
Author Topic: Cthulhu Saves The World  (Read 9917 times)


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Cthulhu Saves The World
« on: January 02, 2011, 08:35:49 AM »
Cthulhu Saves The World

- XBOX Live Indie game. Great fun.

- Endgame level taken at 43

- Damages taken against typical enemies-that-matter defense... 20% reduction from attack values displayed. This only really matters for parasitic healing (which is slightly worse) and for ITD attacks (which are slightly better).

- Stats:
HP: Lose these, and the world is saved from the ravages of insanity and death.
MP: Used to perform techs and spells
Str: More physical damage.
Mag: More magic damage.
Agility: Speed stat. Traditional turn-based RPG.
Vitality: Physical defense stat. 3.2 points of this = 1 point of damage reduction*
Will: Magic defense stat. 3.1 points of this = 1 point of damage reduction*
*(Note: Reduction can only take an attack's damage down to 1/3rd the power/dmg to 0 def)

- Status effects:
Poison: Poison simply repeats the damage of the attack that inflicted it at the end of every round (including the one it was inflicted on). Worth noting that nothing immunes this.
Seal: Prevents the use of techs/spells
Blind: Reduces accuracy to 25%

- Every character has Techs and Spells. Techs are physical attack-based skills, while Spells are obviously magical in nature.

- INSANITY: You can't talk about Cthulhu and not about this. Insanity is a special effect in CSTW that can be inflicted upon everything and anything up to and including the final boss/bonus boss, always with perfect accuracy. Insanity is a simple status: The damage you take is x1.5, while the damage you deal is x1.2. There are a few additonal effects/bonuses listed for characters who have them. Oh and this makes your sprite look totally crazy (every sprite has an insane sprite and a sane sprite)

- Character Builds: Every time you level up in CSTW you are given a choice between two level-up options. Most of these are fairly easy, with some being rather difficult. I tended to favor Agility more than otherwise normal due to everyone wanting to beat the average as it were, and I tended to go with stat boosts over HP/MP boosts every time. Beyond that most PCs have fairly straightforward physical/magical bents, and I picked as appropriate.

- Boost stacking: Boosts of the same kind stack additively. Boosts of different kinds stack by multiplying. For example Two Dark Boosts +50%, A 1.5x Magic Boost, and Insanity. Dark Boosts stack additively (50%+50%= 100% = 2x), then it's 2x1.5x1.5 = 4.5.

- "Resistances -50%" means elemental resistances are multiplied by .5 ... so 50% resistance becomes 25%, and immunity would become 50% reduction.

- I'm including the stats Cthulhu gets from the bonus boss because that boss is easy to take down at endgame and his locale is *VERY* conspicous.

- Averages up top:
HP: 543
MP: 339
Str: 745 (directly proportional to damage)
Mag: 553 (directly proportional to damage/healing)
Agility: 435 (stdev 138.85)
Vitality: 574.69
Will: 544.06

Damage: 3449 (2.5x kill point 8624)

Cthulhu: Cosmic Monstrosity turned hero
HP: 594 (109%)
MP: 340
Str: 860
Mag: 770
Agi: 580 (+1.02 Stdev) [+.7 with Cursed Sword]
Vit: 830 (158% mod)
Will: 580 (108% mod)

Physical Durability: 173% (117% with Cursed Sword)
Magical Durability: 118% (112% with Cursed Sword)

Cthulhu's Sword: Str+250, Mag+150, Agi+50, Vit+200, Will+50, (damage to insane x2 instead of 1.5)
[Cursed Sword: Str+240, All enemies start out insane)
Cthulhu's Tunic: Str+50, Mag+50, Agi+50, Vit+200, Will+150

Dark Boost: Dark Damage +50%
Insane Strength: +10% Strength for every insane enemy (So the practical Insanity mult is 2.2x)
Insane Death: Low chance of Insane enemies randomly dying

Attack: 1320 over 2 hits.

