Author Topic: Kirby Super Star (Ultra)  (Read 3113 times)


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Kirby Super Star (Ultra)
« on: June 27, 2010, 01:38:39 AM »
Hey, we got a Starcraft topic and a DOOM topic, so why not a KSS one? Especially since we have many Kirby fans anyway~

DISCLAIMER: All of the following information here, I got from Quasar84's damage guide on GameFAQs. So credit for all this goes to him. The only thing I'll do is throw in some extra notes if I have some additional comments regarding an ability.

As a general rule, information in here SHOULD also apply to the DS remake (Kirby Super Star Ultra). No additional abilities have been added there and the moves for the most part are still the same, although the properties on a few have changed. ON WITH THE SHOW.

KSS does not have a defense stat, although there IS a guard button. The two are not the same. In addition, while Kirby can use all abilities, there are some abilities that are completely unique to him. Therefore, depending on you view things, you may allow him to use those abilities only as the other abilities he can copy are shared by helpers. Any time an enemy touches Kirby, both the enemy and Kirby receive contact damage (2 to the enemy, around 10 to Kirby) unless one or both parties were attacking (in which case, attacker usually wins out, otherwise, they trade hits equivalent to the attack's damage). This should probably be thrown out for DL purposes.

Just some important notes regarding attacks as noted by Quasar84 -

Multi-hit - The attack when performed can hit more than once usually due to its hitbox or duration
Piercing - or "Non-stop" as described in the guide. Refers to a projectile that does not stop upon hitting a target
Armor Crush - or "Nonstun" as described in the guide. Refers to a move that when it connects, removes any super armor frames that may be existent on a boss
Invincible - When Kirby or a helper performs this attack, they'll gain invincibility until the end of the attack
Commital/Semi-commital/Non-Commital - Describes whether or not an attack is forced to be completed when used. Semi-commital and non-commital allow a degree of freedom once the attack is executed (can cancel, can move or can cancel and move). Unless otherwise noted, most attacks are Commital attacks and thus must fully end before Kirby or the Helper can re-act again. If a move is noted to be Commital, then it implies there is significant cooldown associated with the attack.
Chainable - Usually refers to a dash move, these moves can be repeated over and over without needing to restore a "dash" in the game's memory
Instant Death - or "Instant Kill" as described in the guide. Self explanatory term we should all be used to >_>. As expected, most bosses are immune to this condition.


Kirby - Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!~

Estimated HP: 70

Basic abilities -
Inhale: Kirby sucks in a target. Instant Death to the target. If the target is immune to ID, then Inhale is ineffective. Once a target is inhaled, Kirby can absorb the target's ability. If Kirby does not absorb the target, he can...
  • Exhale Star: 52 damage. If only one enemy or star has been inhaled, Kirby will exhale a single star outward. Note that Kirby cannot absorb a target and "store" it for later use. Full screen coverage
  • Exhale Multi-Star: 60 damage. If two or more enemies or stars were inhaled by Kirby, Kirby will exhale a spinning star with a smaller star circling around it. Full screen coverage. Piercing effect.

Fly: When Jump and up is pressed more than once, Kirby holds a big puff of air and inflates himself so he can fly. Standard flying properties that you may associate for DL purposes (immune ground type damage, flyer damage bonus, etc.)

Air bullet: 10 damage. Only performable if Fly is being used. Kirby exhales a puff of air that can cause damage to enemies. It should be noted, that bosses are usually immune to this attack. Cannot be done underwater.

Slide: 13 damage. Only performable if Kirby is on the ground. Kirby slides on the ground with one foot extended and travels a decent distance forward, bounce up after connecting.

Super Drop: 16 damage if effective. If Kirby falls from a high height, he will drop at a great speed and can crush and deal damage to enemies on his way down. Usually doesn't work on bosses, but does work on smaller enemies.

Guard: Must be on the ground in order to guard. When guarding, take 0 contact damage. However, enemy special attacks will still deal "chip" damage, usually around 1-2 points. Does not protect Kirby from grab attacks such as the Chameleon's tongue grab. Although bosses are usually immune to contact damage, guarding ignores this. Some attacks, although not grabs can also break through the guard (Marx's hyper laser) and must be completely avoided.

Unique abilities:
There are powers that only Kirby can utilize. Most of them are one shot, area clearing attacks as a note. So Kirby reverts back to his normal self after use.

Cook: Instant Death to everything in range. Kirby puts on his Chef's hat and all enemies/stars within the vicinity are thrown into a pot and recovery food is thrown out upon completion of the move. Note, that this attack deals no damage otherwise and Kirby is invincible during the move's duration.

Crash: 160 damage. Kirby releases a giant shockwave that hits everything on the screen.

Microphone: First scream deals 40 damage, second deals 60, last one deals 80, for a cumulative total of 180 damage. This attack can be used three times as you might have guessed, before Kirby returns to his normal self.

