Author Topic: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B  (Read 2424 times)


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ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« on: December 03, 2010, 09:13:49 AM »

01. Starscream v Wario - Swimming Race            IIIII/IIIII II
02. Dr. Emmitt Brown v James Bond - Talking to Fish         IIIII IIII/IIII
03. Goku v Odie - Pod Racing               IIIII IIIII III/I
04. Prinny v Aya Brea - American Gladiator            IIII/IIIII IIIII
05. Samuel Vimes v Darkwing Duck - Questing for the Holy Grail   IIII/IIIII
06. Goddess Ashera v Lina Inverse - Applied Pyrotechnics      /IIIII III
07. Judge Doom v Igor, Persona - Win the Big Game         III/IIIII IIII
08. Pikachu, Anime v Lenneth Valkyrie - Poker         /IIIII IIIII III

Pool B

Match 09

Any fool can be party to a plot, but how many of them can, when necessary, plot the party themselves?

First up is the noted Torontonian teen wonder, Scott Pilgrim.  Though better known for battling evil-exes and rocking out, he comes with the advantage of a youthful social circle that likes to party.

On the other end is starship captain Jean-Luc Picard, of the United Federation of Planets.  While he may not party quite so hard as his youthful opponent, planning parties is one of the duties that must be overseen by an captain with his responsibilities as a diplomat.  After all, one has to know how to properly configure the utensils so as to not offend the Ferengi, nor have the music selection piss of the Klingons.

Match 10

Some things have existed since the dawn of time.  But, these primal, platonic essences can sometimes be shown in vastly different ways.  So it is with manliness.

Everyone can enjoy and appreciate the gun toting, man of action, and sarcasm in the face of danger manliness that Deadpool brings to bear.  That epic manliness that hunts relentlessly and is shown in an herculian strength and might before which all evil must crumble.

But, he faces another paragon of manliness, the Tycoon, who, though small of stature, has the ambition and intellect to level continents, rearrange society, and even harness the power of nature and science to be mere extensions of their will.  And truly, with his influence ranging from Ducksburg to the very moon itself, foremost among these names must be Scrooge McDuck, commanding all around him with the dignity and self-assuredness that separates the common man from The Man.

Match 11

And from two strong matches, we come to this.  Boxing.  The rules are fairly simple, but how things turn out may be less so, given that we have Mighty Morphin Ramza Beoulve, vs a dog.  Tony's pretty awesome for a dog, but he'll have to find a way to box before he can then challenge the guy who can just hop to Monk.

Match 12

Let's give a hand for the returning champ!  White Knight Leo is back, and ready to show just why he won the first tournament, and he's got his A game ready to go as he drew DDR.  Having already shown his mastery of all things musical, it should be a cinch for him to get past this trial while donning his best disco cogs.

But, his opponent is the nefarious Bowser Jr. who isn't known for taking defeat easily.  And in addition to all of the various nasty tricks he might have up his sleeve, he also has the advantage of having a DDR game in his franchise, with the Mario DDR Mix.  Of course, will that be enough to defeat the Disco General and his tasty, tasty justice?

Match 13

Alright, this here is the popularity contest.  This means nothing fancy, just pick who you like best and vote for 'em.  Whether that's for deep, nuanced reasons, so because their name makes you snicker.  Which means no need to know either, because that doesn't matter for this contest.  And that's good because this was otherwise gonna be low on vote count.

First reason why is because our first contestant, while theoretically well known, is supposed to be a specific instance.  Namely, the Native Trickster God, Coyote.  Not the Wile version, but the one that constantly outsmarts all the other animals, and the only one to consistantly screw him up is himself.  The instance suggested is the Gunnerkrig Court version, where he's essentially the same, but is a magnificent bastard hanging around in a magical forest outside an English boarding school, though at least it's a highly unusual one.

Facing off against him is the Angry Video Game Nerd.  About whom all I know is that he's an internet persona who is a nerd, is angry, and talks about video games.  Oh, and is also not Grefter or Zenny.  I think.

Match 14

DDR is an excellent display of dancing to someone else's groove.  However, a real dancing competition involves creativity, spontenaity, and the ability to craft ones own moves.  And so it is, that we have a proper dance off, where each contestant will show their moves, and the best groove wins.

