
Author Topic: ToR Round 1 - Pool G  (Read 1376 times)


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ToR Round 1 - Pool G
« on: February 27, 2011, 06:57:15 AM »
Sorry for the delay.  During the whole process of getting my comp upgraded and then afterwards, Pool G wiped itself out three times.  Including one where I had over half the stuff done.  So, you guys got the quick and dirty.  I'll post results for Pool F at the start of Pool H so that this thing can get started again.

Pool G

Match 49

Breakfast, held by many to be the most important meal of the day, edging out even supper in terms of importance.  It involves the breaking of each night's fast, and gives one the energy they'll need in order to face the coming day.  Of course, this brings us to the two ways in which breakfast can be considered a competition.  Namely, the making of it, and the enjoying of it.

First up from the town of Sunnyvale, comes Buffy the Vampire Hunter.  She may not be a master chef, but her Keeper Giles certainly knows the importance of a balanced breakfast.  Especially when you need to keep up at a long day at school before spending the night busting vamps.  Really, with a schedule like that, enjoying a good breakfast is the only kind of relaxation you can get.

But against her from the Six Dutchies is the royal stablemaster, Burrich.  Through his career he's had to watch over men at arms and animals, children and royalty, and he's had to make them all breakfast.  And since he's as common a man as you're like to find, he also enjoys a good breakfast himself.

Match 50

Spelling Bees are the time honoured tradition of having to know how to spell really wierd Greek and Latin words that you'll never hear in real life, let alone use.  And having to do it in front of a crowd composed entirely of friends, family, bored journalists with no career prospects, and scrabble geeks.

Our first contestant is an expert in all things, from astrophysics to computer hacking.  And undoubtedly, somewhere in that vast memory also lies a dictionary.  Of course, this competitor has one major flaw.  He can't speak.  Yes, the astromech droid R2-D2 takes to the stage, in one of the few competitions where his protocol buddy C-3P0 would be better suited, but don't count this resourceful droid out for the count just yet.

After all, just because his name really is just a letter, and he is fully capable of speaking doesn't mean that Lord Zedd is in any way competant.  A card-carrying villain of the most prosaic sort, he is undoubtedly also his own worst enemy.  Heck, even if he somehow does find himself winning, he's practically guaranteed to do something to make the word he's spelling grow to giant size, ensuring his own defeat, somehow.

Match 51

This match is the Decathalon, that standard challenge of ten events.  Our first contestant, Hong Meiling will come into this with a pretty good lock on the technical skills, but she'll still have to find a way to overcome her foe, the classic Chocobo, in the events chocobos are best at, the four separate foot races, and other things involving speed and jumping.

Match 52

There are some matches where, despite having two competitors who are well suited for facing each other, and competant within their own fields, just get a match where they both are utterly useless.  This time, on the challenge of getting rich quick, we find ourselves in just that situation as an ex-slave and a military man duke it out to become the next rich uncle moneybags.

Belcoot at least once had the excuse of needing a ton of cash to try and free all the slaves in Falena.  But since his buddy the prince has used more legislative measures to reach that same goal, he's gone from being a kick-ass freedom fighter, to being the husband of an innkeeper.  Not exactly the most prosperous of moves.  Of course, his opponent is Ryusei Date, who, despite being the head pilot of the biggest and best mech the Earth Federation has, still isn't considered to be officer material.  And this is before you consider how much of his paycheque must go to feeding his obsession with giant robots, which is still exceptionally healthy in spite of his working with them every day.  Somehow, one of these two has to figure out how to make a quick buck.

Match 53

What is Mantracking?  Simple, you and a buddy are dropped off in the wilderness with supplies, a compass, a map, and a finish point 40km away that you need to reach within 36 hours without getting caught.  And on your tail?  An expert in tracking people.  And while he doesn't have a map, he does have a guide who's an expert in the area, and he has horses while you're on foot and lugging all your stuff.  You can't do anything to him, or you lose (trying to trick or fool him doesn't count, that's part of the challenge.  Interacting directly or trapping is a no-no)

So, first up is Jack Frost, whose big thing is that he has a lot of options.  Being the mascot of his series, he can get his hands on anyone from the Aleph to the practically perfect in every way Souji Seto (on second though, probably not.  One of his notable flaws is camping)  However, that versatility will come in handy especially since he's also good for hauling around a ton of stuff that might make their trip easier.

