
Author Topic: SMT Last Bible (GBC)/ Revelations: The Dragon Slayer (PC's only)  (Read 1980 times)


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Hey Look, it's a bare-bones MegaTen game with a standard fantasy JRPG setting! Let's stat topic it!

Last Bible has 3 Human characters and a myriad of generic recruitable Monsters. There are also 4 non-generic Monsters (and 4 more aftergame non-generic Monsters, but I'm not including them for the main topic). Monster stats are entirely static and never change from the moment you recruit them. This includes the non-generics.

Humans all have initial stats and then gain 1 stat point per level thereafter, and must be used in one of the 5 stat categories after that. This gives them all a multitude of possible builds, but since this is a quick duel-centric stat topic, I just chose the ones that best suited their innate skills and equipment options. Only Humans can use equipment, and each Human PC gets a unique ultimate set in the final dungeon, save Kishe's shield, but since El already has a much better unique Shield, I let Kishe have the second-best PhotonShield even though both he and El can use it. If Equipment has any kind of special properties apart from Offense and Defense, it's not really noticeable and the game certainly doesn't make note of it.

Endurance: Affects how much physical damage you take and HP you gain at a level up.
Intelligence: Affects how much magical damage you deal and MP you gain at a level up.
Strength: Affects how much physical damage you deal.
Speed: Evasion rate and turn order. Every entity gets one turn per round and there's very little, if any, randomness.
Luck: Honestly, I'm not entirely sure in this case. I'd assume it affects the chance of ambushing enemies and critical hit rates.


Silent Protagonist and "GAIA Master". Yes, his name is Hebrew for "God"
Level:   60
HP:   568
MP:    138
Endur:   15
Intel:   25
Stren:   36
Speed:   15
Luck:   8

Force Sword 128 Off
Force Mail 127 Def
Force Shld 82 Def
Attack - 164 ST Phys Dmg
Blaze 1 (5 MP) - 40 GT Fire Magic Dmg
Heal 2 (8 MP) - ST 230 Healing
Escape (10 MP) - Escape to the entrance of a Dungeon. Outside of battle only.
Blaze 2 (18 MP) - 180 GT Fire Magic Dmg
Flare 2 (25 MP) - 210 MT Fire Magic Dmg
Spark 2 (25 MP) - 270 MT Thunder Magic Dmg
Impact 2 (7 MP) - 65 MT nontyped Magic Dmg
Force (30 MP) - 350 GT Magic Dmg

Comments: El is primarily a Fighter for most of the game because he starts with too low an MP score to be a good Fire Mage. Later on, his spell list catches up and he can deal out awesome Force (I suspect this is Megidolan in Japanese) damage with ease. He has Heal 2 to help out in a pinch, too! Gamebest equipment means that he's hard to damage and he can deal out the most physical damage in the game. Due to the equipment, I primarily ignored his Endur score since his Armors made up for it. He could sacrifice his Physical or Magical damage to get more Speed, though.

Level:   60
HP:   510
MP:    182
Endur:   13
Intel:   40
Stren:   25
Speed:   13
Luck:   8

Alpha Sword 120 Off
Alpha Mail 108 Def
Photon Shld 68 Def
Attack - 145 ST Phys Dmg
Combine (5 MP) - Fuse 2 Monsters together outside of battle!
Curse 1 (12 MP) - 60% GT Instant Death
Offense Up  (15 MP) - MT Offense +80 Buff (Approximately +80 dmg to physicals)
Recover All (5 MP) - MT Status Recovery
Heal All 2 (28 MP) - MT 320 Healing.
Holy 3 (3 MP x4) - 980 MT Holy Magic Dmg, must charge for 3 turns, during which time can choose to cast a different spell if necessary, but then has to start the charge over again. Activates on the fourth turn.

Comments: Kishe joins the party with elevated scores in Int, Endur, and Str - in that order, at level 9. I continued to follow that pattern to keep him close to his 'intended' role. Early on, he get a decent Instant Death spell and pretty much remains your ID Whore for most of the game. Against bosses, he gets Offense Up and Heal All 2 to play support, and in the endgame, he gets the gamebest damage spell - Holy 3. Holy 3 is a chanting spell, and it takes 4 turns to activate, but it's pretty ridiculous damage when it does. Great for bosses, but he has a decent, buffable physical to fall back on if he doesn't have time for the back-ended damage. He could drop his Strength score if he needs more Speed.

