
Author Topic: Tales of Vesperia  (Read 13029 times)


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Tales of Vesperia
« on: October 13, 2008, 12:45:52 AM »

- Level taken at 57

- Damage taken as a whole combo. ToV PCs are able to combo a physical string -> Base Arte -> Arcane Arte by default. They can not throw in an Altered Arte without specific skills for allowing that.

- Stats:
HP: Lose these and you are obviously not L33T enough.
TP: The cast uses TP to execute Artes. A basic physical hit regenerates 1 TP, and there are other conditions for restoring TP.
P.ATK: Influences physical damage dealt. Formula for damage appears to be (P.ATK - P.DEF/2)*multiplier. Or at least something very similar to this.
M.ATK: See P.ATK, except for magic.
AGL: Influences a characters action/running speed (although character-innate action speeds are far more important than this stat). It also influences critical rate.
P.DEF: Reduces physical damage received. See P.ATK for the formula. I'll also list in parenthesis how much the stat modifies incoming damage. (i.e. 50% = takes half damage from attacks)
M.DEF: Reduces magical damage received. Same formula. I'll also list in parenthesis how much the stat modifies incoming damage.
Luck: A value that ranges from ~60-100. Affects some things but I'm not sure how. Mostly important for Repede's auto-revive skill, which also largely doesn't matter.
Physical durability: PC's HP divided by the average divided by how much they modify incoming damage by. So 150% durability = you can take 1.5x the punishment a 100% durability PC could.
Magical durability: Same thing as Physical Durability but for magic.

- Overlimits: Basically, in Tales of Vesperia the party shares an Overlimit gauge with up to 4 bars. At any time, anyone can actiave a Level 1-4 Overlimit by consuming the corresponding number of bars from the gauge. Overlimits in ToV has the following effects: The PC can combo until Overlimit runs out, including any number of basic physicals and any level of Artes. All spells are cast instantly (but this does not negate the recoil after the spell is cast). While in Overlimit the characters can activate Burste Artes of various levels depending on what level of Overlimit they are in. Overlimit Lvl 3 negates all TP costs and allows PCs equipped with the "Special" skill to perform Mystic Artes. Overlimit lvl 4 also grants invincibility. Any Burste Arte can be modified into a fire/ice/wind/water variation by equipping the right combination of Altered Arte skills. Generally these don't matter except for very long fights or Yuri. I assume the cast starts with half of an Overlimit gauge available personally, but this is subject to interp. I don't have damages for Overlimits right now, but if I get pushed I might grab them.

- ToV has a skill system where the PCs learn skills that are on their weapons. The PCs can then equip these skills by expending the amount of Skill Points required to do so. At level 57 the PCs have 94 skill points to allocate. For the purposes of this topic, I only included unique skills. The cost to equip the skill is listed beside it in parenthesis. It should be noted that irregardless of whether a PC has learned a skill or has it equipped that skill will always be active if the PC has the weapon equipped that teaches it. Your mileage may vary on this. A lot. I'll star * the skills I presume as default. Also, depending on what type of skills a character has equipped they can get some bonuses in Overlimit, for example lots of offense-oriented skills increases damage in Overlimit. This was already factored in for Yuri (going for offense up in Overlimit) and is largely irrelevant otherwise.

- I took damage against the EX Unicorn enemies (523 P.DEF, 429 M.DEF) in the final dungeon. I took PC defense effectiveness against 780 enemy P.ATK and M.ATK.

- Fatal Strikes. Kay, here goes. Basically any time a PC attacks, they inflict HP damage and deplete one of the target's 3 FS gauges (red, green, or blue). The amount taken from the Appropriate gauge is dependent on the number of hits/arte used and is in no way associated with the damage done. When the gauge reaches 0 the target is "FS broken" and upon hitting the target with an Arte of the appropriate type the player can inflict a Fatal Strike. These are 100% Instant Death or about 4x a basic physical failing that. In addition, the type of FS performed has certain other benefits associated with it. A Green FS will restore TP, a Blue FS will buff offensive stats and restore HP, and a Red FS will buff defensive stats. The effectiveness of the HP/TP restoration or buffing is dependent on what the FS Chain was. The FS Chain is the number of times after the target was FS broken that the attacker used the appropriate arte type on them (all in the same combo). The buffs/benefits start at 4% for 1 chain, and 29% for 8 chains. The bonuses continue after that with diminishing returns. Everyone generally has some means of breaking an enemy's Fatal Strike meter by turn 2-3, with Yuri being able to do it turn 1.

- Elemental resistances are all 20%, and stack additively. So an armor that resists wind and a helm that resists wind stack for a 40% wind reduction. ToV elements are Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light, and Dark. The game treats Thunder as Fire/Wind and Ice as Wind/Water. Take that as you will.

- Equips are taken as the best synthesizable (which is basically storebought in ToV), arena-earned, or found equips. Some of the stuff is hard to get but its also unique so whatever. I've listed what unique skills are on any given weapon in case someone wants to figure out a skill/equip reconfiguration. Every character has a weapon. I'll list potential equipment options the PCs might want in italics.

- Statuses. Sleep makes the target unable to act for a length of time or until they are hit by a physical/magical attack. Charm makes the victim attack allies or swing at air lacking any targets. The duration on confuse is quite bad.

- Storebought/Synthesizable status blockers (again, synthesis is pretty much how you get everything in ToV). Poison with Poison Charm, Paralysis with Paralysis Charm, Stone and Sealed Artes (silence) with Stone Charm, Weak (Current/Max HP halving) and contamination (TP poison) with Drain Charm, Stun/peep with Stun Talisman. The Amulet/Laurel also exists, which blocks all physical (poison, contamination, Sealed Artes, Sealed Skills, Weak, Paralysis, and Petrify) and magical (debuffs, sleep, charm) statuses. Finally there is the World Charm, which halves all status effect hit-rates.

- I still need to do some things with Yuri's damage, but its pretty painful so I'll get to it if someone pushes me for specifics.

- Damage average up top: 28442 (16350 without Yuri)

On with the show.

Yuri Lowell: "Does it matter? I am so gonna kick your ass!"

HP: 3836
TP: 436
P.ATK: 1462
M.ATK: 299
AGL: 384
P.DEF: 831 (94% taken from physicals)
M.DEF: 380 (113% taken from magic.)

Physical Durability: 1.05
Magical Durability: 0.88

Last Fencer: 777 P.ATK. Light elemental. (Super Chain 3, Glory)
Claiomh Solais: 766 P.ATK. Non-elemental (Hyper Ability Plus)
Meteorite Blade: 760 P.ATK, 555 M.ATK. +80 AGL Fire/Wind elemental. (Super Chain 2, Combination 3)
Bahamut's Tear+1: 699 P.ATK. Water Elemental.
Shadow Fang+1: 477 P.ATK. Dark Elemental.

Garm Fang: 120 P.ATK. (Strength 4,)
Defender: 50 P.ATK, 35 P.DEF, 35 M.DEF
Black Leather: 25 P/M.ATK, 25 P/M.DEF. +20 AGL

Hyper Helm: 140 P.DEF, 30 M.DEF
Cowboy Hat: 92 P.DEF, 40 M.DEF
Pointed Hat: 32 P.DEF, 22 M.DEF. Resists Earth.
Straw Hat: 25 P.DEF, 8 M.DEF, Resists Wind.