Insane Strike (5 MP): 1846 over two hits, Inflicts Insanity.
Deathblow (10 MP): 1155. Combo Boost/Break.
Flame Strike (5 MP): 1321 fire damage.
Tentacles (16 MP): 3715.2 damage over 3 hits, Unfocuses vs. multiple foes.
Drain Strike (5 MP): 1321 damage. Heals half that as HP to Cthulu
Pierce (6 MP): 2063 ITD damage.
Dark Strike (10 MP): 4644 dark damage.
Berserk (14 MP): 2642 damage over 4 hits.

Curse (8 MP): Inflicts Insanity. Resistances -50%
Unstoppable (3 MP): 50% healing. Combo break.
Dark Blast (10 MP): 595 dark magic damage, inflicts Insanity.

(Dark Strike to insane enemy: 10217)
(With Cursed Sword: 7574)

Comments: Cthulhu isn't the Godlike he should be, but he isn't a bad Heavy. Fast, durable, can pull full-parasitic-healing for a LONG time, and can put out some good damage turn 1 with the Cursed Sword, or Insane Slash -> Dark Strike for some serious "Ow". Not exactly Cosmic Horror level but this is HERO Cthulhu, so he sucks more than the true Eldritch Abomination whose pure wrongness drives meager mortals insane.

Umi: Cthulhu Groupie
HP: 391 (72%)
MP: 342
Str: 725
Mag: 565
Agility: 500 (+0.46 stdev) [+1.02 with Warp Trident]
Vitality: 425 (82% mod)
Will: 535 (101% mod)

Physical Durability: 59% (80% with Cute Pose)
Magical Durability:  72% (126% with Cute Pose)

Chaos Trident: Str+180, Mag+180 (damge to insane x2 instead of 1.5)
[Warp Trident: Str+80, Mag+80, Agi+80]
Heroine Dress: Str+70, Mag+70, Agi+70, Vit+140, Will+140 (Healing+50%)

Insane Agi: +10% agility for each insane enemy (10% in a duel, obviously)
Elec Boost +50%: Electric skills do 50% more damage
Prey On The Weak: Deal 50% more damage to enemies under any status (Poison/Seal/Blind)

Attack: 1114 damage over 2 hits. Unfocuses vs. multiple enemies.

Siren's Call (4 MP): Inflict Insanity. Stun enemy 100% (ignore immunity and resistance). OPB
Blind Strike (5 MP): 2506 damage. Inflicts Blind 80% (Blind reduces accuracy to 25%)
Slow Strike (5 MP): 1670 damage. Reduces enemy Agility to 50%
Sting Strike (5 MP): 1160 Poizn/Phys damage. Inflicts Poison 100%. Poison repeats the damage eternally at the end of every round.
Seal Strike (5 MP): 2506 damage. Inflicts Seal 80% (Seal stops techs/magic)
Stun Strike (5 MP): 1392 damage. Inflicts Stun 60%
Elec Strike (5 MP): 3758 thunder damage.
Starfish! (15 MP): 1392 ITD damage, GT

Heal (3): 362 healing
Flood (10): 165 water magic damage, MT
Escape (25): 100% Escape!
Full Heal (8): Full healing, removes status and revives.
Heal All (15): 227 healing, MT
Cute Pose (15): +50% to Str/Mag/Agi/Vit/Will. Very nice.

Comments: While Umi's HP/Vit combo isn't exactly enviable (to say the least), once she gets a turn she has several ways of giving herself the advantage. Cute Pose boosts her damage, durability, and speed quite amazingly. She has full healing, speed, accurate debilitating status, and the ability to at any time inflict Insanity as basically a free-action. Her various means of damage buffing stack by multiplication, so that can get completely nutty. With better stats Umi could have been a full-fledged Godlike, but with the crippling durability weakness she is just a medicore Heavy.

