
Author Topic: Disquiet (Working Title) - Episode 1 Concepting  (Read 3708 times)


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Disquiet (Working Title) - Episode 1 Concepting
« on: June 24, 2012, 10:58:38 PM »
All of this info is being ported to: for better organization

Basic Plot Arc
-Start of the story to leaving the Throne of the First with the journal and knowledge of the seal.

Episode Objectives
-Introduce Noemi, Kasia, Erastus, Bart, Mirek, Eirwen
-Establish basic character dynamics
-Introduce world and major concepts (Dissonance, Disquiet, Betrayal, History/Religion) and their effects
-Introduce Noemi's goal and her current means of achieving it
-Vaguely introduce the (presumed) antagonists
-Set-up the rest of the episodes!

Expected Level Range
-1-12 (capping at 15)


-Empress (Name her already, stupid Andrew)
-Millicent Argall

-World Map (Only the east is really necessary at this point)
--Map Size: Large

-Disquieted Dumping Grounds (Newbie Dungeon)
--Map Size: Small
--Sprites Required: None
--Sub Maps: None

-Slummy Port City (Get name, stupid)
--Map Size: Small
--Style: Small port town, crummy, decrepit
--Sprites Required: Townsfolk, Bartol's Crewmen, Imperial Agents
--Sub Maps: (Shops/Buildings), Warehouse (Dungeon 2)
---Warehouse (Dungeon 2)
----Map Size: Small
----Style: Warehouse converted to stronghold
----Sprites Required: Thugs. Thug Leaders
----Sub Maps: None

--Map Size: Large
--Style: Grand crowded capital city of the world. Direct port.
--Sprites Required: Townsfolk, The Empress, The Council
--Sub Maps: (Shops/Buildings), Sebrle City House, The Imperial Palace
---Sebrle City House
----Map Size: Small
----Style: Noble "Summer" Home
----Sprites Required: None
----Sub Maps: None
---The Palace
----Map Size: Medium (should only need a small segment for this episode)
----Style: Imperial Palace, yo
----Sprites Required: The Empress, The Council, Imperial Guards
----Sub Maps: None

-Sebrle Plantation (Dungeon 3)
--Map Size: Medium
--Style: Grand crowded capital city of the world. Direct port.
--Sprites Required: Townsfolk, The Empress, The Council
--Sub Maps: Sebrle Plantation House, Worker Bunks
---Sebrle Plantation House
----Map Size: Small
----Style: Run down, disquieted home
----Sprites Required: Phantoms/Wisps(?)
---Worker Bunks
----Map Size: Small
----Style: Run down barracks
----Sprites Required: None

-Need An Additional Location Here
--Map Size:
--Sprites Required:
--Sub Maps:

-Point of No Return Island
--Map Size:
--Sprites Required:
--Sub Maps:

-The Lost Sea (Dungeon 5)
--Map Size: Small
--Style: Reefy ruined ocean... on a boat!
--Sprites Required: None
--Sub Maps: None

-Throne of the First (Dungeons 6-8)
--Map Size: Large
--Style: Varying; Disquieted forest/valley/mountain, ruins
--Sprites Required: Black Noise monster, possibly
--Sub Maps: None, but is broken itself into a couple of maps.

-Toten + Interiors
-Desert of Red Glass


Newbie Dungeon (Disquieted Dumping Ground) (Party: Noemi, Kasia; Level: 1, End Level: 3; Equipment: Starting)
--1-2 Random Enemies (TBD)
--Corpulent (Boss)

-Second Dungeon (Thug Stronghold/Warehouse) (Party: Noemi, Kasia, Erastus; Level: 3, End Level: 5; Equipment: Starting)
--2-3 Random Enemies (TBD)
--Thug and Cohorts (Boss)

-Would-Be-Assassin and Cohorts (Boss) (Party: Mirek, Eirwen; Level: 4, End Level: 5; Equipment: Starting)

