
Author Topic: X-Suikoden  (Read 2956 times)


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« on: June 13, 2012, 08:10:13 PM »
So in a conversation at the Con with Meeple and Scar, I mentioned how Cyclops is followed by Magneto because Cyclops is the guy who actually united the mutants. Scar then declared that Cyclops was the Tenkai star and... uh... things "blossomed" from there. I present to you the beginning of X-Suikoden, using information from various sources and my own experience.

1)Tenkai ~ Cyclops (Duh. Cyclops is the person who united the mutants. Whole point of this exercise.)
2)Tengou ~ Namor (A strong general who offers the support of something that wouldn't be there without them.)
3)Tenki ~ Xavier (This is difficult, because Cyclops is also the chief strategist, usually. And there's little, if anyone, on the X-men he'd defer to a plan over his own. I think, however, that this makes about as much sense as anything. If only for role-reversal, but also because the minds of the strategists tend to be leaps and bounds ahead of what anyone else can come up with, and Xavier's telepathy is essentially cheating.
4)Tenkai ~ Emma Frost (This is the person who guards the tablet. Emma Frost is the chief operator of Cerebro these days---Cerebro may as well be this universe's tablet of the Stars)
5)Tenyu ~ (Sword Guy. Quiet)
6)Tenyu (two tenyus? damn it, Suikoden) ~ (Very seasoned fighter)
7)Tenmou~ (Claims to be strong village leader. Seems to just be strong fighters in their community)
8)Teni ~ (Seems to be a hunter star, but Lucia and Selma feel off.)
9)Tenei ~ Warlock (With exception of Sierra, seems to be someone that never leaves someone else's side. Warlock -> Cypher is the closest I can come up with offhand.)
10)Tenki  (again?!) ~ (Town Mayor?)
11)Tenfu ~ Archangel (Star of Wealth)
12)Tenman ~ (Levelheaded? Relaxed? I need to play more Suikoden games. No real theme here.)
13)Tenko ~ Wolverine (This is Viktor's star. I could stick Wolverine a lot of places, but I went here.)
14)Tensyo ~ (No discernible theme)
15)Tenritsu ~ (Seems to be a right-hand-man to someone else)
16)Tensyo ~ Blindfold (Clive, two oracles, and a hermit. I went with "Oracle")
17)Tenan ~ (A brash young male fighter. There should be several of these)
18)Tenyu ~ Random (Two debt collectors. Random is a bounty hunter)
19)Tenku ~ (No discernible theme. Two animals, I guess?)
20)Tensoku ~ Northstar (This is the godspeed rune user.)
21)Teni ~ (A veteran with a mysterious past? And Aila)
22)Tensatsu ~ Primal (A beastly fighter. Teon is... he's that, definitely)
23)Tenbi ~ (Seems to not have a strong pattern, but searching for something perhaps impossible to reach? I might be able to work with that.)
24)Tenkyu ~ Dazzler (The fabulous star, but not the narcissist star)
25)Tentai ~ (No discernible pattern)
26)Tenjyu ~ Loa (Second in command of Navies, but also Nanami and Geddoe. Loa has an amulet that lets her breathe underwater and seems to be recruited by various heroes (Not just the X-men) for fighting underwater stuff.)
27)Tenken ~ A Stepford Cuckoo (This star is always part of a Trio. I'll arbitrarily assign the actual cuckoos to stars, but really, eh. For now it doesn't matter)

I intend to do this in bursts of 27 before filling in the gaps, but if anyone has a comment on one of these 27, I'd like to hear it.


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Re: X-Suikoden
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2012, 08:29:03 PM »
This is fun and looking forward to seeing later updates!

If you actually finish this, perhaps this would be a fun thing to put on the actual RPGDL site, just because its a fun mental exercise.
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Re: X-Suikoden
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2012, 11:14:45 PM »
This should be fun.

Here's some extra info on those stars you haven't found a match for.