Hyper Armor: 340 P.DEF, 72 M.DEF, Resist all elements.
Rune Mail: 290 P.DEF, 96 M.DEF, Resists Fire/Earth/Wind/Water

*Swords Up (3): Raises P.Atk by 5% of the base value when Yuri has a sword equipped.
Axes Up (3): Raises P.Atk by 5% of the base value when Yuri has an axe equipped.
*Strength 4 (8): Raises P.Atk by 20% of the base value.
*Assassin (2): If enemy is humanoid, Yuri's damage gets a 20% boost and he takes 20% less damage from the target.
*Combo Plus 2 (14): Yuri may use 2 additional basic attacks in his combo chains (5 altogether)
Step Combo (4): Yuri may perform a basic attack while backstepping. This attack can not be chained into further basic attacks but can be chained into Artes.
*Dragon Buster (6): Allows Yuri to perform Dragon Buster: An air-to-ground attack that can be chained into a series of basic ground physicals (i.e. adds a free hit).
*Combo Voltage (5): When the Hits counter in a combo reaches 6, Yuri automatically regains 2 TP. For every hit counter multiple of 3 thereafter, he regains 2 TP.
Combination (2): When Yuri uses a 3 (or more) hit basic->Base Arte->Arcane Arte combo, the Arcane Arte's first hit will deal double damage.
Combination 2 (3): When Yuri uses a 3 (or more) hit basic->Base Arte->Altered Arte->Arcane Arte combo, the Arcane Arte's first hit will deal triple damage. The Overimit gauge is also incremented by about 20% of one bar.
Combination 3 (4): When Yuri uses a 3 (or more) hit basic->Base Arte->Altered Arte->Arcane Arte->Mystic Arte combo, the Mystic Arte's first hit will deal 10x damage.
***High Tension (2): When Yuri's combo counter reaches 28, he will automatically enter Overlimit Lvl 1 with 50% overlimit gauge. Yuri's damage is halved while this is active (excepting burst/Mystic Arte attacks).
***Hyper Tension (4): When Yuri's combo counter reaches 50 hits, he will automatically enter Overlimit Lvl 2 with 50% overlimit gauge. Yuri's damage is halved while this is active (excepting burst/Mystic Arte attacks).
***Ultimate Tension (5): When Yuri's combo counter reaches 72 hits, he will automatically enter Overlimit Lvl 3 with 50% overlimit gauge. Yuri's damage is halved while this is active (excepting Burst/Mystic Arte attacks).
*Hit Plus (3): The player can tap "B" rapidly during Yuri's Mystic Arte to add 17 low-damage hits to the attack.
Glory (30): Do not stagger from enemy attacks (hence allowing Yuri to break enemy combos/move out of them/defend)
Landing Step (5): Allows Yuri to automatically backstep upon landing on the ground from a jump. Also allows rapid consecutive backsteps.
Note regarding the following skills: Regardless of the potential, Yuri can not use two of the same Arte level in one combo (barring Overlimit activating)
*Super Chain (8): Allows Yuri to cancel an Arcane Arte into a Base Arte once per combo.
*Super Chain 2 (12): Allows Yuri to cancel an Arcane Arte into an Altered Arte once per combo.
*Super Chain 3 (16): Allows Yuri to cancel an Altered Arte into a Base Arte once per combo.
Ability Plus (12): Allows Yuri to cancel a Base Arte into a (different) Base Arte once per combo.
*High Ability Plus (16): Allows Yuri to cancel an Altered Arte into a (different) Altered Arte once per combo.
Hyper Ability Plus (20): Allows Yuri to cancel an Arcane Arte into a (different) Arcane Arte once per combo.
*Fatal Finish (5): If Yuri activates an 8 chain FS (i.e. makes the FS symbol appear 8 times) and then performs a Fatal Strike, he regains full HP.
Fatal Finish Plus (7): If Yuri activates a 16 Chain FS (i.e. makes the FS symbol appear 16 times) and then performs a Fatal Strike, he regains full TP/HP.
Link Slash (6): If the party enters a Link Encounter (meets more than one enemy icon on the map), they only have to fight the enemy party that they actually came in contact with.
*Loner (3): If Yuri is fighting with teammates and they are all dead, all of his stats (including CHP, MHP, CTP, and MHP) increase by 40% of the base value. Does not work in the Arena.

Yuri's basic physical: 8316 over 7 hits (opening with Dragon Buster)

Base Artes      
Azure Edge (5 TP): 2680   damage over 2 hits. 2210 of which is wind elemental.
Cerburus Strike (6 TP): 3780 damage over 3 hits.
Fang Strike (7 TP): 3600 damage over 2 hits.
Wolf Strike (9 TP): 3550 damage over 2 hits. Downs enemy.
Destruction Field (12 TP): 5600 damage in 1 hit. Fire elemental.
Shining Fang (15 TP): 5500 damage in 6 hits.
Tiger Blade (12 TP): 4100 damage in 3 hits.
Ghost Wolf (14 TP): 4388 damage in 2 hits.

Arcane Artes:
Azure Wolf Strike (18 TP): 3660 damage in 4 hits. 800 of which is wind elemental. Downs enemy.
Crushing Eagle (15 TP): 3100 damage in 1 hit. Earth elemental.  Difficult to combo with.
Dragon Swarm (16 TP): 6600 damage in 7 hits.
Severing Fang (18 TP): 4730 damage in 3 hits. Downs enemy.
Shining Eagle (16 TP): 3380 damage in 3 hits. Difficult to combo with.
Shining Dragon Swarm (25 TP): 7300 damage in 8 hits.
Raging Blast (20 TP): 5900 damage in 3 hits. 2800 of which is fire elemental. Downs enemy.
Brutal Fang (23 TP): 6200 damage in 7 hits. Can add a very large number of 200 damage punches at Yuri's discretion.
Wailing Havoc (22 TP): 5600 damage in 3 hits. Separates Yuri and foe.
Lone Wolf Charge (20 TP): 4750 damage in 3 hits. Downs enemy.
Final Gale (30 TP): 5600 damage in 4 hits. 3000 of which is wind elemental.
Wailing Blast (28 TP): 7550 damage in 4 hits. 2500 of which is fire elemental. Separates Yuri and the target.
Rending Wolf Charge (30 TP): 3900 damage in 11 hits. Downs the enemy.

Altered Artes:
Azure Storm (7 TP): 3100 damage in 2 hits. Wind elemental.
Azure Blast (7 TP): 3400 damage in 1 hit. Downs the target.
Cerberus Blast (11 TP): 4500 damage in 4 hits. Separates Yuri and target. Can be canceled at the third hit for 3200 damage without knockback.
Shining Fang Drop (14 TP): 4000 damage in 8 hits.
Guardian Field (26 TP): 2600 damage in 4 hits. Heals Yuri and allies near him for 10% max HP. Difficult to combo with.
Pyre Havoc (24 TP): 5860 damage in 3 hits. Fire elemental. Knocks enemy away.
Lone Wolf Storm (25 TP): 5900 damage in 3 hits. Knocks enemy away and downs them.
Frigid Blast (35 TP): 4900 damage in 5 hits. Water/Wind elemental. Downs enemy and knocks them away.

L3 Burste Arte: 22200
Mystic Arte: 16300

Yuri's best combo: Physical*7->Shining Fang->Brutal Fang-> Shining Fang Drop->Cerberus Blast (High Tension activates)->lots of Artes (Hyper Tension activates)-> Lots more Artes (Ultimate Tension activates -> Some more (free) artes-> L3 Burste Arte ->Mystic Arte. I'll get the exact TP costs if someone wants them, but its not at all painful thanks to Combo Voltage. Final damage is about 101000.
Yuri can take off the Mystic Arte in favor of a Green Fatal Strike, and since he should have accumulated a suitable number of FS chains Fatal Finish should activate and restore all of his HP along with 128 TP.
If Yuri is hurting for TP he can eschew damage in favor of lots of normal physicals with a hearty amount of Brutal Fangs in OL 3 and a green FS to have a net TP gain (and probably activate Fatal Finish).

Comments: Well, opinions on Fatal Finish may vary but uh yeah. At worst he overkills freakishly. At best he does this while fully restoring HP and never running out of TP. The ID doesn't really matter but hey its there. Godlike. Assassin helps him swing that magic durability back in the tankish direction too.

Estelle: "More honor for this blade"
HP: 3373
TP: 511
P.ATK: 1019
M.ATK: 1056
AGL: 310
P.DEF: 963 (1060 with Defend Conversion)
M.DEF: 730.8 (634 with Defend Conversion)

Physical Durability: 1.13 (1.35 with Defend Conversion, 1.67 with Barrier, 2.35 with Defend Conversion + Barrier)
Magical Durability: 1.1 (0.98 with Defend Conversion)

Blue Crystal Rod: 680 P.Atk, 680 M.ATK (Survive)
Holy Avenger+1: 710 P.ATK, 535 M.ATK. Holy Elemental.
Gauche Sword: 600 P.ATK, 550 M.ATK, fire elemental (Charming Thrust)
Dark Avenger+1: 570 P.ATK, 490 M.ATK, Dark elemental. (Extra Combo I, II, and III)
Droite Sword: 550 P.ATK, 600 M.ATK, Wind elemental. (Sleepy Thrust)
Ice Coffin+1a: 335 P.ATK, 162 M.ATK, water elemental (Dispersion)
Ruby Wand+1B: 299 P.ATK, 365 M.ATK, earth elemental (Athenor, Extend Guard)

Queen of Hearts: 120 P.DEF, (Heal Supply, Guard Supply)
Spike Shield: 80 P.ATK, 20 M.ATK, 10 P.DEF, 10 M.DEF
Sanctuary: 60 P.DEF, 60 M.DEF (Angel's Tear)

