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OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« on: January 10, 2012, 02:05:25 AM »

The previous music tournaments have been a lot of fun, and have been a way to find new music. These tournaments tend to focus on the quality of each track instead of how the OST works as a unit. The tracks linked are just the two selected by the nommer to best give a feel for the game. Feel free to link other tracks from the game both to argue for and against a game if you wish. Also, bold your votes!

Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure

Cave King's Salsa - I'm not quite sure why I like Cave King's Salsa so much. It's just really catchy and lighthearted. It always makes my toes tap.
Cake or Death - Just a really fun boss battle theme. It has a spooky overtone and a nice blend of guitar and violin. Cave King's salsa. -Cake or death



Okamiden: The Final Boss theme just cause it gives that strong epic feel, and its something you don't expect from a game as playful as this.  This combined with Thundercloud just because its so random and the "music for the sake of music!" fits really will with how the series is "Art for the sake of art." Final boss theme Thundercloud

Persona 4

Reach out to the truth- I thought Jpop as the normal battle track was a good idea, and the song itself is damn good. Persona 4's music tends to be bubbly and bright,  even though the game covers a pretty gruesome subject. Heaven- I love this game's vocal tracks. I picked Heaven over your affection based on a coin flip. Reach out to the truth Heaven


Tales of Legendia
This game could have used a bit more music, but the stuff that's there is great.  Lots of tempting options here. To Deliver the Feelings Advancing Toward 12 o'Clock

Saga Frontier
Last Battle -T260G-: SaGa Frontier has AMAZING boss music, and this is my favorite of the bunch. Nice techno feel to it, fits perfectly for a fight against a genocidal robot. Last Battle -Asellus- was also a thought, as that is also amazing boss music in a totally different style, and fits perfectly for a fight against a french vampire pimp.
The Ancient Ship: To use something you're basically garunteed to hear during the same quest you'd hear the above song in, we have the Ancient Ship. Slow, not a particularly catchy song in it's own right, but sets the feeling of "you are poking around in a strange place best left alone" perfectly. The slow drum beat, the occasional odd metallic sound in the background, the sounds of what might be some kind of creature laughing/making noise/etc, works to set a mysterious tone. Last battle T260G The Ancient ship


Wild ARMs 3
 Naruke's best work, in my opinion. WA3 synth isn't the greatest, but the composition is just good, jaunty fun. There's Only One Family Named Schroedinger and Losing the Inescapable Nightmare for boss greatness. There's only one family named Schrodinger Losing The Inescapable Nightmare, An Unending Reality

Fire Emblem 9

Congregation of Ambition: Path of Radiance does a superb job of building up it's battle themes as the story builds up. The first few stages have more calm background music and the songs build progressively until you have these loud bombastic songs like this one and Crimea Attacks which do a great job of capturing the essence of the war.
Dreaming of Home: This song is hauntingly beautiful and is a good example of Path of Radiance's character themes which are another strong point of the soundtrack. Power Hungry Fool, and Beautiful Princess Elincia are also really good. Congregation of Ambition  Dreaming of home


Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny

Red Lucifer Rising - The final battle theme.  Suitably rocking for an intense final battle.  I also like how it starts out with the game's "main theme".
Corridors of the Sky - While Atelier Iris 2 has some really good battle themes, I feel that the field themes are where it shines.  This one is a very simple track, but is nonetheless beautiful. Read Lucifer Rising Corridors of the Sky
Short version:

Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure vs Okamiden
Persona 4 vs Tales of Legendia
Saga Frontier vs Wild ARMs 3
Fire Emblem 9 vs Atelier Iris 2