-Third Dungeon (Sebrle Plantation and House) (Party: Noemi, Kasia, Erastus, Mirek, Eirwen; Level: 5, End Level 9; Equipment: Tier 2)
--3-4 Random Enemies (TBD)
--Legion (Survival Boss)
--Legion (Legitimate Form)

-Fourth Dungeon (The Lost Sea) (Party: Noemi, Kasia, Erastus, Mirek, Eirwen; +Bartol against Boss)
--2-3 Random Enemies (TBD)
--Disquieted Crab (Boss)

-Final Dungeon (The Throne of the First: Day 1), multiple encounters (Noemi, Kasia, Erastus, Mirek, Eirwen)

-Final Dungeon (The Throne of the First: Day 2), multiple encounters (Noemi, Kasia, Erastus, Mirek, Eirwen)

-Final Dungeon (The Throne of the First: The Final Day), multiple encounters (Noemi, Kasia, Erastus, Mirek, Eirwen)
« Last Edit: September 10, 2012, 07:25:19 PM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Episode 1 Concepting
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2012, 05:49:51 AM »
Opens with Noemi/Kasia/Erastus at a Disquieted testing ground near the Academy. Erastus is testing Noemi's capabilities and willingness before doing whatever it is that she has requested. This can be left vague for now.
-Noemi is confident, but Kasia is uncomfortable, leading to brief talk about the Disquiet as they enter.
[Newbie Dungeon (Mildly Disquieted forest). Party: Noemi/Kasia, Expected Level: 1-2, Expected Equipment: Starting]
[Tutorial Battle, Party: Noemi/Kasia, Expected Level: 1]
-As they delve deeper into the dungeon, Erastus is impressed. Noemi is quite confident in her abilities, but a surprisingly powerful abomination forces her to reassess.
[Boss Battle: Tutorial Boss, Party: Noemi/Kasia, Expected Level: 2]
-Erastus is impressed, but expresses his opinion that they need help if they want to have any chance with the Disquiet. Noemi agrees. Erastus suggests that he has a lead on a possible ship captain to help them (Bartol, an old friend that tends to use a nearby shanty town as his main hangout) and, once they've convinced him to help, meet with Erastus' nephew, Mirek, in the capital. As a Guardian, his help would be indispensible. Noemi agrees once more.
[Erastus joins the party]

The party arrives in the town of AAAAA. This small town was once a prosperous port city; although not large, it saw a great deal of traffic. However, the encroaching Disquiet in the north, as well as the failed plantation to the south has isolated the port and left it of little vow. The people who still live here are either those with nowhere else to go or those who want to live out from under the active eye of the Empire.
-Kasia is disgusted by the conditions of the city. Noemi agrees and points out that this is the reason the Disquiet must be eliminated.
-At the dock, the party is introduced to Bartol Broz, a self-proclaimed trader in rare and exotic goods. Noemi sees through it and calls him out as a smuggler and possible pirate. Bartol is amused and entertains the meeting.
-He thinks the plan is gloriously ludicrous. Just not something he's well in a spot to handle. He considers this city a sort of home to him, unfortunately, a gang of thugs has taken over since he left. The Empire has sent a paltry couple of men to investigate the claim, and they can't well do anything. So...
-Noemi determines that the only way to handle this is obvious. Capture the thugs and turn them over to the Imperial Agents. Then Bartol would have nothing holding him back.
[Free Roaming in the City, hereafter referred to as FRC]
[Dungeon: Thug Stronghold (Warehouse near the docks). Party: Noemi/Kasia/Erastus, Expected Level: 3-4, Expected Equipment: Tier 1 equipment]
-After making their way through a couple guards, they meet with the thug leader. Erastus introduces himself to attempt to cow the man, but, surprisingly, he brushes it off, believing Erastus to be nothing more than a washed up old man.
[Boss Fight: Thug Leader and Cohorts, Party: Noemi/Kasia/Erastus, Expected Level: 4]
-Erastus makes to end the man but allows himself to be stopped by Noemi, citing that he was just playing and admits that he is getting too old to be doing this.
-The men are delivered to the authorities.
-Noemi returns to Bartol, presenting what they've done. The man is dumbfounded. He hadn't thought they were serious and certainly hadn't expected them to take him seriously! Nevertheless, credit is due where credit is due and he could use a grand adventure (it has been a bit boring since the Betrayal) anyway!
-Upon returning to their room for the night, the group reminisces about the old days (~2 years ago) as they prepare to meet with Mirek. Erastus talks a bit about what happened to the Sebrle family during the Betrayal and reminisces (comically, perhaps some fake flashbacks with player choices and interjections of "That... didn't happen..." from the peanut gallery?)
-The next day the party departs for the capital!

