Author Topic: Proving grounds (sorta)Godlike: Saga, FF8, FE10  (Read 1533 times)


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Proving grounds (sorta)Godlike: Saga, FF8, FE10
« on: November 16, 2010, 11:52:55 AM »
T260G (Saga), Ultimecia (FF8), Naliah (FE10)

T260G (Saga) vs Rashidi (OB)
T260G vs Deis (BoFs)
T260G vs Rupert Danridge (XF)
T260G vs Chaos (FF1)
T260G vs Ramirez (SoA)
T260G vs Seymour (FFX)
T260G vs Celes Chere (FF6)
T260G vs Fereydoon (WA5)
T260G vs Lamington (Dis)
T260G vs Avalon (LoL2)

Ultimecia (FF8) vs Rashidi (OB)
Ultimecia vs Deis (BoFs)
Ultimecia vs Rupert Danridge (XF)
Ultimecia vs Chaos (FF1)
Ultimecia vs Ramirez (SoA)
Ultimecia vs Seymour (FFX)
Ultimecia vs Celes Chere (FF6)
Ultimecia vs Fereydoon (WA5)
Ultimecia vs Lamington (Dis)
Ultimecia vs Avalon (LoL2)

Naliah (FE10) vs Rashidi (OB)
Naliah vs Deis (BoFs)
Naliah vs Rupert Danridge (XF)
Naliah vs Chaos (FF1)
Naliah vs Ramirez (SoA)
Naliah vs Seymour (FFX)
Naliah vs Celes Chere (FF6)
Naliah vs Fereydoon (WA5)
Naliah vs Lamington (Dis)
Naliah vs Avalon (LoL2)
« Last Edit: November 16, 2010, 05:17:29 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Proving grounds (sorta)Godlike: Saga, FF8, FE10
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2010, 12:03:52 PM »
Ultimecia (FF8) vs Rashidi (OB)- Rashidi vs low damage boss. That'll end well.
Ultimecia vs Deis (BoFs)- Shed lets her outlast.
Ultimecia vs Rupert Danridge (XF)- Limit smashy.
Ultimecia vs Chaos (FF1)
Ultimecia vs Ramirez (SoA)
Ultimecia vs Seymour (FFX)
Ultimecia vs Celes Chere (FF6)- I don't think Cure's enough, but it's not a bad fight. EDIT: Apoc gets Runiced. Pathetic.
Ultimecia vs Lamington (Dis)
Ultimecia vs Avalon (LoL2)

T260G (Saga) vs Rashidi (OB)- Vmax did increase HP, but I don't think it healed? My vote changes if it did.
T260G vs Deis (BoFs)- OHKO.
T260G vs Rupert Danridge (XF)- Kneejerking that Cosmic Rave isn't a OHKO. Trashcan may be able to chip a little, but Rupert's damage/speed mix is just unpleasant once he's hurt. Or mmm, can the trashcan set up for evasion?
T260G vs Chaos (FF1)- Outlasts Vmax, has the right defenses for the fight.
T260G vs Ramirez (SoA)-EDIT: I need to check on Vmax some, but tentatively assuming it can be dispelled for the moment.
T260G vs Seymour (FFX)- Defenses.
T260G vs Celes Chere (FF6)- Immunes the status, can get around vanish with starlight shower.
T260G vs Lamington (Dis)- I... think? Starlight shower was pretty solid, and Lamington does not like trashcan defenses.
T260G vs Avalon (LoL2)- Outslugs.

Naliah (FE10)[/b] vs Rashidi (OB)- Naliah should survive the first turn even with elemental weakness, so splat. EDIT: Never mind, doubling Rashidi's damage=Naliah goes boom
Naliah vs Deis (BoFs)- I think he RES staves off death turn one.
Naliah vs Rupert Danridge (XF)-Evasion.
Naliah vs Chaos (FF1)- Fire magic is not Naliah's friend, and she doesn't like Chaos's defenses either.
Naliah vs Ramirez (SoA)- Eternum.
Naliah vs Seymour (FFX)- Oh my god.
Naliah vs Celes Chere (FF6)- Celes is marginally below average speed.
Naliah vs Lamington (Dis)- EDIT: Right, physical evasion.
Naliah vs Avalon (LoL2)- Stone.

