
Author Topic: ToR - Round 1 Pool E  (Read 1731 times)


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ToR - Round 1 Pool E
« on: January 07, 2011, 07:22:53 AM »

25. Luke Skywalker v Minsc - Swimsuit Contest                  III/IIIII
26. Prince of all Cosmos v Miles Edgeworth - Direct a Movie               I/IIIII II
27. Bill and Ted v Austin Powers - Sax and Violins                  III/IIII
28. Dennis Nedry v Heavy, TF2 - Taunting/Gloating                  I/IIIII III
29. Angel Islington v Suezo, Monster Rancher - Evade the Illuminati and Discover the Truth   I/
30. Char Anzabel v Hagrid - Elvis Impersonation                  IIIII/I
31. Jogurt v Garland, FF1 - Trick Shooting                     III/IIIII I
32. Oscar the Grouch v Mat Cauthon - WWF Wrestling               II/IIII

Pool E

Match 33

The crime: Murder.  The defendant: wacky, but probably innocent.  Their only hope, a barely qualified judge, and a lawyer who may, or may not, know the law.  Their opponent: a possibly competant murderer, and a competant prosecutor.

Our attournies?  Our first attourney has only two things known about him.  First, that he's highly skilled at doing the absurdly impossible.  Second, that he wants to be the Guy.  The Kid continues with his gauntlet of videogame inspired deathtraps by taking to the court, and he may find that this is refreshingly easy, and boobytrapped witnesses like Moe are rare, and only a few contradictions are instant death if he presents the wrong piece of evidence.  Of course, without the constant threat of death looming over his shoulder, will his guard drop too much?

Especially against his opponent, the legendary trickster Sun Wukong, also known as Sun Goku, or the Monkey King, who hails from the Chinese epic of the Journey West.  This primate is both like and unlike his foe in that they're both known for being cunning, with Sun Wukong being a master of mischief, but unlike the Kid, Sun Wukong is immortal, having grabbed food from the table of the Gods themselves.

And so, which one of these tenacious types will prove better in their legal battle?

Match 34

Nascar, the tense sport of getting in a car exactly like everyone elses, and then spending the next hour or so making a left turn. 

The descriptions will also be short, as I don't know Flynn Scifo outside of him being a Tales of Vesperia guy, which I suspect doesn't lend him well to racing.

His opponent, Chris Lightfellow, is better known as an Ice Maiden, which will oddly help her given that it says she's cool under pressure.  Also, she has a racing minigame so she probably has some practise.

Match 35

Last time, in treasure hunting, we had people who went out and did the treasure hunting themselves.  This time, we have people who might have, at some previous point in their lives done such things, but have now moved on to the point where they're far more likely to simply employ treasure hunters to do it for them.

Our first contender has access to the finest of adventurers, giving him first rate treasure hunting grunts.  And as Elminster lives in the Forgotten Realms, you just know there's plenty of loot just waiting to be found by the adventurers he's got access to.  Of course, being an epic level wizard in that setting means mobilizing these adventurers is bound to grab someone's attention, and they're bound to interfere on the general principle of 'Fuck Elminster'.

On the other hand, Dycedarg Beoulve will have a completely different problem.  He's also got a position of authority in a world with plenty of loot kicking around.  However, his lackies are mostly army grunts, which are about the last people to be good at this kind of thing.  That said, his half-brother Ramza, is not only adept at personally getting top-notch loot in the form of mystic artifacts and surviving the Deep Dungeon, but he's also good at sending out his lackies to get yet more treasure.  The tricky bit will be getting the kid to share with him.  Of course, taking advantage of a naive kid like Ramza shouldn't be impossible for a crafty operator like Dycedarg, right?

Match 36

This time on the Fighting Game Tournament we have actual fitting contestants.  Well, fine, they're both fighters if not both gamers.  They're also both folks I know squat about aside from the fact that they should hit DL sensibilities.

So, we've got the Iron Tager from Blazblue, and Toph Bei Wong, an elemental bender from Avatar.

