect on a PC's skillset, but I'm only running damage numbers for their Defaults since this takes forever as-is.


Full Card List: Just a listing for completion. Character-specific skills are listed in their own sections.

POW (average endgame) refers to how much POW a card would accumulate if it was used equally with all other cards from the moment every card became available. Since there is a limited amount of POW available in the game, this is the best possible standardization one can make of the cards.

To further keep things similar to their in-game selves, I'll be simply listing an 'average POW' damage figure to represent a PC using any Cards with DL-illegal skills.

(When Received)|Name|Requirements|ACE| Base POW |POW(avg endgame)|MOV|Skill
(Initial)Mind Change-Only if foe is the same size and gender |All   1300   2760   6      Kills 1+TEC-GEN enemy SU and adds it to PC SU. Max of 60% SU bonus still applies.

(Initial) Mirage-Noon |All   1350   2810   4      Switches Enemy and PC Terrain bonuses!

(Initial) Refreshment-Noon |All   1050   2510   3      Restores Non-disabiling Status Effects (Self-Target only)

(Initial) Rockfall-Only if opponent is on a Plain/Wasteland |All   1100   2560   5      Rock/Plain Terrain Damage=1+TEC-GEN

(Initial) Steal-Milanor |Axe   1000   2460   12      Steals Opponent's Equipment if TEC>=GEN. YU units can only have one piece of equipment.

(BF01) Banish - Any |Sword   1150   2570   7      Holy Damage=1+TEC-GEN

(BF01) Revolution - Yggdra, Only when she is alone |Sword   1300   2720   10      Kills all but 1 SU. Effectively overcomes type weaknesses.

(BF01) Sanctuary - Noon |All   1100   2520   8      Restores TEC/2 SU. Effectively + TEC/2*10% SU damage (max of 60%)

(BF02) Banshee's Cry - Any |Sword   1050   2435   8      Enemy's ATK is reduced to 1 for one turn. Effectively increases SU +30% offensively or defensively.

(BF03) Ace Guard - Union Leader |All   1600   2910   4      Nulls basic physical Counters and Doubles, including Criticals (only for the Counters/Doubles, the initial basic physical can still Critical)

(BF03) Flame - Any |Rod   1250   2560   7      Fire Damage=1+TEC-GEN

(BF04) Shield Barrier - Any |All   1500   2755   6      Defense Card, Invincible to Special Skills for one turn (but not basic physicals).

(BF05) Blizzard - Any |Spear   1350   2585   7      Water/Ice Damage=1+TEC-GEN; Freezes Water Terrain squares if used by Nietzsche

(BF06) Bloody Claw - Night-only, Elena |Bow   1700   2880   9      Kills leader SU, effectively increases SU damage 40%.

(BF07) Thunderbolt - Any |Bow   1550   2678   7      Thunder Damage=1+TEC-GEN

(BF08) Doll Craft - Rosary |Rod   1400   2486   11      Kills one SU, effectively increases SU damage +10%; Summons a Golem unit for the next turn. Golems are a large size unit, with a weakness to lightning. Their move type is slow, which means that they can only move one square per turn. As soon as they step on an Object on the map, it is destroyed.

(BF08) Item Break - Russel |Sword   1750   2836   8      Breaks Opponent's Equipment if TEC>=GEN. YU units can only have one piece of equipment.

(BF09) Chariot - Durant |Spear   1800   2846   9      Kills 6-remaining PC SU # of Enemy SU. Effectively increases SU damage 30%.

(BF09) Necro Gate - Roswell, Night-only |Rod   1400   2446   11      Kills one SU, effectively increases SU damage +10%; Summons a Skeleton unit for the next turn. Skeletons are a small size unit, with a weakness to light. Skeletons can only be summoned during night, and are inflicted with Sleep during noon (they are awakened automatically after noon). While asleep, they cannot be moved, they do not fight back in battle.

(BF10) Earthquake - Golems |Unarmed   1650   2647   10      Kills 1/2 of current enemy SU. Effectively, SU damage +30%. Additionally destroys any Objects within 2 squares.

(BF11) Poison Breath - Skeletons |Unarmed   1650   2613   10      Inflicts Poison if TEC >= GEN. Poisoned units lose 10% Max Morale at start of turn and their Damage Rating is decreased -1.

(BF16) Gravity Chaos - Any |Axe   2150   2944   9      Dark Damage=1+TEC-GEN; Inflicts Curse if TEC >=GEN. Cursed units' Damage Rating is decreased -1 and their movement is lowered to 1 per turn.

(BF22) Ivy Whip - Only if opponent is on a Forest |All   2300   2941   5      Forest Terrain Damage=1+TEC-GEN

(BF23) Fortune - Any |All   2600   3187   6      Damage formula uses LUK instead of ATK.

(BF26) Dragon Killer - Only if foe is a Dragon |Axe   2800   3296   8      PC Damage Rating is set to +4 against Dragons; Effectively SU damage +40%. Also gives the Dragon-Slay 80% extra damage bonus.

(BF27) Kiss of Death - Night-only |All   2950   3415   6      ATK increases by REP score. REP increases by 1 every time a unit successfully damages Morale. Essentially, physical damage increases by number of turns that occur in battle. Additionally, disables enemy skills/spells (but not basic physicals) if used on the defensive phase.

(BF28) Sandstorm - Only if opponent is on a Desert |All   2500   2930   5      Sand Terrain Damage=1+TEC-GEN

(BF32) Medusa Eye - Any |Bow   2550   2832   9      Inflicts Stone if TEC >= GEN. Stoned units cannot move or act.

(BF34) Crusade - Yggdra, Only leader is alive |All   3300   3570   12      Kills all enemy SU. Nulls basic physical damage if used on the defensive phase. Grants an additional Crusade 50% damage bonus.

(BF40) Mantrap - Only if opponent is on a Swamp |All   3200   3364   5      Poison Swamp Terrain Damage=1+TEC-GEN ; Best name ever

Average Endgame Enemy Stats (Uses all enemies from the last 5 Stages)
Morale(HP) 4613


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Yggdra Union: We'll Never Be Alone (GBA) - Yggdra
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2010, 07:19:51 AM »

Yggdra Yuri Artwaltz
Vagabond Princess, Orphan saddled with a legendary Sword, and All-Around Awesome Heroine.

Class: La Pucelle (Valkyrie variant)

Stats: Relevant Big Stars=Equivalent# of Small Stars (w/ Default Equipment)
Level 18
HP: 8640 (9000)
GEN: 5=28 (6=30)
ATK: 4=27 (5=29)
TEC: 5=28 (6=30)
LUK: 2=17 (3=21)

Innate abilities:
Ailment Immunity (Immune to all Status)
Always ACE (ACE-type is ALL, so she can use any Card skill that isn't character-specific)
Holy Immunity (Immune to all Holy-type damage)
Terrain Bonus: Fort (+10% damage while on Forts)
Holy Affinity (Can make her basic physical Holy-typed in exchange for being unable to use any Card Skills for the round)

Weapon-type: Sword
Sword-users deal more damage to Axe-users, and less damage to Spear/Scythe-users.

Equipment Options:
Princess Dress: GEN+UP, ATK+2, TEC+4, LUK+3, Immune All Status Effects and Elements

Zolfy: GEN-4, ATK+4, TEC+6, LUK-6, Auto-Win Clashes if both sides have one SU. In-game this generally makes Yggdra immune to basic physical assaults, but Skills/Spells get around it easily. Also may not translate to DL format due to complete lack of an SU equivalent for other games. Luckily, Princess Dress is almost always better.
Miracle Tiara: GEN+UP, ATK+UP, TEC+UP, LUK+UP, Always Ace effect. (Wins for stats, but Yggdra already has the Always Ace effect.)
Blue Stinger: GEN-2, ATK+UP, TEC+4, LUK-2, Water/Ice Attacks are +2 SU (Only matters for the Blizzard Card and someone with severe Ice/Water weakness.)
Flamberg: ATK+4, Fire Attacks are +2 SU (Only matters for the Flame Card and someone with severe Fire weakness.)

