Author Topic: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A  (Read 2228 times)


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Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« on: August 02, 2010, 03:10:08 AM »

When something stinks, it's always the Butz. - Talaysen
Lucretia 9 - 2 Bartz

On the one hand, Ultros is just as likely to squirt ink on the cat.  On the other hand, Marines are pretty much incapable of doing anything other than walking, shooting, injecting themselves with harsh stimulants, and dying. - Random Consonent
Ultros 9 - 2 Terran Marine

Atton gets freaked out by Mog's creepy eyes. - Djinn
Mog 7 - 1 Atton

(Jade) Cheats more than Yugi Moto. - Djinn
Jade Curtiss 9 - 3 Professor Oak

One of the few RPG characters with actual proven experience doing this. His ability to shake off hypothermia just with a few seconds of shivering will prove invaluable here. - Darkholyelf
Clive Winslett 5 - 7 Cloud Strife

Putting on a pimp hat and hitting on a chick with superstrength is a great way to reach low orbit without an engine. - Gatewalker
Princess Gwaelin 2 - 8 Jack Frost

Bad, bad, bad Branky!  You made me miss a step!  Now it's time for punishment!  (Meanwhile the misses will continue as Mel is distracted by the conversation.) - Snowfire
Mitsuru Kirijo 8 - 2 Mel & Branky

Roy convinces him to kill his own king. - Ciato
Roy 10 - 1 Ragnar

Round 2:
Pool A

Match 33

When you think of gambling, you think of poker.  That favourite game where two folks must play the odds, and be ready to bluff hard in order to take the pot.  And today we're lucky to have two fine contestants.

Our first one comes from 4-D space, and is an expert inventor and master of games of all kinds.  But Welsh Vineyard will have a hard time in her crafty for, Lord Yuna from the Fou Empire.  Indeed, while he may not be versed in games, he's well used to facing off against the very best for only the highest of stakes.

So, which one of these two will the cards favour tonight?

Match 34

In this world there's only two kinds of people.  The people who do what they're told, and the people who do the telling.  This competition is only for those who do the telling. Specifically, those who use that fine art of the teller, bullying.  Yes!  This match is a competition to see who can bully more of the minions in the arena with them, or even go for the knockout and successfully bully their opponent without retaliation.

First up is a man well versed in the art of getting folks to do what he says.  Specifically, it's how he became the Vice President of the United States, and was his primary tool against the terrorist Metal Wolf.  But, Richard Hawk will have his work cut out for him.

Because his opponent is a part of the god of darkness itself; the Wings of Valmar, Millenia.  Easily demanding that others do as she wishes, and with the sure assurance that this will happen, her technique is flawless.

And so we'll see here and now, which one of these two can be the better bully.

Match 35

Two lone gladiators meeting in the arena?  Flawless formations clashing on the field of war?  Barbaric!  These days one can and should take the blood out of bloodsport with the advent of the fighting game!  These electric simulations of fighting provide all your conflict resolution and face smashing needs without putting a single life at risk!  And today, we've got five of them being used to setting which of these two will be the winner!

Neither of our contestants actually comes from a setting with fighting, or even really video, games but both have their claim to victory.  Major Armstrong's is boasting of his famed Armstrong Technique, which apparently is enough to deal with even this.  While Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde is good with her mind, and while perhaps not the quickest of wit, should prove able to outsmart her opponent.

Well, they'll each have their chance as now it's time to game on!

Match 36

On your marks.  Get set.  GO!

Go on down to the local footrace, where two contestants strive to get from point A to point B as fast as they can.  Of course, this time, we've got somewhat less than impressive contestants.  One of them is a mage, noted for her distinct lack of physical activity.  Of course, this may be better than her opponent who's known for being a housewife and horribly skilled with a frying pan.

Match 37

Do you need someone to look after your kids?  Come to the DL Day Care where we have only the finest of staff to look after your child.  This week, both of our staff members come from the wonderful world of Tales!  Rita will be sure to keep your kids clean, and otherwise watch over them with he magical might.  While Fun Master Ion ensures that no child goes unentertained as he looks after both their bodies and their souls.

