Author Topic: Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem ~Heroes of Light and Shadow~  (Read 2592 times)

Random Consonant

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Because I am crazy and bored, here is a FE topic for a game that hasn't been released over here yet.  At any rate, I doubt these numbers are going to change when the game does come over here, but if they are, oh well.

Also topic contains SPOILERS!!  FE plot I know but still.

Base Stats:
Lv: Meaningless and only listed for completion's sake.
HP: Keep these for a chance to win fabulous prizes!
Str: Determines physical attack power.
Mgc: Determines magical attack power.
Skl: Determines hit rate and critical rate
Spd: Determines evasion and whether or not a character can double-attack.
Lck: Determines hit rate, evasion, and critical avoid.
Def: Determines physical damage reduction
Res: Determines magical damage reduction.
Movement: Determines how far a character can move in one turn.  Is only useful for speed tiebreaks.

Derived Stats:
Dmg: The damage a character does to average Def or Res, assuming the attack does not critical.  Critical hits, as in every other modern FE game, are 3x damage.  Each point of Str or Mgc adds one point to this.
Avg Dmg: The character's damage, after factoring in Hit (treating Hit values above 100 as 100) and Crit rate.  Used mostly as a guideline, as I don't use this number myself.
Hit: The chance a character has to hit.  Each point of Skl contributes 1 point to this, and each point of Lck contributes 0.5 points.
Crt: The chance a character has to land a critical hit.  Skl contributes 0.5 points to this until the stat reaches 20, and 1 point for each point above 20, unlike every other modern FE game.
Phys. Durability: Character's overall resiliance against physical attacks, after factoring in HP, rounded to the nearest two decimal places.
Mgc. Durability: Character's overall resiliance against magical attacks, after factoring in HP, rounded to the nearest two decimal places.
Evasion: Listed rate of avoiding an attack after factoring in average Hit.  Should be taken with a grain of salt, as I'm presently unsure of whether or not FE3DS follows the same trend of biasing hit rates that other modern FE games do.  Each point of Spd contributes 1 point to this, and each point of Lck contributes 0.5 points.
Threat Range: Not listed in stats, as it's only useful for average speed tiebreaks.  Derived from the character's movement + the range of his default weapon.
Crit Avoid: Not explicitly listed, as it's equal to the character's Lck.  Reduces the odds of an incoming crit.

Level Assumptions:
-Lord/Thieves/Dancer taken at Lv30
-Manaketes taken at Lv20, which I freely admit is a guess.  Doesn't change a whole lot if you take them as higher, though.  Given that it's easier to level them without exhausting starting dragonstones than it is in FE6/8, I take them into the average.
-Maria, Rena, Elice, and Nyna taken at their starting levels, as they join on the final chapter, at levels considerably below average, making a case for equal EXP utterly unreasonable, even accounting for the fact that dragons give lots of EXP and the rate at which staff users gain EXP.
-Everyone else taken at Lv20/15, leveled up entirely in their default class.

Weapon Assumptions:
-All forges capped at 4500g, with a priority given to Mt, and I only characters one forged weapon at a time, though multiple potentially useful forges may be listed.  Note that this assumption was taken entirely from the FESD topic and may be overly generous.
-Rank A weapons, Nosferatu, Excalibur, and Aura cannot be forged.
-Standard defaults marked with *.  Killer weapon average defaults that differ from standard defaults are marked with **.

Other Assumptions:
-Chris (also known as My Unit) and Xane will not be listed in this topic.  Xane can't do anything without transforming and cannot transform into enemies, and his transformed stats are based on who he transforms into to boot, and Chris has no class or choice of background which can assumed as default.  As these affect his bases and growths, the only logical thing to do is to exclude him.
-Numbers are taken against 19 Def/10 Res/110 Hit/20 Avd/0 CEvd, which is roughly the average values for non-recruitable/Earth Dragon (which completely fail to matter in Normal Mode) enemies in the final chapter.  No non-recruitable enemy has a Lck stat greater than 0, so a crit adjusted average is more reasonable than it is in other games, for all that I probably don't assume it as default.
-I've assumed forged silver weapons for fighters and forged Fire tomes for most mages to be default, with the exception of Horsemen other than Beck, who can't use Silver Swords under my assumptions but likely prefer having melee counters over the Silver Bow's higher damage, so I've assumed forged Steel Swords as default for them, but have also listed forged Silver Bows for them for those who disagree.  I've also included forged killer weapons in brackets where applicable for those that see them as default (I don't).
-There are three Elysian Whips in the main game, which can be used by Pegasus Knights to promote to Falcoknights instead of Dracoknights.  I don't assume these to be default, but will list their stats and a seperate average for them just in case some do.  They like this if you allow it, overall, since it lets them double average.
-Names are taken from Serenes Forest and will be subject to change pending western release.

(all are 1 range and physical unless otherwise listed)
Iron Sword - 5 Mt, 100 Hit, 0 Crit, 40 uses, Rank E
Steel Sword - 8 Mt, 90 Hit, 0 Crit, 35 uses, Rank D
*Forged Steel Sword - 11 Mt, 100 Hit, 0 Crit, 35 uses
Silver Sword - 12 Mt, 100 Hit, 0 Crit, 20 uses, Rank B
*Forged Silver Sword - 14 Mt, 102 Hit, 0 Crit, 20 uses
Killing Edge - 8 Mt, 90 Hit, 20 Crit, 20 uses, Rank C
**Forged Killing Edge - 10 Mt, 91 Hit, 24 Crit
Levin Sword - 10 Mt, 90 Hit, 0 Crit, 20 uses, 1-2 Range, magic, Maris/Beck starting equip (lightning), Rank C
Forged Levin Sword - 12 Mt, 96 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 Range, magic, 20 uses
Rapier - 5 Mt, 100 Hit, 10 Crit, 28 uses, 3x Mt vs. mounted/heavy armor, Marth only
Forged Rapier - 8 Mt, 105 Hit, 10 Crit, 28 uses, 3x Mt vs. mounted/heavy armor, Marth only
Lady Sword - 12 Mt, 100 Hit, 0 Crit, 25 uses, Rank E, females only, Maris's starting equip
*Forged Lady Sword - 14 Mt, 107 Hit, 25 uses, 0 Crit, females only
Falchion - 12 Mt, 100 Hit, 0 Crit, unlimited uses, 3x Mt vs. manaketes/dragons/Medeus, can be used to heal 10 HP, Marth only
*Mercurius - 18 Mt, 100 Hit, 10 Crit, 20 uses, Astram's starting equip, Rank A

(all are 1 range unless otherwise listed and are physical)
Iron Lance - 6 Mt, 90 Hit, 0 Crit, 40 uses, Rank E
Steel Lance - 9 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 35 uses, Rank D
Silver Lance - 13 Mt, 90 Hit, 0 Crit, 20 uses, Rank B
*Forged Silver Lance - 15 Mt, 90 Hit, 0 Crit, 20 uses
Javelin - 3 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit, 30 uses, 1-2 range, Rank D
Forged Javelin - 7 Mt, 75 Hit, 0 Crit, 30 uses, 1-2 range
Killer Lance - 9 Mt, 80 Hit, 20 Crit, 20 uses, Rank C
**Forged Killer Lance - 11 Mt, 80 Hit, 23 Crit, 20 uses
Ridersbane - 8 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit, 20 uses, 3x Mt vs. mounted, Abel's starting equip, Rank C
Forged Ridersbane - 11 Mt, 72 Hit, 0 Crit, 20 uses, 3x Mt vs. mounted
Dragonpike - 8 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit, 15 uses, 3x Mt vs. manaketes/dragons, Minerva's starting equip, Rank C
Forged Dragonpike - 10 Mt, 79 Hit, 0 Crit, 15 uses, 3x Mt vs. manaketes/dragons
Wing Spear - 8 Mt, 90 Hit, 10 Crit, 28 uses, 3x Mt vs. mounted/heavy armor, Shiida only
Forged Wing Spear - 11 Mt, 95 Hit, 10 Crit, 28 uses, 3x Mt vs. mounted/heavy armor, Shiida only
Gradivus - 19 Mt, 90 Hit, 0 Crit, 20 uses, 1-2 range, can be used to heal all HP, Rank A, Sirius has a (weakish) plot claim to this because of SPOILARS, though I don't allow it.  If you do, it should be his default.