Match 37

There's few things more depressing than being Charlie Brown.  I mean, the only time anything goes right for the guy is when life's setting him up to have an even more embarrassing fall.  Of course, Charlie Brown isn't in this match, as the goal is to try and be Charlie Brown, living his life as he would.

Which should come very naturally to Wile E Coyote.  Despite that fact that Charlie Brown isn't a genius, you just know that if the Roadrunner had ever held a football to be kicked just at the edge of a canyon, Wile E Coyote'd be there to try and kick the thing without fail, and with equally predictable results.

On the other hand, Balthier's only qualification for being Charlie Brown is that he is the leading man.  Of course, despite being the opposite of Charlie Brown in every way, he does have one thing that his opponent lacks.  A knack for succeeding.  Of course, will talent be enough to beat Charlie Brown in a fur coat?

Match 38

Welcome to Iron Chef, where we all know the score.  One hour, one theme ingredient, whoever does the best job wins.

And again, two contestants who I don't really know.  One of whom is The Dude, of the Big Lebowski.  And the other is taking down your DLz, and laughin at your pain.  Give it up for...  Smug Bitch!

Match 39

This fight will just be pathetic.  Not really because the contestants are bad at the task in hand, but more because it's hard not to be pathetic while having a slapfight.  The loser is the person who is first to either lose consciousness, or lose all of their dignity.

We start with someone I don't know, and after the last time, I'm not even going to try and figure out what a Team Fortress guy is capable of.  But, we've got the Spy on deck.

Against him is someone who might actually pull off a slapfight without looking pathetic, Yuri Voltes Hyuga, of Shadow Hearts fame.  I could say some more stuff about him, but you all know the guy, and I'll save the cool stuff for when he's in a catagory that merits it.

Match 40

What higher aspiration can there be than writing a novel?  Well...  if guys like these can do it, then the answer has to be plenty.  Unfortunately, the name of this game is which one of these guys can not only write a novel, but also do so with the least disgracing of the English language.

It's an eternal question about to be answered.  Can pokemon write in a language besides the one they speak.  If not, then this battle may be a gimme.  Or...  it may still be close, but honestly, how many people can fail to beat a book filled with nothing but variations of Magikarp?

They say that history is written by the victors, but that's only because the losers have a nasty tendancy of dying.  But Brave, Brave Sir Robin has the solution to that.  After all, you can't die if you run away first.  The trick is learning to write while you run.  The other trick is that he'll have to do it himself, as his minstrel was recently eaten, to much rejoicing.

Quick Vote Form

33. The Kid, Wants to be The Guy v Sun Wukong - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant
34. Flynn Scifo, ToV v Chris Lightfellow - Nascar Racing
35. Dycedarg Beoulve v Elminster Aumar - Treasure Hunting
36. Iron Tager, Blazblue v Toph Bei Wong - Fighting Game Tournament
37. Wile E Coyote v Balthier - Being Charlie Brown
38. The Dude v Smug Bitch - Iron Chef
39. Team Fortress 2 Spy v Yuri Voltes Hyuga - Slapfight
40. Magikarp v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Write a Novel