His foe is blessed with nowhere near the same range of partners.  In fact, Woodstock is almost certainly going to be stuck with Snoopy.  He also can't really carry anything.  On the other hand, he's a bird so not only is rough terrain meaningless to him, but how the heck do you track a bird?  Snoopy will prove easier to track, but he's been on so many adventures he's bound to have some good tricks to use here, as well as dogs also being pretty dang hard to track. 

Match 54

Plane crashing has a long and honoured tradition in RPGs, having shown up as early as FF3 and it's Mithril Beak, before being perfected in Grandia 3 with Yuki, Patron Saint of Airplane Crashes.  This competition is thusly predictable, but how to win, besides surviving, I leave up to you highly creative folk.

First up, Timelord is aptly named.  Sadly, all things spacial, including flight, are somewhat beyond him.  In most cases involving flight, this would be a bad thing, but here it might just work to his advantage.
But he's up against Antenora, the Odessa operative who is a noted expert in trainwrecks.  Can she apply that kind of knowledge to a more arial sort of disaster?  Only time shall tell.

Match 55

Sometimes, you get a match where both of the contestants are super competant, and sometimes you get one where neither are competant (see match 52, above).  But once in a while, you get one where if they aren't competant, they at least look the part.  This time, on Fashion Makeover, we have that Gothic wonder, Alucard, taking on the King of the Goblins, David Bo...  erm, Jareth!

Alucard has several incarnations, and all of them styling, and that includes the folks around him too since he's had the good sense to never co-star with Simon Belmont.  Against that, there's Jareth, who has an army of sweatshop labourers, as well as a dream-o-matic envision your best dress system (warning, side effects may include trapping yourself in your own bubble world for all eternity).

Match 56

Hiding Easter Eggs is an ancient task, which inolves placing the colourful eggs such that young children will delight in finding them.

Gary Oak is a master of finding Pokemon, but can he hide eggs effectively?  There's also the question of if he'll just seed his own gym, or if the kids are about to face an aftergame quest across the whole of Johto.  But, better all of Johto than the whole of Asgard, which is where the Allfather, Odin, likes to toss his random shinies.  And while they will be findable, what you'll need to go through to get them will be rather debatable.

Quick Vote Form

49. Buffy Summers v Burrich, Farseer Trilogy - Breakfast
50. Lord Zedd v R2-D2 - Spelling Bee
51. Chocobo v Hong Meiling - Decathalon
52. Ryusei Date v Belcoot - Getting Rich Quick
53. Jack Frost v Woodstock - Mantracking
54. TimeLord v Antenora, WA2 - Plane Crashing
55. Alucard, Castlevania v Jareth, King of the Goblins - Fashion Makeovering
56. Gary Oak v Odin - Hiding Easter Eggs


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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool G
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2011, 12:51:02 PM »
49. Buffy Summers v Burrich, Farseer Trilogy - Breakfast- The writeup says it all. Burrich cared for soliders and Fitz for years and years, and that includes cooking breakfast. Buffy's not much on the traditional home econ skills. Hell, Burrich will probably win and get Buffy to fall in love with him during it, because he's fucking Burrich.
50. Lord Zedd v R2-D2 - Spelling Bee-Pretty sure a translator of some type is kosher here. 
51. Chocobo v Hong Meiling - Decathalon- It's a Chocobo in a fucking footrace.
53. Jack Frost v Woodstock - Mantracking- Birds and dogs can be tracked fairly easily. Tracking a demon with magical powers? Gooooooood luck.
54. TimeLord v Antenora, WA2 - Plane Crashing- TL can actually go through a plane crash in game. Good enough for me in a fairly even match.
56. Gary Oak v Odin - Hiding Easter Eggs-Odin has a long history of hiding valuable things people want fairly effectively. That is enough for me.
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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool G
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2011, 05:22:13 PM »
50. Lord Zedd v R2-D2 - Spelling Bee
51. Chocobo v Hong Meiling - Decathalon
52. Ryusei Date v Belcoot - Getting Rich Quick - If hitting the Prince up for money isn't kosher, Belcoot can go win more 2nd-place prizes in fighting tournaments.
53. Jack Frost v Woodstock - Mantracking - I'm pretty sure a high-flying bird is damn near impossible to track, for all that Woodstock tends to stay low to the ground in the comics we see him in.  Jack Frost might get there faster, but he might get caught, too.
55. Alucard, Castlevania v Jareth, King of the Goblins - Fashion Makeovering - David Bowie's fashion is horrifying, while Alucard is actually pretty solid in this department.  Moreover Alucard is probably going to kill all the monsters in Bowie's castle then splatter blood all over David Bowie's new getup in the final battle while making immaculately stylish himself.
56. Gary Oak v Odin - Hiding Easter Eggs - They're both terrible at giving the kids a good time, but Odin can at least give would-be Indiana Jones an exciting time searching for the All-Father's Sacred Eggs.