Arriving in the capital, the party is somewhat surprised to see the large number of people in the streets. It appears that some sort of something or another is going on. Regardless, the party should make it to the central district of the city to visit the Sebrle's house in the capital.
[FRC; Exploring reveals people talking of problems with the Empress at this time, the current effects of the Betrayal, the state of the world, etc.]
-Arriving at the Sebrle Estate in the city, Erastus is nervous and reveals he hasn't seen his nephew in quite some time.
-The group is greeted by Eirwen, the only remaining household servant. Despite her position, none of the three appear to really remember her. She takes them inside, stating that Master Mirek has just stepped out for a short time.
-He returns and is shocked to see all of them. The group posits their plan to Mirek. He listens and then rudely rejects them. This leads to words between him and Noemi. He tells Eirwen to make sure whatever they want is taken care of and departs angrily. Eirwen apologizes to all of them. They decide to go stay at an inn in town for the night to reevaluate their plan.

[Party: Mirek]
Wandering through the city, Mirek's anger is burning off, leaving him a bit ashamed and embarassed. He decides to go visit the monument to those slain in the Betrayal to try and clear his head.
[FRC; Mirek receives different responses from people on the way, much colder]
-Mirek is found by Eirwen. The two talk about his behavior. Eirwen believes he should help and that she wants to as well. Unfortunately, conversations are interrupted by some brutes who have a grudge against Guardians.
[Boss Fight: Would-Be-Killer and Cohorts; Mirek/Eirwen; Level: 4]
-The lot of them are defeated, but continue to press their suit. Mirek is almost forced to deliver a deathblow, but ends up being interrupted by the city guard who, unshockingly, take offense. Everyone is arrested.

[Party: Noemi/Kasia/Erastus]
The group, talking in the morning at their inn, are interrupted by a messenger from the council who requests their presence.
-The party is brought before the council and introduced to its primary members.
-Given the incident last night, as well as the added pressure from the discontent in the city, it is suggested that it might indeed be best for Mirek to have work to do somewhere else, away from the capital. The only other option is protective custody. Mirek takes the choice that annoys him least.
-Erastus gains permission to head to the old Sebrle plantation to ostensibly retrieve some lost possessions.
-Eirwen insists on joining them and proves that she could be useful, despite Mirek's protests.
[Party: +Mirek/Eirwen]
-The group opts to head to the Sebrle plantation.
[FRC until they head to the dock and depart]

The party arrives at the Sebrle Plantation and are amazed at how bad it is. The pressure around them is palpable, until Mirek uses his abilities. Noemi fully understands why the Guardians are useful, even on short excursions.
[Dungeon: Sebrle Plantation/House. Party: Noemi/Kasia/Erastus/Mirek/Eirwen, Expected Level: 4-7, Expected Equipment: Tier 2]
-As the group explores the House, Mirek and Erastus both appear to start having difficulties and the Disquiet responds appropriately to their stress, drawing more and more creatures to their location, including phantoms and wisps.
-Despite his own experience, Mirek and Erastus pulled away by wisps, leaving the rest of the party in dire straits.
-[Party: Noemi/Kasia/Eirwen, Expected Level 5]
-Eirwen is relatively sure she knows where the two of them are going. Despite the danger, the three of them are willing to hunt them down.
-Erastus is found at the back entrance, digging in rubble. The party briefly witnesses the phantoms of his family that manifested. He finds what he was looking for, an item that belonged to his son. He apologizes, admitting that the Disquiet got to him and caused him to do that.
-[Party: +Erastus]
-Out in the plantation fields proper, near the former worker housing, they find Mirek facing a phantom. His untimely end at its hands are prevented by Eirwen, however he is in no apparent condition to fight. Eirwen attempts to tend to him while the remaining PCs fight.
-[Boss: Legion, Objective: Survive for X rounds, Party: Noemi, Kasia, Erastus. Expected Level: 7, Expected Equipment: Tier 2 + drops]
-The creature proves to be too powerful, drawing on the anger and anguish in the area. The party is on itss last legs, but Eirwen appeals to Mirek and gets him back to the fight, weakening the abomination.
-[Boss: Legion. Party: Noemi, Kasia, Erastus, Mirek, Eirwen. Expected Level: 7. Expected Equipment: Tier 2 + Drops]
-With the abomination defeated, the pressure around them is temporarily lessened, providing the party the opportunity to breathe. Apologies and reconciliation are had and the party is more confident about their abilities to manage the Throne.