Of course, only one of these two can win the Parent's Choice Employee of the Month award!

Match 38

In this world there's two types of people.  People who tells others what to do, and the people who do as they're told.  This match focuses on those who do as they're told.  Specifically, on the fine job of minioning, which is low tier do what you're told..  These two will not only serve as extras on the Bullying Challenge this week. but must also generally serve their overlords in as spineless a manner as they can manage.

For Rinoa, this may be a bit of an issue.  While she has the not terribly competant part of being a minion mastered, she's still got the occasional notion that she's in chage, which will never do.

On the other hand, her opponent Hilda is pretty literally batty and has to overcome the fact that she is a vampire, and vampires are never mere minions.

Match 39

The ability to put paint on canvas, isn't so much a mechanical thing as it is an art, an application of the soul on whatever surface is at hand.  And so it shall be here, where these two contestants must craft a painting, with the finer painting gaining the victory.

White Knight Leo has little issue with expressing himself, being an extrovert of the highest caliber.  But then, so is Lymsleia, who as Queen is secure in all aspects of her reign and herself.  And so, White Knight or Queen, which shall prove defter with a brush.

Match 40

Hey there and welcome to Fashion Makeover!  The show where our two fashionistas take one ugly slob and each present their vision of how fabulous he can look!  This week we'll be helping our victim Cloud Strife.  But let's look past his tacky, tacky outfit to the two folks who'll be helping him advance forward!

Top of her class from the prestigis Al-Revis Academy, Lily Valendorf is ready to show off her Alchemy.  The making of outfits is one of the specialties of Alchemy and her outfits are both stylish and practical, useful both on the runway and the dungeon.  And she has with her her Maid Mana Whim, to give a second eye and ready advice.

And our other expert hails from Inaba, Japan.  Kanji Tatsumi may just be in high school, but he's skilled with both needle and thread, having been trained in the tailoring industry since youth.  And that's not even getting into his own keen fashion sense, and experience with both men's, and women's fashions.

Quick Vote Form

33: Welch Vineyard v Lord Yuna - Poker
34: Richard Hawk v Millenia - Bullying
35: Major Armstrong v Cecilia - Fighting Game Tournament
36: Mystina v Yang's Wife - Footrace
37: Fon Master Ion v Rita (ToV) - Day Care Operation
38: Rinoa v Hilda - Minioning
39: White Knight Leo v Lymsleia Falena - Painting
40: Lily Valendorf v Kanji Tatsumi - Fashion Makeover


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2010, 03:22:54 AM »
33: Welch Vineyard v Lord Yuna - Poker: Pure kneejerk here. I could easily see this going the other way.
34: Richard Hawk v Millenia - Bullying: See above. Good matches here so far.
35: Major Armstrong v Cecilia - Fighting Game Tournament: Major who?
36: Mystina v Yang's Wife - Footrace: Hmm...gonna go with the fact that Mystina is technically dead and thus wouldn't get tired ever.
37: Fon Master Ion v Rita (ToV) - Day Care Operation: Ion seems like he'd be good with kids. Rita...not so much.
38: Rinoa v Hilda - Minioning: Riona'd talk back too much. And iirc, Curvy Hilda was fairly shy/nice/passive, which are good minion traits. Even if I'm remembering wrong, my money is still on Hilda to be able to swallow her pride to win the match better then Rinoa could.
39: White Knight Leo v Lymsleia Falena - Painting: Still need to get around to playing EBC.
40: Lily Valendorf v Kanji Tatsumi - Fashion Makeover: Gah, another tough one. Lily...well, it's true she has alchemy on her side, but I think Kanji has the more solid fashion sense. Lily would end up getting distracted and making puni-style everything or something.
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2010, 03:24:33 AM »
33: Welch Vineyard v Lord Yuna - Poker: I imagine Welch is well-versed in game theory of every kind.
34: Richard Hawk v Millenia - Bullying: I love Millenia, but the dude bullies a COUNTRY.
35: Major Armstrong v Cecilia - Fighting Game Tournament: Playing a videogame strikes me as something Ceci would be good at. Armstrong would try to treat it like a real fight.
36: Mystina v Yang's Wife - Footrace: Unless teleporting counts and Mystina can do it?
37: Fon Master Ion v Rita (ToV) - Day Care Operation: Fon Master Ion is too damn nice. He is also has horrible health issues. Can you see him controlling a group of children by himself? Children, the most vicious creatures known to man? Rita on the other hand not only controls the little tykes but by the end of the day they all know Calculus. (also she can read one of Estelle's storybooks. And she has experience in the remake with doing exactly this!)
38: Rinoa v Hilda - Minioning: I can't see Hilda doing anything but giving lip here.
39: White Knight Leo v Lymsleia Falena - Painting: For some reason I picture Mystere painting something magnificent. I can't get the image out of my head so here we are.
40: Lily Valendorf v Kanji Tatsumi - Fashion Makeover: While Lily has a thing for Punis, she and Whim show good style and her array of functional and nice-looking garments simply dwarfs whatever the punk T-shirt wearing Kanji can do. Being able to sew and having fashion sense aren't the same thing, after all.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2010, 03:26:04 AM by Pyro »