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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool G
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2011, 05:30:21 PM »
49. Buffy Summers v Burrich, Farseer Trilogy - Breakfast: Dunno Burrich

50. Lord Zedd v R2-D2 - Spelling Bee: I honestly have no idea here.

51. Chocobo v Hong Meiling - Decathalon: This contest really plays straight into her strengths. A straightforward physical competition, no tricks.

52. Ryusei Date v Belcoot - Getting Rich Quick: Belcoot has some options here. He has allies from the war that he can go to for advice on the matter...and is actually intelligent enough to listen to said advice. Including some freinds in *very* high places. And worst comes to worst, he could find some manner of tournament going on and make a nice sum with prize fighting. On the other hand...Ryusei has Luck as a Spirit, which doubles his income. Considering luck is a major factor between two guys with equally amature skills in the financial feild, that may be enough to take it all on it's own. But he's also fairly irresponsible, has a cast full of screwballs and people who might just sabatogue his efforts for shits and grins for support, and(at least so far as I've played) works for the military which is realy going to cut into his free time to devote to this. Gonna hand it to Belcoot here in the end, since as lucky as Ryusei can be, he's far more likely to do something stupid to screw it all up.

53. Jack Frost v Woodstock - Mantracking: No real reason, this just seems liek something Snoopy and Woodstock would be awesome at.

54. TimeLord v Antenora, WA2 - Plane Crashing: Sorry TL, you're taking on a professional terrorist at crashing planes.

55. Alucard, Castlevania v Jareth, King of the Goblins - Fashion Makeovering: Glam goth > normal goth, sure. 

56. Gary Oak v Odin - Hiding Easter Eggs: considering that I'm taking this as mythological Odin, not VP Odin/DL's moppy...gonna hand it to Odin as he is capable of *far* more dickishness then even Gary.
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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool G
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2011, 07:16:51 PM »
49. Buffy Summers v Burrich, Farseer Trilogy - Breakfast
I'll buy super's logic

50. Lord Zedd v R2-D2 - Spelling Bee
Yeah, don't see why R2-D2 wouldn't be allowed a translator.

51. Chocobo v Hong Meiling - Decathalon
It's a Chocobo in a fucking footrace.

52. Ryusei Date v Belcoot - Getting Rich Quick
Dunno Belcoot, but Ryusei's pretty poorly suited for this sort of thing.

53. Jack Frost v Woodstock - Mantracking
Snoopy and Woodstock would be fairly useless at this sort of thing, actually.

54. TimeLord v Antenora, WA2 - Plane Crashing
Professional terrorist and all.

55. Alucard, Castlevania v Jareth, King of the Goblins - Fashion Makeovering
Dance, fashion, dance?

56. Gary Oak v Odin - Hiding Easter Eggs
Wasn't the point of this contest determining who would be better at hiding the eggs for *fun*?  Both the mythological and the VP versions strike me as someone who would be *utterly* terrible at that.


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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool G
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2011, 10:16:41 PM »
Man, still so few?  Just a heads up, next update will be Monday, so get those votes in before then.


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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool G
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2011, 12:43:43 AM »
I've been caught up in site updates and hacking, I need to stop neglecting my favorite tournaments...

49. Buffy Summers v Burrich, Farseer Trilogy - Breakfast - Dunno Burrich at all.
50. Lord Zedd v R2-D2 - Spelling Bee - Speaking the language is part of the rules, dammit.
51. Chocobo v Hong Meiling - Decathalon -
It's a Chocobo in a fucking footrace.
52. Ryusei Date v Belcoot - Getting Rich Quick - Prize-winning fighter! Prizes = $$$
53. Jack Frost v Woodstock - Mantracking - I am totally down with Aleph-partner-hype.
54. TimeLord v Antenora, WA2 - Plane Crashing - Terrorism! She's an expert at trainwrecks of all types!
55. Alucard, Castlevania v Jareth, King of the Goblins - Fashion Makeovering - Jareth's makeovers are too deadly.
56. Gary Oak v Odin - Hiding Easter Eggs - An expert at hiding things where just anybody can find them~