Sharpe: The Sword
HP: 590 (109%)
MP: 189
Str: 890
Mag: 260
Agi: 540 (+0.74 Stdev)
Vit: 610 (110% mod)
Will: 320 (81% mod)

Physical Durability: 120% (178% defending)
Magical Durability: 88% (113% defending)

Pure Blade: Str+300, Agi+50, Vit+50
[Chaos Blade: +150 Str, +150 Mag, +2 Hits to physical]
Master Hilt: Vit+250, Will+100, Str+50
[Glass Hilt: Ag+80, Vit+180]


Attack: 683 damage.

Multi-Strike (10 MP): 2458 damage over 4 hits.
Deathblow (15 MP): 1878 damage. Combo Boost/Break
Ice Strike (5 MP): 1366 Ice damage.
Wind Strike (5 MP): 4614 Wind damage
Sword Dance (20 MP): 3415 damage over 5 hits, unfocues vs. multiple foes.
Pierce (6 MP): 2135 ITD damage.
Holy Strike (10 MP): 3415 Holy damage.

Tempest (5 MP): 100 MT wind damage.
Brave Wind (5 MP): Agility +50%, +1 Hit to basic attack
Stalwart Heart (4 MP): Recover 50% HP. Places Sharpe in Defend until end of round.
Combo Master (10): Increments the Combo Count by 4 that turn and every turn thereafter.

Comments: Other Legendary swords aren't badass enough to be their own PC. Sharpe is. His damage, durability, and speed are all decent, and Stalwart Guard couples *nicely* with Brave Wind and Combo Master. He can buff to awesome speed and accomplish a kind of slow-but-sure fullheal. He can also set up Combo Master beforehand and let it count up under Stalwart Heart until Deathblow's damage has reached sufficiently painful levels. Makes a cool Middle/Heavy.

October: The goth Necromancer chick
HP: 448 (82%)
MP: 512
Str: 290
Mag: 920
Agi: 250 (-1.3 stdev)
Vit: 270 ( 70% mod)
Will: 590 (110% mod)

Physical durability: 57%
Magical durability: 90%

Vampire Whip: Str+70, Vit+70, Will+140 (Dark Boost +50%)
[Giant Whip: Str+90, Vit+90, Will +180 (Basic attack is MT)]
Black Tome: Mag +300, Will +150 (Dark Boost +50%)

Elec Boost +50%: Thunder-typed skills do 50% more damage.

Attack: 222 damage.

Techs: None

Fireball (9 MP): 368 fire damage, MT
Dark Blast (15 MP): 4122 Dark damage. Inflicts insanity.
Quake (18 MP): 883 Earth damage, MT. Combo Boost/Break
Freeze (8 MP): 1104 Ice damage, Combo Boost/Break
Lightning (9 MP): 2649 lightning damage over three hits, unfocused vs. multiple foes.
Deadly Kiss (5 MP): 470 Poison damage. Repeats at the end of the round and every round thereafter.
Curse (6 MP): Inflict Insanity. -50% resistances.
Tornado (5 MP): 588 Wind magic damage, GT
Focus (2 MP): Doubles damage of next spell.
Dark Whip (10 MP): Str+100%, Makes basic attack dark elemental.
Rain of Fire (15 MP): 644 ITD fire damage to all at the end of the turn. Repeats every turn.
Death (25 MP): Perfect Instant Death to one barring immunity.

Comments: October isn't good on account of being slow and very frail. But she is saved from the scrap heap by one thing: 100% instant Death. Her MO is to take a single hit and lay down the Instant Death. This makes her good enough for Middle, I suppose. Her damage is good, but what are the chances she'll get to use that? (answer: never)

Paws: The cat ALIEN
HP: 534 (98%)
MP: 368
Str: 835
Mag: 375
Agi: 625 (+1.34 stdev)
Vit: 532 (94% mod)
Will: 517 (98% mod)

Physical durabilty: 93% (69% after Unstable Form)
Magical durability: 96%

Anti-Mat Claw: Str +200, Mag +50, Agi +50, Vit +50, Will +50 (Basic Attack Hits +1 and ITD)
[Blaster Claw: Str +110, Agi+110]
Force Field: Defenses +50% (already factored into his defensive stats)

Insane Paral: Chance of insane enemies being Stunned at the beginning of a round and skipping their turn.