Naliah: 4-5
Trashcan: 3-6
Ultimecia: 0-9 (Yeah, FF8 lacks good godlikes <_< Sue me.)
« Last Edit: November 20, 2010, 11:16:16 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: Proving grounds (sorta)Godlike: Saga, FF8, FE10
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2010, 07:52:48 PM »
T260G vs Deis (BoFs) - Smash.
T260G vs Chaos (FF1) - DoS Chaos... I don't think is good enough for this.
T260G vs Celes Chere (FF6) - Well if she can get around Vanish then sure


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Re: Proving grounds (sorta)Godlike: Saga, FF8, FE10
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2010, 05:29:31 AM »
Ultimecia (FF8) vs Rashidi (OB)
Uh.  Fail fight since both kinda suck in-game.  I let Ulty have her forms, but most of them are getting OHKOed out the gate which resets Ulty's initiative.  Meanwhile Rashidi is getting like 2HKOed even by Ultimecia's bad damage to me and Ulty is immune to draining.  It's still a fair question if Ulti's questionable speed lets her survive to the 2HKO, but feeling generous today.
Ultimecia vs Deis (BoFs)
Sure, shed.
Ultimecia vs Rupert Danridge (XF)
[12:22am] <SnowFire> When Ultimecia blows away a junction, could you still cast the attached spell that got blown away?
[12:22am] <CmdrKing> Don't think so.
[12:22am] <SnowFire> (FF8 spells not Aura or Triple weren't cast very commonly by me.)
[12:23am] <SnowFire> Hmm.  So Ulti has an MP DRAINING argument against Rupert.  Fantastic.
[12:23am] <SnowFire> Too bad that even knocking away 100 of one spell isn't that big a hit on the total number of spells you could have had on a magic-full character, so arguably it's bad MP draining...
[12:24am] <SnowFire> ...on the other hand blowing away "Maximum Risk" if it's interpreted as that would be pretty awesome.
[12:24am] <SnowFire> Uhhhhhhhhhh yeah fun headache.
[12:24am] <CmdrKing> In general it's best not thinking about it.
CK has good advice.  Suffice to say if Ulti gets her MP drain off and it's worth a damn she wins, she loses horribly otherwise.

Ultimecia vs Chaos (FF1)
Slapfight but leaning Chaos.
Ultimecia vs Ramirez (SoA)
Ultimecia vs Seymour (FFX)
Ultimecia vs Celes Chere (FF6)
Not...  horrible, though.  Ulti's physical is terrible, but Griever's is okay, so a "Runic a ton then win on double turns" strategy doesn't quite work.


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Re: Proving grounds (sorta)Godlike: Saga, FF8, FE10
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2010, 12:11:39 PM »
Ultimecia vs Chaos (FF1) - Durability goes in Ulti's favour, but damage goes in Chaos'. It's close, but I can see Chaos taking it.
Ultimecia vs Seymour (FFX) - Damage difference matters more than the durability one.
Ultimecia vs Celes Chere (FF6) - Yeah, I see the durability taking this one. (That, and I don't see Runic hitting non-Spell moves, so I'd see things like Maelstrom and Shockwave Pulsar getting through it.)

Nailah vs Chaos (FF1) - Having Fire spells kinda swings this one in Chaos' favour.
Nailah vs Seymour (FFX) - Nailah vs. high defence/magic? Ouuuch.
Nailah vs Celes Chere (FF6) - Comes down entirely to whether or not I see Nailah OHKOing... And yup. That's that, then.

This apparently reflects really badly on Celes. Hrm.


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Re: Proving grounds (sorta)Godlike: Saga, FF8, FE10
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2010, 02:40:51 AM »
T260G (Saga) vs Rashidi (OB) - It's close! But I'm not sure Rashidi can quite finish the squads of T260G off. Definitely willing to listen to arguments, here.
T260G vs Deis (BoFs) - Not Deis' style of fight.
T260G vs Chaos (FF1) - Goooonna gutcheck the phys dur is enough.
T260G vs Seymour (FFX) - Phys tank.
T260G vs Celes Chere (FF6)
T260G vs Lamington (Dis)
T260G vs Avalon (LoL2) - Depends on if VMAX can be dispelled.

Ultimecia (FF8) vs Rashidi (OB) - Smack.
Ultimecia vs Deis (BoFs)
Ultimecia vs Chaos (FF1)
Ultimecia vs Seymour (FFX)
Ultimecia vs Celes Chere (FF6)
Ultimecia vs Lamington (Dis)
Ultimecia vs Avalon (LoL2)


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Re: Proving grounds (sorta)Godlike: Saga, FF8, FE10
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2010, 03:17:57 AM »
Naliah vs Chaos (FF1)
Naliah vs Ramirez (SoA)
Naliah vs Seymour (FFX)
Naliah vs Celes Chere (FF6)
Naliah vs Fereydoon (WA5)