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2010, 03:29:18 AM »

34: Richard Hawk v Millenia - Bullying- Millenia does a pretty piss poor job of inflciting her will when she really wants to do so. Richard... well, is an evil politican. Bullying is his thing.
36: Mystina v Yang's Wife - Footrace- Mystina isn't an athelte. Yang's wife is a pro wrestler waiting to happen.
37: Fon Master Ion v Rita (ToV) - Day Care Operation- Rita- Rita has zero ability to actually relate to children. Ion will do wonderfully here.
38: Rinoa v Hilda - Minioning- This match counts on RInoa not failing. We know how that'll end.
39: White Knight Leo v Lymsleia Falena - Painting
40: Lily Valendorf v Kanji Tatsumi - Fashion Makeover-Feels like Kanji's type of match.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2010, 03:37:31 AM »
33: Welch Vineyard v Lord Yuna - Poker: The problem with Lord Yuna here is that he has way too much of a mutable facial structure.  "Magnificent Bastard" whatever - he will NOT maintain a true poker face.  Welch, on the other hand, has, in all the portraits I've seen, one face, and that not readable.  In the words of Lady Gaga, "Can't read my, can't read my, no he can't read my POKER FACE!"
34: Richard Hawk v Millenia - Bullying: Demonic powers work well for bullying, but it's hard to argue with the GODDAMNED VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES doing the bullying.  Seriously, it's like if Al Gore released ManBearPig himself on the world, just to get attentiont...
35: Major Armstrong v Cecilia - Fighting Game Tournament: Cecilia would play a game.  Major Armstrong wouldn't.
36: Mystina v Yang's Wife - Footrace: Eh...Mystina is dead, so does it even count if she makes it to the end?
37: Fon Master Ion v Rita (ToV) - Day Care Operation: I could go either way here.  While Ion has the personality and demeanor for it, Rita has the entertainment value - kids would watch the destruction of playgrounds in awe for hours without problems, whereas Ion can't do much or he'll...uh...die >_>
38: Rinoa v Hilda - Minioning: Please - if there's a market for sparkly male vampires, there has to be a market for lesbian vampires.  Like Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter fans!  Much easier to be a minion when your master is a TWILIGHT FAN.
39: White Knight Leo v Lymsleia Falena - Painting: Is clearly creative enough to paint something AWESOME.
40: Lily Valendorf v Kanji Tatsumi - Fashion Makeover: Joins the Fab Five and make-overs the world!
« Last Edit: August 02, 2010, 03:44:13 AM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2010, 03:40:42 AM »
33: Welch Vineyard v Lord Yuna - Poker
Even assuming Lord Yuna has been exposed to the game, he'd doubtlessly find it beneath him.

34: Richard Hawk v Millenia - Bullying
A demon who doesn't turn out to be a total softie in the end would maybe have a shot.  Too bad for Millenia that she doesn't fall into that category of demon.

35: Major Armstrong v Cecilia - Fighting Game Tournament
Major Armstrong is overly passionate and would probably wind up breaking the arcade machine, thus forfieting the match.