Attack: 2403 ITD damage over 3 hits.

Meow (6 MP): Reverses Sanity and Insanity. Sane foes turn insane and insane turn sane, MT.
Quick Draw (3 MP): 1121 damage with initiative.
Tentacles (8 MP): 2115 damage over three hits. Unfocuses vs. multiple enemies.
Backstab (12 MP): 2563 physical damage to one. Does 50% more to the very slow, and 150% more to those with ~0 turn-based speed.
Nuke (30 MP): 3757 ITD damage, MT. 3 turn delay (Counting turn it is cast on) at end of turn.

Heal (3 MP): 190 healing to one.
Freeze (5 MP): 180 Ice damage, Combo Boost/Break.
Snowstorm (8 MP): 175 Ice damage, MT.
Regen All (15 MP): 55 end-of-round Regen, MT.
Paralyze (6 MP): 80% Stun (not useful in a duel)
Unstable Form (10 MP): Magic +100%, Vit -50%
[alternate Unstable Form (10 MP): Strength +100%, Will -50%] (Not sure which one he wants...)

Comments: Paws is a Middle, but I'm not entirely sure what kind of fighter he should be. As is he is a blitzer who tries to kill things before they can kill him, and has a nasty surprise for the very slow. Insanity/Nuke gives him an option for healers, and if his regen + healing beats a foe's damage he could stall for healing that way, or use Unstable Form to boost the healing. Nuke/Paralyze works pretty well as a combo.

Dacre: The crazy old man. (Is actually Santa)
HP: 474 (87%)
MP: 472
Str: 425
Mag: 820
Agi: 335 (-0.7 stdev) (+1.66 after Speed Hymn)
Vit: 445 (84% mod)
Will: 755 (149% mod)

Physical durability: 74% (79% with Cultist Robe) [102% w/ Shield Hymn]
Magical durability: 130% (126% with Cultist Robe) [152% w/ Shield Hymn]

Holy Staff: Str+110, Mag+300, Will+100 (Light Boost +50%)
[Insanity Staff: Str+200, Mag+250, Inflict Insanity with basic attack)]
Elder Robe: Mag +25, Vit+100, Will+210
[Cultist Robe: Vit+150, Will+200]

Add Cure: Basic heal spell cures status ailments.
+Drain: Heals HP equal to damage done with basic physical.

Attack: 652 damage over 2 hits. Heals the same amount to Dacre.

Techs: None

Heal (3 MP): 371 healing, removes status
Heal All (15 MP): 218 healing, MT
Regen All (15 MP): 109 end-of-turn Regen, MT
Blind (7 MP): 60% Blind, GT
Seal (7 MP): 60% Seal, GT
Full Heal (8 MP): Fully restores HP, removes status, revives.
Shield Hymn (5 MP): +50% VIt/Will, single target
Speed Hymn (5 MP): +100% Agi, single target.
Strength Hymn (5 MP): +50% Strength, single target.
Magic Hymn (5 MP): +50% Magic, single target.
Holy (15 MP): 2362 Holy damage.

Optimum Damages:
Holy (15 MP): 2362 Holy damage (3543 after Magic Hymn)

Comments: ANOTHER haste-healer. This time an old man with a little more HP. Dacre has the usual buffing/healing game going on, but he also has full parasitic healing off his physical. He'll typically give up the first turn due to being slow, then pull out a Speed Hymn to try and lap the foe and go to work. The status isn't super-accurate but it's there. He makes a rather good Middle, although he wishes he had more damage and speed. The Insanity Staff inflicting insanity doesn't do anything for his magic damage as he sacrifices the +50% Holy damage to get it.