(all are 1 range unless otherwise listed and are physical)
Iron Axe - 7 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 40 uses, Rank E
Steel Axe - 10 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit, 35 uses, Rank D
Silver Axe - 14 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 20 uses, Rank B
*Forged Silver Axe - 16 Mt, 86 Hit, 0 Crit, 20 uses
Hand Axe - 4 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 30 uses, 1-2 range, Rank D
Forged Hand Axe - 9 Mt, 63 Hit, 0 Crit, 30 uses, 1-2 range
Killer Axe - 10 Mt, 70 Hit, 20 Crit, 20 uses, Rank C
**Forged Killer Axe - 12 Mt, 70 Hit, 25 Crit, 20 uses
Hammer - 9 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crit, 20 uses, 3x Mt vs. heavy armor, Bord's starting equip, Rank C
Forged Hammer - 12 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, 20 uses, 3x Mt vs. heavy armor
*Hauteclere - 20 Mt, 80 Hit, 10 Crit, 20 uses, can be used to recover 10 HP, Minvera's starting equip, Rank A

(all are 2 range, have 3x Mt vs. flying, and are physical)
Iron Bow - 5 Mt, 90 Hit, 0 Crit, 40 uses, Rank E
Steel Bow - 8 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 35 uses, Rank D
Silver Bow - 12 Mt, 90 Hit, 0 Crit, 20 uses, Rank B
*Forged Silver Bow - 14 Mt, 91 Hit, 0 Crit, 20 uses
Killer Bow - 8 Mt, 80 Hit, 20 Crit, 20 uses, Rank C
**Forged Killer Bow - 10 Mt, 83 Hit, 23 Crit
*Parthia - 18 Mt, 100 Hit, 10 Crit, 20 uses, can be used to temporarily raise Res as per Pure Water's effect, Jeorge's starting equip, Rank A

(all are 1-2 range and are magic)
Fire - 5 Mt, 100 Hit, 0 Crit, 25 uses, Rank E (fire)
*Forged Fire - 12 Mt, 105 Hit, 0 Crit, 25 uses
Thunder - 6 Mt, 90 Hit, 0 Crit, 21 uses, Rank E (lightning)
Blizzard - 7 Mt, 80 Hit, 5 Crit, 23 uses, Rank D (ice)
Elfire - 9 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 18 uses, Rank D (fire)
Bolganon - 12 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crit, 13 uses, Elice's starting equip, Rank C (fire)
Thoron - 13 Mt, 100 Hit, 10 Crit, 21 uses, Ellerean/Nyna starting equip, Rank C (lightning)
*Forged Thoron - 15 Mt, 101 Hit, 10 Crit, 21 uses
*Excalibur - 13 Mt, 100 Hit, 20 Crit, 33 uses, 3x Mt vs. flying, Rank B, Merric can use it with Rank E in Tomes, males only, Merric's starting equip (wind)
Aura - 18 Mt, 90 Hit, 0 Crit, 25 uses, Rank B, Linde can use it with Rank E in Tomes, females only, Linde's starting equip (holy)
*Nosferatu - 8 Mt, 90 Hit, 0 Crit, 24 uses, draining, Rank B, females only, Linde/Katarina starting equip (possibly holy)

*Special Note: Nyna joins on the last chapter, however, over the course of the game, you will get two Thoron tomes before this.  I've decided to be generous and assume a forged Thoron for her, for all that this isn't helping her.  Also for those that are wondering why Nyna gets this treatment and not Elice, it's because Elice is carrying the only copy of Bolganon you'll get ever without resorting to the Wi-Fi shop.

(all are 1 range and are physical)
Firestone - 15 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit, 30 uses, Str +8, Skl +4, Spd +4, Def +9, Res +4, already factored in
Divinestone - 18 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit, 30 uses, 3x Mt vs. manaketes/dragons, Str +9, Skl +7, Spd +4, Def +15, Res +11, Tiki/Nagi only, already factored in

Shield of Seals - Opens chests, removes Earth Dragons from the map at the start of player's turn, Str/Mgc/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def/Res +2, Marth only, already factored in

Weapon Ranks and other stuffs:
C/B/A Swords - +1 Mt/+2 Mt/+3 Mt
C/B/A Lances/Bows/Tomes - +1 Mt/+1 Mt, +5 Hit/+2 Mt, +5 Hit
C/B/A Axes - +5 Hit/+10 Hit/+15 Hit
C/B/A Staves: +1 HP healing/+2/+3

WTA grants +5 Hit at E/D rank, +10 Hit at C/B rank, and +10 Hit and +1 Atk at A rank.  If the character has WTD, his bonuses from his weapon rank is lost.  Weapon rank bonuses do not stack with previous ones and have been factored in.  Note that Bows and Tomes are never subject to WTA/D.

Furthermore, certain classes get bonuses to hit, evade, or critical hit rate.  These are also factored in.  These bonuses are as follows:
Swordmaster: +10 Evd
Sniper: +5 Hit/+5 Crit
Berserker: +10 Crit

Averages Up Top!:
Numbers in parentheses are for the Falcoknight average.  The Hit average in brackets is for the killer weapon average.
HP: 44.30
Speed: 21.34 (21.49)
Defense: 15.59 (15.43)
Resistance: 6.29 (6.61)
Hit: 108.76 [101.78]
Evasion: 20.25 (20.40)
Movement: 7.75
Threat Range: 9.01
Damage(silvers/unadjusted): 18.75/46.88 (18.64/46.6)
Damage(silvers/adjusted): 23.69/59.2 (23.55/58.88)
Damage(killers/adjusted): 25.34/63.35 (25.15/62.88)

Characters will be sorted by class for convenience.  Ctrl+F is your friend.  Will also be listed in seperate posts because large cast is large.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 09:46:00 PM by Random Consonant »

Random Consonant

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Re: Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem ~Heroes of Light and Shadow~
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2010, 03:58:22 AM »
Lord (swords, 7 move):

Marth - Lv30 Lord
47.6 HP, 24.4 Str, 0 Mgc, 27 Skl, 27 Spd, 30.2 Lck, 17.2 Def, 3.2 Res
Swords: A
Phys. Durability: 1.18, Mgc. Durability: 0.91, Evasion: 32.1

Forged Silver Sword: 22.4 dmg, 124.1 hit, 17 crt, 30.01 avg dmg
Falchion: 20.4 dmg, +24 vs. dragons/Medeus, heals 10 HP on use, 122.1 hit, 17 crt, 27.33 avg dmg
Rapier: 13.4 dmg, +10 vs. mounted/heavy armor, 122.1 hit, 27 crt, 20.64 avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 18.4 dmg, 112.1 hit, 41 crt, 33.49 avg dmg]

Paladins (swords/lances, 10 move, mounted):

Luke - Lv20/15 Paladin
53.7 HP, 25 Str, 1 Mgc, 24.5 Skl, 24.5 Spd, 17.2 Lck, 21.2 Def, 7.65 Res
Swords: A, Lances: C
Phys. Durabiliy: 1.77, Mgc. Durability: 1.31, Evasion: 24.1

Forged Silver Sword: 23 dmg, 116.1 hit, 14.5 crt, 29.67 avg dmg
Javelin: 10 dmg, 84.1 hit, 14.5 crt, 12.21 avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 19 dmg, 104.1 hit, 38.5 crt, 33.63 avg dmg)

Rody - Lv20/15 Paladin
50.4 HP, 24.5 Str, 1 Mgc, 27.8 Skl, 25 Spd, 24.8 Lck, 20.2 Def, 7.65 Res
Swords: C, Lances: A
Phys. Durability: 1.54, Mgc. Durability: 1.23, Evasion: 27.4

Forged Silver Lance: 22.5 dmg, 115.2 hit, 17.8 crt, 30.51 avg dmg
Javelin: 10.5 dmg, 95.2 hit, 17.8 crt, 13.97 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 18.5, 105.2 hit, 40.8 crt, 33.60 avg dmg]