(Insert extra scenario here. Party likely stops at another town and gets involved in a terrorist attack, a group claiming to be in support of the Guardians, but not actually them)

The party, confident in their abilities, departs for the Throne. There is a brief opportunity for the party to rest at a scavenger town set up at the fringes of the ocean around the Throne. There will be option conversations available at well as...
-Once they finish preparations, they can head to the island!

[Dungeon: Disquieted Waters. Party: Noemi/Kasia/Erastus/Mirek/Eirwen, Expected Level: 7-8, Expected Equipment: Some Tier 3 equipment]
Things are far worse than even Noemi had anticipated and read, with even the waters quite far out being highly Disquieted. The wrecked land near the island is worse, creating an incredibly difficult to navigate "reef." Nevertheless, with Bartol's expertise, the party is able to progress.
-Unfortunately, a giant enemy crab (TM) makes things extra hard.
-[Boss: Giant Enemy Crab; Party: Noemi/Kasia/Erastus/Mirek/Eirwen/Bartol, Expected Level: 8, Expected Equipment: Some Tier 3]
-Defeating the crab with Bartol's help, they are finally able to make landfall.

[Dungeon: The Throne of the First, Day 1. Party: Noemi/Kasia/Erastus/Mirek/Eirwen, Expected Level: 8-10. Expected Equipment: Some Tier 3]
The plan is relatively simple: the part will systematically work their way inland (very carefully), allowing Noemi to work on her notes at several locations. Unfortunately, the island is as dangerous as advertised and the party is hard pressed to achieve what Noemi wants.
-Despite the numerous dangers, they manage to take samples at the locations that Noemi desires. However, a dangerous creature that the group dubs the Black Noise attacks.
-[Boss: Black Noise 1; Party: Noemi/Kasia/Erastus/Mirek/Eirwen, Expected Level: 10, Expected Equipment: More Tier 3]
-Despite forcing it back, they remain concerned and debate retreating. Noemi refuses, but is willing to settle down for the night.

[Dungeon: The Throne of the First, Day 2. Party: Noemi/Kasia/Erastus/Mirek/Eirwen, Expected Level: 10-11. Expected Equipment: More Tier 3]
The group pushes deeper into the island, with Noemi driving them at a ferocious pace, eager to explore even deeper on the island. There is worry about the pace that Noemi is setting, but she seems unconcerned.
-Unfortunately, even with Mirek's influence (growing weaker as he tires), the Disquiet begins to wear on the group, sewing doubt, discord, and unease. Things grow worse as the Black Noise attacks once more.
-[Boss: Black Noise 2; Party: Noemi/Kasia/Erastus/Mirek/Eirwen, Expected Level: 11, Expected Equipment: More Tier 3]
-Caught off-guard, the group is cut off and forced to retreat deeper into the island to escape it and survive. Unfortunately, this places them in just as much, if not more, danger. However, while tension frays the group, Noemi sees opportunity. Hunted by the Black Noise, they have no choice but to press deeper in.
-Near what must be the center of the island, the group finds some ruins in which they can take a breather and rest.
-While doing so, Noemi discovers an area sealed off by incredibly powerful Dissonance and begins contemplating what can be done to get behind it. Unfortunately, nothing seems to work and not even the full force of the party seems like it would be enough to break it open. The party, exhausted, has no choice but to use the ruins as a safe haven and try to rest and escape on the next day.
-Without much desire to sleep, Noemi talks with people and, wandering the ruins, finds an old journal that has somehow survived the Disquiet.