Paint: 70 damage. Kirby throws a bunch of explosive paintballs all over the screen, damaging everything.

Ability-less Kirby in-game is given a lot of non ID resisting enemies. Against bosses, all of them usually have one or two attacks that create stars (or can be inhaled), which allows him to use starshots.  DL wise, if you don't see enemies creating stars, his offense drops notably. If you let him walk in with any ability, he'll usually want to stick with Microphone, but maybe go for Crash the odd time or too. Microphone is notably badass as it deals the largest cumulative damage in the game, although separated via 3 attacks. Of course, DL wise, fighters without ID immunity get inhaled and swallowed for happy Kirby times ^_^.

Poppy Bros. Jr. - "OMGWTF Ka-BOOM"

Estimated HP: 48

- Provides Kirby with the Bomb ability and following attacks:
- Note that the bombs can be held. If the bomb is tossed immediately, it deals the regular amount of damage. On the other hand, if the bomb is held down until it explodes (and an enemy is near you), the attack's damage increases to 26 instead.

Bomb Throw - 16 damage. Lobs a bomb at the enemy. Armor Crushes

Bomb Drop - 16 damage. Plants a bomb on the ground. Armor Crushes

Set Bomb - 26 damage. Drops a bomb directly on the opponent. Functions effectively as a grab. Armor Crushes.

Straight Throw - 16 damages. Dashes and throws a bomb in a straight horizontal line. Full coverage. Armor Crushes.

Uh...all of his moves Armor Crushes? Poppy's ability is usually an early one and its main selling point is the easy of its use as well as how quickly the bombs can be thrown, although that does vary depending on the distance at where you are attacking at. He's otherwise pretty unimpressive.

Knuckle Joe - "FALCON...PAUNCH is an instant KO!"

Estimated HP: 48

- Provides Kirby with the Fighter ability and following attacks:
- The attacks performed by Knuckle Joe are dependent on whether the attack button is held down or tapped.

Vulcan Jab  - 5 damage a hit. A series of rapid quick punches. Multi-hit, Armor Crushes if done repeatedly

Smash Punch - 22 damage. PAUNCH

Leg Sweep  - 6 damage. A low sweeping kick. Multi-hit, Armor Crushes if hit repeatedly

Spin Kick  - 20 damage initally, weakens to 18 at end of attack. A sharp quick kick to the face. Invincible

Down Kick  - 18 damage. A quick head stomp that bounces you upwards after hitting the enemy.

Double Kick - 22 damage. A spinning air kick that creates a forward shockwave.
  • 18 additional damage if the attack button is held. Extends leg forward. Multi-hit

Rising Break - SHORYUKEN!!!. 2 damage initially with last hit dealing 34 damage. Average of around 5 hits, 42 total. Invincible, Multi-hits, Committed attack.

Grab Enemy (Near Enemy) - Holds the enemy. Must be done to perform...
  • Arm Throw - Deals 50 damage. Forward Shoulder throw against the enemy. 70 damage if the thrown enemy hits anything else in its vicinity. Invincible.
  • Judo Throw - Deals 50 damage to the enemy. Throw enemy in opposite direction. 80 damage to others if the thrown enemy hits anything else in its vicinity Invincible

If you allow grapples, either throw works, although they have to do done directly at melee range, where as his Vulcan Jab and Smash PAUNCH have a bit of distance. HP is pretty standard for Helpers, but he's a little harder to use for certain since all his moves put him near enemies, so if you're sloppy, you will end up taking more contact damage. Don't allow those, his best move ends up being the SHORYUKEN!!!, which actually greatly varies on damage. This is also noted in Quasar84's guide, although the end number he states is the one I've listed. YMMV.

Plasma Wisp - "Electricity~ Electricity~"

Estimated HP: 48

- Provides Kirby with the Plasma ability and following attacks:
- Amount of time taken to fully charge an attack varies by player. It's around a 1080 motion, some players can do it in practically a second (see Plasma run on Youtube). I take around 3 seconds. How you want to take this is up to you. Kirby can hold down guard and charge at the same time. Can attack at any time although the attack performed depends on the amount of power stored.
- Plasma Wisp (the helper) actually floats instead of being on the ground.

Plasma Needle (No Power) - 5 Damage per needle. Can Armor crush if done repeatedly. Travels less than a quarter of the screen. Around 3 can be fired a second.

Plasma Arrow (Slight Power) - 10 Damage. Travels around half a screen. One HCF motion stores enough power for this.

Plasma Spark (Medium Power) - 30 Damage. Travels a quarter of the screen. A 360 motion and then some stores enough power.

Plasma Laser (High Power) - 32 Damage. Piercing. Travels through walls and has full screen coverage. An 810 Motion stores enough power.