Magical Tiara: 118 P.DEF, 70 M.DEF, Resist fire and water.
Purple Ribbon: 26 M.DEF, Resist Dark.
Elemental Ribbon: 78 M.DEF, Resist fire/earth/wind/water
Magical Ribbon: 88 M.DEF

Imperial Guard: 272 P.DEF, 194 M.DEF, Resists Light and Dark.
Rune Jacket: 250 P.DEF, 174 M.DEF, resists fire/earth/wind/water

Charming Thrust (6): Estelle's basic attacks have a 20% chance of inflicting confusion. Hits from Extra Combo also have this chance to inflict confusion.
Sleepy Thrust (6): Estelle's basic attack has a ~10% chance of inflicting sleep. Sleeping targets are instantly awoken upon being damaged physically, so this doesn't combo well (can't cancel the next attack if she sees she inflicted sleep).
*Defend 4 (8): Estelle's P.Def is increased by 20% of the base value.
*Resist 4 (8): Estelle's M.Def is increased by 20% of the base value.
Guard Impact (5): Stuns and reflects enemy attacks for a short period with the success of a Critical Guard. Critical Guard is a timed counter skill.
Guard Plus 2 (4): May reduce damage if attacked from the side or back.
Extend Guard (6): Estelle Regenerates 1HP per second while guarding.
Guard Supply (10): Estelle regenerates 5 TP for every individual hit she guards against (so a 3-hit attack would restore 15 TP)
Super Guard (8): Reduce physical damage to 1 when guarding, damage doubles when not guarding. OBSOLETE.
Super Resist (9): Reduce magical damage to 1 when guarding, damage doubles when not guarding. OBSOLETE.
Cure Guard (8): If Estelle guards for several seconds she is automatically cured of physical ailments.
Guard All (7): Chance to auto-guard against rear attacks.
Anti Magic (9): Makes Estelle immune to magic, but she can not be healed via magic or receive magical buffs.
Guardian (6): Estelle's allies take less damage when guarding.
Survive (18): Estelle can not be dropped below 1 HP while guarding.
Extra Combo I (10): At the end of a combo, Estelle may perform a basic physical attack.
Extra Combo II (12): At the end of a combo, Estelle may perform a second basic physical attack if she has Extra Combo I equipped.
Extra Combo III (14): At the end of a combo, Estelle may perform a third basic physical attack if she has Extra Combo 1 & 2 equipped.
Pow Hammer Revenge (8): When Estelle is hit, she has a 10% chance of countering with a Pow Hammer (this does not take any action on her part or require her to perform the Pow Hammer attack animation).

Defend Conversion (5): Reduces M.Def value by 25% of the base and adds that to P.Def.
Resist Conversion (5): Reduces P.Def value by 25% of the base and adds that to M.Def.
*Medical Boost (12): Strength of cure spells proportional to max HP. Amount healed is 1.5x normal at Max HP, 1x at 1 HP.
Healing Artes: (5) 5% chance that a healing spell costs 0 TP to use. INTERESTINGLY, if Estelle doesn't have enough TP to cast the spell in question (but does have more than 0), there is a 5% chance that when she hits the Arte button that it actually does go off, and consumes her remaining TP.
*Eternal Support (9): ~5% chance of a magical buff Estelle uses lasting the entirety of the battle rather than the normal duration.
Lovely Dog (5): If Repede is in Estelle's current party, all of her stats (Max/current HP/TP included) increase by 20% of the base value.
Sleep 'n Heal (3): Estelle gradually recovers HP while under sleep status. (~2%/second or so?)
*Auto Medicine (6): ~3% chance of Estelle healing 1/3rd of her HP upon taking any damage.
Heal Supply (7): When an ally is healed by one of Estelle's healing spells, Estelle gets healed for 1/5th of the percentage that she healed (so casting First Aid would result in 25% HP healed to an ally and 5% HP healed to her)
*Angel's Tear (24): Upon dying, Estelle immediately revives with 30% HP. Only activates once per battle. This works even if she is the last PC alive.

Physical*2: 1500

Base Artes:
Pow Hammer (4 TP): 2000 Physical damage. Chance of stun... that is 100% at 9999 uses. Take this as you will.
Star Stroke (5 TP): 1850   
Pierce Cluster (7 TP): 2300   
Calvalry (18 TP): Immunes staggering for ~10 seconds.
Dividing Edge (12 TP): 2700
Marche Waltz (16 TP): 2600 Downs enemy.

Arcane Artes:         
Delight Roll (22 TP): 3000 Downs enemy
Ray Sting (10 TP): 4000 Damage over 4 hits. Downs an opponent and can lift an opponent off the ground. (potential for infinite comboing is there but the timing makes it a pain)

Altered Arte:
Air Divide (15 TP): 3000

First Aid (6 TP): Restore 25% MHP to the target.
Recover (14 TP): Cures target of physical ailments.
Healing Circle (35 TP): Heals 60% to allies.
Ressurection (40 TP): Revive dead ally to 30% Max HP.
Dispel (24 TP): Full status curing for all allies.
Nurse (42 TP): Heal 28% to all allies.
Revitalize (80 TP): Heal 80% to allies.
Nightingale (55 TP): Heal 48% to all allies.
Regenerate (70 TP): Revives with 64% HP. Heals living allies for 34% HP.
Sharpness (12 TP): Raises P.ATK by 20%. For Estelle this is a 28% bonus to damage or so.
Barrier (15 TP): Raises P.DEF by 20%. For Estelle this is...
Astion (16 TP):   Doubles magic damage.
Resist (20 TP):   Raises M.DEF by 20%.
Force Field (56 TP): Makes target and surrounding allies invincible for ~10 seconds. Just long enough for her to get another casting out before it wears off. However there is a window between when the spell goes off and when it resolves where she is vulnerable.
Revive (64 TP):   Grants auto-revive status. Estelle will immediately revive with 30% HP upon dying. This auto-revive is used up before Angel's Tear, if equipped.

Photon (26 TP): 2800 Light magic damage.
Grand Chariot (32 TP): 3300 Light magic damage.
Angel Ring (32 TP): 3400 Light magic damage to an area. Brings all targets to the center of the Area of Effect.
Holy Lance (48 TP): 3400 Light magic damage to an area.
Holy Rain (65 TP): 9500 Light magic damage to the whole field. Random variance plays a big role in the number of hits.

Best Combo:
Physical*2->Dividing Edge->Ray Sting: 8200

Comments: TANK MINT. With something resembling damage and the looming threat of a Fatal Strike. Magic immunity is always nice. High Middle?

Repde: "WOOF!"
HP: 3615
TP: 401
P.ATK: 1252
M.ATK: 274
AGL: 724
P.DEF: 840 (93% taken from physicals)
M.DEF: 467 (104% taken from magic)

Physical Durability: 1.01
Magical Durability: 0.89

Murakumo: 745 P.ATK, 200 AGL (Speed Up 2, Speedy Item)
Vagabond+2A: 525 P.ATK, Wind elemental.
Crimson Phoenix +2a: 400 P.ATK, fire elemental.
Jiraiya+1a: 335 P.ATK, Earth elemental (Steal Plus)
Mizuchi+1a: 328 P.ATK, 155 M.ATK, Water Elemental (Dispersion/Great Deluge)
Takemikazuchi: 250 P.ATK, 120 M.ATK, Fire/Wind elemental. (Lucky Limit)

Beast King: 100 P.ATK, 77 P.DEF, 50 M.DEF, +20 AGL: (Treasure Fangs, Lucky Item, Inspector)

Ninja Dog Mask: 124 P.DEF, 62 M.DEF, Resist Earth/Wind.
Ancient Ribbon: 100 M.DEF, Resist Light/Dark
Elemental Ribbon: 78 M.DEF, Resist fire/earth/wind/water
Pointed Hat: 32 P.DEF, 22 M.DEF. Resists Earth.
Straw Hat: 25 P.DEF, 8 M.DEF, Resists Wind.

Aer Fragment: 304 P.DEF, 88 M.DEF, Resist Fire/Earth/Wind/Water
*Mumbane Aer: 310 P.DEF, 68 M.DEF, Resist Fire/Water/Holy

Maximum Dog Symbol: Regenerates 3% Max HP/Max TP every 5 seconds. So 108 HP and 12 TP. Takes accessory slot.

*Repede has a claim to this armor despite not technically being allowed to equip it. If you synthesize the armor while he is wearing his Aer Fragment (an ingredient for the synthesis), it will automatically be equipped on him. Sacrifices Earth and Wind resistance for the ability to get holy Res.

