"What's this?"
"Come now, Lezard. Let's not play this game again. It's the end of the year, and you know that means time for the annual serving of the restraining order."
"Another pointless obstacle between me and my Valkyrie..."
"Look, just stay away from the summoner of the Einherjar, all right? Why don't you find somebody nice to date and leave Lenneth alone?"
"Hmm... perhaps if I were to do so, I would make my Goddess jealous. One always wants what one cannot attain. Very well, I resolve that I shall date another in order to woo my Lenneth!"
_ _ _
"What's this?"
"It's a salad, fatty. Not surprised you didn't know that."
"Enough, Solo. Taloon, we're here because the rest of the team has been having some concerns about your health."
"You eat too much, you trip too much, and we're sick of it. Go on a diet, chubby!"
"Hmm... I guess I could stand to lose a few pounds... all right, I resolve to go on a diet!"
_ _ _
"What's this, zam?"
"It's an intervention, Yukimaru. We're sick of hearing the word zam, so stop it."
"Excuse me, zam. I was under the impression that an intervention was only to stop hazardous behaviour, zam."
"Believe me when I say that if you don't stop saying it, it will be hazardous. So shut up and read this."
"Fine. 'I resolve to stop saying zam'."