Physically tough fire users and ID are things she does not like.
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Re: Proving grounds (sorta)Godlike: Saga, FF8, FE10
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2010, 07:20:44 PM »
T260G vs Deis (BoFs): T2 durability is stupid. Can easily survive two turns of Deis1 offence. Deis2 just gets OHKOed.
T260G vs Rupert Danridge (XF): T2 is tanky enough to survive two high-HP Rupert turns, and chip -> V-MAX -> Magnify is death.
T260G vs Chaos (FF1): Pretty sure V-Max Magnify is a OHKO here. Could be argued.
T260G vs Seymour (FFX): I think. Seymour needs to either 2HKO or fail to be OHKOed by V-MAX Magnify, either of which seems reasonable.
T260G vs Celes Chere (FF6): Mm. Starlight Shower contains physical elements, so I'd definitely see that subject to Vanish. HyperBlaster does not, though, so Magnify into kaboom.
T260G vs Fereydoon (WA5): Hm, Fereydoon one-shots with his super-move, but has a lot of trouble getting it off. I'm actually not sure if he'll be able to, since it relies on knowing Saga Frontier speed exactly and we don't, but I'll kneejerk he doesn't since T2 can monkey with its speed a bit.
T260G vs Lamington (Dis): Pretty easy slugging match. Lamington probably manages to be a bit more durable, but T2 hits -much- harder, with the one shot of Magnify alone dealing over half Lamington's HP most likely.
T260G vs Avalon (LoL2): T2 is good, but no way is Avalon failing to get 2 turns in his second form, and an HP-1 + finisher is death. T2 wishes it had healing.

Ultimecia vs Deis (BoFs): Probably 3-2's or something.
Ultimecia vs Rupert Danridge (XF): Actual damage.
Ultimecia vs Chaos (FF1)
Ultimecia vs Seymour (FFX)
Ultimecia vs Celes Chere (FF6): Oh my god. After Haste she can double often enough, and Cure is dirty cheap and lets her survive Ulti turns. Apocalypse is the main issue, since I don't think Celes can avoid letting Ulti draw it. So... the only question is, will two Cures let Celes survive it? Or can she set up such that she gets 4 turns faster than Ulti gets 3 at some point and thus can heal three times? Or heck, can she heal twice and survive Apocalypse if she's optimised for MDef? Anyway, only estimate I got in chat is saying Ulti is 80% speed, which if so means Celes has the space she needs to heal three times before an Apoc if she times things right, and she has enough MP to do so. Yeah.
Ultimecia vs Fereydoon (WA5): The rest aren't close!
Ultimecia vs Lamington (Dis)
Ultimecia vs Avalon (LoL2)

Naliah vs Deis (BoFs): Chomp chomp.
Naliah vs Rupert Danridge (XF): Too much evade, here. Nailah should have over a 50% chance to dodge and Rupert's only getting one killing blow out.
Naliah vs Chaos (FF1): Honestly think this is quite one-sided. Chaos only 2HKOs despite hitting weakness (Nailah mdur is solid), she almost certainly evades one of the two spells so make that 3HKO, and Savage, which Nailah gets one of a turn on average, is pseudo-ITD so she easily two-rounds. Doesn't even need the initiative tiebreak, though if she gets it, this is just a slaughter.
Naliah vs Seymour (FFX): Savage OHKO. Seymour is sub-PCHP, Savage is brutal ITD damage, and she gets one turn 1.
Naliah vs Celes Chere (FF6): Eh, sure, I buy Celes being a point below average these days. Even if it makes me cry. EDIT: Pyro reminded me why I really shouldn't. So Celes goes first, but... I don't see her non-Berserk statuses being turn 1, and Vanish is spoiled by GLARE. The speed difference is way too tiny for her to Vanish until she doubles.
Naliah vs Fereydoon (WA5): Fereydoon can get off Laser Silhouette on turn 2, and has enough HP to get that turn.
Naliah vs Lamington (Dis): Outslugs pretty easily. The Skl-halving from Savage makes this even easier than it normally would be.
Naliah vs Avalon (LoL2): Stone. Even taken against some evade/res, I have enough Avalon respect for him to get 2 turns, if only just.

Nailah 6-2
T260G 6-2
Ultimecia 0-8
« Last Edit: November 21, 2010, 08:51:32 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Proving grounds (sorta)Godlike: Saga, FF8, FE10
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2010, 08:07:03 PM »
All that anyalsis and you forget how RUNIC owns Apoc. Shameful, Elf. Shameful.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Proving grounds (sorta)Godlike: Saga, FF8, FE10
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2010, 08:21:23 PM »
Yes, I fail.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.