Plasma Wave Cannon (Full Power) - 40 damage. Piercing. Travels through walls, full screen coverage and hits a little behind too. Requires a 1080 motion or so. Note that the back hit only deals 6 damage as opposed to 40.
  • Plasma Shield - At maximum power, a shield of electricity is generated around the user, dealing 6 damage to anything coming into contact. Protects the character from melee damage as well as chip damage caused by some projectiles.

One of the best powers in the game simply because you can build up to maximum power really quick and the shield is superior to your regular guard. DL wise...this doesn't translate too well as attack speed isn't factored in and grapples can be utilizes. Perma-hover for the helper is pretty neat though. Without grappling, this gets better, but still probably not top tier like it is in-game.


Estimated HP: 48

- Provides Kirby with the Sword ability and following attacks:

Slash - 18 damage. A horizontal sword slash.
  • Beam Strike (When health is full) - 16 damage. Slash will also launch a beam that travels around a quarter of the screen.
  • Multi-Sword Attack (Branch from Slash) - 6 damage per hit. If the attack button is pressed again after the first slash, character will launch perform a flurry of sword swings. Can hit up to 3 times. Commital, Armor Crush.

Sword Stab  - 12 damage. A running stab attack.
  • Pierce (hold attack) - 12 additional damage as sword stays out longer and hits again.

Mid-air Chop - 22 damage if held, bounce off enemy. Otherwise, deal 16 damage instead. Multi-hit on bounce.

Down-Stab - 24 damage if held, bounce off enemy. Otherwise, 18 damage instead. Multi-hit on bounce.

Crescent Slash - 12 damage a hit. Protects the user while attacking from certain projectiles. Multi-hit.

DOWNSTAB. It's exactly as you think it is, and it's surprisingly effective. The regular sword combo is terrible even in game since you're stuck doing multi-swing for a while. Down-stab however, allows you to move again after the first hit, possibly back on the ground. The main danger with it, is that some bosses can't be downstab'd (Whispy Woods) and you risk taking contact damage against some others (Meta Knight, Marx). The range is also sadly non-existant on it, although however much that is worth to you DL wise is really dependent.

Gim - "Yo Dawg, I heard yo and yo dawg like yoyos."

Estimated HP: 48

- Provides Kirby with the Yoyo ability and following attacks:
- The regular Yoyo swing's attack swing can be adjusted to hit higher or lower.

Yoyo Swing - Deals 16 damage. Up/Down Swings deal 18 damage. Can Multi-hit when the Yoyo returns. Piercing, Commital. KSSU version seems to travel slower.

Break Spin - 10 damage, multi-hit, semi-commital (can control movement), invincible during its duration. Mashing Y causes the character to gain height as well as travel farther. The KSSU version of this move has less invincibility frames.

Gazer Spiral - 26 damage on launch, 6 damage when descending. Multi-hit, invincible, commital.

Hammer Drop - 50 damage. Grapple maneuver.  60 damage to others if the thrown enemy hits anything else in its vicinity. Invincible.

Cool ability, not so hot in actual practice. Break Spin got worse in KSSU for certain, and Gazer Spiral has no horizontal tolerance (although its good vertically). Hammer Drop is a grapple, so yay if you allow it. It's most notable thing in KSSU is that it's a ranged melee strike, that's greater than some other ranged melees (such as Hammer and Sword). That Yo-yo can be adjusted and has pretty good range all-around. In regular KSS, Break Spin had stupid invincibility to the point where you can run through levels taking very low amounts of damage by simply spamming it.

Parasol WaddleDee - "Waddle Dee looks broken" "Waddle Dee is indeed broken"

Estimated HP: 48

- Provides Kirby with the Parasol ability and following attacks:
- The Parasol provides a regular shield from above. Attacks that hit from above will first collide with the parasol, which does 6 damage on contact.
- The Parasol also slows down Waddle Dee's decent once he is airborne.

Parasol Swing - 28 if full attack connects. Swings the parasol straight forward. Variable damage depending on what hits. If far, 18 damage (parasol)+ 10 damage on sparkles (graze) for a total of 28 damage. If close, 16 damage (parasol) + 12 on sparkles for a total of 28 damage.
  • Parasol Shield (hold attack)- Deals 8 damage to anyone coming into contact with parasol. Shields from frontal attacks. Absorbs projectiles

Parasol Drill - Either 4, 8, 10 or 18. Spears forward with Parasol first. Damage dealt is dependent on the parasol's spinning speed when it makes contact (strongest when close). Can Multi-hit.

Parasol Dive - 28 damage if close, 14 otherwise. A downward-spear dive with the parasol's tip first. Non-commital (can be cancelled)

Parasol Roll - Grapple maneuver. Enemy is juggled on top of parasol. Instant Death. 60 damage to anything else nearby when the enemy is launched off the parasol. Invincible during the attack.