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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool G
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2011, 02:13:26 AM »
Lord Zedd v R2-D2 - Spelling Bee
51. Chocobo v Hong Meiling - Decathalon
52. Ryusei Date v Belcoot - Getting Rich Quick
53. Jack Frost v Woodstock - Mantracking
54. TimeLord v Antenora, WA2 - Plane Crashing
55. Alucard, Castlevania v Jareth, King of the Goblins - Fashion Makeovering
56. Gary Oak v Odin - Hiding Easter Eggs
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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool G
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2011, 10:03:05 PM »
Yaay for the Excals~

49. Buffy Summers v Burrich, Farseer Trilogy
50. Lord Zedd v R2-D2
51. Chocobo v Hong Meiling
52. Ryusei Date v Belcoot
53. Jack Frost v Woodstock
54. TimeLord v Antenora, WA2
55. Alucard, Castlevania v Jareth, King of the Goblins
56. Gary Oak v Odin
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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool G
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2011, 01:41:15 AM »
52. Ryusei Date v Belcoot - Manages to find dueling tournaments well enough, has wealthy monarchy as allies, and is capable enough to take out skilled assassins. Also, isn't an idiot/crazy unlucky to balance all this out.
53. Jack Frost v Woodstock - Much as I do love me some Woodstock, simply not cut out for this. (Also wish I could see Woodstock vs. Frocobo in an event. Would be epic)
55. Alucard, Castlevania v Jareth, King of the Goblins - No contest, really.
56. Gary Oak v Odin - The All-Father is good at hiding things! ... Within dungeons filled with vicious monsters and waiting behind powerful dragons and witches and warriors and would-be-gods that not even Valkyries want to face. Gary Oak, however, hides his designed like pokeballs, so they come in cool packages, and have variety, and aren't that hard to spot! Also, Gary Oak as a person is much friendlier than the All-Father, even if he asks a strange 10 year old to name his own grandson for the rest of his life.
EDIT: 56. Gary Oak v Odin - Sorry, I only knew him as Douchewad Oak, so I never bothered to learn his real name. Odin totally wins this, then, because any easter eggs hidden by Gary Oak probably come with some sort of pokemon fight you have to go through with some super lame line after each time he loses. And that is worse than 6 year olds having to find the souls of dead warriors to fight against bloodthirsty monsters for them.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2011, 03:37:28 AM by Magetastic »
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* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
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<+RandomConsonant> ...
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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool G
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2011, 01:54:14 AM »
49. Buffy Summers v Burrich, Farseer Trilogy - Breakfast I would love to vote for Buffy just to get the more obscure character I don't know to go away, but honestly cooking a nice breakfast is exactly the sort of thing Buffy fails at.  Sigh.
50. Lord Zedd v R2-D2 - Spelling Bee- Look, man, big Z can't even spell his name without 90s letters.  A spelling bee is beyond his powers.
51. Chocobo v Hong Meiling - Decathalon
52. Ryusei Date v Belcoot - Getting Rich Quick
53. Jack Frost v Woodstock - Mantracking- Honestly, Woodstock is just better at being inconspicuous.
54. TimeLord v Antenora - Plane Crashing
55. Alucard, Castlevania v Jareth, King of the Goblins - Fashion Makeovering
56. Gary Oak v Odin - Hiding Easter Eggs
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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool G
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2011, 03:24:21 AM »
56. Gary Oak v Odin -Gary Oak, however, hides his designed like pokeballs, so they come in cool packages, and have variety, and aren't that hard to spot! Also, Gary Oak as a person is much friendlier than the All-Father, even if he asks a strange 10 year old to name his own grandson for the rest of his life.

That would be -Professor- Oak. Gary is the aforementioned dickwad grandson. Still kinder than Odin... but only just barely.


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Re: ToR Round 1 - Pool G
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2011, 06:47:51 PM »
51. Chocobo v Hong Meiling - Decathalon: Do you people even know what a decathlon is?  There's at least four events that the chocobo literally can't even do, not having hands and all.  Discus, shot put, javelin throw, and pole vault.  

Also, the events are scored by points, not by an overall time or anything, so the four events that the chocobo will by necessity score a zero in are a major blow, considering Meiling can at least keep fairly close in the four running events.  

The last two events are jumping which are basically going to end up a tie considering both of the competitors can fly.

In my opinion, while each competitor will win four events, the tiebreaker goes in Meiling's favor as she can actually score in the ones she will lose, and the bird can't.

(Man, I'm bored.  I know it doesn't count, but blah. <_<)
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 11:33:05 AM by Yakumo »