Our first contestant is coming straight from the danger zone, as Maverick is here to show us all his lovin feeling.  Though best known as a top gun fighter pilot (or being played by Tom Cruise), he's not above showing off in any way possible, and the dance floor is as fine a place as any.

Which is going to be necessary, as he's against one of the famed vamp hunters of Castlevania, Maria Renard, who likely has some sort of supernatural agility, and possibly even some sense of style and grace.  Of course, I'm gonna let the folks in the match descriptions who actually know her make her case, since I know jack all about any Castlevania that isn't #2.

Match #15

Stand-Up Comedy isn't just about the laughs.  There's a lot of hard work behind each chuckle these valient mirth-smiths manage to eke out of their jaded crowds.  And now, entering this hallowed field, we have two newcomers, trying to earn their spot on the laugh track tours.

Dale Gribble is a man of many talents.  99% of which exist only in his head.  Of course, he's also a conspiracy nut par excellence, and there's nothing good for a laugh quite like the off kilter observations about government and society that culture breeds.  Of course, while he is Grade A comic material, can he overcome the fact that people are usually laughing at him rather than with him?

As for the other, again, we've got someone I don't know so well in Totoro.  He's from a fairly popular Anime, though while I believe it has humour, it's more the heartwarming type than the laugh out loud type.

Match #16

As any plumber can tell you, there's few skills that randomly come in handy quite like ladder climbing.  So, today we'll test our two contestants at their own ladder climbing skills.

First up is the person who's practically perfect in every way, except for that meaningless flaw.  Mary Sue.  Can she manage to win this when up against someone is may be God, the Son, the Holy Spirit, or all three at once, Fei Fong Wong, who may not like gears or fighting, but can like ladders!

Quick Vote Form

09. Scott Pilgrim v Jean-Luc Picard - Plotting the Party
10. Scrooge McDuck v Deadpool - Manliness Contest
11. Ramza Beoulve v Tony the Dog - Boxing
12. White Knight Leo v Bowser Jr. - DDR
13. Coyote v Angry Video Game Nerd - Popularity Contest
14. Maverick, Top Gun v Maria Renard, Castlevania - Dance Off
15. Dale Gribble v Totoro - Stand Up Comedy
16. Mary Sue v Fei Fong Wong - Ladder Climbing


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2010, 10:10:57 AM »
09. Scott Pilgrim v Jean-Luc Picard - Don't think Scott has the capacity for this, and if friends are brought in to help Picard still has the advantage having vastly more.
10. Scrooge McDuck v Deadpool - Don't know Deadpool.
11. Ramza Beoulve v Tony the Dog - Don't know Tony.
12. White Knight Leo v Bowser Jr. - Don't know Leo.
13. Coyote v Angry Video Game Nerd - Don't know Coyote.
14. Maverick, Top Gun v Maria Renard, Castlevania - Don't know either.
15. Dale Gribble v Totoro - Totoro isn't really much of a talker.
16. Mary Sue v Fei Fong Wong - After Babel Tower Fei probably goes out of his way to not climb anything if he can get out of it.


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2010, 03:04:25 PM »
09. Scott Pilgrim v Jean-Luc Picard - Plotting the Party - Don't really see Picard as the party type...
10. Scrooge McDuck v Deadpool - Manliness Contest - Hahaha. Haha. Ha. Hahaha. No.


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2010, 04:20:06 PM »
09. Scott Pilgrim v Jean-Luc Picard - Plotting the Party. I'm sure some random badguys would show up to crash Scott's party no matter how good a job he did of planning it. That seems to be how things work for him.
10. Scrooge McDuck v Deadpool - Manliness Contest. Different definitions of manliness here, but I'm going with Uncle Scrooge.
11. Ramza Beoulve v Tony the Dog - Boxing. Poor Tony.
12. White Knight Leo v Bowser Jr. - DDR
13. Coyote v Angry Video Game Nerd - Popularity Contest. Coyote is awesome.
14. Maverick, Top Gun v Maria Renard, Castlevania - Dance Off
15. Dale Gribble v Totoro - Stand Up Comedy - Toro?
16. Mary Sue v Fei Fong Wong - Ladder Climbing - Sure, why not.
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2010, 06:40:08 PM »
09. Scott Pilgrim v Jean-Luc Picard - Plotting the Party
Has both the organizational skills and the resources to pull this off.  Just keep the guests away from the holodeck.