5)Tenyu ~ Star of Bravery - Tanks for the most part...Collosus?
6)Tenyu ~ Star of Heroic Ferocity - Beast perhaps?
7)Tenmou~ Star of Swift Courage
8)Teni ~ Star of Majesty
10)Tenki ~ Lofty Star
12)Tenman ~ Star of Abundance - Rogue?
14)Tensyo ~ Wounded Star
15)Tenritsu ~ Star of the Standing Spear
17)Tenan ~ Dark Star - Havok fits the mold me thinks.
19)Tenku ~ Empty Star
21)Teni ~ Strange Star - Deadpool for sure, if you want to branch out that far...
23)Tenbi ~ Lowly Star
25)Tentai ~ Retreating Star

At least, those are my two cents.
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Re: X-Suikoden
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2012, 12:56:40 AM »
Yeah, names of the stars are something I'm definitely going to consider. I'm gonna hold off if the characters actually thematically fit later stars that I can think of, but those are definitely suggestions I'm looking at. I also was tempted to make Tenan ~ Dark Star... uh... Darkstar. But I'm pretty sure she's either dead, in Russia, or both.

I -ALSO- thought about applying Colossus to the same star you did, but I thought I'd hold off on assigning him anywhere in particular because I didn't know if anything better would come up the next few times I did this. Glad to see someone thought the same thing.


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Re: X-Suikoden
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2012, 08:59:07 PM »
28)Tenhai  ~ Cannonball (This seems to always be a duo of sorts. Cannonball and Iceman are bros.)
29)Tenzai  ~ Another Stepford Cuckoo
30)Tenson ~ Iceman (Is bros with Cannonball.)
31)Tenpai ~ The other Cuckoo.
32)Tenrou~Havok (Part of a boy/girl pair of some kind.)
33)Tensui~Polaris ( The other half of the boy/girl pair)
34)Tenbou~Mimic (Bros w/35)
35)Tenkoku~Omega (Bros w/34)
36)Tenkou~(Really no theme here. Two of the characters are young leaders of their communities though. I might run with that.)
37)Chikai~Marvel Girl/Phoenix/The Hound/Rachel Grey/Summers (Secondary strategist, usually. Since I went with "Telepath" for strategist, I gave this to Rachel.)
38)Chisatsu~(Seems to be the quiet warrior-like type from another land. I'll stuff someone here. Am leaning toward Indra)
39)Chiyu~(Always some kind of merchant or craftsman.)
40)Chiketsu~Mystique(This is Jeane's star. I really wanted to give this to Emma Frost, given how the two mimic each other in how much clothes they slowly lose over time, but I think Emma makes most sense as the tablet character. Also, I briefly considered Dust just for going the EXACT OPPOSITE direction. Anyhow, as this seems to be a character very little is known about and who never seems to age and has some large quantity of secrets, I ultimately went in the direction I did.)
41)Chiyu~(Seems to be a martial artist. We'll see who is left over.)
42)Chii~(This is the Maximillian Leader star. I'm tempted to throw a few different things here)
43)Chiei~(And their squire, too.)
44)Chiki~Rictor(Yaoi Star. This is the levelheaded half.)
45)Chimou~Shatterstar(Yaoi Star. This is the ferocious half)
46)Chibun~(This has two dwarfs and some artisans and a servant. Uh... I'll think of something later. Leaning Toad)
47)Chisei~(This is your appraiser)
48)Chikatsu~(Lorelai's star. Seems to be someone searching for something)
49)Chitou~Storm(Castle Gardener.)
50)Chikyou~(Doesn't have much of a pattern. Dragons and pirates and beavers)
51)Chian~(Also seems to have no pattern)
52)Chiziku~Dr. Nemesis(Star of tough old bastards. Also the Axis star. Nemesis briefly worked with the Nazis before becoming a Nazi hunter.)
53)Chikai~(Seems to be a narcissist star, but also Gau and some lottery guy. O_o)
54)Chisa~Siryn(Sound settings. Might change this to Rhapsody)


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Re: X-Suikoden
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2012, 03:34:20 AM »
Soo i am thinking we should hack Suikoden and put all this in there.
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Re: X-Suikoden
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2012, 02:10:38 AM »
Oh, that could be a fun fanhack or RPGMaker game. I nominate someone else to do it. I can be a... uh... consultant.

