Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101  (Read 3436 times)


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #25 on: January 11, 2013, 10:51:30 PM »
Team MICHAEL | T260G, Mesarthim, Yulie (Body Charge), Raynie, Marco
[T260G: Type-8 Body [OmegaBody] [EnergySupply, Magnify, PopKnight, ShootingMastery, CombatMastery & MaxwellProgram ]
*Yulie has been granted a Tiny Flower Badge!
*Marco has been granted the Chevalier Armor!
Floor 8: Maze of Trials
Team MICHAEL vs. Mascot Yuna (FFX-2) - Yulie uses some Quicken stuff here, then a beatdown ensues. It probably does take a while though.
Team MICHAEL vs. Cloud of Darkness, Zeromus and Chaos - More Quicken nonsense, it's fine if I need to blow resources here.
Team MICHAEL vs. Boss Timelord, Belial (No 4D Pocket), Ultimecia and FF5 Time Mage - Belial Distortions, Yulie uses Quicken on T260, Belial Tank Drops Yulie, T260 Pop Knights... Mesarthim uses Maelstrom... TimeLord probably hits Marco with Time Eclipse (if you don't allow Sky Drops), Raynie will use her turn to kill Time Mage. Belial Tank Drops Yulie again and probably kills her. T260 uses Pop Knight again, kills Belial... Mesarthim uses Life Rain. T260 will use Magnify to kill Time Lord before he can get off his Overdrive limit, then kill Ultimecia.
*Full Heal
Team MICHAEL vs. Jenna Angel (When defeated, CT is set to 0 and is replaced with Isolde, then again with Xorn, then again with Profound Darkness) -- Okay. Yulie goes first, hits herself with Quicken, T260 Pop Knights... maybe kills some orbs? Not sure. Mes uses Maelstrom and probably cleans up the orbs that are left (except the physical immune one and the water/ice one? No idea how much HP they have relatively), Jenna will... Bharwhatever and kill Mes... Yulie will revive her, Raynie uses damage, Marco Trans-Turns T260 who Pop Knights again... repeat this a few more times except with Mes using GlassShield to prevent her death anymore and Yulie throwing some Quickens in other places.

Isolde doesn't seem like she'd be too hard to blow some more damage on... Xorn will require a fair amount of blitzing... T260G with Quicken is probably around 240% average? Not exactly sure... 3 Pop Knights (two from T260's turns, one from Marco's) Two G-Frosts, Mesarthim throwing some Maelstroms... I'm not sure how much damage that is but I THINK it's enough? Xorn's buff-removing thing is 75%... so chip a bit until then.

If I can get to PD, I can spend some time with Yulie putting up Quicken and Protect to regenerate MP with Raynie  and T260 fills herself on WP to start chipping away. PD can't do very much until the third phase with Megid anyway, and her best bet is to use Cancellation to dispel everyone... but even then, that's pretty easy to deal with. T260 will use V-Max at the end and blow through with CosmicRaves. I can also throw in that Mes can use StasisRune again to ensure everyone gets their resources back, then I can stall for a while to let Mesarthim get enough resources for Glass Shield and other things.

Team MICHAEL vs. Fou-lu (When defeated, CT is set to 0 and is replaced with Persephone (WA5), then then with Orphan, then Zophar) - So here's where things get a bit rough. I won't be at 100% going into this, but even then I don't think it matters much. Fou-lu's best bet of putting pressure on is with Soul Rend, but Marco can use Area G-Heal and Yulie can Quicken him to ensure he's able to keep doing it. Sanctuary isn't very helpful because that means he's not doing damage.

Persephone... assuming I have no buffs going into the next fight due to Sanctuary, probably tries to just throw some damage? Quicken isn't going to help her since I have it and mine is better. Just brutal slugfest while throwing some MP Regen from Raynie around and Mes probably Glass Shielding a lot to stay alive.

Orphan... I should have some buffs going into there, so as long as I can keep the pressure on him, I think I'll be okay. I don't mind if Mes dies due to using Life Rain here, but via Quicken everyone should be lapping him pretty constantly. I could also use StasisRune here to recover resources on everyone before going full in.