Ember: The Demon Dragon
HP: 730 (131%)
MP: 166
Str: 1060
Mag: 420
Agi: 330 (-0.74 stdev)
Vit: 740 (131% mod)
Will: 370 (81% mod)

Physical durability: 170%
Magical durability: 105%

Equipment: None

Passives: None

Smash (10 MP): 2544 physical damage.
Flame Breath (15 MP): 560 fire damage, MT
Aerial Assault (20 MP): 1589 physical damage, GT.

Spells: None

Comments: Ember is pretty straightforward: Smash things as best he can and take what damage he has to. The damage leaves something to be desired. The straightforwardness of Ember but lack of damage leaves me to believe he belongs in Light. He has a boss form that probably 2HKOs with boss HP/immunities/no resource limits. I'm sure he'd prefer that.

HP: 610 (112%)
MP: 280
STR: 825
MAG: 450
Agility: 320 (-0.81 stdevs)
Vitality: 715 (125% mod)
Will: 635 (118%  mod)

Physical Durability: 141%
Magical Durability: 133%

+1 Hit

Attack: 1190 damage.

Multi Strike (10 MP): 2141 damage
Attack Stance (5 MP): Attack +75%, Vitality - 25%
Deathblow (15 MP): 1607 damage. Combo Boost/Break (+10% per hit)
Sword Dance (20 MP): 2978 damage over 5 hits.
Holy Strike (10 MP): 2978 holy physical damage.

Teamwork (10 MP): All stats +25%

Comments: He's very generic, with a lack of solid damage but good durabilities and such. Totally prefers his boss form.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 08:23:35 PM by Pyro »


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Re: Cthulu Saves The World
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2011, 12:47:55 AM »
I don't think this character was available in the version Pyro played, but for completeness sake...

The optional character is taken at level 43.  He's acquired after beating the optional superboss, and joins at 40.  I could see taking him at 40, as you're probably above endgame to fight him, and there's not much left to do after he joins.  For reference, he gains 20 HP and 10 MP per level naturally.  I took the +15 STR/MAG/AGI/VIT/WIL level gains for 3 levels, if you want to adjust him down.

Maybe I'll do the bosses at some point...NYARLATHOTEP HYPE!?

DEM BONES: Hero Turned Slave to Madness
HP: 610
MP: 280
STR: 645
MAG: 395
AGI: 295
VIT: 545
WIL: 545

Excalibur: +150 STR, +25 MAG, +25 AGI, +100 VIT, +50 WIL
Aegis: +30 STR, +30 MAG, +70 VIT, +40 WIL

+1 Hit: Adds 1 extra hit to regular attack

Attack: 1267 damage over 2 hits

Multi-Strike (10 MP): 2278 damage over 4 hits
Attack Stance (5 MP): STR+75%, DEF-25%, self only
Deathblow (15 MP): 1710 damage, combo boost/break
Sword Dance (20 MP): 3168 damage over 5 hits, unfocuses over multiple targets
Holy Strike (10 MP): 3168 light/physical damage

Teamwork (10 MP): All Stats+25%, MT
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Cthulhu Saves The World
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2011, 05:28:07 PM »
Now for the Cthulu's Angels version! Essentially the same game, except with different PCs and different  bosses.

HP: 539
Agi: 441.4 (stdev of 167.9)
Vit: 419
Will: 464
Damage: 3939 (kill point of 9847)

October: The goth Necromancer chick
HP: 448 (83%)
MP: 512
Str: 290
Mag: 860
Agi: 250 (-1.14 stdev)
Vit: 270 ( 82% mod)
Will: 560 (117% mod)

Physical durability: 68%
Magical durability: 97%

Vampire Whip: Str+70, Vit+70, Will+140 (Dark Boost +50%)
[Giant Whip: Str+90, Vit+90, Will +180 (Basic attack is MT)]
Plague Tome: Mag + 240, Will + 120 (Poison Boost +50%)

Dark Boost +50%: Dark skills do 50% more damage.
Fire Boost +50%: Fire skills do 50% more damage.
Elec Boost +50%: Thunder-typed skills do 50% more damage.