36: Mystina v Yang's Wife - Footrace

37: Fon Master Ion v Rita (ToV) - Day Care Operation
Uh huh.  When in doubt, doubt the angry black mage girl's ability to handle children.

38: Rinoa v Hilda - Minioning
Rinoa, do as she's told?  Hahahahaha.

39: White Knight Leo v Lymsleia Falena - Painting

40: Lily Valendorf v Kanji Tatsumi - Fashion Makeover - I dunno, while Kanji's thing is crafts, I'm not sure how well that carries over to fashion.  Doesn't sound like Lily would mess this up too badly either.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2010, 04:04:49 AM »
33: Welch Vineyard v Lord Yuna - Poker
Raw Material costs: 4 million Fol
Inventor salary fees: 8 million Fol
Factory Overhead: 3 million Fol

Creating a pair of x-ray contact lenses that allow you to see what cards your opponent has: Priceless

34: Richard Hawk v Millenia - Bullying
Feels like a slaughter to me. Millenia isn't ruthless enough here to compared with the great Vice president of the United States. Plus, Richard is RICHARD. Meaning he has both the PAUNCH and the KOHRYUKEN. Superior bullying tools
35: Major Armstrong v Cecilia - Fighting Game Tournament
Cecilia crafts a YOMI spell crest, casts it on herself and cruises to victory regardless of the game chosen. SILRIN approved tactics.

36: Mystina v Yang's Wife - Footrace
Mystina does not strike me as being well cut out for this.

37: Fon Master Ion v Rita (ToV) - Day Care Operation
The real solution to this tournament is what happens when the children start getting restless and start throwing tantrums. Ion might be sickly, but he strikes me as more compasionate and having a better temperament in this situation to play with the kids. Rita just summons Meteor Storm to get them to shut up.

38: Rinoa v Hilda - Minioning
GOOD NEWS: Rinoa is not a leader in this contest. And since her leadership is terrible, she doesn't have to worry.
BAD NEWS: Rinoa however, is of course also like the worst minion possible since she throws whiny tantrum fits if she doesn't get her way
WORSE NEWS: Not only will Rinoa throw whiny tantrum fits, she will also somehow to screw up something up horribly while she is at it.
WORST NEWS: Even if you then wanted to kill Rinoa for her failures, she will miraculously survive, just because.

40: Lily Valendorf v Kanji Tatsumi - Fashion Makeover
I think this is like the only match that strikes me as reasonably close based on the descriptions. Kanji strikes me as having an edge though, since Whim probably screws up somewhere with the getting the necessary ingredients.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2010, 04:06:54 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2010, 05:08:58 AM »
33: Welch Vineyard v Lord Yuna - Poker - Her weirdness really helps her maintain a proper Poker face. ...NO ONE knows what this chick is thinking.
34: Richard Hawk v Millenia - Bullying - Spell Binding Eye is broken here. Seriously, it's even MT so she gets both her own AND Richard's minions at once.
35: Major Armstrong v Cecilia - Fighting Game Tournament - Someone explains to Cecilia the concept behind fighting games is making the little Golems do what you tell them and Ceci is totally behind that idea!
36: Mystina v Yang's Wife - Footrace
37: Fon Master Ion v Rita (ToV) - Day Care Operation - She shows great aptitude in keeping Karol and Raven under control, I think she can handle a day care.
38: Rinoa v Hilda - Minioning - Hilda is too competant to be a good Minion. Rinoa's practically the fourth Garlyle commander~
39: White Knight Leo v Lymsleia Falena - Painting - Lymsleia has allowed the crime against art - Haud - to remain standing in her borders. Loses by default.
40: Lily Valendorf v Kanji Tatsumi - Fashion Makeover - "W- will we be pretty?"