Zophar is a mess. T260 immunes the status and Pop Knight is probably the way to go, so I'll have her V-Max first thing, have Yulie get a Quicken up and just Pop Knight and hope for the best. Status Ball takes out Marco (again, unless you let Sky Drops, which makes this much easier...) so it really comes down to whether or not I can pile on enough damage before people are statused out... it doesn't look like Yulie can remove status, so I might lose here to that unless I can take out the hand that does it, which might not be impossible.

It's rough, I can see where I'd lose, but I think I can get by. I don't mind losing here though.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #26 on: January 11, 2013, 11:33:15 PM »
That will help a lot certainly (P.S. especially for complicated things that are specific, people should post mechanics of how their teams work)! My worry would then fall around some of the nastier slugger bosses because compared to other teams that have been here, yours is not the most damage oriented. Orphan certainly is.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #27 on: January 12, 2013, 12:20:13 AM »
It's fine if I lose, I don't really mind. It was a hodgepodge anyway, and maybe the floor is too hard anyway, especially for people with higher boss HP respect.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #28 on: January 12, 2013, 03:41:10 AM »
Pyro passes, others fail.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2013, 03:07:59 AM »
Team Dhyer vs. Hahn, General Leo, Gadwin, Luna and Mareg: Team is faster than all. I assume Combo Magic works.
Team Dhyer vs. Tia, Lexis, Dekar, Lufia 1 Artea and L1 Selan: Turn order would be Nina4 > Tia > Artea > Dhyer team > rest of em? Djinn COULD let Artea+Tia go and then let loose the combo magic. But Artea has Mirror. Hmm. Could go status route. Or just do the combo and let it reflect against each individual? Or would that break the combo?
Team Dhyer vs. Albel, Adray, Roger Huxley, Noel and Chisato: Albel and Adray can hose over the elemental stuff with Elemental Leather, Noel and Chisato can halve some of the stuff too (Fire). surviving is kind of nasty due to 5 ganging up on 3.
Team Dhyer vs. Palom, Porom, Tellah, Cid and Yang: Yang kind of interrupts the setup via his speed? Other than that... Not sure what element resistances are available here.
Team Dhyer vs. Worker 8, FFT Cloud, Beowulf, Olan, Alma and Reis: If the team makes it here, it won't be in good condition. 5 vs. 3 isn't a good way to go into this, especially when the enemy likely resists/immunes a lot of elemental damage. Dhyer can argue this, but I'm voting fail for now.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #30 on: January 13, 2013, 09:51:03 AM »
Djinn fails. That last fight has way too much status on people that can not be blitzed down. Really nasty fight.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #31 on: January 14, 2013, 12:11:01 AM »
Don't know if it matters for Dhyer's team any but don't think Adray can equip Elemental Leathers, just Elven Cloak (absorbs wind/lightning/thunder) and he has that sword with immunes fire damage from post game but I don't think people would allow him that this floor? Roger can equip Reflecting Plate (immunes ice/water and fire damage) but I don't remember where/when you get that off hand (and only Fayt/Cliff/Roger can equip it but can't remember if you can get three of them either, though there's also Astral Armour which is immunes freeze + immunes petrify +30% negate special attacks/magic if I remember right)~
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #32 on: January 14, 2013, 12:19:09 AM »
Looks like they're all from the Maze of Tribulations.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #33 on: January 14, 2013, 05:45:23 PM »
So the element blocking is aftergame?

That makes the floor easier for Dhyer but the FFT fight still feels like a kick in the balls. I am open to being persuaded however.

Figured out that Odin's MT ID does not take effect if a Heavy type (id/gravity/other nasty stuff immunity in one) is on the field. If you assume that everyday id immunity grants this I still have no problems because Bahamutx3 exists and ID immuning people can be stoned before Odin polishes things off or something. And that is just as a matter of not letting enemies get turns. To say nothing of the MT Haste/Shell/Protect/reflect/golem buffing madness on Eiko and Bartz. And the four revivers and healers and the status and th Mt damage and the trans-turner...

« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 05:56:39 PM by Pyro »

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #34 on: January 14, 2013, 07:04:08 PM »
Makes sense to me. Pyro vs dungeon~ Fun times, yaay Eiko, yaay a Bartz and a Hilda too~

Thanks Neph~ Ahhh so Reflecting Plates/Adray's sword are post game but Albel still has Elemental Leather and Adray Elven Cloak here (both can be obtained main game) though I don't know if Elven Cloak matters, maybe messes up combos by absorbing any wind/lightning/thunder damage Dhyer has? Not sure how/if that'd work~
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 07:06:38 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #35 on: January 14, 2013, 08:09:18 PM »
Voting Djinn fails.  Holy -fuck- Floor 10 will rip dudes a new one.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #36 on: January 14, 2013, 08:39:33 PM »
Yeah, still analyzing my team, but chances are not exactly high. The good is that 1. 25% status res accessories. 3. Ershin can now get speed!!! (I think. But still not the fucking skillset until next floor. I was hoping to get her to the point where the Sucker type move came up). 3. Ryu finally gets something to do turn 1/another dragon form. But it involves a lot of luck never being tied down with status while tying down the enemies with status.

Are the buffs now not removed on those floor 8 fights?

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #37 on: January 14, 2013, 10:13:22 PM »
Yes. Buffs and debuffs carry through. Including Xorn's nonsense if he can get it off!


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #38 on: January 14, 2013, 11:07:17 PM »
Soooo since Djinn is being lazy and refusing to analyze his own team (Which should make it to the final fight quite cleanly thanks to the Ivan mock-all-damage-forever loop)...  let's look at the status options in the Persona fight.

Team Djinn vs. Pandora (P1), Nyarlathotep, Nyx Avatar and Izanami
Pandora: Paralysis and an attack called "Petrify" with no description.  ??? targeting, ??? hit rate, ??? duration, ??? for actual in-game effect of these statuses.  (No Persona 1 here.)
Nyarlie: ID to the *lowest level character*.  Which is likely himself since Djinn's team is stupidly overleveled at this point.  Except that Ivan is GS2 Ivan - did his level drop a bunch there?  I also don't know quite how badly the RH XP curve is in the aftergame having only ground up to ~lvl. 59 or so for the superboss, but by Floor 10 Marco is still probably > lvl. 80 or thereabuots (Nyarlie's level.)
Nyx Fool: Nope.
Izanami: 50% MT Silence, can be buffed with Stagnant Air.

Lenneth: Can block a bunch of statuses but only one at a time I think (so can't block both Paralysis & Petrify).  Probably wants to get Silence.
Marco: Status immune except for ID.  Doesn't get debuffs.
Sacred Slayer: Bait.
Jane: Bait.
GS2 Ivan: ???

Anyway, there's too many ??? in there for me to bother analyzing much, but that's what Djinn has to work with.  Certainly MT silence spam post-Stagnant Air could be problematic since it means Marco / Lenneth needs to waste turns status-curing SS, and that could impair Ivan's ability to spam the damage reduction Flash to keep the bosses from switching to MT damage....  but Djinn might be able to take the first two turns to just plain kill Pandora, depending, and Nyarlathotep is not real useful against the damage reduction unless GS2 Ivan is the lowest level person on the field AND doesn't block ID.  (In which case Djinn is done.)  But yeah, looks tough even if most of these calls go for Djinn.

EDIT: I hate the ??? smiley.  Oh well.  Oh and by the way Pyro passes, I'm a little skeptical of the Odin hype but it doesn't matter because the FF fight was nerfed a bit, and just as Marvel Shoes Celes -> Quick -> Ultima -> Ultima is pretty sweet, Ninja speed Mime Bartz with Quick->Bahamut -> Bahamut is also sweet.  Who cares if Cloud & Squall limit at that point.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 11:12:58 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #39 on: January 15, 2013, 12:30:03 AM »
Ivan is GS1 Ivan again.

