
Author Topic: ToR Round 1 - Pool D  (Read 1178 times)


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ToR Round 1 - Pool D
« on: December 20, 2010, 12:41:59 AM »
17. Iron Chef Maharu Morimoto v Maya Amano - Subaquatic Basketweaving   IIIII III/I
18. Squirrel Girl v Hrathgar, Elantris - Desert Survival            TIII/III
19. Brock Sampson v Calvin, not Hobbes - Footrace            IIII/IIIII I
20. Luca Blight v Shion Uzuki - Being Mysterious            /IIIII IIIII I
21. Dr. McNinja v Mandark, Dexter's Lab - Censoring Vietnamese Cable      IIIII/I
22. Maya Schodinger v Xena, Warrior Princess - Abridging         IIIII I/IIII
23. Egon Venkler v Puniyo - Master Baiting               II/III
24. John Conner v K-9 - Thumb Wrestling               IIIII III/III

And so we have our first tiebreak, fittingly involving Hatbot since I didn't care enough to use my vote myself.

Pool D

Match 25

Ah the swimsuit contest, where hot bods get scantily clad for a show you won't want to miss.  That said, sorry guys, but this show ain't for you.  That's right, forget the cheesecake, and bring on the beefcakes for our all male, chippendale showdown.

Our first contestant is a forceful entry from a galaxy far, far away.  Luke Skywalker grew up on a desert planet, which probably taught him plenty about beating the heat, if not how to swim, which means it's a good thing this isn't a swimming contest.  Other than that, his constant training to be a Jedi Master means that he'll be in top condition, and have a grace few can match.

Which is good, since no matter how strong he might be, there's no way he's beating the 18/99 Strength his opponent is packing.  Straight from the wilds of Faerun, we have the famed ranger, Minsc, and his miniature giant space hamster, Boo!  Despite being the very image of a fantasy berserker, Minsc is still more comfortable in chain than a loincloth, but just for today ladies, we're getting an exception.

And so which specimin of manliness can show off the best while they beat the heat.

Match 26

Some matches test physical prowess, others wit, and a blessed few seem to favour only sheer bloody minded luck.  But today, we celebrate the taste and vision of the artiste.  Where thought meets the imperfect tools known as scriptwriters and actors, and allows those mediocre hacks to join with your muse to achive a taste of divinity itself.  But, when visions clash, only one can reign supreme.

A being of supreme vision, the Prince of All Cosmos has seen just about everything, he's also rolled it up, too!  And, if he even remotely takes after his father, then his style and flair will be without compare, as he crafts a one of a kind masterpiece that'll leave folks scratching their heads for months to come.

But his supreme vision is met with the impecable taste of Miles Edgeworth, Ace Prosecutor.  His magnum opus, Murder in Lavender, will undoubtedly be a tale of death in the big city, and of the valient, if conflicted, prosecutor who braves corrupt officials, inept investigators, and pesky defense attournies to bring the truth to the light of day, whatever the cost.  Whether it be his job, or having to deal with the most annoying witness in the history of the courts.

Match 27

Sax and Violins, this classic punchline joins the ranks of "What do you think it means" challenges.  However, in its debut as a challenge, it got a pairing that couldn't be better for it's creative music roots.

After all, if you gotta have sax and violins, can there be any better poster boy for the whole thing than that groovy 60's superspy and generally shagtastic cat, Austin Powers?  This swinging spy is loaded for bear, with his mojo set to 11, plenty of groupies to get in the groove, and a whole collection of tools, mentionable and un, to make sure he wins in the end.

Austin is truly a powerhouse at Sax and Violins, but if there's ever gonna be a team with the animal passion necessary to beat him, it'll be the Wyld Stallions.  Bill S. Preston, and Theodore Logan, esquire, are here to make sure that Austin Powers stays history, as they usher in the new future of rock and brotherhood.  And with a little help from their friends, past and future, they'll show why you should never underestimate the boys from San Diemas.

Match 28

Taunting and Gloating, some might see these as two separate things.  But in reality, they're basically just two different ways of letting your enemies know just how much they suck, and why you're totally superior to them.  And today, we'll see which of these two can best roast their foes with a well placed flame.

Dennis Nedry is the kind of guy who has a bit of flair when writing his resignation letter.  Granted, he didn't do it in person, but he did leave his boss stranded on an island with hungry dinosaurs after scuttling the only real way to control them.  Now, that he also got eaten by a dinosaur just goes to show that he wasn't perfect, but he at least had the balls to try.