Protects self from air attacks, and can protect self from forward attacks too. Parasol Dive being cancellable is cool since it also means its pretty easy to avoid contact damage. Parasol also has deceptive range, since the splash on the regular swing also counts as a hit and that extends past the parasol's regular length.


Estimated HP: 37

- Provides Kirby with the Beam ability and following attacks:

Beam Whip - 5 damage a hit, An electric beam that is swung from high to low. Multi-hit, Commital, Armor Crush

Beam Man with the Machine Gun - 5 damage a hit. Shoots a pair of electric beam at downward angles. Multi-hit, Semi-commital (can move after executing), Chainable, Armor Crush

Cycle Beam - 14 damage. Sends three blue beams spiraling outwards. Multi-hit, Chainable

Wave-Beam - 26 damage. Creates a powerful triple energyball that spirals forward. Piercing.

Beam Capture - 44 damage. Grapple Maneuver. Sends an electric beam shock to the grabbed foe. 60 damage to anything else nearby when the current is being sent. Piercing

Mrf. Well, Beam Capture is cool, but if you're sloppy with it, you'll take tons of contact damage. And the ranged beams are pretty weak all around. Wave-Beam being a 2-3 second charge is also disappointing since its also weaker than Plasma Wave Cannon. But then again, it is pretty much a newbie ability (first one you see and get in Spring Breeze!).

Birdon - "I have an original name, I know :("

Estimated HP: 48

- Provides Kirby with the Wing ability and following attacks:
- While Kirby has the Wing hat on, his aerial agility improves significantly, but at the cost of not being able to use air bullets.

Wing Flap - 4 damage, flaps wings provided by ability to take flight. Note that this isn't a true attack, but enemies touching the Wings will take damage. Armor Crush.

Feather Gun  - 6 damage. Launches a feather per tap of the button. Armor Crush. Cannot move while firing.

Condor Heading - 10-12 Damage a hit. Commital, multi-hit, chainable, invincible. Deals more damage at the start of the move. A straight forward dashing headbutt

Bomber Heading  - 18 damage during the straight downward dive. Invincible, Non-commital (can cancel out of move).
  • Bomber Splash - 26 damage. If Bomber heading is not cancelled, character will dive straight down until they hit the floor, the resulting shockwaves can hit the enemy. Shockwave parts in both direction.

Bird Toss - No damage. Launches enemy in the air.  Commital, invincible. If an enemy touches the character as they toss the enemy, 8 damage is dealt.
  • Shuttle Loop - 16 Damage a hit. Only performed after Bird Toss. Can hit more than once, but dependent on enemy. Multihit, invincible, commital

Shuttle Loop is theoretically its most damaging move, but its largely dependent on the enemy's size. So, for a more guaranteed attack, Bomber heading is usually better. As a second advantage, it can also be cancelled midway, so he's not committed to diving straight into the ground. It's a pretty lulz ability in game due to poor damage options or unsafe options. It's main advantage is the increased aerial agility. In any case though, that of course doesn't really carry into the DL. It's probably better too, since the unsafe options aren't really highlighted.


Estimated HP: 48

- Provides Kirby with the Mirror ability and following attacks:
- Reflected projectiles with the Mirror ability's Reflect Force/Guard, deals 40 damage and carry the Piercing effect.

Mirror Cut - 22 damage. A quick cut with the staff

Reflect Force - 12 damage a hit. Shoots multiple mirror shards from staff. Good vertical and horizontal tolerance, can reflect projectiles that hit the shards launched. Multi-hit.

Mirror Body - Two part attack. 16 damage on first part (When Kirby/Helper, splits apart), 22 damage on 'return' (When the mirages return to one). Commital, chainable. Attack tolerance depends on the angle at which Kirby/helper approaches from. Standard dash attack gets good horizontal tolerance. If Jump attacking, images split diagonally upwards/downwards.

Reflect Guard (R or L) - 1 damage. Yes, it reduces contact damage dealt. However, this shield reflects most enemy projectiles.

Not much on damage. The real selling deal about it is reflecting projectiles. Reflect Force in particular creates a pretty large frontal shield which is very hard for projectiles to penetrate. The attack either has to pierce through it, or its otherwise pretty hard to advance in when its being performed.

Chilly - "Spin~"

Estimated HP: 48

- Provides Kirby with the Ice ability and following attacks:
- Ice ability causes Kirby's traction to decrease somewhat while on the ground. This doesn't happen to the helper though. Any enemy who is defeated by these abilities turn into Ice blocks.

Freezer Breath - 8 to 10 damage, depending on range. Blow ice breath at the enemy. Around 1/6th screen coverage. Multi-hit, Commital, Armor Crush.