Shadow Kill only works on the enemy team, so regardless if you're all level 99 it will choose one of them and they will die.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #40 on: January 15, 2013, 12:34:07 AM »
That's a hell of a fight vs. all those MT damage dealing, dispelling, statusing Persona finals. Especially since all of them are multi-form with HP buffering! (And Izanami resists physicals and is guarenteed 3 turns in form 1 regardless)

Don't see what is wrong with Odin Hype once any ID-immuners have been properly stoned. Bahamutx2 is indeed awesome. Bahamutx3 or 4 is also awesome (Marco TT's to Bartz, Quick->Bahamut->Mime -> Mime on his natural turn too). Entranced Bahamut is also scwhang.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #41 on: January 15, 2013, 01:16:02 AM »
Note to self: Get better Pandora notes.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #42 on: January 15, 2013, 03:02:00 AM »
Not so much lazy or refusing as "I dunno what all these Persona bosses do" ...specifically the P1 and P2 bosses.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #43 on: January 18, 2013, 09:56:55 AM »
Does status carry over Neph?


Jenna 1-4: Now really focus on MT debuff. These don't wear off. I tend to assume 10% effect per cast stacking to 30%. Jenna probably can get off two of these so -20% to defenses/attacks/accuracy at base. For when Jenna does get to Bhairava, the question is whether she can get Mesa even through Protect. Gut given that 1 Debilitate will be in effect. So start the countdown for at least 1 death.
Jenna 5: Assuming that she starts with orbs. Vanity spam is the name of the game. This Jenna has about 10 PC HP. Vanity might get kind of worrisome. Poison, Charm, Panic, Mute, Sleep. T2 nulls, Yulie can get Sleep or Silence I think, RH characters can block 1 status to me, and Mesa gets nothing.

Also, you can't MTs with orbs in play, Neph. I mean you can, but will eat the damage twice over if the type of orb is alive, which can get perilous. So obviously the danger here is that Jenna can mess the team up badly. Charm is just dangerous, and Silence is just removing someone from the equation. Let's say that they get through this (a bit slowly since...the team is not big on damage. T2 can do about 60%, Mesa 25%, Raynie average (although 7 shots of of it), and Marco does double T2)


Xorn: Would be more dangerous is his Dispel was permanent. Otherwise buff and smash. Xorn will have some time below 50% HP and may have time to off Mesa at least once.

PD: Should be too much of an issue if they get here. MEsa will need to be constantly protected. Everyone can't be protected at once too realistically due to it wearing off, so there will be some deaths.

Fou-Lu: So, this is a slog. Crit physical can probably kill some, so again, Mesa needed to be protected all the time.

Persephone: Gatling Gun is nasty. I guess the team can basically either pick someone dying or painful damage to all (Since minimum in game of 3000 and requires everyone taking it...). I guess have just constantly heal and they all take it or keep a pasty out front.

Orphan: So he tends to clock in about 25 PC HP taking the harsher view (Really sounds closer to 50 PC HP). This one is certainly very problematic. Unless Yulie wanted to block Death, she, Marco and Raynie will be susceptible to the ID. I just can't see this working. The team doesn't have the raw damage ot me. Dies Irae messes them up badly and with hitting a range is just potentially destorying multiple people. Definitely not a battle where stalling to regen MP is an option and certainly a lot of MP needs to be used to get through.

Zophar: So Yulie's speed goes Zophar's fast stuff. If Mesa comes in with any damage, Zophar's speedy stuff can open with killing her. If not he can off Raynie (statusing Marco is not also a bad idea). Zophar's main body has about 8 PC HP, and the hands have 4 PC HP. The MP killing hand halves magic, the damaging hand halves physicals.

Zophar: 90% Magic Damage off blazing speed, status is reported to be accurate, and a slow damage bomb.
Upper Middle Hand: 150 MP Draining.
Two Hands basically just add a bit better than ST magic damage (45%ish), another has slow (75%ish to me) 80% Magic Damage. So basically Zophar can speed snipe or status while Upper Middle Hand shoots MP to hell. They can't exactly regen damage like last time. Look for T2 to basically be constantly be hit by this so that she has to use half her turns regening MP. In the mean time, the three damage hands take out a person combined.

