
Author Topic: ToR Round 2 - Pool AB  (Read 1515 times)


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ToR Round 2 - Pool AB
« on: March 16, 2011, 11:36:13 PM »

57. Darth Vader v Homer SImpson - Competitive Blogging               IIIII II/II
58. Gimli, Son of Gloin v Excellen Browning - Excelling at Sports That Don't Even Exist Yet      /IIIII
59. Sahz, FF13 v Revolver Ocelot - Jogurt Herding                  IIIII/
60. Kornell v Missy the Bartender, EO3 - Pillow Fight                  IIII/II
61. Sherlock Holmes v Ike - Dog Grooming                     IIII/III
62. Arche Klein, ToP v Guan Ping - Propositioning (FFT Style)               I/II
63. Welcome to Coneria Guard v Taloon - Basket Weaving               I/IIIII III
64. Admiral Ackbar v M. Bison - Puppy Kicking                  /IIIII III

Round 2

Pool AB

Match 65

Let's start with an ancient game for a new round.  That old fashioned drinking contest, where you try and hold your liquor better than the other guy is one of the few contests where it's not only possible but easy to combine going down in a blaze of glory with complete, soul crushing, humiliation.  Or, heck, where the two of them are also plenty compatable with winning too!

Our first brave challenger is Mario's doppleganger, the clinically greedy Wario.  The man has a way of wanting more than is good for him, but so far in his career, it's generally paid off more often than it's hurt him.  Of course, his secret isn't so much a spotless track record so much as it is not letting horrific failure stop him.  So past success is no guarantee for a victory here.

That said, his opponent may have been able to master time, but can he master five different kinds of tequila fighting for dominance in his belly?  Emmitt Brown is a man of science, and so likely has a few tricks up his sleeve to win out over his far more robust opponent.  And hey, he managed to survive the old west, which means he must have at least a bit of a knack for drinking, right?

Match 66

Poetry is the art of painting with words.  Needless to say, the one with the more cultured soul is the one more likely to win.  Sadly, what we have here, Goku, the marital artist best known for his long form grunting, and Aya Brea, best known for being the cop that lights stuff on fire with her mind.

Match 67

Other kids games are all such a bore!
They've gotta have rules and they gotta keep score!
Calvinball is better by far!
It's never the same!  It's always bizarre!
You don't need a team or a referee!
You know that it's great cause it's named after me!
   - Calvin

Follow the link if you don't already know the game.  I don't really have any words that can top it.  What I also can't top are the contestants, Darkwing Duck and Lina Inverse.  Both masters of the peculiar type of illogic needed to play this game.  I...  can't even hazard to guess who will win, only that it will be glorious.

Match 68

Chicken is that curious, curious game where you both compete to see who can get the closest to doing something utterly suicidal without actually going over.  Usually racing a car towards a cliff, but something else can be found if necessary.  It's a game where the necessary components are the skill to actually do what you're gunning for, the nerve to hold on longer than your opponent, and the judgement to know just how good you are, and where it's less a matter of skill and tripped over into suicide.

First up is a master of judgement.  Igor, from the Velvet Room, has made his living in averting disasters by making contracts with the right people at the right time, and then providing them with support.  However, while he's plenty good at helping other stare down the abyss, and providing the key bit of support at the right time, can he show the right mix of skills to claim victory here?

Especially since his opponent is quite formidable when she's on her A game.  Lenneth Valkyrie, chooser of the slain, one of the three Godesses who govern Fate.  Her live of work requires all three of the qualities that make one great at Chicken.  In addition, this is probably the kind of sport the real nordic pantheon would find awesome.  Her only drawback is that when she's not on her A-game, well...  then she's a weepy, wishy-washy charicature of a woman that's far too common in her genre.  So the real question may be, which Lenneth is going to show up here?

Match 69

Tightrope walking is that kind of skill competition that everyone knows and is pretty intuitive.  Can you do it, and then how fast/fancy can you do it.  I think today we'll be going for the pass/fail and how far though given our contestants are a mogul and a diplomat.