Steal Plus (8): Increases the rate of Thievery.
Hunter's Fang (6): Increases the chance of getting items from enemies killed with a green FS.
Lucky Limit (6): Occasionally fills the Overlimit Gauge after a burste or mystic Arte.
Mobile Armor (26): Repede will not stagger from hits while free running.
*Evade 4 (8): Increases agility by 20% of the base value.
Speedy Item (16): Items can be used immediately in succession without any cooldown time.
*Dash (3): Increases Repede's movement speed in battle.
Dash Cancel (16): Repede can cancel actions into Free Running. (Needs testing...)
Quick Turn (10): Repede can turn around instantly when dashing.
Runners (10): Recover ~2HP a second when free running.
*Runners 2 (14): Recover ~2TP  a second when free running.
Double Appeal (5): Taunt consecutively to fill the OL gauge more quickly.
Speed Up (12): Increase the speed of normal attacks in Overlimit.
Speed Up 2 (18): Increase the speed of Artes while in Overlimit.
Holy Breath (3): Extends the amount of time Holy Bottles are effective.
Dark Breath (3): Extends the amount of time Dark Bottles are effective.
Encounter Bonus (9): Encounter an enemy from the rear to occasionally recover the entire party's TP.
Lucky Plus (4): Increases default luck by 15.
*Lucky Plus 2 (7): Increases default luck by 30.
Item Pro 2 (8): Increases duration and effect of items used during battle.
Item Pro 3 (10): Increases duration and effect of items used during battle even more.
Lucky item (4): Occasionally items will not be consumed after use.
Full Check (4): Able to see all enemy info with a single magic lens.
Scanning (3):  Displays remaining HP over enemies that have been scanned.
Inspector (3): Able to view enemy HP without using a Magic Lens. (???)
*Lucky Call (14): Repede has a 25% chance to revive from death with 30% HP when his luck is 100 (He should have 100 Luck with his Lucky Plus skills). This pre-empts game-over for all PC's being dead.
Bark (7): Occasionally cancels all enemy and ally actions with taunt.
Treasure Fangs (8): Occasionally receive items dropped by enemies even if you run away

Physical*4: 4000      
Base Artes:
Sonic Dog (6 TP): 2000
Crescent Fang (8 TP): 3200      
Punishing Fang (9 TP): 2500 Downs enemy.
Thievery (7 TP): The dog takes your stuff.
Falling Leaf (5 TP): Repede gets behind the enemy instantly.
Shadow Fang (11 TP): 3300 Difficult to combo with.
Demon Dog (12 TP): 2300
Gale Dog (14 TP): Makes Repede invincible for 5 seconds. Basically long enough to do a 3-physical combo, then another 3 physical combo ended with Gale Dog. With Maximum Dog Symbol this is pretty much unlimited invulnerability. Repede can also use the time to Free Run in order to have a net positive TP gain.
Shining Dog (15 TP): 3300 Difficult to combo with.
Arcane Artes:      
Sonic Return (13 TP): 3500
Light Spear (14 TP): 4200
Shadow Fang Punishment (18 TP): 5200 Somewhat difficult to combo into.
Phantom Fang (18 TP): 2100 Earth damage.
Hell Hound (20 TP): 4300 Of which 3000 is fire elemental
Demon Spear (15 TP): 4100 Of which 3200 is light elemental.
Cyclone Shot (22 TP): 3600 Downs enemy. Separates Repede and target.
Hell Hound Return (23 TP): 2500 Oh which 700 is fire elemental.
Shining Fang (28 TP): 5200 Spin elemental.
Ghost Wolf (25 TP): 4500 Very random.
Altered Artes:   
Lightning Dog (8 TP): 2500 Fire/Wind elemental.
Demon Dog Rush (14 TP):   2500
Sonic Fang (15 TP): 3600
Victory Light Spear Cannon (18 TP): 4300 Light elemental. Downs enemy.
Phantom Glacier (20 TP): 2300 Water/Wind elemental.

Best combo:
Physical*3->Shadow Fang->Shadow Fang Punishment: 11500

Comments: Rar Doglike. Anyways. Unlimited invincibility when he gets a turn. And then he nibbles you to death. Godlike. Not bad for an item-dog without items.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2009, 03:51:23 AM by Cryo »


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Re: Tales of Vesperia
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2008, 12:46:38 AM »

Karol: "Am I really that emo?"
HP:   5285
TP:   377
P.ATK:   1404.1
M.ATK:   292
AGL:   230
P.DEF:   752 (104% taken from physicals)
M.DEF:   366 (114% taken from magic)

Physical Durability: 1.31
Magical Durability: 1.2

Infinity: 820 P.ATK (Eternal Weakness)
Rending Drill Hammer: 815 P.ATK, 300 M.ATK, 50 P.DEF, 50 M.DEF. Fire/Wind elemental (Charge Smash)
Golden Hammer: 800 P.ATK, fire/earth elemental. (Vitality 4, Steel Defense)
Bahamut's Tear+1: 699 P.ATK. Water Elemental.
Bravior: 550 P.ATK, Light elemental.
Crimson Axe+1a: 430 P.ATK, 100 M.ATK, Fire elemental.
Riot +1a: 470 P.ATK, 30 P.DEF, 20 M.DEF, Wind Elemental.

King Size Bag: 120 P.ATK (Play Dead, Critical Recover)
Medium Size Bag: 60 P.ATK, 60 P.DEF
Normal Size Bag: 30 P/M.ATK, 30 P/M.DEF

Brave Helm: 126 P.DEF, 22 M.DEF
Pirate Hat: 40 P.DEF, 29 M.DEF, Resist water.
Pointed Hat: 32 P.DEF, 22 M.DEF. Resists Earth.
Straw Hat: 25 P.DEF, 8 M.DEF, Resists Wind.
Cowboy Hat: 92 P.DEF, 40 M.DEF

Star Mail: 330 P.DEF, 70 M.DEF.
Mumbane Aer: 310 P.DEF, 68 M.DEF, Resist Fire/Water/Holy
Rune Mail: 290 P.DEF, 96 M.DEF, Resists Fire/Earth/Wind/Water

*Combatir (4): Increases P.ATK by 5% of the base if an axe is equipped.
Raynard (4): Increases P.ATK by 5% of the base if a hammer is equipped.
Bug Busters (4): Increase amount of damage deald and received for insect enemies.
*Second Attack (8): Karol's attacks (not counting the first hit in a combo) deal 30% more damage.
*Critical (6): Increases the chance of inflicting critical damage. This does almost nothing at all.
Critical Break (7): Increases the chance of guard breaks.
*Mighty Charge (5): Karol can charge his basic attack.
Charge Hold (8): Maintain a Mighty Charge even after missing the attack.
*Speed Charge (14): Makes Mighty Charge faster.
Charge Smash (20): Guard break enemies after Mighty Charge. (Super Armor excluded...?)
*Attack Arte Charge (8): Allows Karol to charge attack Artes. This makes them unable to be combo'd into.
*Steel Defense (8): Reduce damage received to 10% when at or below 20% HP.
Break Down (10): Hit a stunned enemy to extend stun once.
Down Hit (9): Inflicts 20% more damage when attacking an enemy that has been knocked down.
Healing Arte Charge (7): Allows Karol to Charge his Healing Artes. This disables his ability to combo into them.
Run (8): Able to flee battles more quickly.
Taunt & Evade (6): Taunt an enemy to avoid being targetted!
Member Taunt (8): OL gauge fills more quickly when taunting near an ally.
Motion Change (8): Changes standby and moving motion. I still can't tell what this actually does.
Play Dead (12): Karol can remain on the ground after being knocked down and slowly regenerate HP/TP.
*Vitality 4 (12): Increases Max HP by 1200.
*Medical Smash (12): Increases the strength of Karol's healing artes depending on his current HP. Increases linearly from 1x at 1 HP to 1.5x at full.
*Eternal Weakness (8): Effects of debuffs sometimes last the entire battle (~20% ?)
Support Arte Charge (6): Karol can charge his debuff-inflicting arte attacks.
Heavy Weight: Karol is heavy and reduces staggering, but moves slowly. Losing trade.
*Critical Recover (15): Karol recovers 10 TP upon a critical hit
Safety (10): Sometimes earn more EXP from battle by finishing without taking damage.
Coward (15): Avoid surprise encounters.

