Author Topic: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Encounters)  (Read 23106 times)


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Mythos)
« Reply #200 on: January 31, 2011, 11:05:57 AM »
Closed Mouths
Environmental (Urban)

While this card is in play, clue tokens do not appear on the board when Mythos cards are revealed.

No Monsters move.
No clues appear.

A Gate to the Abyss appears at Y'ha-nthei.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Mythos)
« Reply #201 on: January 31, 2011, 11:47:13 AM »
Rinse and repeat, more clues for monster trophies.

Gloria Goldberg

Sanity 4/6
Stamina 4/4

Speed  1  2 [3] 4 
Sneak  3  2 [1]  0

Fight  0  1  2  [3] +2 
Will    5  4  3  [2] 

Lore  1  2  3  [4]   
Luck  5  4  3  [2] 

Focus: 2

Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.

5 Clue Tokens
0 toughness of monster trophies
2 Gate Trophy (R'lyeh, Yuggoth)

Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Ruby of R'lyeh (Gain 3 movement points)
Cross (Magical weapon, +3 combat against undead, +1 horror, 1H, $3)

Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Mythos)
« Reply #202 on: January 31, 2011, 03:08:40 PM »
Zombie at Y'giggity killed, Hound distracted, I gatejump into the Abyss.

[10:03] > ahaha
[10:03] <Raspberyl> Yeah not too likely.
[10:04] > Okay, so Zombie. First, horror check, will 2 so 1 die, I get two rerolls.
[10:04] > roll 1d6 try 1 to not be deathly scared
[10:04] * Hatbot --> "Taishyr rolls 1d6 try 1 to not be deathly scared and gets 6." [1d6=6]
[10:05] > okay no rerolls needed, I ain't fraid.
[10:06] > Next, combat check, 1 Fight 6 Tommy Gun -1 Zombie so six dice total, one success needed
[10:06] > roll 6d6 rat-a-tat-tat
[10:06] * Hatbot --> "Taishyr rolls 6d6 rat-a-tat-tat and gets 21." [6d6=1, 3, 6, 3, 3, 5]
[10:06] > Success get, gooey zombie.
[10:06] <Raspberyl> gross
[10:07] > Alright, I have six Sneak thanks to bonuses, -1 from Hound, so five dice.
[10:07] > roll 5d6 ain't nothing but a hound dog
[10:07] * Hatbot --> "Taishyr rolls 5d6 ain't nothing but a hound dog and gets 18." [5d6=2, 6, 6, 2, 2]
[10:07] <Raspberyl> Nin nin~
[10:07] > Pass, Hound gets a noseful of moonshine.

Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger

- Status -

Sanity 2/4
Stamina 5/6

Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.

Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.

- Skills (Focus: 1) -

Speed  3 [4] 5 6
Sneak  5 [4] 3 2 (+2)

Fight  zero [1] 2 3
Will   3 [2] 1 0

Lore  1 2 3 [4]
Luck  4 3 2 [1]

- Inventory -

0 Clues

3 Monster Trophies (Maniac, 1 Toughness / Cultist, 1 Toughness / Deep One Hybrid, 1 Toughness)

Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)

Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)
Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)

Enchant Weapon (casting mod 0, 1 San cost, cast and exhaust to make one Physical weapon a Magical weapon until
the end of this combat)

- Personal Story, "Payback" -

Failed! Finn loses all of his Clue tokens, and receives one less Movement point per turn than usual.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Mythos)
« Reply #203 on: January 31, 2011, 08:11:51 PM »
Vincent Lee

Location: The Graveyard

Sanity: 3 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5

Speed: [0] 1 2 3
Sneak: [5] 4 3 2

Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]

Lore: 2 3 4 [5]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]

Focus: 2

Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina  to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.

6 Clue token
2 Monster Trophies (Cultist, 1 toughness) (Barnabas Marsh, 2 toughness)

Common Items
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3

Unique Items

Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.

Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1

Personal Story

Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn.  Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.

Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.

Current Action

Random Consonant

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Mythos)
« Reply #204 on: January 31, 2011, 08:22:48 PM »
Hank Samson

Special Abilities:

Thick-Skulled - Any Phase: Hank does not make a Horror Check when he first encounters a monster.  Instead, he only makes a Horror Check if he fails a Combat or Evade Check against a monster.

Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 6/6


Speed: 2 [3] 4 5 [+1]
Sneak: 4 [3] 2 1

Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will: 3 2 1 [zero]

Lore: [zero] 1 2 3
Luck: [4] 3 2 1

Focus: 2

0 Clue Tokens
Food (Common Item: Discard to prevent the loss of 1 stamina.  $1,)
Map of Arkham (Common Item: Exhaust to gain one point of movement.  $2.)
Axe (Common Item: 1H Physical Weapon, +2 Combat, may be used 2H for +3 Combat.  $3.)
Lamp of Alhazred (Unique Item: 2H Magical Weapon, +5 Combat.  $7.)
Speed Skill (Skill: +1 Speed, clue tokens spent on Speed Checks yield an additional die.)
4 Monster Trophies (Cultist, High Priest, Deep One Hybrid, Deep One.  Total Toughness: 6.)

