Michael McGlen
Location: French Hill Streets
Sanity 1/4
Stamina 6/7
Speed 2 [3] 4 5 (adjusted left 1 space)
Sneak 4 [3] 2 1
Fight [3] 4 5 6
Will [5] 4 3 2 (includes skill bonus)
Lore [1] 2 3 4 (includes skill bonus)
Luck [3] 2 1 Z
Focus 1
Unique Ability: Strong Body - Any Phase: Michael reduces all Stamina losses he suffers by 1, to a minimum of 0.
Inventory: $0, 1 clue
Common Items: Tommy Gun (2h, physical, +6 dice), Brass Knuckles (0h, physical, +1 die)
Unique Items: none
Skills: Will, Lore, Library Use (+1 to number shown on die for Lore checks)
Spells: Iron Wall
Special: nothing
Gate Trophies: Great Hall of Celeano, Great Hall of Celeano
Monster Trophies: Maniac (1 toughness), Chthonian (3 toughness), Basilisk (3 toughness), Fire Vampire (1 toughness), Maniac (1 toughness), Naga (3 toughness), Elder Thing (2 toughness)
Personal Story: Passed, +1 max sanity
Action: First this thing's clawing me from the air, now the pigs are rolling up? Things ain't going my way.
<Captain_K> Moving my speed/sneak to 3/3.
<Captain_K> 3d6 for evade the wraith
* Hatbot --> "Captain_K rolls 3d6 for evade the wraith and gets 8." [3d6=3, 1, 4]
<Captain_K> ffffffffff
<@Soppy-ReturningToInaba> Here we go again
<Captain_K> What does arrested do?
<@Soppy-ReturningToInaba> You lose half your money (rounded down) and are delayed. You miss your next turn moving back into the Police Station
<@Soppy-ReturningToInaba> The next turn, you move as normal.
<Captain_K> I do want to move to the police station, but not take that long to do so...
<Captain_K> Gah, hate spending a clue on this roll though.
<Captain_K> d2 to let Hatebot decide, 1= spend the clue.
* Hatbot --> "Captain_K rolls d2 to let Hatebot decide, 1= spend the clue. and gets 2." [d2=2]
<Captain_K> K, horror check then.
<Captain_K> 3d6 for horror
* Hatbot --> "Captain_K rolls 3d6 for horror and gets 11." [3d6=1, 4, 6]
<Captain_K> I get pinged by Nightmarish, ignore Overwhelming
<Captain_K> Now in combat, I will evade again.
* Hatbot --> "Captain_K rolls 3d6 to run like hell. and gets 8." [3d6=1, 1, 6]
<Captain_K> There we go. Does he get a free hit on me?
<@Soppy-ReturningToInaba> He got one when you failed the first Evade check
<@Soppy-ReturningToInaba> But thats it
<Captain_K> Okay, so -1 sanity, -1 stamina from what I had before. And stuck in the street.
<Captain_K> Might as well roll my will check for arrest.
<Captain_K> 5d6 for can't catch me coppers!
* Hatbot --> "Captain_K rolls 5d6 for can't catch me coppers! and gets 17." [5d6=3, 1, 6, 1, 6]