'Average Card': POW 2800
Average (basic physical): 1960 physical damage
Average (vs. Axes, Holy-Weak, Foes with Weaknesses in general): 2520 physical damage
Average (vs. Spears, Scythes, Resistant foes in general): 0, gets countered.

Crusade: Sword-Ace, Yggdra-only, POW 3570
Crusade (basic physical): 2499 physical damage.
Crusade (offensive Card Skill): 4284 (2142 of which is magical) damage
Crusade (defensive Card Skill): 4284 (2142 of which is magical) damage
Crusade (vs. Axes, Weakness): 4284 (2142 of which is magical damage)
Crusade (vs. Spears, Scythes, Resistance): 4284 (2142 of which is magical damage)
Crusade kills all enemy SU. Nulls basic physical damage if used on the defensive phase. Grants an additional Crusade 50% damage bonus. When used, Yggdra must be at 1 SU. Great for getting around resistance or stopping an enemy's attack for one turn.

Revolution: Sword-Ace, Yggdra/Valkyries-only, POW 2720
Revolution (basic physical): 1904 physical damage
Revolution (offensive Card Skill): 1904 (272 of which is magical) damage
Revolution (defensive Card Skill): 0 (not powerful enough to stop enemy attacks)
Revolution (vs. Axes, Weakness): 2448 physical damage
Revolution (vs. Spears, Scythes, Resistance): 1904 (272 of which is magical) damage
Revolution kills all but one SU of an opponent when Yggdra herself is at one SU. Revolution's only real purpose is to get around Resistance, which would otherwise null her attack. When attacking something Weak to Yggdra, it's better to ignore the Skill and just use it physically. Non-elemental damage.

Banish: Sword-Ace, POW 2570
Banish (basic physical): 1799 physical damage
Banish (offensive Card Spell): 2570 (1028 of which is Holy-typed magical) damage
Banish (defensive Card Spell): 0 (not powerful enough to stop enemy attacks)
Banish (Vs. Axes, Holy-Weak, Weakness): 3084 damage
Banish (Vs. Spears, Scythes, Holy-Resistant, Resistance): 0 (not powerful enough to overcome enemy resistance)
Banish deals 1+TEC-GEN damage to an opponent's SU, and is thus Yggdra's only source of Magical Holy-typed offense. A shame that its charge makes it take too long to really overcome enemy offensives or resistance. This is basically true for all Spell cards.

Banshee's Cry: Sword-Ace, POW 2435
Banshee's Cry (basic physical): 1704 physical damage
Banshee's Cry (offensive Card Skill): 2435 physical damage
Banshee's Cry (defensive Card Skill): 1948 physical damage
Banshee's Cry (vs. Axes, Weakness): 2922 physical damage
Banshee's Cry (vs. Spears, Scythes, Resistance): 1948 physical damage
Banshee's Cry works by lowering an opponent's ATK to 1 for a turn. This translates into a +3 SU increase overall during the turn, and is great for blocking Enemy offensives and resistances. Also good for piling on the damage against weakness.

Shield Barrier: All-Ace, POW 2755
Shield Barrier (basic physical): 1928
Shield Barrier (defensive Card Skill): 0, but Nulls Special Skills/Spells, but not basic physicals, on the defensive phase.

Ace Guard: All-Ace, POW 2910
Ace Guard (basic physical): 2037
Ace Guard (defensive Card Skill): 0, but Nulls Counters for one turn.

Kiss of Death: All-Ace, Only at Night (Turn 3, 6, 9, etc), POW 3415
Kiss of Death (basic physical): 2390
Kiss of Death (offensive Card Skill): 3415 physical damage
Kiss of Death (defensive Card Skill): 2390, and Nulls Special Skills/Spells, AND basic physicals, if used on the defensive phase.
ATK increases by REP score. REP increases by 1 every time a unit successfully damages Morale. Essentially, physical damage increases by number of turns that occur in battle. The above figures assume it is used on Turn 3 (the first available Night turn). Due to hitting max stats at 6 ATK, Turn 6 does not change these damage numbers. Additionally, this skill disables enemy skills/spells (but not basic physicals) if used on the defensive phase. However, due to the stat boost, it simply overpowers basic physicals. Hax.

Sanctuary: All-Ace, Only at Day (Turn 1, 4, 7, etc), POW 2520
Sanctuary (basic physical): 1764
Sanctuary (offensive Card Spell use): 2268 physical damage
Sanctuary (defensive Card Spell use): 1512 physical damage
Sanctuary (Vs. Axes, Weakness): 2772
Sanctuary (Vs. Spears, Scythes, Resist): 1764
Sanctuary works by replenishing lost SU Mid-Clash. This means that simply waiting for its charge will guarantee a win, and it can be used on the Offensive and Defensive phases of the same turn. Criticals, Immunity, and Status can stop this, but otherwise a pretty powerful ability.

Refreshment: All-Ace, Only at Day (Turn 1, 4, 7, etc), POW 2510
Refreshment (basic physical): 1757
Refreshment's skill is completely non-offensive. It just removes negative status. Self-target only.

Dragon Killer: Axe-Ace, Only vs. Dragons/Dragon-riders, POW 3296
Dragon Killer (basic physical): 2307 physical damage
Dragon Killer (offensive Card Spell): 5932 (3955 of which is magical) damage
Dragon Killer (defensive Card Spell): 4944 (3955 of which is magical) damage
Only useable against Dragons/Dragon-riders, but it sure does destroy them. Gives an innate +4 to damage rating against Dragons, and adds an additional 80% damage bonus. Probably one-rounds most Ryus~

Gravity Chaos: Axe-Ace, POW 2944
Gravity Chaos (offensive Card Spell): 3238 (1177 of which is Dark-typed magical) damage
Gravity Chaos does magical damage based on 1+TEC-GEN, which adds to the SU count. Doesn't have any notable physical or weakness/defensive/resistance effects. Additionally, if the user's TEC is greater than or equal to GEN (status resistance), it inflicts the Curse status at 100%. Cursed units' Damage Rating is decreased -1 and their movement is lowered to 1 per turn.

Flame: Rod-Ace, POW 2560
Flame (offensive Card Spell): 2560 (1024 of which is Fire-typed magical) damage
Flame does magical damage based on 1+TEC-GEN, which adds to the SU count. Doesn't have any notable physical or weakness/defensive/resistance effects.

Blizzard: Spear-Ace, POW 2585
Blizzard (offensive Card Spell): 2585 (1034 of which is Ice/Water-type magical) damage
Blizzard does magical damage based on 1+TEC-GEN, which adds to the SU count. Doesn't have any notable physical or weakness/defensive/resistance effects.

Thunderbolt: Bow-Ace, POW 2678
Thunderbolt (offensive Card Spell): 2678 (1071 of which is Thunder-type magical) damage
Thunderbolt does magical damage based on 1+TEC-GEN, which adds to the SU count. Doesn't have any notable physical or weakness/defensive/resistance effects.

Medusa Eye: Bow-Ace, POW 2832
Medusa Eye (offensive Card Skill): 1982 physical damage
Medusa Eye adds the Petrify status if the user's TEC is greater than or equal to the defender's GEN (Status resistance). Petrified units are unable to act, and if the last unit standing is Petrified, the battle ends.

