Author Topic: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 4, Semifinals  (Read 2903 times)


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Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 4, Semifinals
« on: March 27, 2008, 02:46:23 AM »
Results from week 3:

Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Xorn (G3) (6-2)
Fou-Lu (BoFIV) vs. Yuri (SHs) (10-4)
Yuna (FFX) vs. Rozalin (Disgaea2) (5-0)
Dark Force (PSs) vs. Loki (VP) (10-1)

Hrist (VPs) vs. Kuja (FF9) (12-0)
Vormav / Hashmalum (FFT) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias) (8-4)
Rose (LoD) vs. KOS-MOS (XS) (11-0)
Bhaalspawn (BGs) vs. Jenova (FF7) (8-0)

Belselk (WA) vs. Rubicant (FF4) (7-7, hatbot tiebreak)
Citan (XG) vs. Galuf (FF5) (13-0)
Lyon (FE8) vs. Jade Curtiss (TotA) (7-5)
Ashley Winchester (WA2) vs. Georg (Suikos) (10-3)

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Demi (PS4) (6-5)
Drachma (SoA) vs. Rena (SO2) (7-4)
Zalbag (FFT) vs. Tio (G2) (7-6)
Eclair (La Pucelle) vs. Jean (Lunar 2) (5-2)

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Gobi (BoF) (10-0)
Hammer (XG) vs. Seifer (FF8) (11-2)
Liz (WA2) vs. Tony (WA4) (8-4)
Shir Gold (PS2) vs. Ozzie (CT) (6-1)

Some more quite close matches.  By one vote, Zalbag's frenzied gnawing didn't quite work on the bloodless Tio, but the other female android wasn't so lucky as Cherenkov triumphed over Demi.  Meanwhile, after getting the first seven votes against Belselk, Rubicant went on to lose the next seven...  only to be saved by Hatbot at the end anyway.  And Yuri fused with Fou-Lu except with Fou the dominant personality, causing some kind of Infinity Seraph to appear and for another city to explode.

Anyway.  It's a tourney with plot powers legal and fair game.  This week's matches are...

Week 4

Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Fou-Lu (BoFIV)
Rozalin (Disgaea2) vs. Loki (VP)

Kuja (FF9) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias)
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs)

Rubicant (FF4) vs. Citan (XG)
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Ashley Winchester (WA2)

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Rena (SO2)
Tio (G2) vs. Jean (Lunar 2)

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Seifer (FF8)
Tony (WA4) vs. Ozzie (CT)


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 4, Semifinals
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2008, 02:58:10 AM »
Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Fou-Lu (BoFIV)-Whooo boy. I'm...I'm really, really not sure here. Tentatively leaning Fou-Lu at the moment, but I'll have to think on this.
Rozalin (Disgaea2) vs. Loki (VP)

Kuja (FF9) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias)-I've only played a few CVs, so Kuja's Destroy An Entire World trick is more impressive then anything I've seen Drac actually do.
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs)-XS1 only KOS loses this, I think.

Rubicant (FF4) vs. Citan (XG)-Tentative vote here. This is close, but I think I'm leaning towards Citan being willing to exploit Rubicant's honor with a smile on his face.
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Ashley Winchester (WA2)-Jade doesn't have what it takes to handle Knight Blazer.

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Rena (SO2)
Tio (G2) vs. Jean (Lunar 2)

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Seifer (FF8)
Tony (WA4) vs. Ozzie (CT)-The only thing I can imagine here is Ozzie turning tail and running like hell when he sees an angry man in a big machine bearing down on him.
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 4, Semifinals
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2008, 03:16:22 AM »
Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Fou-Lu (BoFIV) - Based on plot... she wins?
Rozalin (Disgaea2) vs. Loki (VP) - Rozalin is not only the strongest creature in her world, but in many other worlds as well.  Loki... can't compete with that.  (Also Rozalin easily smashes the Overlord that seems to be the strongest out there.)

KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs)- KOS-MOS 1 only.  Bhaalspawn is still the strongest creature in his world.  KOS-MOS isn't.

Rubicant (FF4) vs. Citan (XG) - Rubicant plot power is... not really there?

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Rena (SO2) - Neither seems too awesome really

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Seifer (FF8)- Knight hype only goes so far
Tony (WA4) vs. Ozzie (CT)- Machine hype > idiot hype


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 4, Semifinals
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2008, 03:24:46 AM »
Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Fou-Lu (BoFIV): He always struck me as more powerful.  Considering the Fou-lu we see most of the game is one who is not at full strength, and even after getting beaten he's still perfectly fine, going to give him the nod.  Also, I kneejerk that Ryu4 > Ryu3 on plot (one is a God, the other is not; Ryu4 even has the help of all the other Dragons, who are more powerful than BoF3 dragons being each a god themselves, to counter the Infinity Gene hype.), and Fou-lu trounces him far better than Myria holds up against Ryu3.
Either way, good fight.
Rozalin (Disgaea2) vs. Loki (VP): Can't vote.