Feezer Blizzard - 20 damage. Slips forward and surrounds self with a cloud of freezing winds. Multi-hit, Non-Commital (cancellable)

Freezer Sprinkle - 18 damage. Spins and blows ice breath diagonally upwards/downwards in the air. Multi-hits

Fast Freezer Sprinkle - 14 damage. Spins faster than Freezer sprinkle, essentially the same move. Deals more hits on average. Multi-hits

Freezer Suction - 54 damage. Grapple maneuver. Swallows an enemy. Damage not applied until Freezer Ejection. Invincible when damage is dealt.
  • Freezer Ejection - 70 damage. Spits out swallowed enemy. Also deals 70 damage if ejection hits others. Piercing.

Kick Frozen Enemy - 38 damage. Kicks ice block. Piercing. Deals no damage if Kirby/helper does not make contact.

Freezer Suction is a nasty ass grappling move, since it deals 124 damage cumulative. Past that, kicking ice blocks is also pretty neat, but there has to be freezable objects before you can use it. Past that, its regular damage options that aren't grapples are pretty poor, and the low traction is certainly annoying in some instances in game.

CapsuleJ2 - "Suit me up!"

Estimated HP: 48

- Provides Kirby with the Jet ability and following attacks:
- Replaces Kirby's standard flying with a jet pack. Slow start, but faster acceleration upwards after.
- Takes around 3 seconds to reach maximum power.

Store Power - Stores power to perform any other maneuver. While charge, deal 6 damage to anything attack from behind the Jetpack

Jet Kick - 14 - 22 damage, depending on power stored (none to low power). A straight forward dash kick. Gains more distance with more power. Invincible, Commital

Jet Heading - 14, 22 or 30 damage, depending on power stored (none to low to max). Similar to above, except performed in the air and a headbutt instead of a kick. Invincible, Commital

Quick Heading - 22 or 30 damage, depending on power stored (low to max). A faster version of jet heading. Invincible, Commital, Chainable

Jet Dash - 30 damage. Straight forward dash fist first. Invincible, semi-commitable (Can cancel, but not move). Gains great distance. Can be cancelled into...
  • Jet Cracker - 45 damage. Creates a powerful forward shockwave that travels around half the screen afterwards. Invincible.

Ultra-jet Jump - 26 damage from initial frames. Releases stored power to propel character very quickly upwards. Invincible. Requires Maxed power.

Jet Blow - Instant-death. Grapple Maneuver. Grabs enemy and sends them flying upwards. 60 damage to any others within vicinity. Piercing, Invincible.

Diving Rocket  - 80 damage. Grapple Maneuver. Grabs enemy and slams them down to ground with a powerful boost from the jetpack. 80 damage to others in vicinity. Piercing, invincible. Requires Maxed power.

Weird ass ability, and one that I tend to undersell. My main problem with it is that it replaces your jump and fly with the jet pack. You cannot perform fly if you're storing max power without utilizing it into an Ultra Jet Jump. In addition, you can't guard and charge your attack like Plasma. Since you're also stuck in one position as you're charging, it's also not as applicable to charge in the air like Plasma might be. Still though, it has a nasty grappling move, and Jet Dash into Jet Cracker is one of the strongest ground moves with great horizontal tolerance.

Rocky - "Good old rock. Nothing beats rock!"

Estimated HP: 80

- Provides Kirby with the Stone ability and following attacks:

Stone - Become Invincible. Turns self to a rock statue. Can be held for a fairly extended period of time (10 seconds at least)

Turbo Stone - 26 damage. Dash into enemy as a boulder. Become Invincible until reverting back to normal. Can be held for an extended period of time.

Stone Smash - 55 damage. Drop on the enemy as a stone statue. Become invincible until reverting back to normal. Can be held for an extended period of time. Can do 16 additional damage if the stars released upon impact also hit.

Boring, but gets the job done. Turn into rock, drop on enemy. Wait until enemy stops attacking, revert back, repeat. You can remain in stone for a huge period of time by the way, and you're practically completely invincible while you're a rock. So this works surprisingly well in game. DL wise, if you let someone else to wait until Kirby reverts back, obviously loses its cheese. Otherwise, it's probably just as effective. Remain in stone, wait for enemy's turn, revert, repeat.

Sir Kibble - "I cut myself with safety scissors"

Estimated HP: 48

- Provides Kirby with the Cutter ability and following attacks:

Cutter Boomerang - 10 damage. Throws a dual sided bladed outward. Decent horizontal coverage. Blade can hit when coming out and when returning. Can have 2-3 of these on screen at once.

Cutter Dash - 18 damage. Stab with a dual sided blade. Around quarter of a screen coverage. Commital, Invincible

Cutter Drop - 15 damage.  Extends the cutter blade outward without throwing or diving.