Commentary: Yggdra is ridiculously good. She has tons of options thanks to her All-Ace typing. She's also immune to Status innately, and her Default equipment makes her immune to Elements. Crusade and Dragon Killer are the most damaging cards around and she can use both of them. She also gets some Status with Gravity Chaos' Curse and Medusa Eye's Petrify.
Yggdra will probably spend the first few rounds of combat nulling her opponent's attempts to attack with Crusade, Banshee's Cry, and Sanctuary. She can also use Shield Barrier, Ace Guard, and Kiss of Death more situationally to null attacks. To round out the package, she has Elemental variety and a decent stream of magic damage.
She's afraid of Spears and Scythes, but has the above options to get around their walling. Her biggest problem is stallers, as if she can't win in the 14-round limit, she's out of attacks. Also, all of her best stuff is OPB, like all YU PCs.
Additionally, some may hold her to only the Sword-Ace Cards, despite her innate Always Ace ability, which limits her to only 4 Card Skills (Crusade, Revolution, Banish, Banshee's Cry) and 10 average physicals.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 02:31:06 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Yggdra Union: We'll Never Be Alone (GBA) - PCs
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2010, 07:30:43 AM »

Milanor, the Silver Wolf
Bandit leader with a Heart of Gold, the only source of snark in the game, and swings a badass Axe to the Face.

Class: Stray Thief (Bandit variant)

Stats: Relevant Big Stars=Equivalent# of Small Stars (w/ Default Equipment)
Level 18
HP: 8320 (8520)
GEN: 3=23 (4=24)
ATK: 5=28 (6=30)
TEC: 4=26 (5=28)
LUK: 4=27 (5=28)

Innate abilities:
Petrify Immunity (Immune to Petrify Status)
Rockfall Immunity (Immune to Earth-type damage)
Terrain Bonus: Wasteland (+10% damage while on Wasteland terrain)

Weapon-type: Axe
Axe-users deal more damage to Spear-users, and less damage to Sword/Scythe-users.

Equipment Options:
Mjollnir: GEN+UP, ATK+UP, TEC+UP, LUK+UP, 1-hit Kill Percentage UP (25% chance of any offensive attack instantly being worth all 6 possible SUs and overcoming type-resistance)

Dragon Eater: ATK+6, TEC+6, Strong Against Dragons
Ogre Blade: GEN+6, ATK+UP, POW+25% Effect (Adds an additional 25% damage after the regular damage formula is calculated.)
Kill Blade: GEN-DN, ATK+UP, Auto-Win Clashes if both sides have one SU. In-game this generally makes Milanor immune to basic physical assaults, but Skills/Spells get around it easily. Also may not translate to DL format due to complete lack of an SU equivalent for other games. Luckily, the stats from Mjollnir are almost always better.

'Average Card': POW 2800
Average (basic physical): 2240 physical damage
Average (w/ Mjollnir's 1-hit kill effect): 3640 physical damage
Average (vs. Spears, Foes with Weaknesses in general): 2800 physical damage
Average (vs. Swords, Scythes, Resistant foes in general): 0, gets countered.

Steal: Axe-Ace, Milanor-only, POW 2460
Steal (basic physical): 1968 physical damage.
Steal (w/ Mjollnir's 1-hit kill effect): 3198 physical damage, overcomes typing.
Steal (w/OgreBlade): 2583 physical damage
Steal (offensive Card Skill):  2460 damage + Steals an opponent's Equipped Item at 100% rate if TEC is greater than or equal to opponent's GEN. (Milanor's TEC is 5, average endgame enemy GEN is 3.) In YU, units can only have one piece of Equipment, so this ability can remove any kind of Equipment (weapons, armor, accessories, etc). Your mileage may vary on how it works.
Steal (off.Skill w/OgreBlade): 3075 damage +Steal equipment (TEC is 4)
Steal (defensive Card Skill): 0 damage, cannot prevent damage, however, it can still Steal an opponent's Equipment as if it was being used offensively.
Steal (vs. Spears, Weakness): 2952 damage + Steal Equipment
Steal (vs.Spears,Weak w/ OgreB.): 3567 damage + Steal equipment (TEC is 4)
Steal (vs. Swords, Scythes, Resistance): 0 damage, cannot prevent damage, but can still Steal an opponent's Equipment.
Milanor's big trick is Stealing equipment. He's good at it, and thanks to how YU's battle system works, he can do it twice. Once on his own turn, and once during his opponent's attack while the Steal Card is still active.

Dragon Killer: Axe-Ace, Only vs. Dragons/Dragon-riders, POW 3296
Dragon Killer (basic physical): 2636 physical damage
Dragon Killer (offensive Card Spell): 6262 (3955 of which is magical) damage
Dragon Killer (defensive Card Spell): 5273 (3955 of which is magical) damage
Dragon Killer (vs. Spears, Weakness): 6262 (3955 of which is magical) damage
Dragon Killer (vs. Swords, Scythes, Resist): 6262 (3955 of which is magical) damage
Only useable against Dragons/Dragon-riders, but it sure does destroy them. Gives an innate +4 to damage rating against Dragons, and adds an additional 80% damage bonus. It already maxes out 6 SU, so it doesn't increase in effectiveness when it hits Weakness, but it still does awesome damage against Resistance since it overwrites Weapon-typing. Probably one-rounds most Ryus~

Gravity Chaos: Axe-Ace, POW 2944
Gravity Chaos (basic physical): 2355 damage
Gravity Chaos (w/ Mjollnir's 1-hit kill effect): 3827 physical damage
Gravity Chaos (w/ OgreBlade): 3091 physical damage
Gravity Chaos (offensive Card Spell): 3238 (1177 of which is Dark-typed magical) damage + Curse status at 100% rate if TEC is greater than or equal to opponent's GEN (Milanor's TEC is 5, average enemy GEN is 3).
Gravity Chaos (defensive Card Spell): 0 damage, cannot prevent damage, but can still inflict Curse status as if attacking offensively.
Gravity Chaos (vs. Spears, Weakness): 3827 (1177 of which is Dark-typed magical) damage + Curse status
Gravity Chaos (vs. Swords, Scythes, Resist): 0 damage, gets countered, but can still inflict Curse status.
Gravity Chaos does magical damage based on 1+TEC-GEN, which adds to the SU count. Doesn't have any notable physical or weakness/defensive/resistance effects. Additionally, if the user's TEC is greater than or equal to GEN (status resistance), it inflicts the Curse status at 100%. Cursed units' Damage Rating is decreased -1 and their movement is lowered to 1 per turn.

Commentary: Milanor has some varied options for Yggdra Union PC. He essentially gets 2 shots of equipment-stealing due to the Card system which allows him to use Steal Skill once on his offensive turn and once (or more if he's doubled) on his opponent's turn. However, since most PCs have multiple pieces of equipment, there's no telling which piece Milanor will Steal, unless you translate it as "Since Milanor steals -all- of a YU unit's Equipment, then he steals -all- of any other PC's equipment."
Axes suck for weapon-typing as the only thing he's hitting weakness against is Spears. And Sword-users murder him. His only hope against Swordsmen is the 25% chance to insta-win clashes with Mjollnir.
Dragon Killer and the Dragon Eater axe ensure that he destroys Dragons though.
He's only got Gravity Chaos for magic damage, so he's not great against physical walls either.
Like all YU PCs, he has a big problem with stallers, as if he can't win in the 14-round limit, he's out of attacks. Also, all of his cards are OPB, though his Steal and Gravity Chaos Skills can be used during an opponent's turn too!

Loyal Retainer of Lady Yggdra and commander of the remaining forces of her Kingdom.