55)Chiyu~ (This tends to be your armorer.)
56)Chirei~Dr. Cecilia Reyes (This is your primary Doctor)
57)Chijyu~Amelia Voght (Secondary Doctor. Voght is a nurse. And also the coolest member of the Acolytes. IMO)
58)Chibi~(Futch and two guys nothing like Futch. Don't ask me.)
59)Chikyu~Moonstar(Competent female warrior.)
60)Chibaku~(Good luck finding a theme for this star)
61)Chizen~Magik(This is the star of a very strong mage)
62)Chikou~"Nightcrawler"(This star is a ninja. The real Nightcrawler is currently deceased. This is the AoA version that for some reason is a member of X-force. I'm pretty sure he's a ninja, as AoA Nightcrawler has the Mark of the Crimson Dawn on his eye.)
63)Chikyou~Psylocke (This star is a female ninja)
64)Chihi~Avalanche (This is your innkeeper/bartender. Avalanche runs a bar.)
65)Chisou~Box(This is the person who invents the elevator)
66)Chikou~(Scrolls, maps... parchment heavy? Weird. We'll see.)
67)Chimei~(The tablet of stars calls this one simply "Horny." Which is fantastic.)
68)Chisin~(Bros/partners with 69)
69)Chitai~(Usually bros/partners with 68. Actually, these seem to be boy/girl or person/pet or the like...)
70)Chiman~Beast(Builds your boats. I can't believe this is actually a thing. I made this Beast just to get done with the X-club, even though Beast is no longer a member.)
71)Chisui~Dr. Kavita Rao(Castle Librarian. Finishing up the nerds, because fuck it, man. I'm tired.)
72)Chisyu~(No real pattern. Has two people with an "odd" view on magic. Might stick Pixie here or something. I dunno.)
73)Chiin~Lorelei Travis (Castle dancer. I believe Ms. Travis was a stripper.)
74)Chii~Dragoness(Dragon Knight in the first 3 games. Then two pretty girls. So how about a pretty girl who is a dragon?)
75)Chiiri~(Window maker. God damn it, Suikoden. How is this a thing?!)
76)Chisyun~(Tricksters, their inventions, or a trickster apprentice. Whatever. Toad works here too. Why am I having trouble placing TOAD, of all people?!)
77)Chiraku~Rhapsody(Castle singer. OK. THIS is why I placed Siryn up there. So I could use Rhapsody here. Although Dazzler works too, I'd rather use her where I did.)
78)Chitatsu~Cable (This is Viki's star. Cable works hilariously well here. Who ELSE can teleport through both time AND Space? Yep. Cable is the X-men's Viki. Deal with it.)
79)Chisoku~X-man(No real theme.It IS alt-Viki's star, so X-man is here as Cable is Viki. My logic is perfect)
80)Chichin~M(Narcissist star)
81)Chikei~(Female trickster. Tempted to make this either Pixie or Layla Miller. Feel like I'm missing someone obvious)


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Re: X-Suikoden
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2012, 12:52:15 AM »
Good deal, and yeah someone to keep all the characters organized outside of a spreadsheet would be nice lol, i don't know much about suikoden so, i'd probably handle all the art and ability hacks, need to find someone capable of tooling with the rest. ALTERNATIVELY yeah RPG MAKER would be a fun place to do it and just do it straight X style...but kinda want to keep the X-Suikoden theme heh.
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Re: X-Suikoden
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2012, 01:34:48 AM »
If RPG Maker X-Suikoden gets made, does that mean Cyclops suddenly becomes a spontaneous Silent Protagonist <.<?
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Re: X-Suikoden
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2012, 03:56:28 AM »
Thomas says that's not necessary.

*recalls Cyclops' personality*

Still worth considering, though.