Team Dungeon. Not as overwhelming as last time, but he could theoretically lose to Jenna. Orphan is extremely tanky (And damage level is just on a different basis than Djinn, who was tripling Lenneth turns) and not going to realistically allow them to play with regen and then Zophar is too much. Status carrying over (which would make sense) would make this all the worse.

My analysis (hopefully) tomorrow.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 101
« Reply #44 on: January 18, 2013, 03:09:39 PM »
Does status carry over Neph?


Jenna 1-4: Now really focus on MT debuff. These don't wear off. I tend to assume 10% effect per cast stacking to 30%. Jenna probably can get off two of these so -20% to defenses/attacks/accuracy at base. For when Jenna does get to Bhairava, the question is whether she can get Mesa even through Protect. Gut given that 1 Debilitate will be in effect. So start the countdown for at least 1 death.
Jenna 5: Assuming that she starts with orbs. Vanity spam is the name of the game. This Jenna has about 10 PC HP. Vanity might get kind of worrisome. Poison, Charm, Panic, Mute, Sleep. T2 nulls, Yulie can get Sleep or Silence I think, RH characters can block 1 status to me, and Mesa gets nothing.

Also, you can't MTs with orbs in play, Neph. I mean you can, but will eat the damage twice over if the type of orb is alive, which can get perilous. So obviously the danger here is that Jenna can mess the team up badly. Charm is just dangerous, and Silence is just removing someone from the equation. Let's say that they get through this (a bit slowly since...the team is not big on damage. T2 can do about 60%, Mesa 25%, Raynie average (although 7 shots of of it), and Marco does double T2)


Xorn: Would be more dangerous is his Dispel was permanent. Otherwise buff and smash. Xorn will have some time below 50% HP and may have time to off Mesa at least once.

PD: Should be too much of an issue if they get here. MEsa will need to be constantly protected. Everyone can't be protected at once too realistically due to it wearing off, so there will be some deaths.

Fou-Lu: So, this is a slog. Crit physical can probably kill some, so again, Mesa needed to be protected all the time.

Persephone: Gatling Gun is nasty. I guess the team can basically either pick someone dying or painful damage to all (Since minimum in game of 3000 and requires everyone taking it...). I guess have just constantly heal and they all take it or keep a pasty out front.

Orphan: So he tends to clock in about 25 PC HP taking the harsher view (Really sounds closer to 50 PC HP). This one is certainly very problematic. Unless Yulie wanted to block Death, she, Marco and Raynie will be susceptible to the ID. I just can't see this working. The team doesn't have the raw damage ot me. Dies Irae messes them up badly and with hitting a range is just potentially destorying multiple people. Definitely not a battle where stalling to regen MP is an option and certainly a lot of MP needs to be used to get through.

Zophar: So Yulie's speed goes Zophar's fast stuff. If Mesa comes in with any damage, Zophar's speedy stuff can open with killing her. If not he can off Raynie (statusing Marco is not also a bad idea). Zophar's main body has about 8 PC HP, and the hands have 4 PC HP. The MP killing hand halves magic, the damaging hand halves physicals.

Zophar: 90% Magic Damage off blazing speed, status is reported to be accurate, and a slow damage bomb.
Upper Middle Hand: 150 MP Draining.
Two Hands basically just add a bit better than ST magic damage (45%ish), another has slow (75%ish to me) 80% Magic Damage. So basically Zophar can speed snipe or status while Upper Middle Hand shoots MP to hell. They can't exactly regen damage like last time. Look for T2 to basically be constantly be hit by this so that she has to use half her turns regening MP. In the mean time, the three damage hands take out a person combined.

Team Dungeon. Not as overwhelming as last time, but he could theoretically lose to Jenna. Orphan is extremely tanky (And damage level is just on a different basis than Djinn, who was tripling Lenneth turns) and not going to realistically allow them to play with regen and then Zophar is too much. Status carrying over (which would make sense) would make this all the worse.

My analysis (hopefully) tomorrow.

It probably ought to, yes. I think I just need to redesign those fights somehow.