Class: Knight

Stats: Relevant Big Stars=Equivalent# of Small Stars (w/ Default Equipment)
Level 18
HP: 8460 (8540)
GEN: 5=29
ATK: 4=26 (5=28)
TEC: 3=22 (4=24)
LUK: 2=10

Innate abilities:
Large-sized Unit (Durant only has 3 units, but each is worth 2 SUs. This gives him a slight advantage when attacking since his SU can never be lower than 2 if his damage isn't nulled.)
Terrain Bonus: Road (+10% damage while on Roads)
Terrain Bonus: Bridge (+10% damage while on Bridges)
Terrain Penalty: Forest (-40% damage while in Forests)
Griffon Rider Disadvantage (Durant deals -40% less damage against Griffon Riders)
Ivy Whip Weakness (Durant receives 40% more damage from Ivy Whip, the only plant-type attack in the game)

Weapon-type: Spear (Mounted)
Spear-users deal more damage to Sword-users, and less damage to Axe/Scythe-users.

Equipment Options:
Knight Killer: ATK+6, TEC+2, Strong against Knights
Phalanx: ATK+4, TEC+2, Strong against Archers (same effect on stats, and both give a +40% damage against their respective species weakness)

Hyper Drill: ATK+UP, TEC-Down, Morale Damage MAX (Successful SU damage always = 60%, effectively 50% ITD. Unfortunately, it lowers Durant's TEC so low that he can't use his Card Skills effectively.)
Stray Dragon: Changes Durant's Class to Dragon Knight while equipped. Dragon Knight Durant has the following attributes.

Class: Dragon Knight

Stats: Relevant Big Stars=Equivalent# of Small Stars (w/ Default Equipment)
Level 18
HP: 8460
GEN: 5=29
ATK: 4=26
TEC: 3=22
LUK: 2=10

Innate abilities:
Large-sized Unit (Durant only has 3 units, but each is worth 2 SUs. This gives him a slight advantage when attacking since his SU can never be lower than 2 if his damage isn't nulled.)
Fire Immunity (Immune to all Holy-type damage)
Terrain Bonus: Wasteland (+10% damage while in Wasteland areas)
Fire Affinity (Can make his basic physical Fire-typed in exchange for being unable to use any Card Skills for the round, which is great because Scythes don't have any associated Card Skills)

Weapon-type: Scythe (Mounted, Flying)
Scythe-users deal more damage to Axe/Spear/Sword-users, and have no weaknesses.

'Average Card': POW 2800
Average (basic physical w/KnightKiller/Phalanx): 2240 physical damage
Average (vs. Swords, Foes with Weaknesses in general): 2800 physical damage
Average (vs. Knights, Archers, or Species Weakness): 3360 physical damage
Average (vs. Axes, Scythes, Resistant foes in general): 0, gets countered.
Average (basic physical w/HyperDrill): 3360 physical damage
Average (vs. Swords, Weakness w/HyperDrill): 3360 physical damage
Average (vs. Axes, Scythe, Resist w/ HyperDrill): 0, gets countered.
Average (basic physical w/ StrayDragon): 1960 physical damage
Average (vs. Swords,Spears,Axes,Fire-Weak,Weakness in General w/StrayDragon):  2520 physical damage
Average (vs. Resistance w/StrayDragon): N/A, nothing in the game resists Scythes.

Chariot: Spear-Ace, Durant-only, POW 2846
Chariot (basic physical): 2277 physical damage.
Chariot (offensive Card Skill): 2846 physical damage
Chariot (defensive Card Skill): 2277 physical damage, prevents basic physical damage
Chariot (vs. Swords, Weakness): 3130 physical damage
Chariot (vs. Mounted units OR Archers, Species Weakness): 3415 physical damage
Chariot (vs. Axes, Scythes, Resistance): 1992 physical damage
Chariot sets Opponent's SU equal to user's current SU, base 3 for Durant. Effective +3 SU damage offensively or overcomes physical attacks defensively. Cannot be used with Stray Dragon equippped. If used with Hyper Drill equipped, Durant's TEC is too low to activate it.

Blizzard: Spear-Ace, POW 2585
Blizzard (basic physical): 2068 physical damage
Blizzard (offensive Card Spell): 2068 (517 of which is Ice/Water-type magical) damage
Blizzard (defensive Card Spell): 0 damage, cannot prevent damage.
Blizzard (vs. Swords, Ice-Weak, Weakness): 2585 (517 of which is Ice/Water-type magical) damage
Blizzard (vs. Mounted units OR Archers, Species Weakness): 2843 (517 of which is Ice/Water-type magical) damage
Blizzard (vs. Axes, Scythes, Resist): 0 damage, gets countered.
Blizzard does magical damage based on 1+TEC-GEN, which adds to the SU count. Durant's TEC is pretty crappy, so this does very little magical damage. Cannot be used with Stray Dragon equippped. If used with Hyper Drill equipped, Durant's TEC is too low to activate it.

Commentary: Durant's Large-typing gives him a slight damage boost overall compared to most of the cast when attacking. His weapon-typing is pretty solid, hitting weakness against Swords. He also can hit two Species weaknesses with KnightKiller or Phalanx, which are the best kind of weaknesses to hit in YU. Additionally, he has an interesting 50% ITD weapon choice in Hyper Drill. And he's the only YU PC who can change his Weapon TYPING by using the class-changing Stray Dragon, giving him access to Scythes, which help him get around any pesky weaknesses to Axes. It also grants Fire immunity, though opens him up to Dragon Species Weakness if he runs into that.
His one (worthwhile) Card skill is Chariot, which will allow him one round of physical-nulling/countering to play around with.

A young Undine searching for the Gem that will save her species from inevitable extinction.

Class: Undine

Stats: Relevant Big Stars=Equivalent# of Small Stars (w/ Default Equipment)
Level 18
HP: 8020 (8280)
GEN: 3=22 (4=24)
ATK: 4=26
TEC: 3=18 (3=20)
LUK: 4=27 (5=28)

Innate abilities:
Water Immunity (Immune to all Ice/Water-type damage)
Water Affinity (Can make her basic physical Ice/Water-typed in exchange for being unable to use any Card Skills for the round.)
Fire Weakness (Receives 20% more damage from Fire-typed attacks)
Terrain Bonus: Water (+50% damage while in Water)
Terrain Penalty: Sand (-20% damage while in Sand)
Sandstorm Weakness (Nietszche receives 40% more damage from Sandstorm, a desert-type attack)

Weapon-type: Spear (Aquatic)
Spear-users deal more damage to Sword-users, and less damage to Axe/Scythe-users.

Equipment Options:
Black Maria: GEN+4, TEC+2, LUK+6, Blocks Counters (This also generally adds +1 SUs to her offensives, so it ends up better than the Gungnir's ATK boost in general.

Gungnir: GEN+6, ATK+4, LUK+4, A-Type Skills Last 2x Longer (useless because Nietszche has no legal A-type skills)
Shell Breastplate: GEN+2, TEC+2, LUK+UP, Evade critical hits (prevents Criticals from hitting her, meaning that if she's nulling someone's physicals, their critical will never be able to save them)
Small Breastplate: GEN+2, TEC+2, LUK+4, Strong against Archers (allows her to hit Species weakness against Archers)

'Average Card': POW 2800
Average (basic physical w/BlackMaria/Gungnir): 1960 physical damage
Average (vs. Swords, Water/Ice-Weak, Foes with Weaknesses in general): 2520 physical damage
Average (vs. Axes, Scythes, Resistant foes in general): 0, gets countered.
Average (basic physical w/Shell/SmallBreastplate): 1680 physical damage
Average (vs. Swords, Water/Ice-Weak, Weakness w/Shell/SmallBreastplate): 2240 physical damage
Average (vs. Archers, or Species Weakness w/ SmallBreastplate): 2800 physical damage
Average (vs. Axes, Scythes, Resist w/Shell/SmallBreastplate): 0, gets countered.