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2010, 05:45:04 AM »
I dunno what version of G2 you played, Djinn, but I sure as hell don't remember SBE to be MT, and the guide I'm looking at agrees with me.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2010, 06:01:36 AM »
*shrugs* Memory Failure. I'll go cut myself now.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2010, 08:53:43 AM »
33: Welch Vineyard v Lord Yuna - Poker- Welch has a poker face? Her default personality is set to "off-balance klutz" which definitely doesn't say poker player.
36: Mystina v Yang's Wife - Footrace. The women who lives at the top of a giant tower that you can only reach by climbing up numerous flights of stairs and with Chun Li esque thighs isn't losing to a women who is probably pretty sedentary.
37: Fon Master Ion v Rita (ToV) - Day Care Operation- Ion would be better...until the children broke him in half.
38: Rinoa v Hilda - Minioning
40: Lily Valendorf v Kanji Tatsumi - Fashion Makeover- for the Asian part with bleached blonde hair as the one more likely to inflict decent fashion on someone?
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2010, 09:22:48 AM »
33: Welch Vineyard v Lord Yuna - Poker

Quite surprised at all the votes the other way. Yuna has a poker face; he tells several baldfaced lies, and he's certainly clever enough to get a quick handle on the game. Welch I'm not convinced has either quality.

34: Richard Hawk v Millenia - Bullying

I'd say the level of media control Richard Hawk exerts alone gives him this. Who'd he have to bully to pull that off?

35: Major Armstrong v Cecilia - Fighting Game Tournament

36: Mystina v Yang's Wife - Footrace

Voting for the person who actually moves around during the game. <_<

37: Fon Master Ion v Rita (ToV) - Day Care Operation

Rita... doesn't seem to be the most empathic person in the world. Ion seems like he'd be wonderful with children.

38: Rinoa v Hilda - Minioning

Curvy Hilda is perfect for this. Even if she's not a great minion, her infinitely cute stare will make everyone -think- she is, and that's good enough, I think.

39: White Knight Leo v Lymsleia Falena - Painting

I don't see anything that suggests either is qualified at this, but nor do I see anything suggests either is unqualified. Abstain.

40: Lily Valendorf v Kanji Tatsumi - Fashion Makeover

Making all the alchemy outfits seems like it'd help a lot. Kanji clearly has the crafts down, but his fashion sense seems to be a point of debate, so... going with the one I'm more confident in.

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2010, 12:01:40 PM »
33: Welch Vineyard v Lord Yuna - Poker
36: Mystina v Yang's Wife - Footrace
37: Fon Master Ion v Rita (ToV) - Day Care Operation This is entirely dependent on how many of the children are little terrors who misbehave. If there are 3 or more Ion will probably lose control of them with his kind and understanding approach. Rita's disciplinarian approach might not seem the best for a small group of children, but for a large group it will probably be the only way to get them all in line.
38: Rinoa v Hilda - Minioning
39: White Knight Leo v Lymsleia Falena - Painting
40: Lily Valendorf v Kanji Tatsumi - Fashion Makeover Good match

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2010, 12:32:39 PM »
33: Welch Vineyard v Lord Yuna - Poker - Pass
34: Richard Hawk v Millenia - Bullying - If nothing else, he can "bully" Millenia with a space laser.
35: Major Armstrong v Cecilia - Fighting Game Tournament - Pass
36: Mystina v Yang's Wife - Footrace - Pass
37: Fon Master Ion v Rita (ToV) - Day Care Operation - Yeah, the master of Fun takes this to me.  I'm sure he can come up with a whole bunch of ideas for children's games that don't involve him getting too physically worked up.  Rita, on the other hand...  Sacrificial Lamb to the wolves.
38: Rinoa v Hilda - Minioning - Curvy form has the CARE BEAR STARE OF HYPNOTISM that makes everyone think what she wants.  And she wants to be a good minion.
39: White Knight Leo v Lymsleia Falena - Painting - Pass
40: Lily Valendorf v Kanji Tatsumi - Fashion Makeover - Kanji's gonna renovate Cloud's ass!  Meanwhile, Sephiroth suddenly finds himself losing fangirls.  The universe wonders why.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2010, 03:32:13 PM »
33: Welch Vineyard v Lord Yuna - Poker
34: Richard Hawk v Millenia - Bullying
35: Major Armstrong v Cecilia - Fighting Game Tournament
37: Fon Master Ion v Rita (ToV) - Day Care Operation
38: Rinoa v Hilda - Minioning
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2010, 07:05:04 PM »
33: Welch Vineyard v Lord Yuna - Poker- Shocked at all the welch votes, Yuna would be amazing at poker. Welch would think its something she does with her stick.
36: Mystina v Yang's Wife - Footrace- Is dead, so doesnt get tired
38: Rinoa v Hilda - Minioning- Rinoa winning anything is wrong
39: White Knight Leo v Lymsleia Falena - Painting- I'm sure Lym has had painting lessons or something.
40: Lily Valendorf v Kanji Tatsumi - Fashion Makeover- I dont really know Kanji, but just looking at him and I think Lily would win this. Discount this vote if you want to.