Attack: 222 damage.

Techs: None

Fireball (9 MP): 516 fire damage, MT
Dark Blast (15 MP): 3853 Dark damage. Inflicts insanity.
Quake (18 MP): 825 Earth damage, MT. Combo Boost/Break
Freeze (8 MP): 1032 Ice damage, Combo Boost/Break
Lightning (9 MP): 2477 lightning damage over three hits, unfocused vs. multiple foes.
Deadly Kiss (5 MP): 440 Poison damage. Repeats at the end of the round and every round thereafter.
Curse (6 MP): Inflict Insanity. -50% resistances.
Tornado (5 MP): 826 Wind magic damage, GT
Focus (2 MP): Doubles damage of next spell.
Dark Whip (10 MP): Str+100%, Makes basic attack dark elemental.
Rain of Fire (15 MP): 482 ITD fire damage to all at the end of the turn. Repeats every turn.
Death (25 MP): Perfect Instant Death to one barring immunity.

Comments: Slightly better than her CSTW incarnation by virtue of not being in a party with folks as durable! Still the same style... take a single hit and layeth down the 100% ID. Her damage got significantly worse, but honestly she isn't winning with damage ANYWAY so... Middle

Elonalina: The Heroic healer turned servant of the Dark Lord.
HP: 582 (108%)
MP: 694
Str: 640
Mag: 520
Agility: 300 (-0.84 stdevs)
Vitality: 500 (1.16 mod)
Will: 460 (0.99 mod)

Physical Durability: 126% (201% after Shield Hymn)
Magical Durability: 107% (163% after Shield Hymn)

Brain Basher: Str +230, Mag+100
Cultist Robe: Vit+150, Will +200

Drain+ : Heal HP = damage dealt with basic physical

Attack: 491 damage. Heals HP = damage dealt

Smash (10 MP): 1474 physical damage
Mind Over Matter (5 MP): Strength +75%, Magic - 50%
Ultra Smash (15 MP): 3930 physical damage

Heal (3MP): 246 healing
Mawfish (15 MP): 163, rando-target. Repeats indefinitely
Blind (5 MP): 80% Blind, Single-target. Blind reduces accuracy to 25%
Full Heal (8 MP): Full healing. Revives, removes status. Combo reset.
Slow (3 MP): Cuts target speed by 90%. Quite effective (reduces everyone to about -2.2 stdevs below avg) Works on everything including bosses.
Mystic Flower (20 MP): Buffs a random stat every round by 50%. Stacks with itself by adding 50% of the base amount every time. This can get out of hand.
Seal (3 MP): 100% Perfect Seal barring immunity. Gets physical techs and magic spells, mind.
Regen All (15 MP): 71 regen /round, MT
Shield Hymn (5 MP): Boost Vit/Will by 50%.
Paralyze (6 MP): 80% one-turn stun
Speed Hymn (5 MP): +100% speed.
Strength Hymn (5 MP): +50% strength
Magic Hymn (5 MP): +50% Magic
Holy (20 MP): 1248 holy magic damage.

Comments: Outside of speed and status resistance, Elona has pretty much everything you could ask for a support PC. Above-average damage, buffing out the yin-yang, durability, resources so deep you could drop a stone in them and never hear it hit the bottom, and so on. Quite an impressive package, to be honest. Debilitating accurate status rounds her out quite nicely. Probably a Heavy.