Kuja (FF9) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias): Kuja we KNOW can blow stuff up on global proportions; from what I understand, Dracula at best can do so in theory and even then, could be overselling him.
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs): Can't vote.  Well, I kind of can, but didn't play enough of BGs so...yeah.

Rubicant (FF4) vs. Citan (XG): Rubicant beat Beselk, zuh? Bah.  If nothing else, Citan has the whole Water Affinity on his side to counter Rubicant with oodles of plot backstory badassery and such.  Rubicant just kicks Edge's ass and has "I am the strongest fiend!" which doesn't apparently mean a heck of a lot (the other 3 are pretty undefined in power barring the nature of their powers.)
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Ashley Winchester (WA2): Can't vote.

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Rena (SO2): I have no respect for Rena's powers still.  Again, I stand by that "ANCIENT RACE!" thing doesn't go very far when all it amounts to is "She can heal!" since Expellians had Heraldry and such too.
Tio (G2) vs. Jean (Lunar 2): Kneejerk.  Jean's pretty badass when she gets serious, a bit more defined than Tio.

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Seifer (FF8): Seifer, again, is fairly competent when it comes to combat.  Lucia without her full powers is iffy at best.
Tony (WA4) vs. Ozzie (CT): Kneejerk says the leader of the mystics beats some guy who can't beat a bunch of children DESPITE a large mech.  If nothing else, Ozzie's little Barrier thing is not facing a switch <_<
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[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 4, Semifinals
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2008, 03:42:25 AM »
Gods & Godslayers
Fou-Lu (BoFIV)- Hard vote, but I guess what Meep says make sense
Rozalin (Disgaea2)- She probably is going to champ

Kuja (FF9)- Far far better fire power
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs)- This is even a harder vote than Myria vs. Fou. I'll pass for now.

Citan (XG)- Low fiend respect, as usual.
Ashley Winchester (WA2)- Knight Blazer should do fine here.

Cherenkov (XS)- Rena is too inoffensive to take this.
Jean (Lunar 2)- Coin toss here, I feel

Lucia (Lunar2)- Seifer disrespect
Ozzie (CT)- It's Tony


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 4, Semifinals
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2008, 03:50:46 AM »
Week 4

Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Fou-Lu (BoFIV) - More active, at least?  Myria's power can be hard to judge, so that seems a fair tiebreak.

Kuja (FF9) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias) - I'm not sure how repeatable Kuja's "blow up a world that's currently in cold storage" deal is...  but Dracula has teleporty powers in every single Castlevania pretty much, so if we assume Kuja has one shot of Ultima huge destruction, Drac might be able to teleport away?  And after that, Dracula's some kind of super demon, which is probably closer to Necron than Kuja...  Tentative Drac vote.
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs) - Good fight; both are inhumanly strong...  leaning KOS-MOS, simply because she has much better destruction potential at range with her huge cannons and stuff, and the FMVs generally portray her as incredibly fast and agile as well.  Worst comes to worst, Bhaalspawn is on a timelimit before reverting to being "merely" an experienced adventurer, and KOS might be able to stall until then?

Rubicant (FF4) vs. Citan (XG) - Tentative?  Jade would easily win this because he'd fight dirty for sure.  Citan is capable under a guise of politeness of being pretty duplicitous too, so I can see him stealing this with trickery, since in terms of raw power Rubicant is probably better.
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Ashley Winchester (WA2) - Knight Blazer is a badass, yes, but Ashley never struck me as particularly quick on his wits in reaction times and the like.  Seemed like Irving did most of his long-term planning, too.  Jade nearly killed Largo immediately after the Fon-Slot seal and might be able to hit Ashley before he realizes what's going on.  Could go either way though.

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Rena (SO2) - Peaceful Mary Sue Rena is not the right choice to take on Cherenkov?  At least her fist weapon has barrier breaking hype to do damage to him.
Tio (G2) vs. Jean (Lunar 2) - Generally higher respect.