Cecile - Lv20/15 Paladin
44.7 HP, 21.95 Str, 4.1 Mgc, 28 Skl, 25 Spd, 21.5 Lck, 15.3 Def, 7.55 Res
Swords: A, Lances: C
Phys. Durability: 0.97, Mgc. Durability: 1.09, Evasion: 25.75

Forged Silver Sword: 19.95 dmg, 120.75 hit, 18 crt, 27.13 avg dmg
Javelin: 6.95 dmg, 88.75 hit, 18 crt, 9.03 avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 15.95 dmg, 108.75 hit, 42 crt, 29.35 avg dmg]

Arran - Lv*/15 Paladin
30.8 HP, 11.8 Str, 1 Mgc, 15 Skl, 12.2 Spd, 5.2 Lck, 11.8 Def, 6 Res
Swords: A, Lances: A
Phys. Durability: 0.57, Mgc. Durability: 0.68, Evasion: 3.8

Forged Silver Sword: 9.8 dmg, 99.6 hit, 7.5 crt, 11.26 avg dmg
Javelin: Fails against average defense (-2.2 dmg), 72.6 hit, 7.5 crt
[Forged Killing Edge: 5.8 dmg, 87.6 hit, 31.5 crt, 8.77 avg dmg]

Matthis - Lv20/15 Paladin
55 HP, 24 Str, 1 Mgc, 18 Skl, 17 Spd, 10 Lck, 19 Def, 7.5 Res
Swords: C, Lances: A
Phys. Durability: 1.54, Mgc. Durability: 1.33, Evasion: 12

Forged Silver Lance: 22 dmg, 98 hit, 9 crt, 25.84 avg dmg
Javelin: 10 dmg, 78 hit, 9 crt, 11.21 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 18 dmg, 88 hit, 32 crt, 27.45 avg dmg]

Sirius - Lv*/15 Paladin
41.3 HP, 21.1 Str, 1 Mgc, 22.4 Skl, 20 Spd, 12.4 Lck, 18 Def, 6.7 Res
Swords: A, Lances: A
Phys. Durability: 1.08, Mgc. Durability: 0.95, Evasion: 16.2

Forged Silver Sword: 19.1 dmg, 110.6 hit, 12.4 crt, 23.84 avg dmg
Javelin: 7.1 dmg, 83.6 hit, 12.4 crt, 8.43 avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 15.1 dmg, 98.6 hit, 36.4 crt, 25.86 avg dmg]

Frey - Lv20/15 Paladin
53.4 HP, 23.4 Str, 1 Mgc, 27.9 Skl, 25 Spd, 20.3 Lck, 20.4 Def, 7.3 Res
Swords: C, Lances: A
Phys. Durability: 1.65, Mgc. Durability: 1.28, Evasion: 25.15

Forged Silver Lance: 21.4 dmg, 113.05 hit, 17.9 crt, 29.06 avg dmg
Javelin: 9.4 dmg, 93.05 hit, 17.9 crt, 12.14 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 17.4 dmg, 103.05 hit, 40.9 crt, 31.63 avg dmg]

Cain - Lv20/15 Paladin
53.5 HP, 21.75 Str, 1 Mgc, 28 Skl, 25 Spd, 21.5 Lck, 20.75 Def, 7.25 Res
Swords: A, Lances: C
Phys. Durability: 1.70, Mgc. Durability: 1.28, Evasion: 25.75

Forged Silver Sword: 19.75 dmg, 120.75 hit, 18 crt, 26.86 avg dmg
Javelin: 6.75 dmg, 88.75 hit, 18 crt, 8.77 avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 15.75 dmg, 108.75 hit, 42 crt, 28.98 avg dmg]

Belf - Lv20/15 Paladin
54.2 HP, 25 Str, 1 Mgc, 28 Skl, 20.6 Spd, 15.6 Lck, 17.75 Def, 6 Res
Swords: C, Lances: A
Phys. Durability: 1.39, Mgc. Durability: 1.20, Evasion: 18.4

Forged Silver Lance: 23 dmg, 110.8 hit, 18 crt, 31.28 avg dmg
Javelin: 11 dmg, 90.8 hit, 18 crt, 14.41 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 19 dmg, 100.8 hit, 41 crt, 34.96 avg dmg]

Leiden - Lv20/15 Paladin
51.3 HP, 23.5 Str, 1 Mgc, 28 Skl, 25 Spd, 17.6 Lck, 15.8 Def, 6.95 Res
Swords: C, Lances: A
Phys. Durability: 1.17, Mgc. Durability: 1.20, Evasion: 23.8

Forged Silver Lance: 21.5 dmg, 111.8 hit, 18 crt, 29.24 avg dmg
Javelin: 9.5 dmg, 91.8 hit, 18 crt, 12.5 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 17.5 dmg, 101.8 hit, 32.2 avg dmg]

Abel - Lv*/15 Paladin
46 HP, 21.4 Str, 1 Mgc, 22.4 Skl, 23.4 Spd, 12.6 Lck, 17.6 Def, 6.7 Res
Swords: C, Lances: A
Phys. Durability: 1.17, Mgc. Durability: 1.06, Evasion: 19.7

Forged Silver Lance: 19.4 dmg, 103.7 hit, 12.4 crt, 24.21 avg dmg
Javelin: 7.4 dmg, 83.7 hit, 12.4 crt, 8.78 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 15.4 dmg, 93.7 hit, 35.4 crt, 25.27 avg dmg]

Roshea - Lv*/15 Paladin
42.65 HP, 16.5 Str, 1 Mgc, 19.2 Skl, 17.5 Spd, 14.9 Lck, 14.8 Def, 6.7 Res
Swords: C, Lances: B
Phys. Durability: 0.92, Mgc. Durability: 0.99, Evasion: 14.95

Forged Silver Lance: 13.5 dmg, 101.65 hit, 9.6 crt, 16.22 avg dmg
Javelin: 1.5 dmg, 81.65 hit, 9.6 crt, 1.72 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 9.5 dmg, 91.65 hit, 32.6 crt, 14.92 avg dmg]

Vyland - Lv*/15 Paladin
42.6 HP, 18.2 Str, 1 Mgc, 16.15 Skl, 16.2 Spd, 10.5 Lck, 18.5 Def, 6 Res
Swords: B, Lances: B
Phys. Durability: 1.15, Mgc. Durability: 0.95, Evasion: 11.25

Forged Silver Sword: 15.2 dmg, 103.4 hit, 8.075 crt, 17.65 avg dmg
Javelin: 3.2 dmg, 76.4 hit, 8.075 crt, 3.53 avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 11.2 dmg, 91.4 hit, 32.075 crt, 17.46 avg dmg]

Midia - Lv*/15 Paladin
37.7 HP, 16.2 Str, 1 Mgc, 20.8 Skl, 19.8 Spd, 9.6 Lck, 17.35 Def, 6.45 Res
Swords: C, Lances: B
Phys. Durability: 0.94, Mgc. Durability: 0.86, Evasion: 14.6

Forged Silver Lance: 13.2 dmg, 100.6 hit, 10.8 crt, 16.05 avg dmg
Javelin: 1.2 dmg, 80.6 hit, 10.8 crt, 1.38 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 9.2 dmg, 90.6 hit, 33.8 crt, 15.02 avg dmg]

Snipers (bows, 7 move):

Ryan - Lv20/15 Sniper
52.4 HP, 24 Str, 1 Mgc, 30 Skl, 25.5 Spd, 16.2 Lck, 19.55 Def, 3 Res
Bows: A
Phys. Durability: 1.52, Mgc. Durability: 1.00, Evasion: 23.1

Forged Silver Bow: 21 dmg, +28 vs. flyers, 119.1 hit, 25 crt, 31.5 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Bow: 17 dmg, +20 vs. flyers, 111.1 hit, 48 crt, 33.32 avg dmg]

Gordin - Lv20/15 Sniper
49.3 HP, 22.6 Str, 1 Mgc, 23.6 Skl, 22.6 Spd, 19.5 Lck, 17.7 Def, 3 Res
Bows: A
Phys. Durability: 1.26, Mgc. Durability: 0.94, Evasion: 22.35

Forged Silver Bow: 19.6 dmg, +28 vs. flyers, 114.35 hit, 18.6 crt, 26.89 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Bow: 15.6 dmg, +20 vs. flyers, 106.35 hit, 41.6 crt, 28.58 avg dmg]