Dark Umi: Like 2 PCs in one. Three if you count Sharpe.
HP: 446 (83%)
MP: 368
Str: 910
Mag: 155
Agility: 575 (+0.8 stdevs) [+0.87 w/ Heroine Dress]
Vitality: 395 (0.97 mod) [
Will: 275 (0.78 mod)

Physical durability: 80% [84% w/ Heroine Dress]
Magical durability: 64%  [67% w/ Heroine Dress]

Sharpe: Str + 344
Swim Dress: +50 Agi, +100 Res, +100 Will
(Heroine Dress: +70 Str, +70 Mag, +50 Agi, +140 Res, +140 Will)

Aqua Boost +50%: Water attacks do 50% more damage
Wind Boost +50%: Wind attacks do 50% more damage

Attack: 874 physical damage.

Insane Strike (4 MP): 2442 physical damage. Inflicts Insanity
Multi-Strike (6 MP): 1673 physical damage.
Deathblow (10 MP): 1116 damage. Combo Boost/Break.
Unholy Power (15 MP): +50% Strength. Drains 10MP from Umi's party members.
Blood Wave (7 MP): 837 damage, MT. Reduces Umi's HP by 200
Drain Strike (5 MP): 1046 damage. Heals Umi for half damage dealt.
Aqua Strike (5 MP): 6278 damage, water element

Plague (10 MP): 50 poison magic
Curse (6 MP): Turns enemy insane, reduces resistances by 50%

Comments: Umi hits pretty hard. And is fast with full parasitic healing. Too bad about that terrible durability. At least she can resort to the Heroine Dress if she wants to sacrifice 25% of Aqua Strike's damage, as it lets her play the "Drain Strike till the cows come home" better. Her next best non water damage is pretty bad, but Curse can handle water resistance pretty well as it stands.

Molly:  The Were-Zompire... it's like Underworld except cuter?
HP: 690 (128%)
MP: 232
Str: 710
Mag: 370
Agility: 637 (+1.17 stdev) [+2.68 after Heroics]
Vitality: 435 (1.02 mod)
Will: 290 (.79 mod)

Physical durability: 131% (177% after Heroics)
Magical durability: 102% (118% after Heroics)

Zompire Claw: Str +250, Agi + 75, Vit + 75
Cell Phone: Agi/Mag + 50%

Attack: 545 physical damage.

Moon Howl (2 MP): +50% Strength and Agility
Lunge (6 MP): 2996 physical damage.
Venom Claws (5 MP): 681 physical damage. Poisons.
Silver Bullet (5 MP): 2213 damage, Ignores defense
Dead Dance (15 MP): 2724 damage over 5 hits
Epiphany Strike (8 MP): 1906 damage. Mag +35%. Stacks indefinitely.
Heroics (10 MP): +40% all stats

Heal (3 MP): 186 healing
Bury (7 MP): 651 earth magic damage
Blood Drain (7 MP): 237 magic damage, heal HP = 75% damage done
Full Heal (8 MP): Full healing. Revives, removes status. Combo reset.
Call Wolves (15 MP): 178 damage, repeats.
Blood Blast (10 MP): 1231 magic damage. Decreases linearly with HP.
Holy (20 MP): 710 holy magic damage

Comments: Very fast, durable, fullhealing, and can can buff all her stats at once significantly. She's good. Heavy.

SARA: The requisite ghostgirl
HP: 530 (98%)
MP: 1060
Str: 495
Mag: 785
Agility: 445 (+0.02 stdev)
Vitality: 495 (1.12 mod)
Will: 735 (1.68 mod)

Physical durability: 110%
Magical durability: 165%

Caduceus: Str +50, Mag +90, Will + 90
Magic Ring: Mag + 50, Vit + 50, MP +50

Aqua/Ice Boost +50%: 50% more damage from water/ice skills.

Attack: 712 physical damage over 2 hits

Boo (4 MP): 100% Stun. Lasts one turn.

Heal (3 MP): 356 healing, ST
Freeze (12 MP): 1319 ice magic damage
Snowstorm (16 MP): 2638 ice magic damage
Sub-Zero (40 MP): 1507 ice magic damage, MT
Holy (30 MP): 942 holy magic damage, MT

Comments: Generally inferior to her BoD7 appearance. Hits things and heals, while having great magic durability.