Voting closes in one week.
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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2012, 02:12:59 AM »
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure vs Okamiden- Hatsworth's music is a lot of fun. Okamiden's stuff is high quality but doesn't hook me the way cake or death does.
Persona 4 vs Tales of Legendia- Two top notch OST's. Persona 4 has several outstanding tracks (Some of which get a ton of playtime). The only real weakness in the OST is the final battle theme; everything else was just good. ToL is like P4 in that it has good vocal and nonvocal tracks. Gah. Torn, will decide later. EDIT: Going to support my nom.
Saga Frontier vs Wild ARMs 3- Never been a big fan of WA music, and Saga's OST is excellent. Melody of Time, Omwi, and the dungeon themes are all fun.
Fire Emblem 9 vs Atelier Iris 2- FE music was pretty unremarkable to me outside of a couple of tracks (Power hungry fool). The AI2 tracks listed here just kick ass.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 11:58:53 AM by superaielman »
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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2012, 05:15:01 AM »
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure vs Okamiden These are all really close matches. Okamiden impressed me a little more.
Persona 4 vs Tales of Legendia Why does this match happen so early? Persona 4 is more consistent, but when Tales of Legendia is good, it's really good.
Saga Frontier vs Wild ARMs 3 Least close match of the field. WA3 is consistently excellent, SF has some weak tracks mixed in with the awesome ones.
Fire Emblem 9 vs Atelier Iris 2 Good match, but I have to go with my nom, AI2 doesn't do enough to dissuade me from FE9's awesomeness.

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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2012, 05:33:34 AM »
Saga Frontier vs Wild ARMs 3: I quite like Saga's OST, it has some solid battle themes and dungeon themes in particular. WA3's top-tier to me, though, and the two tracks Cid linked are among my personal favourites.

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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2012, 05:53:30 AM »
Okamiden - out of all of the tracks in that battle, Thundercloud is probably the best. I also like the longevity of Okamiden's tracks, but they're a bit more catchy whereas Hatsworth can seem like a mishmash of sounds when you drift off. Cake or Death was coo'.

Tales of Legendia - I don't dig lyrics. Man. I was like some of the instrumentals in P4, but they're too overwhelming.

Saga Frontier - No Talaysen, it's not because I hate WA. I like the Losing track, but SF's Ancient Ship and other tracks just have more going for them. >.>;

Atelier Iris 2 - Red Lucifer Rising @ :37 = awesome turn of events! I did like FE's Congregation track, but I feel like the AE/FE competition is balanced well with a slower track, and a more active track. AI2 balances better.


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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2012, 08:43:14 AM »
Tales of Legendia
Wild ARMs 3
Atelier Iris 2


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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2012, 09:29:34 AM »
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure vs Okamiden
Persona 4 vs Tales of Legendia
Saga Frontier vs Wild ARMs 3
Fire Emblem 9 vs Atelier Iris 2

EDIT1: Despite listening to more Hatsworth tracks, vote is still for Okamiden.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 01:28:59 PM by Fudozukushi »


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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2012, 01:46:35 PM »
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure vs Okamiden - I've never heard of Henry Hatsworth until now, but reading up about it, it sounds entertaining.  And the music is pretty good.  I really like the names of the songs too, as they seem to fit really well.  Both songs for both games fit really well.  Actually closer than I thought it would be.  Since we're voting on how the OST works overall, I really do have to go with Hatsworth - while Okamiden may be higher quality overall, Hatsworth feels more fitting of the game (not that Okamiden's music isn't fitting!  just less so), and feels like it interlinks a bit better.  I mean, the NAME of the game sounds absolutely audacious...then you hear THIS song ( and it just...reinforces that.  It's awesome.  Or hell, this ( boss battle theme...or this one (  My GOD is it all just so FITTING - they express the style of the game in the music perfectly.  I want to be a gentleman now!  Okamiden doesn't give me that feeling when I listen to the other music - it's just...decent and works for the game, but doesn't draw me in as much - it's more background music that's there to support the game, whereas Hatsworth's music feels like it is an integral part of the game's design, and not a secondary purpose.

Persona 4 vs Tales of Legendia - Uh...ok.  So.  Both games are pretty awesome.  I'll disagree with Super (not like that's new) about the final battle theme being a weakness.  I think it's more different than anything, and honestly, strikes me as brilliant.  The theme of the game is "Reach Out to the Truth", and that song is a major motif of a majority of the soundtrack.  Genesis ( is a great song that fully expresses this motif in the final battle beautifully.  It is a bit longer than most people would be used to (seriously, almost 8 minutes before the loop!), especially considering the faster, shorter pieces used in the rest of the soundtrack.  This is what makes it probably overall less preferred than Battle for Everyone's Souls from P3, or The Mist (, which plays for the first half of the final battle in P4.  It's a jarring transition, although, honestly, I love it.  Genesis could stand to be a bit shorter, but it does what it needs to.  Listen to it starting around 5:20 - 5:40, then again at 6:10 - 7:45.  French Horn of AWESOME for the last part, but that is epic and replays the game's motif perfectly.  Now, could the first 5 minutes stand to be compressed?  Absolutely.  But overall, I think it's excellent, and the battle will last long enough you'll hear most of the song anyway >_>. 