[Dungeon: The Throne of the First, Final Day. Party: Noemi/Kasia/Erastus/Mirek/Eirwen, Expected Level: 11-12. Expected Equipment: More Tier 3]
Unsurprisingly, the night has not been restful for the group, but they have no choice. The Disquiet is pressing in all around them, beginning to distort their world. Mirek, having been forced to stay awake all night, is exhausted and won't be able to continue much longer.
-[Endurance/Time Limit Run. EoT will not result in game over, but will cause the party to be afflicted with the Disquiet status, preventing Focus gain]
-The party, finding their way out of the depths, are held up by the creature that has plagued them for the entirety of the expedition: the Black Noise.
-[Boss: Black Noise 3; Party: Noemi/Kasia/Erastus/Mirek/Eirwen, Expected Level: 12, Expected Equipment: Tier 3]
-Despite its immense power, the party is able to drive the Black Noise away, giving them enough time to escape the depths of the island and reach the shore where Bartol awaits!
« Last Edit: August 29, 2012, 11:33:37 PM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Episode 1 Concepting
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2012, 03:39:14 AM »
Posting adjusted level predictions at Andy's request:

Intro Dungeon: Lv1-2

Average stats:

"Normal" scale: 60
DEF/MDEF scale: 15

Warehouse: Lv3-4

Average stats:

"Normal" scale: 64
DEF/MDEF scale: 16

Sebrle Plantation: Lv4-7

Average stats:
"Normal" scale: 67
DEF/MDEF scale: 16

Guardian Attack: Lv ~7

Average stats
"Normal" scale: 68
DEF/MDEF scale: 17

Reef dungeon: Lv 7-8

Average stats:
"Normal" scale: 68
DEF/MDEF scale: 17

Throne segment 1: 9-10

Average stats:
"Normal" scale: 72
DEF/MDEF scale: 18

Throne segment 2: 10-11

Average stats:
"Normal" scale: 73
DEF/MDEF scale: 18

Throne segment 3: 11-12

Average stats:
"Normal" scale: 74
DEF/MDEF scale: 18
« Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 01:50:18 AM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Episode 1 Concepting
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2012, 05:13:36 AM »
At the meeting tonight we more or less brainstormed some randoms for the dungeons. Here's a brief overview. Not everything to be used, just putting it up there to cull. Names, like everything else, are temporary.

Disquieted Dumping Ground - simple enemies for simple exposition
Lion Kitty (Normal sized cat with lion sized paws and saber tooth tiger teeth) - Basic physical, meat shieldy
ROUS (Rodent of Unusual Size) - Magic user, high magic defense
Poison Chiuahua - Poison inflicting physical attack

Slummy Port - Start showing off the battle system a bit with high/low dex enemies.
Knife User - High dex, multi-hit attacks
Brawler - Low dex, high HP.
Thrower - Single shot use of a magically thrown item, high dex, low attack, stat down
Poison Chiuahua - Sprinkle these in there for guard dogs

Plantation - Plenty of magic users for spooooky ghosts!
Grey Lady (classic wispy fog woman) - Magic/Status, physical immune
Double-sided Ghost (Ghost that is basically two torsos joined at center) - Area magic, buffs, debuffs
Upside-down floating head - Physical, Paralysis, Tanky
Ball of light wielding a farmer's sickle - ST Magic and Physicals, Evasive