Norne - Lv20/15 Sniper
48.3 HP, 20.15 Str, 1 Mgc, 25.5 Skl, 29 Spd, 20.5 Lck, 16.7 Def, 3 Res
Bows: A
Phys. Durability: 1.16, Mgc. Durability: 0.92, Evasion: 29.25

Forged Silver Bow: 17.15 dmg, +28 vs. flyers, 116.75 hit, 20.5 crt, 24.18 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Bow: 13.15 dmg, +20 vs. flyers, 108.75 hit, 43.5 crt, 24.59 avg dmg]

Jeorge - Lv*/15 Sniper
40 HP, 16 Str, 1 Mgc, 17.5 Skl, 18.5 Spd, 10 Lck, 18 Def, 3 Res
Bows: A
Phys. Durability: 1.05, Mgc. Durability: 0.76, Evasion: 13.5

Parthia: 17 dmg, +36 vs. flyers, 112.5 hit, 18.75 crt, 23.37 avg dmg, can be used to gain +7 Res temporarily, as per using a Pure Water

Tomas - Lv*/15 Sniper
41.6 HP, 21.1 Str, 1 Mgc, 19.8 Skl, 22.8 Spd, 16 Lck, 17.2 Def, 3.7 Res
Bows: A
Phys. Durability: 1.03, Mgc. Durability: 0.82, Evasion: 20.8

Forged Silver Bow: 18.1 dmg, +28 vs. flyers, 108.8 hit, 14.9 crt, 23.49 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Bow: 14.1 dmg, +20 vs. flyers, 100.8 hit, 37.9 crt, 24.79 avg dmg]

Generals (lance/bow, 6 move, heavy armor):

Draug - Lv20/15 General
54.4 HP, 23.2 Str, 1 Mgc, 20 Skl, 21 Spd, 14.2 Lck, 30 Def, 3 Res
Lances: A, Bows: C
Phys. Durability: 6.57, Mgc. Durability: 1.04, Evasion: 18.1

Forged Silver Lance: 21.2 dmg, 102.1 hit, 10 crt, 25.44 avg dmg
Javelin: 9.2 dmg, 82.1 hit, 10 crt, 10.55 avg dmg
Steel Bow: 13.2 dmg, +16 vs. flyers, 87.1 hit, 10 crt, 15.33 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 17.2 dmg, 92.1 hit, 33 crt, 27.21 avg]

Roger - Lv20/15 General
56.8 HP, 27 Str, 1 Mgc, 20 Skl, 21 Spd, 23.2 Lck, 30 Def, 3 Res
Lances: A, Bows: C
Phys. Durability: 6.86, Mgc. Durability: 1.08, Evasion: 22.6

Forged Silver Lance: 25 dmg, 106.6 hit, 10 crt, 30 avg dmg
Javelin: 13 dmg, 86.6 hit, 10 crt, 15.08 avg dmg
Steel Bow, 17 dmg, +16 vs. flyers, 91.6 hit, 10 crt, 19.97 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 21 dmg, 96.6 hit, 33 crt, 34.15 avg dmg]

Horace - Lv*/15 General
48 HP, 21.6 Str, 1 Mgc, 16.4 Skl, 13.6 Spd, 11.2 Lck, 25.4 Def, 3 Res
Lances: A, Bows: B
Phys. Durability: 2.43, Mgc. Durability: 0.91, Evasion: 9.2

Forged Silver Lance: 19.6 dmg, 97 hit, 8.2 crt, 22.67 avg dmg
Javelin: 7.6 dmg, 77 hit, 8.2 crt, 8.42 avg dmg
Silver Bow: 15.6 dmg, +24 vs. flyers, 97 hit, 8.2 crt, 18.04 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 15.6 dmg, 87 hit, 31.2 crt, 23.44 avg dmg]

Dolph - Lv*/15 General
47 HP, 21 Str, 1 Mgc, 18 Skl, 13 Spd, 9 Lck, 23.5 Def, 5 Res
Lances: A, Bows: C
Phys. Durability: 1.92, Mgc. Durability: 0.99, Evasion: 7.5

Forged Silver Lance: 19 dmg, 97.5 hit, 9 crt, 22.29 avg dmg
Javelin: 7 dmg, 77.5 hit, 9 crt, 7.83 avg dmg
Steel Bow: 11 dmg, +16 vs. flyers, 82.5 hit, 9 crt, 12.46 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 15 dmg, 87.5 hit, 32 crt, 22.8 avg dmg]

Macellen - Lv*/15 General
49 HP, 22.5 Str, 1 Mgc, 17 Skl, 15.6 Spd, 14 Lck, 24.8 Def, 3.7 Res
Lances: A, Bows: B
Phys. Durability: 2.30, Mgc. Durability: 0.97, Evasion: 12.6

Forged Silver Lance: 20.5 dmg, 99 hit, 8.5 crt, 23.93 avg dmg
Javelin: 8.5 dmg, 79 hit, 8.5 crt, 9.49 avg dmg
Silver Bow: 16.5 dmg, +24 vs. flyers, 99 hit, 8.5 crt, 19.26 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 16.5 dmg, 89 hit, 31.5 crt, 25.18 avg dmg]

Sheema - Lv*/15 General
43.2 HP, 20.8 Str, 1 Str, 21.1 Skl, 16.4 Spd, 20.2 Lck, 22.6 Def, 4.4 Res
Lances: A, Bows: A
Phys. Durability: 1.61, Mgc. Durability: 0.88, Evasion: 16.5

Forged Silver Lance: 18.8 dmg, 106.2 hit, 11.1 crt, 22.97 avg dmg
Javelin: 6.8 dmg, 86.2 hit, 11.1 crt, 8.00 avg dmg
Silver Bow: 15.8 dmg, +24 vs. flyers, 106.2 hit, 11.1 crt, 19.31 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 14.8 dmg, 96.2 hit, 34.1 crt, 24.32 avg dmg]

Bishops (tomes/staves, 6 move):

Wrys - Lv20/15 Bishop
31.3 HP, 1 Str, 15.7 Mgc, 19 Skl, 16.3 Spd, 18.5 Lck, 3.85 Def, 24.1 Res
Tomes: C, Staves: A
Phys. Durability: 0.42, Mgc. Durability: **, Evasion: 15.55
**Wrys's Res is such that average magic damage tinks against him.  It's a pretty narrow margin, though, and even slightly above average magic damage will break through his Res.

Forged Fire: 18.7 dmg, 113.25 hit, 9.5 crt, 22.25 avg dmg

Mallesia - Lv20/15 Bishop
38.5 HP, 1 Str, 18.6 Mgc, 12.6 Skl, 24.8 Spd, 25.2 Lck, 8.9 Def, 17.8 Res
Tomes: C, Staves: A
Phys. Durability: 0.63, Mgc. Durability: 2.48, Evasion: 27.4

Forged Fire: 21.6 dmg, 110.4 hit, 6.3 crt, 24.32 avg dmg

Yumina - Lv20/15 Bishop
34.8 HP, 1 Str, 15 Mgc, 17.1 Skl, 25 Spd, 25 Lck, 9.7 Def, 17.4 Res
Tomes: C, Staves: A
Phys. Durability: 0.59, Mgc. Durability: 2.11, Evasion: 27.5

Forged Fire: 18 dmg, 114.5 hit, 8.55 crt, 21.08 avg dmg

Frost - Lv*/15 Bishop
33 HP, 3 Str, 13 Mgc, 15 Skl, 19 Spd, 6 Lck, 5.5 Def, 12 Res
Tomes: C, Staves: A
Phys. Durability: 0.47, Mgc. Durability: 1.10, Evasion: 12

Forged Fire: 16 dmg, 103 hit, 7.5 crt, 17.25 avg dmg.

