
Author Topic: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B  (Read 2157 times)


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Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« on: July 21, 2010, 04:59:22 AM »

1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game                    IIII/IIIII IIIII IIIII II
2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey      IIIII IIIII I/IIIII IIIII
3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing   IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII/
4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate                               IIIII IIIII IIIII/IIIII I
5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing                    IIIII IIIII IIIII/IIII
6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch   IIIII IIII/IIIII IIIII IIII
7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest                 IIIII I/IIIII IIIII II
8: Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling                               II/IIIII IIIII IIIII I

Pool B

Match 9

Welcome everyone, to America's favourite quiz show, Jeopardy!  I am your host Alex Trebek.  And here's tonight's contestants.

Famed for his metal joints, Gato has come all the way from Guardia.  His interests include fighting, festivals, and handing out silver points.

Our other contestant is Ion, known for his mastery of the Fon, and the leader of the Order of Lorelai.

With that, we'll reveal tonights catagories.

Match 10

Arf! Arf!
(Koroku here!)

Arf! Awroooo!
(It seems my brothers and I must be washed!)

Grrrrr!  Arf!
(So these two are going to try and wash us?!)

(This one is a Tales Mage, I think we can take her if we play innocent)

(And this one has a tail?  Is he here to get washed too?)

(Cecile, please save us!)

Match 11

I could put in a witty description here, but honestly, this event was just tossed in because I needed the perfect event in case Team Rocket got in.  Thus was Live Action Minesweeper Born.  Little did I know how much Hatbot would love it.

Our first competitor is the Season 2 Godlike Champ, and generally forgettable/mockable Mars Adept, Menardi.

The other competitor is Rinoa, who doesn't really need an introduction.

Both contestents are effectively smash characters on infinite stock here, with a victory condition of flag/detonate all of the mines on their grid first.  And let's remember, the real winner in this contest is us, the voters.

Match 12

The local Thieves Guild has recently had an opening, and two folks have recently found out they need to join, or else.  Unfortunately, the person who can get in is the one who can steal the greatest market value worth of stuff in a single night.

The first candidate is Hilda Valentine, a New World vampire recently seen at Roswell.  Her ability to change her weight will allow her to be less recognizable.  And being a vampire, she's naturally a creature of the night.

The second candidate is...  a Magikarp.  Yeah, we're not sure why a Magikarp needs to join a Thieves Guild, but so it goes.  It's strengths are the awe inspiring Splash Attack, and the fact that no one would ever expect a Magikarp to try and rob them.

Match 13

Abridging, the fine art of taking something and reducing it to its essence.  Bonus points if you can do so while also being funny.  Tonight, we'll let these two face off, trying their own hands at this sacred art.

Our first abridger is the White Knight Leo.  He already knows the many uses of style and panache and how to use them to add flair to a more pedestrian product.

Our second is Liz, and his apendage, Ard.  Liz is known for his extensive vocabulary, and Ard for his excessive exuberance.

Which one of these two will best show that brevity truly is the soul of wit?

Match 14

Hippity Hop, Hippity Hop, the Easter Bunny is here!

Wait, what do you mean the easter bunny isn't here?  But then how dissapointed will all the Children of the DL be when there are no hidden eggs to find?  So, we have two replacements to hide the eggs instead.

The first is an odd fellow, coming from Shibuya of all places.  Sho Minamimoto may have math and junk as his interests, but his knowledge of dead places will help him get his eggs hidden in a snap.

But his opponent has the advantage of technically still being a child herself, even if she's been forced to grow up quickly.  Lymsleia Falena can not only reach places that only children can reach, but she also has that firey determination not to lose to fuel her.

Match 15

One, two, three, four!
Now we'll have a thumb war!

Rightful winner, spoiled brat!
Lily thinks that she's all that!

And sure to beat that B-Rate Star
The most pathetic Laguna Loire.

Match 16

Behold, the noble and graceful basket.
See the dance of the straws as they flow amongst each other, individuals forming a solid whole.

Today, these two individuals shall comete to craft as many of these sturdy wonders of art and industry.

The first is a most clumbsy mage, with a tendency to sneeze.  But, Viki has been to many places, and seen a great many styles of basket.

The second says he is a man's man, though he too knows the tender seduction of the arts.  Kanji Tatsumi is himself a fearsome weaver, should he be able to face his true self.