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Seifer (FF8) - Oh dear.  Seifer's loony schemes do have a certain middle school bully cunning to them, and Lucia is easily gullible enough to fall for Seifer's lame tricks.  If Lucia had been in FF8's opening FMV, she would have still been on the ground shocked when Seifer started cheating with the fireball and rambled something about being disappointed in humanity.
Tony (WA4) vs. Ozzie (CT) - Not Ozzie?  On the other hand, thinking of the optional Mystic's fort towards the end of CT, where Ozzie sets a lot of lame traps.  Tony would probably fall for every one... except it might not matter anyway.


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 4, Semifinals
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2008, 03:57:08 AM »

Week 4

Gods & Godslayers
Fou-Lu (BoFIV)- Better at using his power- Myria was always indirect with her abilities.
Rozalin (Disgaea2)- Roz is stronger than Loki with the  Dragon Orb and probably stronger than Lenneth at her peak.

Dracula (Castlevanias)- Was going to vote for Kuja till I remember what Castlevania was- it's a transdimensional plane in of itself if I remember my CV lore right. Drac can be overwhelmed via a straight fighter like Rubicant, but Kuja's tricks aren't suited to this type of fight.
KOS-MOS (XS)- Outclassed. KOS is probably as good as Bhaal at his peak.

Citan (XG)- Rubicant is an honorable and straightforward foe who just brute forces his way through things. CItan's way too tough and smart to get overwhelmed by anything like that- See: Id. Well, for the straightforward part.
Ashley Winchester (WA2)- Jade can't handle Knight Blazer, yeah.

Cherenkov (XS)- Coinflip.
 Jean (Lunar 2)- Tio antivote.

Seifer (FF8)- Should trump a gimped Lucia.
Tony (WA4)- It's Ozzy.
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 4, Semifinals
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2008, 05:02:21 AM »
Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Fou-Lu (BoFIV) - Myria's implied powers are possibly better...but Fou Lu's demonstrated powers aren't far behind Myria's implied ones and are far superior to her demonstrated ones.
Rozalin (Disgaea2) vs. Loki (VP)

Kuja (FF9) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias) - More consistent with his power..and its arguable whether that firepower even affects Drac or not...technically only "creatures of the night" can deal damage to Drac.
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs) - XS1/2 KOS gets slaughtered.

Rubicant (FF4) vs. Citan (XG) - This could go either way.
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Ashley Winchester (WA2)

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Rena (SO2) - Holy shit this is about as one-sided as you can get.
Tio (G2) vs. Jean (Lunar 2) - Could go either way.

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Seifer (FF8) - Supernatural, even nerfed, beat out mediocre skill with a weapon with shitty design.
Tony (WA4) vs. Ozzie (CT) - This match makes Baby Jesus cry.

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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 4, Semifinals
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2008, 05:12:14 AM »
Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Fou-Lu (BoFIV): Mmph. I'm not sure. Flavour vote for Fou-Lu fused with Yuri, why not.

Kuja (FF9) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias): If Drac teleports away from a fight, he loses. This is who would win in a fight, not who has to kill the other. Kuja's offensive power is waaaay better.

Rubicant (FF4) vs. Citan (XG): Bah, Berserk would beat both. But yeah, Citan was explicitly tied  to the water element plotwise, wasn't he? That tilts this.
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Ashley Winchester (WA2): Knightblazer or something. This fails as a Heavy match.

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Rena (SO2): Rena is worse than Demi at like, everything, sooo yeah.
Tio (G2) vs. Jean (Lunar 2): People underrate Tio plotwise, I think. Jean's good, but Tio just needs an upgrade.

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Seifer (FF8): Even limited... mm. Think I see her pulling this off.
Tony (WA4) vs. Ozzie (CT): Mystic ruler > constantly demoted.

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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 4, Semifinals
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2008, 05:40:01 AM »
Kuja (FF9) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias)
: Honestly, Kuja blows up the area, Drac... tanks it. He just comes back unless hit just right (Read- Vampire Killer), then he can be considered dispersed long enough to be beaten. Alexander summon steal hype is countered by Death.

Rubicant (FF4) vs. Citan (XG)- Citan is near his match as a fighter, and wouldn't be above wearing him down before calling in the Gear.
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Ashley Winchester (WA2)- Jade's bag of tricks doesn't cover this.

Tio (G2) vs. Jean (Lunar 2)- Uh... Close. No vote.

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Seifer (FF8)- Lucia is massive formsplit, but has some high points. Seifer is just kind of the same, regardless of his title.
Tony (WA4) vs. Ozzie (CT)- Ozzie may be a schemer, but Tony's mech can probably pick up that block of ice...


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 4, Semifinals
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2008, 05:44:07 AM »
Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Fou-Lu (BoFIV) - Fou-Lu might be able to take on Roz?
Rozalin (Disgaea2) vs. Loki (VP) - Rozalin probably champs this...