10. Scrooge McDuck v Deadpool - Manliness Contest
For instant manliness, add Scottish accent.

11. Ramza Beoulve v Tony the Dog - Boxing

12. White Knight Leo v Bowser Jr. - DDR
Can't imagine Bowser Jr. having the moves to pull this off.

13. Coyote v Angry Video Game Nerd - Popularity Contest
I dunno, I just saw the Naitive American Trickster God thing and blanked.

14. Maverick, Top Gun v Maria Renard, Castlevania - Dance Off

15. Dale Gribble v Totoro - Stand Up Comedy
Dunno who Dale Gribble is supposed to be, but this is the wrong sort of toro for this match.

16. Mary Sue v Fei Fong Wong - Ladder Climbing
You may think otherwise, but Mary Sue gets captured by Romulans somewhere along the way.


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2010, 06:59:52 PM »
Quick Vote Form

09. Scott Pilgrim v Jean-Luc Picard - Plotting the Party- Scott can't plot his way out of a stupid hat.
10. Scrooge McDuck v Deadpool - Manliness Contest- Frankly I think Deadpool would concede.
11. Ramza Beoulve v Tony the Dog - Boxing
12. White Knight Leo v Bowser Jr. - DDR- hum.  No vote.
13. Coyote v Angry Video Game Nerd - Popularity Contest- I'll be honest here.  Catching up on AVGN takes 20 minutes and an internet connection.  Learning enough about Coyote to vote would take hours of research and reading.  So voting him down now while it's legal.
14. Maverick, Top GunTom Cruise, Awesome actor who went crazy v Maria Renard, Castlevania - Dance Off- Risky business underwear slide caps off any routine perfectly.
15. Dale Gribble v Totoro - Stand Up Comedy- If you didn't tell  Dale the truth, he'd be fine.  Just let him rant and rave and get the laughs.  But, knowing it's supposed to be stand up, he'd try.  And fail.  Taitoro just gets up there, makes faces, and at least a handful of people fall over laughing for it.
16. Mary Sue v Fei Fong Wong - Ladder Climbing- Mary Sue's technique would be, of course, flawless.  Fast, firm, nary a wobble, just the tiniest flash of the panties as her skirts flapped in a gentle breeze.  Fei, meanwhile, jumps to the freaking top in two seconds flat.  Lesson: being practically perfect in every way is one way to get ahead in life, but it's hard to argue with cheating like a champ.
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2010, 10:22:17 PM »
Just read Gunnerkrigg Court for Coyote. It's a fantastic read anyway, and Coyote is awesome in it.

Here, I'll link you to the first page:
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2010, 01:16:04 AM »
09. Scott Pilgrim v Jean-Luc Picard - Plotting the Party - One classy motherfucker.
10. Scrooge McDuck v Deadpool - Manliness Contest - I respect a man with vision.
11. Ramza Beoulve v Tony the Dog - Boxing - Derrr.
12. White Knight Leo v Bowser Jr. - DDR - He's got the beat.
13. Coyote v Angry Video Game Nerd - Popularity Contest - I don't care if you can't vote on him. He's Gunnerkrig Coyote. My soul would burn me from the inside-out if I voted otherwise.
14. Maverick, Top Gun v Maria Renard, Castlevania - Dance Off - Never touched a Castlevania game for more than five minutes.
15. Dale Gribble v Totoro - Stand Up Comedy - Dale who?
16. Mary Sue v Fei Fong Wong - Ladder Climbing
« Last Edit: December 04, 2010, 05:10:01 PM by Ultradude »
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2010, 03:57:12 AM »
Gate: archive binging webcomic takes up way more time than watching a few episodes of a web show >.>
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2010, 04:08:14 AM »
10. Scrooge McDuck v Deadpool - Manliness Contest. Um...this is tied?? I granted don't know much specifically about Deadpool, but...he's named Deadpool, is a male superhero, and is played by Ryan Reynolds' abs, any of which separately are enough to win this.
11. Ramza Beoulve v Tony the Dog - Boxing
12. White Knight Leo v Bowser Jr. - DDR
16. Mary Sue v Fei Fong Wong - Ladder Climbing

Looking at votes, I'm guessing I'm not the only person who'd think that  the choices this week of  characters  were not  at all a good cross-section to use on the DL at all.
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2010, 08:55:28 PM »
Quick Vote Form