Quick Vote Form
9: Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion - Jeopardy
10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming
11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper
12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off
13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging
14: Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY) v Lymsleia Falenas - Hiding Easter Eggs
15: Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling
16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2010, 05:05:14 AM »
9: Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion - Jeopardy

Unless the answer involves silver points, I don't think Gato is programmed for this one.

10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming

Awaiting comments.

11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper

And here. Although "vote for the option that gets Rinoa exploded" is tempting.

12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off

*checks Pokedex* Magikarp can not learn TM 46: Thief.

13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging

Wait a sec. Liz drew a contest in which he has to reduce the number of words needed to describe something? What kind of sick, cruel joke is this?

14: Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY) v Lymsleia Falenas - Hiding Easter Eggs
15: Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling
16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving

All of these later too. Nothing stops me from voting on Lily/Laguna except that I can't quite think of a good angle for this one yet.

(And yes, I'll make a new post when I decide on the other matches.)

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2010, 05:17:22 AM »
9: Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion - Jeopardy
A robot with three kinds of responses in a game of Jeopardy is pretty much a recipe for auto-loss.

10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming
Rita should have water magic, right?!

11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper
Well it does say whoever can flag or detonate all the mines first.

12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off
Wins by virtue of having opposible thumbs.

13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging
Liz is pretty bad at the whole brevity thing.

14: Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY) v Lymsleia Falenas - Hiding Easter Eggs
Sho sounds like too big a jerk for this.

15: Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling
Laguna suffers SPONTANEOUS LEG CRAMPING in the middle of the match and gets distracted enough to get beaten or something.

16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving
Well this looks like a blowout.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2010, 05:42:54 PM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2010, 05:22:41 AM »
9: Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion - Jeopardy: Mismatch here. Even an idiot would beat Gato in this.

10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming:
BLAHBLAHBLAH TIDAL WAVE! Also does not have the word "lose" in her dictionary. She tore that page out.
11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper: Gets Angelo to Invincible Moon her for faster minesweeping. Or just uses him directly.
12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off: Blood is expensive!
13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging: Sweet mother of god this is wrong.
14: Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY) v Lymsleia Falenas - Hiding Easter Eggs: Sho's sense of riddles and puzzles is... too unique for working with kids. Yeah.
15: Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling: Lily gets Whim to do it for her, obviously. Laguna is tough but Whim is a monstrous water elemental!
16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving: Kanji SPECIALIZES in crafts. Sure he is more clothing, but still.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2010, 06:14:20 AM »
9: Gato (CT) v Ion - Jeopardy
15 Silver Points for Ion.
10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming
Sounds like Rita's match.
11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper
Rinoa has a way of finding traps then charging into them in FF8, too.
EDIT: Also Angelo Search hype if competence comes into it?  Noted some more serious analyses, and Menardi kind of fails at finding the good guy party, while Angelo finds cool treasure (/mines?).  Not that the serious version of this match is as much fun.
12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off
Hilda only wants to steal calories, but that's still winning here.
13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging
14: Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY) v Lymsleia Falenas - Hiding Easter Eggs
Sounds like this isn't "bury the eggs so mysteriously none ever find them" but rather "bring joy and delight to children everywhere with the glorious Easter Bunny."  Checking the TWEWY wiki, Sho is 18 and an antagonist.  Lym could make an excellent Easter bunny I'm sure.
15: Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling
Lily turns herself into a Puni, discovers Punis don't have thumbs?  Whatever magical strategy Lily has here to guarantee victory will probably backfire.
16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving
I do believe we're perpetuating stereotypes that gay people do arts & crafts, but think this is likely any opponent of Viki's match anyway - Basket weaving takes too long so Viki will probably accidentally teleport before she finishes up, and that isn't actually helpful here.  Unless she teleports to the local Michaels or something.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 01:46:09 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2010, 06:42:06 AM »
9:  Jeopardy-

Don't fuck with the Fun Master.

Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion

10:  Dog Grooming-

Now, if they had to style and trim and primp the dogs, this might be a contest.  But for sheer washing potential, BLAHBLAHBLAH TIDAL WAVE is basically the spin cycle.

Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal

11:Live Action Minesweeper

Menardi's greater weight works against her, as flying off but not going out of bounds takes longer than respawning.  Or something, I dunno.  We're talking about Rinoa walking into land mines.

