
Author Topic: Dragon Age: Origins (Finally Doing This)  (Read 2647 times)


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Dragon Age: Origins (Finally Doing This)
« on: March 18, 2010, 08:48:40 AM »
Welcome to the Dragon Age stat topic, where I once again attempt to convince the DL that WRPGs are awesome and need to be ranked. But since no one listens to me, I expect this to go utterly unread.


Anyhow, assisting me in this project is the ever cool Pyro who will be going through a lot of trouble to work out the raw numbers and such. I think. So, this is my shout out.

Let's get onto the meat and potatoes here.

HP: Run out of these, and the Darkspawn win.
MP/Stamina: Run out of these and you can no longer work your special mojo, if you know what I mean.

Strength: Increases damage for non-crossbow/staff weapons and increases melee attack.
Dexterity: Increases melee attack, ranged attack, defense, damage and physical resistance.
Willpower: Increases mana or stamina and contributes to mental resistance.
Magic: Increases spellpower and contributes to mental resistance.
Cunning: Contributes to armor penetration and mental resistance.
Constitution: Increases health and physical resistance.

Attack: Your chance of hitting things with your death dealing attacks.
Defense: Your chance to not get hit by opposing death dealing attacks.
Armor: The amount you reduce damage.

Mental Resistance: Resistance against mental effects (effectively mental status resistance).
Physical Resistance: Resistance against physical effects (effectively physical status resistance).

Determining PC Stats/Skills/Talents: This one is pretty straightforward. For the purposes of the topic, all PCs were levelled using the auto-level feature, which, generally speaking, follows the logical paths for the character's progression. These are not necessarily the ideal options, but they tend to be the progression of the options that the character comes with.

Determining Average Damage/Damage Period Length:

Character Crafting: Several PCs have the options to create items using their own personal crafting skills. Some of these are relatively unique to the character in question (notably poisons for Rogues) while the rest are universal use items (healing kits, etc). I will list the noteworthy things that are available to a character, but will not be including them in the averages/rankings unless people push for the inclusion of certain elements.

Equipment Options: For the majority of PCs, equipment is shared and, as such, per standard DL procedure, I will list each PC with whatever generic equipment there are enough bits to share of. In addition, there are unique pieces of equipment (relegated either to the character or their specialization) and, given no two characters share a specialization (except with the main), I will list these options with the PC as well.

Both Shale and the Dog have unique equipment categories that belong purely to them an have no competition.

Glyphs will not be counted on equipment on account of being really generic. If people want, I'll list them as options, though.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 10:10:42 AM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: Dragon Age: Origins (Getting Started)
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2010, 08:50:04 AM »

"Last thing you want when you're about to take down some maleficar out in the woods is to have him point and laugh at your taste in clothing. Am I right?"

HP: 284
Stamina: 260
Fatigue: 35.0% [35.2% w/ KCP]

Strength: 44
Dexterity: 30
Willpower: 26 [31 w/ KCP]
Magic: 16
Cunning: 13
Constitution: 19

Armor: 34 [31 w/ KCP]
Defense: 77
Missile Deflection: 9.00
Attack: 93
Basic Attack (Axe): 45.4 (4.6% Crit, 4.00 Armor Pen)
Basic Attack (Longsword): 46.6 (6.2% Crit, 4.00 Armor Pen)
Basic Attack (Mace): 39.3 (3.8% Crit, 8.00 Armor Pen)

Mental Resistance: 49 [61 w/ KCP]
Physical Resistance: 35

Skills: Master Combat Training, Master Herbalism, Massive Constitution

Talents: Righteous Strike, Cleanse Area, Mental Fortress, Holy Smite, Powerful, Threaten, Bravery, Death Blow, Shield Bash, Shield Pummel, Overpower, Assault, Shield Defense, Shield Balance, Shield Wall, Shield Expertise, Shield Block, Shield Cover, Shield Tactics, Shield Mastery, Pommel Strike, Indomitable

Soldier's Heavy Helm
Heavy Plate Gloves
Heavy Plate Armor [Knight Commander's Plate (+40% Spell Resistance)]
Heavy Plate Boots
Duncan's Shield (+1 Stamina regeneration in combat)
Runic Worry Token


Happy bark!