Now, off that tangent...the rest of the soundtrack keeps up the "Reach Out to the Truth" motif, and the vocals are...J-Pop, but I've never minded that.  And to be honest, I think it fits well - J-Pop music and vocals for a J-Pop game!  But there's plenty of non-J-Pop stuff - The Almighty (, another great battle theme; Edge of Madness ( is a great "mystery" song that spirals appropriately out of control; Secret Base ( is probably my favourite dungeon theme from the game (although The Game - - and Long Way - - are pretty close); Dream Melody ( is amazing background situation music; and honestly, there's so much more I could post, but I think that's enough examples. 

What ties it all together is the utilization - the music is actually used (unlike, say, Xenosaga) to express emotion and strengthen the impact of scenes in the game.  Nothing is really over-used or under-used - it's balanced very well.  Even the J-Pop.  Really, when a game where J-Pop music and vocals sung in Engrish ("ALL THE HOMO MEN TO LOVE!  WANK AWAY!") are commonplace makes it work with the theme of the game, that's impressive. 

ToL on the other hand has similarly good music that, overall, is of better composition.  ToL itself was an oddball game in the series, but the music was pretty awesome.  I particularly love Sea of Rage (, the final battle theme, and The Man in Red (, a special battle theme (that wasn't in the soundtrack ;_;) for battle themes.  Sea of Rage does a great job of imparting an essence of finality into the final battle (although, then you realize there's another 30 hours of game left with the character quests >_>), and gives off an excellent impression of a raging tide seeking to consume.  The Man in Red is just...imposing.  It really sets the battle with Vaclav up as epic, a major climax of the game.  You only hear it 2 times (once in the main game, once in the character quests), but it's impressive both times.       

It's got some other great songs.  One I'm particularly fond of in an "Oh God my brain" kind of way is Cradle of Time (  Just...listen to it.  It's like Giygas raping 12000 cats at once.  It's...very much mood music in-game.  Character themes are very strong, such as Merry Bandits ( for Moses, and...well, listen to the Bantam Bouncers Theme (  And mood music...well, play the character quests, particularly Chloe's, and listen to some of them.  Rainy Night ( and Fireflies in Shadow ( are excellent, and really convey emotions.  And dungeon themes don't suck either!  Short Circuit ( sounds...uh...exactly as its namesake!  Seriously, listen to it the whole way through - it plays one of the game's musical motifs, with chaotic vocals, start-and-stop themes...seriously, it does the all stuff that normally kills a song all at once and pulls it off.  Pretty awesome.

My only negative point to the ToL soundtrack is that sometimes the vocals don't fit as well as they could.  I sometimes feel like they're just there because they used them once before and wanted to keep the theme going...which is fine at baseline!  But Nihil Concerto ( is a decent example of what I'm trying to say.  I feel like the voices make it a bit worse.  They're confusing...which can work well!  I think they worked fine in Cradle of Time, but as a theme for Schwartze it just...feels a little out of place.  The voices are used as a theme throughout the soundtrack, and they are generally used well, but here they detract a little from the great instrumentation in the background.  It also doesn't help that the loop for theme (like in Nihil Concerto) is short and gives several moments of white space that jarring. one?  Persona 4.  ToL has overall higher quality and instrumentation.  But since we're judging based on how the OST works overall, I don't think it's a huge contest.  P4's OST flows exceptionally well and uses the theme of the game to enhance it.  ToL does well, but some of the songs I feel don't play into the whole theme of the game as well as P4's does.  Damn good match, and could go either way. 