 Menardi v Rinoa

12: Thief Off


Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp

13: Abridging

Liz's best chance here is Ard, knowing Liz can't win, knocks Liz out and summarizes each chapter in his usual manner.  Unfortunately, you can't keep a good scientist down, so even that strategy would leave Liz to do several chapters.  And liz doing even ONE chapter is a loss for team lizard.

 Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo

14: Hiding Easter Eggs

Minamimoto's eggs would never be found (or at least, anyone who DID find them would be buried under a heap of trash), but I find myself agreeing with Snowfires interpretation of events.  The idea is fun for the childrens, not unfindable eggs.

Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY) v Lymsleia Falenas

15: Thumb Wrestling

I dunno.  Gut.

Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire

16: Basket Weaving

Not only does he finish in record time, but Kanji also has enough left over to renovate Viki's ass (by which he means her hut).

Kanji Tatsumi v Viki
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2010, 09:16:20 AM »
Quick Vote Form
9: Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion - Jeopardy
10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming
11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper- Torn.
12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off- Ability to shift into bat form and out of it already makes her great at this.
13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging- About the worse thing for Liz/Ard.
15: Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling
16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2010, 01:52:01 PM »
9: Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion - Jeopardy - Pass
10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming - Pass
11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper
12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off - Pass
13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging - Pass
14: Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY) v Lymsleia Falenas - Hiding Easter Eggs - Pass
15: Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling - Pass
16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving - Pass


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2010, 02:20:29 PM »
9: Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion - Jeopardy
10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming
11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper
12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off-I think having hands gives Hilda a significant advantage.
13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging
14: Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY) v Lymsleia Falenas - Hiding Easter Eggs
15: Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling -Pays someone or has Whim do it.
16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving-Splat


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2010, 02:31:31 PM »
9: Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion - Jeopardy- Ion's pretty smart on top of what everyone else said.
10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming- Zidane's in better shape, and has the benefit of having an extra hand (or tail) to use to clean the dogs. Sure they'll bite him for being Zidande and thus a lamer, but it isn't like Rita has any particular skills in this area.
11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper- Minesweeper requires thinking and speed. Rinoa has neither, while Menardi does have speed.
12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off- Obvious.
13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging- Poor Ard.
15:Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling-  What Random said.
16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving- Viki has no touch; Kanji specializes in crafts. Hello blowout.
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2010, 06:24:28 PM »
Quick Vote Form
9: Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion - Jeopardy - Gato gives Ion all 15 of his points, loses.
10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming - See 16.
11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper - Blows up her field, and Rinoa's as well.
12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off - Yoink.
13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging
14: Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY) v Lymsleia Falenas - Hiding Easter Eggs - Sho, doing things for other people? You jest.
15: Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling - Laguna is only intimidated by -fire-, not water. Manages the thumb wrestling okay as a result.
16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving - Viki accidentally teleports the basket into Zidane's skull.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2010, 12:54:35 AM »
9: Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion - Jeopardy
10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming
11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper
12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off
13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging
14: Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY) v Lymsleia Falenas - Hiding Easter Eggs
15: Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling
16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2010, 01:29:03 AM »
9: Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion - Jeopardy - Yeah, something tells me Ion's got the wider knowledge to draw on here. Also Gato strikes me as the type who'd ring in on everything even if he doesn't know the answer.
10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming - Doubt Rita could get the dogs clean without injuring/killing them(ie: using magic). That smells like DQ bait to me, so she tries it the old fashioned way and loses out to Zidane in speed.
11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper - Menardi just seems more willing to get her hands dirty doing the digging then Rinoa does. They both complain, Menardi just complains while working, while Rinoa wastes time on it.
12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off - ...
13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging - Haven't even played Leo's game, but Liz loses this to basically anyone ever.
14: Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY) v Lymsleia Falenas - Hiding Easter Eggs - Dunno Shu.
15: Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling - Just sounds like the kind of childish game Laguna'd be good at. Up until Lily kicked him in the junk for beating her too many times, anyway. But that can't be legal.
16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving - Yeah, Viki's out of her league here.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2010, 04:55:18 AM »
9: Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion - Jeopardy - Cause Jeopardy is Fun.
10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming - Gotta go with BlahBlahBlah Tidal Wave here.
11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper - Rinoa activates her Angel Wing limit break to avoid getting blown up by the mines! But then she's out of control and goes flying off somewhere, giving Menardi plenty of time to leisurely play a game of minesweeper.
12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off - Oh sure, Hilda steals more, but she's quick to get caught and jailed for being so suspicious. NO ONE SUSPECTS A MAGIKARP!
13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging - Leo's pretty terrible at this, too, but Liz just outclasses him in terribleness.
14: Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY) v Lymsleia Falenas - Hiding Easter Eggs - His pattern for hiding the eggs is mathematically sound, at least!
15: Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling - Laguna's got thumbs of steel from all his time spent hitchhiking, obviously. I'll bet Lily's never hitchhiked a day in her life! (... I dunno either)
16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving - Makes the MANLIEST baskets ever.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2010, 04:07:43 PM »
9: Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion - Jeopardy
10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming
>blahblahblah Tidal Wave
>Thousands of damage
>Dead dogs
11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper - Highly competent compared to Rinoa.
12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off
13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging
14: Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY) v Lymsleia Falenas - Hiding Easter Eggs
15: Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling
16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving
"Turning into bats? Laughable!" says sparkly telepathic Volvo-driving vampire who spent century in high school.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2010, 01:46:02 AM »
Meh, Rita just equips Minimum Damage weapon, washes all dogs at once without doing any damage to them.