High-Speed Cutter Drop (Down+Y, In Air) - 22 damage. A diagonally downward stab. Commital

Non-Stop Cutter: Deals damage in three parts: 4, 4, 32, totalling to a sum of 40 damage. You can drop the attack if the attack button isn't pressed again. Last part of attack sends a horizontal energy wave forward. The entire attack Armor crushes at all points, and the last part is Invincible

Non stop cutter's cute, but obviously not too impressive damage wise. Sir Kibble's main thing, aside from his small size are also the cutter projectiles that remain on screen after being thrown. With several of these out, you can target different portions of the screen at the same time. Otherwise, its a variation of the Sword that has better range and options. Non-stop cutter being not a full commital attack (can stop at any point) is another selling point for it. Also? IT CUTS ROPES IN GAME. YESZ.

Burning Leo - "FIRE IN THE HOLE!"

Estimated HP: 56

- Provides Kirby with the Fire ability and following attacks:

Flame breath - 5 damage. Blows a steady stream of fire. Can aim with D-pad. Multi-hit, Commital, Armor crushes if continuously hits

Immolate - 40 damage. Ignites self on fire, dealing massive damage to anything else that makes contact. Multi-hit, Semi-Commital (Can cancel whenever, but not move)

Burning Attack - 14 damage on initial hit, 12 damage on second hit. Turns self into a rolling ball of fire. Commital, Invincible

Mid-air Burning Attack - 16 damage on initial hit, 14 damage for second hit. Same attack as above, but in mid-air. Commital, Invincible, Chainable only if you keep hitting a wall.

Fireball Spin - 16 damage. Spins up and down as a ball of fire. Multi-hit.

Fireball Roll - 18 damage. Rolls forward upon landing into a ball of fire. Around half screen coverage afterwards. Multi-hit, Commital

Immolate destroys pretty much any boss in-game that doesn't move. And even a few that do. It has a very high damage per second due to the multi-hit function. However, you can't move yourself while using it. But it definitely works for what it is as a cheese move in-game. Most of the other moves (most of the dashes) aren't terribly safe either. Not a great ability, but definitely has some hilarious uses.

Biospark - "Better ninja than Ryu Hayabasa"

Estimated HP: 38

- Provides Kirby with the Ninja ability and following attacks:

Knife Throw  - 5 damage. Throws a knife.  Armor crushes if repeatedly hits.

Quado-Shock attack - 22 damage. Performs a deep slash diagonal slash.
  • Succesive Shock - 24 damage. Creates multiple vertical energy streams that move forward. Only performed if Quado Shock attack hits.

Dash Attack - 6 damage initially, 30 damage at end. A running slash attack that can hit multiple times.

Dive Kick - 14 damage. A diagonally downward dive kick. Bounce off enemy upon hitting. Non-commital (cancellable)

Hide Defense - 26 damage. Disappears from screen while creating small explosions. Only performable after taking damage. Temporarily invincible until player taps Kirby back in.

Air Drop - 50 damage. Grabs enemy, piledrivers them into the ground. 60 damage to others within the vicinity after releasing enemy. Enemy released gains Piercing property. Invincible.

Air Drop is your typical grapple move on several other helpers. What's neat about it are the Quadro Shock attack and the Hide Defense. Quadro Shock attack is fast, but requires close range to be effective, as well as a target to be on the ground (it's bad against Marx, but rapes things that remains stationary as an example). Hide Defense meanwhile, is literally a counter. The enemy would need to have Marx's teleport in order to avoid the attack because it comes out RIGHT after you are hit. So yeah. Knife throw has good horizontal range, but damage.

Bonkers - "STOP! Hammer time!"

Estimated HP: 48

- Provides Kirby with the Hammer ability and following attacks:

Hammer Nail  - 30 damage + 12 damage for stars launched out from hammer. Swings Hammer downwards.

Hammer Swing - Variable damage. Either 16 or 26 damage, depending whether or not the hit is "direct". Swings hammer around self. Multi-hits, Invincible

Giant Swing  - 14 damage. Swings hammer around self in the air. Multi-hits

Ultragiant Swing - 14 damage. Same as Giant swing, but spins faster, and therefore, more likely to hit more than once. Multi-hits.

Hammer Flip - 80 damage, on full charge (around 2 seconds). 16 damage if it hits from behind/underneath while charging. Flames released do 4 damage and can Multi-hit. Charges hammer and swings it vertically upwards. Low horizontal/vertical tolerance.

Kirby Only:
Hammer Throw - 80 damage. Throws hammer straight forward. Piercing, loses power after use.

Hammer Flip is insanely badass. Like Immolate, great damage per second, AND you can move afterwards and re-adjust yourself, whereas Immolate requires you to camp in one spot more or less. Bad range tolerance is sadness. The Hammer's regular swing is okay on distance if you include the stars, but not amazing. Powerful melee ability that lacks some range. As a side note, Bonkers (the helper) has a large hitbox and has one of the poorest jumps in-game. How you want to hold this against him is up to you.