Lost Sea
Lobstermen (because crabpeople can't have all the fun) - Physical tank, high physical damage both ST and MT, def down attached to ST
Anglerfish with Legs - Multi-hit physical, token lightning attack, high HP
Sea Lion Kitty (Palette swapped for Edy's pleasure) - Magic user, high MDef, Solid HP
Living Reef (A living piece of coral) - Healing, High Def, some magic

Throne - Some concepts, basically some would be in some areas, some would be in others.
Sea Lion Kitty (Mascot enemy ahoy) - Reused from previous. Filler
Palette Swapped Double-sided Ghost - All around beefier version of previous
Tormented (Nama concept, unknown look) - Above avg physical everything, hits fast and hard
Bugger (Humanoid/Insectoid enemy) - Durable, heavy on magic
Rocky Sa-Lews (Basically magic rock connected by ghosty bits, not picky on exactly what form it takes) - Tanky, high physical damage, Status
Flyer (Gotta have one somewhere, unknown design concept) - High evade, speedy, multi-hit physical, weak to piercing

Desert of Red Glass - Optional area ahoy! Didn't go crazy with these, not sure how many would be necessary
Burrow Worm (Fuzzy hell-worm with badger claws) - Poison, paralysis. Rest up in the air
Two-Headed Buzzard - Thanky, multi-hit/MT attacks
Bunny with Monocle and Top Hat - This game's Acid Bunny or Chiro Mongrel. High speed, runs away, tons of exp.

These are the design concepts. Probably going to refine these before we start on groupings, but they were considered.


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Episode 1 Concepting
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2012, 11:42:09 AM »
Sopko claims he can run pro quick meetings.  I say he got ez modo without me there to ask pointed questions like "Why aren't you on my dick?" like when Andy runs them.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Episode 1 Concepting
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2012, 02:34:17 AM »
And here comes Nama to ruin the day by adding his own interp on things this time!  It is my interpretation that there is -nothing- that should simply have a basic physical.

Disquieted Dumping Ground - simple enemies for simple exposition

Low encounter rate.  Starter dungeon, so we're not getting too many battles here.

Lion Kitty (Normal sized cat with lion sized paws and saber tooth tiger teeth) - Basic physical, meat shieldy
Name: Slothful

Above-average VIT and ATK.  Below-average SPD, DEX, and SPR.

Basic physical (likely to single-hit Noemi, possibly 2 on Kasia)
yowl/roar/screech attack (Slows a target for 3 rounds.  20% speed reduction.  More likely to be used first turn)

ROUS (Rodent of Unusual Size) - Magic user, high magic defense
Name: Unwanted

MAG comparable to STR, above-average MDEF and SPR.  Below-average VIT and DEX.

Basic physical (seldom-used unless out of MP)
Degradation (Disquiet-type magic damage to a single target and reduces their SPR by 20%.  Enough MP for two shots of it.)

Poison Chihuahua - Poison inflicting physical attack

High SPD, below-average DEX, VIT, and SPR.

Basic physical (as above.  May inflict poison/bleed)
May escape on turn 2+.  Because nothing is more fun than an enemy that statuses you and then runs away! :D!

--probably toss one of the above 3.

Slummy Port - Start showing off the battle system a bit with high/low dex enemies.
-- And start taking the gloves off.  We're past the intro, after all.  Though to be technical, it's an abandoned warehouse within the slummy port that's been converted to a fortress/hideout for a gang of thugs that's set up shop as of late.

Encounter rate: High.  You're in their base, killing their doods, so they're coming at you, bro.

Knife User - High dex, multi-hit attacks
Thrower - Single shot use of a magically thrown item, high dex, low attack, stat down
--still intent on merging these two, will stat as if they were merged.

Raider - High DEX, SPD, and EVA.  Low ATK, VIT, SPR.

Basic physical: should hover around Noemi+daggers range.  Slashing damage.
Flare Charge: First turn only.  Uses Flare Shot traits.
Frost Charge: First turn only.  Uses Cold Snap traits.
Spark Charge: First turn only.  Uses Spark Cluster traits.
Sand Throw: Second turn and onward.  Chance to decrease target's Accuracy and Evade by 20.

Brawler - Low dex, high HP.