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Re: X-Suikoden
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2012, 07:40:33 AM »
what cyclops personality - wait
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
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Re: X-Suikoden
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2012, 10:26:28 PM »
82)Chima~Lockheed(Adorable animal mascot)
83)Chiyou~Trish Tilby(Castle Reporter)
84)Chiyu~Multiple Man (Castle Detective)
85)Chifuku~(This is Apple and the other apprentice strategist star. So by earlier logic should be a telepathic student.)
86)Chihi~(Martial arts trainers, a hypochondriac, and a turtle.)
87)Chiku~Shadowcat (A young girl with a prominent pet. Ergo, Kitty)
88)Chiko~(Castle Blacksmith.)
89)Chizen~(Castle Gossip. Usually an old bat.)
90)Chitan~Cloak (Usually part of a nonhuman duo, although there've been human duos too. Cloak and Dagger are not mutants.)
91)Chikaku~Dagger (See above)
92)Chisyu~(Kids. Usually cook kids.)
94)Chihei~(The fuck? No pattern here, friends.)
95)Chison~Danger(Castle Storage keeper. Prison is like storage, right?)
96)Chido~Glob Herman(Listed as Creepy/ugly. Once again, I'm tempted to use Toad--wait, no, Glob Herman.)
97)Chisatsu~(No real pattern. Tempted to make it Outlaw, just because she looks like Kathy)
98)Chiaku~Frenzy (Woman that beats the fuck out of things with her hands)
99)Chisyu~Domino (Gambler)
100)Chisu~(No real pattern)
101)Chiin~Rogue(Tends to be a maternal inkeeper type. Rogue is very, very good with the younger students. In fact, this side of her is the most interesting she's been in her entire creative existence.)
102)Chikei~(Don't ask me about a pattern here)
103)Chisou~(Always female. Has several domestic types)
104)Chiretsu~(Bathmaker. I think every non-storm water mutant got depowered on M-Day. Lame as HELL, yo.)
105)Chiken~(Nooooo pattern.)
106)Chimou~(Usually a mapmaker)
107)Chizoku~Gambit (A thief)
108)Chikou~(Runs a shop)

Where do I go from here? Well, for starters, most of it is going to be filling in the blanks. Things where I said I was leaning one way, I'll almost certainly go in the direction I was leaning. After that, I'll look at things like star names, and so forth, trying to whittle down what there is.

Scar and I had the same idea about Colossus, and after failing to put Colossus anywhere else in 108 stars, I'm pretty sure we're not going to find a better place, so that may as well be locked in. Uh.... Toad is going to be tricky, because, somehow, I have three good spots for Toad that are less good spots for other characters. What the christ?

Although, I just remembered Glob Herman, who clearly has to be the creepy/ugly guy. So I'll change that right now on this post, but when I originally posted it, that was a "Maybe Toad?" post, the third or fourth of its kind.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 10:29:59 PM by Veryslightlymad »


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Re: X-Suikoden
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2012, 02:51:01 AM »
I see a lot of...."Space" mutants missing grom this list, though granted they aren't specifically x-men, but I think including villains and minor characters(that happened to be very popular anyway!). I'd say ignore M-Day in the context of this game since so few mutants remain anyway, i miss the lesser characters 108 characters is a big order to fill!
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Re: X-Suikoden
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2012, 06:03:51 PM »
I'd argue M-Day actually works as a trigger point FOR this game.  With so few Mutants left, Cyclops sets out to find the few that remain and unite them.

Though, when some "Technically not natural mutants" get factored in like Deadpool, that does muck with this, but whatever, fudging can be done!
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Re: X-Suikoden
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2012, 09:34:11 AM »
Meeple just wants this to be Tierkreis.
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Re: X-Suikoden
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2012, 08:25:02 AM »
I'd argue M-Day actually works as a trigger point FOR this game.  With so few Mutants left, Cyclops sets out to find the few that remain and unite them.

Though, when some "Technically not natural mutants" get factored in like Deadpool, that does muck with this, but whatever, fudging can be done!

That sounds GENIUS actually.
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