Jean-Luc Picard may be an awesome diplomat and the captain of the fleet flagship, the USS Enterprise.  But does this mean he'll be able to walk a more literal tightrope?  Of course, his opponent is the even older Scrooge McDuck, who is just as cultured, but has a knack for actually going on the scene in order to get the fantabulous treasures he claims.

Match 70

Today's match is pretty simple: Killing Everyone.  Not a whole heck of a lot of room for discussion there.  If you see someone, then you kill them.  If you can't see someone, then find a way to kill them anyways.  Go door to door slaughtering, cause reality to cease to be, or simply unleash a plague of unstoppable killing machines, it's all good!  Whoever can do it faster (or get further before getting stopped) wins.  That said...  the RNG gods have been nice to everyone and we have two heros up to the plate here.

First up is Ramza Beoulve who's one of the squeakier clean heros out there.  That said, he does have some political ties, and it's suggested that he could probably be goaded into killing plenty of people if the reasons were right.  Which is good because this guy has some great leadership and teambuilding skills, having managed to assemble a team that could stand against the elite of Ivalice's several armed factions as well as fairly potent demons.  And this is ignoring the fact that where he goes, people just seem to have a nasty habit of dying anyways.

That said, he never worked as a full-fledged bad guy.  While Leo may have changed his stripes, he started off as a flunky of the Evil Empire.  Which is the kind of edge he's going to have to rely on since he seems to lack even the edges that Ramza has.

Match 71

Batman may not have superpowers, but that doesn't stop him from finding out everything, and then using that everything to be so crazy prepared that he can take out Superman himself.  This is the man who is so good, that if there is a field that humans can participate in, he is the best at it.  Of course, that's just the freakish pop culture image of the guy, but what kind of fun would this be if we went with anything less?  The goal for our competitors is to be this freakishly awesome.

The Angry Video Game Nerd may have the knowledge and the anger to bring to bear, but how can he do with the physical side?  If he had time to prepare, could he punch out Superman?  Meanwhile, Maria Renard at least has experience in dealing with vamps, so I assume she's pretty good with the improvisation and fighting.  Just, how well can she do at investigation and simply knowing stuff?

Match 72

News reports show a meteor is headed for Earth, it's smashing into the planet will be an extinction level event. And our only hope is to detonate the thing so it cleanly splits in two and avoids the planet as opposed to smashing into us, or worse than that, breaking up and shotgunning into us.  We can only send two missions, can either of them survive?

First up is Totoro's mission and...  honestly, I have no clue what he can bring to bear that'd be useful in a high stakes mission in outer space.  So I'll let the folks who know him provide an argument.

The other guy, Fei Fong Wong, I do feel qualified to give an argument for.  After all, he'll be able to travel in Xenogears, which has the range to reach, and while he may not have pressure suits, his gear being capable of martial arts and eye lasers means it can probably do the precision work necessary to carry off a plan that'll no doubt have been gone over by Citan Uzuki and Sigurd, who'll likely have the science to pull it off.

Quick Vote Form

65. Wario v Dr. Emmitt Brown - Drinking Contest
66. Goku v Aya Brea - Poetry Contest
67. Darkwing Duck v Lina Inverse - Calvinball
68. Igor v Lenneth Valkyrie - Chicken
69. Jean-Luc Picard v Scrooge McDuck - Tightrope Walking
70. Ramza Beoulve v White Knight Leo - Killing Everyone
71. Angry Video Game Nerd v Maria Renard - Being Batman
72. Totoro v Fei Fong Wong - Detonating an Asteroid in Space