HP: 250
Stamina: 196

Strength: 38
Dexterity: 34
Willpower: 24
Magic: 10
Cunning: 10
Constitution: 16

Armor: 7
Defense: 79
Attack: 91
Damage: 44.9

Mental Resistance: 7
Physical Resistance: 29

Fire/Cold/Electric Resistance: 10%

Skills: None

Talents: Growl, Dread Howl, Combat Training, Overwhelm, Fortitude, Charge, Shred, Nemesis


Alternate Equips:

"Apparently everyone seems to agree that a blight is the perfect time to start killing each other. Marvelous, really."




Mental Resistance:
Physical Resistance:




Alternate Equips:

"I suppose violence is a solution... sometimes!"

HP: 185
Stamina: 236
Fatigue: 4.0%

Strength: 26
Dexterity: 38
Willpower: 24
Magic: 14
Cunning: 37
Constitution: 10

Armor: 16
Defense: 79
Attack: 83
Basic Attack (Marjolaine's Recurve): 36.2

Mental Resistance: 33
Physical Resistance: 25

Skills: Master Stealing, Master Poison-Making, Master Combat Training, Massive Cunning

Talents: Song of Valor, Distraction, Song of Courage, Captivating Song, Dirty Fighting, Combat Movement, Below the Belt, Deadly Strike, Lethality, Evasion, Deft Hands, Improved Tools, Mechanical Expertise, Device Mastery, Pinning Shot, Crippling Shot, Critical Shot, Arrow of Slaying, Rapid Shot, Shattering Shot, Suppressing Fire, Scattershot

Marjolaine's Recurve
Studded Leather Helmet
Studded Leather Gloves
Studded Leather Armor
Studded Leather Boots
Seeker's Circle


"I like swords, I follow orders; there's nothing else to know about me."

HP: 254
Stamina: 240
Fatigue: 29.0%

Strength: 60
Dexterity: 19
Willpower: 19
Magic: 14
Cunning: 13
Constitution: 13

Armor: 34
Defense: 54
Attack: 96 [108 w/ Asala]
Basic Attack (Greatsword): 58.0 (5.4% Crit, Armor Pen 6)
Basic Attack (Battleaxe): 54.2 (7.8% Crit, Armor Pen 6)
Basic Attack (Maul): 56.7 (3.8% Crit, Armor Pen 14)
Basic Attack (Asala): 53.3 (4.8% Crit, Armor Pen 6)

Mental Resistance: 11 (12 w/ Asala)
Physical Resistance: 34

Nature Resistance: 5%

Skills: Survival, Improved Herbalism, Master Combat Training, Combat Tactics, Massive Strength

Talents: Powerful, Threaten, Bravery, Death Blow, Precise Striking, Taunt, Disengage, Melee Archer, Rapid Shot, Shattering Shot, Pommel Strike, Indomitable, Stunning Blows, Critical Strike, Sunder Arms, Shattering Blows, Sunder Armor, Destroyer, Mighty Blow, Powerful Swings, Two-Hand Strength, Two-Handed Sweep

Soldier's Heavy Helm
Heavy Plate Gloves
Heavy Plate Armor
Heavy Plate Boots

"Death to all pigeons!"
Warrior/War Golem

HP: 429
Stamina: 195

Strength: 46
Dexterity: 13
Willpower: 10
Magic: 10
Cunning: 10
Constitution: 48

Armor: 4
Defense: 48
Attack: 80
Damage: 38.9

Mental Resistance: 3
Physical Resistance: 39

Skills: Massive Strength

Talents: Powerful, Threaten, Bravery, Death Blow, Precise Striking, Taunt, Pulverizing Blows, Slam, Quake, Killing Blow, Stoneheart, Bellow, Stone Roar, Regenerating Burst, Rock Mastery, Hurl Rock, Earthen Grasp, Rock Barrage, Stone Aura, Inner Reserves, Renewed Assault, Supernatural Resilience