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Re: ToR - Round 1 Pool E
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2011, 07:44:23 AM »
33. The Kid, Wants to be The Guy v Sun Wukong - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant
Monkeys in the courtroom are a-okay in LA's dystopic future and might confuse the judge.  The person who wants to be the Guy can keep wanting, but when the most trivial mistake causes the judge to throw his gavel at him and for him to explode, it's tough.
35. Dycedarg Beoulve v Elminster Aumar - Treasure Hunting
Don't see why Dycedarg can't deploy his troops at the pub just like Ramza can.  Elminster...  short version, screw Elminster.  Long version,
36. Iron Tager, Blazblue v Toph Bei Wong - Fighting Game Tournament
Normally I'd vote against the blind person, except can Tager even control a joystick with any precision?  He looked pretty huge.  Assuming Tager is bad at this, which seems likely, it depends on how much Toph can prepare / cheat - Toph is enough of a Mary Sue, and a competitive one, that she might practice the game repeatedly, learn to listen to audio cues, and use metal sense to determine what buttons her opponent is pressing and thus create the game scene in her head.  (Alternatively, cheat via subtly metal-bending the opponent's controls to make it less responsive?).  Close one.
37. Wile E Coyote v Balthier - Being Charlie Brown
Balthier would try to make a suave, competent Charlie Brown.  In other words, not Charlie Brown at all.  Wile E. Coyote, while considerably quieter than Charlie, has the hopeless optimism charging forward despite failure after failure.
38. The Dude v Smug Bitch - Iron Chef
I don't know Smug Bitch but her car and cooking equipment are totally getting smashed.
39. Team Fortress 2 Spy v Yuri Voltes Hyuga - Slapfight
I have been shown who is the boss!
40. Magikarp v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Write a Novel
I seriously doubt that Brave Sir Robin is literate.  Of course, he can hold a pen at least and scratch something, unlike Magikarp.  If they both get to dictate....  yeah, Robin writes a terrible, horrible novel and still wins.  Novelty value only gets you so far.


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Re: ToR - Round 1 Pool E
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2011, 07:46:22 AM »
33. The Kid, Wants to be The Guy v Sun Wukong - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant- Unfortunately for Wukong, the defense can't set traps of logic and sneakiness for the prosecution.  They don't have the resources or prep time to do it.  The Kid, meanwhile, can simply employ his greatest skill (save scumming) and win while Sun Wukong tries to reason with the Judge for hours before realizing he has no sense of reason.
34. Flynn Scifo, ToV v Chris Lightfellow - Nascar Racing-  Both know what racing should look like, but neither has technology comparable to those cars.  As such, it comes down to who's best able to run the race on foot after wrecking, and Chris has the defense.
35. Dycedarg Beoulve v Elminster Aumar - Treasure Hunting- Elminster's crew has to fight dragons.  Dycedarg just employs legions of Chemists until one stands on the right tile.
36. Iron Tager, Blazblue v Toph Bei Wong - Fighting Game Tournament- Sure, make the blind girl play the deadly video game.
37. Wile E Coyote v Balthier - Being Charlie Brown
38. The Dude v Smug Bitch - Iron Chef- The Dude has no ambition for cooking, and the Smug Bitch has no aptitude for anything.  However, while the Dude just lets his sous chefs do something appropriate and gets something on the table, Smug Bitch drives all hers off in three seconds and makes 0 dishes.  Winnar.
39. Team Fortress 2 Spy v Yuri Voltes Hyuga - Slapfight
40. Magikarp v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Write a Novel- Magikarp can only do 40 characters before struggling to death.  Brave Sir Robin just employs his minstrels or something.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: ToR - Round 1 Pool E
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2011, 08:02:12 AM »
Sadly, his minstrels met a tragic accident somewhere near King Arthur's cookpot just before the Tournament started.


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Re: ToR - Round 1 Pool E
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2011, 08:09:12 AM »
Brave Sir Robin can ALWAYS find more minstrels.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Re: ToR - Round 1 Pool E
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2011, 07:01:59 PM »
33. The Kid, Wants to be The Guy v Sun Wukong - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant
Has the benefit of not being made of explodium.  This is somehow an advantage.

34. Flynn Scifo, ToV v Chris Lightfellow - Nascar Racing
Dunno either.

35. Dycedarg Beoulve v Elminster Aumar - Treasure Hunting
Army of low Brave chemists with Move-Find Item.  Arguments of "fuck Elminster" are also acceptable.

36. Iron Tager, Blazblue v Toph Bei Wong - Fighting Game Tournament
Not sure.

37. Wile E Coyote v Balthier - Being Charlie Brown
Wile E Coyote fails at everything he tries.  Balthier is Han Solo.

38. The Dude v Smug Bitch - Iron Chef

39. Team Fortress 2 Spy v Yuri Voltes Hyuga - Slapfight
Slapfighting is a bit more impressive when you can turn into a giant fuckoff demon to do the slapping.

