Ursula (TAY) vs Auron (FFX): Sleep Claw's not legal. Speed doesn't do Ursula a damn of good here since after Power Break she 9HKOs or something so Auron can literally win on counters.
Ursula vs Luc (Suikos): Yeah sure.
Ursula vs Marivel (WA2): Sleep. I don't see any legal way for TAY to block this.
Ursula vs Ursula (BoF4): I think TAY may... just manage the 3-2 here, and again has a 2HKO.
Ursula vs Aelia (VP1): Ursula 4HKOs, but Aelia evade means that's a 5HKO. And Ursula doesn't quite have a 5-3. So Aelia gets three turns. We know what that means.
Ursula vs Rasputin (SH2): Kills Rasputin before his second turn. How like in-game.
Ursula vs Roxis (MK): Roxis will use Chrona Drive then Trick Edge, as usual, but he needs the fourth hit of Chrona Drive to kill the above average durability Ursula. This... barely doesn't happen before Ursula's third turn.
Ursula vs Borgan (Lunar:EBC): Borgan is weird. The stat topic makes him look extremely good but I remember him being terrible. Average damage is only 195, seriously? Average HP is only 250, seriously? He had sleep? Gah. Well, if he's as good as the stat topic says or even especially close he wins. Weird. Boot Borgan.
Ursula vs Sophia (SO3): Sophia must block Death or her healing games get owned by TANKETSU aw yeah. Anyway her draining is now only 54% to average durability, Ursula does 32% with a 1.72 turnsplit, slowly overwhelming Sophia. That said it's not quite fast enough I don't think, so she needs to find more damage somewhere. Of course, Sophia runs out of MP eventually while Ursula can resort to CHAKRA so I think she has this?
Ursula vs Micaiah (FE10): Micaiah equips Nosferatu, but doesn't want to attack since it will open up a way for Ursula to kill her on a doubleturn. Ursula also doesn't want to attack, since it lets Micaiah counter, then attack again, and be ready for the finishing blow on the next counter (or just attack immediately for a free hit if she -doesn't- provoke a counter). Normally what I do in this situation is to force both PCs to take an action simultaneously, but it obviously depends who goes second in this case as to who will win. In which case... Micaiah's evade and Corona chances tilt it. Ursula's only remaining option is to go for Tanketsu, but unless she draws ID it just means a counter and attack immediately, then Ursula can't do anything but get owned next turn. If Tanketsu didn't take so long to charge she'd be able to get in another, but no dice.
Ursula vs Tifa (FF7): Tifa needs a L2 here, yeah. But... how does Ursula dodge that? Impossible with a 3HKO, she gets one at 35% health by the convention I use (which is actually less generous than the main competing convention I'm aware of). Tanketsu is an option I suppose, but offhand I dunno if she can rig the damage properly. Also there's too high a chance Tanketsu just does normal damage and ruins this anyway.
Ursula vs Yangus (DQ8): Yangus isn't too competitive I don't think.
Joshua (Trails) vs Auron (FFX): Auron effectively 4HKOs, most likely. Joshua gets something like a 5-2 when Auron uses breaks and just shy of constantly doubles otherwise? So Auron opens with Magic Break (Joshua won't use physicals due to Counter, see Ursula), then Power Break as his second move to reduce the threat of the S-Craft. Overall, thus, Joshua gets seven attacks before Auron's fourth, obviously not enough (he does like 9% with his best magic). But wait! He can go for stun. This drops his damage to like 8%. He gets nine attacks before Auron gets a fifth and that's... still not enough, wow. I guess if you see him getting lucky and getting off two stuns in nine actions he wins, but I don't. That assumes Stun actually lasts long enough to remove an Auron action, to boot.
Joshua vs Luc (Suikos): Isn't OHKOed, yeah. Nor is he 3-2ed.
Joshua vs Marivel (WA2): Anti-Sept.
Joshua vs Ursula (BoF4): Joshua blocks confuse and death, outslugs? Yeah, probably. He's faster and 3HKOs at worst.
Joshua vs Aelia (VP1): Joshua absolutely needs a 4-3 to take this. Stat topic says he gets it, but only barely, and I don't think Trails speed is as good as the thread says. Eh, I'll await what others have to say, here.
Joshua vs Rasputin (SH2): lol Rasputin, Joshua is way faster and kills in 3 at worst.
Joshua vs Roxis (MK): Roxis has to block silence, and the stat hit from that lets Joshua kill him in two rounds.
Joshua vs Borgan (Lunar:EBC): Part two of "weird, Borgan is good, wtf".
Joshua vs Sophia (SO3): Sophia can block both silence and death, though it does make her damage kinda bad. So again, Joshua's only hope is to land Faint on her. This... actually, never mind, he doesn't even need that, I think. He'll just win on a double.
Joshua vs Micaiah (FE10): As per previous discussion.
Joshua vs Tifa (FF7): He can dodge anything but a L1, the L1 is of course right out. So can he survive two Tifa attacks and a L1 limit? Hm, looks like.
Joshua vs Yangus (DQ8): Yeah.
Grand Master (FF1) vs Auron (FFX): Grand Master barely 2HKOs Auron, so make that barely 4HKO. He triggers 3 counters and Auron gets off 3 of his own attacks. Um, yeah.
Grand Master vs Luc (Suikos): Back before I realised Luc could access shops, Grand Master would totally take this. Oh well!
Grand Master vs Marivel (WA2): Hmm. She can put him to sleep but not really capitalise on this? Well, no, it probably lasts long enough for her to get to 100 FP then Gellacrazy him, which should kill. Actually, sleep may not be turn 1, Grand Master does have MDef. Sure, let's go with that.
Grand Master vs Ursula (BoF4): Again, just enough status tanking, I think.
Grand Master vs Aelia (VP1): 2HKOs. I guess evade might drop this to 3, making it a "who goes first" thing. But evade might also not drop it.
Grand Master vs Rasputin (SH2): Punch twice, collect victory.
Grand Master vs Roxis (MK): So Grand Master 2HKOs. And he's just magically tanky enough to not die to three Chrona Drive hits and a Trick Edge. A lot like the Ursula fight actually.
Grand Master vs Borgan (Lunar:EBC): Competence.
Grand Master vs Sophia (SO3): Snooze drain win.
Grand Master vs Micaiah (FE10): Oh look a fighter who DOESN'T double Micaiah, yeah that ain't winnin'. I guess he could OHKO but sure, luck hype really softens Grand Master.
Grand Master vs Tifa (FF7): Grand Master can't control his damage at ALL (short of equipping sticks but lol) so yeah, Tifa gets a L2.
Grand Master vs Yangus (DQ8)
Joshua 8-3
Grand Master 6-6
Ursula 5-7
No real shocks here; Joshua's reasonably close to Heavy. The other two obviously belong in this division.