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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool AB
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2011, 11:43:55 PM »
65. Wario v Dr. Emmitt Brown - Drinking Contest- I don't think liquor even exists in Wario's universe.
66. Goku v Aya Brea - Poetry Contest- Aya isn't the most verbose person in the world, but she is a better fit than Goku here.
67. Darkwing Duck v Lina Inverse - Calvinball- ............ This has to be fixed.
68. Igor v Lenneth Valkyrie - Chicken- Abstain.
69. Jean-Luc Picard v Scrooge McDuck - Tightrope Walking- McDuck is surprisingly spry for his age.
70. Ramza Beoulve v White Knight Leo - Killing Everyone- Screams to 50 speed/99pa, punches everyone to death.
71. Angry Video Game Nerd v Maria Renard - Being Batman- Can actually fight.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool AB
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2011, 11:51:24 PM »
65. Wario v Dr. Emmitt Brown - Drinking Contest

66. Goku v Aya Brea - Poetry Contest
Uhh... yeah.

67. Darkwing Duck v Lina Inverse - Calvinball
I honestly can't think of an argument that trumps the Dragon Slave here.

68. Igor v Lenneth Valkyrie - Chicken
Both are entirely too sensical for this sort of thing, but there's an off-chance that Lenneth would actually participate one way or another.  Igor not so much.

69. Jean-Luc Picard v Scrooge McDuck - Tightrope Walking
I... wow.

70. Ramza Beoulve v White Knight Leo - Killing Everyone
Would be terrible at this, but less so than Leo.

71. Angry Video Game Nerd v Maria Renard - Being Batman

72. Totoro v Fei Fong Wong - Detonating an Asteroid in Space


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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool AB
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2011, 12:23:27 AM »
65. Wario v Dr. Emmitt Brown - I bet Wario can hold his liquor
66. Goku v Aya Brea - Pretty sure there's some time in PE that Aya says something poetic.
67. Darkwing Duck v Lina Inverse - Calvinball
68. Igor v Lenneth Valkyrie - Igor is riding in a car already in P4.
69. Jean-Luc Picard v Scrooge McDuck - I think Scrooge actually does do some rope walking.
70. Ramza Beoulve v White Knight Leo - Killing Everyone
71. Angry Video Game Nerd v Maria Renard - Being Batman
72. Totoro v Fei Fong Wong - Detonating an Asteroid in Space


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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool AB
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2011, 05:50:25 AM »
65. Wario v Dr. Emmitt Brown - Anyone who's watched the third movie knows just how terrible Doc Brown is at holding his liquor.  As long as Wario can down two shots he's got this in the bag.
66. Goku v Aya Brea - Poetry Contest
67. Darkwing Duck v Lina Inverse - Calvinball
68. Igor v Lenneth Valkyrie - Chicken - I can't see either of these two playing chicken at all. >_>
69. Jean-Luc Picard v Scrooge McDuck - Tightrope Walking
70. Ramza Beoulve v White Knight Leo - Killing Everyone
71. Angry Video Game Nerd v Maria Renard - Being Batman
72. Totoro v Fei Fong Wong - Detonating an Asteroid in Space