40. Magikarp v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Write a Novel
It's Magikarp.

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Re: ToR - Round 1 Pool E
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2011, 07:10:46 PM »
33. The Kid, Wants to be The Guy v Sun Wukong - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant

If parrots are allowed in the courtroom, then so are monkies. On the other hand, the Kid... if he's up against Franziska or Godot, he's dead the moment he gets hit by a whip or coffee cup. Against another prosecutor, his odds are better... but even so, he has to worry about stray physical attacks from various witnesses and the murderer himself (watch out for that toupee toss!) and heck, I wouldn't past the kid to be killed by a seismic caused by Edgeworth slamming his desk.

34. Flynn Scifo, ToV v Chris Lightfellow - Nascar Racing

Kinda assuming her practice with horseracing lets her catch onto this more quickly than the average RPG character.

35. Dycedarg Beoulve v Elminster Aumar - Treasure Hunting

Low-brave chemists. Dyce has 77 faith so you know he has br/fa twinking available.

37. Wile E Coyote v Balthier - Being Charlie Brown

Far more skilled at failing in hilarious ways.

39. Team Fortress 2 Spy v Yuri Voltes Hyuga - Slapfight

Being slapped by Amon probably really hurts.

40. Magikarp v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Write a Novel

Can actually speak an intelligible language.

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Re: ToR - Round 1 Pool E
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2011, 02:31:56 AM »
35. Dycedarg Beoulve v Elminster Aumar - Treasure Hunting
Don't see why Dycedarg can't deploy his troops at the pub just like Ramza can.  Elminster...  short version, screw Elminster.  Long version,

Long version got put off till later obviously!  Short version still works at least.  But anyway Elminster's strategy of asking random level 5 shmucks to go solve a problem he could fix with a snap of his fingers does indeed generate treasure, except Elminster never collects and always lets his henchmen keep it since a DM that had Elminster gank all the magical items you got would generate either a dead DM or a dead Elminster.  Old habits can be hard to break when he actually needs the treasure for himself.


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Re: ToR - Round 1 Pool E
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2011, 06:18:28 AM »
33. The Kid, Wants to be The Guy v Sun Wukong - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant
37. Wile E Coyote v Balthier - Being Charlie Brown
38. The Dude v Smug Bitch - Iron Chef
39. Team Fortress 2 Spy v Yuri Voltes Hyuga - Slapfight
40. Magikarp v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Write a Novel


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Re: ToR - Round 1 Pool E
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2011, 06:25:29 AM »
35. Dycedarg Beoulve v Elminster Aumar - Dycedarg is Dycedarg. He probably poisons whoever Elminster tries to hire so they're too weak to treasure hunt, and then sends his team to wander around and find stuff. Even a ratty old gun is better than nothing.
37. Wile E Coyote v Balthier - Evil animal version of Charlie Brown vs. Someone who prides themself on being suave and competent.
38. The Dude v Smug Bitch - Smug Bitch always loses. Always...
39. Team Fortress 2 Spy v Yuri Voltes Hyuga - Can't slap back if you have a broken neck!
40. Magikarp v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Because Magikarp deserves some love...
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
* +superaway shakes head.


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Re: ToR - Round 1 Pool E
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2011, 01:51:34 PM »
33. The Kid, Wants to be The Guy v Sun Wukong - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant - Does not explode on impact with most things.
34. Flynn Scifo, ToV v Chris Lightfellow - Nascar Racing - ...dunno.
35. Dycedarg Beoulve v Elminster Aumar - Treasure Hunting - Move-Find Item.  One of the most easily available chemist skills, to boot.  Also, fuck Elminster.
36. Iron Tager, Blazblue v Toph Bei Wong - Fighting Game Tournament - IIRC, Tager's been noted as capable of performing precise operations thanks to how much machine he is.  Fighting games are ALL about strategies, and precise inputs.  And Kokonoe's likely spotting for him from wherever or modified him with some specific upgrade anyway.  Toph doesn't really stand a chance here.
37. Wile E Coyote v Balthier - Being Charlie Brown - The coyote's a natural at this.
39. Team Fortress 2 Spy v Yuri Voltes Hyuga - Slapfight - Amon, Gaudion, Dark Seraph, take your pick.    This is even worse than the Yuri vs. TL Roshambo match.
40. Magikarp v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Write a Novel - Has hands.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: ToR - Round 1 Pool E
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2011, 05:02:28 PM »
33. The Kid, Wants to be The Guy v Sun Wukong - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant
The kind of shenanigans that go on in a PW courtroom are exactly Wukong's kind of game. Also, he arranges for the Kid to slip on stray banana peels or something. Not even remotely above arranging an accident(or several) for his opponent.

