Teams Jo'ou and OK pass
Team Piggyman loses
Team Tide | Ramza, Cecilia ACF, Citan, RAP MASTER SEIFER (Body Charge), Raynie
[Ramza: Time Mage/Item/Auto Potion/Short Charge/FLOAT] [Chemist, Wizard, Time Mage (Summoner)]
[Floor 4: Diff'rent Strokes]
So Ramza and Cecilia can revive (Cecilia's is very expensive though; 1/4 of her endgame MP for 1 HP revival. Enemies will want to shut this off while mostly avoiding the wrath of Seifer, so killing Ramza is the key)
Team Tide vs. Hahn, Tia, Gadwin, Luna, Mareg and Shana- Enemies are loaded up on MT damage here, which is not helpful against Seifer. Luna and Hahn have the dangerous status though. Seifer and Citan can off Hahn together (Seifer's normal physical won't have the juice), but...if they go before Shana...starting with SP gives her two shots of revival to me (Which is okay for team Tide, just works to slow them down and give the enemies more time to work). So...can Ramza/Cecilia/Raynie get Luna out of the way then? Well, Ramza has to beat Luna with Meteor, which even for short charge seems...iffy. So gut is Luna gets out the 80% MT Sleep, in which case Hahn reviving is pretty bad. Ramza and Citan can immune Sleep, but the others have no such luck. This one could get messy.
Team Tide vs. Yumei, Badrach, Aelia, Lorenta and Grey- They can take out Ramza at least and force large Cecilia MP usage.
Team Tide vs. Worker 8, FFT Cloud, Beowulf, Olan, Alma and Reis- Aim status for Seifer (alternately, Cloud will aim for Ramza is Ramza opted for Sleep protection). Tide's team is not great on MT slugfesting or accurate turn 1 status themselves. Seifer and Citan take out Olan round 1. Well, I guess Cloud's level penalty could allow the others to take him out too. Beowulf can Paralyze Seifer or Ramza, W8 and Reis can combine to kill Cecilia (She may go in between them and heal. Of course...if she's healing, Cloud is probably not being taken out baring Meteor). Things could start getting a little messy here.
Team Tide vs. Albel, Adray, Roger Huxley, Noel and Chisato- This team is not good at killing, but it is good at depriving Cecilia of MP at least.
Team Tide vs. Palom, Porom, Edward, Cid and Yang- Well, at least Ramza and Citan get Sleep. Yang will choose Seifer though. Edward can status Cecilia effectively enough. A twin very likely sees a turn
Gut reaction is fail. This is fully thought out, but the key problem is that there are two revivers, Cecilia can probably use at most 3 times (maybe 2) before burning through MP so enemies can that tie up the team probably could topple them. Seifer is excellent with most ways minus status resistance and MT damage when not having a limit. So enemies aim elsewhere except with status, which this floor is heavy on. There isn't one killer fight, but it feels like the enemies consecutively work on wearing them down.