Physical*2: 2522

Base Artes:
Dragon Upper (6 TP): 3500
Destroying Rock (10 TP): 3200 Earth damage.
Nice Aid Smash (12 TP):    Heals 18% HP for nearby allies and Karol.
Destructo Pain Shot (12 TP): 2100 Inflicts Defense Down status. Increases damage by about ~20%. Only lasts 5 seconds.
Lightning Wave (14 TP): 3500 Fire/Wind elemental.
Nice Recovery Smash (18 TP): 1000 Heals Karol and nearby allies/enemies of physical statuses.
Bug Breath (17 TP): 2750 More damage to bugs.
Punishing Smash (18 TP): 4000
Gaia Bug (15 TP): 2300 THROW FISH
Destructo Spider Web (22 TP): 1900 Lowers enemy movement speed  for 5 seconds.
Havok Break (15 TP): 3800
Coil Beat (8 TP): Raises Karol's physical damage by 20% for 10 seconds.
Roaring Revolution (18 TP): 4500 Karol ends up on the other side of the enemy, behind them.
Destructo Booing (22 TP): 1800 Halves physical damage dealt by enemy for 5 seconds.
Arcane Artes:      
Hammer Flow Upper (18 TP): 4600 Downs enemy.
Punishing Aid Smash (24 TP): 2000 Doesn't combo with itself. Heals Karol for 18% HP.
Reaper Knock (28 TP): 12000 Downs enemy. Hard to combo with. Noticeable stun rate.
(Charged Reaper Knock): 22000
Punishing Beast Flash (22 TP): 6000 Downs enemy
Roaring Dragon Blow (28 TP): 4800
Devil Rage Rise (30 TP): 5500
Rending Drop (32 TP): 6800 Of which 4000 is earth elemental damage. Downs enemy.
Ultimate Divine Destruction (34 TP): 7000 Downs enemy.
Altered Artes:   
Destruction Street (16 TP): 4100 Downs enemy.
Twin Punishing Smash (20 TP): 4500
Nice Healing Smash (22 TP): Heals 36% HP for nearby allies and Karol.
Nice Curing Smash (30 TP): Heals 50% HP for nearby allies and Karol.
Havok Thunder (22 TP): 4600 Of which 1000 is fire/wind elemental.
Death Quake Spark (38 TP): 6200 Earth damage.

Charged Reaper Knock: 22000

Comments: Steel Defense makes Karol awesomely, incredibly, unbelievably durable. Against multi-hit foes. 20% isn't a hard limit to dodge for normal fighters. Still, Reaper Knock is his best damage and downs the enemy, giving him time to use Coil or one of his instant healing moves. If it weren't for his limited TP he'd be quite good. Anyway, Middle.

Rita: "Blahblahblah VIOLENT PAIN!."
HP:   3408
TP:   730
P.ATK: 980
M.ATK: 1354.8
AGL:   354
P.DEF: 583 (126% taken from physicals)
M.DEF: 676 (84% taken from magic)

Physical durability: 0.7
Magical durability: 1.04 (infinite with perfect magic)

Aspion: 660 P.ATK, 720 M.ATK (Reducer, Magic 4)
Ivy Blade: 690 P.ATK, 670 M.ATK (Over Cast 3, Spirits 4)
(Rita has weapons in all the other elements but Light. She'll use her spells if she wants to hit weakness though <_<)

Thanatologos: 120 M.ATK (Levitation)
Hydronomos: 30 P.ATK, 50 M.ATK, 20 P.DEF, 20 M.DEF
Storm Bringer: 50 P/M.ATK, 20 M.DEF

Elemental Goggles: 106 P.DEF, 56 M.DEF, Resists Fire/Earth/Wind/Water.
Elemental Ribbon: 78 M.DEF, Resist fire/earth/wind/water
Purple Ribbon: 26 M.DEF, Resist Dark.

Empress Dress: 195 P.DEF, 218 M.DEF. Resists Light/Dark.
Rune Cloak: 184 P.DEF, 208 M.DEF, Resists fire/earth/wind/water.

*Magic 4 (9): Increases M.ATK by 20% of the base value
*Critical Magic (5): Enables critical hits to occur on spells.
*Heavy Magic (7): Increases the damage done by a spell, its TP cost, and its casting time (time before Rita starts the quote) by 1.5x. The casting time is still nulled by Overlimit. (not factored into damages shown)
Light Magic (10): Decrease the damage done by a spell, its TP cost, and its casting time (time before Rita starts the quote) by 50%.
Over Cast (8): Allows Rita to increase the effect of a novice spell by extending the casting time. Seems to cap out at a 50% boost. This also takes 50% more TP to cast the spell.
Over Cast 2 (12): Same as Over Cast 1, but for Intermediate spells.
Over Cast 3 (16): Same as Over Cast 1, but for Advanced spells.
Absorption (9): Nullifies a spell attack when casting a spell of the same element.
Resilience (26): Rita will not stagger when casting spells (can't be interrupted barring stun)
*Perfect Magic (16): Consumes 1 TP a second (trivial). Rita becomes immune to all offensive magic.
Elemental Effect (3): Weather and climate will have a greater effect on spells.
Levitation (12): Rita can fly during a jump while consuming ~5 TP a second. This generally keeps her above low-lying physical attacks, but most humanoid enemies have an attack that hits her and knocks her out of the air. While flying, her casting animation is much shorter than normal.
*Magic Combo (10): Enables Rita to instantly cast an Altered spell after using the spell from which it derived. So Violent Pain->Bloody howling, for example.
Liner Shot (8): Makes Rita's basic physical ranged.
Spell Charge 1/2/3 (9/12/15): Rita can hold A to move around and delay the casting of a spell after its casting animation is completed.
Rhythm (4): Rita can cast a spell more quickly (player taps B button). Seems to be about a 30% reduction in casting time or so. Doesn't seem to stack with Speed Cast?
Randomize (4): Casting time for a novice/intermediate spell will be either zero or doubled. Zero is actually about 1 second though, so you can't just arte button->cancel->arte button to get instant casting.
Recast (8): Resume casting the same spell if the spell was interrupted.
Overheat (4): No casting time with 1/8th the TP cost for a novice spell if HP is below 120 and TP is over 60... how very specific...
*Speed Cast (9): Halves the casting time for a spell (time between Rita starting the casting and saying the quote). This gets applied to the Light/Heavy magic alterations. Light Magic+Speed Cast = 25% casting time, while Heavy Magic+Speed Cast = normal casting time.
*Spell End (4): Rita can move instantly after casting a spell. (not exactly, but it shortens wait time after casting significantly)
Revenge Spell (8): No casting time for a novice spell if used while staggering. I can't get this to work.
*Spirits 4 (7): Increases Max TP by 150
Combat Force (3): Decreases Max HP by 25% of the base value. Increases max TP by 25% of the base value.
Convert Absorption (6): When finishing an enemy with a spell, possibly absorb the enemies remaing HP as TP. The rate for this is shockingly high.
*Reducer (5): Reduce the TP cost of a spell by 25% if Rita has *attempted* to cast that spell as her last action. She can start, cancel, and continue to get the effect on her first cast.
Spirit Absorb (3): Occasionally recovers the same amount of TP used to cast a spell when hit by a spell attack (Perfect Magic makes this uselss)

Physical*2: 1300

Base Artes:         
Rudolf (23 TP): 1700
Phi (12 TP): 2100
Descartes (16 TP): 3000 Downs enemy.
Arcane Artes:
Laplace (20 TP): 2500
Wallis (14 TP):   1200*# hits. Minimum of 3 at base uses, max of 14 hits at 9000 uses.
Ideal (20 TP):   2700. Downs enemy

Fireball (8 TP): 2100*# hits. 10 fireballs at 3500 uses. Probably around 3-4 at endgame barring spamming it (which you may allow). Fire elemental. (Can chain into Eruption with Magic Combo)
Stone Blast (10 TP): 4172. Earth elemental. (Can chain into Ivy Rush with Magic Combo)
Champagne (14 TP): 4387. Water elemental.
Spread Zero (12 TP): 5500. Dark elemental (can chain into Demon's Lance with magic combo)
Splash (22 TP): 4300 Water elemental. (can chain into Aqua Laser or Freeze Lancer with Magic Combo)
Stalagmite (34 TP): 5300 Earth damage. (can chain into Riot Horn with Magic Combo)
Tractor Beam (42 TP): 4500 Non elemental damage. (Can chain into Gold Cat with Magic Combo). With Light Magic, Speed Cast, and Spell End Rita can chain this into itself until she runs out of damage. Damage done is less than Heavy Magic Meteor Storm but it causes a Red FS.
Negative Gate (46 TP): 6000 Dark elemental.
Spiral Flare (38 TP): 6700 Fire damage. (can chain into Flame Dragon with Magic Combo)
Tidal Wave (72 TP): 6000 Water elemental. Full MT.
Violent Pain (50 TP): 5200 Dark elemental. (can chain into Bloody Howling with Magic Combo)
Blade Roll (54 TP): 5200 Non elemental damage. (Can chain into Thunder Blade with Magic Combo)
Ground Dasher (64 TP): 8300 Earth damage.
Crimson Flare (62 TP): 5000 Fire damage.
Meteor Storm (76 TP): 18000 Randomness plays a large role in the # of hits. This is an average. Note that with Levitation and Speed Cast/Spell End Rita can cast another Meteor Storm before the first ends, but the randomness factor does not lock down enemies.