And he's up against the Heavy from TF2.  Now, I'm speaking from a position of complete ignorance here, but even if TF2 characters have enough personality to taunt, the Heavy seems...  middle of the pack?  I mean, the spy is made to taunt that sneaky little bastard.  And others, like the medic, just seem too squeaky clean to want to taunt.  But, surely his questional skills are enough to win out over dino chow, right?

Match 29

We all know the story, in the shadows there exist vast shadow organizations, keeping the truth that can harm them and liberate man hidden that they might complete their nefarious schemes.  These dark Illuminati then pull the world to their whims with invisible strings, until one lone torchbearer grabs their sacred flame of truth, and with fire singed hands and a hunted heart, brings the light unto the people.  And now, our contestants must be that hero.

This will prove to be a bit of an issue for our first contestant, the Angel Islington, since he is, for all intents and purposes, an Illuminati himself.  Whether that makes him uniquely suited for this task or uniquely unsuited is the real question.  What is less questionable is his ability to deal with any threats as his personal power is profound.

Against him is a somewhat less powerful creature.  Suezo is used to roving the world with his monster rancher pal, so playing the hero is old hat for him.  And having the mantle of the fool, telling the truth whatever the consequences is also second nature for him.  Of course, this also means he may have some issues being taken seriously, and he'll still need to be worried about that whole evading the Illuminati thing.  Though, at least he also has a hero's luck, so he'll be hoping on that to pull through and get him the win.

Match 30

Hail to the King, baby!  Last time we had our Elvis Impersonation contest we had a coupla hunka hunks o' burning love rocking the stage in their blue suede shoes.  Sadly, this time, all we've got are a couple a hound dogs, each hoping their crying is enough to keep 'em from getting the jailhouse blues.

Our first contestant is at least used to going by several names, but that won't be near enough for a pretty stoic blond guy with a fetish for keeping his eyes covered, whether it be with shades, or a mask.  However, Char Anzabel has connections, which is why he'll be showing up in the Elvis Gundam.  This mechanical marvel can not only wreck five inferior Federation GMs per pelvis thrust, but it also looks exactly like Elvis so long as you can get over it being fifty feet tall and having a V Crest in the middle of its forehead.

Against this is Hagrid who cannot rely on any mechanical marvels, but has magic on his side to make up for this.  Of course, while this Hogwarts Groundskeeper is expert at dealing with magical beasts, he's never shown himself especially apt with disguises or muggle studies, so there's no telling what he'll actually think Elvis is.  But it should be a sight to behold, regardless of how it turns out.

Match 31

Any schlub can be a good aim with a ranged weapon, what separates the good from the great isn't making the critical shot, it's making the shot in style.  And so our competitors will be given their choice of ranged weapons, and given three shots to make the trickiest shot they can and still hit a called target.  No hit, no points.

Of course, to our first contestant, the idea of needing three shots is blasphemy.  With his policy of holding only to the Rule of One, his rallying cry with be One Shot, One Victory.  And who else could make this claim but the great and mighty overlord of the DL, Jogurt.

But, Garland intends to take this puffed up despot and knock him down, with, well...  just about anything.  Garland isn't noted for his ability with long range attacks, being a freaking knight in FF1, and Dissidia giving him very few long range options.  But how hard can it be to best a rodent with a 1 in every stat?

Match 32

Some say it's more soap opera than sport, but the WWF is still 100% wrestling.  And now we have two fine contenders for the title bout.

Oscar the Grouch may not be much of a fighter, but he's got the temperment of a star.  Not only is he the meanest one on his street, but there's few folks that can trash talk quite like him, or egg on the crowd.

But his opponent is a master of combat, even if his taunting stays mostly inside his head.  Mat Cauthon arrives on the scene, ready to play the unwilling hero to Oscar's scenery chewing villain.  But will he get his happy ending?

Quick Vote Form

25. Luke Skywalker v Minsc - Swimsuit Contest
26. Prince of all Cosmos v Miles Edgeworth - Direct a Movie
27. Bill and Ted v Austin Powers - Sax and Violins
28. Dennis Nedry v Heavy, TF2 - Taunting/Gloating
29. Angel Islington v Suezo, Monster Rancher - Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth
30. Char Anzabel v Hagrid - Elvis Impersonation
31. Jogurt v Garland, FF1 - Trick Shooting
32. Oscar the Grouch v Mat Cauthon - WWF Wrestling

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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool D
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2010, 12:52:52 AM »
25. Luke Skywalker v Minsc - Swimsuit Contest

26. Prince of all Cosmos v Miles Edgeworth - Direct a Movie

27. Bill and Ted v Austin Powers - Sax and Violins
Dunno Bill and Ted.

28. Dennis Nedry v Heavy, TF2 - Taunting/Gloating
Dennis Nedry sounds like a name that belongs to a TINY COWARD.

29. Angel Islington v Suezo, Monster Rancher - Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth
I don't even know what the fuck.