Maria - Lv*/1 Bishop
24 HP, 1 Str, 5 Mgc, 5 Skl, 5 Spd, 8 Lck, 3 Def, 9 Res
Tomes: E, Staves: C
Phys. Durability: 0.32, Mgc. Durability: 0.64, Evasion: -1

Forged Fire: 7 dmg, 94 hit, 2.5 crt, 7.32 avg dmg

Rena - Lv*/3 Bishop
27 HP, 1 Str, 8 Mgc, 8 Skl, 13 Spd, 10 Lck, 6 Def, 11 Res
Tomes: D, Staves: B
Phys. Durability: 0.40, Mgc. Durability: 0.83, Evasion: 8

Forged Fire: 10 dmg, 98 hit, 4 crt, 10.78 avg dmg

Elice - Lv*/5 Bishop
26 HP, 1 Str, 7 Mgc, 7 Skl, 7 Spd, 7 Lck, 5 Def, 10 Res
Tomes: C, Staves: A
Phys. Durability: 0.37, Mgc. Durability: 0.74, Evasion: 0.5

Forged Fire: 10 dmg, 95.5 hit, 3.5 crt, 10.65 avg dmg

Nyna - Lv*/7 Bishop
25 HP, 1 Str, 6 Mgc, 6 Skl, 10 Spd, 18 Lck, 4 Def, 9 Res
Tomes: C, Staves: A
Phys. Durability: 0.34, Mgc. Durability: 0.67, Evasion: 9

Forged Thoron: 12 dmg, 96 hit, 13 crt, 14.93 avg dmg

Dracoknights (lances/axes, 10 move, flying) and
Falcoknights (swords/lances, 10 move, flying)

Shiida - Lv20/15 Dracoknight
41 HP, 19 Str, 1 Mgc, 26 Skl, 23 Spd, 30 Lck, 19.5 Def, 6 Res
Lances: A, Axes: C
Phys. Durability: 1.19, Mgc. Durability: 0.91, Evasion: 28

Forged Silver Lance: 17 dmg, 116 hit, 16 crt, 22.44 avg dmg
Wing Spear: 10 dmg, +16 vs. mounted/heavy armor, 116 hit, 26 crt, 15.2 avg dmg
Javelin: 5 dmg, 96 hit, 16 crt, 6.50 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 13 dmg, 106 hit, 39 crt, 23.14 avg dmg]

Lv20/15 Falcoknight
41 HP, 17 Str, 3 Mgc, 26 Skl, 26 Spd, 30 Lck, 16.5 Def, 12 Res
Swords: C, Lances: A
Phys. Durability: 0.98, Mgc. Durability: 1.33, Evasion: 31

Forged Silver Lance: 15 dmg, 116 hit, 16 crt, 19.8 avg dmg
Wing Spear: 8 dmg, +16 vs. mounted/heavy armor, 116 hit, 26 crt, 12.16 avg dmg
Javelin: 3 dmg, 96 hit, 16 crt, 3.90 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 11 dmg, 106 hit, 39 crt, 19.58 avg dmg]

Est - Lv20/15 Dracoknight
41.4 HP, 26 Str, 1 Mgc, 26 Skl, 23 Spd, 30 Lck, 21.7 Def, 5.9 Res
Lances: A, Axes: C
Phys. Durability: 1.43, Mgc. Durability: 0.91, Evasion: 28

Forged Silver Lance: 24 dmg, 116 hit, 16 crt, 31.68 avg dmg
Javelin: 12 dmg, 96 hit, 16 crt, 15.61 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 20 dmg, 106 hit, 39 crt, 35.6 avg dmg]

Lv20/15 Falcoknight
41.4 HP, 24 Str, 3 Mgc, 26 Skl, 26 Spd, 30 Lck, 18.7 Def, 11.9 Res
Swords: C, Lances: A
Phys. Durability: 1.15, Mgc. Durability: 1.33, Evasion: 31

Forged Silver Lance: 22 dmg, 116 hit, 16 crt, 29.04 avg dmg
Javelin: 10 dmg, 96 hit, 16 crt, 13.01 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 18 dmg, 106 hit, 39 crt, 32.04 avg dmg]

Catria - Lv20/15 Dracoknight
48.4 HP, 25 Str, 1 Mgc, 26 Skl, 23 Spd, 23 Lck, 21.4 Def, 5.8 Res
Lances: A, Axes: C
Phys. Durability: 1.63, Mgc. Durability: 1.06, Evasion: 24.5

Forged Silver Lance: 23 dmg, 112.5 hit, 16 crt, 30.36 avg dmg
Javelin: 11 dmg, 92.5 hit, 16 crt, 14.12 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 19 dmg, 102.5 hit, 39 crt, 33.82 avg dmg]

Lv20/15 Falcoknight
48.4 HP, 23 Str, 3 Mgc, 26 Skl, 26 Spd, 23 Lck, 18.4 Def, 11.8 Res
Swords: C, Lances: A
Phys. Durability: 1.31, Mgc. Durability: 1.55, Evasion: 27.5

Forged Silver Lance: 21 dmg, 112.5 hit, 16 crt, 27.72 avg dmg
Javelin: 9 dmg, 92.5 hit, 16 crt, 11.56 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 17 dmg, 102.5 hit, 39 crt, 30.26 avg dmg]

Palla - Lv20/15 Dracoknight
45.5 HP, 26 Str, 1 Mgc, 26 Skl, 23 Spd, 14 Lck, 21.5 Def, 5.5 Res
Lances: A, Axes: C
Phys. Durability: 1.54, Mgc. Durability: 0.98, Evasion: 20

Forged Silver Lance: 24 dmg, 108 hit, 16 crt, 31.68 avg dmg
Javelin: 12 dmg, 88 hit, 16 crt, 15.15 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 20 dmg, 98 hit, 39 crt, 35.13 avg dmg

Lv20/15 Falcoknight
45.5 HP, 24 Str, 3 Mgc, 26 Skl, 25.2 Spd, 14 Lck, 18.5 Def, 11.5 Res
Swords: C, Lances: A
Phys. Durability: 1.24, Mgc. Durability: 1.50, Evasion: 22.2

Forged Silver Lance: 22 dmg, 108 hit, 16 crt, 29.04 avg dmg
Javelin: 10 dmg, 88 hit, 16 crt, 12.62 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Lance: 18 dmg, 98 hit, 39 crt, 31.62 avg dmg]

Minverva - Lv*/15 Dracoknight
40.8 HP, 18.5 Str, 1 Mgc, 18.6 Skl, 20.5 Spd, 17.6 Lck, 19.3 Def, 3.55 Res
Lances: A, Axes: A
Phys. Durability: 1.16, Mgc. Durability: 0.80, Evasion: 19.3

Hautclere: 19.5 dmg, 102.6 hit, 19.3 crt, 26.75 avg dmg, can be used to heal for 10 HP
Javelin: 4.5 dmg, 82.6 hit, 9.3 crt, 5.12 avg dmg
Dragonpike: 9.5 dmg, +16 vs. dragons, 82.6 hit, 9.3 crt, 10.81 avg dmg

Michalis - Lv*/15 Dracoknight
44.7 HP, 22.8 Str, 1 Mgc, 23.8 Skl, 23 Spd, 2.6 Lck, 21.2 Def, 5.3 Res
Lances: B, Axes: B
Phys. Durability: 1.48, Mgc. Durability: 0.96, Evasion: 14.3

Forged Silver Lance: 19.8 dmg, 100.1 hit, 13.8 crt, 25.26 avg dmg
Javelin: 7.8 dmg, 80.1 hit, 13.8 crt, 9.31 avg dmg
[Forged Silver Lance: 15.8 dmg, 90.1 hit, 36.8 crt, 25.70 avg dmg]

Warriors (axes/bows, 7 move):

Cord - Lv20/15 Warrior
60 HP, 30 Str, 0 Mgc, 20.8 Skl, 24 Spd, 21 Lck, 13.4 Def, 1 Res
Axes: A, Bows: C
Phys. Durability: 1.21, Mgc. Durability: 1.04, Evasion: 24.5

Forged Silver Axe: 27 dmg, 112.3 hit, 10.8 crt, 32.83 avg dmg
Hand Axe: 15 dmg, 86.3 hit, 10.8 crt, 17.57 avg dmg
Steel Bow: 20 dmg, +16 vs. flyers, 106.3 hit, 10.8 crt, 24.32 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Axe: 23 dmg, 96.3 hit, 35.8 crt, 38.55 avg dmg