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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2010, 07:30:35 PM »
33: Welch Vineyard v Lord Yuna - Poker
34: Richard Hawk v Millenia - Bullying
35: Major Armstrong v Cecilia - Fighting Game Tournament
36: Mystina v Yang's Wife - Footrace
37: Fon Master Ion v Rita (ToV) - Day Care Operation
38: Rinoa v Hilda - Minioning
39: White Knight Leo v Lymsleia Falenas - Painting
40: Lily Valendorf v Kanji Tatsumi - Fashion Makeover
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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2010, 07:55:06 PM »
33: Welch Vineyard v Lord Yuna - Poker: Evil mastermind vs. Crazy scientist. Close match, but I think the mastermind bit edges out the crazy just a tiny bit.
34: Richard Hawk v Millenia - Bullying: Because a heart that loves America is a heart that loves Justice. Otherwise, you get missiles to the face.
35: Major Armstrong v Cecilia - Fighting Game Tournament: As much as I want to vote Armstrong here, this is definitely not his category. At all.
36: Mystina v Yang's Wife - Footrace: Just because Mystina doesn't get tired doesn't mean she's very fast. Also, depending on how long the race is, getting tired may not matter at all. She also gets my vote because she's clearly used to chasing down Yang, and he's a freaking MONK. Those guys are trained to be strong, fast, and have lots of stamina. If that isn't perfect footrace training, what is? Finally, "intense training" with the Ex-King of Fabul.
37: Fon Master Ion v Rita (ToV) - Day Care Operation Abstain.
38: Rinoa v Hilda - Minioning: Because as bad as Hilda is, Rinoa is far, far worse.
39: White Knight Leo v Lymsleia Falena - Painting Abstain
40: Lily Valendorf v Kanji Tatsumi - Fashion Makeover: He pretty clearly shows some aptitude with fashion in his scenes. He just puts up that tough guy exterior because he doesn't want to seem all gay and stuff. I mean, tough guys get the chicks, right?
« Last Edit: August 02, 2010, 09:22:21 PM by Magetastic »
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
* +superaway shakes head.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2010, 10:36:14 PM »
Quick Vote Form