Saga Frontier vs Wild ARMs 3 - A lot easier than the last two.  I honestly don't think this is a contest.  SaGa Frontier has fairly decent music, but the quality, quantity, and utilization of it pales massively against Wild ARMs 3.  The tracks from SaGa Frontier with the best memorability are definitely the battle themes - I remember the most of them fairly well, and remember them fitting nicely.  Some of the town themes (Sunset Town - are excellent.  But I feel like the overall mood music is a lot weaker, and, due to the multiple character paths, sometimes disjointed.  Wild ARMs 3 makes far, far better use of its score, and, of all the games in the series, does the best job of integrating a "western" theme into the entire game presentation.  Pretty respectable, all things considered.  Probably my second favourite soundtrack in the series (for all that it's my...least or 2nd least favourite of the games in the series!), but the one that gets the "broken, western wasteland, loss of hope, John Wayne" atmosphere just right.  Now, if this were a Romancing SaGa game (like Minstrel Song), it would be a lot closer.

Fire Emblem 9 vs Atelier Iris 2 - ...yeah, I really don't feel like a long detailed write-up here.  FE9 is not a paragon of music for the series.  FE10...would fare better, but I don't think any FE game would really trounce AI2 here.  Particularly in quality, but also in utilization - a lot of the FE themes are kind of short and get repetitive quickly due to the nature of the game, or alternatively, you barely hear them (battle themes, particularly).  Just don't see a contest here at all - AI2's superior overall quality helps the overall OST work better - you're expecting more out of it, and it delivers.'s purely there for background for the game, and definitely not a standout thing.  I mean, hell, I don't remember any of the songs posted, or any other ones I looked up. 
« Last Edit: January 11, 2012, 02:00:37 AM by OblivionKnight »
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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2012, 04:11:46 PM »
Huh. Somehow I missed this. No DDS nod nooooo

Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure vs Okamiden: Best fight here IMO. Ultimately I'm not really a fan of the atmosphere Okamiden tries to give, but its OST is well done.
Persona 4 vs Tales of Legendia: Sorry Super, I can't stand those vocal tracks personnally, especially as a normal battle theme. The ToL soundtrack was the only thing redeeming the game.
Saga Frontier vs Wild ARMs 3: I remember being very tired of hearing mostly the same instruments by the end of WA3. This made the Prophets music actually my favourite. I'm not a fan of SaGa Frontier's soundtrack (early PS1 sound quality hurts), but it had a few nice tunes.
Fire Emblem 9 vs Atelier Iris 2: Both feel a bit generic but very nice nonetheless. I'm actually really surprised at the Atelier Iris 2 OST quality, but prefer FE9's style a lot more.


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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2012, 04:14:34 PM »
More Atelier Iris 2 songs if people care:

Go Novice Alchemist! - The theme played in Noir during Viese's events.  It's really fun and lighthearted, suiting the city and Viese well.
Carmine - The boss battle vs. Chaos.  Not sure why they gave a good boss theme to one of the worst bosses of the game.
Seething Fighting Spirit - The second battle theme.  Not sure why I like this so much, honestly.  Probably the instrumentation.
Danger Zone - One of the dungeon themes.  I forget which one exactly.  Kind of a weird track, but very enjoyable.

Will get around to voting later.  Just wanted to get these out of the way.


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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2012, 05:49:12 PM »
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure vs Okamiden - Later, actually need to listen to these.
Persona 4 vs Tales of Legendia - Legendia had some good music, but Persona 4's is more my style. Also the in game use of the music was top notch.
Saga Frontier vs Wild ARMs 3 - It would draw a powerhouse in round 1. Well, I still prefer SaGa's style, and can remember far more individual songs from it then from WA3 where the music was solid as a rule but all did kinda blur together. Fenrir's "all the same instruments" comment is pretty spot on.
Fire Emblem 9 vs Atelier Iris 2 - You know, I've played through FE9 like three times and very rarely did any of the music stick with me as anything other then "non-offensive background music".
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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2012, 05:59:21 PM »
Persona 4 vs Tales of Legendia - I actually really dislike most of Legendia's soundtrack. The Ors Ors Ors song was about the point that even a dedicated Tales fan was like "too much anime". Persona 4, riding on the coattails of other J-Pop-as-Battle-music games like P3 and WEWY, isn't the most unique, but its opening theme and "Heaven" in particular are still on my playlist. I remember just sitting and listening to the Heaven theme for a while when I got to that dungeon.
Saga Frontier vs Wild ARMs 3 - Like SaGa more as a game, but WA3 music is really solid, for all that T260G's Last Battle music makes it really close!
Fire Emblem 9 vs Atelier Iris 2 - Not a fan of FE music at all... except perhaps the recruitment theme from the GBA titles. AI2, on the other hand, is pretty catchy. Thanks for the extra links, Tal!