Bugzzy - "Call me effeminate again, and I will break your back"

Estimated HP: 48

- Provides Kirby with the Suplex ability and following attacks:
- All enemies that are released after grab become a Piercing, Multi-hitting, 70 damage projectile. In addition, character is Invincible for the grappling move's duration

Pin Point Kick - 16 damage. Steps on enemy's head. Semi-Commital (can move, cannot cancel)

Dash Grab/Running Dash Grab: No damage. A quick lunge forward to capture enemy. Noticable delay time if the grab does not connect. After a successful grab, perform any of the following:
  • Quick Stamping/Body Breaker/Body Slam/Pile Driver/Lariat - 50 damage to captured enemy. Enemy is thrown in the corresponding direction of the tap (either forward, back, up or downwards and at differing angles).
  • Jumping Body Slam - 50 damage to captured enemy. Enemy is then thrown forwards.
Air dash grab: No damage. A lunge forward in the air to grab the enemy. Can only use the below two moves as long as he is within the air.
  • Air Body Slam - 70 damage to held, 60 damage to others during plunge.
  • Air Body Down Slam - 70 damage to held. Massive aerial plunge. 90 damage to others during plunge

Very hard to use in-game. You pretty much are regular Kirby against bosses, with the exception of pinpoint kick (but that won't win you battles quickly). However, if you get your hands on a projectile, look out. Suplex has some of the highest damaging splash attacks after a throw move, even if the grapple itself can't hurt the bosses. DL wise, if you give him grapples, he's still pretty good - 70 damage isn't shabby. No grapples? Uh...go go go 16 damage a pop! YEAH!

Wheelie - "VROOM VROOM"

Estimated HP: 48

- Provides Kirby with the Wheel ability and following attacks:
- Kirby can actually jump on top of Wheelie and use him as a motorcycle.

Wheel Dash - 12, 14, 16, or 18 damage per hit. Dashes forward as a wheel to run things over.  Multi-hit, semi-commital (can control movement), Invincible at maximum speed.
Wheel Spin - 10 damage.  Turn against wall/edge of screen and "push" off of it during windup. Multi-hit, Armor crush, Invincible
Star Shot - 52 damage a shot. Short range star attack. Piercing, usable only if Kirby is using Wheelie as a motorcycle.

Star shot would be hilarious if you give Kirby the ability to spawn helpers since he literally just wants to use Wheelie as a bike and spam that. Bad range, but wheelie travels quick so Kirby can then run up close, and this thing is FAST. 52 damage a shot on top of that? Ow. Not a very practical way in-game, but if you're the type that allows everything, this is certainly an option. Otherwise, probably the most disappointing ability by itself. You get tons of ground mobility, but the damage! The variety! None of it is there!

TAC - "Inside your gamez, stealing abilitiez"

Estimated HP: 48

- Provides Kirby with the Copy ability and following attacks:
- TAC can actually release abilities after selecting one. If he then picks up another ability (it can be the same one, but from a different enemy), his health is restored to full.

TAC Hand: 18 damage. Fires a fist forward that can capture enemy abilities before returning. Can be launched relatively quick. Multi-hit.

Kirby Only:
Analysis Beam: 18 damage. Fires a short beam forward, copies enemy's abilities. Cannot regain Copy power (lol) or health after losing ability.

TAC is the best name ever. If you give TAC that special property DL wise, he can probably just release a copied ability, regain it and restore himself to full, giving him full healing as long as he isn't killed >_>. Otherwise, TAC hand is a pretty fast attack with decent range, although low in damage. But that's not what the selling point of his power is supposed to be, obviously. Kirby never has a use for this ability.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 05:03:08 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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Re: Kirby Super Star (Ultra)
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2010, 10:30:16 AM »
Biospark's knife throw can be thrown ridiculously fast with no wait time whatsever. In the Computer Virus RPG fight, you can waste every fight besides the dragon in one turn.


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Re: Kirby Super Star (Ultra)
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2010, 05:41:36 AM »
Some quick tentative averages:

Damage allowing enemies to be grappled (Kirby with Microphone)
1. Kirby's Microphone - 180 (OPB, drops to 52-60 damage after Microphone is used up)
2. Chilly's Freezer Suction to Ejection - 124
3t. Bonker's Hammer Flip - 80
3t. Capsule J2's Diving Rocket - 80
5. Bugzzy's Air Body Slam  - 70
6. Rocky's Stone Smash  - 55
7. Wheelie's Star shot - 52
8t. Biospark's Air Drop - 50
8t. Knuckle Joe's Judo Throw -50
8t. Gim's Hammer drop - 50
11. Blade Knight's double Down stab - 48
12. Waddle Doo's Beam Capture - 44
13t. Sir Kibble's Non-stop Cutter - 40
13t. Burning Leo's Immolate - 40
13t. Plasma Wisp's Plasma Wave Cannon - 40
16.  Parasol Waddle Dee's Parasol Dive - 28
17.  Birdon's Bomber Splash - 26
18.  Poppy Bros. Jr's Set Bomb - 26
19.  Simirror's Mirror Body - 22
20.  TAC's TAC Hand - 18

Average: 56.15

Assumptions - All opponents are susceptible to grabs, but not all of them will release projectiles. Birdon uses only Bomber Splash as getting both hits to connect from Bomber Dive to Splash is unsafe and typically results in him getting hit. Blade Knight is assumed to hit twice after bounce off once. Simirror's Mirror Body assumed to hit during the strongest portion of the attack (the return), the attack itself typically does not hit twice from memory.