34. Flynn Scifo, ToV v Chris Lightfellow - Nascar Racing
Eh, sure.

35. Dycedarg Beoulve v Elminster Aumar - Treasure Hunting
The point that he doesn't tend to keep treasure for himself is a valid one. But dude basically founded the Harpers, the nosiest bunch of adventurers in that or any other world. They are massive experts at treasure hunting(and all other forms of poking into other people's buisiness), and if Dyce can call in his mooks then Eliminster can call in these guys.

36. Iron Tager, Blazblue v Toph Bei Wong - Fighting Game Tournament
Yeah, even if he's not already good at this Kokonoe will just upgrade him for it.

37. Wile E Coyote v Balthier - Being Charlie Brown
Wile, you finally found something you can do.

38. The Dude v Smug Bitch - Iron Chef
Dunno The Dude.

39. Team Fortress 2 Spy v Yuri Voltes Hyuga - Slapfight
Spy could get sneaky here and disguise himself as Alice, make up some excuse to slap Yuri, and potentially get away with Yuri not slapping back and thus winning by default. However...the odds of either Blanca being around to foil the disguise(hey, you don't smell like Alice...) or Yuri having actually done his homework and being willing to take the risk that it's not really Alice he's about to slap back are good enough that I'm undecided here.

40. Magikarp v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Write a Novel
Magikarp splashes on some paper, then evolves. Brave Sir Robin bravely craps himself and runs as far away as his legs can carry him lest he be eaten. Some wet paper isn't much of a novel, but it's better then turning in nothing, so Magikarp for the win.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

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Re: ToR - Round 1 Pool E
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2011, 07:24:12 AM »
33. The Kid, Wants to be The Guy v Sun Wukong - Defend a Phoenix Wright Defendant
You're all looking at it the wrong way. It's not that the Kid explodes to everything, it's that his world is made of DEATH! In a Phoenix Wright game, the only way to die is to piss off the judge.

34. Flynn Scifo, ToV v Chris Lightfellow - Nascar Racing
Ah, an RPG archetype and his Distaff Counterpart. Well, if there's anything I learned from 90s feminism, it's that if a girl competes against a boy of comparable skill, the girl will always, always win to defy expectations.

35. Dycedarg Beoulve v Elminster Aumar - Treasure Hunting
He is party to the plot. Elminster is not.

36. Iron Tager, Blazblue v Toph Bei Wong - Fighting Game Tournament
Comes from a world where video games have been invented, so has an advantage. Idly curiosity: is Tager blind too?

37. Wile E Coyote v Balthier - Being Charlie Brown
The most one-sided match here and you've got a blind girl competing in a FG tournament.

38. The Dude v Smug Bitch - Iron Chef
That Bitch would thwart the Dude somehow. She just knows how. With that smug little smile and trendy backpack, glaring evil at him every time he checks his favorite website to look up recipes for the competition....

39. Team Fortress 2 Spy v Yuri Voltes Hyuga - Slapfight
Yuri looks cuter when he gets slapped, the judges award it to him.

40. Magikarp v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Write a Novel
Don't tell me you haven't yet read his latest masterpiece, "Karp: Magik"?
« Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 12:56:17 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: ToR - Round 1 Pool E
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2011, 12:07:50 AM »
Next update will be tomorrow.  Vote now or not at all!