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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2012, 12:32:19 AM »
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure vs Okamiden
Loves me some Henry Hatsworth. The soundtrack is lighthearted, quirky, and fun to listen to. Okamiden does have a solid soundtrack, but a lot of the tracks sound really similar and I sometimes have a tough time telling them apart.

Persona 4 vs Tales of Legendia
Now this one's close. Both of these soundtracks are exceptional and have some great gems scattered here and there. I'll tentatively side with Persona 4, but I may change my mind upon further rumination. We'll see.

Saga Frontier vs Wild ARMs 3
The best part of Wild Arms 3 is definitely the music. SaGa Frontier has a couple good tracks here and there, but it's not enough to topple what is perhaps the best soundtrack in the WA series. (XF gives it a run for its money, but that's another story for another day).

Fire Emblem 9 vs Atelier Iris 2
As much as I love Path of Radiance, its soundtrack never really grabbed my attention aside from a few memorable tracks here and there ("Life Returns," for example). Atelier Iris 2 has some pretty good music.


Alright, Henry Hatsworth hype. I know it's not the most well-known or well-played game in the world, so I'll do what I can to make sure it has a fair chance in this competition. Here are a couple other noteworthy tracks:

Banson's Aria - There's just something funny about a boss fight where the boss sings opera at you the entire time.
The Butler Did It! - Lighthearted level theme with a bit of an old-timey feel.
Dirty Tricks - Battle theme for when you're fighting the dastardly Weaselby. He's always coming after you with some new mechanical monstrosity (a la Dr. Robotnik), so this theme has a lot of mechanical noises sprinkled here and there to fit the theme.
Heavy Metal - Final boss theme. The guitar can be a bit overbearing at times, but it captures the intensity of the fight pretty well.
Shammerdoodle - Henry Hatsworth has a music track called Shammerdoodle. Your argument is invalid.

Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure vs Okamiden - I've never heard of Henry Hatsworth until now, but reading up about it, it sounds entertaining.  And the music is pretty good.  I really like the names of the songs too, as they seem to fit really well.  Both songs for both games fit really well.  Actually closer than I thought it would be.  Since we're voting on how the OST works overall, I really do have to go with Hatsworth - while Okamiden may be higher quality overall, Hatsworth feels more fitting of the game (not that Okamiden's music isn't fitting!  just less so), and feels like it interlinks a bit better.  I mean, the NAME of the game sounds absolutely audacious...then you hear THIS song ( and it just...reinforces that.  It's awesome.  Or hell, this ( boss battle theme...or this one (  My GOD is it all just so FITTING - they express the style of the game in the music perfectly.  I want to be a gentleman now!

Eeeeexcellent. Good to see that someone is interested in Henry Hatsworth, one of the best games that no one has played. I highly recommend it. You can find it for about $23 new on Amazon.

I'm getting off-topic, so I'll stop now.


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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2012, 02:03:13 AM »
Yeah, definitely something I'll be considering.  I've been really impressed with the DS offerings this past year (Ghost Trick, Radiant Historia, etc.), so I'll look into it. 

Also, we ended up posting some of the same examples (the two boss themes)!  Hooray, good stuff.
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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2012, 03:23:41 AM »
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure vs Okamiden - No vote, don't care.
Persona 4 vs Tales of Legendia - Persona 4's OST has flaws, but it's a fine showing overall. Tales of Legendia doesn't really keep up with that.
Saga Frontier vs Wild ARMs 3 - I thought WA3's OST was generally a big step back from WA1 and 2.  Saga Frontier has a good, experimental OST that's better than a weak rehash of previous efforts.
Fire Emblem 9 vs Atelier Iris 2 - There's only one thing about FE games that I like, and it's not the music.
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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2012, 07:41:16 AM »
Yeah, Henry Hatsworth definitely is one of the best DS games and you should play it OK, but honestly in game you're too busy multitasking and getting killed to notice the music.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2012, 07:50:37 AM by Fenrir »


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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2012, 01:37:30 PM »
I'm getting off-topic, so I'll stop now.