Personal Story Status:
Pass: Spend 5 Clue Tokens at the Train Station (0/5)
Fail: Fail a Horror Check against a monster (not yet met)

Hank kills some members of the Innsmouth community and gets arrested for it.

[15:10] <RandomConsonant> Yeah the only other options I see at this point is milling about at either the Newspaper or the Train Station or taking out a bank loan
[15:11] <RandomConsonant> this said I can actually make it there with 5 move instead of 6 as I previously thought, so.
[15:13] <RandomConsonant> Okay, THIS TIME I will go after the High Priest first with an axe
[15:14] <RandomConsonant> roll 6d6 for choppies
[15:14] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 6d6 for choppies and gets 27." [6d6=4, 6, 1, 6, 6, 4]
[15:14] <RandomConsonant> ~
[15:15] <RandomConsonant> Switching off to the lamp, going after uh shit this one isn't Curtis
[15:15] <RandomConsonant> roll 10d6 for just who was that guy anyways
[15:15] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 10d6 for just who was that guy anyways and gets 30." [10d6=2, 1, 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 6, 1, 5]
[15:15] <RandomConsonant> Okay, that was Larry.
[15:15] <RandomConsonant> Deep One time
[15:16] <RandomConsonant> roll 9d6 for no you are not curiously attractive for a fishman
[15:16] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 9d6 for no you are not curiously attractive for a fishman and gets 32." [9d6=4, 2, 4, 4, 2, 5, 2, 4, 5]
*section removed due to derp*
[15:17] <RandomConsonant> And now, to evade THE LAW
[15:17] <RandomConsonant> Sneak's at 3, no modifier
[15:17] <RandomConsonant> roll 3d6 nin nin nin~
[15:17] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 3d6 nin nin nin~ and gets 8." [3d6=4, 2, 2]
[15:17] <RandomConsonant> roll 1d6 NIN NIN NIN~
[15:17] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 NIN NIN NIN~ and gets 3." [1d6=3]
[15:18] <RandomConsonant> fuck
[15:18] <RandomConsonant> This was not in the plan.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 08:33:22 PM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Mythos)
« Reply #205 on: January 31, 2011, 09:03:26 PM »
Amanda Sharpe

Sanity: 4/6
Stamina: 5/6

Focus: 3

Speed: 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak: 4 3 [2] 1

Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1

Lore: 1 2 3 [4]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]

Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.


6 clue tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Flesh Ward (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 1, exhaust to ignore all stamina loss from one source)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)


Zombie (1 toughness)
Deep One Hybrid (1 toughness)
Ghost (1 toughness)

Personal story - Passed:

Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)


Amanda heads back to Independence Square because why not, it worked out pretty well last time.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Mythos)
« Reply #206 on: February 06, 2011, 10:56:16 AM »
Ursula: The doctor escorts you behind a curtain where some unfortunate investigator has been laid. The corpse has been torn to shreds. Pass a Will (-1) check or lose 1 sanity. If you pass, you may also search the body and find a helpful item. Draw 1 Unique item. If you fail, you run screaming. Move to the streets.

Amanda: Make a Will (-1) check. If you pass it, Anna Kaslow the fortune teller offers her help in your investigation. Take her ally card if its still available. Otherwise gain 2 Clue tokens. If you fail, nothing happens.

Vincent: Close that gate.

Hank: Streets.

Gloria: No encounters.

Finn: The feeble glow and warmth of the candle is enough to restore you a bit. Gain 1 Stamina.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Encounters)
« Reply #207 on: February 06, 2011, 05:47:42 PM »
Charisma failure. No ally for Amanda.

<Cidward> Is there life.
<Yakumo> Maybe.
<Cidward> Quasi-life is good enough.
<Cidward> So, will check at -1 for ally.
<Cidward> Will is at 3, so 2 dice.
* Hatbot ( has joined #rpgdlarkhamhorror
<Yakumo> I was just about to do that. <_<
<Cidward> roll 2d6 ally y/n
* Hatbot --> "Cidward rolls 2d6 ally y/n and gets 8."12 [2d6=4, 4]
<Cidward> No.
<Cidward> Oh well.

Random Consonant

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Encounters)
« Reply #208 on: February 06, 2011, 07:50:05 PM »
Well time to see what fate awaits our less-than-stealthy farmboy.