Eruption (18 TP): 5200 Fire damage. (With Levitation, Light Magic, and Spell End, Rita can chain this spell into itself until she runs out of TP for a total of 41000 damage. This also triggers a Blue FS.
Ivy Rush (16 TP): 4500 Earth damage. Downs enemy.
Demon's Lance (20 TP): 3500 Dark damage.
Aqua Laser (32 TP): 5300 Water damage. Downs enemy.
Freeze Lancer (28 TP): 6300 Water/Wind elemental.
Riot Horn (36 TP): 8500 Earth damage.
Gold Cat (46 TP): 5100+40*#coins Number of coins based on current Gald and a number of other factors, like where the enemy is standing when the statue hits them.
Flame Dragon (30 TP): 5400 Fire elemental.
Bloody Howling (58 TP): 6400 Dark elemental.
Thunder Blade (68 TP): 8100 Fire/Wind elemental. Downs enemy.

Heavy Magic Meteor Storm: 27000 damage.

Comments: Squishy mage. Magic immunity is cool. That physical durability is NOT. Her Levitation/Light Magic/Speed Cast/Rhythm/Spell End combo lets her Fatal Strike things when she gets a turn though, so Middle works. Worth noting she's the best PC at endgame thanks to Overlimit + Heavy Magic and some other skills that are universal.

Raven: "Fight like I'm gonna die, huh?"
HP: 3813
TP: 481
P.ATK: 1186
M.ATK: 1059
AGL: 377
P.DEF: 744 (105% taken from physicals)
M.DEF: 545 (97% taken from magic)

Physical durability: 94%
Magical durability: 101%

Celestial Star+1: 700 P.ATK, 575 M.ATK. Holy elemental (Escape Step)
Crusader 13: 680 P.ATK, 500 M.ATK.
Death Slinger+1b: 660 P.ATK, 520 M.ATK, Dark elemental.
Splash Bow: 522 P.ATK, 425 M.ATK. Water elemental (Special, Dispersion, Great Deluge)
Breaker Bow: 488 P.ATK, 380 M.ATK. Earth elemental. (Special, Crucible, Athenor)
Burn Spreader: 280 P.ATK, 277 M.ATK. Fire elemental (In Step, Chain, Hell Fire)
Gale Spreader: 277 P.ATK, 266 M.ATK. Wind elemental (In Step, Alembic, Gale)

Sword Breaker: 80 P.ATK, 40 M.ATK (Appeal Target)
Main Gauche: 50 P.ATK, 40 M.ATK, 15 P/M.DEF

Glorious Helm: 130 P.DEF, 26 M.DEF
Pointed Hat: 32 P.DEF, 22 M.DEF. Resists Earth.
Straw Hat: 25 P.DEF, 8 M.DEF, Resists Wind.
Cowboy Hat: 92 P.DEF, 40 M.DEF

Glorious Guard: 280 P.DEF, 184 M.DEF, Resists wind.
Rune Jacket: 250 P.DEF, 174 M.DEF, resists fire/earth/wind/water
Moon Guard: 216 P.DEF, 152 M.DEF, Resists Dark.

*Strength T (12): Increases P.ATK by 25% of the base value when HP is over 75%. Translates into about a 25% damage increase, too.
*Magic T (12): Increases M.ATK by 25% of the base value when HP is over 75%. Translates into about a ~18% damage increase.
*Light Force (3): Increase M.ATK by 20% of the base value when a light bow is equipped
Hunter (5): Increases damage done to aerial enemies by 20% and reduces damge from aerial enemies by 20%
***TP Attack (7): Inflicts TP damage on enemy with normal attacks (TP damage inflicted is damage done/10). This is a high 2HKO/OHKO to endgame enemy TP.
*Change Style (11): At close range, Raven will use a dagger attack instead of his bow attack for his basic physical.
*Change Style 2 (15): Changes some artes when they are used at close range.
Endless Shot (20): Releases a steady stream of arrows after Raven uses his basic physical. Does not tie down enemies, so essentially worthless.
*Defend T (7): Increases P.Def by 25% of the base value when HP is over 75%
*Resist T (7): Increases M.Def by 25% of the base value when HP is over 75%
Revenge Arrow (8): Release an Arrow when staggering if timed correctly.
Escape Step (15): Nullifies all attacks during backstep.
Heavy Arrow (10): Double damage done by basic arrow attacks while making the attacks slower. This essentially disables his ability to combo together multiple basic bow attacks.
Power Shot (14): Increases enemy staggering time. Largely worthless as it still doesn't let him combo with Heavy Arrow.
Heavy Energy (3): Raises P.DEF by 20% of the base value when a heavy bow is equipped.
In Step (5): Increases advance distance of Critical Guard
Long Step (4): Increases Backstep distance.
Step Cancel (12): Able to cancel actions into a backstep.
Quick Arrow (11): Makes basic arrow attacks faster but decreases their power by 50%
Long Range (10): Extends the range of a basic bow attack.
*High Tension (6): The Overlimit gauge fills more quickly.
Lucky Magic (3): Occasionally decreases TP consumption when casting a spell.
Chivalry (3): All of Raven's stats (including HP and TP) go up by 10% for each female that is in his active battle party.
Hunter 2 (11): Increases Exp given by aerial enemies for the whole party.
Appeal Target (3): Increases the chance of being targetted by enemies with taunt.
Technical Half (12): Halve all of Raven's stats (including HP and TP), but earn more TP after battle... worst. Skill. Ever.
Vacance (16): Increase max HP occasionally if battle is won without Raven attacking any enemies.
Cooking Plus (5): Sometimes increases the effect of auto-cooking after battles.

Physical*3: 2500 (250 TP damage)
Physical*4 (can't combo into Artes): 3300 (330 TP damage)

Base Artes:
Rain (8 TP): 2000
Bouquet (12 TP): 1600 55% chance of confusing target.
Serpent (11 TP): 2500 Earth damage. This move makes a trap that explodes on contact with the enemy. Downs victim.
Glimmer of Heaven (15 TP): 2000 Arrow comes down 2 or 5 seconds after being used. Raven's choice. (good to fire off when the enemy is Downed)
Around (13 TP):   3600
Love Shot (18 TP): Fires 3 arrows that heal allies for 15% HP each. The arrows focus on Raven in a duel, but unfocus if he has a party.
Dark Chase (16 TP): 4740 The four arrows fired by this technique will hunt down their target.
Violent Snake (12 TP): 3600 Downs enemy.
Violent Weasel (12 TP): 3600 (Change Style 2 altered version of Violent Snake)
Arcane Artes:      
Just Like Dancing (24 TP): 3400
Cyan Instant (18 TP): 2800 Hits all surrounding enemies.
Heaven's Tear (18 TP): 3444 Downs enemy
Falling (28 TP): 3800 Downs enemy
Flying (28 TP): 3800 Downs enemy. Change Style 2 Altered version of Falling.
Azure Heavens (23 TP): 580*# hits Number of hits varies a lot. This does not combo with other moves. Generally not good for anything but triggering Red Fss.
Falling Stars (21 TP): ~1000*#hits This move pushes the enemy back a certain ways, damaging them. The number of hits is dependent on how far they are pushed, which depends on current positioning. I think about 6-7 hits is standard, with a max of 12 or so. This move does not combo with other attacks. Good move, hard to actually use
Crime (26 TP): 3600
Punishment (26 TP): 2200 Change Style 2 Altered version of Crime.
The Wind's Howl (23 TP): 4500
The Wind's Rage (23 TP): 4800 Wind elemental. Change Style 2 Altered version of The Wind's Howl.
Altered Artes:   
Rainsong (8 TP): 1200
Rain Down (18 TP): 2000 Lands 10 seconds after being fired.
Around and Around (15 TP): 3000    Separates Raven and target.
Rain of Heaven's Tears (20 TP): 6275 (Raven adds more attack to this by mashing attack button)
Cloud of Heaven's Tears (20 TP): 3500 Downs enemy
Falling Further (30 TP): 4100 Downs enemy.
The Growing World (18 TP): 700 After hitting on enemy, this attack splits and hits nearby enemies. Good for getting Green FSs.

