Author Topic: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 3  (Read 1916 times)


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Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 3
« on: October 04, 2012, 06:06:31 AM »
Results.  Team Ramza met a truly terrifying foe at the bottom of the Deep Dungeon, but after it killed Mustadio, he sacrificed himself to assume crystal form, which proved The Dark One's undoing - Mustadio's spirit lit the way forward, inspiring Ramza to Scream his way to victory.  Also Godlike's slate of bosses clearly aren't measuring up this time around as they keep losing every time they've faced a PC team.  The Godslayer & friends in Heavy proved weirdly underwhelming as well, 0-2 dropping.

Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4) vs. Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier)
Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Razeluxe Meitzen, Etward Dysler, Lilianne Valendorf, Puniyo, Yun (Mana Khemia 2)
Orphan (Final Fantasy 13) vs. Haken Browning, Kaguya Nanbu, KOS-MOS, Xiaomu (SRWOG:Endless Frontier)
Belial (Wild Arms 4) vs. Jenna Angel (Digital Devil Saga) (6-1)

White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) (8-2)
The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics) (5-1)
Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, and Anastasia (Shadow Hearts 2) vs. Myria (Breath of Fire 3)
Kornell 3 + Violetta 1 (Grandia 3) vs. Yuri, Karol, Rita, Estelle (Tales of Vesperia) (4-1)

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) (7-1)
Exor (Super Mario RPG) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2) (7-2)
Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo (Earthbound) vs. Apocryapha (Radiant Historia)
Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World) vs. Stocke, Aht, Eruca (Radiant Historia)

Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Luca Blight (Suikoden 2)
Marcello (Dragon Quest 8) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3)
Zed, Jane, Emma (WA:ACF) vs. Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross) vs. Pikachu, Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur, Snorlax, Lapras (Pokemon) (5-1)

Bonus match
Totori, Rorona, Mimi (Atelier Totori) vs. Vayne, Jessica, Nikki, Flay, Pamela, Anna (Mana Khemia)
Totori, Rorona, Mimi (Atelier Totori) vs. Brahman (Digital Devil Saga)


This week, Cthulhu has apparently managed to piss off both the White Chronicle AND the Black Chronicle holder.  Magic books leading to giant extradimensional monstrosities, that seems to happen around him.  The captive Toad rescued in Bowser's Keep said "Sorry Dorothy, but the Wizard is in another castle," followed by a giant squid-sword attacking her, which was kind of weird.  For our bonus match, in dedication to Jo'ou Ranbu's favorite duelers, we have his Team We're Offensive to God go on the offensive against some Gods.  The Norse Pantheon will not stand for Vector robots built with Lenneth's soul inside and will avenge the insult, led by a certain mop-wielding deity...

Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier) vs. Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3)
Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4) vs. Razeluxe Meitzen, Etward Dysler, Lilianne Valendorf, Puniyo, Yun (Mana Khemia 2)
Haken Browning, Kaguya Nanbu, KOS-MOS, Xiaomu (SRWOG:Endless Frontier) vs. Belial (Wild Arms 4)

Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)
White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2)
Myria (Breath of Fire 3) vs. Yuri, Karol, Rita, Estelle (Tales of Vesperia)

Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Exor (Super Mario RPG)
Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2)
Apocryapha (Radiant Historia) vs. Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World)

Luca Blight (Suikoden 2) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3)
Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Marcello (Dragon Quest 8)
Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs. Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross)

Bonus match
Jr., MOMO, Allen (Xenosaga III) vs. Odin, Freya (Valkyrie Profile 2)


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 3
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2012, 08:03:27 AM »
Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier) vs. Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3)- Hum.  SaGa team might be able to build a case with LightSword shenanigans, but ultimately Emily can OHKO any healer, and the team is plenty capable of putting down the other two in the first round.
Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4) vs. Razeluxe Meitzen, Etward Dysler, Lilianne Valendorf, Puniyo, Yun (Mana Khemia 2)- MK2 battle system negates Ameno's biggest tool.
Haken Browning, Kaguya Nanbu, KOS-MOS, Xiaomu (SRWOG:Endless Frontier) vs. Belial (Wild Arms 4)- No vote.

Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)- FFT equips > Ghaleon.
White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2)- No vote.
Myria (Breath of Fire 3) vs. Yuri, Karol, Rita, Estelle (Tales of Vesperia)- Confusion hype I think does it.  Just breaking up Yuri's damage is plenty.

Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Exor (Super Mario RPG)- Um.  Will let someone else do the hard thinking.
Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2)
Apocryapha (Radiant Historia) vs. Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World)- kneejerk.

