
Author Topic: Speaking of blatent ripoffs, DL Suikoden!  (Read 1019 times)


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Speaking of blatent ripoffs, DL Suikoden!
« on: July 04, 2012, 02:25:35 AM »
So hey, these are fun.  Especially if we go to crazy steps and plan out what the DL will do with our totally going to happen real-life suikoden castle we'll buy once someone achieves their millionaire status *nod*

Work in progress obviously, not only have I not cast most of what's in this first post, but there's still 72 more stars!

Tenkai (Tir, Riou, Thomas, Lazlo, Freyadour)- The chief star, he who unites disparate groups into a unified goal.

Hard to cast for the DL.  So leaving it alone until more are done.

Tengou (Lepant, Boris, Sasarai, Lino, Raja)- Leader of a major faction, recruiting them is usually a sign the rebellion is gaining legitimacy.

Halbarad.  Not there from the beginning, eventually marked the DL taking on a more professional air.

Tenki (Mathiu, Shu, Caesar, Elenor, Lucretia)- Chief strategist.

This one depends a lot on who the Tenkai star is, so deciding later.

Tenkan (Luc, Luc, Luc, Ted, Zerase)- Uber mage, tablet guardian.

Superaielman.  Stalker, looks ridiculously young, easily mistaken for a lesbian?  yeah.

Tenyu (Humphrey, Humphrey, Dupa, Tal, Craig) A stalwart knight.

Could be anyone.

Tenyu (Kasim, Hauser, Yuber, Izak, Galleon) Plays the lancer to other leading parties.

Dunefar.  Just feels right.

Tenmou (Kwanda, Kiba, Shiba, Axel, Boz)  Leader formerly fighting for an enemy faction.

Uncertain, we might not have any good candidates.

Teni (Pesmerga, Pesmerga, Lucia, Selma, Nakula)- Skilled fighter who joins stupidly late.

Will think further on this one.

Tenei (Gremio, Sierra, Yuiri, Aldo, Lyon)  Companion character, tends to be a victim to a True Rune.

Another that probably depends on the tenkai star.

Tenki (Warren, Teresa, Salome, Schtolteheim, Talgeyl) Political leader.

Good question

Tenfu (Kun To, Nina, Jimba, Chiepoo, Euram) Outspoken, well-meaning character.

MeepleLard.  Yeah.

Tenman (Cleo, (Large Animal), Juan, Paula, Dinn)  Loyal warrior.

Yakumo.  No strong reason, I'm just always surprised he hangs around us.

Tenko (Viktor, Viktor, Joe, Kika, Kyle)  Resident toughest warrior around

I have a few ideas, will see how other stars fill out.

Tensyo (Valeria, Valeria, Hugo, Keneth, Zegai) Out to save their village etc

coming back to this

Tenritsu (Griffith, Fitcher, Bazba, Ramada, Isato) Guy you keep expecting to stab you in the back


Tensyo (Clive, Clive, Yun, Travis, Haswar) No strong pattern


Tenan (Flik, Flik, Edge, Snowe, Belcoot) Guy trying way too hard to be cool/in charge

Veryslightlymad.  I almost hate to use him so early, but... dude.

Tenyu (Camille, Tsai, Yumi, Rachel, Norma)  Token competent woman, except there's lots of those.

No idea.

Tenku (Kreutz, Jess, Fubar, Helga, Ax)  Someone's pet.

Meeple's Dogs, obviously.

Tensoku (Stallion, Stallion, Nash, Cedric, Cathari)  Fast as shit.

Tide.  Hey, no one ELSE is a dedicated speed runner around here.

Teni (Kage, Georg, Aila, Keen, Georg) Foreign warrior

There's some possibilities here.

Tensatu (Fu Su Lu, Hanna, Hallec, Gau, Ernst) Berserker-type fighter.

Sage Acrin.  It just makes sense to me.

Tenbi (Kirkis, Killey, Chris, Gretchen, Killey) Killey fucks this all up.


Tenkyu (Milich, Anita, Estella, Konrad, Shula) Vain Warrior.

A couple people come to mind, except I'm sure there's better stars for them

Tentai (Pahn, (Large Animal), Cecile, Jewel, Shoon) Dedicated servant.

Trance Hime.  Maybe there's better fits for Trancey, but...

Tenjyu (Sonya, Nanami, Geddoe, Katarina, Bernadette)  Always plot-important, but otherwise no strong pattern.


Tenken (Anji, Rina, Melville, Lo Seng, Volga) - Head of a trio with other stars.

That's... not a good pattern for these purposes.

Tenhei (Tai Ho, Tai Ho, Ace, Shiramine, Lance) Irresponsible member of a pair.

Well, there's a few folks that fit that...

Tenzai (Kanak, Eilie, Alanis, Lo Fong, Wasil) Part of that trio


Tenson (Yam Koo, Yam Koo, Queen, Ugetsu, Flail) Responsible one in pair


Tenpai (Leonardo, Bolgan, Elliot, Lo Hak, Orok)  Trio


Tenrou (Hix, Hix, Franz, Rakgi, Yoran) Male member of Official Couple

Well, depends what official couple we want...

Tensui (Tengaar, Tengaar, Iku, Rikie, Nick) Girl of Official Couple

Hey, at least there's a trend of Tsundere here... or doing the exact opposite.

Tenbou (Varkas, Freed, Scott, Jango, Wilhelm) Boring lieutenant guy


Tenkoku (Sydonia, Yoshino, Ernie, Brec, Mueller) Subordinate to above

Yeah I dunno.

Tenkou (Eileen, Chaco, Dios, Flare, Toma) Supports the Tengou star.

Laggy.  I suppose we could do Laggy up above and trancey here, but eh.

CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.