Bord - Lv20/15 Warrior
60 HP, 30 Str, 0 Mgc, 26 Skl, 16.6 Spd, 15.4 Lck, 13.4 Def, 1 Res
Axes: A, Bows: C
Phys. Durability: 1.21, Mgc. Durability: 1.04, Evasion: 14.3

Forged Silver Axe: 27 dmg, 114.7 hit, 16 crt, 35.64 avg dmg
Hand Axe: 15 dmg, 88.7 hit, 16 crt, 18.99 avg dmg
Hammer: 20 dmg, +18 vs. heavy armor, 88.7 hit, 16 crt, 23.15 avg dmg
Steel Bow: 20 dmg, +16 vs. flyers, 108.7 hit, 16 crt, 26.4 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Axe: 23 dmg, 98.7 hit, 41 crt, 41.49 avg dmg]

Barst - Lv20/15 Warrior
60 HP, 30 Str, 0 Mgc, 26 Skl, 23.6 Spd, 20.5 Lck, 16.25 Def, 1 Res
Axes: A, Bows: C
Phys. Durability: 1.41, Mgc. Durability: 1.04, Evasion: 23.85

Forged Silver Axe: 27 dmg, 117.25 hit, 16 crt, 35.64 avg dmg
Hand Axe: 15 dmg, 91.25 hit, 16 crt, 19.17 avg dmg
Steel Bow: 20 dmg, +16 vs. flyers, 111.25 hit, 16 crt, 26.4 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Axe: 23 dmg, 101.25 hit, 41 crt, 41.86 avg dmg]

Dice - Lv20/15 Warrior
57.8 HP, 30 Str, 0 Mgc, 17.9 Skl, 20.8 Spd, 14.8 Lck, 13.3 Def, 2.1 Res
Axes: A, Bows: C
Phys. Durability: 1.16, Mgc. Durability: 1.06, Evasion: 18.2

Forged Silver Axe: 27 dmg, 106.3 hit, 8.95 crt, 31.83 avg dmg
Hand Axe: 15 dmg, 80.3 hit, 8.95 crt, 16.89 avg dmg
Steel Bow: 20 dmg, +16 vs. flyers, 100.3 hit, 8.95 crt, 23.58 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Axe: 23 dmg, 90.3 hit, 33.95 crt, 36.34 avg dmg]

Jake - Lv*/15 Warrior
49 HP, 24.6 Str, 0 Mgc, 17.1 Skl, 22.2 Spd, 21.8 Lck, 12.9 Def, 3.7 Res
Axes: A, Bows: B
Phys. Durability: 0.96, Mgc. Durability: 0.97, Evasion: 22.1

Forged Silver Axe: 21.6 dmg, 108 hit, 8.55 crt, 25.23 avg dmg
Hand Axe: 9.6 dmg, 82 hit, 8.55 crt, 10.80 avg dmg
Silver Bow: 19.6 dmg, +24 vs. flyers, 102 hit, 8.55 crt, 22.95 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Axe, 17.6 dmg, 92 hit, 33.55 crt, 27.99 avg dmg]

Ymir - Lv*/15 Warrior
52.5 HP, 24.5 Str, 0 Mgc, 17.25 Skl, 19.5 Spd, 6.75 Lck, 12.75 Def, 1 Res
Axes: B, Bows: C
Phys. Durability: 1.02, Mgc. Durability: 0.91, Evasion: 12.875

Forged Silver Axe: 21.5 dmg, 96.625 hit, 8.125 crt, 24.82 avg dmg
Hand Axe: 9.5 dmg, 70.625 hit, 8.125 crt, 10.36 avg dmg
Steel Bow: 14.5 dmg, +16 vs. flyers, 95.625 hit, 8.125 crt, 16.70 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Axe: 17.5 dmg, 80.625 hit, 33.125 crt, 25.72 avg dmg]

Horsemen (swords/bows, 9 move, mounted):

Warren - Lv20/15 Horseman
49.6 HP, 24 Str, 1 Mgc, 24.2 Skl, 22.8 Spd, 13.8 Lck, 16.6 Def, 3 Res
Swords: C, Bows: A
Phys. Durability: 1.19, Mgc. Durability: 0.94, Evasion: 19.7

(Forged) Steel Sword: (14) 17 dmg, (101.1) 111.1 hit, 14.2 crt, (17.98) 21.83 avg dmg
(Forged) Silver Bow: 19 (21) dmg, +24 (28) vs. flyers, 106.1 (107.1) hit, 14.2 crt, 24.40 (26.96) avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 16 dmg, 101.1 hit, 38.2 crt, 28.22 avg dmg]

Castor - Lv20/15 Horseman
44.9 HP, 23.5 Str, 1 Mgc, 22.5 Skl, 25.5 Spd, 12.1 Lck, 13.05 Def, 3 Res
Swords: C, Bows: A
Phys. Durability: 0.89, Mgc. Durability: 0.85, Evasion: 21.55

(Forged) Steel Sword: (13.5) 16.5 dmg, (98.55) 108.55 hit, 12.5 crt, (16.80) 20.63 avg dmg
(Forged) Silver Bow: 18.5 (20.5) dmg, +24 (28) vs. flyers, 103.55 (104.55) hit, 12.5 crt, 23.13 (25.63) avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 15.5 dmg, 98.55 hit, 36.5 crt, 26.57 avg dmg]

Robert - Lv*/15 Horseman
41.6 HP, 18.2 Str, 1 Mgc, 21.8 Skl, 22.8 Spd, 18 Lck, 10.4 Def, 3.6 Res
Swords: C, Bows: A
Phys. Durability: 0.73, Mgc. Durability: 0.82, Evasion: 21.8

(Forged) Steel Sword: (8.2) 11.2 dmg, (100.8) 110.8 hit, 11.8 crt, (10.14) 13.84 avg dmg
(Forged) Silver Bow: 13.2 (15.2) dmg, +24 (28) vs. flyers, 105.8 (106.8) hit, 11.8 crt, 16.32 (18.79) avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 10.2 dmg, 100.8 hit, 35.8 crt, 17.50 avg dmg]

Beck - Lv*/15 Horseman
40 HP, 17 Str, 3.5 Mgc, 16.5 Skl, 20.5 Spd, 11 Lck, 13.5 Def, 3 Res
Swords: B, Bows: A
Phys. Durability: 0.81, Mgc. Durability: 0.76, Evasion: 15

Forged Silver Sword: 14 dmg, 103 hit, 8.25 crt, 16.31 avg dmg
Silver Bow: 12 dmg, +24 vs. flyers, 97 hit, 8.25 crt, 13.89 avg dmg
Levin Sword: 5.5 dmg, 91 hit, 8.25 crt, 6.28 avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 10 dmg, 91 hit, 32.25 crt, 15.58 avg dmg]

Sedgar - Lv*/15 Horseman
39.5 HP, 16 Str, 1 Mgc, 19.25 Skl, 17.5 Spd, 10 Lck, 15.25 Def, 3 Res
Swords: D, Bows: B
Phys. Durability: 0.87, Mgc. Durability: 0.75, Evasion: 12.5

(Forged) Steel Sword: (4) 7 dmg, (94.25) 104.25 hit, 9.625 crt, (4.70) 8.35 avg dmg
(Forged) Silver Bow: 9 (11) dmg, +24 (28) vs. flyers, 99.25 (100.25) hit, 9.625 crt, 10.71 (13.12) avg dmg
[Forged Killer Bow: 7 dmg, +20 vs. flyers, 89.25 hit, 32.625 crt, 10.83 avg dmg]

Wolf - Lv*/15 Horseman
38.7 HP, 17.1 Str, 1 Mgc, 18.65 Skl, 18.1 Spd, 12.8 Lck, 15.05 Def, 3 Res
Swords: D, Bows: B
Phys. Durability: 0.85, Mgc. Durability: 0.74, Evasion: 14.5

(Forged) Steel Sword: (5.1) 8.1 dmg, (95.05) 105.05 hit, 9.325 crt, (5.98) 9.61 avg dmg
(Forged) Silver Bow: 10.1 (12.1) dmg, +24 (28) vs. flyers, 100.05 (101.05) hit, 9.325 crt, 11.98 (14.36) avg dmg
[Forged Killer Bow: 8.1 dmg, +20 vs. flyers, 90.05 hit, 32.325 crt, 12.56 avg dmg]
« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 09:14:45 AM by Random Consonant »