Luca Blight (Suikoden 2) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3) - I think.
Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Marcello (Dragon Quest 8)- Probably
Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs. Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross)- Definitely.  CC knows naught of this 'status'.
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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 3
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2012, 03:42:58 PM »
Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Orlandu goes for an HP-optimized set up then gets a single Yell before Ramza dies since he's a bit slower in that setup.  Allegedly this gives him ~1.21ish HP, which is enough to survive 3x physical I believe.  Not sure if that still ensures the constant doubles required for him to solo, though, since he's dropping the Thief Hat. 
EDIT: Durr, forgot about Chaos Shield.  Not sure how I feel about spamming it, but...  even without spam, a single use is going to turn off Orlandu's healing for awhile, and my stricter TB speed caps for me means that Ghaleon isn't a total slug.  He's got the durability to smite the non-Orlandu members too and stop a blitz.  Vote changed.

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2)
Melfice 8HKOs or so with magic but is speedy and will get a bit speedier thanks to Regenerator buffs.  (Sword is neglible here.)  Loki 6HKOs, but thanks to area damage once the parts die (4 hits in?), he can maybe speed that up to a 5HKO by going Indiscriminate after the parts are gone.  Inclined to think Melfice isn't doing an 8:5 split here even with a few Speedys piling up on him.
Apocryapha (Radiant Historia) vs. Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World)
Team Cthulhu just can never let form 2 see a turn, but I think they have the tools for this, even holding constant offense improvements for Apoc against them.  Dacre can throw out a bunch of key team buffs while they make their way through form 1, Umi can buff up with Cute Pose, Cthulhu & Umi can have a sea monster ready, etc., then Siren's Call-> smash, possibly with combo finishers if they weren't forced to heal recently.
No weirdly enough the problem is Apoc damage despite this team being pretty magic tanky.  This team doesn't have any way to undo insanity and Insane Aftermath is a OHKO to average.  Which...  if the boss buffing over time is ignored, is still not deadly, the team got buffed by Shield Hymn or whatever.  But I think I do respect at least some buffing after a time delay, and that makes things tricky.  I dunno though, with all the buffs and vs. insanity the Cthulhu team just might be able to blitz out most of form 3 anyway, then have one survivor try and solo.
EDIT: See below.

Luca Blight (Suikoden 2) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3)
Will await arguments.  EDIT: Luca's HP is not real impressive to me so think that even if both Adray & Peppita need to heal, Albel gets enough damage out quickly enough.
Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Marcello (Dragon Quest 8)
Marcy has almost double Edna's damage so Quick Hit effect hype better mean constant doubles if Edna wants to keep up.
Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs. Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross)

Bonus match
Jr., MOMO, Allen (Xenosaga III) vs. Odin, Freya (Valkyrie Profile 2)
How good is Freya's Excite Emotion anyway?  Anyway Odin's best non-Spiritual Lancer damage is allegedly also a limit.  Also both MOMO & Jr. have good revival, so even if Odin & Freya can KO MOMO before she gets a turn on turn 1, Jr. can just spam revival until he double-turns while Allen slowly beats down.  Anyway, if that strategy is ignored or they can't turn 1 KO MOMO, MOMO apparently has Defensive to buff defense some while Freya counter-buffs with Excite Emotion.  If Team Gods can't break XS3's healing, then they just have to chip through Odin & Freya's limit ranges, which...  is actually pretty possible even vs. unscaled thanks to boost / super-moves / Blood Dancer.  And not run out of MP.
EDIT: Not really feeling the Freya damage hype.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2012, 03:25:05 AM by SnowFire »

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 3
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2012, 03:55:24 PM »
Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier) vs. Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) - Kneejerk. Both can kill each other really really fast, but Suikoden probably kills everything faster (The Shredding+Thunder Storm probably sweeps half the party and Emily+The Shredding alone should handle Mesarthim.
Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4) vs. Razeluxe Meitzen, Etward Dysler, Lilianne Valendorf, Puniyo, Yun (Mana Khemia 2) - hahahahahaha Persona 4 boss vs. Mana Khemia cheese
Haken Browning, Kaguya Nanbu, KOS-MOS, Xiaomu (SRWOG:Endless Frontier) vs. Belial (Wild Arms 4) - Belial can only 4D Pocket two people at a time and FURY (...) could be seen as breaking the Distortion cheese. Just... is it -enough-? The team just isn't that fast and Belial is speedy enough to handle the defensive cheese to a degree as long as it doesn't involve Kaguya and KOS-MOS (who are... probably the prime targets for 4D. Guard+Alert is ugly against her offense). My kneejerk's still "two PCs probably can't make waves against her", and 4Ding KOS and Kaguya makes dealing with Haken and particularly Xiaomu trivial. Gogogo.

Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics) - Um. Ghaleon's crowd control is so much better than TDO's. So, Ice Brand healspam probably doesn't work here. Orlandu has to sacrifice offense in order to block ID at a minimum to boot and Meliadoul is almost completely useless (Mustadio is just completely useless). Orlandu trying to Night Sword to win leads to a complete stalemate unless he's -at least quadrupling- Ghaleon, defenses make Night Sword suck and Chaos Shield unscaled is a doozy. And will Ramza have -that much time-? Don't think so.
White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2) - TDO is Zeon with a ton more HP, so the party gets started and shit happens. He could run them out of resources, but sheesh. EDIT: dude: problem with that analysis is that TDO's crowd control utterly fails (predictable area of effect that is -entirely controllable- due to his immobility? Yeah, so fucking scared) and Ninja does -not- trigger counters with Throw (nor does Samurai until she runs out of gil, at least, but Samurai is the least relevant party member here), and I'm only ever allowing TDO to hit people with his physical if they're melee - which the party largely -isn't-. This heavily limits his ability to pressure anything, since his magical offense is clearly inferior to his melee physicals and ST 2HKO against a party with a healer of WM's calibur = *flush.*. You could also consider TDO to not be Heavy-type and vulnerable to Odin's ID due to his Divide vulnerability, too, but eh, not really friendly to the idea, since you can't ID TDO in-game ever.

Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Exor (Super Mario RPG) - First question: do I see Exor parts as vulnerable to Confuse? If I do, holy shit Exor is in trouble. Tomato Bomb until both eyes are confused, spam Melt Down/Soul Break until the eyes die, apply Falcon Swoop to Exor head - although reaching that part may still be tricky because status is a pain in the ass if it hits Dorothy and these guys are totally -fucked- if she dies. Otherwise, I don't want to live in this planet anymore think about this until later. EDIT: you know what? I see it happening today. Feel Silence is a debilitating enough status to give it credit for Confuse vulnerability right now.
Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2) - I guess.
Apocrypha (Radiant Historia) vs. Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World) - EDIT: You know what, I think it doesn't matter. The party can get buffed up within a single turn and start doling out the likes of 4.something PC HP per turn once they get rolling -before- Insanity comes into play. This is a lot of damage for Apocrypha to sanely handle, especially when he's running against buffed speed. You don't want to let Cthulhu's entourage put up those buffs, you just don't. Odds are the status whore form doesn't even get a fucking turn, and that's Apocrypha's sole hope.

Luca Blight (Suikoden 2) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3) - Luca has zero OHKOing power against the SO3ers. Jesus, he has issues with -Albel draining-.
Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Marcello (Dragon Quest 8) - This is closer than it was with Luca because the durability gap isn't nearly as large and Marcello, along with not hitting weakness, deals less damage to begin with. But eh, I'm guessing the initial speed difference seals it - Edna doesn't really benefit from Surge to boot.
Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs. Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross) - Petrify Serge, petrify Glenn, petrify Irenes, in this order.

Jr., MOMO, Allen (Xenosaga III) vs. Odin, Freya (Valkyrie Profile 2) - Okay, Freya OHKOs MOMO at base... and it doesn't really matter because Jr. opens with Slow and MOMO gets a turn to Abyss Walker and these guys completely fail at magical offense. Once that's up, Blood Dancer, OHKO Freya, OHKO Moppy - and I really hope these guys killed Jr. in-between because otherwise this is even more horrible. Even unscaled, VP2 bosses suck. Their HP fails so hard that they have cases for having sub-PC HP even -after- removing scaling (Freya certainly is and Odin isn't any better).
« Last Edit: October 09, 2012, 04:43:47 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 3
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2012, 07:08:50 PM »
Haken Browning, Kaguya Nanbu, KOS-MOS, Xiaomu (SRWOG:Endless Frontier) vs. Belial (Wild Arms 4) - Pockets.

Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics) - Strong kneejerk.
White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2) - yar.

Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Exor (Super Mario RPG) - sure, I'll buy confusion hype
Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2) - Sort of a damage/durability difference here.
Apocryapha (Radiant Historia) vs. Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World) - I don't let non-CSTW bosses get that constant damage increase, so the outlasting is sound.

Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs. Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross) - rofl
« Last Edit: October 09, 2012, 04:40:22 AM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 3
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2012, 08:34:18 PM »
Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier) vs. Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3)
Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4) vs. Razeluxe Meitzen, Etward Dysler, Lilianne Valendorf, Puniyo, Yun (Mana Khemia 2)

Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)
White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2) FF5 group doesn't even come close to having the resources necessary for this. White Mage can spam healing for around 11 turns which is necessary because Dark One has good damage and it's reflectability is questionable. Over these 11 turns the other FF5 PCs can pump out around 20x PCHP. Unscaled TDO has 23 PCHP before factoring his insane defences which roughly halve damage. This is also ignoring counters which Samurai and Ninja are going to be running into and anyone dieing eats up resources because Pheonix and Arise are expensive. 
Myria (Breath of Fire 3) vs. Yuri, Karol, Rita, Estelle (Tales of Vesperia)

Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Exor (Super Mario RPG)
Loki (Valkyrie Profile)
vs. Melfice (Grandia 2)

Luca Blight (Suikoden 2) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3)
Edna (Shadow Hearts 3)
vs. Marcello (Dragon Quest 8)
Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs. Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross)


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 3
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2012, 03:57:37 AM »
Actually...  Aftermath requires a Charge turn, *and* is usable below half HP only, against a team that has pretty great offense once they're rolling.  Granted Blood Sphere is potentially pretty deadly while insane and pumped and might force full heal revival to slow down the offense a bit, but not much, Cthulhu buffs stay up through death / revival.  So yeah, Cthulhu gets the vote.

For Tales of Vesperia, no vote since no Vesperia, but according to the stat topic the Laurel blocks all mental status and can be crafted or something, and mental status includes charm...
« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 03:59:19 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 3
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2012, 06:43:37 AM »
Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier) vs. Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3)
Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4) vs. Razeluxe Meitzen, Etward Dysler, Lilianne Valendorf, Puniyo, Yun (Mana Khemia 2): Cheeeeese.
Haken Browning, Kaguya Nanbu, KOS-MOS, Xiaomu (SRWOG:Endless Frontier) vs. Belial (Wild Arms 4)

Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics): He should be able to kill them. through the Ice gimmicks.
White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2): Runs em out of MP. Seriously FUCK YOU Dark One.
Myria (Breath of Fire 3) vs. Yuri, Karol, Rita, Estelle (Tales of Vesperia): Actually I don't think the physical status blocker was doable, but I think the mental one was. Also magic immunity for some.

Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Exor (Super Mario RPG): MT Sleep or something.
Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2)
Apocryapha (Radiant Historia) vs. Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World)

Luca Blight (Suikoden 2) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3)
Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Marcello (Dragon Quest 8)
Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs. Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross)

Bonus match
Jr., MOMO, Allen (Xenosaga III) vs. Odin, Freya (Valkyrie Profile 2)


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 3
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2012, 06:15:46 PM »
Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier) vs. Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) - They can all block ID, have GlassShield to spoil Chris/Emily's physicals, Cheap MT Revival... but honestly Geddoe-Luc-Sasarai all have MT death going off at about the same speed, and it's Magical, so there's not much the SaGa team can do about that. I don't think even Mystic Changed Asellus survives that, and Hugo's definitely fast enough to drop a MT firebomb on them to soften the team up before the MT Rune Death Parade starts.
Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4) vs. Razeluxe Meitzen, Etward Dysler, Lilianne Valendorf, Puniyo, Yun (Mana Khemia 2)
Haken Browning, Kaguya Nanbu, KOS-MOS, Xiaomu (SRWOG:Endless Frontier) vs. Belial (Wild Arms 4)

Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)
White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2)
Myria (Breath of Fire 3) vs. Yuri, Karol, Rita, Estelle (Tales of Vesperia) - Magic Immunity on Rita and Estelle means that Yuri and Karol probably just go sacrificial for trying to fill up the Overlimit meter so that Rita-the-unkillable can begin a Tidal Wave spam combo. Actually, it's possible that one full Yuri combo + one full Tidal Wave cheese combo takes out Myria3's durability.

Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Exor (Super Mario RPG) - Kneejerk.
Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2)
Apocryapha (Radiant Historia) vs. Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World)

Luca Blight (Suikoden 2) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3) - Heh, SO3 equipment cheeses another boss.
Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Marcello (Dragon Quest 8)
Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs. Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross) - Pssh, the pokemon team should've been here.

Bonus match
Jr., MOMO, Allen (Xenosaga III) vs. Odin, Freya (Valkyrie Profile 2) - They offended god, but god was a pussy anyway.


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 3
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2012, 04:16:05 AM »
Closing this tomorrow.