Blizzard/Diamond Dust: Spear-Ace, POW 2585
Blizzard (basic physical): 1809 physical damage
Blizzard (offensive Card Spell): 1809 (258 of which is Ice/Water-type magical) damage
Blizzard (defensive Card Spell): 0 damage, cannot prevent damage.
Blizzard (vs. Swords, Ice-Weak, Weakness): 2326 (258 of which is Ice/Water-type magical) damage
Blizzard (vs. Axes, Scythes, Resist): 0 damage, gets countered.
Blizzard does magical damage based on 1+TEC-GEN, which adds to the SU count. When used by Nietszche, this Card Skill automatically becomes Diamond Dust, which has the exact same effect as Blizzard except that it also freezes all Water-type Terrain squares and turns them to 'Ice' until the next Day-Time turn. (Pretty useless DL-wise, but awesome in-game.)

Commentary: Nietszche sucks in a duel. She can't take advantage of use unique Aquatic typing which allows her a 50% damage boost in water, which really hurts her game. That pesky Fire weakness isn't doing her any favors either.
Stopping counters is a nice little ability though, and she has a nice Weapon advantage against Swords and can hit Water/Ice weakness nicely.
If she really wants to, she can also immune basic physicals from Archers with the Small Breastplate. And the Shell Breastplate is good for making sure that she doesn't lose any favorable matches due to a lucky Criticaller. Her high LUK also means that she'll get her own Criticals fairly often (30% of the time against average, and adds an additional 20% damage plus disabling counters for that turn).

Roswell of the Black Rose
A descendent of a great mage with the power of an Ankh Cannon. He follows Yggdra when she saves his country from a plot to have it destroyed by civil war.

Class: Necromancer

Stats: Relevant Big Stars=Equivalent# of Small Stars (w/ Default Equipment)
Level 18
HP: 8360 (8140)
GEN: 4=26 (4=24)
ATK: 3=22 (4=24)
TEC: 3=23 (4=24)
LUK: 3=23 (3=19)

Innate abilities:
Dark Immunity (Immune to all Dark-type damage)
Dark Affinity (Can make his basic physical Dark-typed in exchange for being unable to use any Card Skills for the round)
Holy Weakness (Receives 20% more damage from Holy-typed attacks)
Skeleton Advantage (Deals 40% more damage to Skeleton-species opponents)
Summoning (Can use the Necrogate Card to Summon Skeleton Underling units at Night to aid him.)

Weapon-type: Rod (Warp-type movement)
Rod-users deal more damage to Unarmed(monster)/Sword/Spear/Axe-users, and less damage to Bow/Book-users.

Equipment Options:
Gargoyle Rod: GEN-2, ATK+4, TEC+4, LUK-4, Strong at Night (Every third turn, all of Roswell's attacks are +2 SU.)

Black Rose Crest: GEN-4, ATK+4, TEC-4, LUK+4, Dark Attacks UP (All Dark-type attacks, like Roswell's charged physical, are +2 SU.)

'Average Card': POW 2800
Average (basic physical): 1680 physical damage
Average (At Night or Vs. Swords, Spears, Axes, Unarmed attackers, Dark-Weak, Foes with Weaknesses in general): 2240 physical damage
Average (vs. Skeletons, Species Weakness): 2800
Average (vs. Bows, Books, Holy-aligned, Resistant foes in general): 0, gets countered.

Flame: Rod-Ace, POW 2560
Flame (basic physical): 1536
Flame (offensive Card Spell): 1792 (512 of which is Fire-typed magical) damage
Flame (defensive Card Spell): 0, cannot prevent damage.
Flame (At Night or Vs. Swords, Spears, Axes, Unarmed attackers, Dark-Weak, Foes with Weaknesses in general): 2304 (512 of which is Fire-typed magical) damage
Flame (vs. Skeletons, Species Weakness): 2816 (512 of which is Fire-typed magical) damage
Flame (vs. Bows, Books, Holy-aligned, Resistant foes in general): 0, gets countered.
Flame does magical damage based on 1+TEC-GEN, which adds to the SU count.

Necro Gate: Rod-Ace, Roswell-only, Only at Night (Turn 3, 6, 9, etc.), POW 2446
Necro Gate (basic physical): 1467 physical damage.
Necro Gate (offensive Card Skill): 1712 (244 of which is magical) damage + Summons a Skeleton Underling
Necro Gate (defensive Card Skill): 0, cannot prevent damage.
Necro Gate (At Night or Vs. Swords, Spears, Axes, Unarmed attackers, Dark-Weak, Foes with Weaknesses in general): 2201 (244 of which is magical) damage + Summons a Skeleton Underling **Note that this is his normal damage with this card due to only being able to use the Skill on Night turns (where he's already powered-up thanks to his default equipment)
Necro Gate (vs. Skeletons, Species Weakness): 2690 (244 of which is magical) damage + Summons a Skeleton Underling
Necro Gate (vs. Bows, Books, Holy-aligned, Resistant foes in general): 0, gets countered.
Kills one SU, effectively increasing SU damage +10%; Summons a Skeleton unit for the next turn. Skeletons are a small size unit, with a weakness to light. Skeletons can only be summoned during night, and are inflicted with Sleep during noon (they are awakened automatically after noon). While asleep, they cannot be moved, they do not fight back in battle. See Below.

Skeleton Underling
Class: Skeleton
HP: 6580
GEN: 2
ATK: 2
TEC: 3
LUK: 4

Innate Abilities:
Void Ailments (Immune to all Status Ailments)
Day Sleep (During Day turns, like turn 1, 4, 7, 10, etc, Skeletons cannot act or attack or even defend themselves.)
Holy Weakness (Receive 20% more damage from Holy-typed attacks)
Necromancer Disadvantage (Receive 40% more damage from 'Necromancer-species' opponents)
Draw Aggression (Opponents always attack summoned monsters instead of PCs)

Weapon: Unarmed
Unarmed (monster) units deal less damage to Rod/Book-users. **Skeletons have no advantage types.


'Average Card': POW 2800
Average (basic physical): 1680
Average (vs. Holy-aligned, Resistance in general): 0 damage, gets countered.

Poison Breath: Unarmed-Ace, Skeletons-only, POW 2613
Poison Breath (basic physical): 1045 physical damage
Poison Breath (offensive Card Skill): 0 damage, gets countered, but inflicts Poison status if TEC is greater than or equal to opponent GEN.
Poison Breath (defensive Card Skill): 0, cannot prevent damage, but can still inflict Poison status.
Poison Breath (vs. Holy-aligned, Resist): 0 damage, gets countered, but can still inflict Poison status.
Inflicts Poison at a 100% rate if TEC greater than or equal to GEN. Skeletons have 3 TEC to an enemy average of 3 GEN. Poisoned units lose 10% MaxHP at the start of turn and their Damage Rating is decreased -1 SU.

Commentary: Roswell is definitely the worse of the two Summoners for Dueling. His base stats are a little better than Rosary's, but otherwise, he's generally on the losing end.
He has no Skills that will allow him to null an incoming physical unless the opponent is Dark-Weak. However, thanks to his default equipment, he gets powered up during his third turn (and all other Night time turns) and will null/counter basic physicals that turn. The Night turn is also when he can finally Summon a Skeleton!
Skeletons really only have one purpose - to take hits for Roswell. They can inflict Poison, but this status is terrible, and they can't even use it until the second turn after they've been summoned. This is because they must be Summoned at Night, but then they immediately fall into a Sleep state during the next turn, Day. They can only attack during the Twilight and Night turns. Apart from their innate Sleeping habits, they are at least immune to status effects. Only one Skeleton can be summoned at a time.
Roswell's Weapon-typing is pretty awesome though. Rods are good against most everything but Bows really.