Kuja (FF9) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias) - Kuja
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs) - KOS-MOS, despite failing hard, has all the necessary plot for this fight.

Rubicant (FF4) vs. Citan (XG) - Likewise, Citan takes this easily. Good match though.
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Ashley Winchester (WA2) - Eh, it's close, but I'll go with Jade based on intelligence beating out a slight advantage in raw power in most cases

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Rena (SO2) - Cherenkov, and let's not speak of this again.
Tio (G2) vs. Jean (Lunar 2) - Either could take this, but coinflip says Tio. Close match, though it's hard to see a clear winner here.

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Seifer (FF8) - Eh... intelligence vote for Seifer... *commits ritual suicide at the idea*
Tony (WA4) vs. Ozzie (CT) - Tony, sure.



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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 4, Semifinals
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2008, 06:57:00 PM »
Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Fou-Lu (BoFIV) - No vote, as I really can't make myself care.
Rozalin (Disgaea2) vs. Loki (VP) - Rozalin.

Kuja (FF9) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias) - Dracula.

Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Ashley Winchester (WA2) - Jade.

Tio (G2) vs. Jean (Lunar 2) - Jean.

Tony (WA4) vs. Ozzie (CT) - Tony.
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 4, Semifinals
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2008, 07:00:00 PM »

Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Fou-Lu (BoFIV)

Kuja (FF9) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias)

Rubicant (FF4) vs. Citan (XG)
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Ashley Winchester (WA2)

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Rena (SO2)
Tio (G2) vs. Jean (Lunar 2)

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Seifer (FF8)
Tony (WA4) vs. Ozzie (CT)
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 4, Semifinals
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2008, 07:08:15 PM »
Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Fou-Lu (BoFIV)
Rozalin (Disgaea2) vs. Loki (VP)

Kuja (FF9) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias)
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs)- No vote.

Rubicant (FF4) vs. Citan (XG)
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Ashley Winchester (WA2)

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Rena (SO2)
Tio (G2) vs. Jean (Lunar 2)- I guess.

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Seifer (FF8)
Tony (WA4) vs. Ozzie (CT)
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 4, Semifinals
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2008, 09:15:16 PM »
Myria (BoFs) vs. Fou-Lu (BoFIV) - Eh.  Both are shown to be superior to other dudes (Zog, A-Tur) who can wreck human civilization well enough.  I'll call that aspect level.  Otherwise, there's... not much to go on, except that Fou-Lu is an inherently incomplete half-god and Myria isn't.  He's also plainly got a plot weakness to fire (even puny humans can threaten him pretty seriously early in the game with fire weapons, although he first emerges very weakened supposedly) and Myria can provide a lot of fire.  He doesn't exactly have a plot counter to match.
Rozalin (Disgaea2) vs. Loki (VP) - Inferiority in brute strength never stopped Loki before.

KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs) - I'll mention that I only saw the XS1 form, but the Bhaalspawn is pretty impressive.

Rubicant (FF4) vs. Citan (XG) - Water element, smarter, not quite as noble.

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Rena (SO2) - CHERENKOV.
Tio (G2) vs. Jean (Lunar 2) - Strong dancer/fighter versus strong dancer/fighter made out of metal.

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Seifer (FF8) - I dunno, Lucia seems good at not dying.
Tony (WA4) vs. Ozzie (CT) - Ozzie has a bad track record against machines!  Tony's mech may not be Robo, but still.


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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 4, Semifinals
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2008, 10:25:53 PM »
KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Bhaalspawn (BGs) - XS1 KOS-MOS loses this...pretty badly.

Rubicant (FF4) vs. Citan (XG) - Citan is too damn smart for his own good here.
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Ashley Winchester (WA2) - Goddamned Knight Blazer.  End of story.

Tony (WA4) vs. Ozzie (CT) - ...yeah, not seeing Ozzie win against angry demoted mech pilot.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
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Re: Plot Power Tournament 3: Week 4, Semifinals
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2008, 10:37:35 PM »
Gods & Godslayers
Myria (BoFs) vs. Fou-Lu (BoFIV)

Kuja (FF9) vs. Dracula (Castlevanias)

Rubicant (FF4) vs. Citan (XG)
Jade Curtiss (TotA) vs. Ashley Winchester (WA2)

Cherenkov (XS) vs. Rena (SO2)
Tio (G2) vs. Jean (Lunar 2)

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Seifer (FF8)
Tony (WA4)
vs. Ozzie (CT)