Nah, talking about how the music of the game is drawing people into playing them/make them interested in a game is perfectly fine.
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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2012, 12:11:45 AM »
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure vs Okamiden
Persona 4 vs Tales of Legendia
Saga Frontier vs Wild ARMs 3
Fire Emblem 9 vs Atelier Iris 2


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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2012, 12:47:24 AM »
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure vs Okamiden
Honestly, as fun as Hatsworth's two nommed tracks are (and some others linked), it'd still probably lose to the generally higher production quality of Okamiden's score.  Except...  as noted, Okamiden doesn't really mix up its music much at all, while Hatsworth seems zanier.  Closest match of the set.

Persona 4 vs Tales of Legendia
Persona 4 is solid J-Pop and way better than pretty much all the other SMT games.  (Although...  Heaven is kind of in the bottom half of the soundtrack.)  However, it's up against a personal favorite, so no.

One of the things I like about ToL's soundtrack is that it takes risks.  They often pay off, and they're interesting even when they don't entirely work!  I can see not liking Short Circuit, for example, but I think it's awesome AND it bravely does weird stuff.  There's easily a ton of other tracks that could be nominated, as the whole soundtrack is pretty much great, even some of the sappy stuff.

Saga Frontier vs Wild ARMs 3
Match of underwhelmingness to me, considering that both of these gets top-tier hype from others.  I am pretty much totally unimpressed with Ghost Ship & the T-(numbers) theme.  Asellus's final battle was slightly better, but it's low-tier Castlevania music at best.  WA3...  for all that I'm not on board for super hype, it is solid and has some great pieces, and commits to its theme pretty well.  Inescapable Nightmare is good, as is the Leyline Observatory music (FATE BREAKER I think?).

Fire Emblem 9 vs Atelier Iris 2
Yeah not all that close.  FE9 didn't have bad music, but it wasn't amazingly memorable either.  AI2...  I think I like Tal's 4 extra picks more than the original 2.  The final battle theme does get credit for referencing the main theme of the game, but doesn't really build it into the later parts of the melody, which doesn't rock as much as expected.  But whatever.  I like AI2's soundtrack as a whole anyway.

Overall ranking, ??'s are soundtracks I only listened to a selection of rather than in their entirety:

Tales of Legendia
Persona 4 ~ Atelier Iris 2
Wild Arms 3 ~ Okamiden? ~ Henry Hatsworth?
Fire Emblem 9
Saga Frontier?


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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2012, 08:28:58 PM »
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure vs Okamiden - Just general preference on music styles here
Saga Frontier vs Wild ARMs 3 - Not really a fan of the way the WA3 soundtrack flows, really.
Fire Emblem 9 vs Atelier Iris 2 - Honestly, FE9's music was kind of... bad.


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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2012, 01:41:07 AM »
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure vs Okamiden: Not particularly partial to either.
Persona 4 vs Tales of Legendia: Enemy Attack, the combat themes, Ancient Ship, and good lord those are the best forest themes ever. Consistently high quality and when it is really good it is *really* good.
Saga Frontier vs Wild ARMs 3: WA3 music was good in general and had some great tracks.
Fire Emblem 9 vs Atelier Iris 2: Fire Emblem music never stood out to me at all. By contrast AI2 had some distinctly good pieces.


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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2012, 01:03:01 PM »
This closes on monday. Get your votes in now!
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2012, 01:10:26 AM »
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure vs Okamiden
Persona 4 vs Tales of Legendia
Saga Frontier vs Wild ARMs 3
Fire Emblem 9 vs Atelier Iris 2


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Re: OST vs OST: Round 1, Week 1
« Reply #23 on: January 17, 2012, 02:41:20 AM »
Henry Hatsworth 7, Okamiden 5
Persona4 9, Tales of Legendia 7
Wild ARMs3 10, Saga Frontier 6
Atelier Iris2 14, Fire emblem9 2

Thanks for voting.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...