Wind Blade (10 TP): 2100 Wind elemental.
Arrivederci (22 TP): 3000 Wind elemental. Downs enemy.
Havoc Gale (40 TP): 3700 Wind elemental. Downs enemy.
Vanji Lost (60 TP): Confuses all enemies at 100% hit rate.
Inverno (34 TP): 3300 Water/Wind elemental.
Tempest (52 TP): 3000 Fire/Wind elemental. Hits large area. Downs enemies.
Stop Flow (100 TP): Stops all enemies for ~6 seconds. Useless for Raven unless you see him being able to squeeze more basic physicals (TP damage) out of it.

Physical*3 -> Violent Weasel -> The Wind's Rage: 10900
Physical*3 -> Violent Weasel -> Flying: 10200. Downs enemy so Raven can get off a Love Shot.

Comments: TP busting is Raven's best DL trait. Outside that he has the threat of a looming Fatal Strike and the same kind of gimmicky attack->healing as Karol.

Judith: "You poor thing."
HP: 3823
TP: 411
P.ATK: 1320
M.ATK: 314
AGL: 396
P.DEF: 773 (101% taken from physicals)
M.DEF: 423 (108% taken from magic)

Physical durability: 97%
Magical durability: 91%

Brionac: 770 P.ATK (Aerial Combo 3, Aerial Armor)
Gungnir+1: 758 P.ATK, 420 M.ATK, Fire/Wind elemental. (Landing, High Combo)
Unicorn Horn+1B: 660 P.ATK. Light elemental. (Aerial OVL)
Beast Slayer: 435 P.ATK, 20 M.DEF, Earth elemental (Aerial Artes 3, Jump Cancel)
Serpent Staff: 410 P.ATK, Wind elemental (Gale)
Death Scythe: 390 P.ATK, 120 M.ATK, Dark elemental.
Shiva: 335 P.ATK, Water elemental (Aerial Artes 2, Dispersion, Great Deluge)
Ahriman: 330 P.ATK, 100 M.ATK, Fire elemental (Aerial Artes 2, Chain, Hell Fire)

Dragon Skin: 120 P.ATK (Aerial Finish, Aerial Tension)
Dragoon Boots: 65 P.ATK, 10 M.ATK, 45 P.DEF. (Aerial Guard, Aerial Magic Guard)

Terra Crest: 112 P.DEF, 47 M.DEF.
Mirage Crest: 80 P.DEF, 40 M.DEF. Resists light.
Elemental Ribbon: 78 M.DEF, Resist fire/earth/wind/water
Purple Ribbon: 26 M.DEF, Resist Dark.

Dragon Coat: 310 P.DEF, 76 M.DEF, Resists fire.
Rune Coat: 282 P.DEF, 92 M.DEF, Resists fire/earth/wind/water.
Bloody Coat: 230 P.DEF, 84 M.DEF. Resists dark.

*Aerial Force (10): Increases damage by 20% against enemies that are in the air. Yes, this means enemies Judy herself has knocked into the air.
*Aerial Artes 1/2/3 (10/12/14): Allows Base/Arcane/Altered artes to be used in the air.
Aerial Finish (6): Increases the bonus for a blue FS
*High Combo (7): Links a jump attack and a ground attack. Hard to work with.
Aerial Guard (5): Able to guard in mid-air.
Aerial Magic Guard (7): Able to use Magic Guard in mid-air. Also floats in the same position for the duration.
Aerial Armor (26): Avoids staggering when hit while in the air.
Escape Jump (4): Able to jump when cancelling guard. Short invincibility frame.
*Spear Master (5): Increase M.DEF by 20% of the base value when using a spear.
Rod Master (5): Increase P.DEF by 20% of the base value when using a Rod.
Recovery Artes (3): Able to move in mid-air after Recover.
*Aerial Jump (5): Judy can jump while in the air once.
*Aerial Jump 2 (8): Judy adds another jump to the above skill.
*Jump Cancel (6): Able to cancel actions with a jump.
Aerial OVL (5): Able to activate Overlimit while airborne.
Aerial Step/Dash (6/6): Allows Judy to dash back/forward once while airborne.
Touch Down (7): Enables an instant landing while airborne.
*Landing (8): Reduces the amount of time Judy is unable to move after landing.
Aerial Combo 2 (13): Adds 2 hits to Judy's aerial combo.
*Aerial Combo 3 (18): Adds 3 hits to Judy's aerial combo.
*Aerial Tension (14):  Recover TP for every third hit in midair.
Rod (12): Reduces TP consumption when equipped with a rod by 20%
Lucky Spear (16): Occasionally increases EXP earned when a spear is equipped.

Physical*6: 7000

Base Artes:
Crescent Moon (6 TP): 3000
Luna Fang (8 TP): 3200
Moonlight Havoc (7 TP): 3200
New Moon Blade (11 TP):   3500
Crescent Strike (12 TP): 3500   
Luna Rise (17 TP): 3600 Downs enemy
Moonlight Talon (9 TP): 4200
Dawn Moon (10 TP): 2700 Hard to combo with on the ground.
Moonlight Blast (14 TP): 3700 Downs enemy
Luna Storm (16 TP): 2500 Wind elemental. Difficult to combo with.
Piercing Moon (15 TP): 4000 Forces enemy into air with Judy
Luna Gale (22 TP): 3300 Can force a downed enemy into the air.
Luna Ascendent (20 TP): 3800 Downs enemy
Luna Rondo (23 TP): 3800 Downs enemy
Rising Moonlight Havoc (22 TP): 4000 Downs enemy
Moonbeam (24 TP): 3500 Downs enemy
Luna Crush (28 TP): 4700 Downs enemy
Thunder Moon Rising (23 TP): 6600    Of which 3000 is Fire/Wind elemental. This move does not combo with itself.
Luna Havoc (30 TP): 4400 Downs enemy. Separates Judy and target.
Sundering Moon (29 TP):   5300 Downs enemy.
Moon Glare (36 TP): 7200 Downs enemy
Luna Talon (11 TP): 3700 Can be canceled with a jump to refresh Judy's combo. Extensively skilled use of this can give Judy infinite combo potential.
Moonlight Drop (12 TP): 4000
Raging Luna Storm (19 TP): 4500 Wind elemental. Difficult to combo with. Downs enemy.
Rising Luna Rondo (26 TP): 4300
Thunder Moon (21 TP): 4200 Fire/Wind elemental. Downs enemy.
Luna Storm (34 TP): 3500 Fire/Wind elemental. Downs enemy. Yes, she has two moves with the same name.

Physical*6 -> Moonlight Talon -> Moon Glare -> Luna Talon: 17200
Disclaimer: Yes, Judy can do better than this. Unfortunately I can not get her do do anything better very reliably so this is what I'm using for her.

Comments: Judy deserves better. Anyways, Light.

HP: 3879
TP: 478.14
P.ATK: 1231.87
M.ATK: 664.11
AGL: 396.43
P.DEF: 783.71
M.DEF: 512.54

Damage: 28442 (16350 without Yuri)
101000: Yuri's long, long combo.
27000: Rita's Heavy Magic Meteor Storm
22000: Karol's Reaper Knock
17200: Judy's aerial acrobatics.
11500: Repde's combo.
10900: Raven's combo
9500: Estelle's Holy Rain.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2008, 03:24:57 PM by Cryo »


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Re: Tales of Vesperia
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2008, 07:00:42 AM »
I'll give you the best combo loop of each character I have pulled out, you can do the damage yourself.


Physicalx9-Engasan-Ensanshuraku-Soryurengazan-Santirouha-Hienmoushuga-Dankuuga-Tenroumetsuga Hien (basic)-Soryurengazan-Kiretsushuu-Tenroumetsuga Hien (basic)-Repuujin-Repuujin-Repuujin-Tenroumetsuga Hien (adavanced)-Hi Ougi (extended)-Ovl.1-Repuujin-Repuujin-Repuujin-Repuujin-Repuujin-Tenroumetsuga Hien (basic)


Physical (bottom)x1- One Two Three- Side Step Attack- Mercy Waltz- Star Stroke- Delight Roll (extended)

BTW, you forget she can equip Queen of Heart and just Guard Reflect all enemy to death.


