
Author Topic: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up  (Read 3028 times)

Mad Fnorder

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RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« on: March 13, 2008, 05:41:39 AM »
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, for the First Season of RPGmon Classic!
Sign up below! There is no cap- I'll work out the leagues depending on interest.

Draft Rules:
Due to an inability to gather people, Draft will now be done by PM. Your new deadline is next Friday, March 21, 9:00 PM EST. PM me your list of picks, with any contingency conditions you'd like. Try not to get TOO complicated.

Each competitor will draft a team of two heavies, two middles, and two lights, all at once. The full pool of players will all be available at once. 
   -Drafting will be done by people rolling for position, and each round will go in the reverse order of the previous. For example, with four people, it would go 1-2-3-4, then 4-3-2-1, and so on.
   -No Heavy Bosses. This is the only drafting limit.
   -Rankings will be based on current DL standings, as of this the start of this Season.
   -During the draft, people will know the pick order, but not the picks that have been made.
   -There will be no duplicate picks. If a character has already been picked, you will have to pick again.
   -Character rosters will be revealed after the draft is complete.

The players will be put randomly into a Round Robin bracket, with a number of divisions (most likely 2) based on the number of players. After everyone has played once, We'll use the standing to create a final single elimination tournament bracket. Fighters Surviving at the end of a match will be a tiebreaker for standings if records are identical.

This is RPGmon CLASSIC format. You will have one character out, at a time. When they die, or if you choose to switch on their turn, you will change to another. Their HP remains as it was when switched out. Other details (Buff duration, for example) is up to the individual refs.

   -Matches will run as people are available. Use this topic to set up a match time if you're not a usual IRC denizen. Please run at least one match a week.
   -Midseason Trades between teams are fine, as long as you maintain your roster formation of 2 Heavies, 2 Middles, and 2 Lights. PM me to arrange them.
   -You are required to use each character on your roster at least once during the regular season. Just for varieties' sake.
   -Match results will be in this topic as they go.
        -Matches will be standard 3v3, H/M/L Format.
   -Matches will be CTB format, and CTB resets to zero on a switch.
   -Rules are subject to change as I think of things I've forgotten.
   -It is the PLAYER'S responsibility to name equipment picks along with their picks for each match. Failure to do so will leave it in the Ref's hand to decide the defaults.
   -The referee running the match has final say on that match's outcome. Trust their interp and relax.

Player Signups
2.Clear Tranquil
6.Captain K.

Ref Signups
« Last Edit: March 19, 2008, 08:58:58 PM by Mad Fnorder »


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2008, 08:36:35 AM »
No promises I'll be around at 1 PM on Sunday, but I would like to sign up.

Clear Tranquil

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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2008, 12:17:26 PM »
Might as well go with the flow.

I can only work with the boards though. I've never done one of these before so apologies if I make mistakes/post like I don't know what the hell I'm talking about <_<

I'll PM a draft later.

I'm confused on the equipment thing - is there any limitation to what the character can be equipped w/th or if the game has synthesis options is there any limitations to that being used on the equipment?

I don't want to go breaking the hell out of my characters if it isn't needed but on the other hand I don't want to limit them if other people haven't done so <_<
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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2008, 12:21:20 PM »
Uhm, the time's completely undoable for me, sadly (4 AM Monday morning = ahahahahahaaaaaaa if I'm up that long there's no way I'm making class.) I... mmm. Hatbot me? Give me the dregs and have me suffer? I'm cool, but meeting all at one time may be problematic enough... mrf. I dunno.

Mad Fnorder

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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2008, 03:48:32 PM »
I can only work with the boards though. I've never done one of these before so apologies if I make mistakes/post like I don't know what the hell I'm talking about <_<

That will make actually doing the matches pretty difficult, since they're usually done in IRC. Maybe AIM?

I'm confused on the equipment thing - is there any limitation to what the character can be equipped w/th or if the game has synthesis options is there any limitations to that being used on the equipment?

I don't want to go breaking the hell out of my characters if it isn't needed but on the other hand I don't want to limit them if other people haven't done so <_<

It's to pick from DL Legal equips and status blockers. If someone wants to give up defense to block a certain element, for example, or is fighting someone where an ID blocker is necessary instead of the standard Stat Topic accessory, it's the player's responsibility to remind the Ref of their choice. This isn't a Twink League, so don't worry too much. It's a match-to-match thing.


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2008, 05:41:03 PM »
I'm in, but that time's bad for me, I wouldn't be back from Church yet.  I'm in PST, and we usually get out around quarter past one, then I have to get back home.  If you could push it back a couple hours I should be fine, but no promises yet.