Damage where enemies leave behind typical projectiles (Kirby with Microphone)
1. Kirby's Microphone - 180 (OPB, drops to 52-60 damage after Microphone is used up)
2. Bugzzy's Air Body Slam  - 90
3t. Bonker's Hammer Flip - 80
3t. Capsule J2's Diving Rocket - 80
3t. Knuckle Joe's Judo Throw - 80
6. Chilly's Freezer Ejection - 70
7t. Biospark's Air Drop - 60
7t. Gim's Hammer drop - 60
7t. Waddle Doo's Beam Capture - 60
10. Rocky's Stone Smash  - 55
11. Wheelie's Star shot - 52
12. Blade Knight's double Down stab - 48
13t. Sir Kibble's Non-stop Cutter - 40
13t. Burning Leo's Immolate - 40
13t. Plasma Wisp's Plasma Wave Cannon - 40
16.  Parasol Waddle Dee's Parasol Dive - 28
17.  Birdon's Bomber Splash - 26
18.  Poppy Bros. Jr's Set Bomb - 26
19.  Simirror's Mirror Body - 22
20.  TAC's TAC Hand - 18

Average: 57.75

Assumptions - Opponents may not be susceptible to grabs, BUT will typically leave behind projectiles. This is more true to in-game as well as for bosses in particular who can't be grabbed but will leave behind things such as star projectiles which you can use for massive splash damage against them. Similar to above, Birdon uses only Bomber Splash as getting both hits to connect from Bomber Dive to Splash is unsafe and typically results in him getting hit. Blade Knight is assumed to hit twice after bounce off once. Simirror's Mirror Body assumed to hit during the strongest portion of the attack (the return), the attack itself typically does not hit twice from memory.

Damage where enemies do not leave behind typical projectiles and cannot be grabbed (Kirby with nothing/Wheelie without starshot)
1. Bonker's Hammer Flip - 80
2. Capsule J2's Jet Dash into Jet Cracker - 30+45 or 75
3. Rocky's Stone Smash  - 55
4. Blade Knight's double Down stab - 48
5. Biospark's Quadro Shock Attack + Successive Shock - 46
6. Knuckle Joe's Judo Throw - 42
7t. Sir Kibble's Non-stop Cutter - 40
7t. Burning Leo's Immolate - 40
7t. Plasma Wisp's Plasma Wave Cannon - 40
10. Gim's Gazer Spiral - 26 + at least one additional hit or 32
11.  Parasol Waddle Dee's Parasol Dive - 28
12t.  Birdon's Bomber Splash - 26
12t. Waddle Doo's Wave Beam - 26
14.  Simirror's Mirror Body - 22
15. Chilly's Freezer Blizzard - 20
16t.  TAC's TAC Hand - 18
16t.  Poppy Bros. Jr's Set Bomb - 16
18. Bugzzy's Pinpoint Kick - 16
19. Wheelie's Wheel Dash - 15
20. Kirby's Slide attack - 13

Average: 34.9

Assumptions - Opponents are not be susceptible to grabs, and will not leave behind projectiles. This is the pure bare bones assumption where no one is given any benefit of the doubt basically. Other assumptions are similar to the two listed above.

In general, attack speed is also not factored in here. If you don't like the 3PB microphone, then feel free to switch it with the double star shot figure and just readjusting the averages as needed.

HP Averages:
1. Rocky: 80
2. Kirby: 70
3. Burning Leo: 56
4t. More or less everyone else: 48
19. Biospark: 38
20. Waddle Doo: 37

Average: 50.05 HP
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 07:54:15 PM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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Re: Kirby Super Star (Ultra)
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2010, 06:32:34 AM »
If you're listing Kirby's Microphone damage as 180, then that's including all three uses of the power, isn't it? It's not 3x180, it's 1x40+ 1x60 + 1x80. If you're listing it as 180 (valid enough, there's no cooldown time between uses), then it's only OPB if my memory's correct.

Kirby still probably prefers the 1x180, then 100% ID strategy to anything else, though.

Also, HP averages plz.


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Re: Kirby Super Star (Ultra)
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2010, 10:07:43 AM »
 I just remembered that it was TAC, the copy dude, that could waste everything really fast. Kirby's copy ability was worthless on the otherhand.