Rosary of the White Rose
A descendent of a great mage with the power of an Ankh Cannon. She follows Yggdra when Yggdra saves her country from a plot to have it destroyed by civil war.

Class: Witch

Stats: Relevant Big Stars=Equivalent# of Small Stars (w/ Default Equipment)
Level 18
HP: 8160 (8200)
GEN: 3=23
ATK: 2=17 (3=18)
TEC: 4=27 (5=28)
LUK: 5=29

Innate abilities:
Fire Immunity (Immune to all Fire-type damage)
Fire Affinity (Can make her basic physical Fire-typed in exchange for being unable to use any Card Skills for the round **Note that with her Formular equipment, she can actually use both the Fire physical AND a Card Skill on the offensive AND defensive turns)
Summoning (Can use the Doll Craft Card to Summon Golem Underling units to aid her.)

Weapon-type: Rod
Rod-users deal more damage to Unarmed(monster)/Sword/Spear/Axe-users, and less damage to Bow/Book-users.

Equipment Options:
Formular: ATK+UP, TEC+UP, Gauge=MAX (This gives her a full Skill Gauge for every clash. Effectively, she can use special skills on Offensive and Defensive turns with no penalties, generally adds about +1 SU to her offensive damage.)

'Average Card': POW 2800
Average (basic physical): 1680 physical damage
Average (vs. Swords, Spears, Axes, Unarmed attackers, Fire-Weak, Foes with Weaknesses in general): 2240 physical damage
Average (vs. Bows, Books, Fire-Resist, Resistant foes in general): 0, gets countered.

Flame: Rod-Ace, POW 2560
Flame (basic physical): 1536
Flame (offensive Card Spell): 2048 (768 of which is Fire-typed magical) damage
Flame (defensive Card Spell): 1536 (768 of which is Fire-typed magical) damage, nulls and counters opponent's basic physical offense. **Note: Thanks to Formular, this can be used on the same round as using the Flame Card Spell offensively too!
Flame (vs. Swords, Spears, Axes, Unarmed attackers, Fire-Weak, Foes with Weaknesses in general): 2560 (768 of which is Fire-typed magical) damage
Flame (vs. Bows, Books, Resistant foes in general): 1536 (768 of which is Fire-typed magical) damage. **Yes, Rosary's TEC is good enough that she overcomes Resistance with a simple elemental Card Spell. She's the only one who does this. Doesn't work against Fire Resistance higher than 20% reduction though.
Flame does magical damage based on 1+TEC-GEN, which adds to the SU count. Rosary can really take advantage of it, in addition to her already Fire-typed physical.

Doll Craft: Rod-Ace, Rosary-only, POW 2486
Doll Craft (basic physical): 1491 physical damage.
Doll Craft (offensive Card Skill): 1491 (248 of which is magical) damage + Summons a Golem Underling
Doll Craft (defensive Card Skill): 994 (248 of which is magical) damage + Summons a Golem Underling **Only one Underling can be summoned at same time
Doll Craft (vs. Swords, Spears, Axes, Unarmed attackers, Fire-Weak, Weakness): 1988 (248 of which is magical) damage + Summons a Golem Underling
Doll Craft (vs. Bows, Books, Resist): 0, gets countered.
Kills one SU, effectively increases SU damage +10%; Summons a Golem unit for the next turn. Golems are a large size unit, with a weakness to lightning. Their move type is slow, which means that they can only move one square per turn. As soon as they step on an Object on the map, it is destroyed.
See Below.

Golem Underling
Class: Golem
HP: 5700
GEN: 4
ATK: 4
TEC: 2
LUK: 2

Innate Abilities:
Large-size Unit (Golem groups are made up of 3 units, each worth 2 SU, so they can never deal less than 2 SU worth of damage if they break defense.)
Void Ailments (Immune to all Status Ailments)
Object Destruction (Destroys nearby Field Obstacles just by walking on their square)
Thunder Weakness (Receive 20% more damage from Thunder-typed attacks)
Valkyrie Disadvantage (Receive 40% more damage from 'Valkyrie-species' opponents)
Draw Aggression (Opponents always attack summoned monsters instead of PCs)

Weapon: Unarmed
Unarmed (monster) units deal less damage to Rod/Book-users. **Golems have no advantage types.


'Average Card': POW 2800
Average (basic physical): 1960
Average (vs. Rods, Books, Thunder-aligned, Resistance in general): 0 damage, gets countered.

Earthquake: Unarmed-Ace, Golems-only, POW 2647
Earthquake (basic physical): 1852 physical damage
Earthquake (offensive Card Skill): 2117 physical damage
Earthquake (defensive Card Skill): 0, cannot prevent damage
Earthquake (vs. Rods, Books, Thunder-aligned, Resist): 1588 damage.
Kills 1/2 of current enemy SU. Effectively, SU damage +30%. Additionally destroys any Objects/Structures within 2 squares. Useless DL-wise extraneous effect. The attack itself is good for overcoming resistance at least.

Commentary: Rosary is a fun duelist. Her one unique weapon in the game, the Formular, is ridiculously awesome. It allows her to use her Card Spells on both her offensive and defensive turns, to really maximize damage. Unfortunately, she only has 2 legal Spells. Still, she can open with Doll Craft to null her opponent's physical -and- summon a Golem.
Unlike Skeletons, Golems are actually useful. For starters, she doesn't have to wait for turn 3 to call one out. They draw all attacks away from Rosary until they are killed, which really helps Rosary's durability. Note that this also means that Rosary won't get a chance to null physicals on her opponent's turns if they're attacking her Golem, so she might want to save Flame until the Golem dies and she gets the chance to double-use it thanks to her Formular.
Rosary and her Golem can both attack in the same turn provided that Rosary attacks first (and thus decides what Card they are using for that round). If the Golem leads (like if it wants to use Earthquake for whatever reason), then Rosary can't attack that turn, due to how YU's Union System works.
Rods also have a great typing advantage and her biggest worries are Bow-users and Fire resistance.

Resistance Leader of the remnants from Fantasina. Joins with Yggdra when she comes to his rescue. Completely optional PC who sucks!

Class: Hunter

Stats: Relevant Big Stars=Equivalent# of Small Stars (w/ Default Equipment)
Level 18
HP: 8180 (8300)
GEN: 4=26
ATK: 3=23
TEC: 4=26 (5=28)
LUK: 2=10 (2=14)

Innate abilities:
No Countering (Bow-users cannot Counter any attacks, nor can they be countered by any attacks, including other ranged attackers.)
Terrain Bonus: Forest (+20% damage while in Forests)
Day Time Bonus (Gains a +2 SU bonus to all attacks during the Day time turns, starting on turn 1, then 4, 7, 10, etc.)
Golem Species Advantage (+4 SU against Golem-species opponents.)

Weapon-type: Bow
Bow-users deal more damage to Rod/Book-users, and less to Sword/Spear/Axe-users.

Equipment Options:
Elfin Bow: TEC+UP, LUK+4, Heals Morale when below 50% (Heals 15% Max HP at start of turn whenever HP falls below 50% total.)

'Average Card': POW 2800
Average (basic physical): 1680 physical damage
Average (At Daytime, Vs. Rods, Books, Foes with Weaknesses in general): 2240 physical damage
Average (vs. Swords, Spears, Axes, Resistant foes in general): 0, gets countered.

Thunderbolt: Bow-Ace, POW 2678
Thunderbolt (basic physical): 1606 physical damage
Thunderbolt (offensive Card Spell): 2142 (803 of which is Thunder-type magical) damage
Thunderbolt (defensive Card Spell): 0 damage, cannot prevent damage.
Thunderbolt (At Daytime, Vs. Rods, Books, Weakness): 2678 (803 of which is Thunder-typed magical) damage
Thunderbolt (vs. Swords, Spears, Axes, Thunder-resist, Resist):  1606 (803 of which is Thunder-typed magical) damage
Thunderbolt does magical damage based on 1+TEC-GEN, which adds to the SU count. Cruz's high TEC makes it a good choice for overcoming Resistance. His inability to counter means that he should never bother to try to use it defensively, he'll always lose, even with his amazing TEC.