Alternate Equips:

"But why should you fear death if you are happy with the life you have led, if you can look back on everything and say, 'Yes, I am content. It is enough.'"
Mage/Spirit Healer

HP: 196
MP: 379

Strength: 14
Dexterity: 14
Willpower: 40
Magic: 41
Cunning: 18
Constitution: 17

Armor: 0
Defense: 44
Attack: 36
Damage: 7.9

Mental Resistance: 35
Physical Resistance: 8

Skills: Master Herbalism, Master Combat Tactics, Massive Willpower

Talents: Arcane Bolt, Arcane Shield, Staff Focus, Arcane Mastery, Group Heal, Revival, Lifeward, Cleansing Aura, Rock Armor, Stonefist, Earthquake, Petrify, Heal, Rejuvenate, Regeneration, Mass Rejuvenation, Heroic Offense, Heroic Aura, Heroic Defense, Haste, Glyph of Paralysis, Glyph of Warding, Vessel of the Spirit


Alternate Equips:

"Death happens," as we like to say. And when I get paid for it, death happens more often."

HP: 185
Stamina: 236
Fatigue: 1.5%

Strength: 24
Dexterity: 54
Willpower: 24
Magic: 14
Cunning: 20
Constitution: 10

Armor: 16
Defense: 100
Attack: 95
Basic Attack (Main Hand Dagger): 21.2 (25.8% Crit, 9 Pen)
Basic Attack (Off-Hand Dagger) 21.2(25.8% Crit, 9 Pen)

Mental Resistance: 14
Physical Resistance: 32

Skills: Improved Stealing, Herbalism, Master Poison-Making, Master Combat Training, Combat Tactics, Massive Dexterity

Talents: Mark of Death, Exploit Weakness, Lacerate, Feast of the Fallen, Dirty Fighting, Combat Movement, Coup De Grace, Below the Belt, Deadly Strike, Lethality, Evasion, Stealth, Stealthy Item Use, Combat Stealth, Dual-Weapon Training, Dual-Weapon Finesse, Dual-Weapon Expert, Dual-Weapon Mastery, Dual-Weapon Sweep, Flurry, Momentum, Whirlwind

Studded Helmet
Studded Leather Gloves
Studded Leather Armor
Studded Leather Boots
Mixed Metal Rounds


"I'll show that sodding dog! I don't need my pants anyway!"

HP: 334
Stamina: 265
Fatigue: 29.0%

Strength: 44
Dexterity: 19
Willpower: 24
Magic: 14
Cunning: 17
Constitution: 27

Armor: 34
Defense: 54
Attack: 88
Basic Attack (Greatsword): 48.1 (5.4% Crit, Armor Pen 7)
Basic Attack (Battleaxe): 44.6 (7.8% Crit, Armor Pen 7)
Basic Attack (Maul): 45.7 (3.8% Crit, Armor Pen 15)

Mental Resistance: 16
Physical Resistance: 43

Nature Resistance: 5%

Skills: Master Combat Training, Master Combat Tactics, Massive Constitution

Talents: Berserk, Resilience, Constraint, Final Blow, Powerful, Threaten, Bravery, Death Blow, Dual Striking, Riposte, Dwarven Resistance, Pommel Strike, Indomitable, Stunning Blows, Critical Strike, Sunder Arms, Shattering Blows, Sunder Armor, Destroyer, Mighty Blow, Powerful Swings, Two-Handed Strength, Two-Handed Sweep

Soldier's Heavy Helm
Heavy Plate Gloves
Heavy Plate Armor
Heavy Plate Boots

« Last Edit: January 30, 2011, 05:17:13 AM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: Dragon Age: Origins (Getting Started)
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2011, 10:10:21 AM »
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