Thrasher - High HP and STR.  Above-average SPR.  Low DEX, DEF, and ACC. (we're talking at least two-hittable by sword!Kasia here for DEX)

Attack - Probably only gets two swings on Erastus.  Impact damage.
Focus - Increases STR for next attack.

Third type, because I feel we need to start working for synergy in enemy groups, and something felt missing.

Smasher - High DEF and VIT, low HP and EVA.

Attack - Impact damage.  Probably two-swings Kasia.  Doesn't hit nearly as hard as Thrashers do.
Armor Crack - Single-strike attack that lowers target DEF by 20%.
Throat Strike - No damage, but stuns a target on hit.  Used slightly less often than the other two.

Plantation - Plenty of magic users for spooooky ghosts!
- And Guardian usage funtimes!  ...and trying not to make Eirwen cry too much for the section that she's forced.

Moderate encounter rate.  Disquieted stuff abound, yes, but it's a pretty big place, I imagine.  Probably enough space to not run into a disquieted whatever every five steps.

Grey Lady (classic wispy fog woman) - Magic/Status, physical immune

Ephemeral - Above-average MAG and VIT, below-average SPD, Low HP and DEX, resists Slash/Pierce/Impact

Attack - Pathetic.  Not even used unless out of MP or forced to.  Disquiet-element.
Madness - 70% chance of inflicting Confuse on a target.  (Debating whether confused targets have standard confuse...or act as AI while having the RMVX "Blind" hitrate penalty)
Desecration - Inflicts moderate Disquiet damage to a single target.
Infection - Inflicts minor Disquiet damage to a single target while poisoning (or bleed, hard to say at this point) them

Double-sided Ghost (Ghost that is basically two torsos joined at center) - Area magic, buffs, debuffs

Ambivalent - High MDEF, below-average DEX, low DEF, resists Slash/Pierce/Impact

Attack - See Ephemeral above.  Disquiet-element.
Putrefaction - Deals Disquiet-type damage to all targets, may inflict Poison
Degradation - Disquiet-type magic damage to a target and lowers SPR by 20%
 - Boosts the MAG of all allies by 20%.

Upside-down floating head - Physical, Paralysis, Tanky

Repugnant - High VIT and SPR.  Low SPD and no EVA.

Attack - Actually competent.  Slashing damage.
Bile - Ew.  Deals Disquiet damage to target with a chance to paralyze.

Ball of light wielding a farmer's sickle - ST Magic and Physicals, Evasive

Enslaved - High DEX, SPD, and EVA.  Bad HP and VIT.  Weak to Impact and Fire.  Resists Cold and Lightning.

Attack - Another competent one when it comes to attacks.  Piercing damage.
Cold Snap - As the spell.  Cold damage over 3 hits and slightly delays the target.
Desecration - Moderate disquiet damage to one target.

Lost Sea
- Home to crustaceans everywhere!  And other such things.

Encounter rate: Low to Moderate.  While it is filled with disquieted aberrations...well, I get the feeling that most of the waterbound ones wouldn't be able to too easily get up to the party.  Furthermore, I feel this would logically be more of a breather dungeon after everything else.

Lobstermen (because crabpeople can't have all the fun) - Physical tank, high physical damage both ST and MT, def down attached to ST

[name undecided, might just leave it Lobsterman since I'm slowly running out of names] - High ATK, DEF, and VIT, low DEX, resists Slashing and Piercing, weak to Lightning.

Attack - Fairly heavy damage.  Impact damage.
Crush - Heavy impact damage, lowers target DEF by 20%
Rampage - Three random-targeted single strikes.

Anglerfish with Legs - Multi-hit physical, token lightning attack, high HP

[See above for names] - Very high HP.  Below-average DEF and MDEF, low DEX.  Resists impact, Immunes Lightning.

Attack - Moderate Piercing damage.
Spark Cluster - as the spell.
Arc Conduction - Lightning magic attack to two random targets.  High variance as is usual for lightning, has a chance to paralyze.
Flash - Lowers all targets' ACC by 20%.