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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool AB
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2011, 06:27:28 AM »
65. Wario v Dr. Emmitt Brown - Drinking Contest- Wario doesn't really need to hold even one shot, he just has to stay upright for more than 10 seconds after the first shot.  To say nothing of evil, greedy fat guys probably having plenty of natural tolerance.
66. Goku v Aya Brea - Poetry Contest- Linear Warrior, Quadratic Monkey.
67. Darkwing Duck v Lina Inverse - Calvinball- It comes down to this.  Darkwing wins all his fights by perseverance, being able to get knocked around, tossed aside, utterly defeated, then knuckle down and come up with a winning strategy.  While Lina is not unfamiliar with this tactic, she typically instead gets opponents to walk right into dumb mistakes, and can think on her feet so to speak.  In the entire history of calvinball, it's not the never give up, is incredibly smart when he tries Calvin that takes home the win, but Hobbs, who just changes the rules too quickly and effectively for Calvin to ever catch up.
68. Igor v Lenneth Valkyrie - Chicken- As Lenneth can a) fly, b) remake the cosmos, c) probably survive whatever death-event you sub in here, she has too many tools to cheat her way to victory to really vote for Igor.
69. Jean-Luc Picard v Scrooge McDuck - Tightrope Walking- This is the sort of thing you might randomly catch Picard doing because he's such a goddamned Renaissance Man, but that's speculation.  I'm 99% sure Scrooge actually has been shown with some knowledge of the event.
70. Ramza Beoulve v White Knight Leo - Killing Everyone- Ramza sets counter, and at least kills SOMEONE.  More than Leo will do.
71. Angry Video Game Nerd v Maria Renard - Being Batman- Kneejerk.
72. Totoro v Fei Fong Wong - Detonating an Asteroid in Space- Who needs to Armageddon an asteroid when you can just vaporize it instead.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool AB
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2011, 08:02:27 AM »
65. Wario v Dr. Emmitt Brown - Certainly big enough, and shows enough natural tolerance in his various incarnations. Though he probably falls to the Mario Villain rule where after his third shot, he's done. But at least it'll take a while before he actually hits the ground...
66. Goku v Aya Brea - Kneejerk. Really depends on crowd, since some people would find random yelling and grunting to be perfectly deep and poetic, even when it's totally not. (I wish I were joking, here)
67. Darkwing Duck v Lina Inverse - I don't... I... This... I need to go away for an hour before my head explodes. Abstain.
68. Igor v Lenneth Valkyrie - Cheats. So. Hard.
69. Jean-Luc Picard v Scrooge McDuck - If he's been shown to have aptitude, then yeah.
70. Ramza Beoulve v White Knight Leo - Shows aptitude to just randomly kill people if he needs to, and can at least set one of many reaction skills to eventually kill them all.
72. Totoro v Fei Fong Wong - Uhm, yeah. What CK said.
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* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool AB
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2011, 03:55:00 PM »
65. Wario v Dr. Emmitt Brown - Drinking Contest - Heh, yeah, not close.
66. Goku v Aya Brea - Poetry Contest - It's Goku. >_>
67. Darkwing Duck v Lina Inverse - Calvinball - Wish I could vote on this. ;(
68. Igor v Lenneth Valkyrie - Chicken - The amount of Persona he can create and he can't cheat death? Heh.
69. Jean-Luc Picard v Scrooge McDuck - Tightrope Walking - Cartoon physics.
70. Ramza Beoulve v White Knight Leo - Killing Everyone - ...
71. Angry Video Game Nerd v Maria Renard - Being Batman - Not close. At all. She can at least fight!
72. Totoro v Fei Fong Wong - Detonating an Asteroid in Space - dot dot dot

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool AB
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2011, 04:20:59 PM »
Quick Vote Form

65. Wario v Dr. Emmitt Brown - Drinking Contest: Not especially close.
66. Goku v Aya Brea - Poetry Contest: If you made me picture something that was the polar opposite of poetry, DBZ would probably be one of the first things that came to mind.
67. Darkwing Duck v Lina Inverse - Calvinball: Kneejerk is they'd both be awesome at this.
68. Igor v Lenneth Valkyrie - Chicken: As Cmdr said, has too many ways to cheat.
69. Jean-Luc Picard v Scrooge McDuck - Tightrope Walking: I trust Cmdr more than myself on both characters, so burp.
70. Ramza Beoulve v White Knight Leo - Killing Everyone: Ramza doesn't want to kill everyone. He just ends up doing it anyway. See Grog Hill pretty much.
71. Angry Video Game Nerd v Maria Renard - Being Batman: Maria can fight, and is surprisingly resourceful.
72. Totoro v Fei Fong Wong - Detonating an Asteroid in Space: Uhhh yeah, Fei's dream event pretty much. There's only two people in this pool who'd have a chance against him.