09. Scott Pilgrim v Jean-Luc Picard - Plotting the Party
10. Scrooge McDuck v Deadpool - Manliness Contest
11. Ramza Beoulve v Tony the Dog - Boxing
12. White Knight Leo v Bowser Jr. - DDR - Bowser Jr. isn't nimble.
13. Coyote v Angry Video Game Nerd - Popularity Contest - Close.
14. Maverick, Top Gun v Maria Renard, Castlevania - Dance Off
15. Dale Gribble v Totoro - Stand Up Comedy - Doing research, seems evenish for how bad a match it is, so fanservice.
16. Mary Sue v Fei Fong Wong - Ladder Climbing


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2010, 01:22:32 AM »
I'm just going to point out that I'm not rigging matches, everything here was determined by a random number generator.  So Hatbot does not want this week to do well.

Fortunately, a lot of the questionables that got past screening are here, so this should not be repeated.


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2010, 03:38:15 AM »
09. Scott Pilgrim v Jean-Luc Picard - Plotting the Party - I'm not going to deny Picard's competence.  What I am going to attack, however, is his specialization.  Diplomacy would fall under, yes, planning gatherings and the like.  HOWEVER.  Said gatherings are, due to their very nature, going to be very, very stiff, stodgy, and overly formal.  And from personal experience?  Stiff, stodgy, overly formal parties are absolute, complete, and utter -snoozefests-.  Scott might end up with another few fights on his hands, and may not likely have either planning ability or as much of a turnout...but something tells me that a party with the former would be more exciting by comparison.
10. Scrooge McDuck v Deadpool - Manliness Contest - He goes all the way to the moon.  Without a spacesuit.  And returns with CHEESE.  This should qualify as a tiebreaker on that basis alone.
11. Ramza Beoulve v Tony the Dog - Boxing - No contest.
12. White Knight Leo v Bowser Jr. - DDR - ...yeeeeah.
13. Coyote v Angry Video Game Nerd - Popularity Contest - Going to have to agree, AVGN has faster exposure, and is quite famous over the internet.  Webcomics...archive panic is a pain by comparison.
15. Dale Gribble v Totoro - Stand Up Comedy - Dale would be laughed at for all the wrong reasons, but something tells me he'd elicit more laughs regardless.
16. Mary Sue v Fei Fong Wong - Ladder Climbing
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2010, 05:17:19 AM »
09. Scott Pilgrim v Jean-Luc Picard - Plotting the Party - Going with the one who knows how to have fun. Even a poorly-planned party with someone like that is faaar far better than the Picard Party borefest.
10. Scrooge McDuck v Deadpool - Manliness Contest - Deadpool isn't particularly manly as far as superheroes go, but he does have the 'man' part down better than Mr. McDUCK...
11. Ramza Beoulve v Tony the Dog - Boxing - Ramza has the excellent advantage of having arms~
12. White Knight Leo v Bowser Jr. - DDR - It's not really Leo's forte, but he's taller and can see the DDR screen better than Jr.
13. Coyote v Angry Video Game Nerd - Popularity Contest - Well, it IS a popularity contest and I'd never heard of Coyote...
14. Maverick, Top Gun v Maria Renard, Castlevania - Dance Off - The Maverick has many skills, none of which are dancing. Maria is a victorian-age lady, she's certainly got some dance training. Also, she's quite the acrobat as an adult.
15. Dale Gribble v Totoro - Stand Up Comedy - Dale is anti-comedy.
16. Mary Sue v Fei Fong Wong - Ladder Climbing - There's a Sephirot=Ladder to God reference in here somewhere.