On the note of not being able to handle IRC, that does make the matches very difficult to arrange.  AIM would be possible for some people, but not for me, the only chat program I can use with my setup the way it is would be IRC.  If the ref didn't mind copying and pasting everything from one chat to the other, it might be workable, I guess?

I do have a suggestion to help with the draft, though.  Maybe you should have people that think they might not be able to make it to the actual draft make a list of say half a dozen characters of each division in the order they would want them, and pick for them based on that?  Then we don't have to try and get everyone to the same place at the same time.  I would still suggest that anyone that can make it be there, so there's an option to change your mind or adjust your middle picks based on what you get for your Heavy and stuff like that.

Quick question, though: are you forcing us to pick both heavies, both middles, then both lights, or just pick one of our six, or something else?  Either way is fine, I'd just like to know ahead of time so I can plan accordingly.


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2008, 06:14:17 PM »
I'm in if I can get my IRC problems sorted out,

Well, okay.  I can handle AIM if others are willing to work with it.
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 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

Mad Fnorder

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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2008, 06:24:58 PM »

Quick question, though: are you forcing us to pick both heavies, both middles, then both lights, or just pick one of our six, or something else?  Either way is fine, I'd just like to know ahead of time so I can plan accordingly.

Any order. The people you pick first should be people you expect to be picked quickly- the best for your team makeup.

Secondly, considering the first four people to post can't make the draft, I may take Yakumo's suggestion for the drafting, at least. What times ARE good for the people who have signed up?
« Last Edit: March 13, 2008, 06:39:45 PM by Mad Fnorder »


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2008, 08:02:22 PM »
On the note of not being able to handle IRC, that does make the matches very difficult to arrange.  AIM would be possible for some people, but not for me, the only chat program I can use with my setup the way it is would be IRC.  If the ref didn't mind copying and pasting everything from one chat to the other, it might be workable, I guess?

Have you tried using something like or AIM Express?  Might be able to get on AIM that way.  But copy/paste also sounds doable if a pain.

Anyways, I'll sign up to be a ref.


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2008, 10:13:53 PM »
Tried AIM Express, never heard of this meebo thing.  Suppose I can look into it when I get back from work today.

Captain K.

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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2008, 02:46:27 PM »
Joining as a player.  I'll get on chat later and iron out details.

Clear Tranquil

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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2008, 05:06:26 PM »
Ah ... I see so just post the equipment at the start of each match?  ;D Thanks. That saves me sending you a bunch of stuff in my draft xD

I have AIM but I only have access to my own computer from Friday to Saturday morns. I don't know if my local library would allow me to use AIM express and if I could get it downloaded at the internet cafe I'd only be able to afford limited use.

Edit - Draft list sent.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2008, 05:33:23 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Mad Fnorder

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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2008, 05:36:58 PM »
I apologize if this wasn't clear off the bat- All divisions will be available for drafting at once. That is, if you have a top notch Middle that you think is more important to snag first than a particular Heavy, they can be placed first, and so forth. So, when putting together your draft list, you may want to prioritize it overall, not by Heavy/Middle/Light, elsewise I'll just run down your list.

EDIT:  Major, Huge, Significant changes to drafting info, now up. Read. Join. Submit.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2008, 08:15:14 AM by Mad Fnorder »


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2008, 05:37:03 AM »
I'll ref.
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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2008, 05:39:05 AM »
I'll join as a player.  I'll send in a draft list soon.


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2008, 05:47:04 AM »
Sure, sounds interesting.  I'll write up a draft list.  One question though: I assume that for the actual match, you choose which Heavy/Medium/Light you're taking in, and don't get all 6 characters?

Mad Fnorder

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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2008, 05:52:12 AM »
Sure, sounds interesting.  I'll write up a draft list.  One question though: I assume that for the actual match, you choose which Heavy/Medium/Light you're taking in, and don't get all 6 characters?

Precisely. 3 of your 6 per match, one from each division, one character at a time, with Pokemon style switching.


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2008, 06:01:03 AM »
Signing up as general match ref if desired as well. You've heard me say this, but making it formal.

Mad Fnorder

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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2008, 04:16:44 AM »
This is your 46 hour warning for the draft deadline! Get your drafts in, and sign up now!

Mad Fnorder

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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft #1: Sign Up
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2008, 04:56:25 AM »
Draft is complete! Most people got who they wanted, and I tried my best to comply with instructions.  Beowulf was the most competed over character overall, with Vinsfeld up there as well. Topic with divisions to come.