30. Char Anzabel v Hagrid - Elvis Impersonation
Can sport the shades, at least.

31. Jogurt v Garland, FF1 - Trick Shooting

32. Oscar the Grouch v Mat Cauthon - WWF Wrestling
Dunno Mat.


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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool D
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2010, 12:57:20 AM »
25. Luke Skywalker v Minsc - Swimsuit Contest
26. Prince of all Cosmos v Miles Edgeworth - Direct a Movie
28. Dennis Nedry v Heavy, TF2- Taunting/Gloating - "Look at you tiny-itty-bitty men running from sandvich!"
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool D
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2010, 12:58:34 AM »
25. Luke Skywalker v Minsc - Swimsuit Contest- Ew, no.
27. Bill and Ted v Austin Powers - Sax and Violins- Sort of knows how to play one intrusment.
28. Dennis Nedry v Heavy, TF2 - Taunting/Gloating- Heavy taunts are fatal, man.
29. Angel Islington v Suezo, Monster Rancher - Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth- Can create miracles out of will, which includes evading a theorical all powerful group.
31. Jogurt v Garland, FF1 - Trick Shooting- At leats has some military training.
32. Oscar the Grouch v Mat Cauthon - WWF Wrestling- Mat was born for this.
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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool D
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2010, 01:10:01 AM »
25. Luke Skywalker v Minsc - Swimsuit Contest
Can be a 70s California surfer dude.  Minsc's tattos are probably too weird for this.
26. Prince of all Cosmos v Miles Edgeworth - Direct a Movie
Tricky.  Edgeworth is too much of a control freak but the Prince probably rolls up his actors, script, and camera into a new planet or something leaving him with no actual film to show.
27. Bill and Ted v Austin Powers - Sax and Violins
I think this is supposed to be witty dialogue, super, not actually playing the instruments.  The violins part will include culture somehow, even mocking it, so this is pretty much Austin's gig.
28. Dennis Nedry v Heavy, TF2 - Taunting/Gloating
30. Char Anzabel v Hagrid - Elvis Impersonation
Hagrid can sorta do old Elvis but doesn't have the charisma Char has to pull it off.
31. Jogurt v Garland, FF1 - Trick Shooting
Fun fact: FF1o's Garland's accuracy is *terrible*, he misses a bunch.  Still enough to win here!
32. Oscar the Grouch v Mat Cauthon - WWF Wrestling
Oscar's trademark "trash can slam" shuts up the whiny possessed bard who can't decide if he wants to be a face or a heel.  (Going off the first book only here for Mat.)


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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool D
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2010, 01:18:05 AM »
25. Luke Skywalker v Minsc - Swimsuit Contest - I guess this could have been worse, but neither of these guys are attractive.
26. Prince of all Cosmos v Miles Edgeworth - Direct a Movie - The Prince would make one of those terrible art flicks that nobody likes. Even if I didn't think Edgeworth would be awesome at this, at the very least he'd be able to make an average detective or lawyer story from his experiences.
27. Bill and Ted v Austin Powers - Sax and Violins - More style
28. Dennis Nedry v Heavy, TF2 - Taunting/Gloating - I guess? Also, label some of these people. I completely forgot Nedry was from Jurassic Park.
29. Angel Islington v Suezo, Monster Rancher - Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth - The description doesn't even hint at who this Angel guy is, so I stopped caring.
30. Char Anzabel v Hagrid - Elvis Impersonation - Both of them are terrible, but Char seems less terrible. At least he wouldn't look -as- weird in the sequined suit.
31. Jogurt v Garland, FF1 - Trick Shooting - SF1 characters don't have an accuracy stat, so clearly they can't miss unless the target dodges!
32. Oscar the Grouch v Mat Cauthon - WWF Wrestling - I don't know what a Mat Cauthon is, so I stopped caring.


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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool D
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2010, 01:30:05 AM »

25. Luke Skywalker v Minsc - Swimsuit Contest - Minsc.  Minsc is canonically younger, whereas Luke is starting to get old.  And was married/banging out kids.  Minsc has retained his great fighting spirit, and looks much better in a bikini.
26. Prince of all Cosmos v Miles Edgeworth - Direct a Movie - Prince.  Just tapes his adventures and markets it as Independence Day 2.  Win.
27. Bill and Ted v Austin Powers - Sax and Violins - Austin Powers.  He succeeds at everything, really. 
28. Dennis Nedry v Heavy, TF2 - Taunting/Gloating - A) Heavy taunts KILL PEOPLE B) Topic creator is big, biased baby!  Heavy have one thing to say to him:

29. Angel Islington v Suezo, Monster Rancher - Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth - Uh...
30. Char Anzabel v Hagrid - Elvis Impersonation - Hagrid.  Gets the big and fat part right.
31. Jogurt v Garland, FF1 - Trick Shooting - Jogurt.  Garland can't shoot, he is a KNIGHT.  Jogurt at least existed in a game with lots of gunners, so he can learn.
32. Oscar the Grouch v Mat Cauthon - WWF Wrestling - Oscar the Grouch.  His attitude causes Mat to have a depressive episode and kill himself.  Remember, WWF wrestling is about popularity and story!  Oscar has a bigger fanbase than Mat.  Actual wrestling ability <<<<<< cool names and popularity.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool D
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2010, 02:01:15 AM »
25. Luke Skywalker v Minsc - Swimsuit Contest- Bald guys just don't do it for me.  And the correct application of boo in this situation doesn't help.
26. Prince of all Cosmos v Miles Edgeworth - Direct a Movie- Yeah probably.
27. Bill and Ted v Austin Powers - Sax and Violins- Austin may know Sax, but his Violins are always just sad and go on entirely too long.  Bill and Ted know how to keep it moving.
28. Dennis Nedry v Heavy, TF2 - Taunting/Gloating- Heavy doesn't know the magic word.
29. Angel Islington v Suezo, Monster Rancher - Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth
30. Char AnzabelQuattro Bajeena v Hagrid - Elvis Impersonation- Nobody knows why this unrelated guy gets to sub in for Char, but being able to rock the shades like that is a heck of a lot more Elvis than anything poor Hagrid can do.
31. Jogurt v Garland, FF1 - Trick Shooting- Shining Force at least has something resembling a gun.
32. Oscar the Grouch v Mat Cauthon - WWF Wrestling- Oscar can talk trash with the best of them, but he's got no sense of style in the ring, and Mat is nothing if not an expert at riling up the crowd (whether for or against him is an open question, but not a relevant one in the WWE)
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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool D
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2010, 06:32:47 PM »
25. Luke Skywalker v Minsc - Swimsuit Contest: I'm sure there's a Minsc quote appropriate to this, but I sadly don't remember his lines that well.
26. Prince of all Cosmos v Miles Edgeworth - Direct a Movie: Not big on abstract art, doubly so in movie form.
27. Bill and Ted v Austin Powers - Sax and Violins: Yeah, I'm not entirely sure what this is supposed to be about, so I'm just going to assume it's musical in nature and vote for Bill and Ted. This may have something to do with me thinking they're generally awesome and rather disliking Austin Powers.
28. Dennis Nedry v Heavy, TF2 - Taunting/Gloating: Not a TF2 player, though Heavy seems liek he could handle this.
29. Angel Islington v Suezo, Monster Rancher - Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth: Dunno Islington
30. Char Anzabel v Hagrid - Elvis Impersonation: ...The very idea of ELVIS GUNDAM just makes it impossible not to vote for Char here. That's fantastic.
31. Jogurt v Garland, FF1 - Trick Shooting: Uh...he's got some decent ranged attacks in Dissidia. That'll be enough for me.
32. Oscar the Grouch v Mat Cauthon - WWF Wrestling: I'm sure Mat can take a muppet.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool D
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2010, 09:46:54 PM »
25. Luke Skywalker v Minsc - Desert boy may have jedi mind tricks, but the judges won't be easily swayed. Also, I'm pretty certain that trying to do that would disqualify him.
26. Prince of all Cosmos v Miles Edgeworth - Sure, why not.
27. Bill and Ted v Austin Powers   Abstain, because I think they'd tie, honestly.
28. Dennis Nedry v Heavy, TF2 - TF2 characters, especially the heavy, are kinda made for this thing. Hard to beat that.
29. Angel Islington v Suezo, Monster Rancher Abstain
31. Jogurt v Garland, FF1 - If we're including Dissidia here, then yeah, he's accurate enough for this kinda thing.
32. Oscar the Grouch v Mat Cauthon - Better at the actual wrestling, and his entire purpose in life is to be the personality of the group. He wins on both counts, here.
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool D
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2010, 11:40:58 PM »
26. Prince of all Cosmos v Miles Edgeworth - Direct a Movie - The Prince would probably end up just absorbing the camera and getting disqualified.
27. Bill and Ted v Austin Powers - Sax and Violins - Suits the style more. (What style, you ask? Good question.)
28. Dennis Nedry v Heavy, TF2 - Taunting/Gloating - Yeaaaaah, TF2ers.

31. Jogurt v Garland, FF1 - Trick Shooting - Isn't Jogurt.