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Re: Cthulhu Saves The World
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2011, 11:58:42 PM »
Random other note:

Sharpe has another armour: Master Hilt.  It's found by beating the BLACK HOLE, accessible once you have Ember.

It's +250 VIT, +100 WIL, +50 STR.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Cthulhu Saves The World
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2011, 01:43:02 AM »
Fixed (I had already corrected his stats, just forgot to put in the equip note)


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Re: Cthulhu Saves The World
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2011, 05:55:54 AM »
A few minor notes:

* It's very rare, but poison immunity *does* exist.  The Living Tombstone miniboss notably has it.  I believe a few other randoms do as well (Trashies?  Some of the oozes?).  Hypothetical resistance-bypassing poison doesn't really matter in the DL anyway, as it's only of theoretical value to Umi (October can't heal), and her poison is terrible.

* Cthulhu also has the Death Sword for yet another Dark Boost +50%, but worse overall stats and no boost on hitting Insane opponents.  Gives him slightly better turn 1 damage off Dark Strike which might come up occasionally, I guess.

* October's got a bunch of earlier Tomes that boost other elements at the cost of Magic / Will.  This also never comes up since October doesn't win slugfests and no Vampire Whip equivalent means that off-elements still won't be as good as ST Dark Blast (...for all that this is probably a bad choice in-game: I cheerfully grabbed an improved MT Void).  Might come up vs. Death-immune SMT characters I guess.

* Weirdly enough I didn't get the Cthulhu stat boost from the optional boss, despite doing all the other optional dungeons (Astral Cave + Soulcaster Cave...  which I died horribly to the boss there on.)  Just throwin' that out there as a data point.  (Assumed that cave was an entrance to where you started the game.)
« Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 05:57:57 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Cthulhu Saves The World
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2011, 02:19:41 AM »
A few more notes, since Umi might be a Dungeon enemy next week.

* Either Cthulhu buffs aren't dispelled by death, or Cthulhu characters keep any buffs on them even after a death / revival, or both.  Doesn't matter in-game which is true, though it might come up in the DL.

* Most of these are DL builds in the sense of Pyro built them for a duel.  They usually have other options for team matches, although in general the MT damage tends to be on the scrubby side by DL standards.  Notably, the buffs Dacre invests in in-game are the MT ones, so replace all his Hymns with +25% versions of the same stat except MT (and +50% for Speed Hymn).  Umi has two notable features: rather than Heal All, she probably wants Keep Fighting in general.  It's a OPB perfect heal - so MT healing, status curing, and revival.  (There are matches where she'd want the continuous stream of Heal Alls, but I'd hold her to her 'best' pick since it's irreversible.)  She can also get GT versions of her status attacks rather than X Strikes...  but...  they're not reaaaaaaaaally hypable in general.  Consider that GT in CSTW can mean you don't hit all Monster X if the field is laid out like 2 Monster X, 3 Monster Y, 2 Monster X: you'll have to pick one set of 2.  Now consider that most team matches don't have clones of the same names, let alone clones standing right next to one another.  CSTW GT is hypable vs. WAXF Labrynthia and XS2 Margulis?!

* This is more a holistic, fuzzy appraisal, but since Pyro said he mostly built for Speed...  in-game, and to some extent in the DL, October & Dacre don't actually care that much about speed.  They're going later than the monsters / DL opponents anyway, so why bother even trying to keep up, grab some other stats.  A less speed-focused build might lower the speed average ever-so-slightly, but not very much, since the game doesn't give you many opportunities to even consider taking Speed for October / Dacre.


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Re: Cthulhu Saves The World
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2011, 02:56:00 AM »
Cthulu would be hilarious in the dungeon if only because he gets a damage boost against Nyarlathotep.