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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool AB
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2011, 06:31:17 AM »
66. Goku v Aya Brea - Poetry Contest - The Lady spends her free time at the Opera.
67. Darkwing Duck v Lina Inverse - Calvinball - Epic match. DW quickly declares the "Whoever uses Dragon Slave loses a million points" rule. Lina responds with the "Whoever dies from Dragon Slave just plain loses" corollary...
68. Igor v Lenneth Valkyrie - Chicken - I wanna say that Creation Goddess just barely edges out 5000 Persona options in this case.
69. Jean-Luc Picard v Scrooge McDuck - Tightrope Walking - I'm positive there was at least an episode where Scrooge shows off some amazing balance skills, and it may have in fact been on a tight rope.
70. Ramza Beoulve v White Knight Leo - Killing Everyone - Dude owns a killship.
71. Angry Video Game Nerd v Maria Renard - Being Batman - Batman is awesome, and while Maria was an annoying little girl, at least she eventually grew up and attained a moderate level of awesomeness.
72. Totoro v Fei Fong Wong - Detonating an Asteroid in Space - Though Totoro just might be able to charmingly hug the meteor into going back where it came from.


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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool AB
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2011, 07:59:01 AM »
65. Wario v Dr. Emmitt Brown - Drinking Contest
Gonna go with the fatter person if nothing else.
66. Goku v Aya Brea - Poetry Contest
It's been said.
67. Darkwing Duck v Lina Inverse - Calvinball
Yeah, I'm willing to buy that DD = Calvin, Lina = Hobbes.
68. Igor v Lenneth Valkyrie - Chicken
What can even really threaten death properly for Chicken to work here?  Even if Lenneth "dies" in a dungeon it just kicks you back to the overworld.  Anyway Lenneth at least needs a challenge like "taunt Loki / Amaterasu / Cthulu / etc. while unarmed" for this to really work, and I think that's out of Igor's league to even bother trying to compete.
69. Jean-Luc Picard v Scrooge McDuck - Tightrope Walking
Picard might have some anti-grav stabilizer, but this seems like something Scrooge could do in that video game he was in.
70. Ramza Beoulve v White Knight Leo - Killing Everyone
Leo does have the cool ship but he's way too much of a hero here.  Ramza's got enough of a killer instinct at least.
71. Angry Video Game Nerd v Maria Renard - Being Batman
Maria is probably closer to "Being Robin" but close enough as AVGN is lost here.
72. Totoro v Fei Fong Wong - Detonating an Asteroid in Space
Picard would do this better, but Fei beats everyone else handily.  (I guess Dark Holy Elf is referring to Doc Brown as the only other candidate who could conceivably compete, but it'd be a lot harder for him.)


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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool AB
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2011, 06:54:28 AM »
(I guess Dark Holy Elf is referring to Doc Brown as the only other candidate who could conceivably compete, but it'd be a lot harder for him.)

I thought he was referring to Goku and Lina myself.

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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool AB
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2011, 07:37:40 AM »
I was referring to Lenneth actually, due to some handwavy argument about A ending Lenneth plot power being stupid. I apparently haven't watched far enough in Slayers for Lina to be in that tier, not that it would surprise me if she ended up there. Ditto Goku. Don't see Doc Brown in Fei's league, given that I don't see him building something as good as taking out meteorites as Xenogears already is without any of that effort.

Fortunately none of this actually matters.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool AB
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2011, 02:45:28 AM »
Could Lina blow up an asteroid?  Perhaps.  (Dragon Slave seems to be more "blow up a town" level stuff at best, though.  Splitting an asteroid requires power more along the lines of "blow up a continent".)  However the real trick for Lina is how the heck she's going to get into space (or aim the Dragon Slave from the ground?!).  Doc Brown at least can travel to the future, or rob Libyan NASA, or something.

Lenneth makes my head hurt, because an "asteroid" in the Norse world is something more like "somebody dropped a giant rock in Asgard off the World Tree and it's gonna hit Midgar on the way down."


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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool AB
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2011, 02:58:09 AM »
Dragon Slave isn't strong enough, but that's why there's teh Giga Slave, which by all evidence has no real defined strength and is more "either destroys whatever you hit with it or you lose control and unmake all that is (maybe)".

Goku undoubtedly could destroy an asteroid; keep in mind, this is the series where by the third season of seven characters demonstrably had the power to gut planets so hard they exploded, and the power scale kept getting CRAZIER after that.

Lenneth... who knows!  Sorta moot, she just.... fixes the planet afterwards.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.