Random Consonant

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Re: Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem ~Heroes of Light and Shadow~
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2010, 03:58:45 AM »
Sages (tomes/staves, 6 move):

Linde - Lv20/15 Sage
38 HP, 3 Str, 16.6 Mgc, 28 Skl, 25 Spd, 30 Lck, 4.5 Def, 11.9 Res
Tomes: A, Staves: C
Phys. Durability: 0.53, Mgc. Durability: 1.26, Evasion: 30

Nosferatu: 16.6 dmg, draining, 118 hit, 18 crt, 22.58 avg dmg
Aura: 26.6 dmg, 118 hit, 18 crt, 36.18 avg dmg

Yubello - Lv20/15 Sage
40.5 HP, 3 Str, 18.1 Mgc, 15.2 Skl, 24.2 Spd, 21.5 Lck, 10.6 Def, 13 Res
Tomes: A, Staves: C
Phys. Durability: 0.71, Mgc. Durability: 1.47, Evasion: 24.75

Forged Fire: 22.1 dmg, 115.95 hit, 7.6 crt, 25.46 avg dmg

Wendel - Lv*/15 Sage
29.2 HP, 3 Str, 9.6 Mgc, 8.2 Skl, 14.4 Spd, 8 Lck, 6.6 Def, 8 Res
Tomes: A, Staves: A
Phys. Durability: 0.44, Mgc. Durability: 0.73, Evasion: 8.4

Forged Fire: 11.6 dmg, 92.2 hit, 4.1 crt, 12.44 avg dmg

Merric - Lv20/15 Sage
46.8 HP, 3 Str, 17.2 Mgc, 23.6 Skl, 25 Spd, 22.8 Lck, 11.6 Def, 12 Res
Tomes: A, Staves: C
Phys. Durability: 0.86, Mgc. Durability: 1.56, Evasion: 26.4

Excalibur: 22.2 dmg, 120 hit, 33.6 crt, 37.12 avg dmg

Ellerean - Lv20/15 Sage
51.2 HP, 4 Str, 18.2 Mgc, 18 Skl, 23.5 Spd, 11.2 Lck, 15 Def, 8.8 Res
Tomes: A, Staves: C
Phys. Durability: 1.12, Mgc. Durability: 1.35, Evasion: 19.1

Forged Thoron: 25.2 dmg, 109.6 hit, 19 crt, 34.78 avg dmg

Katarina - Lv*/15 Sage
40.8 HP, 3 Str, 15.2 Mgc, 20.6 Skl, 21 Spd, 11.6 Lck, 10.6 Def, 10.2 Res
Tomes: A, Staves: C
Phys. Durability: 0.72, Mgc. Durability: 1.18, Evasion: 16.8

Nosferatu: 15.2 dmg, draining, 101.4 hit, 10.6 crt, 18.42 avg dmg
Forged Fire: 19.2 dmg, 116.4 hit, 10.6 crt, 23.27 avg dmg

Thieves (swords, 7 move):

Julian - Lv30 Thief
39.2 HP, 20 Str, 0 Mgc, 22.4 Skl, 30 Spd, 26.2 Lck, 15.6 Def, 0 Res
Swords: A
Phys. Durability: 0.89, Mgc. Durability: 0.65, Evasion: 33.1

Forged Silver Sword: 18 dmg, 117.5 hit, 12.4 crt, 22.46 avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 14 dmg, 105.5 hit, 36.4 crt, 23.41 avg dmg]

Rickard - Lv30 Thief
34.2 HP, 16.8 Str, 0 Mgc, 11.1 Skl, 27.9 Spd, 17.2 Lck, 11.1 Def, 0 Res
Swords: A
Phys. Durability: 0.62, Mgc. Durability: 0.57, Evasion: 26.5

Forged Silver Sword: 14.8 dmg, 101.7 hit, 5.55 crt, 16.44 avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 10.8 dmg, 89.7 hit, 29.55 crt, 16.20 avg dmg]

Heroes (swords/axes, 8 move):

Ogma - Lv20/15 Hero
60 HP, 25 Str, 1 Mgc, 30 Skl, 26 Spd, 21.2 Lck, 16.75 Def, 4.35 Res
Swords: A, Axes: C
Phys. Durability: 1.45, Mgc. Durability: 1.22, Evasion: 26.6

Forged Silver Sword: 23 dmg, 120.6 hit, 20 crt, 32.2 avg dmg
Hand Axe: 10 dmg, 85.6 hit, 20 crt, 13.14 avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 19 dmg, 108.6 hit, 44 crt, 35.72 avg dmg]

Caesar - Lv20/15 Hero
56.3 HP, 23.5 Str, 1 Mgc, 25.15 Skl, 26 Spd, 14.1 Lck, 16.75 Def, 3 Res
Swords: A, Axes: C
Phys. Durability: 1.36, Mgc. Durability: 1.07, Evasion: 23.05

Forged Silver Sword: 21.5 dmg, 114.2 hit, 15.15 crt, 28.01 avg dmg
Hand Axe: 8.5 dmg, 77.2 hit, 15.15 crt, 10.19 avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 17.5 dmg, 102.2 hit, 39.15 crt, 31.20 avg dmg]

Astram - Lv*/15 Hero
44 HP, 20 Str, 1 Mgc, 21 Skl, 20 Spd, 11 Lck, 17.5 Def, 3 Res
Swords: A, Axes: C
Phys. Durability: 1.11, Mgc. Durability: 0.84, Evasion: 15.5

Mercurius: 21 dmg, 106.5 hit, 21 crt, 29.82 avg dmg
Hand Axe: 5 dmg, 71.5 hit, 11 crt, 5.63 avg dmg

Samson - Lv*/15 Hero
43 HP, 19 Str, 1 Mgc, 18.5 Skl, 21 Spd, 18 Lck, 16.5 Def, 3 Res
Swords: D, Axes: A
Phys. Durability: 1.02, Mgc. Durability: 0.82, Evasion: 20

Forged Silver Axe: 16 dmg, 108.5 hit, 9.25 crt, 18.96 avg dmg
Hand Axe: 4 dmg, 82.5 hit, 9.25 crt, 4.55 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Axe: 12 dmg, 92.5 hit, 34.25 crt, 19.30 avg dmg]

Swordmasters (swords, 8 move):

Samto - Lv20/15 Swordmaster
51.2 HP, 16.7 Str, 1 Mgc, 20.7 Skl, 30 Spd, 11.7 Lck, 14.8 Def, 3 Res
Swords: A
Phys. Durability: 1.11, Mgc. Durability: 0.97, Evasion: 35.85

Forged Silver Sword: 14.7 dmg, 108.55 hit, 10.7 crt, 17.85 avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 10.7 dmg, 96.55 hit, 34.7 crt, 17.74 avg dmg]

Radd - Lv20/15 Swordmaster
51.2 HP, 21.5 Str, 1 Mgc, 25.05 Skl, 30 Spd, 20.5 Lck, 12.8 Def, 4.45 Res
Swords: A
Phys. Durability: 1.00, Mgc. Durability: 1.05, Evasion: 40.25

Forged Silver Sword: 19.5 dmg, 117.5 hit, 15.05 crt, 25.37 avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 15.5 dmg, 105.5 hit, 39.05 crt, 27.61 avg dmg]

Nabarl - Lv20/15 Swordmaster
54.2 HP, 23.6 Str, 1 Mgc, 29 Skl, 30 Spd, 26.6 Lck, 15.6 Def, 4.4 Res
Swords: A
Phys. Durability: 1.22, Mgc. Durability: 1.11, Evasion: 43.3

Forged Silver Sword: 21.6 dmg, 124.3 hit, 19 crt, 29.81 avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 17.6 dmg, 112.3 hit, 43 crt, 32.74 avg dmg]

Maris - Lv20/15 Swordmaster
47.8 HP, 20.6 Str, 2.2 Mgc, 28.4 Skl, 30 Spd, 21 Lck, 13.2 Def, 5.4 Res
Swords: A
Phys. Durability: 0.93, Mgc. Durability: 1.01, Evasion: 40.5