Medusa Eye: Bow-Ace, POW 2832
Medusa Eye (basic physical): 1699 physical damage
Medusa Eye (offensive Card Skill): 1499 physical damage + Petrify Status at 100% rate if user's TEC is greater than or equal to opponent's GEN.
Medusa Eye (defensive Card Skill): 0 damage, cannot prevent damage, but can still inflict Petrify status as if attacking.
Medusa Eye (At Daytime, Vs. Rods, Books, Weakness): 1982 damage + inflicts Petrify Status as normal
Medusa Eye (vs. Swords, Spears, Axes, Resist): 0 damage, gets countered, but can still inflict Petrify status as normal.
Medusa Eye adds the Petrify status if the user's TEC is greater than or equal to the defender's GEN (Status resistance). Petrified units are unable to act, and if the last unit standing is Petrified, the battle ends.

Commentary: Cruz ends up much better in a duel than in-game. He has 100% Petrify status, plus the Daytime bonus to get around his bad weapon-typing (though he's good against mages!). His TEC doesn't help him too much apart from one shot of Thunderbolt, and his ATK is pitiful, but that's still a lot better than his in-game self.
Elfin Bow's regen is the only DL-legal healing effect in the PC cast, and it's not too shabby if he goes against other Lights.

Russel, the Astral Swordsman
Once a famed general in the army that destroyed Yggdra's Kingdom, he decides to help her out when she saves the love of his life from his own comrades.

Class: Fencer

Stats: Relevant Big Stars=Equivalent# of Small Stars (w/ Default Equipment)
Level 18
HP: 7660 (7720)
GEN: 2=17
ATK: 5=28 (6=30)
TEC: 4=27 (5=28)
LUK: 3=23 (4=24)

Innate abilities:
Thunder Immunity (Immune to all Thunder-type damage)
Thunder Affinity (Can make his basic physical Thunder-typed in exchange for being unable to use any Card Skills for the round)

Weapon-type: Sword
Sword-users deal more damage to Axe-users, and less damage to Spear/Scythe-users.

Equipment Options:
Shin Zantetsu: ATK+UP, TEC+UP, LUK+UP, Max Morale Damage (Any successful hits always deal a full 60% SU damage, effectively making his physicals 50% ITD.)

Misanga of Life: ATK+4, LUK+4, (Revives user once per battle with 50% MaxHP. It's notable that the Misanga doesn't break after use, it simply only works OPB.)
Death Bringer: GEN-Down, ATK+6, TEC+4, LUK+2, Critical Rate=50% (Critical rate automatically becomes 50%. Critical attacks overcome typing and generally add +20% damage)
Zantetsu: ATK+UP, TEC+UP, Strong against Golems (Does +4 SU damage against Golem-species opponents.)

**Note: Shin Zantetsu is so good that it should almost always be Russel's default weapon. However, since it makes all of his successful attacks the same value, regardless of typing, I'm listing it first, and then listing the other possibilities in parentheses for the other weapons so that this section resembles the other PCs'.

'Average Card': POW 2800
Average (w/ Shin Zantetsu): 3640
Average (basic physical): 2268 physical damage
Average (vs. Axes, Thunder-Weak, Foes with Weaknesses in general): 2800 physical damage

Average (vs. Spears, Scythes, Resistant foes in general): 0, gets countered.

Item Break: Sword-Ace, Russel-only, POW 2836
Item Break (w/ Shin Zantetsu): 3686 physical damage
Item Break (w/ SZ, offensive Card Skill used): 4254 +break opponent's equipment if user's TEC is greater than or equal to opponent's GEN
Item Break (basic physical): 2268 physical damage.
Item Break (offensive Card Skill): 2552 physical damage + break opponent's equipment

Item Break (defensive Card Skill): 0 damage, cannot prevent damage, but can still break equipment as normal.
Item Break (vs. Axes, Weakness): 2552 physical damage + break opponent's equipment.
Item Break (vs. Spears, Scythes, Resistance): 0 damage, gets countered, but still breaks equipment as normal.
Item Break will destroy an opponent's equipment at a 100% rate if the user's TEC is greater than or equal to the opponent's GEN (Status resistance). Russel's TEC is 4 or 5 depending on his equips and average enemy GEN is 3. In YU, units can only have one piece of equipment at a time, and this includes all weapons, armors, and accessories. Could be interpreted at breaking -all- of an opponent's gear (it breaks all of a YU unit's gear after all), or it could break one piece at random, I suppose. Regardless, successfully activating this card +20% bonus damage.

Banish: Sword-Ace, POW 2570
Banish (w/ Shin Zantetsu): 3341 (514 of which can be Holy-typed magical) damage
Banish (basic physical): 2056 physical damage
Banish (offensive Card Spell): 2313 (514 of which is Holy-typed magical) damage

Banish (defensive Card Spell): 0 (not powerful enough to stop enemy attacks)
Banish (Vs. Axes, Holy-Weak, Weakness): 2827 (514 of which is Holy-typed magical) damage
Banish (Vs. Spears, Scythes, Holy-Resistant, Resistance): 0 (not powerful enough to overcome enemy resistance)
Banish deals 1+TEC-GEN damage to an opponent's SU and deals partial Holy-typed magical damage. A shame that its charge makes it take too long to really overcome enemy offensives or resistance.

Banshee's Cry: Sword-Ace, POW 2435
Banshee's Cry (w/ Shin Zantetsu): 3165 physical damage
Banshee's Cry (basic physical): 1948 physical damage
Banshee's Cry (offensive Card Skill): 2435 physical damage
Banshee's Cry (defensive Card Skill): 1948 physical damage, nulls and counters incoming physical damage.
Banshee's Cry (vs. Axes, Weakness): 2922 physical damage
Banshee's Cry (vs. Spears, Scythes, Resistance): 1948 physical damage, overcomes resistance.

Banshee's Cry works by lowering an opponent's ATK to 1 for a turn. This translates into a +3 SU increase overall during the turn, and is great for blocking Enemy offensives and overcoming resistances. Works especially well with Russel's Shin Zantetsu, so he can block incoming attacks and still do Max damage.

Commentary: Russel has nearly game-worst durability (which isn't too bad considering the spread). But he dishes out damage like crazy. Shin Zantetsu is awesome. He also gets Milanor's Equip-Breaking trick, although it only adds 20% damage instead of Steal's 30%. Banshee's Cry is still awesome for stopping an attack or two defensively if he needs it.
Overall a good, but kind of bland, duelling package.

Former assassin working for the country which destroyed Yggdra's kingdom.

Class: Assassin

Stats: Relevant Big Stars=Equivalent# of Small Stars (w/ Default Equipment)
Level 18
HP: 7580 (7660)
GEN: 2=17
ATK: 3=22 (4=24)
TEC: 5=28 (6=30)
LUK: 4=24

Innate abilities:
No Countering (Bow-users cannot Counter any attacks, nor can they be countered by any attacks, including other ranged attackers.)
Night Time Bonus (Gains a +2 SU bonus to all attacks during the Night time turns, starting on turn 3, then 6, 9, 12, etc.)
Dark Immunity (Immune to all Dark-type damage)
Dark Affinity (Can make her basic physical Dark-typed in exchange for being unable to use any Card Skills for the round)

Weapon-type: Bow
Bow-users deal more damage to Rod/Book-users, and less to Sword/Spear/Axe-users.

