
Author Topic: Hellion (S1) (General Writeup)  (Read 761 times)


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Hellion (S1) (General Writeup)
« on: October 15, 2010, 10:18:28 PM »
Ah, it's always good to get out of the house and stretch your bones! Hellion's been around the map a few times, helpin' that young whippersnapper Tir clear his name, but since then it's been a lot of napping. Still, when asked, Hellion is more than willing to step into the arena! With Copper Flesh, not a lick of damage can hurt this old biddy - and Earthquakes are certain to devastate the field! Sure, she may not be the speediest or most durable fighter, but with Copper Flesh and her sky-high Magic score, who needs all that? Slow and steady wins the fight, and as such, Hellion's sure to rock your world!
« Last Edit: January 02, 2011, 04:49:01 AM by Hunter Sopko »