Forged Lady Sword: 18.6 dmg, 125.9 hit, 18.4 crt, 25.44 avg dmg
Levin Sword: 5.2 dmg, 108.9 hit, 18.4 crt, 7.11 avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 14.6 dmg, 108.9 hit, 42.4 crt, 26.98 avg dmg]

Athena - Lv20/15 Swordmaster
49 HP, 20.6 Str, 1 Mgc, 28.4 Skl, 30 Spd, 21.6 Lck, 15 Def, 3 Res
Swords: A
Phys. Durabiltiy: 1.07, Mgc. Durability: 0.93, Evasion: 40.8

Forged Silver Sword: 18.6 dmg, 121.2 hit, 18.4 crt, 25.44 avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 14.6 dmg, 109.2 hit, 42.4 crt, 26.98 avg dmg]

Dancers - (swords, 6 move):

Feena - Lv30 Dancer
33.4 HP, 19.4 Str, 0 Mgc, 25 Skl, 25 Spd, 30 Lck, 9.35 Def, 1.45 Res
Swords: A
Phys. Durability: 0.56, Mgc. Durability: 0.59, Evasion: 30

Forged Silver Sword: 17.4 dmg, 122 hit, 15 crt, 22.62 avg dmg
[Forged Killing Edge: 13.4 dmg, 110 hit, 39 crt, 23.85 avg dmg]

Manaketes (special, 6 move):

Bantu - Lv20 Manakete
24.8 HP, 13.4 Str, 1.7 Mgc, 10.4 Skl, 9.7 Spd, 2.7 Lck, 13.7 Def, 5.85 Res
Phys. Durability: 0.51, Mgc. Durability: 0.55, Evasion: 1.05

Firestone: 9.4 dmg, 76.75 hit, 5.2 crt, 10.04 avg dmg

Tiki - Lv20 Manakete
30.6 HP, 22 Str, 2.8 Mgc, 24.2 Skl, 21.2 Spd, 25.6 Lck, 22.8 Def, 21.7 Res
Phys. Durability: 1.16, Mgc. Durability: 5.30, Evasion: 23

Divinestone: 21 dmg, +36 vs. dragons, 102 hit, 14.2 crt, 26.96 avg dmg

Nagi - Lv20 Manakete
36.5 HP, 19.5 Str, 3 Mgc, 23 Skl, 22 Spd, 14.5 Lck, 22 Def, 21.25 Res
Phys. Durability: 1.29, Mgc. Durability: 5.29, Evasion: 19.25

Divinestone: 18.5 dmg, +36 vs. dragons, 95.25 hit, 13 crt, 22.97 avg dmg

Sorcerers (tomes/staves, 6 move):

Etzel - Lv*/15 Sorcerer
37.2 HP, 2 Str, 14.6 Mgc, 19.4 Skl, 16.5 Spd, 11.6 Lck, 12.7 Def, 15.6 Res
Tomes: A, Staves: C
Phys. Durability: 0.72, Mgc. Durability: 1.77, Evasion: 12.3

Forged Fire: 18.6 dmg, 115.2 hit, 9.7 crt, 22.21 avg dmg

Berserkers (axes, 7 move):

Daross - Lv*/15 Berserker
53 HP, 25.8 Str, 0 Mgc, 14.8 Skl, 21 Spd, 13.8 Lck, 16.6 Def, 0 Res
Axes: A
Phys. Durability: 1.27, Mgc. Durability: 0.88, Evasion: 17.9

Forged Silver Axe: 22.8 dmg, 102.7 hit, 17.4 crt, 30.73 avg dmg
Hand Axe: 10.8 dmg, 76.7 hit, 17.4 crt, 13.24 avg dmg
[Forged Killer Axe: 18.8 dmg, 86.7 hit, 42.4 crt, 31.56 avg dmg]
« Last Edit: October 18, 2010, 07:20:13 AM by Random Consonant »

Random Consonant

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Re: Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem ~Heroes of Light and Shadow~
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2010, 03:59:18 AM »
Bosses!  I don't have averages for anyone but Gharnef or Medeus, so placeholders will have to do until I get them somehow.  Normal Mode is, of course, assumed here.

Prologue Chapter 1 Boss: Jagen - Lv1 Paladin
20 HP, 6 Str, 1 Mgc, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 3 Lck, 4 Def, 1 Res
D Swords, D Lances

Javelin - 3 Mt, 70 Hit, Range 1-2

Jagen is immobile.  On Normal Mode he also doesn't show up until some generic lame-ass soldier whose defensive stats are only slightly worse than Jagen's is dead.  Also he only fights Chris, whose weirdness makes it hard to peg *exactly* how badly off the old man is.  I'm just including him here so people can bask in his awesomeness.

Chapter 6 Boss: Lang - Lv5 General
32 HP, 12 Str, 1 Mgc, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Lck, 15 Def, 3 Res
D Lances, E Bows

Javelin - 3 Mt, 70 Hit, Range 1-2
Cancer Shard - +2 Def when held.  Already factored in.

Lang is immoblile and sits on a throne.  That said we've seen this boss like a million times in FESD.

Chapter 10x Boss: Roro - Lv5 Berserker
36 HP, 13 Str, 0 Mgc, 10 Skl, 12 Spd, 0 Lck, 9 Def, 0 Res
C Axes

Killer Axe - 10 Mt, 70 Hit, 20 Crt, Range 1
Hand Axe - 4 Mt, 60 Hit, Range 1-2

Roro... is interesting.  There are actually three of these Lv5 Roros in the stated chapter, one of which is the real one upon whose death the chapter ends, and you have no way of knowing which one is the real one until you kill him.  All three of these are immobile.  Furthermore, there are four lesser Roro clones (32/10/0/7/9/0/6/0) equipped with Hammers at the start of the map, which will be replaced with more Roro clones (these ones with Devil Axes) eventually as they die.  These ones *are* mobile.

Chapter 13x Boss: Kleine - Lv5 Sniper
32 HP, 11 Str, 1 Mgc, 14 Skl, 15 Spd, 0 Lck, 12 Def, 4 Res
B Bows

Silver Bow - 12 Mt, 90 Hit, Range 2

Kleine is mobile, though won't move unless someone is within her threat range.

Chapter 20 Boss: Hardin - Lv30 Emperor
50 HP, 20 Str, 0 Mgc, 20 Skl, 20 Spd, 0 Lck, 20 Def, 15 Res
A Lances

Gradivus - 19 Mt, 90 Hit, 10 Crt, Range 1-2, can be used to restore all HP
Dark Orb - Grants immunity to all attacks except from the character possessing the Light Orb

Hardin is immobile and sits on a throne.

Chapter 20x Boss: Eremiya - Lv18 Bishop
38 HP, 1 Str, 12 Mgc, 13 Skl, 17 Spd, 0 Lck, 12 Def, 16 Res
B Tomes, D Staves

Thoron - 13 Mt, 90 Hit, 10 Crt, Range 1-2
Meteor - 12 Mt, 80 Hit, Range 3-10

Eremiya is immobile and sits on a throne.

Chapter 23 Boss: Gharnef - Lv20 Sorcerer
38 HP, 2 Str, 12 Mgc, 16 Skl, 15 Spd, 0 Lck, 13 Def, 17 Res
A Tomes, E Staves

Imhullu - 14 Mt, 80 Hit, Range 1-2, Immunes all attacks except Starlight

Avg enemy Def: 12
Avg enemy Res: 11

Gharnef is mobile and is in fact completely optional, though since he drops the Falchion you may want to fight him anyways.  Anyways, he's fought the chapter before Medeus, so the averages against him don't change much.  Only other change is that the enemy evade average is a bit lower due to slower enemies, but it's not hugely significant.

Final Chapter Boss: Medeus - Lv30 Dark Dragon
60 HP, 25 Str, 0 Mgc, 25 Skl, 25 Spd, 0 Lck, 25 Def, 20 Res
Is weak to the Falchion, but nothing else.

Dark Breath - 20 Mt, 85 Hit, Range 1-2

Avg enemy Def: 19
Avg enemy Res: 10

Medeus is immobile, but starts surrounded by four bishops (guess who they are).  Given the nature of the situation, I don't give this much credit in terms of having melee immunity.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2010, 08:35:41 AM by Random Consonant »