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 3
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2012, 04:38:54 AM »
Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4) vs. Razeluxe Meitzen, Etward Dysler, Lilianne Valendorf, Puniyo, Yun (Mana Khemia 2)
Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics)
White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) vs. The Dark One (Arc the Lad 2)- Isn't his physical ranged, so he has no problem hitting things? Also, his AoE? Definitely not negligible. Sure, he does not move, but basically for people to be able to hit him, they have to be in the hit range where he nails them all at once in game. Zeon he is not.
Myria (Breath of Fire 3) vs. Yuri, Karol, Rita, Estelle (Tales of Vesperia)

Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Exor (Super Mario RPG)- So his parts only tend to specifically immune Sleep? There are enough statuses in SMRPG so say then that Confuse shouldn't have a problem (Certainly if missing Fear and Silence...). So...Confuse parts, kill undurable eye, use ID twice. The biggest danger is the enemies hitting each other and unconfusing, but think that still effectively loses them a turn? While the confused enemies are hitting each other, there is buffing which may be enough (also going for the slightly less headachey team I guess)
Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2)

Luca Blight (Suikoden 2) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3)--
Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Marcello (Dragon Quest 8)
Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs. Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross)- Guessing since Zalera is getting all the votes that he has AoE status, because otherwise his HP is not good.
...into the nightfall.

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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 3
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2012, 05:21:53 AM »
Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier) vs. Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3): S3 team can unload loads of damage, much of it MT. They have more bodies and every one of them is really dangerous.
Haken Browning, Kaguya Nanbu, KOS-MOS, Xiaomu (SRWOG:Endless Frontier) vs. Belial (Wild Arms 4): Going with the crowd. Pocket two people, smash the others, leaving less dangerous people around for this? Should work out especially since she has HP now.

Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics): Goin' with the crowd.

Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Exor (Super Mario RPG): Not sure.
Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2): Closer than it is normally to me, but it's not close normally.
Apocryapha (Radiant Historia) vs. Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World): Kneejerk "Apocrypha is kinda mediocre against a full team" vote.

Luca Blight (Suikoden 2) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3): Peppita can't revive, right? Luca should be able to gun them down one at a time.
Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Marcello (Dragon Quest 8): Sure.
Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs. Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross): Turn 'em into frogs.

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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 3
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2012, 09:04:59 AM »
Can't vote here (unless playing the Suikoden 2 demo counts >_>) Peppita can't revive no, Adray's the reviver but apparently Luca doesn't OHKO Adray and Albel has Elemental Leather shenanigans w/th the team having plenty of healing so. Dunno if he OHKOs Peppita, she's probably the least durable of the team here if you don't count dance/counter invincibility frames but hmmm ... is Luca physical based? Peppita/Albel should be able to extend their durability some with their counters that way if so even for peeps who don't personally allow them the full effects of their counters in general~
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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 3
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2012, 01:13:39 PM »
Luca is both physical and magical, so he's not -that- easy to wall. I just don't respect his damage that much (in that I don't think I -quite- see him OHKOing Peppita, but it's quite close, since she -is- below 90% PC HP. Just have serious doubts about her being below 80%~ or somesuch). I should doublecheck Adray HP, though, since the team's screwed pretty bad if he's OHKOed.
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 3
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2012, 01:46:04 PM »

Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier) vs. Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3)- Emily makes sure that WR doesn't live to get a turn. From there the magic explodey turns go and the Saga team gets vaporized.

Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics- Unless you give Chaos Shield drain immunity. I don't, so yeah.
Myria (Breath of Fire 3) vs.Yuri, Karol, Rita, Estelle (Tales of Vesperia)- Myria is something of a limit fighter, which is bad news. She might be able to run Estelle or Rita out of MP but I doubt it.

Loki (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Melfice (Grandia 2)- I have no problem giving Loki full indisc credit in this format. That said, I do think he manages that 8:5 type of turnsplit here so splat goes Loki. 
Luca Blight (Suikoden 2) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3)- Angel feather prevents any hope of a one rounding.
Edna (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Marcello (Dragon Quest 8)- Kneejerk.
Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs. Serge, Glenn, Irenes (Chrono Cross)
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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Round 3
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2012, 12:28:09 AM »
Adray's healing isn't anywhere near full. I guess if both Adray and Peppita commit entirely to healing then Albel may slowly overwhelm Luca? I'm not too inclined to buy it, though, partly due to speed concerns and partly due to an eventual MP time limit. Also, if Luca can one-round Peppita, the fight goes downhill anyway, unless Adray's revival is full.

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