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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2010, 12:13:47 AM »
09. Scott Pilgrim v Jean-Luc Picard - The competition is plotting a party, not a formal dinner/event. Picard has no training, Scott even has a scene during the movie where he's at one of so-said parties and shows himself more than comfortable there.
10. Scrooge McDuck v Deadpool - Being a man is not a requirement for being manly. It is helpful, but not required. And Scrooge McDuck is about as manly as they come.
11. Ramza Beoulve v Tony the Dog - It's either Ramza, because he clearly wins, or it's a tie because Ramza decides to make a truce with the dog since I just don't see him randomly punching dogs in the face for a competition.
12. White Knight Leo v Bowser Jr. - He's surprisingly spry.
13. Coyote v Angry Video Game Nerd - Popularity No Contest
14. Maverick, Top Gun v Maria Renard, Castlevania - Dance Off (Abstain)
15. Dale Gribble v Totoro - Stand Up Comedy (Abstain)
16. Mary Sue v Fei Fong Wong - RPG characters in general tend to cheat at this. Also, Fei is just a plain ol' cheater. Only person I could see rivaling him here is Mario.
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
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<+RandomConsonant> ...
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2010, 08:34:44 PM »
09. Scott Pilgrim v Jean-Luc Picard - Plotting the Party
10. Scrooge McDuck v Deadpool - Manliness Contest
11. Ramza Beoulve v Tony the Dog - Boxing
12. White Knight Leo v Bowser Jr. - DDR- :D
13. Coyote v Angry Video Game Nerd - Popularity Contest
14. Maverick, Top Gun v Maria Renard, Castlevania - Dance Off
15. Dale Gribble v Totoro - Stand Up Comedy
16. Mary Sue v Fei Fong Wong - Ladder Climbing
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2010, 12:41:31 AM »
Lazy, only voting on matches where I know both this time instead of trying to digest/google/etc. what I know about others.

09. Scott Pilgrim v Jean-Luc Picard - Plotting the Party: Pretty sure plotting a party requires notably more initiative than Scott ever shows.
10. Scrooge McDuck v Deadpool - Manliness Contest: Dunno Deadpool.
11. Ramza Beoulve v Tony the Dog - Boxing: Class change Monk. Yeaah, kind of a mismatch.
12. White Knight Leo v Bowser Jr. - DDR: I think so, at least.
13. Coyote v Angry Video Game Nerd - Popularity Contest: I'm only barely familiar with either, but this is still easy! Gunnerkrigg Coyote = 3000 search results. "Angry Video Game Nerd" = 1,000,000. Yeaaaah.
14. Maverick, Top Gun v Maria Renard, Castlevania - Dance Off: 80's manly men do not dance.
15. Dale Gribble v Totoro - Stand Up Comedy: Dale certainly makes -me- laugh. Oh sure, he'd have people laughing at him instead of with him, but that still counts!
16. Mary Sue v Fei Fong Wong - Ladder Climbing: Is from a game with ladders. Is also actually a character.

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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2010, 12:46:43 AM »
Lazy, only voting on matches where I know both this time instead of trying to digest/google/etc. what I know about others.

09. Scott Pilgrim v Jean-Luc Picard - Plotting the Party: Pretty sure plotting a party requires notably more initiative than Scott ever shows.
10. Scrooge McDuck v Deadpool - Manliness Contest: Dunno Deadpool.
11. Ramza Beoulve v Tony the Dog - Boxing: Class change Monk. Yeaah, kind of a mismatch.
12. White Knight Leo v Bowser Jr. - DDR: I think so, at least.
13. Coyote v Angry Video Game Nerd - Popularity Contest: I'm only barely familiar with either, but this is still easy! Gunnerkrigg Coyote = 3000 search results. "Angry Video Game Nerd" = 1,000,000. Yeaaaah.
14. Maverick, Top Gun v Maria Renard, Castlevania - Dance Off: 80's manly men do not dance.
15. Dale Gribble v Totoro - Stand Up Comedy: Dale certainly makes -me- laugh. Oh sure, he'd have people laughing at him instead of with him, but that still counts!
16. Mary Sue v Fei Fong Wong - Ladder Climbing: Is from a game with ladders. Is also actually a character.

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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2010, 01:35:34 AM »
Popularity contest is who you like better not who's more popular guuuuys.
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2010, 05:58:19 AM »
Literally nothing changes
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Re: ToR2 - Round 1 Pool B
« Reply #20 on: December 11, 2010, 08:39:05 AM »
09. Scott Pilgrim v Jean-Luc Picard - Plotting the Party - A party expert. Probably.
10. Scrooge McDuck v Deadpool - Manliness Contest
11. Ramza Beoulve v Tony the Dog - Boxing
12. White Knight Leo v Bowser Jr. - DDR - No Vote
13. Coyote v Angry Video Game Nerd - Popularity Contest
14. Maverick, Top Gun v Maria Renard, Castlevania - Dance Off - No Vote
15. Dale Gribble v Totoro - Stand Up Comedy
16. Mary Sue v Fei Fong Wong - Ladder Climbing - No Vote