[14:47] <RandomConsonant> Well Hank is (or should be) in jail, gonna try to see if I can bust out
[14:48] <Soppy-SheepaLounger> OH
[14:48] <Soppy-SheepaLounger> RIGHT
[14:48] <Soppy-SheepaLounger> He was arrested
[14:48] <Soppy-SheepaLounger> Go ahead and roll
[14:48] <RandomConsonant> Sneak -1 for cards, I believe
[14:48] <RandomConsonant> roll 2d6 for more cardz to avoid a ghastly fate?
[14:48] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 2d6 for more cardz to avoid a ghastly fate? and gets 6." [2d6=1, 5]
[14:48] <RandomConsonant> Whoo bonus chance


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Encounters)
« Reply #209 on: February 06, 2011, 07:57:06 PM »
Vincent Lee

Location: The Graveyard

Sanity: 3 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5

Speed: [0] 1 2 3
Sneak: [5] 4 3 2

Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]

Lore: 2 3 4 [5]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]

Focus: 2

Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina  to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.

1 Clue token
2 Monster Trophies (Cultist, 1 toughness) (Barnabas Marsh, 2 toughness)
1 Gate Trophy (The Dreamlands)

Common Items
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3

Unique Items

Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.

Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1

Personal Story

Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn.  Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.

Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.

Current Action
Sealing the gate.

[2011-02-06 13:52:32] <LucaTrulyworth> I need to close a gate or something.  Anyone around
[2011-02-06 13:52:34] <LucaTrulyworth> *?
[2011-02-06 13:53:05] <Soppy-SheepaLounger> Yes
[2011-02-06 13:53:26] <LucaTrulyworth> Mine's +1, right?
[2011-02-06 13:53:36] <RandomConsonant> Dreamlands should be +1 yes
[2011-02-06 13:53:54] <LucaTrulyworth> 5 Lore so 6 dice
[2011-02-06 13:54:12] <LucaTrulyworth> 6d6 to outsmart a gate
[2011-02-06 13:54:13] * Hatbot --> "LucaTrulyworth rolls 6d6 to outsmart a gate and gets 18." [6d6=1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 1]
[2011-02-06 13:54:19] <LucaTrulyworth> ...barely.
[2011-02-06 13:54:24] <Soppy-SheepaLounger> One success! All that matters!
[2011-02-06 13:54:25] <RandomConsonant> Wow that's a pretty clever gate
[2011-02-06 13:54:27] <Soppy-SheepaLounger> One more seal
[2011-02-06 13:54:33] <RandomConsonant> Not clever enough but still


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Encounters)
« Reply #210 on: February 07, 2011, 05:36:19 PM »

Near the cells you find a small medical kit. It appears as if its never been opened. Gain 1 Stamina.


A pungent odor is emanating from the filthy jail cells. Pass a Will (-1) check or lose 1 Stamina.

Random Consonant

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Encounters)
« Reply #211 on: February 07, 2011, 07:08:11 PM »
I take the medkit.  Whee useless stamina boost~.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Encounters)
« Reply #212 on: February 09, 2011, 01:04:57 AM »
Magey-poo runs screaming like a little girl~

Sanity: 2/5
Stamina: 3/5

Focus: 2

Speed: 2 3 [4] 5
Sneak: 3 2 [1] 0

Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1

Lore: 0 1 [2] 3
Luck: 5 4 [3] 2

Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.

Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.

0 Clue Tokens
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Gug Trophy (3 toughhness)
Byakhee Trophy (1 Toughness)
Elder Thing Trophy (2 Toughness) x2
Enchanted Blade (1H, Magical, +4 to combat, $6)

Personal Story:
Fail - Ursula is was Cursed.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Encounters)
« Reply #213 on: February 09, 2011, 02:39:25 PM »
Andy, those encounters you gave Random were normal jail encounters.  He was arrested, so he's using the cell encounters instead.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Encounters)
« Reply #214 on: February 09, 2011, 04:27:33 PM »
Based on the cards that Andy drew, your actual encounters are:



Get beaten with sticks. Get delayed and lose 1 Sanity and 1 Stamina.

Choose wisely.

Random Consonant

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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Encounters)
« Reply #215 on: February 09, 2011, 08:26:35 PM »
...really, Andy, really?

Hank is gonna blow this popsicle stand and move to Sawbone Alley, then.


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Re: Footsteps in the Dust (TURN 15; Encounters)
« Reply #216 on: March 08, 2011, 09:59:26 AM »
It's been about a month since this was updated.  I know you've been busy with changing jobs and stuff, Andy, but what's the status?  Could you give this to someone else to run or should we just call this one and let Soppy do his, or are you going to be able to get it moving soon?  Do the players still want to play? 

Actually I don't know why Soppy couldn't just do his anyway but that's up to him I suppose.