33: Welch Vineyard v Lord Yuna - Poker - Both get a royal flush A-10, spades. Both accuse the other of cheating, and it turns out both did cheat - Welch invented a new sorting algorithm pokey-stick and x-ray sunglasses to time things right, while Yuna just sleight-of-handed cards up his sleeves. However, since cheating -wasn't- forbidden (this is the DL, for crissakes) they both got a pass.
34: Richard Hawk v Millenia - Bullying - Missiles Millenia from outside the arena, comes in, terrorizes.
35: Major Armstrong v Cecilia - Fighting Game Tournament - I can't justify this one, but she seems like the sort of person who'd do surprisingly well at this.
36: Mystina v Yang's Wife - Footrace - Her opposition doesn't immune frying pans.
37: Fon Master Ion v Rita (ToV) - Day Care Operation - No clue.
38: Rinoa v Hilda - Minioning - Rinoa gets dominated by everyone, but she's no one's minion.
39: White Knight Leo v Lymsleia Falena - Painting - Leo refuses to beat a kid in anything. Lymsleia sics Miakis on him while he's dithering, then does a finger painting of herself and the Prince.
40: Lily Valendorf v Kanji Tatsumi - Fashion Makeover - It's not that Kanji has shitty fashion sense. He just can't dress -himself- up to save his life. Now, he can probably redeem Cloud - and Cloud can apparently pull a woman well, so he gets the Marilyn Striferoe treatment. Meanwhile, Lily and Whim dress Cloud up like a French maid. As the two appeal to totally different segments of the population but are both pretty damn popular, both get a pass.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2010, 03:47:30 AM »
33: Welch Vineyard v Lord Yuna - Poker
Welch is a huuuuuuuuuuuge cheater.
34: Richard Hawk v Millenia - Bullying
Close, but Millenia's ending has her a little too mellow.
35: Major Armstrong v Cecilia - Fighting Game Tournament
Cecilia is something of a Mary Sue so she's probably good at everything.
36: Mystina v Yang's Wife - Footrace
Neither one's forte, but Mystina is dead and therefore doesn't get tired.
37: Fon Master Ion v Rita (ToV) - Day Care Operation
Rita sounds too crazy to pull this off right.
38: Rinoa v Hilda - Minioning
Both Rinoa and Hilda would be *awful* minions, they're way too independent minded.  But sure, will tiebreak on Curvy Hilda pulling this off in a remotely non-fail manner.
39: White Knight Leo v Lymsleia Falena - Painting
Pretty much a coinflip, neither one is in their element.
40: Lily Valendorf v Kanji Tatsumi - Fashion Makeover
Kanji strikes me as the kind of guy who'd do something "shocking" and "daring" just to insult the judges and probably involves sticking a dog collar on Cloud or something.  Lily might be crazy but at worst we end up with something frilly, and Whim might save the day anyway.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2010, 06:19:57 PM »
33:  - Poker

Quite apart from Welch's main area of expertise being hacking games, while Lord Yuna is a master of the poker face, Welch's standard behavior looks like a tell.  Someone who's giving off false readings all the time causes a lot more mistakes in their opponent than a perfect poker face (if this isn't true, tough cookies it is now.)
Welch Vineyard v Lord Yuna

34:  - Bullying

If this was standard bullying, we might have a match.  Millenia has a good grasp of psychological warfare, and much like wrestling, you use different moves when terrorizing one person than when bullying 300 million.  But it's bossing around MINIONS, and Richard Hawk is the evil overlord here.
Richard Hawk v Millenia

35: Fighting Game Tournament

The Armstrong line may well have special techniques for fighting games dating back generations.  Who's to say.  What they don't have is little plastic controllers designed to withstand the full forced passions of the Strong Arm Alchemist.
Major Armstrong v Cecilia

36:  Footrace

Yang's Wife has had children.  She can outrun any welp.
Mystina v Yang's Wife

37: Day Care Operation

If you don't know Rita, instead imagine Lina INverse running a daycare.  Tell me how long, in seconds, it is before dragon slaves are used.  Rita's from a more serious game, so she wouldn't actually blow up the building (and surrounding villages) but you get the idea.
Besides, even kids know you don't fuck with the Fun Master.
Fon Master Ion v Rita (ToV)

38:  Minioning

Nothing much to add here.
Rinoa v Hilda

39: Painting

It's not impossible that, although the primary heir, Lym had some cultural training.  I mean, doesn't seem like a culture big on the arts, but I can imagine it.  I can't imagine Leo making anything more advanced than stick figures.
White Knight Leo v Lymsleia Falena

40: Fashion Makeover

I'm simply assuming, because Excal picked Cloud, that this is a cross-dressing version of the makeover.  Why else subject poor Cloud?  Anyway, it strikes me that a proper fit, to give a greater illusion of feminine curves, is the key to a proper and convincing play at the opposite gender.  So with that in mind, the speed and daring allowed by Alchemical dressmaking isn't at a particular advantage compared to the ability to hand-make and adjust the outfit.  I also tend to think that, when making up other people (and especially a girl's outfit), Kanji's own fashion sense wouldn't really show up, and I'm willing to assume based on how people reacted to his homemade dolls that they're dressed perfectly nicely.  So yeah.
Lily Valendorf v Kanji Tatsumi
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Tournament of Randomness - Round 2 Pool A
« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2010, 06:56:46 PM »
Alright, and this pool closes tomorrow.  Get cher votes in now!