Sea Lion Kitty (Palette swapped for Edy's pleasure) - Magic user, high MDef, Solid HP

Envious - Above-average HP and SPD, high SPR, very high MDEF.  Low VIT and STR.  Weak to Slashing.

Attack - Not used often--less than respectable.  Slashing damage.  Not used unless out of MP
Cold Snap - As the spell.
Shockwave Burst - As the spell.

Throne - Some concepts, basically some would be in some areas, some would be in others.
Encounter rate: Medium to above-average.  This is the final dungeon, but given its length, I doubt you'd want players running into enemies every two steps.  Even though I'd be evil in my own game design, this isn't how to go about it.

Palette Swapped Double-sided Ghost - All around beefier version of previous

Ambiguous - above-average MAG and SPR, low DEX, resists slash/pierce/impact.

Attack - Still not used unless out of MP.  Disquiet-type.
Putrefaction - Deals Disquiet-type damage to all targets, may inflict Poison
Degradation - Disquiet-type magic damage to a target and lowers SPR by 20%.  Seldom-used in favor of its MT options.
Negation - Disquiet-type magic damage to the party.

Tormented (Nama concept, unknown look) - Above avg physical everything, hits fast and hard
-High DEX.  Above-average STR, DEF, SPD, ACC.  Low SPR and MDEF.  Weak to Impact.

Attack - Multihit slashing attack.
Savage Fang - Single-hit attack with Piercing damage.  May inflict bleed.
Needle Pierce - Single-hit ITD Piercing attack.

Bugger (Humanoid/Insectoid enemy) - Durable, heavy on magic
--actually meant to be Bestial/Insectoid for appearance.  Must've gotten lost in translation.

Despised - High VIT, SPR.  Above-average MAG, DEF, MDEF.  Low DEX.  Weak to Impact.

Attack - Unimpressive.  Not used frequently.  Slashing damage.
Stun Burst - Paralyzes one target.
Spark Cluster - As the spell.
Absorption - Disquiet-type magic damage to one target.  Parasitic healing effect.

Rocky Sa-Lews (Basically magic rock connected by ghosty bits, not picky on exactly what form it takes) - Tanky, high physical damage, Status
Unfeeling - High VIT, DEF, STR, above-average ATK, SPR.  Low HP, DEX, SPD.  Resists Slash, Pierce, Lightning.  Weak to Ice.

Attack - 1-2 strong hits, most likely.  Impact damage.
Blasting Blow - Heavy impact damage to one target, followed by light MT impact damage.
Tremor - MT, no damage.  Chance to stun party.
Bash - Single-strike attack that lowers target STR by 20%.  Impact damage.

Flyer (Gotta have one somewhere, unknown design concept) - High evade, speedy, multi-hit physical, weak to piercing
- High SPD, EVA, DEX.  Above-average ACC.  Low STR.  Weak to Piercing, Lightning.

Attack - Piercing damage.
Sonic Boom - As the spell.
Divebomb - Single-hit attack that deals ~averageish slashing damage, has chance to stun.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2012, 07:36:04 AM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Episode 1 Concepting
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2012, 04:50:28 AM »
I don't think anyone really said it would only have a base physical. We just never really decided what that other thing should be, so thats what was in the notes

Not sold on the name Slothful, really. I'll try and think more on this for something, as nothing comes to mind immediately.


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Episode 1 Concepting
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2012, 02:23:32 AM »
Note to self: Need to reexamine when skills are gained, as well as which skills are gained throughout episode 1. The current list actually feels quite short (~two skills learned by each PC in this episode).

May want to break up Noemi getting base skill/Crescendo skill at separate levels to generate "more" skills.

May want to consider laying out some additional status for enemy now (status healing is currently useless). May want to alter/add skills to PCs while upping this count? Should probably reexamine list and create some "core" statuses.

To NEB: YEM Skill Equip System is the Prodigy script

Dialog scripts from Yanfly (display NPC name over box) should be grabbed or make sure they're implemented.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2012, 05:53:30 PM by AndrewRogue »