Majinken- Senkuusoureha- Sankureha- Muinrouga (extendedx3)


Might charged Physicalx1- Boushuu Break- Jingekimesatsu Spark- Might charged Kuugyuku Shinsatsu Destroy
Note, this combo is hard

Rita, requires Levitation, and this drains her TP like hell and pressing Rhythm really hard

Levitation- Meteor Swarm- Crimson Flare- Tidal Wave- Thunder Blade- Eruption- Tractor Beam- Gold Guts- Stone Blast- Ivy Lash

Raven, The timing for Ten no Kirameki is important

Ten no Kirameki- Physicalx3- Mawaru Keseki- Mawaru Mawaru Keseki- Amenami- Freeline attack- Amenami no Ume- Nareboshi

Judy, wait, Mad I-No skill takes a while


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Re: Tales of Vesperia
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2008, 11:40:49 AM »
- No Combo + 3 for Yuri. Its aftergame.

- Yuri has a self propogating infinite (literal, with Combo Voltage) with his Fire Altered Burste Arte, Niu <_<

- Note what I said about skills. I didn't include universal ones, which included Guard Reflect. Yes I'm aware it exists as a passive on her default equip. Also, Survive is not reliable enough for that.

- Again with the skills. No Altered Artes in combos for non-Yuri PCs.


- I'm not including combos that take some silly massive amount of timing/skill/practice to execute.

- Rita's magic spam doesn't actually lock down an enemy. They can still whack her right out of it. I thought I mentioned that.

- If someone wants to make a damage setup they feel is more reflective of the game they can feel free to, but I'm pretty much done here.


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Re: Tales of Vesperia
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2008, 09:47:09 PM »
I am taking infinite out of this, or else Yuri and Judy would be hell invincible to those not physical immuned.
Both of them has two seperate infinite combo loops. I am taking infinite abuse out of them when I put up with this combo.

Also, ia m not telling Estelle to rely on Survive and Guard Reflect alone, but the combination of Guard Reflect, Survive, Anti Magic, Angel Recall, Guard Supress, Picohon Revenge, Defend Conversion, other Def up passive on her weapons, and Guard Impact. This combination would only make her suspect to physical damage, and those phsyical damage only have a chance to guard break her with Fate Storm like damage, and even it did, most DL chars lacks multi hit techs, so they can't poke her to death rigth after, and she can resume guarding on the next turn. And if really face with a powerful incoming attack, she can rely on Guard Impact to deflect it.

Now, Rita's magic spam.... DOES lock enemy on spot with the Levitation combo, the reason why I brought Levitation out in the first place.


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Re: Tales of Vesperia
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2008, 12:09:38 AM »
Levitation works great, Niu. The problem is Meteor Storm. It dosn't lock down a foe short of Overlimit. I also can't get the other parts of that specific combo to chain together right but maybe I'm just not hitting B hard enough (meh to that).

With Light Magic+Levitation+Spell End + Rhythm though, some of Rita's spells can chain into themselves pretty easily. Erruption and Tractor Beam. Tractor Beam spam doesn't even do more than a Heavy Magic Meteor Storm, but it does provide a red FS. Erruption... is about 44000 damage over its entirety if she drains all of her TP and of course this is followed by a Blue FS.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2008, 01:57:42 AM by Cryo »


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Re: Tales of Vesperia
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2008, 02:08:55 AM »
Wait, did you equip speed spell?


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Re: Tales of Vesperia
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2008, 02:15:39 AM »
Speed Cast too, yes.

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Re: Tales of Vesperia
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2008, 12:45:03 PM »
So yeah, coming to ToV with very little idea of how the game works, but this seems completely possible under DL legal settings?

Obviously TP restoration wouldn't happen, but an infinite overlimit chain like that seems pretty broken.

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Re: Tales of Vesperia
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2008, 02:09:40 PM »
I was under the impression that the player was using TP restoration from menu items to keep the infinite chain going ;p I don't have the game either but it looks like Rita would need some sort of  substantial unique/innate TP restoration of her own to keep an infinite like that going and from what Pyro's posted I can't see anything. It's not that broken w/o the item use no. At least I don't think so from what I know.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2008, 02:19:23 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Tales of Vesperia
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2008, 05:47:48 PM »
So yeah, coming to ToV with very little idea of how the game works, but this seems completely possible under DL legal settings?

Obviously TP restoration wouldn't happen, but an infinite overlimit chain like that seems pretty broken.

Actually, that setup requires the Wonder Symbol, which isn't DL legal.  And OL Boost which is only arguably legal.


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Re: Tales of Vesperia
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2009, 01:40:28 AM »
Boss notes: I thought if Raven ever got ranked, he'd prefer his boss form. I spent a lot of time grinding before this, so I'm probably a bit overlevelled. Take with a grain of salt.

Raven (Boss Form)
Lv. 43
HP: 148000
TP: 1800
PATK: 578
PDEF: 708
MATK: 412
MDEF: 588
Res/Weak: None

Apocalypse Toll:  1091  Rising arc slash that knocks the opponent into the air and leaves a 'bomb' on them which explodes after about 3 seconds. (2 hits)
Falling - 1546  Raven leaps up and slams the opponent with his sword and the shockwave knocks them upward again. (3 hits)
Just Like Dancing - 477  A quick series of advancing slashes. (4 hits)
Violent Weasel - 528  Raven rushes forward (can go through opponent) and then does a follow-up slash (often misses). (2 hits)
Ill Wind - 183  Really fast, wide-ranged sword (and magic?) sweep. 40% chance of Dizzy. He'll chain this with itself in Overlimit a lot and screw you up. (grr...)

Wind Blade (magic) - 662 Wind magic, casts quickly (can Magic Combo into Arrivederci) (1 hit)
Arrivederci (magic) - 722 Wind magic, casts slowly. (3 hits)

Under 75% MHP: Uses Overlimit
Inferno - 939 Water/Wind magic, casts slowly. (3 hits)
Wind Blade->Arrivederci Magic Combo - 1503 (4 hits)
Mystic Arte: Blast Heart - 1864  Wide area attack (14hits)

Under 50% MHP: Uses Overlimit and will chain his artes into his Mystic Arte
Physical Chain-Just Like Dancing-Mystic Arte:Blast Heart - 3161 (21 hits)

Under 25% MHP: Uses Overlimit and will chain more artes into his Mystic Arte
Physical Chain-Apocalypse Toll-Falling-Just Like Dancing-(AT's bomb explodes)-Mystic Arte: Blast Heart - 4832 (26 hits)

He seems to be able to use Overlimit anytime his unseen meter is full (at 75% damage), but he seems scripted to use it at 75%, 50%, and 25%.

Party stats:
Yuri L51
HP: 3490
PDEF: 719
MDEF: 457
AGI: 478

Yuri combo: 7790

Karol L50
HP: 3658
PDEF: 606
MDEF: 369
AGI: 214

Karol combo: 3815

Rita L51
HP: 2271
PDEF: 461
MDEF: 567
AGI: 321

Violent Pain-Bloody Howling - 1973

Judy L51
HP: 3409
PDEF: 675
MDEF: 357
AGI: 458

Judy combo - 4317

Party Averages:
Sum damage: 17895
AVG damage: 4474
HP: 3207
PDEF: 615
MDEF: 437.5
AGI: 367


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Re: Tales of Vesperia
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2009, 01:50:37 AM »
Some Overlimit 1 damage info, Numbers aren't exact:

Rita's Heavy Magic Meteor Storm x 4: 91000

Estelle's Holy Rain x 3: 24000. Obviously she wants to cast Astion before this.

Karol's Devil Rage Rise x 6: 53000

Judy's Moonlight Talon x29: 56000 (not all the Talons connect). This is very expensive so she may want to try something else. I'll investigate it more later.

Repede's Sonic Dog x20: 35000. Not that Repede cares, but Maximum Dog symbol means this barely costs anything.

Raven's Around x 14: 32000 Inflicts Eternal Spin status, destroying the world by summoning the Kappa

Yuri's Destruction Field x15 -> Free Run Physical -> Brutal Fang -> L1 overlimit from Tension activates -> Continues the chain up to his Mystic Arte: 140000 damage.
Alternatively, Yuri can use his normal tension-fueled combo and, when he gets to OL3, activate an overlimit at any time in order to be brought into OL4. Yuri can continue his combo immediately but by letting the enemy come out of the combo he can give them a 'turn' while he is invincible before beginning it anew.

Worth noting that Yuri's combo itself generates well over 1 OL gauge if he uses a Fatal Strike. So yeah.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2009, 04:56:13 AM by Pyro »