Equipment Options:
Carnage Claw: ATK+6, TEC+4, Infinite Aggressiveness (Generally +20% SU damage)

Meteor: ATK+2, TEC+6, Critical Rate=50% (Critical rate automatically becomes 50%. Critical attacks overcome typing and generally add +20% damage)

'Average Card': POW 2800
Average (basic physical): 1960 physical damage
Average (At Night, Using Inf. Aggressive, Vs. Rods, Books, Dark-Weak, Foes with Weaknesses in general): 2520 physical damage
Average (vs. Swords, Spears, Axes, Resistant foes in general): 0, gets countered.

Bloody Claw: Bow-Ace, Elena-only, Only at Night-time, POW 2880
Bloody Claw (basic physical): 2016 physical damage
Bloody Claw (Using Inf. Aggressive): 2592 Dark-typed physical damage
Bloody Claw (offensive Card Skill): 3168 physical damage
Bloody Claw (defensive Card Skill): 2016 physical damage, nulls and counters opponent's physicals AND Skills, regardless of typing. Criticals can still get around this.
Bloody Claw's Skill can only be used at Night, so Elena's Nighttime Bonus automatically kicks in (and overwrites her weapon/elemental-typing). It essentially works like a suped-up, guaranteed Critical Hit, so it works great as a defensive card skill to stop opponent physicals AND Skills/Spells. A shame that it can only be used on Night-time turns (turns 3, 6, 9, etc).

Thunderbolt: Bow-Ace, POW 2678
Thunderbolt (basic physical): 1874 physical damage
Thunderbolt (basic phys w/ Inf.Agg): 2410 Dark-typed physical damage
Thunderbolt (offensive Card Spell): 2678 (1071 of which is Thunder-type magical) damage
Thunderbolt (off.Spell w/ Inf.Agg): 3213 Dark-type physical (1071 of which is Thunder-type magical) damage
Thunderbolt (defensive Card Spell): 1606 (1071 of which is Thunder-type magical) damage
Thunderbolt (def.Spell w/ Inf.Agg): 2142 Dark-type physical (1071 of which is Thunder-type magical) damage
Thunderbolt (At Night, Vs. Rods, Books, Thunder-Weak, Weakness): 3481 (1071 of which is Thunder-typed magical) damage
Thunderbolt (vs. Swords, Spears, Axes, Thunder-resist, Resist):  2142 (1071 of which is Thunder-typed magical) damage
Thunderbolt does magical damage based on 1+TEC-GEN, which adds to the SU count. Elena gets max TEC (6) through her equips, so this is a great card to use to null and counter physicals. She can even use Infinite Aggression to further boost its damage (provided the enemy doesn't resist Dark).

Medusa Eye: Bow-Ace, POW 2832
Medusa Eye (basic physical): 1982 physical damage
Medusa Eye (w/ Inf. Aggressive): 2548 Dark-type physical damage
Medusa Eye (offensive Card Skill): 1699 physical damage + Petrify Status at 100% rate if user's TEC is greater than or equal to opponent's GEN.
Medusa Eye (defensive Card Skill): 0 damage, cannot prevent damage, but can still inflict Petrify status as if attacking.
Medusa Eye (At Night, Vs. Rods, Books, Weakness): 2265 damage + inflicts Petrify Status as normal
Medusa Eye (vs. Swords, Spears, Axes, Resist): 0 damage, gets countered, but can still inflict Petrify status as normal.
Medusa Eye adds the Petrify status if the user's TEC is greater than or equal to the defender's GEN (Status resistance). Petrified units are unable to act, and if the last unit standing is Petrified, the battle ends.

Commentary: Elena is Cruz++. She has to wait for turn 3 to get her time boost, but thanks to her better stats (and better skill options), she comes out ahead. Her Carnage Claw's Infinite Aggression ability that boosts most of her attacks by about +20% SU damage is probably one of the better options she has. And having a guaranteed Critical Hit on turn 3 that will block both basic physicals -and- Skills/Spells is certainly something the rest of the cast envies.
If she's up against someone with an advantageous typing, she might want to opt for the Meteor equipment instead. 50% Crit rate will allow her to overcome any resistance (and add +20% damage to her physicals, too!).
Toss in 100% Petrify and No Countering, and you have a great duelist.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 02:41:48 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Yggdra Union: We'll Never Be Alone (GBA)
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2010, 07:31:55 AM »


Morale (HP): 8253 average
8920   Yggdra
8540   Durant
8520   Milanor
(8460   Durant (Dragon Knight))
8300   Cruz
8280   Nietzsche
8200   Rosary
8140   Roswell
7720   Russel
7660   Elena
(6580   Skeleton)
(5700   Golem)

GEN   (Defense, Magic Defense, Status Resistance): 3.778 average
6   Yggdra
5   Durant
(5   Durant (Dragon Knight))
4   Milanor
4   Cruz
4   Nietzsche
4   Roswell
(4   Golem)
AVERAGE: 3.778
3   Rosary
2   Russel
2   Elena
(2   Skeleton)

ATK   (Physical Attack): 4.444 average
6   Milanor
6   Russel
5   Yggdra
5   Durant
AVERAGE: 4.444
(4   Durant (Dragon Knight))
4   Nietzsche
4   Roswell
(4   Golem)
4   Elena
3   Cruz
3   Rosary
(2   Skeleton)

TEC   (Magic Attack, Status Hit Rate): 4.778 average
6   Yggdra
6   Elena
5   Milanor
5   Russel
5   Cruz
5   Rosary
AVERAGE: 4.778
4   Durant
4   Roswell
(3   Durant (Dragon Knight))
3   Nietzsche
(3   Skeleton)
(2   Golem)

LUK   (Crit Rate, Crit Defense): 3.667 average
5   Milanor
5   Rosary
5   Nietzsche
4   Elena
4   Russel
(4   Skeleton)
AVERAGE: 3.667
3   Yggdra
3   Roswell
2   Cruz
2   Durant
(2   Durant (Dragon Knight))
(2   Golem)

**Note: Taking their crit rates directly against Enemy average LUK of 2:
30% Milanor, Nietzsche, Rosary
20% Elena, Russel, (Skeleton)
10% Yggdra, Roswell
0% Cruz, Durant, (Golem)

First-turn Damage Average: 2924
4284   Yggdra   Crusade
4254   Russel   Item Break
3238   Milanor   Gravity Chaos
3213   Elena   Thunderbolt
2846   Durant   Chariot
2678   Cruz    Thunderbolt
(2117   Golem   Earthquake)
2048   Rosary   Flame
1960   Nietzsche   Physical
1792   Roswell   Flame
(1680   Skeleton   Physical)

3-turn Damage Average: 2642
3848   Russel   ItemBreak-physical-physical
3646   Yggdra   Crusade-GravityChaos-KissOfDeath
2967   Elena   Thunderbolt-physical-BloodyClaw(Night)
2778   Milanor   Gravity Chaos-DragonKiller(physical)-Steal
2442   Durant   Chariot-physical-physical
2393   Rosary   Flame-DollCraft-physical+GolemPhysical
2019   Cruz    Thunderbolt(Daytime)-MedusaEye(physical)-physical
(2012   Golem   Earthquake-physical-physical)
1960   Nietzsche   Physicalx3
1728   Roswell   Flame-physical-NecroGate
(1680   Skeleton   Physicalx3)


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Re: Yggdra Union: We'll Never Be Alone (GBA)
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2010, 07:32:36 AM »
Reserved for notes and bosses


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Re: Yggdra Union: We'll Never Be Alone (GBA)
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2010, 04:21:21 AM »
The way you put it makes some card feel like they are better then they actually is. This is also assuming you can get the full charge you need to use the card. It is not rare you lose the round before half way charged.