Priestess Chick who talks to Monsters
Level:   60
HP:   470
MP:    154
Endur:   10
Intel:   40
Stren:   22
Speed:   19
Luck:   8

Omega Sword 100 Off
Omega Armor 98 Def
Cannot Equip a Shield
Attack - 122 ST Phys Dmg
Cure Poison (5 MP) - MT Recovery to Poison Status
Heal All 2 (28 MP) - MT 320 Healing
Revive 1 (20 MP) - ST 25% Revival. Only Usable outside of battle. Only works on non-human allies.
Impact 3 (14 MP) - 150 MT nontyped Magic Dmg
Cure Paralysis (7 MP) - MT Recovery to Paralysis Status
Heal 3 (15 MP) - ST 460 Healing
Heal All 3 (50 MP) - MT Full-Healing
Revive 2 (30 MP) - ST 50% Revival. Only Usable outside of battle.

Comments: She's a healer! Uranus comes with elevated scores in Speed, Int, Str, and Endur, and I tried to raise her up proportionally with that, but focused on improving her Int because otherwise, she's really hurting for damage. She has good resources and can full-heal most of the time and hope her Speed means something. She has a comparably-damaging Physical to fall back on if she runs out of resources, too. She wishes she could equip a Shield.


Cerberos and Orthrus's progenitor
Level:   60
HP:   700
MP:    196
Endur:   21
Intel:   21
Stren:   21
Speed:   17
Luck:   15
Attack - 63 ST Phys Dmg
Spark 2 (25 MP) - 250 MT Thunder Magic Dmg
Holy 2 (2 MP x3) - 400 MT Holy Magic Dmg, must charge for 2 turns, during which time can choose to cast a different spell if necessary, but then has to start the charge over again. Activates on the third turn.
Heal 3 (15 MP) - ST 460 Healing.
Heal All 3 (50 MP) - MT Full-Healing.

Comments: Probably the best of the generic Monsters (excluding the aftergame guys). Thunder damage is decent, and Holy 2 is a good backup plan for Healers and the Thunder-immune. The full-healing options just round things out. He's also pretty fast.

Japanese Unicorn-Goat Deity-Thing
Level:   60
HP:   505
MP:    153
Endur:   19
Intel:   19
Stren:   25
Speed:   15
Luck:   13
Attack - 75 ST Phys Dmg
Icy 2 (25 MP) - 280 MT Ice Magic Dmg
Revive 1 (20 MP) - ST 25% Revival. Only Usable outside of battle. Only works on non-human allies.

Comments: Really one-dimensional Ice Mage, though does the most damage of the non-generic Monsters!

Yes, He's a Dragon. The one on the cover art, in fact. Maybe.
Level:   60
HP:   900
MP:    143
Endur:   25
Intel:   19
Stren:   25
Speed:   15
Luck:   13
Attack - 75 ST Phys Dmg
Flare 2 (25 MP) - 170 MT Fire Magic Dmg
Heal All 2 (28 MP)
Curse 2 (26 MP) - 80% GT Instant Death

Comments: Best Endur stat of the non-generic Monsters, so at least he's tanky. Yeah, he's a poor fire mage. Luckily, he's an ID Whore, and an even better one than Kishe! I suspect that "Curse 2" was originally "Mamudoon" in Japanese.

Less Cool than the one from Shadow Hearts
Level:   60
HP:   600
MP:    137
Endur:   17
Intel:   19
Stren:   25
Speed:   15
Luck:   15
Attack - 75 ST Phys Dmg
Heal 3 (15 MP) - ST 460 Healing.
Heal All 3 (50 MP) - MT Full-Healing.
Impact 2 (7 MP) - 55 MT nontyped Magic Dmg

Comments: Wow, Amon sucks. Terrible magical AND physical damage. But at least he heals...


Damage:   202.8
HP:   607.5
MP:    157.5
Endur:   17.1
Intel:   26.1
Stren:   25.5
Speed:   15.5
Luck:   11.4

Damage:   202.8
350 El (Force)
280 Kirin (Icy 2)
250 Solion (Spark 2)
170 Dragon (Flare 2)
150 Uranus (Impact 3)
145 Kishe (Attack)
75 Amon (Attack)   

HP: 607.5
900   Dragon
700   Solion
600   Amon
568   El
510   Kishe
505   Kirin
470   Uranus

MP: 157.5   
196   Solion
182   Kishe
154   Uranus
153   Kirin
143   Dragon
138   El
137   Amon

Endur: 17.1   
25   Dragon
21   Solion
19   Kirin
17   Amon
15   El
13   Kishe
10   Uranus

Intel: 26.1   
40   Kishe
40   Uranus
25   El
21   Solion
19   Kirin
19   Dragon
19   Amon

Stren: 25.5   
36   El
25   Kishe
25   Kirin
25   Dragon
25   Amon
22   Uranus
21   Solion

Speed: 15.5   
19   Uranus
17   Solion
15   El
15   Kirin
15   Dragon
15   Amon
13   Kishe

Luck: 11.4   
15   Solion
15   Amon
13   Kirin
13   Dragon
8   El
8   Kishe
8   Uranus