Hey, it works!


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2010, 01:47:40 AM »
9: Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion - Jeopardy
10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming
11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper
12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off
13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging
14: Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY) v Lymsleia Falenas - Hiding Easter Eggs
15: Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling
16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2010, 08:53:27 PM »
9: Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion - Jeopardy
10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming
11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper
12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off
13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging
14: Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY) v Lymsleia Falenas - Hiding Easter Eggs - I do love the mental image of making kids search giant piles of junk for easter eggs though. >__>
15: Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling - Finger cramp
16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving
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<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2010, 02:47:54 AM »
9: Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion - Jeopardy
I'm sorry, Gato, but you must provide your responses in the form of a question.

10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming
Water magic or something. Whatever.

11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper
Because the thought of Rinoa winning anything makes me throw up in my mouth a little.

12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off
Has thumbs, can walk on land, is not a useless flopping fish, etc.

13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging
Ard has the whole brevity thing down, but this is probably the worst possible match for Liz.

14: Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY) v Lymsleia Falenas - Hiding Easter Eggs
Something something youthful spirit.

15: Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling
See #11. Replace "Rinoa" with "Laguna."

16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving
Viki is way too clumsy for this.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2010, 04:16:45 AM »
Pool B Voting ends Sunday in roughly 24 hours.

There may even be fancy writeups as per usual if I can find my wireless network card or USB key.

Close matches are Lily/Laguna, and Menardi/Rinoa.

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2010, 09:51:19 PM »
9: Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion - Jeopardy - Gato can only sing about Silver Points. =(
10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming - I'm sorry, I can't hear Zidane arguments over blahblahblahTIDALWAVE.
11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper - This course of action gets Rinoa blown up far more than the alternative. Thus.
12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off - Magikarp doesn't get the Thief TM!
13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging - um.
14: Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY) v Lymsleia Falenas - Hiding Easter Eggs - Sho may hide the eggs better and more deadlily. However, Lymsleia is bound to hide the eggs for people to have -fun-.
15: Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling - You see, Lily is expert at handling undesirable matter against others, as her spell upgrades via Whim abuse prove. Laguna with his thumbs firmly glued into each other should be unable to thumbwrestle a -rock-. And then, given how amazingly violent Lily is, I just figure she'll break Laguna's thumb mid-battle anyway.
16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving - Kanji is a tailor's child. Viki. um. She probably teleports the entire atelier into Wyoming or something, which, while very entertaining, won't guarantee she'll weave any baskets.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #21 on: July 25, 2010, 10:15:16 PM »
9: Gato (CT) v Fun Master Ion - Jeopardy
10: Rita (ToV) v Zidane Tribal - Dog Grooming
11: Menardi v Rinoa - Live Action Minesweeper
12: Hilda (SH3) v Magikarp - Thief Off
13: Liz/Ard v White Knight Leo - Abridging: Worst category possible for Liz.
14: Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY) v Lymsleia Falenas - Hiding Easter Eggs
15: Lily Valendorf v Laguna Loire - Thumb Wrestling- As if she does it herself.
16: Kanji Tatsumi v Viki - Basket Weaving
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