
Author Topic: Zahhak (S5) (Standardized Writeup)  (Read 698 times)


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Zahhak (S5) (Standardized Writeup)
« on: October 15, 2010, 10:31:06 PM »
Hmph. Worms. Zahhak, loyal retainer to the Throne, has arrived on the scene. And of course, by Throne, he means the Godwin Throne. To this end, he'll fight any who dare oppose the rightful rule of Gizel Godwin! After permitting the insolent fools to act first, his blade will slash open his opponents. Their magics will fail against his mighty armor, and their physicals will surely not break him. All it should take is a few sets of slashes to down any foe he comes up against, before he marches on to the next fight. All in the name of the House of Godwin!
« Last Edit: January 02, 2011, 04:33:39 AM by Hunter Sopko »